ML20203N762: Difference between revisions

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Q ( 'll3~/
FCTC: RHO 71-9151 WR30 W                                                N Nuclear Energy Services ATTN: Mr. John Dalton Shelter Rock Road Danbury, CT 06810 Gentlemen:
This refers to your application dated February 26,198G, requesting an amendment to the Model No. HN-100 Series 3 package.
In connection with our review, we reed the information identified in the enclosure to this letter.
Please advise us within 30 days fran the date of this letter when this information will be provided. The additional infonnation requested by this letter should be suhnitted in the fom of revised pages. If you
;                                        have any questions regarding this matter, we would be pleased to meet with you and your staff.
Sincerely, Original Signed by GEARLE E. MACDG34Eg Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety, MMSS
As stated Distribution: w/ encl
HWLee CEWilliams Docket File NRC PDR IE HQ Region (1)                                8605060045 860430 PDR                  ADOCK 07109151 NMSS R/F                                                                  PDR FCTC R/F                                                      ,
    ~~>                                FCTC    l    FCTC                                                CTC
  ..,_Bg0degaWde#falni HWLe#M                                                    " CEWilli'ams"                To
      =*                            04/3 /86      04h/86                                          04/g86      04bo/06 l rme ronu na no-soi nacu 024o                                                                        OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
1 i
l l
l flucicar Enerav Services rocc1 No, Mts-1 Packace                                                i Docket No. II-9151 l
Enc 1 to ltr dtd:
DRAT;INGs                                                                                                  I r
: 1. The drawing does not provide sufficient dinensional information such as the inside and outside diameters of the cask, the depth of the cask cavity, and naterial thickness of the shells and plates.
: 2. Detail A and Vief D-D should give the dinensions of the drain hole, i.e., hole dianeters and depth and size of pipe threads.
: 3. The tie-down lug should be dirensionally located in the axial                                        '
: 4. Iten 14, Secondary Closure Gasket. The dinensioninc of the gasket should be revised to preclude the possibility of a leakage path through the bolt hole.
: 5. Show detail of Iten 22, Patchet Finder Handle Retainer Assenbly.
: 6. Iten 25, Identification Plate. The drawing should provide, either                                    .
by note or by detail, the narking and identification requirenents                                    ;
of 10 CFR 571.85(c).
: 7. The naterial specification for Itea 31, 3/4-inch nuts, should be A194 as reconnended by the bolt specifications A320 and A193.
: 3. The torque requirenents, Note 8. for the ratchet binders and the secondary lid bolts is less than presently specified for the Model No. H?f-100 Series 3 oackaging.            175-200 ft-lbs vs. 50 ft-lbs nin.
and 120 ft-lbs vs. 80 ft-lbs nin. respectively. Justify the torque values specified in Note 8.
: 9. Drawin9 Note 11 does not adequately define the optienal stainless steel liner. The drawing should show the areas covered by the liner, location of the seal velds, and the thickness of the liner.
: 10. The dianeter of part No. 83E1903-9 should be shown and the note "or                                    '
equivalent" should be eliminated.
: 11. Provide .fustification for the adecuacy of the width of the primary lid gasket (part No. 83E1903-10).
: 12. The diareters of parts A and P. of the primary lid should be sho'.1n.
: 13. The diameter of part Mo. 03E1903-15 should be shown and the note "or ecuivalentd shnuld be elininated.
  '"C'>  ............      .............  .............      ..............  .............    ............. .............
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NRC FORM 318 0080) NRCM ONO                  OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
            ,        . . _        _ _ . . _          _ . . _      ..      _ ._. __ _            ._    _ . = _              _ _ _ _                _      ___ _ _ _ _ _
: 14. Show the details of the ratchet binder bolts part Mos. 21 and 28.
: 15. Explain part No. 03ElP03-34 in a note.
,                          15. Show the dirensions of the reinforcing pad (part No. 33E1903-40).
: 17. Specify the engagenent length of part No. 83E1903-32 with the lid plate.
: 18. Show the details of the proposed prinary and secondary lid security                                                                        i seals.                                                                                                          -
1-                          19. Show the details of the lifting lug covers.
.                          OPERATIFG PROCEDURES *
,                          The application should contain a section which describes the operating
!                          procedures to be used in the preparation for and perforrance of the
!                          loading and unloading of the package. Procedures should be presented                                                                          ,
4 sequentially in the actual order of perforrance and such itens as inspections prior to loading, cautionary notes on package handling, torque requirenents on closure bolts, radiation surveys prior to shipnent and instructions pertinent to receiving and unloading of the package should be addressed.
1                          ACCEpTAFCE TESTS
* i                          The application should contain a section on acceptance tests which discusses the tests and inspections'that will be perforned prior to first use of the packaging (10 CFR 671.85). State the criteria for 4
acceptance for each test and inspection as well as the action to be taken if nonconpliance is encountered.
Drawing Hotes 13 and 14 do not adequately address the acceptance test
>                          requirenents.                                                                                                                                  ,
                          !%INTENANCE P90 GRAM
* This section should describe the maintenance progran used to ensure continued perfornance of the packaging. The progran should include periodic testing, Inspection, and replacenent schedules, as well as criteria for replacenent
;                          and repair of cocponents and subsystens on an as-needed basis.
1 The raintenance progran should specifically address the inspections, testina and replacenent schedules and procedures for itens such as gaskets, vent and drain plugs, ratchet binders, and periodic leak testing.                                                                                  :
* Please note that referencing the operating procedures, acceptance tests and maintenance prograns of packagings identified by this certificate of conpliance is not acceptable.
    '"C'>  ............              .............        .............              .............        .............        .............    .............
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; NRC FORM 318 (1480) NRCM O240                                OFFICIAL RECORD COPY}}

Revision as of 04:28, 31 December 2020

Forwards Request for Addl Info Re 860226 Application for Amend to Certificate of Compliance 9151 for Model HN-100 Series 3.Response Requested within 30 Days
Person / Time
Site: 07109151
Issue date: 04/30/1986
From: Macdonald C
To: Dalton J
NUDOCS 8605060045
Download: ML20203N762 (3)


._ __ __ ___ __ _ _- ___ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . _ - _ _ _ _ .

Q ( 'll3~/

FCTC: RHO 71-9151 WR30 W N Nuclear Energy Services ATTN: Mr. John Dalton Shelter Rock Road Danbury, CT 06810 Gentlemen:

This refers to your application dated February 26,198G, requesting an amendment to the Model No. HN-100 Series 3 package.

In connection with our review, we reed the information identified in the enclosure to this letter.

Please advise us within 30 days fran the date of this letter when this information will be provided. The additional infonnation requested by this letter should be suhnitted in the fom of revised pages. If you

have any questions regarding this matter, we would be pleased to meet with you and your staff.

Sincerely, Original Signed by GEARLE E. MACDG34Eg Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety, MMSS


As stated Distribution: w/ encl


HWLee CEWilliams Docket File NRC PDR IE HQ Region (1) 8605060045 860430 PDR ADOCK 07109151 NMSS R/F PDR FCTC R/F ,


..,_Bg0degaWde#falni HWLe#M " CEWilli'ams" To

=* 04/3 /86 04h/86 04/g86 04bo/06 l rme ronu na no-soi nacu 024o OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

1 i

l l

l flucicar Enerav Services rocc1 No, Mts-1 Packace i Docket No. II-9151 l

Enc 1 to ltr dtd:


1. The drawing does not provide sufficient dinensional information such as the inside and outside diameters of the cask, the depth of the cask cavity, and naterial thickness of the shells and plates.
2. Detail A and Vief D-D should give the dinensions of the drain hole, i.e., hole dianeters and depth and size of pipe threads.
3. The tie-down lug should be dirensionally located in the axial '


4. Iten 14, Secondary Closure Gasket. The dinensioninc of the gasket should be revised to preclude the possibility of a leakage path through the bolt hole.
5. Show detail of Iten 22, Patchet Finder Handle Retainer Assenbly.
6. Iten 25, Identification Plate. The drawing should provide, either .

by note or by detail, the narking and identification requirenents  ;

of 10 CFR 571.85(c).

7. The naterial specification for Itea 31, 3/4-inch nuts, should be A194 as reconnended by the bolt specifications A320 and A193.
3. The torque requirenents, Note 8. for the ratchet binders and the secondary lid bolts is less than presently specified for the Model No. H?f-100 Series 3 oackaging. 175-200 ft-lbs vs. 50 ft-lbs nin.

and 120 ft-lbs vs. 80 ft-lbs nin. respectively. Justify the torque values specified in Note 8.

9. Drawin9 Note 11 does not adequately define the optienal stainless steel liner. The drawing should show the areas covered by the liner, location of the seal velds, and the thickness of the liner.
10. The dianeter of part No. 83E1903-9 should be shown and the note "or '

equivalent" should be eliminated.

11. Provide .fustification for the adecuacy of the width of the primary lid gasket (part No. 83E1903-10).
12. The diareters of parts A and P. of the primary lid should be sho'.1n.
13. The diameter of part Mo. 03E1903-15 should be shown and the note "or ecuivalentd shnuld be elininated.

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, . . _ _ _ . . _ _ . . _ .. _ ._. __ _ ._ _ . = _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _

14. Show the details of the ratchet binder bolts part Mos. 21 and 28.
15. Explain part No. 03ElP03-34 in a note.

, 15. Show the dirensions of the reinforcing pad (part No. 33E1903-40).

17. Specify the engagenent length of part No. 83E1903-32 with the lid plate.
18. Show the details of the proposed prinary and secondary lid security i seals. -

1- 19. Show the details of the lifting lug covers.


, The application should contain a section which describes the operating

! procedures to be used in the preparation for and perforrance of the

! loading and unloading of the package. Procedures should be presented ,

4 sequentially in the actual order of perforrance and such itens as inspections prior to loading, cautionary notes on package handling, torque requirenents on closure bolts, radiation surveys prior to shipnent and instructions pertinent to receiving and unloading of the package should be addressed.


  • i The application should contain a section on acceptance tests which discusses the tests and inspections'that will be perforned prior to first use of the packaging (10 CFR 671.85). State the criteria for 4

acceptance for each test and inspection as well as the action to be taken if nonconpliance is encountered.

Drawing Hotes 13 and 14 do not adequately address the acceptance test

> requirenents. ,


  • This section should describe the maintenance progran used to ensure continued perfornance of the packaging. The progran should include periodic testing, Inspection, and replacenent schedules, as well as criteria for replacenent
and repair of cocponents and subsystens on an as-needed basis.

1 The raintenance progran should specifically address the inspections, testina and replacenent schedules and procedures for itens such as gaskets, vent and drain plugs, ratchet binders, and periodic leak testing.  :

  • Please note that referencing the operating procedures, acceptance tests and maintenance prograns of packagings identified by this certificate of conpliance is not acceptable.

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