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| number = ML17055A500
| number = ML17055A500
| issue date = 07/11/2017
| issue date = 07/11/2017
| title = Enclosure 4 to Amendment Nos. 212 and 198, Resolution of Licensee Comments on Safety Evaluation - Risk-Informed Approach to Resolve Generic Safety Issue 191 (CAC Nos. MF2400 and MF2401)
| title = Enclosure 4 to Amendment Nos. 212 and 198, Resolution of Licensee Comments on Safety Evaluation - Risk-Informed Approach to Resolve Generic Safety Issue 191
| author name = Regner L M
| author name = Regner L
| author affiliation = NRC/NRR/DORL/LPLIV-1
| author affiliation = NRC/NRR/DORL/LPLIV-1
| addressee name = Powell G T
| addressee name = Powell G
| addressee affiliation = South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Co
| addressee affiliation = South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Co
| docket = 05000498, 05000499
| docket = 05000498, 05000499
| license number = NPF-076, NPF-080
| license number = NPF-076, NPF-080
| contact person = Regner L M, DORL/LPLIV, 415-1906
| contact person = Regner L, DORL/LPLIV, 415-1906
| case reference number = CAC MF2400, CAC MF2401
| case reference number = CAC MF2400, CAC MF2401
| document type = Draft Safety Evaluation Report (DSER)
| document type = Draft Safety Evaluation Report (DSER)
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{{#Wiki_filter:NRC Staff Resolution of STP Comments on Draft Safety Evaluation  
{{#Wiki_filter:NRC Staff Resolution of STP Comments on Draft Safety Evaluation NRC Staff Draft Safety Evaluation (SE) Editorial Comments from STP Nuclear Operating Company (STPNOC)
SE or Attachment                                                      STPNOC Reason for No. Section and Page        STPNOC Proposed Change                      Proposed Change                  NRC Staff Resolution 1    Section 3.1, pg. 6  The sumps are located at the Elev. Correction for the proper floor      Change accepted.
(- minus) 11-foot 3-inch level of the elevation.
reactor containment building.
2    Section 4.4.1,      However, the licensee stated that    Although we dont disagree and did  Change accepted.
pg. 19              piping in the containment is          describe ASME requirements, fabricated, designed, constructed,    quality requirements, and safety and examined (preservice              factors, we could not identify where inspections) with rigorous            we specifically made this statement.
engineering requirements including safety factors.
However, the staff noted that the licensee described ASME code requirements for design, fabrication, construction, and examination of containment piping, and addressed associated safety factors.
3    Section 4.4.3,      The licensee used guidance in        STPs UFSAR licensing basis is      Change accepted. Added new pg. 21              RG 1.82 (remove note 51 re 2012      identified in the LAR as RG 1.82    endnote 58.
RG).                                  draft Rev. 1, 1983.

NRC Staff Draft Safety Evaluation (SE) Editorial Comments from STP Nuclear Operating Company (STPNOC)
SE or Attachment                                                      STPNOC Reason for No. Section and Page       STPNOC Proposed Change                       Proposed Change                       NRC Staff Resolution 4    Section,   In its letter dated October 20, 2016,  The SE phrasing suggests that          Partially accepted; the edits to the pg. 28, 29        the licensee provided estimates of      STPNOC used geometric mean for         second sentence are accepted. The the risk attributable to debris. The    one configuration and arithmetic        addition of the new sentence is not licensee presented risk results using  mean for a different configuration      accepted because the licensees the arithmetic mean in one case and    and might apply the arithmetic          position is not significant to the NRC the geometric mean to allow            aggregation for some conditions.        staffs review.
No. SE or Attachment Section and Page STPNOC Proposed Change STPNOC Reason for  Proposed Change NRC Staff Resolution 1 Section 3.1, pg. 6 The sumps are located at the Elev. (- minus) 11-foot 3-inch level of the reactor containment building. Correction for the proper floor elevation. Change accepted. 2 Section 4.4.1, pg. 19 However, the licensee stated that piping in the containment is fabricated, designed, constructed, and examined (preservice inspections) with rigorous engineering requirements including safety factors.
comparison in another. The licensee    Table 9 in Section 4.5.1 of Att. 1-3 to also stated its licensing position that LAR Supplement 3 (10/20/2016) the geometric mean is the most          includes a head to head appropriate method and provided its    comparison of delta-CDF results for basis in its response to APLAB,        geometric and arithmetic means.
However, the staff noted that the licensee described ASME code requirements for design, fabrication, construction, and examination of containment piping, and addressed associated safety factors. Although we don't disagree and did describe ASME requirements, quality requirements, and safety factors, we could not identify where we specifically made this statement. Change accepted. 3 Section 4.4.3, pg. 21 The licensee used guidance in RG 1.82 (remove note 51 re 2012 RG). STP's UFSAR licensing basis is identified in the LAR as RG 1.82 draft Rev. 1, 1983. Change accepted. Added new endnote 58. No. SE or Attachment Section and Page STPNOC Proposed Change STPNOC Reason for  Proposed ChangeNRC Staff Resolution 4 Section, pg. 28, 29 In its letter dated October 20, 2016, the licensee provided estimates of the risk attributable to debris. The licensee presented risk results using the arithmetic mean in one case and the geometric mean to allow comparison in another. The licensee also stated its licensing position that the geometric mean is the most appropriate method and provided its basis in its response to APLAB, Results Interpretation - Uncertainty Analysis: RAI 2. Per NUREG-1829, providing analysis results under differing assumptions helps identify the sensitivity of the results to those assumptions. The NRC staff reviewed the licensee's information and concludes that the sensitivity analysis of the risk results to the choice of aggregation method is an acceptable way to address this source of uncertainty because it is consistent with the recommendation in NUREG-1829. The SE phrasing suggests that STPNOC used geometric mean for one configuration and arithmetic mean for a different configuration and might apply the arithmetic aggregation for some conditions. Table 9 in Section 4.5.1 of Att. 1-3 to LAR Supplement 3 (10/20/2016) includes a "head to head" comparison of delta-CDF results for geometric and arithmetic means. STPNOC stated its licensing position in the paragraph below the table that the geometric mean is the most appropriate method and referenced its basis in a RAI response. Partially accepted; the edits to the second sentence are accepted. The addition of the new sentence is not accepted because the licensee's position is not significant to the NRC staff's review. 5 Section, pg. 34 For DEGBs, D is equal to the inner diameter of the pipe and a spherical jet is assumed. Agree - contradicts the square root of 2 discussion mentioned in No. 6 below (but this - just D - is the correct interpretation). No change, since the current SE version in ADAMS correctly states this sentence. No. SE or Attachment Section and Page STPNOC Proposed Change STPNOC Reason for  Proposed ChangeNRC Staff Resolution 6 Section, pg. 35 In case of a full pipe break, the licensee defined an equivalent break size based on  times the inner pipe diameter (i.e., the DEGB size is the diameter of a circular opening twice the area of the inner cross-section of the pipe). used a spherical ZOI based on the material L/D using the applicable pipe ID. See Comment 5. Change accepted. 7 Section, pg. 36 In case of a full pipe break, the licensee uses a spherical ZOI based on the material L/D using the applicable pipe ID defined an equivalent break size based on  times the inner pipe diameter (i.e., the DEGB size is the diameter of a circular opening twice the area of the inner cross-section of the pipe). Is correctly stated in Section, page 34.
Results Interpretation - Uncertainty    STPNOC stated its licensing position Analysis: RAI 2. Per NUREG-1829,       in the paragraph below the table that providing analysis results under        the geometric mean is the most differing assumptions helps identify    appropriate method and referenced the sensitivity of the results to those its basis in a RAI response.
See Comment 5. No change, since the current SE version in ADAMS correctly states this sentence. 8 Section, pg. 46 Debris settling is not credited for fine debris in the debris transport analyses98.5% of fine debris is transported to the RCB recirculation pool. LAR (August 20): The majority of fiber fines (98.5%) destroyed from insulation in the ZOI are transported to the containment pool. The other 1.5% of debris not transported to the RCB sump is trapped in inactive cavities during pool fill. The transport modes and their contributing fractions to the containment pool for ZOI-generated fiber fines are described below. Change accepted.
assumptions. The NRC staff reviewed the licensees information and concludes that the sensitivity analysis of the risk results to the choice of aggregation method is an acceptable way to address this source of uncertainty because it is consistent with the recommendation in NUREG-1829.
SE Attachment 2, "Long-Term Core Cooling Methodology and Evaluation Results Assessment" Comments from STPNOC No. SE or Attachment Section and Page STPNOC Proposed Change STPNOC Reason for Proposed Change NRC Staff Resolution 1 LTCC Methodology, Section A.4.1, pg. 9 The licensee provided justification - the licensee referenced responses to previous questions 31 and 35 36 Reference should be to Question 36 (See draft SE reference 27, pg. 74 of 77). Change accepted.
5    Section, For DEGBs, D is equal to the inner      Agree - contradicts the square root    No change, since the current SE pg. 34            diameter of the pipe and a spherical    of 2 discussion mentioned in No. 6      version in ADAMS correctly states this jet is assumed.                        below (but this - just D - is the       sentence.
2 LTCC Methodology, Section A., pg. 11 The licensee provided a description of the structured process used to identify and define the accident scenario in response to SNPB-3-2 (Reference 24 and 25) and SNPB-3-4 (Reference 22). STPNOC stated that the process for accident scenario identification focused on three areas: The staff review of the STPNOC process determined that it addressed the areas below
correct interpretation).
. Could not find that we specifically made this statement, although the staff might have concluded from the review of the responses that STP put appropriate focus on these areas. Change accepted.
SE or Attachment                                                        STPNOC Reason for No. Section and Page      STPNOC Proposed Change                        Proposed Change                    NRC Staff Resolution 6    Section, In case of a full pipe break, the        See Comment 5.                        Change accepted.
3 LTCC Methodology, Section A., pg. 19 However, the licensee cautioned that the figure of merit for determining the limiting break should not be PCT, but the core collapsed liquid level. We cannot find this cautionary statement. The collapsed liquid
pg. 35            licensee defined an equivalent break size based on 2 times the inner pipe diameter (i.e., the DEGB size is the diameter of a circular opening twice the area of the inner cross-section of the pipe). used a spherical ZOI based on the material L/D using the applicable pipe ID.
7    Section, In case of a full pipe break, the       Is correctly stated in                No change, since the current SE pg. 36            licensee uses a spherical ZOI based      Section, page 34.          version in ADAMS correctly states this on the material L/D using the            See Comment 5.                        sentence.
level is important, but PCT is the accepted regulatory figure of merit.
applicable pipe ID defined an equivalent break size based on 2 times the inner pipe diameter (i.e.,
Partially accepted; modified as:
the DEGB size is the diameter of a circular opening twice the area of the inner cross-section of the pipe).
However, the licensee recognized that the figure of merit for determining the limiting break should not be PCT, but the core collapsed liquid level. No. SE or Attachment Section and Page STPNOC Proposed Change STPNOC Reason for Proposed ChangeNRC Staff Resolution 4 LTCC Methodology, Section A., pg. 23 Because the LTCC EM is only used to perform the simulations described in the RAI responses provided by the licensee, the NRC staff has determined that consideration of future licensing calculations was not needed. The NRC staff has concluded that this criterion does not apply.  
8    Section,   Debris settling is not credited for fine LAR (August 20): The majority of     Change accepted.
pg. 46            debris in the debris transport          fiber fines (98.5%) destroyed from analyses98.5% of fine debris is          insulation in the ZOI are transported transported to the RCB recirculation    to the containment pool. The other pool.                                   1.5% of debris not transported to the RCB sump is trapped in inactive cavities during pool fill. The transport modes and their contributing fractions to the containment pool for ZOI-generated fiber fines are described below.
(No change suggested) Check for understanding: If STP needs to rerun in the future (for the same cases but for, say a different block limit, more or less, different blockage timing, and so forth, we should be able to do so provided we use the same methodology that was  
SE Attachment 2, Long-Term Core Cooling Methodology and Evaluation Results Assessment Comments from STPNOC SE or Attachment                                                  STPNOC Reason for No. Section and Page      STPNOC Proposed Change                    Proposed Change                    NRC Staff Resolution 1      LTCC              The licensee provided justification Reference should be to Question 36 Change accepted.
Methodology,        the licensee referenced          (See draft SE reference 27, pg. 74 Section A.4.1,    responses to previous questions 31  of 77).
reviewed. Disagree. The licensee is limited in its use of this methodology as specified in the A.4.3 Conclusions.
pg. 9              and 35 36 2      LTCC              The licensee provided a description Could not find that we specifically Change accepted.
5 LTCC Methodology, Section A., pg. 24 While the licensee provided justification for the use of the LTCC EM for the simulation of the 16-inch hot-leg breaks (and various sensitivity studies), complete accident-specific guidelines were not provided as the approval was limited to only those simulations already submitted to the NRC.
Methodology,      of the structured process used to   made this statement, although the Section A., identify and define the accident    staff might have concluded from the pg. 11            scenario in response to SNPB-3-2   review of the responses that STP (Reference 24 and 25) and           put appropriate focus on these SNPB-3-4 (Reference 22).            areas.
Therefore, future use of the LTCC EM beyond the methodology and application reviewed by the staff requires prior review and approval by the NRC staff. Thus, the NRC staff concludes that this criterion does not apply. We would understand this to still allow STP to apply the STP EM for similar sensitivity studies using the same methodology reviewed by NRC. Disagree. The licensee is limited in its use of this methodology as specified in the A.4.3 Conclusions.
STPNOC stated that the process for accident scenario identification focused on three areas: The staff review of the STPNOC process determined that it addressed the areas below.
6 LTCC Methodology, Section A., pg. 27 The CCFL model is applied at the upper nozzles core plate, a plate containing numerous holes which separates the fuel from the upper plenum. Upper nozzles are where the CCFL is of concern rather than the upper core plate, per se. Partially accepted. Modified to state "top of the core" versus "core plate." The NRC staff notes that CCFL is typically checked for both the top of the fuel (i.e., upper nozzles) and the upper core plate, and is applied at which ever one has the least flow area. No. SE or Attachment Section and Page STPNOC Proposed Change STPNOC Reason for Proposed ChangeNRC Staff Resolution 7 LTCC Methodology, Section A., pg. 27 Wallis with smooth edges over-predicted the superficial velocities in data with a few number of holes, but under-predicted the superficial velocities in data with a moderate number of holes and greatly under-predicted the superficial velocities of data with a large number of holes. This was the correlation chosen by the licensee for the LTCC EM.  
3      LTCC              However, the licensee cautioned    We cannot find this cautionary      Partially accepted; modified as:
(No change suggested) Comment:  In our understanding, CCFL is correlated by the superficial velocity of the steam (which is assumed positive), and superficial velocity of the liquid. When the liquid velocity equals the steam velocity, it is stopped (flow begins to be counter-current). No changes made.
Methodology,       that the figure of merit for        statement. The collapsed liquid Section A., determining the limiting break      level is important, but PCT is the    However, the licensee recognized pg. 19            should not be PCT, but the core    accepted regulatory figure of merit. that the figure of merit for collapsed liquid level.                                                   determining the limiting break should not be PCT, but the core collapsed liquid level.
The NRC staff notes that CCFL has to do with the velocities of the steam and the liquid, but it also has to do with the liquid/vapor interface and the friction created in each. 8 LTCC Methodology, Section A., pg. 28 Therefore, a likely SI flow path is down through the core support plate on the periphery, down the periphery fuel bundles, and then into the center of the core to make up for any loss due to boil off. Given the open lattice nature of the core, this flow path would in reality be almost unaffected by CCFL. However, due to the manner in which the core is meshed and the CCFL model is applied, this flow path is not possible in the simulation. The NRC staff finds that this is likely to be a conservatism in the licensee's analysis.
SE or Attachment                                                    STPNOC Reason for No. Section and Page      STPNOC Proposed Change                    Proposed Change                      NRC Staff Resolution 4    LTCC              Because the LTCC EM is only used      Check for understanding: If STP      Disagree. The licensee is limited in its Methodology,       to perform the simulations described  needs to rerun in the future (for the use of this methodology as specified in Section A., in the RAI responses provided by      same cases but for, say a different  the A.4.3 Conclusions.
pg. 23            the licensee, the NRC staff has      block limit, more or less, different determined that consideration of      blockage timing, and so forth, we future licensing calculations was not should be able to do so provided we needed. The NRC staff has            use the same methodology that was concluded that this criterion does    reviewed.
(No change suggested) This same argument should apply for cores that are not designed as "low leakage" since power sharing will always be an artifact of multi-region cores. For example, even with low leakage design, we showed that internal low power sharing regions had downflow. Accepted and modified:
not apply.
(No change suggested) 5   LTCC              While the licensee provided          We would understand this to still    Disagree. The licensee is limited in its Methodology,      justification for the use of the LTCC allow STP to apply the STP EM for    use of this methodology as specified in Section A., EM for the simulation of the 16-inch similar sensitivity studies using the the A.4.3 Conclusions.
pg. 24            hot-leg breaks (and various          same methodology reviewed by sensitivity studies), complete        NRC.
In reality, while CCFL may occur in channels which have significant amounts of steam generated, such as center regions of the core, it would likely not occur near the core periphery. Therefore, a likely SI flow path is down through the core support plate on the periphery, down the periphery fuel bundles, and then into the center of the core to make up for any loss due to boil off. Given the open lattice nature of the core, this flow path seems almost unaffected by CCFL, but due to the manner in which the core is meshed and the CCFL model is applied, this flow path is not possible in the simulation. The NRC staff finds that this is likely to be a very large conservatism in the licensee analysis. Modified: In reality, while CCFL may occur in hotter channels which generate significant amounts of steam (e.g., those commonly found in central regions of the core), it would not be likely to occur in lower power channels (e.g., those commonly found in the core periphery). Therefore, a likely SI flow path is down through the core support plate on the periphery, down the periphery fuel bundles, and then into the center of the core to make up for any loss due to boil off. Given the open lattice nature of the core, this flow path would in reality be almost  No. SE or Attachment Section and Page STPNOC Proposed Change STPNOC Reason for Proposed ChangeNRC Staff Resolution unaffected by CFL. However, due to the manner in which the core is meshed and the CCFL model is applied, this flow path is not possible in the simulation. The NRC staff finds that this is likely to be a conservatism in the licensee's analysis.
accident-specific guidelines were not provided as the approval was limited to only those simulations already submitted to the NRC.
9 LTCC Methodology, Section A., pg. 32 - While CCFL was found to restrict the flow from the upper plenum into the core in the analysis, it is possible that this results from an oversensitivity to CCFL caused by modeling the core and thus the upper core plate top nozzles where CCFL occurs, as a single radial node. CCFL will occur at the top nozzles, which were modeled in STP's LTCC EM. Partially accepted; modified as:
Therefore, future use of the LTCC EM beyond the methodology and application reviewed by the staff requires prior review and approval by the NRC staff. Thus, the NRC staff concludes that this criterion does not apply.
While CCFL was found to restrict the flow from the upper plenum into the core in the analysis, it is possible that this results from an oversensitivity to CCFL caused by modeling the core - specifically, the top of the core where CCFL occurs - as a single radial node. 10 LTCC Methodology Section A., pg. 35 The staff believes this is likely because in the two channel model, liquid can flow into the average channel and steam and liquid exit through the hot channel, but in the base case all liquid flowing into the core and all steam and liquid exiting the core must go through the same channel (i.e., the same node). Should clarify that this is the staff's opinion. It is not included in our assessment and we have not performed analyses to support it. Change accepted. No. SE or Attachment Section and Page STPNOC Proposed Change STPNOC Reason for Proposed ChangeNRC Staff Resolution 11 LTCC Methodology, Section A.4.2.5, pg. 37 Safety parameters are those parameters which have limits to ensure plant safety, such as the specified acceptable fuel design limits (SAFDLs) required by General Design Criterion 10 from 10 CFR 50 Appendix A. Examples of safety parameters are PCT, cladding oxidation thickness, departure from nuclear boiling ratio (DNBR), and critical power ratio (CPR).
6    LTCC               The CCFL model is applied at the      Upper nozzles are where the CCFL      Partially accepted. Modified to state Methodology,       upper nozzles core plate, a plate    is of concern rather than the upper  top of the core versus core plate.
No explicit uncertainty analysis was prescribed or performed for the LTCC EM. However, the NRC staff reviewed specific aspects of the LTCC EM to confirm that specific uncertainties would be accounted for in the analysis.  
Section A., containing numerous holes which      core plate, per se.                   The NRC staff notes that CCFL is pg. 27            separates the fuel from the upper                                          typically checked for both the top of plenum.                                                                     the fuel (i.e., upper nozzles) and the upper core plate, and is applied at which ever one has the least flow area.
(No change suggested) Confirming the intent of the staff's statements:  The uncertainties we addressed were pertaining to the debris issue in LTCC. It appears from the following paragraph that those were reviewed and found to be acceptable.
SE or Attachment                                                    STPNOC Reason for No. Section and Page        STPNOC Proposed Change                    Proposed Change                        NRC Staff Resolution 7    LTCC              Wallis with smooth edges              Comment: In our understanding,          No changes made.
While STPNOC's comment did not request any change to the SE, they did request confirmation of the staff's intent. They clarified "that the uncertainties addressed were pertaining to the debris issues in the LTCC."  While there were some uncertainties associated with the debris itself in the LTCC simulations, these were very limited. For example, the only direct uncertainty associated with debris was on the blockage time of the core inlet. This uncertainty was addressed by assuming a conservatively short blockage time. There were other uncertainties associated with the LTCC simulation which the staff considered to be the dominating uncertainties and which were addressed in the SE.
Methodology,      over-predicted the superficial        CCFL is correlated by the superficial Section A., velocities in data with a few number velocity of the steam (which is        The NRC staff notes that CCFL has to pg. 27            of holes, but under-predicted the     assumed positive), and superficial      do with the velocities of the steam and superficial velocities in data with a velocity of the liquid. When the        the liquid, but it also has to do with the moderate number of holes and          liquid velocity equals the steam        liquid/vapor interface and the friction greatly under-predicted the           velocity, it is stopped (flow begins to created in each.
12 LTCC Methodology, Section A.4.3, pg. 46 The NRC staff's conclusions herein are specific to the South Texas Project and future uses of this LTCC EM require prior review and approval by the NRC staff for those specific details and plant design.
superficial velocities of data with a be counter-current).
(No changes suggested) We understand this means other plants cannot use this without prior NRC approval; however, STP can continue to use it in accordance with the methodology we submitted. Disagree. The licensee is limited in its use of this methodology as specified in the A.4.3 Conclusions.}}
large number of holes. This was the correlation chosen by the licensee for the LTCC EM.
(No change suggested) 8 LTCC              Therefore, a likely SI flow path is     This same argument should apply    Accepted and modified:
Methodology,       down through the core support plate    for cores that are not designed as Section A., on the periphery, down the              low leakage since power sharing  Original:
pg. 28            periphery fuel bundles, and then into  will always be an artifact of      In reality, while CCFL may occur in the center of the core to make up for  multi-region cores. For example,   channels which have significant any loss due to boil off. Given the    even with low leakage design, we  amounts of steam generated, such as open lattice nature of the core, this  showed that internal low power    center regions of the core, it would flow path would in reality be almost   sharing regions had downflow.      likely not occur near the core unaffected by CCFL. However, due                                           periphery. Therefore, a likely SI flow to the manner in which the core is                                         path is down through the core support meshed and the CCFL model is                                               plate on the periphery, down the applied, this flow path is not                                             periphery fuel bundles, and then into possible in the simulation. The NRC                                       the center of the core to make up for staff finds that this is likely to be a                                   any loss due to boil off. Given the conservatism in the licensees                                            open lattice nature of the core, this analysis.                                                                 flow path seems almost unaffected by CCFL, but due to the manner in which (No change suggested)                                                     the core is meshed and the CCFL model is applied, this flow path is not possible in the simulation. The NRC staff finds that this is likely to be a very large conservatism in the licensee analysis.
In reality, while CCFL may occur in hotter channels which generate significant amounts of steam (e.g.,
those commonly found in central regions of the core), it would not be likely to occur in lower power channels (e.g., those commonly found in the core periphery). Therefore, a likely SI flow path is down through the core support plate on the periphery, down the periphery fuel bundles, and then into the center of the core to make up for any loss due to boil off. Given the open lattice nature of the core, this flow path would in reality be almost SE or Attachment                                                  STPNOC Reason for No. Section and Page      STPNOC Proposed Change                    Proposed Change                          NRC Staff Resolution unaffected by CFL. However, due to the manner in which the core is meshed and the CCFL model is applied, this flow path is not possible in the simulation. The NRC staff finds that this is likely to be a conservatism in the licensees analysis.
9    LTCC                While CCFL was found to restrict    CCFL will occur at the top nozzles,     Partially accepted; modified as:
Methodology,      the flow from the upper plenum into  which were modeled in STPs LTCC Section A., the core in the analysis, it is      EM.                                       While CCFL was found to restrict pg. 32            possible that this results from an                                              the flow from the upper plenum into oversensitivity to CCFL caused by                                              the core in the analysis, it is modeling the core and thus the                                                 possible that this results from an upper core plate top nozzles where                                              oversensitivity to CCFL caused by CCFL occurs, as a single radial                                                modeling the core - specifically, node.                                                                           the top of the core where CCFL occurs - as a single radial node.
10  LTCC              The staff believes this is likely    Should clarify that this is the staffs Change accepted.
Methodology        because in the two channel model,    opinion. It is not included in our Section A., liquid can flow into the average      assessment and we have not pg. 35            channel and steam and liquid exit    performed analyses to support it.
through the hot channel, but in the base case all liquid flowing into the core and all steam and liquid exiting the core must go through the same channel (i.e., the same node).
SE or Attachment                                                STPNOC Reason for No. Section and Page      STPNOC Proposed Change                  Proposed Change                      NRC Staff Resolution 11  LTCC            Safety parameters are those          Confirming the intent of the staffs  While STPNOCs comment did not Methodology,     parameters which have limits to      statements: The uncertainties we      request any change to the SE, they did Section A.4.2.5, ensure plant safety, such as the     addressed were pertaining to the      request confirmation of the staffs pg. 37          specified acceptable fuel design    debris issue in LTCC. It appears      intent. They clarified that the limits (SAFDLs) required by General  from the following paragraph that     uncertainties addressed were Design Criterion 10 from 10 CFR 50  those were reviewed and found to      pertaining to the debris issues in the Appendix A. Examples of safety      be acceptable.                       LTCC. While there were some parameters are PCT, cladding                                              uncertainties associated with the oxidation thickness, departure from                                        debris itself in the LTCC simulations, nuclear boiling ratio (DNBR), and                                          these were very limited. For example, critical power ratio (CPR).                                               the only direct uncertainty associated with debris was on the blockage time No explicit uncertainty analysis was                                      of the core inlet. This uncertainty was prescribed or performed for the                                            addressed by assuming a LTCC EM. However, the NRC staff                                            conservatively short blockage reviewed specific aspects of the                                          time. There were other uncertainties LTCC EM to confirm that specific                                          associated with the LTCC simulation uncertainties would be accounted                                          which the staff considered to be the for in the analysis.                                                      dominating uncertainties and which were addressed in the SE.
(No change suggested) 12  LTCC            The NRC staffs conclusions herein  We understand this means other        Disagree. The licensee is limited in its Methodology,    are specific to the South Texas      plants cannot use this without prior  use of this methodology as specified in Section A.4.3,   Project and future uses of this LTCC NRC approval; however, STP can        the A.4.3 Conclusions.
pg. 46          EM require prior review and          continue to use it in accordance with approval by the NRC staff for those  the methodology we submitted.
specific details and plant design.
(No changes suggested)

Latest revision as of 20:27, 18 March 2020

Enclosure 4 to Amendment Nos. 212 and 198, Resolution of Licensee Comments on Safety Evaluation - Risk-Informed Approach to Resolve Generic Safety Issue 191
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 07/11/2017
From: Lisa Regner
Plant Licensing Branch IV
To: Gerry Powell
South Texas
Regner L, DORL/LPLIV, 415-1906
CAC MF2400, CAC MF2401
Download: ML17055A500 (9)


NRC Staff Resolution of STP Comments on Draft Safety Evaluation NRC Staff Draft Safety Evaluation (SE) Editorial Comments from STP Nuclear Operating Company (STPNOC)

SE or Attachment STPNOC Reason for No. Section and Page STPNOC Proposed Change Proposed Change NRC Staff Resolution 1 Section 3.1, pg. 6 The sumps are located at the Elev. Correction for the proper floor Change accepted.

(- minus) 11-foot 3-inch level of the elevation.

reactor containment building.

2 Section 4.4.1, However, the licensee stated that Although we dont disagree and did Change accepted.

pg. 19 piping in the containment is describe ASME requirements, fabricated, designed, constructed, quality requirements, and safety and examined (preservice factors, we could not identify where inspections) with rigorous we specifically made this statement.

engineering requirements including safety factors.

However, the staff noted that the licensee described ASME code requirements for design, fabrication, construction, and examination of containment piping, and addressed associated safety factors.

3 Section 4.4.3, The licensee used guidance in STPs UFSAR licensing basis is Change accepted. Added new pg. 21 RG 1.82 (remove note 51 re 2012 identified in the LAR as RG 1.82 endnote 58.

RG). draft Rev. 1, 1983.

SE or Attachment STPNOC Reason for No. Section and Page STPNOC Proposed Change Proposed Change NRC Staff Resolution 4 Section, In its letter dated October 20, 2016, The SE phrasing suggests that Partially accepted; the edits to the pg. 28, 29 the licensee provided estimates of STPNOC used geometric mean for second sentence are accepted. The the risk attributable to debris. The one configuration and arithmetic addition of the new sentence is not licensee presented risk results using mean for a different configuration accepted because the licensees the arithmetic mean in one case and and might apply the arithmetic position is not significant to the NRC the geometric mean to allow aggregation for some conditions. staffs review.

comparison in another. The licensee Table 9 in Section 4.5.1 of Att. 1-3 to also stated its licensing position that LAR Supplement 3 (10/20/2016) the geometric mean is the most includes a head to head appropriate method and provided its comparison of delta-CDF results for basis in its response to APLAB, geometric and arithmetic means.

Results Interpretation - Uncertainty STPNOC stated its licensing position Analysis: RAI 2. Per NUREG-1829, in the paragraph below the table that providing analysis results under the geometric mean is the most differing assumptions helps identify appropriate method and referenced the sensitivity of the results to those its basis in a RAI response.

assumptions. The NRC staff reviewed the licensees information and concludes that the sensitivity analysis of the risk results to the choice of aggregation method is an acceptable way to address this source of uncertainty because it is consistent with the recommendation in NUREG-1829.

5 Section, For DEGBs, D is equal to the inner Agree - contradicts the square root No change, since the current SE pg. 34 diameter of the pipe and a spherical of 2 discussion mentioned in No. 6 version in ADAMS correctly states this jet is assumed. below (but this - just D - is the sentence.

correct interpretation).

SE or Attachment STPNOC Reason for No. Section and Page STPNOC Proposed Change Proposed Change NRC Staff Resolution 6 Section, In case of a full pipe break, the See Comment 5. Change accepted.

pg. 35 licensee defined an equivalent break size based on 2 times the inner pipe diameter (i.e., the DEGB size is the diameter of a circular opening twice the area of the inner cross-section of the pipe). used a spherical ZOI based on the material L/D using the applicable pipe ID.

7 Section, In case of a full pipe break, the Is correctly stated in No change, since the current SE pg. 36 licensee uses a spherical ZOI based Section, page 34. version in ADAMS correctly states this on the material L/D using the See Comment 5. sentence.

applicable pipe ID defined an equivalent break size based on 2 times the inner pipe diameter (i.e.,

the DEGB size is the diameter of a circular opening twice the area of the inner cross-section of the pipe).

8 Section, Debris settling is not credited for fine LAR (August 20): The majority of Change accepted.

pg. 46 debris in the debris transport fiber fines (98.5%) destroyed from analyses98.5% of fine debris is insulation in the ZOI are transported transported to the RCB recirculation to the containment pool. The other pool. 1.5% of debris not transported to the RCB sump is trapped in inactive cavities during pool fill. The transport modes and their contributing fractions to the containment pool for ZOI-generated fiber fines are described below.

SE Attachment 2, Long-Term Core Cooling Methodology and Evaluation Results Assessment Comments from STPNOC SE or Attachment STPNOC Reason for No. Section and Page STPNOC Proposed Change Proposed Change NRC Staff Resolution 1 LTCC The licensee provided justification Reference should be to Question 36 Change accepted.

Methodology, the licensee referenced (See draft SE reference 27, pg. 74 Section A.4.1, responses to previous questions 31 of 77).

pg. 9 and 35 36 2 LTCC The licensee provided a description Could not find that we specifically Change accepted.

Methodology, of the structured process used to made this statement, although the Section A., identify and define the accident staff might have concluded from the pg. 11 scenario in response to SNPB-3-2 review of the responses that STP (Reference 24 and 25) and put appropriate focus on these SNPB-3-4 (Reference 22). areas.

STPNOC stated that the process for accident scenario identification focused on three areas: The staff review of the STPNOC process determined that it addressed the areas below.

3 LTCC However, the licensee cautioned We cannot find this cautionary Partially accepted; modified as:

Methodology, that the figure of merit for statement. The collapsed liquid Section A., determining the limiting break level is important, but PCT is the However, the licensee recognized pg. 19 should not be PCT, but the core accepted regulatory figure of merit. that the figure of merit for collapsed liquid level. determining the limiting break should not be PCT, but the core collapsed liquid level.

SE or Attachment STPNOC Reason for No. Section and Page STPNOC Proposed Change Proposed Change NRC Staff Resolution 4 LTCC Because the LTCC EM is only used Check for understanding: If STP Disagree. The licensee is limited in its Methodology, to perform the simulations described needs to rerun in the future (for the use of this methodology as specified in Section A., in the RAI responses provided by same cases but for, say a different the A.4.3 Conclusions.

pg. 23 the licensee, the NRC staff has block limit, more or less, different determined that consideration of blockage timing, and so forth, we future licensing calculations was not should be able to do so provided we needed. The NRC staff has use the same methodology that was concluded that this criterion does reviewed.

not apply.

(No change suggested) 5 LTCC While the licensee provided We would understand this to still Disagree. The licensee is limited in its Methodology, justification for the use of the LTCC allow STP to apply the STP EM for use of this methodology as specified in Section A., EM for the simulation of the 16-inch similar sensitivity studies using the the A.4.3 Conclusions.

pg. 24 hot-leg breaks (and various same methodology reviewed by sensitivity studies), complete NRC.

accident-specific guidelines were not provided as the approval was limited to only those simulations already submitted to the NRC.

Therefore, future use of the LTCC EM beyond the methodology and application reviewed by the staff requires prior review and approval by the NRC staff. Thus, the NRC staff concludes that this criterion does not apply.

6 LTCC The CCFL model is applied at the Upper nozzles are where the CCFL Partially accepted. Modified to state Methodology, upper nozzles core plate, a plate is of concern rather than the upper top of the core versus core plate.

Section A., containing numerous holes which core plate, per se. The NRC staff notes that CCFL is pg. 27 separates the fuel from the upper typically checked for both the top of plenum. the fuel (i.e., upper nozzles) and the upper core plate, and is applied at which ever one has the least flow area.

SE or Attachment STPNOC Reason for No. Section and Page STPNOC Proposed Change Proposed Change NRC Staff Resolution 7 LTCC Wallis with smooth edges Comment: In our understanding, No changes made.

Methodology, over-predicted the superficial CCFL is correlated by the superficial Section A., velocities in data with a few number velocity of the steam (which is The NRC staff notes that CCFL has to pg. 27 of holes, but under-predicted the assumed positive), and superficial do with the velocities of the steam and superficial velocities in data with a velocity of the liquid. When the the liquid, but it also has to do with the moderate number of holes and liquid velocity equals the steam liquid/vapor interface and the friction greatly under-predicted the velocity, it is stopped (flow begins to created in each.

superficial velocities of data with a be counter-current).

large number of holes. This was the correlation chosen by the licensee for the LTCC EM.

(No change suggested) 8 LTCC Therefore, a likely SI flow path is This same argument should apply Accepted and modified:

Methodology, down through the core support plate for cores that are not designed as Section A., on the periphery, down the low leakage since power sharing Original:

pg. 28 periphery fuel bundles, and then into will always be an artifact of In reality, while CCFL may occur in the center of the core to make up for multi-region cores. For example, channels which have significant any loss due to boil off. Given the even with low leakage design, we amounts of steam generated, such as open lattice nature of the core, this showed that internal low power center regions of the core, it would flow path would in reality be almost sharing regions had downflow. likely not occur near the core unaffected by CCFL. However, due periphery. Therefore, a likely SI flow to the manner in which the core is path is down through the core support meshed and the CCFL model is plate on the periphery, down the applied, this flow path is not periphery fuel bundles, and then into possible in the simulation. The NRC the center of the core to make up for staff finds that this is likely to be a any loss due to boil off. Given the conservatism in the licensees open lattice nature of the core, this analysis. flow path seems almost unaffected by CCFL, but due to the manner in which (No change suggested) the core is meshed and the CCFL model is applied, this flow path is not possible in the simulation. The NRC staff finds that this is likely to be a very large conservatism in the licensee analysis.


In reality, while CCFL may occur in hotter channels which generate significant amounts of steam (e.g.,

those commonly found in central regions of the core), it would not be likely to occur in lower power channels (e.g., those commonly found in the core periphery). Therefore, a likely SI flow path is down through the core support plate on the periphery, down the periphery fuel bundles, and then into the center of the core to make up for any loss due to boil off. Given the open lattice nature of the core, this flow path would in reality be almost SE or Attachment STPNOC Reason for No. Section and Page STPNOC Proposed Change Proposed Change NRC Staff Resolution unaffected by CFL. However, due to the manner in which the core is meshed and the CCFL model is applied, this flow path is not possible in the simulation. The NRC staff finds that this is likely to be a conservatism in the licensees analysis.

9 LTCC While CCFL was found to restrict CCFL will occur at the top nozzles, Partially accepted; modified as:

Methodology, the flow from the upper plenum into which were modeled in STPs LTCC Section A., the core in the analysis, it is EM. While CCFL was found to restrict pg. 32 possible that this results from an the flow from the upper plenum into oversensitivity to CCFL caused by the core in the analysis, it is modeling the core and thus the possible that this results from an upper core plate top nozzles where oversensitivity to CCFL caused by CCFL occurs, as a single radial modeling the core - specifically, node. the top of the core where CCFL occurs - as a single radial node.

10 LTCC The staff believes this is likely Should clarify that this is the staffs Change accepted.

Methodology because in the two channel model, opinion. It is not included in our Section A., liquid can flow into the average assessment and we have not pg. 35 channel and steam and liquid exit performed analyses to support it.

through the hot channel, but in the base case all liquid flowing into the core and all steam and liquid exiting the core must go through the same channel (i.e., the same node).

SE or Attachment STPNOC Reason for No. Section and Page STPNOC Proposed Change Proposed Change NRC Staff Resolution 11 LTCC Safety parameters are those Confirming the intent of the staffs While STPNOCs comment did not Methodology, parameters which have limits to statements: The uncertainties we request any change to the SE, they did Section A.4.2.5, ensure plant safety, such as the addressed were pertaining to the request confirmation of the staffs pg. 37 specified acceptable fuel design debris issue in LTCC. It appears intent. They clarified that the limits (SAFDLs) required by General from the following paragraph that uncertainties addressed were Design Criterion 10 from 10 CFR 50 those were reviewed and found to pertaining to the debris issues in the Appendix A. Examples of safety be acceptable. LTCC. While there were some parameters are PCT, cladding uncertainties associated with the oxidation thickness, departure from debris itself in the LTCC simulations, nuclear boiling ratio (DNBR), and these were very limited. For example, critical power ratio (CPR). the only direct uncertainty associated with debris was on the blockage time No explicit uncertainty analysis was of the core inlet. This uncertainty was prescribed or performed for the addressed by assuming a LTCC EM. However, the NRC staff conservatively short blockage reviewed specific aspects of the time. There were other uncertainties LTCC EM to confirm that specific associated with the LTCC simulation uncertainties would be accounted which the staff considered to be the for in the analysis. dominating uncertainties and which were addressed in the SE.

(No change suggested) 12 LTCC The NRC staffs conclusions herein We understand this means other Disagree. The licensee is limited in its Methodology, are specific to the South Texas plants cannot use this without prior use of this methodology as specified in Section A.4.3, Project and future uses of this LTCC NRC approval; however, STP can the A.4.3 Conclusions.

pg. 46 EM require prior review and continue to use it in accordance with approval by the NRC staff for those the methodology we submitted.

specific details and plant design.

(No changes suggested)