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{{#Wiki_filter:March 1974U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSIONSREGULATORY GUlCI01 DIRECTORATE OF REGULATORY STANDARDSREGULATORY GUIDE 6.4CLASSIFICATION OF CONTAINMENT PROPERTIESOF SEALED RADIOACTIVE SOURCES CONTAINED INCERTAIN DEVICES TO BE DISTRIBUTED FOR USE UNDER GENERAL LICENSEEA. INTRODUCTIONSection 32.51, "Certain Measuring, Gauging orControlling Devices Gencrally Licensed Under §31.5 ofthis Chapter: Requirements for License to Distribute,"of 10 CFR Part 32, "Specific Licenses to Manufacture,Distribute, or Import Exempted and Generally LicensedItems Containing Byproduct Material," requires, in part,that each application for a specific license to distributedevices containing byproduct material to personsgenerally licensed under §31.5 of IOCFR Part 31include sufficient information relating to qualificationtesting of a prototype unit to provide reasonableassurance that the byproduct material contained in thedevice will not be lost. Frequently, retention of thebyproduct material within the device is dependent uponthe containment properties of a. sealed source. Thisregulatory guide identifies terminology acceptable to theRegulatory staff for describing the containmentproperties of a sealed source based on prototype testing.B. DISCUSSIONThe USA Standards Institute Committee N5.4, nowthe American National Standards Institute CommitteeN43-3.3, developed a classification system for sealedsources (USASI N5.10. 1968).' To classify a sealedsource under the system, a determination is made of itsability to withstand the conditions of eachenvironmental test prescribed in the standard.Classification is determined by physically testing twoprototype sources for each test or by calculations basedon previous tests which demonstrate that, if the sourcewere tested, it would pass. Maintenance of containmentintegrity after each test constitutes satisfactoryperformance of a source.C. REGULATORY POSITIONThe sealed source classification system contained inUSASI N5.10.1968' provides acceptable terminologyfor use in describing the containment properties of asealed source used in a device intended for distributionfor use under the general license in §31.5 of I0 CFRPart 31. When the classification system is so used, theapplicant should state whether calculational techniquesor physical testing techniques were applied. If the latterwere applied, the integrity (leak) test(s) used todetermine conformity with the assigned classificationshould be identified and described.Copies may be obtained from the American NationalSi-ndards Institute, Inc., 1430 Broadway. New York, New York10018.USAEC REGULATORY GUIDES Copies of published guid"t may be obtained by request indicating the divisionsdesired to the US. Atomic Energy Commission. Washington. DC. 20546,Regulatory Guiclies ere Islued to teIVTbae and make available to the public Attention: Director of Regulatory Stendards. Comments end suggestions forrmethods acocptable to the AEC Regulatory staff of Implemenling specilic pi4t1 Of Improvements In these gutdes awe encouraged and should be sent to the Secretarythe Commrislon's reIsetions. to delineate techniques used by the Itaff IM of the Commission, U.S. Atomic Energiy Commsttion, Washington. D.C. 70545,evaluting specdiic robtolornt or postulated aciciadn.t of to provide guidence 1o Attention: Chief, Public Proosedinp Staff.appliants. Regutltory Guides a not tubltiltutes Cx regulations and compliancewith them Is not required. Methods and eolutlons different from those wt out in The guide$ are issued in Ithe following len broad divisions:the gulde will be accepteble if they provide a tails for the findings requisite tothe isuance or continuance of a permit of license by the Comrmslstion. 1. Power Reactors d. Products2. Reaseardh and Test Reactors 7. Transportation3. Fuels and Materietl Facilities a. Occuolalonal HealthPublIshedI gudes will be revised periodically, at appropriate, to eccommodate 4. Environmmentl an-d SilIng 9. Antitrust Reviewcomments end to reflect new Intorn"tlon or espeflence. 6. Meteslels and Plant Protectltor 10.}}
{{#Wiki_filter:March 1974 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION
                        SREGULATORY                                                                                          GUlC E
                      I01      DIRECTORATE OF REGULATORY STANDARDS
                                                                REGULATORY GUIDE 6.4 CLASSIFICATION OF CONTAINMENT PROPERTIES
                                    OF SEALED RADIOACTIVE SOURCES CONTAINED IN
sources (USASI N5.10. 1968).' To classify a sealed source under the system, a determination is made of its Section 32.51, "Certain Measuring, Gauging or                                ability to withstand the conditions of each Controlling Devices Gencrally Licensed Under §31.5 of                              environmental test prescribed in the standard.
this Chapter: Requirements for License to Distribute,"                             Classification is determined by physically testing two of 10 CFR Part 32, "Specific Licenses to Manufacture,                               prototype sources for each test or by calculations based Distribute, or Import Exempted and Generally Licensed                              on previous tests which demonstrate that, if the source Items Containing Byproduct Material," requires, in part,                           were tested, it would pass. Maintenance of containment that each application for a specific license to distribute                          integrity after each test constitutes satisfactory devices containing byproduct material to persons                                    performance of a source.
generally licensed under §31.5 of IOCFR Part 31 include sufficient information relating to qualification                                             
testing of a prototype unit to provide reasonable assurance that the byproduct material contained in the                                    The sealed source classification system contained in device will not be lost. Frequently, retention of the                               USASI N5.10.1968' provides acceptable terminology byproduct material within the device is dependent upon                            for use in describing the containment properties of a the containment properties of a. sealed source. This                              sealed source used in a device intended for distribution regulatory guide identifies terminology acceptable to the                          for use under the general license in §31.5 of I0 CFR
Regulatory staff for describing the containment                                    Part 31. When the classification system is so used, the properties of a sealed source based on prototype testing.                          applicant should state whether calculational techniques or physical testing techniques were applied. If the latter were applied, the integrity (leak) test(s) used to determine conformity with the assigned classification
should be identified and described.
The USA Standards Institute Committee N5.4, now                                      Copies may be obtained from the American National the American National Standards Institute Committee                                Si-ndards Institute, Inc., 1430 Broadway. New York, New York N43-3.3, developed a classification system for sealed                              10018.
USAEC REGULATORY GUIDES                                       Copies of published guid"t may be obtained by request indicating the divisions desired to the US. Atomic Energy Commission. Washington. DC. 20546, Regulatory Guiclies ere Islued to teIVTbae and make available to the public       Attention: Director of Regulatory Stendards. Comments end suggestions for rmethods acocptable to the AEC Regulatory staff of Implemenling specilic pi4t1 Of Improvements In these gutdes aweencouraged and should be sent to the Secretary the Commrislon's reIsetions. to delineate techniques used by the Itaff IM         of the Commission, U.S. Atomic Energiy Commsttion, Washington. D.C. 70545, evaluting specdiic robtolornt or postulated aciciadn.t of to provide guidence 1o   Attention: Chief, Public Proosedinp Staff.
appliants. Regutltory Guides a not tubltiltutes Cx regulations and compliance with them Is not required. Methods and eolutlons different from those wt out in   The guide$ are issued in Ithe following len broad divisions:
the gulde will be accepteble if they provide a tails for the findings requisite to the isuanceor continuance of a permit of license by the Comrmslstion.               1. Power Reactors  
====d. Products====
                                                                                    2. Reaseardh and Test Reactors            
===7. Transportation===
                                                                                    3. Fuels and Materietl Facilities           a. Occuolalonal Health PublIshedI gudes will be revised periodically, at appropriate, to eccommodate       4. Environmmentl an-dSilIng                9. Antitrust Review comments end to reflect new Intorn"tlon or espeflence.                               6. Meteslels and Plant Protectltor         10. Ge*eral}}


Latest revision as of 01:23, 20 March 2020

Classification of Containment Properties of Sealed Radioactive Sources Contained in Certain Devices to Be Distributed for Use Under General License
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/31/1974
US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
Download: ML13350A236 (1)








sources (USASI N5.10. 1968).' To classify a sealed source under the system, a determination is made of its Section 32.51, "Certain Measuring, Gauging or ability to withstand the conditions of each Controlling Devices Gencrally Licensed Under §31.5 of environmental test prescribed in the standard.

this Chapter: Requirements for License to Distribute," Classification is determined by physically testing two of 10 CFR Part 32, "Specific Licenses to Manufacture, prototype sources for each test or by calculations based Distribute, or Import Exempted and Generally Licensed on previous tests which demonstrate that, if the source Items Containing Byproduct Material," requires, in part, were tested, it would pass. Maintenance of containment that each application for a specific license to distribute integrity after each test constitutes satisfactory devices containing byproduct material to persons performance of a source.

generally licensed under §31.5 of IOCFR Part 31 include sufficient information relating to qualification


testing of a prototype unit to provide reasonable assurance that the byproduct material contained in the The sealed source classification system contained in device will not be lost. Frequently, retention of the USASI N5.10.1968' provides acceptable terminology byproduct material within the device is dependent upon for use in describing the containment properties of a the containment properties of a. sealed source. This sealed source used in a device intended for distribution regulatory guide identifies terminology acceptable to the for use under the general license in §31.5 of I0 CFR

Regulatory staff for describing the containment Part 31. When the classification system is so used, the properties of a sealed source based on prototype testing. applicant should state whether calculational techniques or physical testing techniques were applied. If the latter were applied, the integrity (leak) test(s) used to determine conformity with the assigned classification


should be identified and described.

The USA Standards Institute Committee N5.4, now Copies may be obtained from the American National the American National Standards Institute Committee Si-ndards Institute, Inc., 1430 Broadway. New York, New York N43-3.3, developed a classification system for sealed 10018.

USAEC REGULATORY GUIDES Copies of published guid"t may be obtained by request indicating the divisions desired to the US. Atomic Energy Commission. Washington. DC. 20546, Regulatory Guiclies ere Islued to teIVTbae and make available to the public Attention: Director of Regulatory Stendards. Comments end suggestions for rmethods acocptable to the AEC Regulatory staff of Implemenling specilic pi4t1 Of Improvements In these gutdes aweencouraged and should be sent to the Secretary the Commrislon's reIsetions. to delineate techniques used by the Itaff IM of the Commission, U.S. Atomic Energiy Commsttion, Washington. D.C. 70545, evaluting specdiic robtolornt or postulated aciciadn.t of to provide guidence 1o Attention: Chief, Public Proosedinp Staff.

appliants. Regutltory Guides a not tubltiltutes Cx regulations and compliance with them Is not required. Methods and eolutlons different from those wt out in The guide$ are issued in Ithe following len broad divisions:

the gulde will be accepteble if they provide a tails for the findings requisite to the isuanceor continuance of a permit of license by the Comrmslstion. 1. Power Reactors

d. Products

2. Reaseardh and Test Reactors

7. Transportation

3. Fuels and Materietl Facilities a. Occuolalonal Health PublIshedI gudes will be revised periodically, at appropriate, to eccommodate 4. Environmmentl an-dSilIng 9. Antitrust Review comments end to reflect new Intorn"tlon or espeflence. 6. Meteslels and Plant Protectltor 10. Ge*eral