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{{#Wiki_filter:UFSAR Table of Contents 1 Introduction and General Description of the Plant 2 Site Characteristics 3 Design of Structures, Components, Equipment and Systems 4 Reactor 5 Reactor Coolant System and Connected Systems 6 Engineered Safety Features 7 Instrumentation and Controls 8 Electric Power 9 Auxiliary Systems 10 Steam and Power Conversion 11 Radioactive Waste Management 12 Radiation Protection 13 Conduct of Operation 14 Initial Test Program 15 Accident Analyses 16 Technical Specifications 17 Quality Assurance 18 Human Factors Engineering 19 Probabilistic Risk Assessment UFSAR Formatting Legend Description Original Westinghouse AP1000 DCD Revision 19 content Departures from AP1000 DCD Revision 19 content Standard FSAR content Site-specific FSAR content Linked cross-references (chapters, appendices, sections, subsections, tables, figures, and references)
{{#Wiki_filter:Chapter 16 UFSAR Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction and General Description of the Plant Chapter 2 Site Characteristics Chapter 3 Design of Structures, Components, Equipment and Systems Chapter 4 Reactor Chapter 5 Reactor Coolant System and Connected Systems Chapter 6 Engineered Safety Features Chapter 7 Instrumentation and Controls Chapter 8 Electric Power Chapter 9 Auxiliary Systems Chapter 10 Steam and Power Conversion Chapter 11 Radioactive Waste Management Chapter 12 Radiation Protection Chapter 13 Conduct of Operation Chapter 14 Initial Test Program Chapter 15 Accident Analyses Chapter 16 Technical Specifications Chapter 17 Quality Assurance Chapter 18 Human Factors Engineering Chapter 19 Probabilistic Risk Assessment UFSAR Formatting Legend Color Description Original Westinghouse AP1000 DCD Revision 19 content Departures from AP1000 DCD Revision 19 content Standard FSAR content Site-specific FSAR content Linked cross-references (chapters, appendices, sections, subsections, tables, figures, and references)

16.1 Technical Specifications .............................................................................. 16.1-1 16.1.1   Introduction to Technical Specifications ..................................... 16.1-1 16.1.2   References ................................................................................. 16.1-2 16.2 Design Reliability Assurance Program ........................................................ 16.2-1 16.3 Investment Protection ................................................................................. 16.3-1 16.3.1   Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls ............. 16.3-1 16.3.2   Combined License Information ................................................... 16.3-2 16-i                                                          Revision 1
16-i Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page CHAPTER 16....................................................................................................................16.1-1 16.1 Technical Specifications.............................................................................. 16.1-1 16.1.1 Introduction to Technical Specifications..................................... 16.1-1 16.1.2 References................................................................................. 16.1-2 16.2 Design Reliability Assurance Program........................................................ 16.2-1 16.3 Investment Protection................................................................................. 16.3-1 16.3.1 Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls............. 16.3-1 16.3.2 Combined License Information................................................... 16.3-2

3-2 Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls ............................... 16.3-4 16-ii                                              Revision 1
16-ii Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR LIST OF TABLES Table Number Title Page 16.3-1 List of Investment Protection Short-term Availability Controls...................... 16.3-3 16.3-2 Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls............................... 16.3-4

1.1       Introduction to Technical Specifications O Selection Criteria screening criteria of 10CFR50.36, c(2)(ii) stated below has been used to identify the structures, ems, and parameters for which Limiting Conditions for Operation (LCOs) have been included in AP1000 Technical Specifications.
16.1-1 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Chapter 16 16.1 Technical Specifications 16.1.1 Introduction to Technical Specifications LCO Selection Criteria The screening criteria of 10CFR50.36, c(2)(ii) stated below has been used to identify the structures, systems, and parameters for which Limiting Conditions for Operation (LCOs) have been included in the AP1000 Technical Specifications.
Installed instrumentation that is used to detect, and indicate in the control room, a significant abnormal degradation of the reactor coolant pressure boundary.
Installed instrumentation that is used to detect, and indicate in the control room, a significant abnormal degradation of the reactor coolant pressure boundary.
A process variable, design feature, or operating restriction that is an initial condition of a Design Basis Accident or Transient Analyses that either assumes the failure of or presents a challenge to the integrity of a fission product barrier.
A process variable, design feature, or operating restriction that is an initial condition of a Design Basis Accident or Transient Analyses that either assumes the failure of or presents a challenge to the integrity of a fission product barrier.
A structure, system or component that is part of the primary success path and which functions or actuates to mitigate a Design Basis Accident or Transient that either assumes the failure of or presents a challenge to the integrity of a fission product barrier.
A structure, system or component that is part of the primary success path and which functions or actuates to mitigate a Design Basis Accident or Transient that either assumes the failure of or presents a challenge to the integrity of a fission product barrier.
Structures, systems, and components which operating experience or probabilistic safety assessment has shown to be important to public health and safety.
Structures, systems, and components which operating experience or probabilistic safety assessment has shown to be important to public health and safety.
hnical Specification Content content of the AP1000 Technical Specifications meets the 10CFR50.36 requirements and is sistent with the Technical Specification Improvement Program, NUREG 1431, Rev. 2, to the imum extent possible. The content differs from NUREG 1431 only as necessary to reflect nical differences between the typical Westinghouse design and the AP1000 design.
Technical Specification Content The content of the AP1000 Technical Specifications meets the 10CFR50.36 requirements and is consistent with the Technical Specification Improvement Program, NUREG 1431, Rev. 2, to the maximum extent possible. The content differs from NUREG 1431 only as necessary to reflect technical differences between the typical Westinghouse design and the AP1000 design.
mpletion Times and Surveillance Frequencies Completion Times and Surveillance Frequencies specified in NUREG 1431 have been applied to lar Actions and Surveillances Requirements in AP1000. Refer to Westinghouse r DCP/NRC0891 for a discussion regarding selection of Completion Times and Surveillance quencies for those AP1000 Tech Specs for which no comparable NUREG 1431 system/function ts and for those AP1000 system design differences which lead to deviations from NUREG 1431 pletion Times and Surveillance Frequencies.
Completion Times and Surveillance Frequencies The Completion Times and Surveillance Frequencies specified in NUREG 1431 have been applied to similar Actions and Surveillances Requirements in AP1000. Refer to Westinghouse letter DCP/NRC0891 for a discussion regarding selection of Completion Times and Surveillance Frequencies for those AP1000 Tech Specs for which no comparable NUREG 1431 system/function exists and for those AP1000 system design differences which lead to deviations from NUREG 1431 Completion Times and Surveillance Frequencies.
tdown Completion Times/Mode Definitions AP1000 plant design is different from current Westinghouse designs in that the systems normally d for MODE reduction are non-safety systems; and therefore, are not covered by LCO uirements in Technical Specifications. The passive safety systems, which shut down the plant uire a longer period of time to accomplish mode changes and can not reduce the RCS perature to below 200°F.
Shutdown Completion Times/Mode Definitions The AP1000 plant design is different from current Westinghouse designs in that the systems normally used for MODE reduction are non-safety systems; and therefore, are not covered by LCO requirements in Technical Specifications. The passive safety systems, which shut down the plant require a longer period of time to accomplish mode changes and can not reduce the RCS temperature to below 200°F.
mbined License Information set of generic technical specifications were used as a guide in the development of the t-specific technical specifications. The preliminary information originally provided in brackets [ ]
Combined License Information The set of generic technical specifications were used as a guide in the development of the plant-specific technical specifications. The preliminary information originally provided in brackets [ ]
been revised with the updated information, including information provided in APP-GW-GLR-064 ference 1) and APP-GW-GLN-075 (Reference 2). In accordance with 10 CFR Part 52, 16.1-1                                      Revision 1
has been revised with the updated information, including information provided in APP-GW-GLR-064 (Reference 1) and APP-GW-GLN-075 (Reference 2). In accordance with 10 CFR Part 52,  

1.2   References APP-GW-GLR-064, AP1000 Generic Technical Specifications Completion, Westinghouse Electric Company LLC.
16.1-2 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Appendix D, Section VIII.C.6, following the issuance of the license, the generic technical specifications have no further effect on the plant-specific technical specifications.
16.1.2 References 1.
APP-GW-GLR-064, AP1000 Generic Technical Specifications Completion, Westinghouse Electric Company LLC.
APP-GW-GLN-075, AP1000 Generic Technical Specifications for Design Changes, Westinghouse Electric Company LLC.
APP-GW-GLN-075, AP1000 Generic Technical Specifications for Design Changes, Westinghouse Electric Company LLC.
APP-RXS-Z0R-001, Revision 2, AP1000 Generic Pressure Temperature Limits Report, F. C. Gift, September 2008.
APP-RXS-Z0R-001, Revision 2, AP1000 Generic Pressure Temperature Limits Report, F. C. Gift, September 2008.
16.1-2                              Revision 1

16.2-1 Revision 1 importance of nonsafety-related systems, structures and components in the AP1000 has been luated. The evaluation uses PRA insights to identify systems, structures and components that are ortant in protecting the utilities investment and for preventing and mitigating severe accidents. To ide reasonable assurance that these systems, structures and components are operable during cipated events short-term availability controls are provided. These investment protection ems, structures and components are also included in the D-RAP/OPRAAs (refer to tion 17.4), which provides confidence that availability and reliability are designed into the plant that availability and reliability are maintained throughout plant life through the use of reliability urance activities as listed in Subsection 17.4.4. Technical Specifications are not required for these ems, structures and components because they do not meet the selection criteria applied to the 000 (refer to Subsection 16.1.1).
16.2-1 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR 16.2 Design Reliability Assurance Program See Section 17.4 for information on the AP1000 Design Reliability Assurance Program (D-RAP).
le 16.3-1 lists nonsafety-related systems, structures and components that have investment ection short-term availability controls. This table also lists the number of trains that should be rable and the plant operating MODES when they should be operable. Table 16.3-2 contains the stment protection short-term availability controls. These short-term availability controls define:
Equipment that should be operable Operational MODES when the equipment should be operable Testing and inspections that should be used to demonstrate the equipments operability Operational MODES that should be used for planned maintenance operations Remedial actions that should be taken if the equipment is not operable ion procedures govern and control the operability of investment protection systems, structures, components, in accordance with Table 16.3-2, and provide the operating staff with instruction for lementing required actions when operability requirements are not met. Procedure development is ressed in Section 13.5.
les 16.3-1 and 16.3-2 contain defined terms that appear in capitalized type. These terms are ned below.
IONSshall be that part of a Specification that prescribes Required Actions to be taken under ignated Conditions within specified Completion Times.
ANNEL CALIBRATIONshall be the adjustment, as necessary, of the channel so that it responds in the required range and accuracy to known input. The CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall ompass the entire channel, including the required sensor, alarm, interlock, display, and trip tions. Calibration of instrument channels with resistance temperature detector (RTD) or mocouple sensors may consist of an in-place qualitative assessment of sensor behavior and mal calibration of the remaining adjustable devices in the channel. Whenever a sensing element placed, the next required CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall include an in-place cross calibration compares the other sensing elements with the recently installed sensing element. The ANNEL CALIBRATION may be performed by means of any series of sequential, overlapping brations or total channel steps so that the entire channel is calibrated.
ANNEL CHECKshall be the qualitative assessment, by observation, of channel behavior during ration. This determination shall include, where possible, comparison of the channel indication and us to other indications or status derived from independent instrument channels measuring the e parameter.
16.3-1                                      Revision 1

uired alarm, interlock, and trip setpoints so that the setpoints are within the required range and uracy.
16.3-1 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR 16.3 Investment Protection 16.3.1 Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls The importance of nonsafety-related systems, structures and components in the AP1000 has been evaluated. The evaluation uses PRA insights to identify systems, structures and components that are important in protecting the utilities investment and for preventing and mitigating severe accidents. To provide reasonable assurance that these systems, structures and components are operable during anticipated events short-term availability controls are provided. These investment protection systems, structures and components are also included in the D-RAP/OPRAAs (refer to Section 17.4), which provides confidence that availability and reliability are designed into the plant and that availability and reliability are maintained throughout plant life through the use of reliability assurance activities as listed in Subsection 17.4.4. Technical Specifications are not required for these systems, structures and components because they do not meet the selection criteria applied to the AP1000 (refer to Subsection 16.1.1).
DEshall correspond to any one inclusive combination of core reactivity condition, power level, rage reactor coolant temperature, and reactor vessel head closure bolt tensioning specified w with fuel in the reactor vessel.
Table 16.3-1 lists nonsafety-related systems, structures and components that have investment protection short-term availability controls. This table also lists the number of trains that should be operable and the plant operating MODES when they should be operable. Table 16.3-2 contains the investment protection short-term availability controls. These short-term availability controls define:
ERABLE-OPERABILITYsystem, subsystem, train, component, or device is OPERABLE or has ERABILITY when it is capable of performing its specified safety function(s) and when all essary attendant instrumentation, controls, normal or emergency electrical power, cooling and l water, lubrication, and other auxiliary equipment that are required for the system, subsystem,
Equipment that should be operable Operational MODES when the equipment should be operable Testing and inspections that should be used to demonstrate the equipments operability Operational MODES that should be used for planned maintenance operations Remedial actions that should be taken if the equipment is not operable Station procedures govern and control the operability of investment protection systems, structures, and components, in accordance with Table 16.3-2, and provide the operating staff with instruction for implementing required actions when operability requirements are not met. Procedure development is addressed in Section 13.5.
  , component, or device to perform its specified safety function(s) are also capable of performing r related support function(s).
Tables 16.3-1 and 16.3-2 contain defined terms that appear in capitalized type. These terms are defined below.
3.2       Combined License Information procedure to control the operability of investment protection systems, structures and ponents in accordance with Table 16.3-2 is addressed in Subsection 16.3.1.
ACTIONSshall be that part of a Specification that prescribes Required Actions to be taken under designated Conditions within specified Completion Times.
CHANNEL CALIBRATIONshall be the adjustment, as necessary, of the channel so that it responds within the required range and accuracy to known input. The CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall encompass the entire channel, including the required sensor, alarm, interlock, display, and trip functions. Calibration of instrument channels with resistance temperature detector (RTD) or thermocouple sensors may consist of an in-place qualitative assessment of sensor behavior and normal calibration of the remaining adjustable devices in the channel. Whenever a sensing element is replaced, the next required CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall include an in-place cross calibration that compares the other sensing elements with the recently installed sensing element. The CHANNEL CALIBRATION may be performed by means of any series of sequential, overlapping calibrations or total channel steps so that the entire channel is calibrated.
                                                                        % RATED  REACTOR COOLANT REACTIVITY      THERMAL    TEMPERATURE MODES                          TITLE                  CONDITION (Keff)  POWER(a)         (&deg;F) 1          Power Operation                            > 0.99          >5            NA 2          Startup                                    > 0.99          <5            NA 3          Hot Standby                                < 0.99          NA          > 420 4          Safe Shutdown(b)                          < 0.99          NA      420 > Tavg > 200 5          Cold Shutdown(b)                           < 0.99          NA          < 200 (c)                                NA          NA            NA 6          Refueling Excluding decay heat.
CHANNEL CHECKshall be the qualitative assessment, by observation, of channel behavior during operation. This determination shall include, where possible, comparison of the channel indication and status to other indications or status derived from independent instrument channels measuring the same parameter.
16.3-2 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST (COT)shall be the injection of a simulated or TEST (COT) actual signal into the channel as close to the sensor as practicable to verify the OPERABILITY of required alarm, interlock, display, and trip functions. The COT shall include adjustment as necessary, of the required alarm, interlock, and trip setpoints so that the setpoints are within the required range and accuracy.
MODEshall correspond to any one inclusive combination of core reactivity condition, power level, average reactor coolant temperature, and reactor vessel head closure bolt tensioning specified below with fuel in the reactor vessel.
OPERABLE-OPERABILITYsystem, subsystem, train, component, or device is OPERABLE or has OPERABILITY when it is capable of performing its specified safety function(s) and when all necessary attendant instrumentation, controls, normal or emergency electrical power, cooling and seal water, lubrication, and other auxiliary equipment that are required for the system, subsystem, train, component, or device to perform its specified safety function(s) are also capable of performing their related support function(s).
16.3.2 Combined License Information The procedure to control the operability of investment protection systems, structures and components in accordance with Table 16.3-2 is addressed in Subsection 16.3.1.
Excluding decay heat.
All reactor vessel head closure bolts fully tensioned.
All reactor vessel head closure bolts fully tensioned.
One or more reactor vessel head closure bolts less than fully tensioned.
One or more reactor vessel head closure bolts less than fully tensioned.
16.3-2                            Revision 1
(&deg;F) 1 Power Operation
> 0.99
> 5 NA 2
> 0.99
< 5 NA 3
Hot Standby
< 0.99 NA
> 420 4
Safe Shutdown(b)
< 0.99 NA 420 > Tavg > 200 5
Cold Shutdown(b)
< 0.99 NA
< 200 6

Number        MODES Systems, Structures, Components                      Trains (a)    Operation (b) 1.0 Instrumentation Systems 1.1 DAS ATWS Mitigation                                            2        1 1.2 DAS ESF Actuation                                              2        1,2,3,4,5,6 (3) 2.0 Plant Systems 2.1 RNS                                                            1        1,2,3 2.2 RNS - RCS Open                                                2        5,6 (2,3) 2.3 CCS - RCS Open                                                2        5,6 (2,3) 2.4 SWS - RCS Open                                                2        5,6 (2,3) 2.5 PCS Water Makeup - Long Term Shutdown                          1       1,2,3,4,5,6 2.6 MCR Cooling - Long Term Shutdown                              1        1,2,3,4,5,6 2.7 I&C Room Cooling - Long Term Shutdown                          1        1,2,3,4,5,6 2.8 Hydrogen Ignitors                                              1        1,2,5,6 (2,3) 3.0 Electrical Power Systems 3.1 AC Power Supplies                                              1        1,2,3,4,5 3.2 AC Power Supplies - RCS Open                                2 (1)      5,6 (2,3) 3.3 AC Power Supplies - Long Term Shutdown                        1        1,2,3,4,5,6 3.4 Non Class 1E DC and UPS System (EDS)                           2        1,2,3,4,5,6 (3) a Notes:
16.3-3 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Alpha Notes:
Refers to the number of trains covered by the availability controls.
Refers to the number of trains covered by the availability controls.
Refers to the MODES of plant operation where the availability controls apply.
Refers to the MODES of plant operation where the availability controls apply.
2 of 3 AC power supplies (2 standby diesel generators and 1 offsite power supply).
(1) 2 of 3 AC power supplies (2 standby diesel generators and 1 offsite power supply).
MODE 5 with RCS open.
MODE 5 with RCS open.
MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full.
MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full.
16.3-3                                 Revision 1
Table 16.3-1 List of Investment Protection Short-term Availability Controls Systems, Structures, Components Number Trains (a)
MODES Operation (b) 1.0 Instrumentation Systems 1.1 DAS ATWS Mitigation 2
1 1.2 DAS ESF Actuation 2
1,2,3,4,5,6 (3) 2.0 Plant Systems 2.1 RNS 1
1,2,3 2.2 RNS - RCS Open 2
5,6 (2,3) 2.3 CCS - RCS Open 2
5,6 (2,3) 2.4 SWS - RCS Open 2
5,6 (2,3) 2.5 PCS Water Makeup - Long Term Shutdown 1
1,2,3,4,5,6 2.6 MCR Cooling - Long Term Shutdown 1
1,2,3,4,5,6 2.7 I&C Room Cooling - Long Term Shutdown 1
1,2,3,4,5,6 2.8 Hydrogen Ignitors 1
1,2,5,6 (2,3) 3.0 Electrical Power Systems 3.1 AC Power Supplies 1
1,2,3,4,5 3.2 AC Power Supplies - RCS Open 2 (1) 5,6 (2,3) 3.3 AC Power Supplies - Long Term Shutdown 1
1,2,3,4,5,6 3.4 Non Class 1E DC and UPS System (EDS) 2 1,2,3,4,5,6 (3)

Instrumentation Systems Diverse Actuation System (DAS) ATWS Mitigation ERABILITY:         DAS ATWS mitigation function listed in Table 1.1-1 should be operable PLICABILITY:         MODE 1 IONS CONDITION                       REQUIRED ACTION                   COMPLETION TIME DAS ATWS Function with       A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or     72 hours one or more required            on-call alternate.
16.3-4 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 1.0 Instrumentation Systems 1.1 Diverse Actuation System (DAS) ATWS Mitigation OPERABILITY:
channels inoperable.        AND A.2 Restore required channels to       14 days operable status.
DAS ATWS mitigation function listed in Table 1.1-1 should be operable APPLICABILITY:
Required Action and         B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear     1 day associated Completion            officer or on-call alternate Time of Condition A not met. detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.
MODE 1 ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. DAS ATWS Function with one or more required channels inoperable.
AND B.2 Document in plant records the       1 month justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate.
16.3-4                                  Revision 1
72 hours AND A.2 Restore required channels to operable status.
14 days B. Required Action and associated Completion Time of Condition A not met.
B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.
1 day AND B.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
1 month

VEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE                           FREQUENCY 1.1.1       Perform CHANNEL CHECK on each required channel.           30 hours 1.1.2       Perform CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST on each required         92 days channel.
16.3-5 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
1.1.3       Perform CHANNEL CALIBRATION on each required channel. 24 months 1.1.4       Verify that the MG set field breakers open on demand. 24 months ble 1.1-1, DAS ATWS Functions AS                      Initiating         Number           Channels Setpoint nction                  Signal              Installed        Required d Drive MG             SG Wide             2 per SG         1 per SG > 27%
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 1.1.1 Perform CHANNEL CHECK on each required channel.
t Trip, Turbine         Range Level p and PRHR             - Low X Actuation HL                 1 per HL         1 per HL < 650&deg;F Temperature
30 hours SR 1.1.2 Perform CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST on each required channel.
                        - High 16.3-5                        Revision 1
92 days SR 1.1.3 Perform CHANNEL CALIBRATION on each required channel.
24 months SR 1.1.4 Verify that the MG set field breakers open on demand.
24 months Table 1.1-1, DAS ATWS Functions DAS Function Initiating Signal Number Installed Channels Required Setpoint Rod Drive MG SG Wide 2 per SG 1 per SG
> 27%
Set Trip, Turbine Range Level Trip and PRHR
- Low HX Actuation HL 1 per HL 1 per HL
< 650&deg;F Temperature
- High

Instrumentation Systems DAS ATWS Mitigation SES:
16.3-6 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
e DAS ATWS mitigation function of reactor trip, turbine trip and passive residual heat removal t exchanger (PRHR HX) actuation should be available to provide ATWS mitigation capability.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 1.0 Instrumentation Systems 1.1 DAS ATWS Mitigation BASES:
s function is important based on 10 CFR 50.62 (ATWS Rule) and because it provides margin in PRA sensitivity performed assuming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate at-power shutdown events. The margin provided in the PRA study assumes a minimum availability of
The DAS ATWS mitigation function of reactor trip, turbine trip and passive residual heat removal heat exchanger (PRHR HX) actuation should be available to provide ATWS mitigation capability.
% for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability failures to actuate.
This function is important based on 10 CFR 50.62 (ATWS Rule) and because it provides margin in the PRA sensitivity performed assuming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate at-power and shutdown events. The margin provided in the PRA study assumes a minimum availability of 90% for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to actuate.
e DAS uses a 2 out of 2 logic to actuate automatic functions. When a required channel is vailable the automatic DAS function is unavailable. Subsection provides additional rmation. The DAS channels listed in Table 1.1-1 should be available.
The DAS uses a 2 out of 2 logic to actuate automatic functions. When a required channel is unavailable the automatic DAS function is unavailable. Subsection provides additional information. The DAS channels listed in Table 1.1-1 should be available.
omated operator aids may be used to facilitate performance of the CHANNEL CHECK. An omated tester may be used to facilitate performance of the CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST.
Automated operator aids may be used to facilitate performance of the CHANNEL CHECK. An automated tester may be used to facilitate performance of the CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST.
e DAS ATWS mitigation function should be available during MODE 1 when ATWS is a limiting nt. Planned maintenance affecting this DAS function should be performed MODES 3, 4, 5, 6; se MODES are selected because the reactor is tripped in these MODES and ATWS can not ur.
The DAS ATWS mitigation function should be available during MODE 1 when ATWS is a limiting event. Planned maintenance affecting this DAS function should be performed MODES 3, 4, 5, 6; these MODES are selected because the reactor is tripped in these MODES and ATWS can not occur.
16.3-6                                    Revision 1

Instrumentation Systems DAS Engineering Safeguards Features Actuation (ESFA)
16.3-7 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
ERABILITY:                 DAS ESFA functions listed in Table 1.2-1 should be operable PLICABILITY:               MODE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full TIONS CONDITION                     REQUIRED ACTION                   COMPLETION TIME DAS ESFA Functions with     A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or     72 hours one or more required            on-call alternate.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 1.0 Instrumentation Systems 1.2 DAS Engineering Safeguards Features Actuation (ESFA)
channels inoperable.
AND A.2 Restore required channels to       14 days operable status.
DAS ESFA functions listed in Table 1.2-1 should be operable APPLICABILITY:
Required Action and         B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear     1 day associated Completion            officer or on-call alternate Time of Condition A not met. detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.
MODE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. DAS ESFA Functions with one or more required channels inoperable.
AND B.2 Document in plant records the 1 month justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate.
16.3-7                                    Revision 1
AND A.2 Restore required channels to operable status.
72 hours 14 days B. Required Action and associated Completion Time of Condition A not met.
B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.
AND B.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
1 day 1 month

RVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE                     FREQUENCY 1.2.1   Perform CHANNEL CHECK on each required CHANNEL   30 hours 1.2.2   Perform CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST on each required 92 days CHANNEL.
16.3-8 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
1.2.3   Perform CHANNEL CALIBRATION on each required     24 months CHANNEL.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 1.2.1 Perform CHANNEL CHECK on each required CHANNEL 30 hours SR 1.2.2 Perform CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST on each required CHANNEL.
ble 1.2-1, DAS ESFA Functions AS                    Initiating     Number         Channels   Setpoint unction                Signal          Installed      Required RHR HX Actuation       SG Wide Level   2 per SG       1 per SG   > 27%
92 days SR 1.2.3 Perform CHANNEL CALIBRATION on each required CHANNEL.
                      - Low or HL Temp - High 1 per HL       1 per HL   < 650&deg;F MT Actuation and       Pzr Level       2             2           > 7%
24 months Table 1.2-1, DAS ESFA Functions DAS Function Initiating Signal Number Installed Channels Required Setpoint PRHR HX Actuation SG Wide Level 2 per SG 1 per SG
CP trip
> 27%
                      - Low or SG Wide Level           2 per SG       1 per SG   > 27%
- Low or HL Temp - High 1 per HL 1 per HL
                      - Low assive Cont.           Cont. Temp     2             2           < 200&deg;F ooling and            -High elected Cont.
< 650&deg;F CMT Actuation and RCP trip Pzr Level 2
olation Actuation 16.3-8                        Revision 1
> 7%
- Low or SG Wide Level 2 per SG 1 per SG
> 27%
- Low Passive Cont.
Cooling and Selected Cont.
Isolation Actuation Cont. Temp  
-High 2
< 200&deg;F

Instrumentation Systems DAS ESFA SES:
16.3-9 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
e DAS ESFA functions listed in Table 1.2-1 should be available to provide accident mitigation ability. This function is important because it provides margin in the PRA sensitivity performed uming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate at-power and shutdown events. The rgin provided in the PRA study assumes a minimum availability of 90% for this function during MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to actuate.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 1.0 Instrumentation Systems 1.2 DAS ESFA BASES:
e DAS uses a 2 out of 2 logic to actuate automatic functions. When a required channel is vailable the automatic DAS function is unavailable. Subsection provides additional rmation. The DAS channels listed in Table 1.2-1 should be available.
The DAS ESFA functions listed in Table 1.2-1 should be available to provide accident mitigation capability. This function is important because it provides margin in the PRA sensitivity performed assuming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate at-power and shutdown events. The margin provided in the PRA study assumes a minimum availability of 90% for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to actuate.
omated operator aids may be used to facilitate performance of the CHANNEL CHECK. An omated tester may be used to facilitate performance of the CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST.
The DAS uses a 2 out of 2 logic to actuate automatic functions. When a required channel is unavailable the automatic DAS function is unavailable. Subsection provides additional information. The DAS channels listed in Table 1.2-1 should be available.
e DAS ESFA mitigation functions should be available during MODES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 when ident mitigation is beneficial to the PRA results. The DAS ESFA should be available in MODE 6 h upper internals in place or cavity level less than full. Planned maintenance affecting these DAS ctions should be performed in MODE 6 when the refueling cavity is full; this MODE is selected ause requiring DAS ESFA are not anticipated in this MODE.
Automated operator aids may be used to facilitate performance of the CHANNEL CHECK. An automated tester may be used to facilitate performance of the CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST.
16.3-9                                    Revision 1
The DAS ESFA mitigation functions should be available during MODES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 when accident mitigation is beneficial to the PRA results. The DAS ESFA should be available in MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full. Planned maintenance affecting these DAS functions should be performed in MODE 6 when the refueling cavity is full; this MODE is selected because requiring DAS ESFA are not anticipated in this MODE.

Plant Systems Normal Residual Heat Removal System (RNS)
16.3-10 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
ERABILITY:             One train of RNS injection should be operable PLICABILITY:             MODE 1, 2, 3 IONS CONDITION                     REQUIRED ACTION                 COMPLETION TIME One required train not   A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or     72 hours operable.                      on-call alternate.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.1 Normal Residual Heat Removal System (RNS)
AND A.2 Restore one train to operable       14 days status Required Action and       B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear       1 day associated Completion          officer or on-call alternate Time not met.                  detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.
AND B.2 Document in plant records the       1 month justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
One train of RNS injection should be operable APPLICABILITY:
16.3-10                              Revision 1
A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate.
AND A.2 Restore one train to operable status 72 hours 14 days B. Required Action and associated Completion Time not met.
B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.
AND B.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
1 day 1 month

RVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE                               FREQUENCY 2.1.1 Verify that one RNS pump develops a differential head of 330 feet 92 days on recirculation flow 2.1.2 Verify that the following valves stroke open                     92 days RNS V011               RNS Discharge Cont. Isolation RNS V022               RNS Suction Header Cont. Isolation RNS V023               RNS Suction from IRWST Isolation RNS V055               RNS Suction from Cask Loading Pit 16.3-11                              Revision 1
16.3-11 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 2.1.1 Verify that one RNS pump develops a differential head of 330 feet on recirculation flow 92 days SR 2.1.2 Verify that the following valves stroke open 92 days RNS V011 RNS Discharge Cont. Isolation RNS V022 RNS Suction Header Cont. Isolation RNS V023 RNS Suction from IRWST Isolation RNS V055 RNS Suction from Cask Loading Pit

Plant Systems RNS SES:
16.3-12 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
e RNS injection function provides a nonsafety-related means of injecting IRWST water into the S following ADS actuations. The RNS injection function is important because it provides margin he PRA sensitivity performed assuming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate at-wer and shutdown events. The margin provided in the PRA study assumes a minimum ilability of 90% for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance vailability and failures to operate.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.1 RNS BASES:
e train of RNS injection includes one RNS pump and the line from the cask loading pit (CLP) to RCS. One valve in the line between the CLP and the RCS is normally closed and needs to be ned to allow injection. Later on, the RNS suction is switched from the CLP to the IRWST. Two ves in the IRWST line are normally closed and must be opened to allow recirculation. This ipment does not normally operate during MODES 1, 2, 3. Subsection 5.4.7 contains additional rmation on the RNS.
The RNS injection function provides a nonsafety-related means of injecting IRWST water into the RCS following ADS actuations. The RNS injection function is important because it provides margin in the PRA sensitivity performed assuming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate at-power and shutdown events. The margin provided in the PRA study assumes a minimum availability of 90% for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.
e RNS injection function should be available during MODES 1, 2, 3 because decay heat is higher the need for ADS is greater.
One train of RNS injection includes one RNS pump and the line from the cask loading pit (CLP) to the RCS. One valve in the line between the CLP and the RCS is normally closed and needs to be opened to allow injection. Later on, the RNS suction is switched from the CLP to the IRWST. Two valves in the IRWST line are normally closed and must be opened to allow recirculation. This equipment does not normally operate during MODES 1, 2, 3. Subsection 5.4.7 contains additional information on the RNS.
nned maintenance on redundant RNS SSCs should be performed during MODES 1, 2, 3. Such intenance should be performed on an RNS SSC not required to be available. The bases for this ommendation is that the RNS is more risk important during shutdown MODES when it is mally operating than during other MODES when it only provides a backup to PXS injection.
The RNS injection function should be available during MODES 1, 2, 3 because decay heat is higher and the need for ADS is greater.
nned maintenance on non-redundant RNS valves (such as V011, V022, V023, V055) should be formed to minimize the impact on their RNS injection and their containment isolation capability.
Planned maintenance on redundant RNS SSCs should be performed during MODES 1, 2, 3. Such maintenance should be performed on an RNS SSC not required to be available. The bases for this recommendation is that the RNS is more risk important during shutdown MODES when it is normally operating than during other MODES when it only provides a backup to PXS injection.
n-pressure boundary maintenance should be performed during MODE 5 with a visible ssurizer level or MODE 6 with the refueling cavity full. In these MODES, these valves need to be n but they do not need to be able to close. Containment closure which is required in these DES can be satisfied by one normally open operable valve. Pressure boundary maintenance not be performed during MODES when the RNS is used to cool the core, therefore such intenance should be performed during MODES 1, 2, 3. Since these valves are also containment ation valves, maintenance that renders the valves inoperable requires that the containment ation valve located in series with the inoperable valve has to closed and de-activated. The bases this recommendation is that the RNS is more risk important during shutdown MODES when it is mally operating than during other MODES when it only provides a backup to PXS injection. In ition, it is not possible to perform pressure boundary maintenance of these valves during RNS ration.
Planned maintenance on non-redundant RNS valves (such as V011, V022, V023, V055) should be performed to minimize the impact on their RNS injection and their containment isolation capability.
16.3-12                                    Revision 1
Non-pressure boundary maintenance should be performed during MODE 5 with a visible pressurizer level or MODE 6 with the refueling cavity full. In these MODES, these valves need to be open but they do not need to be able to close. Containment closure which is required in these MODES can be satisfied by one normally open operable valve. Pressure boundary maintenance can not be performed during MODES when the RNS is used to cool the core, therefore such maintenance should be performed during MODES 1, 2, 3. Since these valves are also containment isolation valves, maintenance that renders the valves inoperable requires that the containment isolation valve located in series with the inoperable valve has to closed and de-activated. The bases for this recommendation is that the RNS is more risk important during shutdown MODES when it is normally operating than during other MODES when it only provides a backup to PXS injection. In addition, it is not possible to perform pressure boundary maintenance of these valves during RNS operation.

Plant Systems Normal Residual Heat Removal System (RNS) - RCS Open ERABILITY:             Both RNS pumps should be operable for RCS cooling PLICABILITY:             MODE 5 with RCS pressure boundary open, MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full IONS CONDITION                       REQUIRED ACTION                   COMPLETION TIME One pump not operable. A.1 Initiate actions to increase the       12 hours water inventory above the core.
16.3-13 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
AND A.2 Remove plant from applicable           72 hours MODES Required Action and       B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear         1 day associated Completion          officer or on-call alternate detailing Time not met.                  interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.2 Normal Residual Heat Removal System (RNS) - RCS Open OPERABILITY:
AND B.2 Document in plant records the           1 month justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
Both RNS pumps should be operable for RCS cooling APPLICABILITY:
16.3-13                                    Revision 1
MODE 5 with RCS pressure boundary open, MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. One pump not operable.
A.1 Initiate actions to increase the water inventory above the core.
AND A.2 Remove plant from applicable MODES 12 hours 72 hours B. Required Action and associated Completion Time not met.
B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.
AND B.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
1 day 1 month

VEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE                                   FREQUENCY 2.2.1 Verify that one RNS pump is in operation and that each RNS pump Within 1 day prior operating individually circulates reactor coolant at a flow         to entering the
16.3-14 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
      > 1580 gpm                                                         MODES of applicability OR Verify that both RNS pumps are in operation and circulating reactor coolant at a flow > 2000 gpm 16.3-14                                  Revision 1
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 2.2.1 Verify that one RNS pump is in operation and that each RNS pump operating individually circulates reactor coolant at a flow  
> 1580 gpm Within 1 day prior to entering the MODES of applicability OR Verify that both RNS pumps are in operation and circulating reactor coolant at a flow > 2000 gpm

Plant Systems RNS - RCS Open SES:
16.3-15 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
e RNS cooling function provides a nonsafety-related means to normally cool the RCS during tdown operations (MODES 4, 5, 6). This RNS cooling function is important during conditions en the RCS pressure boundary is open and the refueling cavity is not flooded because it reduces probability of an initiating event due to loss of RNS cooling and because it provides margin in PRA sensitivity performed assuming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate at-power shutdown events. The RCS is considered open when its pressure boundary is not intact. The S is also considered open if there is no visible level in the pressurizer. The margin provided in PRA study assumes a minimum availability of 90% for this function during the MODES of licability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.2 RNS - RCS Open BASES:
e RNS cooling of the RCS involves the RNS suction line from the RCS HL, the two RNS pumps the RNS discharge line returning to the RCS through the DVI lines. The valves located in these s should be open prior to the plant entering reduced inventory conditions. One of the RNS mps has to be operating; the other pump may be operating or may be in standby. Standby udes the capability of being able to be placed into operation from the main control room.
The RNS cooling function provides a nonsafety-related means to normally cool the RCS during shutdown operations (MODES 4, 5, 6). This RNS cooling function is important during conditions when the RCS pressure boundary is open and the refueling cavity is not flooded because it reduces the probability of an initiating event due to loss of RNS cooling and because it provides margin in the PRA sensitivity performed assuming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate at-power and shutdown events. The RCS is considered open when its pressure boundary is not intact. The RCS is also considered open if there is no visible level in the pressurizer. The margin provided in the PRA study assumes a minimum availability of 90% for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.
bsection 5.4.7 contains additional information on the RNS.
The RNS cooling of the RCS involves the RNS suction line from the RCS HL, the two RNS pumps and the RNS discharge line returning to the RCS through the DVI lines. The valves located in these lines should be open prior to the plant entering reduced inventory conditions. One of the RNS pumps has to be operating; the other pump may be operating or may be in standby. Standby includes the capability of being able to be placed into operation from the main control room.
h RNS pumps should be available during the MODES of applicability when the loss of RNS ling is risk important. If both RNS pumps are not available, the plant should not enter these ditions. If the plant has entered reduced inventory conditions, then the plant should take action estore full system operation or leave the MODES of applicability. If the plant has not restored full tem operation or left the MODES of applicability within 12 hours, then actions need to be initiated ncrease the RCS water level to either 20% pressurizer level or to a full refueling cavity.
Subsection 5.4.7 contains additional information on the RNS.
nned maintenance affecting this RNS cooling function should be performed in MODES 1, 2, 3 en the RNS is not normally operating. The bases for this recommendation is that the RNS is re risk important during shutdown MODES, especially during the MODES of applicability ditions than during other MODES when it only provides a backup to PXS injection.
Both RNS pumps should be available during the MODES of applicability when the loss of RNS cooling is risk important. If both RNS pumps are not available, the plant should not enter these conditions. If the plant has entered reduced inventory conditions, then the plant should take action to restore full system operation or leave the MODES of applicability. If the plant has not restored full system operation or left the MODES of applicability within 12 hours, then actions need to be initiated to increase the RCS water level to either 20% pressurizer level or to a full refueling cavity.
16.3-15                                    Revision 1
Planned maintenance affecting this RNS cooling function should be performed in MODES 1, 2, 3 when the RNS is not normally operating. The bases for this recommendation is that the RNS is more risk important during shutdown MODES, especially during the MODES of applicability conditions than during other MODES when it only provides a backup to PXS injection.

Plant Systems Component Cooling Water System (CCS) - RCS Open ERABILITY:             Both CCS pumps should be operable for RNS cooling PLICABILITY:           MODE 5 with RCS pressure boundary open, MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full ONS CONDITION                     REQUIRED ACTION                   COMPLETION TIME One pump not operable. A.1 Initiate actions to increase the       12 hours water inventory above the core.
16.3-16 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
AND A.2 Remove plant from applicable           72 hours MODES.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.3 Component Cooling Water System (CCS) - RCS Open OPERABILITY:
Required Action and       B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear         1 day ssociated Completion          officer or on-call alternate detailing ime not met.                  interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.
Both CCS pumps should be operable for RNS cooling APPLICABILITY:
AND B.2 Document in plant records the           1 month justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
MODE 5 with RCS pressure boundary open, MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. One pump not operable.
16.3-16                                  Revision 1
A.1 Initiate actions to increase the water inventory above the core.
AND A.2 Remove plant from applicable MODES.
12 hours 72 hours B. Required Action and associated Completion Time not met.
B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.
AND B.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
1 day 1 month

VEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE                               FREQUENCY 2.3.1 Verify that one CCS pump is in operation and each CCS pump     Within 1 day prior operating individually provides a CCS flow through one RNS heat to entering the exchanger > 2685 gpm                                           MODES of applicability OR Verify that both CCS pumps are in operation and the CCS flow through each RNS heat exchanger is > 2685 gpm 16.3-17                                Revision 1
16.3-17 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 2.3.1 Verify that one CCS pump is in operation and each CCS pump operating individually provides a CCS flow through one RNS heat exchanger > 2685 gpm OR Verify that both CCS pumps are in operation and the CCS flow through each RNS heat exchanger is > 2685 gpm Within 1 day prior to entering the MODES of applicability

Plant Systems CCS - RCS Open SES:
16.3-18 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
e CCS cooling of the RNS HXs provides a nonsafety-related means to normally cool the RCS ing shutdown operations (MODES 4, 5, 6). This RNS cooling function is important because it uces the probability of an initiating event due to loss of RNS cooling and because it provides rgin in the PRA sensitivity performed assuming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate power and shutdown events. The RCS is considered open when its pressure boundary is not ct. The RCS is also considered open if there is no visible level in the pressurizer. The margin vided in the PRA study assumes a minimum availability of 90% for this function during the DES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.3 CCS - RCS Open BASES:
e CCS cooling of the RNS involves two CCS pumps and HXs and the CCS line to the RNS HXs.
The CCS cooling of the RNS HXs provides a nonsafety-related means to normally cool the RCS during shutdown operations (MODES 4, 5, 6). This RNS cooling function is important because it reduces the probability of an initiating event due to loss of RNS cooling and because it provides margin in the PRA sensitivity performed assuming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate at-power and shutdown events. The RCS is considered open when its pressure boundary is not intact. The RCS is also considered open if there is no visible level in the pressurizer. The margin provided in the PRA study assumes a minimum availability of 90% for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.
e valves around the CCS pumps and HXs and in the lines to the RNS HXs should be open prior he plant entering these conditions. One of the CCS pumps and its HX has to be operating. One he lines to a RNS HX also has to be open. The other CCS pump and HX may be operating or y be in standby. Standby includes the capability of being able to be placed into operation from the in control room. Subsection 9.2.2 contains additional information on the CCS.
The CCS cooling of the RNS involves two CCS pumps and HXs and the CCS line to the RNS HXs.
h CCS pumps should be available during the MODES of applicability when the loss of RNS ling is risk important. If both CCS pumps are not available, the plant should not enter these ditions. If the plant has entered these conditions, then the plant should take action to restore h CCS pumps or to leave these conditions. If the plant has not restored full system operation or the MODES of applicability within 12 hours, then actions need to be initiated to increase the S water level to either 20% pressurizer level or to a full refueling cavity.
The valves around the CCS pumps and HXs and in the lines to the RNS HXs should be open prior to the plant entering these conditions. One of the CCS pumps and its HX has to be operating. One of the lines to a RNS HX also has to be open. The other CCS pump and HX may be operating or may be in standby. Standby includes the capability of being able to be placed into operation from the main control room. Subsection 9.2.2 contains additional information on the CCS.
nned maintenance affecting this CCS cooling function should be performed in MODES 1, 2, 3 en the CCS is not supporting RNS operation. The bases for this recommendation is that the CCS more risk important during shutdown MODES, especially during the MODES of applicability ditions than during other MODES.
Both CCS pumps should be available during the MODES of applicability when the loss of RNS cooling is risk important. If both CCS pumps are not available, the plant should not enter these conditions. If the plant has entered these conditions, then the plant should take action to restore both CCS pumps or to leave these conditions. If the plant has not restored full system operation or left the MODES of applicability within 12 hours, then actions need to be initiated to increase the RCS water level to either 20% pressurizer level or to a full refueling cavity.
16.3-18                                    Revision 1
Planned maintenance affecting this CCS cooling function should be performed in MODES 1, 2, 3 when the CCS is not supporting RNS operation. The bases for this recommendation is that the CCS is more risk important during shutdown MODES, especially during the MODES of applicability conditions than during other MODES.

Plant Systems Service Water System (SWS) - RCS Open ERABILITY:               Both SWS pumps and cooling tower fans should be operable for CCS cooling PLICABILITY:             MODE 5 with RCS pressure boundary open, MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full ONS CONDITION                       REQUIRED ACTION                   COMPLETION TIME One pump or fan not       A.1 Initiate actions to increase the         12 hours perable.                      water inventory above the core.
16.3-19 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
AND A.2 Remove plant from applicable             72 hours MODES.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.4 Service Water System (SWS) - RCS Open OPERABILITY:
Required Action and       B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear           1 day ssociated Completion          officer or on-call alternate detailing ime not met.                  interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.
Both SWS pumps and cooling tower fans should be operable for CCS cooling APPLICABILITY:
AND B.2 Document in plant records the           1 month justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
MODE 5 with RCS pressure boundary open, MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. One pump or fan not operable.
16.3-19                                  Revision 1
A.1 Initiate actions to increase the water inventory above the core.
AND A.2 Remove plant from applicable MODES.
12 hours 72 hours B. Required Action and associated Completion Time not met.
B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.
AND B.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
1 day 1 month

VEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE                           FREQUENCY 2.4.1 Verify that one SWS pump is operating and that each SWS pump Within 1 day prior operating individually provides a SWS flow > 10,000 gpm     to entering the MODES of applicability 2.4.2 Operate each cooling tower fan for > 15 min                 Within 1 day prior to entering the MODES of applicability 16.3-20                            Revision 1
16.3-20 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 2.4.1 Verify that one SWS pump is operating and that each SWS pump operating individually provides a SWS flow > 10,000 gpm Within 1 day prior to entering the MODES of applicability SR 2.4.2 Operate each cooling tower fan for > 15 min Within 1 day prior to entering the MODES of applicability

Plant Systems SWS - RCS Open SES:
16.3-21 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
e SWS cooling of the CCS HXs provides a nonsafety-related means to normally cool the S HX which cool the RCS during shutdown operations (MODES 4, 5, 6). This RNS cooling ction is important because it reduces the probability of an initiating event due to loss of RNS ling and because it provides margin in the PRA sensitivity performed assuming no credit for safety-related SSCs to mitigate at-power and shutdown events. The RCS is considered open en its pressure boundary is not intact. The RCS is also considered open if there is no visible level he pressurizer. The margin provided in the PRA study assumes a minimum availability of 90%
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.4 SWS - RCS Open BASES:
this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and ures to operate.
The SWS cooling of the CCS HXs provides a nonsafety-related means to normally cool the RNS HX which cool the RCS during shutdown operations (MODES 4, 5, 6). This RNS cooling function is important because it reduces the probability of an initiating event due to loss of RNS cooling and because it provides margin in the PRA sensitivity performed assuming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate at-power and shutdown events. The RCS is considered open when its pressure boundary is not intact. The RCS is also considered open if there is no visible level in the pressurizer. The margin provided in the PRA study assumes a minimum availability of 90%
e SWS cooling of the CCS HXs involves two SWS pumps and cooling tower fans and the SWS to the RNS HXs. The valves in the SWS lines should be open prior to the plant entering these ditions. One of the SWS pumps and its cooling tower fan has to be operating. The other SWS mp and cooling tower fan may be operating or may be in standby. Standby includes the capability eing able to be placed into operation from the main control room. Subsection 9.2.1 contains itional information on the CCS.
for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.
h SWS pumps and cooling tower fans should be available during the MODES of applicability en the loss of RNS cooling is risk important. If both SWS pumps and cooling tower fans are not ilable, the plant should not enter these conditions. If the plant has entered these conditions, then plant should take action to restore both SWS pumps / fans or to leave these conditions. If the nt has not restored full system operation or left the MODES of applicability within 12 hours, then ions need to be initiated to increase the RCS water level to either 20% pressurizer level or to a refueling cavity.
The SWS cooling of the CCS HXs involves two SWS pumps and cooling tower fans and the SWS line to the RNS HXs. The valves in the SWS lines should be open prior to the plant entering these conditions. One of the SWS pumps and its cooling tower fan has to be operating. The other SWS pump and cooling tower fan may be operating or may be in standby. Standby includes the capability of being able to be placed into operation from the main control room. Subsection 9.2.1 contains additional information on the CCS.
nned maintenance affecting this SWS cooling function should be performed in MODES when the S is not supporting RNS operation, ie during MODES 1, 2, 3. The bases for this ommendation is that the SWS is more risk important during shutdown MODES, especially during MODES of applicability conditions than during other MODES.
Both SWS pumps and cooling tower fans should be available during the MODES of applicability when the loss of RNS cooling is risk important. If both SWS pumps and cooling tower fans are not available, the plant should not enter these conditions. If the plant has entered these conditions, then the plant should take action to restore both SWS pumps / fans or to leave these conditions. If the plant has not restored full system operation or left the MODES of applicability within 12 hours, then actions need to be initiated to increase the RCS water level to either 20% pressurizer level or to a full refueling cavity.
16.3-21                                      Revision 1
Planned maintenance affecting this SWS cooling function should be performed in MODES when the SWS is not supporting RNS operation, ie during MODES 1, 2, 3. The bases for this recommendation is that the SWS is more risk important during shutdown MODES, especially during the MODES of applicability conditions than during other MODES.

Plant Systems Passive Containment Cooling Water Storage Tank (PCCWST) and Spent Fuel Pool Makeup -
16.3-22 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
Long Term Shutdown ERABILITY:                     Long term makeup to the PCCWST and the Spent Fuel Pool should be operable PLICABILITY:                   MODES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ONS CONDITION                         REQUIRED ACTION               COMPLETION TIME Water volume in PCS             A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or 72 hours ancillary tank less than limit.      on-call alternate.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.5 Passive Containment Cooling Water Storage Tank (PCCWST) and Spent Fuel Pool Makeup -
AND A.2 Restore volume to within limits 14 days One required PCS                 B.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or 72 hours ecirculation pump not                on-call alternate.
Long Term Shutdown OPERABILITY:
Long term makeup to the PCCWST and the Spent Fuel Pool should be operable APPLICABILITY:
AND B.2 Restore pump to operable status 14 days 16.3-22                            Revision 1
MODES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Water volume in PCS ancillary tank less than limit.
A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate.
AND A.2 Restore volume to within limits 72 hours 14 days B. One required PCS recirculation pump not operable.
B.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate.
AND B.2 Restore pump to operable status 72 hours 14 days

Required Action and           C.1 Submit report to chief nuclear         1 day associated Completion              officer or on-call alternate detailing Time of Condition A, B not        interim compensatory measures, met.                              cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.
16.3-23 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
AND C.2 Document in plant records the         1 month justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls C. Required Action and associated Completion Time of Condition A, B not met.
RVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE                                     FREQUENCY 2.5.1 Verify water volume in the PCS ancillary tank is > 780,000 gal.         31 days 2.5.2 Record that the required PCS recirculation pump provides               92 days recirculation of the PCCWST at > 100 gpm.
C.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.
2.5.3 Verify that each PCS recirculation pump transfers > 100 gpm from 10 years the PCS ancillary tank to the PCCWST. During this test, each PCS recirculation pump will be powered from a ancillary diesel.
AND C.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
16.3-23                                    Revision 1
1 day 1 month SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 2.5.1 Verify water volume in the PCS ancillary tank is > 780,000 gal.
31 days SR 2.5.2 Record that the required PCS recirculation pump provides recirculation of the PCCWST at > 100 gpm.
92 days SR 2.5.3 Verify that each PCS recirculation pump transfers > 100 gpm from the PCS ancillary tank to the PCCWST. During this test, each PCS recirculation pump will be powered from a ancillary diesel.
10 years

Plant Systems PCCWST and Spent Fuel Pool Makeup - Long Term Shutdown SES:
16.3-24 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
e PCS recirculation pumps provide long-term shutdown support by transferring water from the S ancillary tank to the PCCWST and the spent fuel pool. The specified PCS ancillary water tank ume is sufficient to maintain PCS and Spent Fuel Pool cooling during the 3 to 7 day time period owing an accident. After 7 days, water brought in from offsite allows the PCCWST to continue to vide PCS cooling and makeup to the spent fuel pit. This PCCWST makeup function is important ause it supports long-term shutdown operation. A minimum availability of 90% is assumed for function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and ures to operate.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.5 PCCWST and Spent Fuel Pool Makeup - Long Term Shutdown BASES:
e PCCWST makeup function involves the use of one PCS recirculation pump, the PCS ancillary k and the line connecting the PCS ancillary tank with the PCCWST and spent fuel pool. One S recirculation pump normally operates to recirculate the PCCWST. Subsections 6.2.2 and 9.1.3 tain additional information on the PCCWST and spent fuel pool makeup function.
The PCS recirculation pumps provide long-term shutdown support by transferring water from the PCS ancillary tank to the PCCWST and the spent fuel pool. The specified PCS ancillary water tank volume is sufficient to maintain PCS and Spent Fuel Pool cooling during the 3 to 7 day time period following an accident. After 7 days, water brought in from offsite allows the PCCWST to continue to provide PCS cooling and makeup to the spent fuel pit. This PCCWST makeup function is important because it supports long-term shutdown operation. A minimum availability of 90% is assumed for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.
e PCCWST makeup function should be available during MODES of operation when PCS and nt fuel pool cooling is required; one PCS recirculation pump and PCS ancillary tank should be ilable during all MODES.
The PCCWST makeup function involves the use of one PCS recirculation pump, the PCS ancillary tank and the line connecting the PCS ancillary tank with the PCCWST and spent fuel pool. One PCS recirculation pump normally operates to recirculate the PCCWST. Subsections 6.2.2 and 9.1.3 contain additional information on the PCCWST and spent fuel pool makeup function.
nned maintenance should be performed on the redundant pump (ie the pump not required to be ilable). Planned maintenance affecting the PCS ancillary tank that requires less than 72 hours to form can be performed in any MODE of operation. Planned maintenance requiring more than hours should be performed in MODES 5 or 6 when the calculated core decay heat is 6.0 MWt.
The PCCWST makeup function should be available during MODES of operation when PCS and spent fuel pool cooling is required; one PCS recirculation pump and PCS ancillary tank should be available during all MODES.
e bases for this recommendation is that the long-term PCS makeup is not required in this dition, and in most cases, the PCCWST can provide the required makeup to the spent fuel pool.
Planned maintenance should be performed on the redundant pump (ie the pump not required to be available). Planned maintenance affecting the PCS ancillary tank that requires less than 72 hours to perform can be performed in any MODE of operation. Planned maintenance requiring more than 72 hours should be performed in MODES 5 or 6 when the calculated core decay heat is 6.0 MWt.
16.3-24                                    Revision 1
The bases for this recommendation is that the long-term PCS makeup is not required in this condition, and in most cases, the PCCWST can provide the required makeup to the spent fuel pool.

Plant Systems Main Control Room (MCR) Cooling - Long Term Shutdown ERABILITY:               Long term cooling of the MCR should be operable PLICABILITY:             MODES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 TIONS CONDITION                     REQUIRED ACTION               COMPLETION TIME One required MCR ancillary A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or   72 hours fans not operable.              on-call alternate.
16.3-25 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
AND A.2 Restore one fan to operable       14 days status Required Action and         B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear 1 day associated Completion            officer or on-call alternate Time not met.                    detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.6 Main Control Room (MCR) Cooling - Long Term Shutdown OPERABILITY:
AND B.2 Document in plant records the     1 month justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
Long term cooling of the MCR should be operable APPLICABILITY:
16.3-25                            Revision 1
MODES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. One required MCR ancillary fans not operable.
A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate.
AND A.2 Restore one fan to operable status 72 hours 14 days B. Required Action and associated Completion Time not met.
B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.
AND B.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
1 day 1 month

VEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE                                       FREQUENCY 2.6.1 Operate required MCR ancillary fan for > 15 min                       92 days 2.6.2 Verify that each MCR ancillary fan can provide a flow of air into the 10 years MCR for >15 min. During this test, the MCR ancillary fans will be powered from the ancillary diesels.
16.3-26 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
16.3-26                                    Revision 1
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 2.6.1 Operate required MCR ancillary fan for > 15 min 92 days SR 2.6.2 Verify that each MCR ancillary fan can provide a flow of air into the MCR for >15 min. During this test, the MCR ancillary fans will be powered from the ancillary diesels.
10 years

Plant Systems MCR Cooling - Long Term Shutdown SES:
16.3-27 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
e MCR ancillary fans provide long term shutdown support by cooling the main control room. For first three days after an accident the emergency HVAC system (VES) together with the passive t sinks in the MCR provide cooling of the MCR. After 3 days, the MCR ancillary fans can be d to circulate ambient air through the MCR to provide cooling. The long term MCR cooling ction should be available during all MODES of operation. This long term MCR cooling function is ortant because it supports long-term shutdown operation. A minimum availability of 90% is umed for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance vailability and failures to operate.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.6 MCR Cooling - Long Term Shutdown BASES:
e long term MCR cooling function involves the use of a MCR ancillary fan. During SR 2.6.1 the will be run to verify that it operates without providing flow to the MCR. During SR 2.6.2 each fan be connected to the MCR and operated such that they provide flow to the MCR.
The MCR ancillary fans provide long term shutdown support by cooling the main control room. For the first three days after an accident the emergency HVAC system (VES) together with the passive heat sinks in the MCR provide cooling of the MCR. After 3 days, the MCR ancillary fans can be used to circulate ambient air through the MCR to provide cooling. The long term MCR cooling function should be available during all MODES of operation. This long term MCR cooling function is important because it supports long-term shutdown operation. A minimum availability of 90% is assumed for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.
bsection 9.4.1 contains additional information on the long term MCR cooling function.
The long term MCR cooling function involves the use of a MCR ancillary fan. During SR 2.6.1 the fan will be run to verify that it operates without providing flow to the MCR. During SR 2.6.2 each fan will be connected to the MCR and operated such that they provide flow to the MCR.
e MCR ancillary fan should be available during all MODES of plant operation. Planned intenance should not be performed on the required MCR ancillary fan during a required MODE peration; planned maintenance should be performed on the redundant MCR ancillary fan (ie the not required to be available) during MODES 3 or 4, MODE 5 with a visible pressurizer level or DE 6 with the refueling cavity full; these MODES are selected because the reactor is tripped in se MODES and the risk of core damage is low.
Subsection 9.4.1 contains additional information on the long term MCR cooling function.
16.3-27                                  Revision 1
One MCR ancillary fan should be available during all MODES of plant operation. Planned maintenance should not be performed on the required MCR ancillary fan during a required MODE of operation; planned maintenance should be performed on the redundant MCR ancillary fan (ie the fan not required to be available) during MODES 3 or 4, MODE 5 with a visible pressurizer level or MODE 6 with the refueling cavity full; these MODES are selected because the reactor is tripped in these MODES and the risk of core damage is low.

Plant Systems I&C Room Cooling - Long Term Shutdown ERABILITY:                 Long term cooling of I&C rooms B & C should be operable PLICABILITY:               MODES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ONS CONDITION                       REQUIRED ACTION                   COMPLETION TIME One required I&C room       A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or         72 hours ancillary fan not operable.      on-call alternate.
16.3-28 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
AND A.2 Restore one fan to operable status 14 days Required Action and         B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear         1 day associated Completion            officer or on-call alternate detailing Time not met.                    interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.7 I&C Room Cooling - Long Term Shutdown OPERABILITY:
AND B.2 Document in plant records the           1 month justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
Long term cooling of I&C rooms B & C should be operable APPLICABILITY:
16.3-28                              Revision 1
MODES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. One required I&C room ancillary fan not operable.
A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate.
AND A.2 Restore one fan to operable status 72 hours 14 days B. Required Action and associated Completion Time not met.
B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.
AND B.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
1 day 1 month

VEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE                                     FREQUENCY 2.7.1 Operate required I&C room ancillary fan for > 15 min                   92 days 2.7.2 Verify that each I&C room ancillary fan can provide a flow of air into 10 years an I&C room for >15 min. During this test, the I&C room ancillary fans will be powered from an ancillary diesel.
16.3-29 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
16.3-29                                      Revision 1
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 2.7.1 Operate required I&C room ancillary fan for > 15 min 92 days SR 2.7.2 Verify that each I&C room ancillary fan can provide a flow of air into an I&C room for >15 min. During this test, the I&C room ancillary fans will be powered from an ancillary diesel.
10 years

Plant Systems I&C Room Cooling - Long Term Shutdown SES:
16.3-30 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
e I&C room ancillary fans provide long term shutdown support by cooling I&C rooms B & C which tain post accident instrument processing equipment. For the first three days after an accident passive heat sinks in the I&C rooms provide cooling. After 3 days, the I&C room ancillary fans be used to circulate ambient air through the I&C room to provide cooling. The long term I&C m cooling function should be available during all MODES of operation. This long term I&C room ling function is important because it supports long-term shutdown operation. A minimum ilability of 90% is assumed for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both intenance unavailability and failures to operate.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.7 I&C Room Cooling - Long Term Shutdown BASES:
e long term I&C room cooling function involves the use of two I&C room ancillary fans; each fan ssociated with one I&C room (B or C). During SR 2.6.1 the required fan will be run to verify that perates without providing flow to the I&C room. During SR 2.6.2 each fan will be connected to its ociated I&C room and operated such that flow is provided to the I&C room. Subsection 9.4.1 tains additional information on the long term I&C room cooling function.
The I&C room ancillary fans provide long term shutdown support by cooling I&C rooms B & C which contain post accident instrument processing equipment. For the first three days after an accident the passive heat sinks in the I&C rooms provide cooling. After 3 days, the I&C room ancillary fans can be used to circulate ambient air through the I&C room to provide cooling. The long term I&C room cooling function should be available during all MODES of operation. This long term I&C room cooling function is important because it supports long-term shutdown operation. A minimum availability of 90% is assumed for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.
e I&C room ancillary fan should be available during all MODES of plant operation. Planned intenance should not be performed on the required I&C room ancillary fan during a required DE of operation; planned maintenance should be performed on the redundant I&C room illary fan.
The long term I&C room cooling function involves the use of two I&C room ancillary fans; each fan is associated with one I&C room (B or C). During SR 2.6.1 the required fan will be run to verify that it operates without providing flow to the I&C room. During SR 2.6.2 each fan will be connected to its associated I&C room and operated such that flow is provided to the I&C room. Subsection 9.4.1 contains additional information on the long term I&C room cooling function.
16.3-30                                  Revision 1
One I&C room ancillary fan should be available during all MODES of plant operation. Planned maintenance should not be performed on the required I&C room ancillary fan during a required MODE of operation; planned maintenance should be performed on the redundant I&C room ancillary fan.

Plant Systems Hydrogen Ignitors ERABILITY:               Hydrogen ignitors should be operable in accordance with Table 2.8-1 PLICABILITY:           MODE 1, 2, MODE 5 with RCS pressure boundary open, MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full IONS CONDITION                       REQUIRED ACTION                   COMPLETION TIME One or more required         A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or       72 hours hydrogen ignitor inoperable. on-call alternate.
16.3-31 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
AND A.2 Restore required ignitors to           14 days operable status.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.8 Hydrogen Ignitors OPERABILITY:
Required Action and         B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear         1 day associated Completion            officer or on-call alternate detailing Time of Condition A not met. interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.
Hydrogen ignitors should be operable in accordance with Table 2.8-1 APPLICABILITY:
AND B.2 Document in plant records the         1 month justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
MODE 1, 2, MODE 5 with RCS pressure boundary open, MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. One or more required hydrogen ignitor inoperable.
16.3-31                                    Revision 1
A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate.
AND A.2 Restore required ignitors to operable status.
72 hours 14 days B. Required Action and associated Completion Time of Condition A not met.
B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.
AND B.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
1 day 1 month

RVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE                               FREQUENCY 2.8.1 Energize each required hydrogen ignitor and verify the surface Each refueling temperature is > 1700&deg;F.                                       outage 16.3-32                                Revision 1
16.3-32 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 2.8.1 Energize each required hydrogen ignitor and verify the surface temperature is > 1700&deg;F.
Each refueling outage

le 2.8-1, Hydrogen Ignitors cation                                              Hydrogen Ignitors                                Number Group 1                   Group 2               Available (1)
16.3-33 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Notes:
Reactor Cavity                                      (2)                        (2)                  na Loop Compartment 01                                  12,13                      11,14                3 of 4 Loop Compartment 02                                  5,8                        6,7                  3 of 4 Pressurizer Compartment                              49,60                      50,59                3 of 4 Tunnel connecting Loop                              1,3,31                    2,4,30                5 of 6 Compartments Southeast Valve Room &                              21                        20                    2 of 2 Southeast Accumulator Room East Valve Room, Northeast                          18                        17,19                (3)
Accumulator Room, & Northeast Valve Room North CVS Equipment Room                            34                        33                    2 of 2 Lower Compartment Area                              22,27,28,29,31,            23,24,25,26,30        10 of 11 (CMT and Valve Area)                              32 IRWST                                                9,35,37                    10,36,38              5 of 6 IRWST inlet                                          16                        15                    2 of 2 Refueling Cavity                                    55,58                      56,57                3 of 4 Upper Compartment
  - Lower Region                                    39,42,43,44,47            40,41,45,46,47        9 of 10
  - Mid Region                                      51,54                      52,53                2 of 4
  - Upper Region                                    61,63                      62,64                2 of 4 s:
In each location, the minimum number of ignitors that should be available are defined in this column.
In each location, the minimum number of ignitors that should be available are defined in this column.
Ignitors in this location are shared with other locations.
Ignitors in this location are shared with other locations.
Ignitor 18 and either 17 or 19 should be available.
Ignitor 18 and either 17 or 19 should be available.
16.3-33                                           Revision 1
Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls Table 2.8-1, Hydrogen Ignitors Location Hydrogen Ignitors Group 1 Group 2 Number Available (1)
- Reactor Cavity (2)
(2) na
- Loop Compartment 01 12,13 11,14 3 of 4
- Loop Compartment 02 5,8 6,7 3 of 4
- Pressurizer Compartment 49,60 50,59 3 of 4
- Tunnel connecting Loop Compartments 1,3,31 2,4,30 5 of 6
- Southeast Valve Room &
Southeast Accumulator Room 21 20 2 of 2
- East Valve Room, Northeast Accumulator Room, & Northeast Valve Room 18 17,19 (3)
- North CVS Equipment Room 34 33 2 of 2
- Lower Compartment Area 22,27,28,29,31, 23,24,25,26,30 10 of 11 (CMT and Valve Area) 32
- IRWST 9,35,37 10,36,38 5 of 6
- IRWST inlet 16 15 2 of 2
- Refueling Cavity 55,58 56,57 3 of 4
- Upper Compartment
- Lower Region 39,42,43,44,47 40,41,45,46,47 9 of 10
- Mid Region 51,54 52,53 2 of 4
- Upper Region 61,63 62,64 2 of 4

Plant Systems Hydrogen Ignitors SES:
16.3-34 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
e hydrogen ignitors should be available to provide the capability of burning hydrogen generated ing severe accidents in order to prevent failure of the containment due to hydrogen detonation.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.8 Hydrogen Ignitors BASES:
ese hydrogen ignitors are required by 10 CFR 50.34 to limit the buildup of hydrogen to less than
The hydrogen ignitors should be available to provide the capability of burning hydrogen generated during severe accidents in order to prevent failure of the containment due to hydrogen detonation.
% assuming that 100% of the active zircaloy fuel cladding is oxidized.
These hydrogen ignitors are required by 10 CFR 50.34 to limit the buildup of hydrogen to less than 10% assuming that 100% of the active zircaloy fuel cladding is oxidized.
s function is also important because it provides margin in the PRA sensitivity performed uming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate at-power and shutdown events. The rgin provided in the PRA study assumes a minimum availability of 90% for this function during MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.
This function is also important because it provides margin in the PRA sensitivity performed assuming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate at-power and shutdown events. The margin provided in the PRA study assumes a minimum availability of 90% for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.
e ignitors are distributed in the containment to limit the buildup of hydrogen in local areas. Two ups of ignitors are provided in each area; one of which is sufficient to limit the buildup of rogen. When an ignitor is energized, the ignitor surface heats up to 1700&deg;F. This temperature is ficient to ignite hydrogen in the vicinity of the ignitor when the lower flammability limit is reached.
The ignitors are distributed in the containment to limit the buildup of hydrogen in local areas. Two groups of ignitors are provided in each area; one of which is sufficient to limit the buildup of hydrogen. When an ignitor is energized, the ignitor surface heats up to 1700&deg;F. This temperature is sufficient to ignite hydrogen in the vicinity of the ignitor when the lower flammability limit is reached.
bsection 6.2.4 provides additional information.
Subsection 6.2.4 provides additional information.
e hydrogen ignitor function should be available during MODES 1 and 2 when core decay heat is h and during MODE 5 when the RCS pressure boundary is open and in MODE 6 when the ueling cavity is not full. Planned maintenance should be performed on hydrogen ignitors when y are not required to meet this availability control. Table 2.8-1 indicates the minimum number of rogen ignitors that should be available.
The hydrogen ignitor function should be available during MODES 1 and 2 when core decay heat is high and during MODE 5 when the RCS pressure boundary is open and in MODE 6 when the refueling cavity is not full. Planned maintenance should be performed on hydrogen ignitors when they are not required to meet this availability control. Table 2.8-1 indicates the minimum number of hydrogen ignitors that should be available.
16.3-34                                      Revision 1

Electrical Power Systems AC Power Supplies ERABILITY:                   One standby diesel generator should be operable PLICABILITY:                 MODES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 TIONS CONDITION                     REQUIRED ACTION                 COMPLETION TIME Fuel volume in one required A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or     72 hours standby diesel fuel tank less      on-call alternate.
16.3-35 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
than limit.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 3.0 Electrical Power Systems 3.1 AC Power Supplies OPERABILITY:
AND A.2 Restore volume to within limits   14 days One required fuel transfer     B.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or   72 hours pump or standby diesel            on-call alternate.
One standby diesel generator should be operable APPLICABILITY:
generator not operable.
MODES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Fuel volume in one required standby diesel fuel tank less than limit.
AND B.2 Restore pump and diesel           14 days generator to operable status 16.3-35                              Revision 1
A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate.
AND A.2 Restore volume to within limits 72 hours 14 days B. One required fuel transfer pump or standby diesel generator not operable.
B.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate.
AND B.2 Restore pump and diesel generator to operable status 72 hours 14 days

Required Action and           C.1 Submit report to chief nuclear           1 day associated Completion                officer or on-call alternate detailing Time not met.                        interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.
16.3-36 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
AND C.2 Document in plant records the           1 month justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls C. Required Action and associated Completion Time not met.
RVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE                                       FREQUENCY 3.1.1 Verify that the fuel oil volume in the required standby diesel           31 days generator fuel tank is > 50,000 gal.
C.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.
3.1.2 Record that the required fuel oil transfer pump provides a               92 days recirculation flow of > 8 gpm.
AND C.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
3.1.3 Verify that the required standby diesel generator starts and             92 days operates at > 4000 kw for > 1 hour. This test may utilize diesel engine prelube prior to starting and a warmup period prior to loading.
1 day 1 month SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 3.1.1 Verify that the fuel oil volume in the required standby diesel generator fuel tank is > 50,000 gal.
3.1.4 Verify that each standby diesel generator starts and operates at         10 years
31 days SR 3.1.2 Record that the required fuel oil transfer pump provides a recirculation flow of > 8 gpm.
          > 4000 kw for > 24 hours. This test may utilize diesel engine prelube prior to starting and a warmup period prior to loading. Both diesel generators will be operated at the same time during this test.
92 days SR 3.1.3 Verify that the required standby diesel generator starts and operates at > 4000 kw for > 1 hour. This test may utilize diesel engine prelube prior to starting and a warmup period prior to loading.
16.3-36                                    Revision 1
92 days SR 3.1.4 Verify that each standby diesel generator starts and operates at  
> 4000 kw for > 24 hours. This test may utilize diesel engine prelube prior to starting and a warmup period prior to loading. Both diesel generators will be operated at the same time during this test.
10 years

Electrical Power Systems AC Power Supplies SES:
16.3-37 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
power is required to power the RNS and to provide a nonsafety-related means of supplying wer to the safety-related PMS for actuation and post accident monitoring. The RNS provides a safety-related means to inject water into the RCS following ADS actuations in MODES 1,2,3,4 en steam generators cool the RCS). This AC power supply function is important because it adds rgin to the PRA sensitivity performed assuming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate power and shutdown events. The margin provided in the PRA study assumes a minimum ilability of 90% for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance vailability and failures to operate.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 3.0 Electrical Power Systems 3.1 AC Power Supplies BASES:
o standby diesel generators are provided. Each standby diesel generator has its own fuel oil nsfer pump and fuel oil tank. The volume of fuel oil required is that volume that is above the nection to the fuel oil transfer pump. Subsection 8.3.1 contains additional information.
AC power is required to power the RNS and to provide a nonsafety-related means of supplying power to the safety-related PMS for actuation and post accident monitoring. The RNS provides a nonsafety-related means to inject water into the RCS following ADS actuations in MODES 1,2,3,4 (when steam generators cool the RCS). This AC power supply function is important because it adds margin to the PRA sensitivity performed assuming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate at-power and shutdown events. The margin provided in the PRA study assumes a minimum availability of 90% for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.
s AC power supply function should be available during MODES 1,2,3,4,5 when RNS injection PMS actuation are more risk important. Planned maintenance should not be performed on uired AC power supply SSCs during a required MODE of operation; planned maintenance uld be performed on redundant AC power supply SSCs during MODES 1, 2, 3 when the RNS is normally in operation. The bases for this recommendation is that the AC power is more risk ortant during shutdown MODES, especially when the RCS is open as defined in availability trol 2.2, than during other MODES.
Two standby diesel generators are provided. Each standby diesel generator has its own fuel oil transfer pump and fuel oil tank. The volume of fuel oil required is that volume that is above the connection to the fuel oil transfer pump. Subsection 8.3.1 contains additional information.
16.3-37                                    Revision 1
This AC power supply function should be available during MODES 1,2,3,4,5 when RNS injection and PMS actuation are more risk important. Planned maintenance should not be performed on required AC power supply SSCs during a required MODE of operation; planned maintenance should be performed on redundant AC power supply SSCs during MODES 1, 2, 3 when the RNS is not normally in operation. The bases for this recommendation is that the AC power is more risk important during shutdown MODES, especially when the RCS is open as defined in availability control 2.2, than during other MODES.

Electrical Power Systems AC Power Supplies - RCS Open ERABILITY:               Two AC power supplies should be operable to support RNS operation PLICABILITY:             MODE 5 with RCS pressure boundary open, MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full TIONS CONDITION                       REQUIRED ACTION                 COMPLETION TIME One required AC power       A.1 Initiate actions to increase the     12 hours supply not operable.              water inventory above the core.
16.3-38 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
AND A.2 Remove plant from applicable         72 hours MODES Required Action and         B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear       1 day associated Completion            officer or on-call alternate Time not met.                    detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 3.0 Electrical Power Systems 3.2 AC Power Supplies - RCS Open OPERABILITY:
AND B.2 Document in plant records the         1 month justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
Two AC power supplies should be operable to support RNS operation APPLICABILITY:
16.3-38                                  Revision 1
MODE 5 with RCS pressure boundary open, MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. One required AC power supply not operable.
A.1 Initiate actions to increase the water inventory above the core.
AND A.2 Remove plant from applicable MODES 12 hours 72 hours B. Required Action and associated Completion Time not met.
B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.
AND B.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
1 day 1 month

VEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE                               FREQUENCY 3.2.1 Verify that the required number of AC power supplies are operable Within 1 day prior to entering the MODES of applicability 16.3-39                                  Revision 1
16.3-39 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 3.2.1 Verify that the required number of AC power supplies are operable Within 1 day prior to entering the MODES of applicability

Electrical Power Systems AC Power Supplies - RCS Open SES:
16.3-40 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
power is required to power the RNS and its required support systems (CCS & SWS); the RNS vides a nonsafety-related means to normally cool the RCS during shutdown operations. This S cooling function is important when the RCS pressure boundary is open and the refueling vity is not flooded because it reduces the probability of an initiating event due to loss of RNS oling during these conditions and because it provides margin in the PRA sensitivity performed suming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate at-power and shutdown events. The S is considered open when its pressure boundary is not intact. The RCS is also considered en if there is no visible level in the pressurizer. The margin provided in the PRA study assumes minimum availability of 90% for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both intenance unavailability and failures to operate.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 3.0 Electrical Power Systems 3.2 AC Power Supplies - RCS Open BASES:
o AC power supplies, one offsite and one onsite supply, should be available as follows:
AC power is required to power the RNS and its required support systems (CCS & SWS); the RNS provides a nonsafety-related means to normally cool the RCS during shutdown operations. This RNS cooling function is important when the RCS pressure boundary is open and the refueling cavity is not flooded because it reduces the probability of an initiating event due to loss of RNS cooling during these conditions and because it provides margin in the PRA sensitivity performed assuming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate at-power and shutdown events. The RCS is considered open when its pressure boundary is not intact. The RCS is also considered open if there is no visible level in the pressurizer. The margin provided in the PRA study assumes a minimum availability of 90% for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.
Two AC power supplies, one offsite and one onsite supply, should be available as follows:
a) Offsite power through the transmission switchyard and either the main step-up transformer / unit auxiliary transformer or the reserve auxiliary transformer supply from the transmission switchyard, and b) Onsite power from one of the two standby diesel generators.
a) Offsite power through the transmission switchyard and either the main step-up transformer / unit auxiliary transformer or the reserve auxiliary transformer supply from the transmission switchyard, and b) Onsite power from one of the two standby diesel generators.
bsection 8.3.1 contains additional information on the standby diesel generators. Section 8.2 ntains information on the offsite AC power supply.
Subsection 8.3.1 contains additional information on the standby diesel generators. Section 8.2 contains information on the offsite AC power supply.
e offsite and one onsite AC power supply should be available during the MODES of applicability en the loss of RNS cooling is important. If both of these AC power supplies are not available, plant should not enter these conditions. If the plant has already entered these conditions, then plant should take action to restore this AC power supply function or to leave these conditions. If plant has not restored full system operation or left the MODES of applicability within 12 hours, n actions need to be initiated to increase the RCS water level to either 20% pressurizer level or a full refueling cavity.
One offsite and one onsite AC power supply should be available during the MODES of applicability when the loss of RNS cooling is important. If both of these AC power supplies are not available, the plant should not enter these conditions. If the plant has already entered these conditions, then the plant should take action to restore this AC power supply function or to leave these conditions. If the plant has not restored full system operation or left the MODES of applicability within 12 hours, then actions need to be initiated to increase the RCS water level to either 20% pressurizer level or to a full refueling cavity.
nned maintenance should not be performed on required AC power supply SSCs. Planned intenance affecting the standby diesel generators should be performed in MODES 1, 2, 3 when RNS is not normally in operation. Planned maintenance of the other AC power supply should performed in MODES 2, 3, or MODE 6 with the refueling cavity full. The bases for this ommendation is that the AC power is more risk important during shutdown MODES, especially ring the MODES of applicability conditions than during other MODES.
Planned maintenance should not be performed on required AC power supply SSCs. Planned maintenance affecting the standby diesel generators should be performed in MODES 1, 2, 3 when the RNS is not normally in operation. Planned maintenance of the other AC power supply should be performed in MODES 2, 3, or MODE 6 with the refueling cavity full. The bases for this recommendation is that the AC power is more risk important during shutdown MODES, especially during the MODES of applicability conditions than during other MODES.
16.3-40                                    Revision 1

Electrical Power Systems AC Power Supplies - Long Term Shutdown ERABILITY:                 One ancillary diesel generator should be operable PLICABILITY:               MODES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 IONS CONDITION                     REQUIRED ACTION                 COMPLETION TIME Fuel volume in ancillary   A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or     72 hours diesel fuel tank less than      on-call alternate.
16.3-41 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 3.0 Electrical Power Systems 3.3 AC Power Supplies - Long Term Shutdown OPERABILITY:
AND A.2 Restore volume to within limits     14 days One required ancillary     B.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or     72 hours diesel generator not            on-call alternate.
One ancillary diesel generator should be operable APPLICABILITY:
MODES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Fuel volume in ancillary diesel fuel tank less than limit.
AND B.2 Restore one diesel generator to     14 days operable status 16.3-41                              Revision 1
A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate.
AND A.2 Restore volume to within limits 72 hours 14 days B. One required ancillary diesel generator not operable.
B.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate.
AND B.2 Restore one diesel generator to operable status 72 hours 14 days

Required Action and           C.1 Submit report to chief nuclear           1 day associated Completion              officer or on-call alternate detailing Time not met.                      interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.
16.3-42 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
AND C.2 Document in plant records the           1 month justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls C. Required Action and associated Completion Time not met.
RVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE                                     FREQUENCY 3.3.1 Verify fuel volume in the ancillary fuel tank is >600 gal               31 days 3.3.2 Verify that the required diesel generator starts and operates for >1 92 days hour connected to a test load > 35 kw. This test may utilize diesel engine warmup period prior to loading.
C.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.
16.3-42                                  Revision 1
AND C.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
1 day 1 month SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 3.3.1 Verify fuel volume in the ancillary fuel tank is >600 gal 31 days SR 3.3.2 Verify that the required diesel generator starts and operates for >1 hour connected to a test load > 35 kw. This test may utilize diesel engine warmup period prior to loading.
92 days

3.3.3 Verify that each diesel generator starts and operates for 4 hours     10 years while providing power to the regulating transformer, an ancillary control room fan, an ancillary I&C room fan and a passive containment cooling water storage tank recirculation pump that it will power in a long term post accident condition. Test loads will be applied to the output of the regulating transformers that represent the loads required for post-accident monitoring and control room lighting. This test may utilize diesel engine warmup prior to loading.
16.3-43 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls SR 3.3.3 Verify that each diesel generator starts and operates for 4 hours while providing power to the regulating transformer, an ancillary control room fan, an ancillary I&C room fan and a passive containment cooling water storage tank recirculation pump that it will power in a long term post accident condition. Test loads will be applied to the output of the regulating transformers that represent the loads required for post-accident monitoring and control room lighting. This test may utilize diesel engine warmup prior to loading.
Both diesel generators will be operated at the same time during this test.
Both diesel generators will be operated at the same time during this test.
16.3-43                                  Revision 1
10 years

Electrical Power Systems AC Power Supplies - Long Term Shutdown SES:
16.3-44 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
e ancillary diesel generators provide long term power supplies for post accident monitoring, MCR I&C room cooling, PCS and spent fuel water makeup. For the first three days after an accident 1E batteries provide power for post accident monitoring. Passive heat sinks provide cooling of MCR and the I&C rooms. The initial water supply in the PCCWST provides for at least 3 days of S cooling. The initial water volume in the spent fuel pit normally provides for 7 days of spent fuel ling; in some shutdown events the PCCWST is used to supplement the spent fuel pit. A imum availability of 90% is assumed for this function during the MODES of applicability, sidering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 3.0 Electrical Power Systems 3.3 AC Power Supplies - Long Term Shutdown BASES:
er 3 days, ancillary diesel generators can be used to power the MCR and I&C room ancillary s, the PCS recirculation pumps and MCR lighting. In this time frame, the PCCWST provides ter makeup to both the PCS and the spent fuel pit. An ancillary generator should be available ing all MODES of operation. This long term AC power supply function is important because it ports long-term shutdown operation.
The ancillary diesel generators provide long term power supplies for post accident monitoring, MCR and I&C room cooling, PCS and spent fuel water makeup. For the first three days after an accident the 1E batteries provide power for post accident monitoring. Passive heat sinks provide cooling of the MCR and the I&C rooms. The initial water supply in the PCCWST provides for at least 3 days of PCS cooling. The initial water volume in the spent fuel pit normally provides for 7 days of spent fuel cooling; in some shutdown events the PCCWST is used to supplement the spent fuel pit. A minimum availability of 90% is assumed for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.
e long-term AC power supply function involves the use of two ancillary diesel generators and an illary diesel generator fuel oil storage tank. The specified ancillary fuel oil storage tank volume is ed on operation of both ancillary diesel-generators for 4 days. Subsection 8.3.1 contains itional information on the long-term AC power supply function.
After 3 days, ancillary diesel generators can be used to power the MCR and I&C room ancillary fans, the PCS recirculation pumps and MCR lighting. In this time frame, the PCCWST provides water makeup to both the PCS and the spent fuel pit. An ancillary generator should be available during all MODES of operation. This long term AC power supply function is important because it supports long-term shutdown operation.
e ancillary diesel generator and the ancillary diesel generator fuel oil storage tank should be ilable during all MODES of plant operation. Planned maintenance should not be performed on required ancillary diesel generator during a required MODE of operation; planned maintenance uld be performed on the redundant ancillary diesel generator. Planned maintenance affecting ancillary diesel fuel tank that requires less than 72 hours to perform can be performed in any DE of operation. Planned maintenance requiring more than 72 hours should be performed in DE 6 with the refueling cavity full. The basis for this recommendation is that core decay heat is and the risk of core damage is low in these MODES, the inventory of the refueling cavity results low response of the plant to accidents.
The long-term AC power supply function involves the use of two ancillary diesel generators and an ancillary diesel generator fuel oil storage tank. The specified ancillary fuel oil storage tank volume is based on operation of both ancillary diesel-generators for 4 days. Subsection 8.3.1 contains additional information on the long-term AC power supply function.
16.3-44                                      Revision 1
One ancillary diesel generator and the ancillary diesel generator fuel oil storage tank should be available during all MODES of plant operation. Planned maintenance should not be performed on the required ancillary diesel generator during a required MODE of operation; planned maintenance should be performed on the redundant ancillary diesel generator. Planned maintenance affecting the ancillary diesel fuel tank that requires less than 72 hours to perform can be performed in any MODE of operation. Planned maintenance requiring more than 72 hours should be performed in MODE 6 with the refueling cavity full. The basis for this recommendation is that core decay heat is low and the risk of core damage is low in these MODES, the inventory of the refueling cavity results in slow response of the plant to accidents.

Electrical Power Systems Non Class 1E DC and UPS System (EDS)
16.3-45 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
ERABILITY:                 Power for DAS automatic actuation functions listed in 1.1 and 1.2 should be operable PLICABILITY:               MODES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full TIONS CONDITION                     REQUIRED ACTION                 COMPLETION TIME Power to DAS Function       A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or   72 hours inoperable.                      on-call alternate.
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 3.0 Electrical Power Systems 3.4 Non Class 1E DC and UPS System (EDS)
AND A.2 Restore power supply to DAS 14 days to operable status Required Action and         B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear 1 day associated Completion            officer or on-call alternate Time of Condition A not met.      detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE AND B.2 Document in plant records the 1 month justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
16.3-45                                    Revision 1
Power for DAS automatic actuation functions listed in 1.1 and 1.2 should be operable APPLICABILITY:
MODES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Power to DAS Function inoperable.
A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate.
AND A.2 Restore power supply to DAS to operable status 72 hours 14 days B. Required Action and associated Completion Time of Condition A not met.
B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE AND B.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.
1 day 1 month

VEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE                                   FREQUENCY 3.4.1 Verify power supply voltage at each DAS cabinet is 120 volts +/- 5% 92 days 16.3-46                                Revision 1
16.3-46 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 3.4.1 Verify power supply voltage at each DAS cabinet is 120 volts +/- 5% 92 days

Electrical Power Systems Non Class 1E DC and UPS System (EDS)
16.3-47 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)
Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 3.0 Electrical Power Systems 3.4 Non Class 1E DC and UPS System (EDS)
e EDS function of providing power to DAS to support ATWS mitigation is important based on CFR 50.62 (ATWS Rule) and to support ESFA is important based on providing margin in the A sensitivity performed assuming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate at-power and tdown events. The margin provided in the PRA study assumes a minimum availability of 90% for function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and ures to operate.
e DAS uses a 2 out of 2 logic to actuate automatic functions. EDS power must be available to the S sensors, DAS actuation, and the devices which control the actuated components. Power may provided by EDS to DAS by non-1E batteries through non-1E inverters. Other means of viding power to DAS include the spare battery through a non-1E inverter or non-1E regulating nsformers.
The EDS function of providing power to DAS to support ATWS mitigation is important based on 10 CFR 50.62 (ATWS Rule) and to support ESFA is important based on providing margin in the PRA sensitivity performed assuming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate at-power and shutdown events. The margin provided in the PRA study assumes a minimum availability of 90% for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.
e EDS support of the DAS ATWS mitigation function is required during MODE 1 when ATWS is a ting event and during MODES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 when ESFA is important. The DAS ESFA is uired in MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full. Planned maintenance uld not be performed on a required EDS SSC during a required MODE of operation; planned intenance should be performed on redundant supplies of EDS power.
The DAS uses a 2 out of 2 logic to actuate automatic functions. EDS power must be available to the DAS sensors, DAS actuation, and the devices which control the actuated components. Power may be provided by EDS to DAS by non-1E batteries through non-1E inverters. Other means of providing power to DAS include the spare battery through a non-1E inverter or non-1E regulating transformers.
16.3-47                                    Revision 1}}
The EDS support of the DAS ATWS mitigation function is required during MODE 1 when ATWS is a limiting event and during MODES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 when ESFA is important. The DAS ESFA is required in MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full. Planned maintenance should not be performed on a required EDS SSC during a required MODE of operation; planned maintenance should be performed on redundant supplies of EDS power.}}

Latest revision as of 09:24, 6 January 2025

Duke Energy Wsl III Units 1 & 2 COL (Updated Final Safety Analysis Report) Rev.1 - UFSAR Chapter 16 - Technical Specifications
Person / Time
Site: Lee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/19/2017
From: Donahue J
Duke Energy Carolinas
Office of New Reactors
Hughes B
Download: ML18053A743 (53)


Chapter 16 UFSAR Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction and General Description of the Plant Chapter 2 Site Characteristics Chapter 3 Design of Structures, Components, Equipment and Systems Chapter 4 Reactor Chapter 5 Reactor Coolant System and Connected Systems Chapter 6 Engineered Safety Features Chapter 7 Instrumentation and Controls Chapter 8 Electric Power Chapter 9 Auxiliary Systems Chapter 10 Steam and Power Conversion Chapter 11 Radioactive Waste Management Chapter 12 Radiation Protection Chapter 13 Conduct of Operation Chapter 14 Initial Test Program Chapter 15 Accident Analyses Chapter 16 Technical Specifications Chapter 17 Quality Assurance Chapter 18 Human Factors Engineering Chapter 19 Probabilistic Risk Assessment UFSAR Formatting Legend Color Description Original Westinghouse AP1000 DCD Revision 19 content Departures from AP1000 DCD Revision 19 content Standard FSAR content Site-specific FSAR content Linked cross-references (chapters, appendices, sections, subsections, tables, figures, and references)

16-i Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page CHAPTER 16....................................................................................................................16.1-1 16.1 Technical Specifications.............................................................................. 16.1-1 16.1.1 Introduction to Technical Specifications..................................... 16.1-1 16.1.2 References................................................................................. 16.1-2 16.2 Design Reliability Assurance Program........................................................ 16.2-1 16.3 Investment Protection................................................................................. 16.3-1 16.3.1 Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls............. 16.3-1 16.3.2 Combined License Information................................................... 16.3-2

16-ii Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR LIST OF TABLES Table Number Title Page 16.3-1 List of Investment Protection Short-term Availability Controls...................... 16.3-3 16.3-2 Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls............................... 16.3-4

16.1-1 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Chapter 16 16.1 Technical Specifications 16.1.1 Introduction to Technical Specifications LCO Selection Criteria The screening criteria of 10CFR50.36, c(2)(ii) stated below has been used to identify the structures, systems, and parameters for which Limiting Conditions for Operation (LCOs) have been included in the AP1000 Technical Specifications.


Installed instrumentation that is used to detect, and indicate in the control room, a significant abnormal degradation of the reactor coolant pressure boundary.


A process variable, design feature, or operating restriction that is an initial condition of a Design Basis Accident or Transient Analyses that either assumes the failure of or presents a challenge to the integrity of a fission product barrier.


A structure, system or component that is part of the primary success path and which functions or actuates to mitigate a Design Basis Accident or Transient that either assumes the failure of or presents a challenge to the integrity of a fission product barrier.


Structures, systems, and components which operating experience or probabilistic safety assessment has shown to be important to public health and safety.

Technical Specification Content The content of the AP1000 Technical Specifications meets the 10CFR50.36 requirements and is consistent with the Technical Specification Improvement Program, NUREG 1431, Rev. 2, to the maximum extent possible. The content differs from NUREG 1431 only as necessary to reflect technical differences between the typical Westinghouse design and the AP1000 design.

Completion Times and Surveillance Frequencies The Completion Times and Surveillance Frequencies specified in NUREG 1431 have been applied to similar Actions and Surveillances Requirements in AP1000. Refer to Westinghouse letter DCP/NRC0891 for a discussion regarding selection of Completion Times and Surveillance Frequencies for those AP1000 Tech Specs for which no comparable NUREG 1431 system/function exists and for those AP1000 system design differences which lead to deviations from NUREG 1431 Completion Times and Surveillance Frequencies.

Shutdown Completion Times/Mode Definitions The AP1000 plant design is different from current Westinghouse designs in that the systems normally used for MODE reduction are non-safety systems; and therefore, are not covered by LCO requirements in Technical Specifications. The passive safety systems, which shut down the plant require a longer period of time to accomplish mode changes and can not reduce the RCS temperature to below 200°F.

Combined License Information The set of generic technical specifications were used as a guide in the development of the plant-specific technical specifications. The preliminary information originally provided in brackets [ ]

has been revised with the updated information, including information provided in APP-GW-GLR-064 (Reference 1) and APP-GW-GLN-075 (Reference 2). In accordance with 10 CFR Part 52,

16.1-2 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Appendix D,Section VIII.C.6, following the issuance of the license, the generic technical specifications have no further effect on the plant-specific technical specifications.

16.1.2 References 1.

APP-GW-GLR-064, AP1000 Generic Technical Specifications Completion, Westinghouse Electric Company LLC.


APP-GW-GLN-075, AP1000 Generic Technical Specifications for Design Changes, Westinghouse Electric Company LLC.


APP-RXS-Z0R-001, Revision 2, AP1000 Generic Pressure Temperature Limits Report, F. C. Gift, September 2008.

16.2-1 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR 16.2 Design Reliability Assurance Program See Section 17.4 for information on the AP1000 Design Reliability Assurance Program (D-RAP).

16.3-1 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR 16.3 Investment Protection 16.3.1 Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls The importance of nonsafety-related systems, structures and components in the AP1000 has been evaluated. The evaluation uses PRA insights to identify systems, structures and components that are important in protecting the utilities investment and for preventing and mitigating severe accidents. To provide reasonable assurance that these systems, structures and components are operable during anticipated events short-term availability controls are provided. These investment protection systems, structures and components are also included in the D-RAP/OPRAAs (refer to Section 17.4), which provides confidence that availability and reliability are designed into the plant and that availability and reliability are maintained throughout plant life through the use of reliability assurance activities as listed in Subsection 17.4.4. Technical Specifications are not required for these systems, structures and components because they do not meet the selection criteria applied to the AP1000 (refer to Subsection 16.1.1).

Table 16.3-1 lists nonsafety-related systems, structures and components that have investment protection short-term availability controls. This table also lists the number of trains that should be operable and the plant operating MODES when they should be operable. Table 16.3-2 contains the investment protection short-term availability controls. These short-term availability controls define:

Equipment that should be operable Operational MODES when the equipment should be operable Testing and inspections that should be used to demonstrate the equipments operability Operational MODES that should be used for planned maintenance operations Remedial actions that should be taken if the equipment is not operable Station procedures govern and control the operability of investment protection systems, structures, and components, in accordance with Table 16.3-2, and provide the operating staff with instruction for implementing required actions when operability requirements are not met. Procedure development is addressed in Section 13.5.

Tables 16.3-1 and 16.3-2 contain defined terms that appear in capitalized type. These terms are defined below.

ACTIONSshall be that part of a Specification that prescribes Required Actions to be taken under designated Conditions within specified Completion Times.

CHANNEL CALIBRATIONshall be the adjustment, as necessary, of the channel so that it responds within the required range and accuracy to known input. The CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall encompass the entire channel, including the required sensor, alarm, interlock, display, and trip functions. Calibration of instrument channels with resistance temperature detector (RTD) or thermocouple sensors may consist of an in-place qualitative assessment of sensor behavior and normal calibration of the remaining adjustable devices in the channel. Whenever a sensing element is replaced, the next required CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall include an in-place cross calibration that compares the other sensing elements with the recently installed sensing element. The CHANNEL CALIBRATION may be performed by means of any series of sequential, overlapping calibrations or total channel steps so that the entire channel is calibrated.

CHANNEL CHECKshall be the qualitative assessment, by observation, of channel behavior during operation. This determination shall include, where possible, comparison of the channel indication and status to other indications or status derived from independent instrument channels measuring the same parameter.

16.3-2 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST (COT)shall be the injection of a simulated or TEST (COT) actual signal into the channel as close to the sensor as practicable to verify the OPERABILITY of required alarm, interlock, display, and trip functions. The COT shall include adjustment as necessary, of the required alarm, interlock, and trip setpoints so that the setpoints are within the required range and accuracy.

MODEshall correspond to any one inclusive combination of core reactivity condition, power level, average reactor coolant temperature, and reactor vessel head closure bolt tensioning specified below with fuel in the reactor vessel.

OPERABLE-OPERABILITYsystem, subsystem, train, component, or device is OPERABLE or has OPERABILITY when it is capable of performing its specified safety function(s) and when all necessary attendant instrumentation, controls, normal or emergency electrical power, cooling and seal water, lubrication, and other auxiliary equipment that are required for the system, subsystem, train, component, or device to perform its specified safety function(s) are also capable of performing their related support function(s).

16.3.2 Combined License Information The procedure to control the operability of investment protection systems, structures and components in accordance with Table 16.3-2 is addressed in Subsection 16.3.1.


Excluding decay heat.


All reactor vessel head closure bolts fully tensioned.


One or more reactor vessel head closure bolts less than fully tensioned.




(°F) 1 Power Operation

> 0.99

> 5 NA 2


> 0.99

< 5 NA 3

Hot Standby

< 0.99 NA

> 420 4

Safe Shutdown(b)

< 0.99 NA 420 > Tavg > 200 5

Cold Shutdown(b)

< 0.99 NA

< 200 6



16.3-3 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Alpha Notes:


Refers to the number of trains covered by the availability controls.


Refers to the MODES of plant operation where the availability controls apply.


(1) 2 of 3 AC power supplies (2 standby diesel generators and 1 offsite power supply).


MODE 5 with RCS open.


MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full.

Table 16.3-1 List of Investment Protection Short-term Availability Controls Systems, Structures, Components Number Trains (a)

MODES Operation (b) 1.0 Instrumentation Systems 1.1 DAS ATWS Mitigation 2

1 1.2 DAS ESF Actuation 2

1,2,3,4,5,6 (3) 2.0 Plant Systems 2.1 RNS 1

1,2,3 2.2 RNS - RCS Open 2

5,6 (2,3) 2.3 CCS - RCS Open 2

5,6 (2,3) 2.4 SWS - RCS Open 2

5,6 (2,3) 2.5 PCS Water Makeup - Long Term Shutdown 1

1,2,3,4,5,6 2.6 MCR Cooling - Long Term Shutdown 1

1,2,3,4,5,6 2.7 I&C Room Cooling - Long Term Shutdown 1

1,2,3,4,5,6 2.8 Hydrogen Ignitors 1

1,2,5,6 (2,3) 3.0 Electrical Power Systems 3.1 AC Power Supplies 1

1,2,3,4,5 3.2 AC Power Supplies - RCS Open 2 (1) 5,6 (2,3) 3.3 AC Power Supplies - Long Term Shutdown 1

1,2,3,4,5,6 3.4 Non Class 1E DC and UPS System (EDS) 2 1,2,3,4,5,6 (3)

16.3-4 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 1.0 Instrumentation Systems 1.1 Diverse Actuation System (DAS) ATWS Mitigation OPERABILITY:

DAS ATWS mitigation function listed in Table 1.1-1 should be operable APPLICABILITY:

MODE 1 ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. DAS ATWS Function with one or more required channels inoperable.

A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate.

72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> AND A.2 Restore required channels to operable status.

14 days B. Required Action and associated Completion Time of Condition A not met.

B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.

1 day AND B.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.

1 month

16.3-5 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 1.1.1 Perform CHANNEL CHECK on each required channel.

30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br /> SR 1.1.2 Perform CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST on each required channel.

92 days SR 1.1.3 Perform CHANNEL CALIBRATION on each required channel.

24 months SR 1.1.4 Verify that the MG set field breakers open on demand.

24 months Table 1.1-1, DAS ATWS Functions DAS Function Initiating Signal Number Installed Channels Required Setpoint Rod Drive MG SG Wide 2 per SG 1 per SG

> 27%

Set Trip, Turbine Range Level Trip and PRHR

- Low HX Actuation HL 1 per HL 1 per HL

< 650°F Temperature

- High

16.3-6 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 1.0 Instrumentation Systems 1.1 DAS ATWS Mitigation BASES:

The DAS ATWS mitigation function of reactor trip, turbine trip and passive residual heat removal heat exchanger (PRHR HX) actuation should be available to provide ATWS mitigation capability.

This function is important based on 10 CFR 50.62 (ATWS Rule) and because it provides margin in the PRA sensitivity performed assuming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate at-power and shutdown events. The margin provided in the PRA study assumes a minimum availability of 90% for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to actuate.

The DAS uses a 2 out of 2 logic to actuate automatic functions. When a required channel is unavailable the automatic DAS function is unavailable. Subsection provides additional information. The DAS channels listed in Table 1.1-1 should be available.

Automated operator aids may be used to facilitate performance of the CHANNEL CHECK. An automated tester may be used to facilitate performance of the CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST.

The DAS ATWS mitigation function should be available during MODE 1 when ATWS is a limiting event. Planned maintenance affecting this DAS function should be performed MODES 3, 4, 5, 6; these MODES are selected because the reactor is tripped in these MODES and ATWS can not occur.

16.3-7 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 1.0 Instrumentation Systems 1.2 DAS Engineering Safeguards Features Actuation (ESFA)


DAS ESFA functions listed in Table 1.2-1 should be operable APPLICABILITY:

MODE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. DAS ESFA Functions with one or more required channels inoperable.

A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate.

AND A.2 Restore required channels to operable status.

72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> 14 days B. Required Action and associated Completion Time of Condition A not met.

B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.

AND B.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.

1 day 1 month

16.3-8 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 1.2.1 Perform CHANNEL CHECK on each required CHANNEL 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br /> SR 1.2.2 Perform CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST on each required CHANNEL.

92 days SR 1.2.3 Perform CHANNEL CALIBRATION on each required CHANNEL.

24 months Table 1.2-1, DAS ESFA Functions DAS Function Initiating Signal Number Installed Channels Required Setpoint PRHR HX Actuation SG Wide Level 2 per SG 1 per SG

> 27%

- Low or HL Temp - High 1 per HL 1 per HL

< 650°F CMT Actuation and RCP trip Pzr Level 2


> 7%

- Low or SG Wide Level 2 per SG 1 per SG

> 27%

- Low Passive Cont.

Cooling and Selected Cont.

Isolation Actuation Cont. Temp

-High 2


< 200°F

16.3-9 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 1.0 Instrumentation Systems 1.2 DAS ESFA BASES:

The DAS ESFA functions listed in Table 1.2-1 should be available to provide accident mitigation capability. This function is important because it provides margin in the PRA sensitivity performed assuming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate at-power and shutdown events. The margin provided in the PRA study assumes a minimum availability of 90% for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to actuate.

The DAS uses a 2 out of 2 logic to actuate automatic functions. When a required channel is unavailable the automatic DAS function is unavailable. Subsection provides additional information. The DAS channels listed in Table 1.2-1 should be available.

Automated operator aids may be used to facilitate performance of the CHANNEL CHECK. An automated tester may be used to facilitate performance of the CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST.

The DAS ESFA mitigation functions should be available during MODES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 when accident mitigation is beneficial to the PRA results. The DAS ESFA should be available in MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full. Planned maintenance affecting these DAS functions should be performed in MODE 6 when the refueling cavity is full; this MODE is selected because requiring DAS ESFA are not anticipated in this MODE.

16.3-10 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.1 Normal Residual Heat Removal System (RNS)


One train of RNS injection should be operable APPLICABILITY:


A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate.

AND A.2 Restore one train to operable status 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> 14 days B. Required Action and associated Completion Time not met.

B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.

AND B.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.

1 day 1 month

16.3-11 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 2.1.1 Verify that one RNS pump develops a differential head of 330 feet on recirculation flow 92 days SR 2.1.2 Verify that the following valves stroke open 92 days RNS V011 RNS Discharge Cont. Isolation RNS V022 RNS Suction Header Cont. Isolation RNS V023 RNS Suction from IRWST Isolation RNS V055 RNS Suction from Cask Loading Pit

16.3-12 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.1 RNS BASES:

The RNS injection function provides a nonsafety-related means of injecting IRWST water into the RCS following ADS actuations. The RNS injection function is important because it provides margin in the PRA sensitivity performed assuming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate at-power and shutdown events. The margin provided in the PRA study assumes a minimum availability of 90% for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.

One train of RNS injection includes one RNS pump and the line from the cask loading pit (CLP) to the RCS. One valve in the line between the CLP and the RCS is normally closed and needs to be opened to allow injection. Later on, the RNS suction is switched from the CLP to the IRWST. Two valves in the IRWST line are normally closed and must be opened to allow recirculation. This equipment does not normally operate during MODES 1, 2, 3. Subsection 5.4.7 contains additional information on the RNS.

The RNS injection function should be available during MODES 1, 2, 3 because decay heat is higher and the need for ADS is greater.

Planned maintenance on redundant RNS SSCs should be performed during MODES 1, 2, 3. Such maintenance should be performed on an RNS SSC not required to be available. The bases for this recommendation is that the RNS is more risk important during shutdown MODES when it is normally operating than during other MODES when it only provides a backup to PXS injection.

Planned maintenance on non-redundant RNS valves (such as V011, V022, V023, V055) should be performed to minimize the impact on their RNS injection and their containment isolation capability.

Non-pressure boundary maintenance should be performed during MODE 5 with a visible pressurizer level or MODE 6 with the refueling cavity full. In these MODES, these valves need to be open but they do not need to be able to close. Containment closure which is required in these MODES can be satisfied by one normally open operable valve. Pressure boundary maintenance can not be performed during MODES when the RNS is used to cool the core, therefore such maintenance should be performed during MODES 1, 2, 3. Since these valves are also containment isolation valves, maintenance that renders the valves inoperable requires that the containment isolation valve located in series with the inoperable valve has to closed and de-activated. The bases for this recommendation is that the RNS is more risk important during shutdown MODES when it is normally operating than during other MODES when it only provides a backup to PXS injection. In addition, it is not possible to perform pressure boundary maintenance of these valves during RNS operation.

16.3-13 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.2 Normal Residual Heat Removal System (RNS) - RCS Open OPERABILITY:

Both RNS pumps should be operable for RCS cooling APPLICABILITY:

MODE 5 with RCS pressure boundary open, MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. One pump not operable.

A.1 Initiate actions to increase the water inventory above the core.

AND A.2 Remove plant from applicable MODES 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> 72 hours B. Required Action and associated Completion Time not met.

B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.

AND B.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.

1 day 1 month

16.3-14 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 2.2.1 Verify that one RNS pump is in operation and that each RNS pump operating individually circulates reactor coolant at a flow

> 1580 gpm Within 1 day prior to entering the MODES of applicability OR Verify that both RNS pumps are in operation and circulating reactor coolant at a flow > 2000 gpm

16.3-15 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.2 RNS - RCS Open BASES:

The RNS cooling function provides a nonsafety-related means to normally cool the RCS during shutdown operations (MODES 4, 5, 6). This RNS cooling function is important during conditions when the RCS pressure boundary is open and the refueling cavity is not flooded because it reduces the probability of an initiating event due to loss of RNS cooling and because it provides margin in the PRA sensitivity performed assuming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate at-power and shutdown events. The RCS is considered open when its pressure boundary is not intact. The RCS is also considered open if there is no visible level in the pressurizer. The margin provided in the PRA study assumes a minimum availability of 90% for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.

The RNS cooling of the RCS involves the RNS suction line from the RCS HL, the two RNS pumps and the RNS discharge line returning to the RCS through the DVI lines. The valves located in these lines should be open prior to the plant entering reduced inventory conditions. One of the RNS pumps has to be operating; the other pump may be operating or may be in standby. Standby includes the capability of being able to be placed into operation from the main control room.

Subsection 5.4.7 contains additional information on the RNS.

Both RNS pumps should be available during the MODES of applicability when the loss of RNS cooling is risk important. If both RNS pumps are not available, the plant should not enter these conditions. If the plant has entered reduced inventory conditions, then the plant should take action to restore full system operation or leave the MODES of applicability. If the plant has not restored full system operation or left the MODES of applicability within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />, then actions need to be initiated to increase the RCS water level to either 20% pressurizer level or to a full refueling cavity.

Planned maintenance affecting this RNS cooling function should be performed in MODES 1, 2, 3 when the RNS is not normally operating. The bases for this recommendation is that the RNS is more risk important during shutdown MODES, especially during the MODES of applicability conditions than during other MODES when it only provides a backup to PXS injection.

16.3-16 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.3 Component Cooling Water System (CCS) - RCS Open OPERABILITY:

Both CCS pumps should be operable for RNS cooling APPLICABILITY:

MODE 5 with RCS pressure boundary open, MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. One pump not operable.

A.1 Initiate actions to increase the water inventory above the core.

AND A.2 Remove plant from applicable MODES.

12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> 72 hours B. Required Action and associated Completion Time not met.

B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.

AND B.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.

1 day 1 month

16.3-17 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 2.3.1 Verify that one CCS pump is in operation and each CCS pump operating individually provides a CCS flow through one RNS heat exchanger > 2685 gpm OR Verify that both CCS pumps are in operation and the CCS flow through each RNS heat exchanger is > 2685 gpm Within 1 day prior to entering the MODES of applicability

16.3-18 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.3 CCS - RCS Open BASES:

The CCS cooling of the RNS HXs provides a nonsafety-related means to normally cool the RCS during shutdown operations (MODES 4, 5, 6). This RNS cooling function is important because it reduces the probability of an initiating event due to loss of RNS cooling and because it provides margin in the PRA sensitivity performed assuming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate at-power and shutdown events. The RCS is considered open when its pressure boundary is not intact. The RCS is also considered open if there is no visible level in the pressurizer. The margin provided in the PRA study assumes a minimum availability of 90% for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.

The CCS cooling of the RNS involves two CCS pumps and HXs and the CCS line to the RNS HXs.

The valves around the CCS pumps and HXs and in the lines to the RNS HXs should be open prior to the plant entering these conditions. One of the CCS pumps and its HX has to be operating. One of the lines to a RNS HX also has to be open. The other CCS pump and HX may be operating or may be in standby. Standby includes the capability of being able to be placed into operation from the main control room. Subsection 9.2.2 contains additional information on the CCS.

Both CCS pumps should be available during the MODES of applicability when the loss of RNS cooling is risk important. If both CCS pumps are not available, the plant should not enter these conditions. If the plant has entered these conditions, then the plant should take action to restore both CCS pumps or to leave these conditions. If the plant has not restored full system operation or left the MODES of applicability within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />, then actions need to be initiated to increase the RCS water level to either 20% pressurizer level or to a full refueling cavity.

Planned maintenance affecting this CCS cooling function should be performed in MODES 1, 2, 3 when the CCS is not supporting RNS operation. The bases for this recommendation is that the CCS is more risk important during shutdown MODES, especially during the MODES of applicability conditions than during other MODES.

16.3-19 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.4 Service Water System (SWS) - RCS Open OPERABILITY:

Both SWS pumps and cooling tower fans should be operable for CCS cooling APPLICABILITY:

MODE 5 with RCS pressure boundary open, MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. One pump or fan not operable.

A.1 Initiate actions to increase the water inventory above the core.

AND A.2 Remove plant from applicable MODES.

12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> 72 hours B. Required Action and associated Completion Time not met.

B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.

AND B.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.

1 day 1 month

16.3-20 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 2.4.1 Verify that one SWS pump is operating and that each SWS pump operating individually provides a SWS flow > 10,000 gpm Within 1 day prior to entering the MODES of applicability SR 2.4.2 Operate each cooling tower fan for > 15 min Within 1 day prior to entering the MODES of applicability

16.3-21 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.4 SWS - RCS Open BASES:

The SWS cooling of the CCS HXs provides a nonsafety-related means to normally cool the RNS HX which cool the RCS during shutdown operations (MODES 4, 5, 6). This RNS cooling function is important because it reduces the probability of an initiating event due to loss of RNS cooling and because it provides margin in the PRA sensitivity performed assuming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate at-power and shutdown events. The RCS is considered open when its pressure boundary is not intact. The RCS is also considered open if there is no visible level in the pressurizer. The margin provided in the PRA study assumes a minimum availability of 90%

for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.

The SWS cooling of the CCS HXs involves two SWS pumps and cooling tower fans and the SWS line to the RNS HXs. The valves in the SWS lines should be open prior to the plant entering these conditions. One of the SWS pumps and its cooling tower fan has to be operating. The other SWS pump and cooling tower fan may be operating or may be in standby. Standby includes the capability of being able to be placed into operation from the main control room. Subsection 9.2.1 contains additional information on the CCS.

Both SWS pumps and cooling tower fans should be available during the MODES of applicability when the loss of RNS cooling is risk important. If both SWS pumps and cooling tower fans are not available, the plant should not enter these conditions. If the plant has entered these conditions, then the plant should take action to restore both SWS pumps / fans or to leave these conditions. If the plant has not restored full system operation or left the MODES of applicability within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />, then actions need to be initiated to increase the RCS water level to either 20% pressurizer level or to a full refueling cavity.

Planned maintenance affecting this SWS cooling function should be performed in MODES when the SWS is not supporting RNS operation, ie during MODES 1, 2, 3. The bases for this recommendation is that the SWS is more risk important during shutdown MODES, especially during the MODES of applicability conditions than during other MODES.

16.3-22 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.5 Passive Containment Cooling Water Storage Tank (PCCWST) and Spent Fuel Pool Makeup -

Long Term Shutdown OPERABILITY:

Long term makeup to the PCCWST and the Spent Fuel Pool should be operable APPLICABILITY:

MODES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Water volume in PCS ancillary tank less than limit.

A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate.

AND A.2 Restore volume to within limits 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> 14 days B. One required PCS recirculation pump not operable.

B.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate.

AND B.2 Restore pump to operable status 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> 14 days

16.3-23 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls C. Required Action and associated Completion Time of Condition A, B not met.

C.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.

AND C.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.

1 day 1 month SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 2.5.1 Verify water volume in the PCS ancillary tank is > 780,000 gal.

31 days SR 2.5.2 Record that the required PCS recirculation pump provides recirculation of the PCCWST at > 100 gpm.

92 days SR 2.5.3 Verify that each PCS recirculation pump transfers > 100 gpm from the PCS ancillary tank to the PCCWST. During this test, each PCS recirculation pump will be powered from a ancillary diesel.

10 years

16.3-24 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.5 PCCWST and Spent Fuel Pool Makeup - Long Term Shutdown BASES:

The PCS recirculation pumps provide long-term shutdown support by transferring water from the PCS ancillary tank to the PCCWST and the spent fuel pool. The specified PCS ancillary water tank volume is sufficient to maintain PCS and Spent Fuel Pool cooling during the 3 to 7 day time period following an accident. After 7 days, water brought in from offsite allows the PCCWST to continue to provide PCS cooling and makeup to the spent fuel pit. This PCCWST makeup function is important because it supports long-term shutdown operation. A minimum availability of 90% is assumed for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.

The PCCWST makeup function involves the use of one PCS recirculation pump, the PCS ancillary tank and the line connecting the PCS ancillary tank with the PCCWST and spent fuel pool. One PCS recirculation pump normally operates to recirculate the PCCWST. Subsections 6.2.2 and 9.1.3 contain additional information on the PCCWST and spent fuel pool makeup function.

The PCCWST makeup function should be available during MODES of operation when PCS and spent fuel pool cooling is required; one PCS recirculation pump and PCS ancillary tank should be available during all MODES.

Planned maintenance should be performed on the redundant pump (ie the pump not required to be available). Planned maintenance affecting the PCS ancillary tank that requires less than 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> to perform can be performed in any MODE of operation. Planned maintenance requiring more than 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> should be performed in MODES 5 or 6 when the calculated core decay heat is 6.0 MWt.

The bases for this recommendation is that the long-term PCS makeup is not required in this condition, and in most cases, the PCCWST can provide the required makeup to the spent fuel pool.

16.3-25 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.6 Main Control Room (MCR) Cooling - Long Term Shutdown OPERABILITY:

Long term cooling of the MCR should be operable APPLICABILITY:

MODES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. One required MCR ancillary fans not operable.

A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate.

AND A.2 Restore one fan to operable status 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> 14 days B. Required Action and associated Completion Time not met.

B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.

AND B.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.

1 day 1 month

16.3-26 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 2.6.1 Operate required MCR ancillary fan for > 15 min 92 days SR 2.6.2 Verify that each MCR ancillary fan can provide a flow of air into the MCR for >15 min. During this test, the MCR ancillary fans will be powered from the ancillary diesels.

10 years

16.3-27 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.6 MCR Cooling - Long Term Shutdown BASES:

The MCR ancillary fans provide long term shutdown support by cooling the main control room. For the first three days after an accident the emergency HVAC system (VES) together with the passive heat sinks in the MCR provide cooling of the MCR. After 3 days, the MCR ancillary fans can be used to circulate ambient air through the MCR to provide cooling. The long term MCR cooling function should be available during all MODES of operation. This long term MCR cooling function is important because it supports long-term shutdown operation. A minimum availability of 90% is assumed for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.

The long term MCR cooling function involves the use of a MCR ancillary fan. During SR 2.6.1 the fan will be run to verify that it operates without providing flow to the MCR. During SR 2.6.2 each fan will be connected to the MCR and operated such that they provide flow to the MCR.

Subsection 9.4.1 contains additional information on the long term MCR cooling function.

One MCR ancillary fan should be available during all MODES of plant operation. Planned maintenance should not be performed on the required MCR ancillary fan during a required MODE of operation; planned maintenance should be performed on the redundant MCR ancillary fan (ie the fan not required to be available) during MODES 3 or 4, MODE 5 with a visible pressurizer level or MODE 6 with the refueling cavity full; these MODES are selected because the reactor is tripped in these MODES and the risk of core damage is low.

16.3-28 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.7 I&C Room Cooling - Long Term Shutdown OPERABILITY:

Long term cooling of I&C rooms B & C should be operable APPLICABILITY:

MODES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. One required I&C room ancillary fan not operable.

A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate.

AND A.2 Restore one fan to operable status 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> 14 days B. Required Action and associated Completion Time not met.

B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.

AND B.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.

1 day 1 month

16.3-29 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 2.7.1 Operate required I&C room ancillary fan for > 15 min 92 days SR 2.7.2 Verify that each I&C room ancillary fan can provide a flow of air into an I&C room for >15 min. During this test, the I&C room ancillary fans will be powered from an ancillary diesel.

10 years

16.3-30 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.7 I&C Room Cooling - Long Term Shutdown BASES:

The I&C room ancillary fans provide long term shutdown support by cooling I&C rooms B & C which contain post accident instrument processing equipment. For the first three days after an accident the passive heat sinks in the I&C rooms provide cooling. After 3 days, the I&C room ancillary fans can be used to circulate ambient air through the I&C room to provide cooling. The long term I&C room cooling function should be available during all MODES of operation. This long term I&C room cooling function is important because it supports long-term shutdown operation. A minimum availability of 90% is assumed for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.

The long term I&C room cooling function involves the use of two I&C room ancillary fans; each fan is associated with one I&C room (B or C). During SR 2.6.1 the required fan will be run to verify that it operates without providing flow to the I&C room. During SR 2.6.2 each fan will be connected to its associated I&C room and operated such that flow is provided to the I&C room. Subsection 9.4.1 contains additional information on the long term I&C room cooling function.

One I&C room ancillary fan should be available during all MODES of plant operation. Planned maintenance should not be performed on the required I&C room ancillary fan during a required MODE of operation; planned maintenance should be performed on the redundant I&C room ancillary fan.

16.3-31 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.8 Hydrogen Ignitors OPERABILITY:

Hydrogen ignitors should be operable in accordance with Table 2.8-1 APPLICABILITY:

MODE 1, 2, MODE 5 with RCS pressure boundary open, MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. One or more required hydrogen ignitor inoperable.

A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate.

AND A.2 Restore required ignitors to operable status.

72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> 14 days B. Required Action and associated Completion Time of Condition A not met.

B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.

AND B.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.

1 day 1 month

16.3-32 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 2.8.1 Energize each required hydrogen ignitor and verify the surface temperature is > 1700°F.

Each refueling outage

16.3-33 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Notes:


In each location, the minimum number of ignitors that should be available are defined in this column.


Ignitors in this location are shared with other locations.


Ignitor 18 and either 17 or 19 should be available.

Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls Table 2.8-1, Hydrogen Ignitors Location Hydrogen Ignitors Group 1 Group 2 Number Available (1)

- Reactor Cavity (2)

(2) na

- Loop Compartment 01 12,13 11,14 3 of 4

- Loop Compartment 02 5,8 6,7 3 of 4

- Pressurizer Compartment 49,60 50,59 3 of 4

- Tunnel connecting Loop Compartments 1,3,31 2,4,30 5 of 6

- Southeast Valve Room &

Southeast Accumulator Room 21 20 2 of 2

- East Valve Room, Northeast Accumulator Room, & Northeast Valve Room 18 17,19 (3)

- North CVS Equipment Room 34 33 2 of 2

- Lower Compartment Area 22,27,28,29,31, 23,24,25,26,30 10 of 11 (CMT and Valve Area) 32

- IRWST 9,35,37 10,36,38 5 of 6

- IRWST inlet 16 15 2 of 2

- Refueling Cavity 55,58 56,57 3 of 4

- Upper Compartment

- Lower Region 39,42,43,44,47 40,41,45,46,47 9 of 10

- Mid Region 51,54 52,53 2 of 4

- Upper Region 61,63 62,64 2 of 4

16.3-34 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 2.0 Plant Systems 2.8 Hydrogen Ignitors BASES:

The hydrogen ignitors should be available to provide the capability of burning hydrogen generated during severe accidents in order to prevent failure of the containment due to hydrogen detonation.

These hydrogen ignitors are required by 10 CFR 50.34 to limit the buildup of hydrogen to less than 10% assuming that 100% of the active zircaloy fuel cladding is oxidized.

This function is also important because it provides margin in the PRA sensitivity performed assuming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate at-power and shutdown events. The margin provided in the PRA study assumes a minimum availability of 90% for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.

The ignitors are distributed in the containment to limit the buildup of hydrogen in local areas. Two groups of ignitors are provided in each area; one of which is sufficient to limit the buildup of hydrogen. When an ignitor is energized, the ignitor surface heats up to 1700°F. This temperature is sufficient to ignite hydrogen in the vicinity of the ignitor when the lower flammability limit is reached.

Subsection 6.2.4 provides additional information.

The hydrogen ignitor function should be available during MODES 1 and 2 when core decay heat is high and during MODE 5 when the RCS pressure boundary is open and in MODE 6 when the refueling cavity is not full. Planned maintenance should be performed on hydrogen ignitors when they are not required to meet this availability control. Table 2.8-1 indicates the minimum number of hydrogen ignitors that should be available.

16.3-35 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 3.0 Electrical Power Systems 3.1 AC Power Supplies OPERABILITY:

One standby diesel generator should be operable APPLICABILITY:

MODES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Fuel volume in one required standby diesel fuel tank less than limit.

A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate.

AND A.2 Restore volume to within limits 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> 14 days B. One required fuel transfer pump or standby diesel generator not operable.

B.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate.

AND B.2 Restore pump and diesel generator to operable status 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> 14 days

16.3-36 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls C. Required Action and associated Completion Time not met.

C.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.

AND C.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.

1 day 1 month SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 3.1.1 Verify that the fuel oil volume in the required standby diesel generator fuel tank is > 50,000 gal.

31 days SR 3.1.2 Record that the required fuel oil transfer pump provides a recirculation flow of > 8 gpm.

92 days SR 3.1.3 Verify that the required standby diesel generator starts and operates at > 4000 kw for > 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />. This test may utilize diesel engine prelube prior to starting and a warmup period prior to loading.

92 days SR 3.1.4 Verify that each standby diesel generator starts and operates at

> 4000 kw for > 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. This test may utilize diesel engine prelube prior to starting and a warmup period prior to loading. Both diesel generators will be operated at the same time during this test.

10 years

16.3-37 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 3.0 Electrical Power Systems 3.1 AC Power Supplies BASES:

AC power is required to power the RNS and to provide a nonsafety-related means of supplying power to the safety-related PMS for actuation and post accident monitoring. The RNS provides a nonsafety-related means to inject water into the RCS following ADS actuations in MODES 1,2,3,4 (when steam generators cool the RCS). This AC power supply function is important because it adds margin to the PRA sensitivity performed assuming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate at-power and shutdown events. The margin provided in the PRA study assumes a minimum availability of 90% for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.

Two standby diesel generators are provided. Each standby diesel generator has its own fuel oil transfer pump and fuel oil tank. The volume of fuel oil required is that volume that is above the connection to the fuel oil transfer pump. Subsection 8.3.1 contains additional information.

This AC power supply function should be available during MODES 1,2,3,4,5 when RNS injection and PMS actuation are more risk important. Planned maintenance should not be performed on required AC power supply SSCs during a required MODE of operation; planned maintenance should be performed on redundant AC power supply SSCs during MODES 1, 2, 3 when the RNS is not normally in operation. The bases for this recommendation is that the AC power is more risk important during shutdown MODES, especially when the RCS is open as defined in availability control 2.2, than during other MODES.

16.3-38 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 3.0 Electrical Power Systems 3.2 AC Power Supplies - RCS Open OPERABILITY:

Two AC power supplies should be operable to support RNS operation APPLICABILITY:

MODE 5 with RCS pressure boundary open, MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. One required AC power supply not operable.

A.1 Initiate actions to increase the water inventory above the core.

AND A.2 Remove plant from applicable MODES 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> 72 hours B. Required Action and associated Completion Time not met.

B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.

AND B.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.

1 day 1 month

16.3-39 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 3.2.1 Verify that the required number of AC power supplies are operable Within 1 day prior to entering the MODES of applicability

16.3-40 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 3.0 Electrical Power Systems 3.2 AC Power Supplies - RCS Open BASES:

AC power is required to power the RNS and its required support systems (CCS & SWS); the RNS provides a nonsafety-related means to normally cool the RCS during shutdown operations. This RNS cooling function is important when the RCS pressure boundary is open and the refueling cavity is not flooded because it reduces the probability of an initiating event due to loss of RNS cooling during these conditions and because it provides margin in the PRA sensitivity performed assuming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate at-power and shutdown events. The RCS is considered open when its pressure boundary is not intact. The RCS is also considered open if there is no visible level in the pressurizer. The margin provided in the PRA study assumes a minimum availability of 90% for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.

Two AC power supplies, one offsite and one onsite supply, should be available as follows:

a) Offsite power through the transmission switchyard and either the main step-up transformer / unit auxiliary transformer or the reserve auxiliary transformer supply from the transmission switchyard, and b) Onsite power from one of the two standby diesel generators.

Subsection 8.3.1 contains additional information on the standby diesel generators. Section 8.2 contains information on the offsite AC power supply.

One offsite and one onsite AC power supply should be available during the MODES of applicability when the loss of RNS cooling is important. If both of these AC power supplies are not available, the plant should not enter these conditions. If the plant has already entered these conditions, then the plant should take action to restore this AC power supply function or to leave these conditions. If the plant has not restored full system operation or left the MODES of applicability within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />, then actions need to be initiated to increase the RCS water level to either 20% pressurizer level or to a full refueling cavity.

Planned maintenance should not be performed on required AC power supply SSCs. Planned maintenance affecting the standby diesel generators should be performed in MODES 1, 2, 3 when the RNS is not normally in operation. Planned maintenance of the other AC power supply should be performed in MODES 2, 3, or MODE 6 with the refueling cavity full. The bases for this recommendation is that the AC power is more risk important during shutdown MODES, especially during the MODES of applicability conditions than during other MODES.

16.3-41 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 3.0 Electrical Power Systems 3.3 AC Power Supplies - Long Term Shutdown OPERABILITY:

One ancillary diesel generator should be operable APPLICABILITY:

MODES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Fuel volume in ancillary diesel fuel tank less than limit.

A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate.

AND A.2 Restore volume to within limits 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> 14 days B. One required ancillary diesel generator not operable.

B.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate.

AND B.2 Restore one diesel generator to operable status 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> 14 days

16.3-42 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls C. Required Action and associated Completion Time not met.

C.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE.

AND C.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.

1 day 1 month SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 3.3.1 Verify fuel volume in the ancillary fuel tank is >600 gal 31 days SR 3.3.2 Verify that the required diesel generator starts and operates for >1 hour connected to a test load > 35 kw. This test may utilize diesel engine warmup period prior to loading.

92 days

16.3-43 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls SR 3.3.3 Verify that each diesel generator starts and operates for 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> while providing power to the regulating transformer, an ancillary control room fan, an ancillary I&C room fan and a passive containment cooling water storage tank recirculation pump that it will power in a long term post accident condition. Test loads will be applied to the output of the regulating transformers that represent the loads required for post-accident monitoring and control room lighting. This test may utilize diesel engine warmup prior to loading.

Both diesel generators will be operated at the same time during this test.

10 years

16.3-44 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 3.0 Electrical Power Systems 3.3 AC Power Supplies - Long Term Shutdown BASES:

The ancillary diesel generators provide long term power supplies for post accident monitoring, MCR and I&C room cooling, PCS and spent fuel water makeup. For the first three days after an accident the 1E batteries provide power for post accident monitoring. Passive heat sinks provide cooling of the MCR and the I&C rooms. The initial water supply in the PCCWST provides for at least 3 days of PCS cooling. The initial water volume in the spent fuel pit normally provides for 7 days of spent fuel cooling; in some shutdown events the PCCWST is used to supplement the spent fuel pit. A minimum availability of 90% is assumed for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.

After 3 days, ancillary diesel generators can be used to power the MCR and I&C room ancillary fans, the PCS recirculation pumps and MCR lighting. In this time frame, the PCCWST provides water makeup to both the PCS and the spent fuel pit. An ancillary generator should be available during all MODES of operation. This long term AC power supply function is important because it supports long-term shutdown operation.

The long-term AC power supply function involves the use of two ancillary diesel generators and an ancillary diesel generator fuel oil storage tank. The specified ancillary fuel oil storage tank volume is based on operation of both ancillary diesel-generators for 4 days. Subsection 8.3.1 contains additional information on the long-term AC power supply function.

One ancillary diesel generator and the ancillary diesel generator fuel oil storage tank should be available during all MODES of plant operation. Planned maintenance should not be performed on the required ancillary diesel generator during a required MODE of operation; planned maintenance should be performed on the redundant ancillary diesel generator. Planned maintenance affecting the ancillary diesel fuel tank that requires less than 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> to perform can be performed in any MODE of operation. Planned maintenance requiring more than 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> should be performed in MODE 6 with the refueling cavity full. The basis for this recommendation is that core decay heat is low and the risk of core damage is low in these MODES, the inventory of the refueling cavity results in slow response of the plant to accidents.

16.3-45 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 3.0 Electrical Power Systems 3.4 Non Class 1E DC and UPS System (EDS)


Power for DAS automatic actuation functions listed in 1.1 and 1.2 should be operable APPLICABILITY:

MODES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Power to DAS Function inoperable.

A.1 Notify chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate.

AND A.2 Restore power supply to DAS to operable status 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> 14 days B. Required Action and associated Completion Time of Condition A not met.

B.1 Submit report to chief nuclear officer or on-call alternate detailing interim compensatory measures, cause for inoperability, and schedule for restoration to OPERABLE AND B.2 Document in plant records the justification for the actions taken to restore the function to OPERABLE.

1 day 1 month

16.3-46 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 3.4.1 Verify power supply voltage at each DAS cabinet is 120 volts +/- 5% 92 days

16.3-47 Revision 1 WLS 1&2 - UFSAR Table 16.3-2 (Cont.)

Investment Protection Short-Term Availability Controls 3.0 Electrical Power Systems 3.4 Non Class 1E DC and UPS System (EDS)


The EDS function of providing power to DAS to support ATWS mitigation is important based on 10 CFR 50.62 (ATWS Rule) and to support ESFA is important based on providing margin in the PRA sensitivity performed assuming no credit for nonsafety-related SSCs to mitigate at-power and shutdown events. The margin provided in the PRA study assumes a minimum availability of 90% for this function during the MODES of applicability, considering both maintenance unavailability and failures to operate.

The DAS uses a 2 out of 2 logic to actuate automatic functions. EDS power must be available to the DAS sensors, DAS actuation, and the devices which control the actuated components. Power may be provided by EDS to DAS by non-1E batteries through non-1E inverters. Other means of providing power to DAS include the spare battery through a non-1E inverter or non-1E regulating transformers.

The EDS support of the DAS ATWS mitigation function is required during MODE 1 when ATWS is a limiting event and during MODES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 when ESFA is important. The DAS ESFA is required in MODE 6 with upper internals in place or cavity level less than full. Planned maintenance should not be performed on a required EDS SSC during a required MODE of operation; planned maintenance should be performed on redundant supplies of EDS power.