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{{#Wiki_filter:-    .    -        --          - . - .                      ._ ..        .--____ - _ _-
                  )1 Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                                l4 Washington, D.C. 20472                                                              1
          ,    ,                                                                  nm i n wn                              j 1
j MDGANDLM KR'            Federal Radiological Preparedness coordina h                                                      c*
TRCH:                  Dennis H.      tkowski                                                                      i Chairman,                Radiological Preparedness                                          )
coordinating Comittee SUB7ECT:                Review of the New Hanpahire Radiological Emergency                                          l Response Plan for the Seabrook Nuclear Power Station                                        l I
In accordance with 44 CFR 350, FDR Region I has coupleted an evaluation of                                          l the New Hanpahire Radiologkal Emergency Response Plan (NHRERP) site-                                              j specific to the Seabrook Nuclear Power Station. 'Ihat evaluation has been                                          ;
acocmplished in accordance with the provisions of Section 350.11. Pursuant                                        j to Section 350.12, FDR interds to make a finding and determination with                                            J respect to the State of New Hanpshire's plan and preparedness in the vicinity of the Seabrook Nuclear Power Station by November 1990.                                                  J
      'Ibe folicwing attadunents are for your review and discussion with members of                                    )
your organization who are directly. involved in Regional Assistance comittee                                      l activity. Attachment A is a copy of the Findings and Determinations for the                                      ,
Seabrook Nuclear Power Station, dated May 1990; Attadiment B is a copy of the Review and Evaluation of the State of New Hanpahire Radiological                                              {
Emergency Regisse Plan for Seabitok Station, dated February 1990;                                                ;
Attachment C is a copy of the Seabrook Statien Alert and Notification                                            :
Firx11ng, dated September 7,1990; Attachment D is a copy of the September 1,                                      !
1988, Exercise Evaluation; Attachment E is a copy of the Report on the                                            i Status of Corrective Actions, First Exercise ard Drill Cycle,1988 to 1994, of the States of Maine and New Hanpshire and New Hanpshire Yankee's Offsite Response Organization for the Seabrook Station, dated January 1990; ard,                                          !
Attachment F is a copy of the FDR Region I Report of the Public Meeting for the Seabrook Nuclear Power Station, dated _ % r 1988. Please note that                                            {
only portions of Attachments A, C, D, E, and F apply to New Hanpehire. IMe                                        ;
to excessive volume, the actual plan,. cxercise scenario, transcript of the                                      !
public meeting, alert and notification system report, and other relevant                                          l materials are not attached. 'Ihey are available for review in Roca 633,                                          !
Federal Center Plaza, 500 C Street, S.W., Washington, DC.                                                        ,
We solicit your ocenents as they relate to your agency's responsibilities in                                      l I
this area. If they are to be considered in our findings and determinations,                                        ,
they should be provided in writing or by telephone to laura J. Deskins no later than October 15, 1990.                                                                                    -!
l    Attachments                                                                                                      I As Stated r
901002bN5960?a                                                            /                                          f PDR      ADOCK 05000443 F                      PDC                                  -
[\ \                                                      ,
                    ,,    .  -        ,.            ,        , . , - , .            .,                  s- m.- + ,
s jg.g..ry Federal Emergency Management Agency                                                    ;
y      .                      Washington, D.C. 80472 FEB  918                                                ,
i Mr. James M. Taylor Executive Director for Operations U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission                                                                ,
l Washington, D.C. 20555
==Dear Mr. Taylor:==
This is to transmit the enclosed two reports updating materials included in the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) December 1988 consolidated finding on the Seabrook Huclear Power Station. The first report is the February 1990 Review and Evaluation of the State of New Hampshire Radiological Emergency Response Plan (NHRERP) for Seabrook Station. Tnis report updates                      ,
the December 1988 Review and Evaluation of the NHRERP. The second report                        ;
is the January 1990 Report on the Status of Corrective Actions, First Exercise and Drill Cycle,1988 to 1994, of the States of Maine and New Hampshire and New Hampshire Yankee's Of fsite Response Organization for the Seabrook Station. The second report updates and retitles the December                        1 1988 Status of Corrective Actions for the 1988 FEMA Graded Exercise.
The February 1990 Review and Evaluation of the NHRERP is based on revisions of that plan recently distributed by the State of New Hampshire.              The evaluation  !
continues to support FEMA's finding that New Hampshire's plans and preparedness are adequate to protect the health and safety of the public living in the                      t New Hampshire portion of the Seabrook Emergency Planning Zone, by providing                    l reasonable assurance that appropriate protective measures can be taken offsite                  f in the event of a radiological emergency and are capaDie of being implemented, If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 646-3692. We                      :
will be forwarding additional copies of these reports under separate cover.
Sincerely, fcf/        A Grant C. Peterson Associate Director State and Local Programs and Support Enclosures As Stated
            %C Mi2 2 L                  .)
I'-  .. .mi ie guy ie i
A i@e q Federal Emergency Management' Agency a              d                      Washington, D.C. 20472 SEP 2      1988                    !
MDiORANDUM FOR: Frank J. Congel                                              I Director Division of Radiation Protection
      '                          and Dnergency Preparedness                              ,
office of Nuclear Reactor Angulation                      i U. S            lear        ulatory Ccanission            l FIOi                ch            . imin Assistant Associate Director-                            '
l Office of Natural and Technological Hazards Programs                                        [
Dcercise Report for the June 28-29, 1988, Exercise of the Offsite Radiological Dnergency Preparedness Plans    ;
for the Seabrook Nuclear Power Station Attached is a copy of the D(ercise Peport of the June 28-29,1988, joint    i exercise of the offsite radiological emergency preparedness plans for the Seabrook Nuclear Power Station. he report dated September 1,1988, was prepared by Region I of the Federal Dnergency Management Agency (FD4A).
As indicated in your menorandum of June 23, 1988, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) agreed that the progosed Seabrook exercise objectives as transmitted to you with my memorandum of June 22,.1988, were suffi-      !
cient to: 1) demonstrate the capabilities of the States of New Hampshire and Maine and the New Hampshire Yankee Offsite }esponse' organization      i in a full-participation exercise; and, 2) constitute a " qualifying" exercise under NRC's Rule 10 CPR Part 50, Appendix E, Section IV.F.1.      ;
he State of Maine participated in the exercise. We State of New Hampshire and eleven local canmunities within the plume exposure emergency  ,
planning zone (EPZ) also participated in the exercise. New Hampshire, in    i accon$ance with its plan, implemented State compensatory actions for the six ccmmunities within the' plume EPZ which chose not to participate in    i the exercise. In addition, the Comonwealth of Massachusetts and six -      '
tussachusetts ccmnunities within the plume EPZ did not participate in      !
the exercise. We Seabrook Plan for Massachusetts Ccnmunities (SPMC)        i developed by New Hampshire Yankee (NHY), was exercised by the NHY, Offsite Response Organization. We SPMC was developed by NHY because        ;
the Camonwealth and local Fbssachusetts coumunities are not partici-        :
pating in offsite radiological emengency 9reparedness for Seabrcok.
4 f
f 7he review and evaluation of the utility's offsite plans and preparedness were performed using the criteria of NUREG-0654/FD4A-REP-1, Rev.1, Supp.1 and the NRC assumptions upon which it is based. Those assumptions are that in an actual radiological emergency, State and local officials that have    -
declined to participate in e:ergency planning wills
: a. IXercise their best efforts to protect the health and safety      -
of the public;
: b. Cooperate with the utility and follow the utility offsite plant and,
: c. Have the resources sufficient to implement those portions of the utility offsite plan where State and-local response is necessary.
There were no deficiencies identified during the exercise; however,          '
areas requiring corrective action were identified. The states of New        ,
Hampshire ard Maine, and New Hampshire Yankee have provided a schedule of corrective actions, which are reflected in the report.                    i If you have any questions, please contact me at 646-2871.              -
Attachment                                                                  :
As Stated s
t I
k t
i w                *}}

Latest revision as of 09:24, 6 January 2021

Forwards Listed Attachments for Review & Discussion Re State of Nh Radiological Emergency Response Plan for Plant
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/10/1990
From: Kwiatkoski D
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Shared Package
ML20065E986 List:
NUDOCS 9010020375
Download: ML20065E978 (1)


- . - -- - . - . ._ .. .--____ - _ _-


)1 Federal Emergency Management Agency l4 Washington, D.C. 20472 1

, , nm i n wn j 1

j MDGANDLM KR' Federal Radiological Preparedness coordina h c*

TRCH: Dennis H. tkowski i Chairman, Radiological Preparedness )

coordinating Comittee SUB7ECT: Review of the New Hanpahire Radiological Emergency l Response Plan for the Seabrook Nuclear Power Station l I

In accordance with 44 CFR 350, FDR Region I has coupleted an evaluation of l the New Hanpahire Radiologkal Emergency Response Plan (NHRERP) site- j specific to the Seabrook Nuclear Power Station. 'Ihat evaluation has been  ;

acocmplished in accordance with the provisions of Section 350.11. Pursuant j to Section 350.12, FDR interds to make a finding and determination with J respect to the State of New Hanpshire's plan and preparedness in the vicinity of the Seabrook Nuclear Power Station by November 1990. J

'Ibe folicwing attadunents are for your review and discussion with members of )

your organization who are directly. involved in Regional Assistance comittee l activity. Attachment A is a copy of the Findings and Determinations for the ,

Seabrook Nuclear Power Station, dated May 1990; Attadiment B is a copy of the Review and Evaluation of the State of New Hanpahire Radiological {

Emergency Regisse Plan for Seabitok Station, dated February 1990;  ;

Attachment C is a copy of the Seabrook Statien Alert and Notification  :

Firx11ng, dated September 7,1990; Attachment D is a copy of the September 1,  !

1988, Exercise Evaluation; Attachment E is a copy of the Report on the i Status of Corrective Actions, First Exercise ard Drill Cycle,1988 to 1994, of the States of Maine and New Hanpshire and New Hanpshire Yankee's Offsite Response Organization for the Seabrook Station, dated January 1990; ard,  !

Attachment F is a copy of the FDR Region I Report of the Public Meeting for the Seabrook Nuclear Power Station, dated _ % r 1988. Please note that {

only portions of Attachments A, C, D, E, and F apply to New Hanpehire. IMe  ;

to excessive volume, the actual plan,. cxercise scenario, transcript of the  !

public meeting, alert and notification system report, and other relevant l materials are not attached. 'Ihey are available for review in Roca 633,  !

Federal Center Plaza, 500 C Street, S.W., Washington, DC. ,

We solicit your ocenents as they relate to your agency's responsibilities in l I

this area. If they are to be considered in our findings and determinations, ,

they should be provided in writing or by telephone to laura J. Deskins no later than October 15, 1990. -!

l Attachments I As Stated r

901002bN5960?a / f PDR ADOCK 05000443 F PDC -

[\ \ ,

,, . - ,. , , . , - , . ., s- m.- + ,

s jg.g..ry Federal Emergency Management Agency  ;

y . Washington, D.C. 80472 FEB 918 ,

i Mr. James M. Taylor Executive Director for Operations U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ,

l Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Taylor:

This is to transmit the enclosed two reports updating materials included in the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) December 1988 consolidated finding on the Seabrook Huclear Power Station. The first report is the February 1990 Review and Evaluation of the State of New Hampshire Radiological Emergency Response Plan (NHRERP) for Seabrook Station. Tnis report updates ,

the December 1988 Review and Evaluation of the NHRERP. The second report  ;

is the January 1990 Report on the Status of Corrective Actions, First Exercise and Drill Cycle,1988 to 1994, of the States of Maine and New Hampshire and New Hampshire Yankee's Of fsite Response Organization for the Seabrook Station. The second report updates and retitles the December 1 1988 Status of Corrective Actions for the 1988 FEMA Graded Exercise.

The February 1990 Review and Evaluation of the NHRERP is based on revisions of that plan recently distributed by the State of New Hampshire. The evaluation  !

continues to support FEMA's finding that New Hampshire's plans and preparedness are adequate to protect the health and safety of the public living in the t New Hampshire portion of the Seabrook Emergency Planning Zone, by providing l reasonable assurance that appropriate protective measures can be taken offsite f in the event of a radiological emergency and are capaDie of being implemented, If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 646-3692. We  :

will be forwarding additional copies of these reports under separate cover.

Sincerely, fcf/ A Grant C. Peterson Associate Director State and Local Programs and Support Enclosures As Stated

%C Mi2 2 L .)

I'- .. .mi ie guy ie i

A i@e q Federal Emergency Management' Agency a d Washington, D.C. 20472 SEP 2 1988  !

MDiORANDUM FOR: Frank J. Congel I Director Division of Radiation Protection

' and Dnergency Preparedness ,

office of Nuclear Reactor Angulation i U. S lear ulatory Ccanission l FIOi ch . imin Assistant Associate Director- '

l Office of Natural and Technological Hazards Programs [


Dcercise Report for the June 28-29, 1988, Exercise of the Offsite Radiological Dnergency Preparedness Plans  ;

for the Seabrook Nuclear Power Station Attached is a copy of the D(ercise Peport of the June 28-29,1988, joint i exercise of the offsite radiological emergency preparedness plans for the Seabrook Nuclear Power Station. he report dated September 1,1988, was prepared by Region I of the Federal Dnergency Management Agency (FD4A).

As indicated in your menorandum of June 23, 1988, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) agreed that the progosed Seabrook exercise objectives as transmitted to you with my memorandum of June 22,.1988, were suffi-  !

cient to: 1) demonstrate the capabilities of the States of New Hampshire and Maine and the New Hampshire Yankee Offsite }esponse' organization i in a full-participation exercise; and, 2) constitute a " qualifying" exercise under NRC's Rule 10 CPR Part 50, Appendix E,Section IV.F.1.  ;

he State of Maine participated in the exercise. We State of New Hampshire and eleven local canmunities within the plume exposure emergency ,

planning zone (EPZ) also participated in the exercise. New Hampshire, in i accon$ance with its plan, implemented State compensatory actions for the six ccmmunities within the' plume EPZ which chose not to participate in i the exercise. In addition, the Comonwealth of Massachusetts and six - '

tussachusetts ccmnunities within the plume EPZ did not participate in  !

the exercise. We Seabrook Plan for Massachusetts Ccnmunities (SPMC) i developed by New Hampshire Yankee (NHY), was exercised by the NHY, Offsite Response Organization. We SPMC was developed by NHY because  ;

the Camonwealth and local Fbssachusetts coumunities are not partici-  :

pating in offsite radiological emengency 9reparedness for Seabrcok.

4 f

f 7he review and evaluation of the utility's offsite plans and preparedness were performed using the criteria of NUREG-0654/FD4A-REP-1, Rev.1, Supp.1 and the NRC assumptions upon which it is based. Those assumptions are that in an actual radiological emergency, State and local officials that have -

declined to participate in e:ergency planning wills

a. IXercise their best efforts to protect the health and safety -

of the public;

b. Cooperate with the utility and follow the utility offsite plant and,
c. Have the resources sufficient to implement those portions of the utility offsite plan where State and-local response is necessary.

There were no deficiencies identified during the exercise; however, '

areas requiring corrective action were identified. The states of New ,

Hampshire ard Maine, and New Hampshire Yankee have provided a schedule of corrective actions, which are reflected in the report. i If you have any questions, please contact me at 646-2871. -

Attachment  :

As Stated s

t I

k t




i w *