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{{#Wiki_filter:CATEGORY I                                                                      UNIT 2 (3)
Technical Specifications.
Disciplines                NPPT      RO    RE/QNE    CH    RS  I&C  M&ES Required:                  EX]      [XI    []        [      [    [ ]  [X]
Unit 1 Review*Required:                        I] YES    [X] NO Special Reviews:    IST Coordinator.
Shift Operations Supervisor      (SOS),    or designee.
IST Coordinator must review completed procedure.
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CATEGORY I                                                                  UNIT 2 (3)
To perform the following Diesel Generator      (D/G)  tests:
: 1. Endurance and Margin Test.
: 2. Full Load Rejection Test.
: 3. ECCS Test.
: 4. Hot Restart Test.
: 5. By verifying the start    of the D/Gs, the air      start solenoids and the air  start  check valves operability are verified.        (CM-2)
: 1. Technical Specifications:
: a.      Section 3.5.1,  ECCS -  Operating.
: b.      Section 3.7.2,  Diesel Generator Cooling Water      (DGCW)    System.
: c.      Section 3.8.1,  AC Sources - Operating.
: d.      Section 3.8.3,  Diesel Fuel Oil and Starting Air.
: 2. Procedures:
: a.  ©  DCP 2103-05, Chemical Addition to the Diesel Generator Cooling Service Water.    ©(W-15)
: b.      DOP 6400-14,  TR 86 Load Tap Changer Operation.
: c.      DOP 6400-15,  TR 32 Load Tap Changer Operation.
: d.      DOS 6600-01,  Diesel Generator Surveillance Tests.
: e.      DOP 6600-03,  Diesel Generator 2(3)    Shutdown.
: f.      DOP 6600-06,  Diesel Generator 2/3 Shutdown.
: g.      DOS 0040-02,  Operator Oil Sampling for Offsite Laboratory Analysis.
: h.      DOP 6600-04,  Preparation for Standby Operations        (2/3).
: i.      DOP 6600-01,  Preparation for Standby Operations        (2 and 3).
: j.      DOS 6600-02,  Reversal of Diesel Generator Cooling Water Flow.
: k.      ER-AA-321,  Administrative Requirements for Inservice Testing.
: 1.      Dresden Inservice Testing Program for Pumps and Valves.
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CATEGO RY 1                                                            UNIT 2 (3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 B. 2. m. ER-AA-440,  Emergency Diesel Generator Reliability Program.
: 1. DIP 6600-01, Diesel Generator Multichannel Test Recorder Setup / Calibration Check.
  .3. Prints
: a. M-22(M-355),  Diagram of Service Water Piping.
: b. M-40(M-370),  Diagram of TBX BLDG Drains And D/G Air Intake.
: c. M-41 Sheet 2,  Diagram of Turbine And Diesel Oil Piping.
: d. M-173, Diagram of Corrosion Test & D/G Air Start Piping.
: e. M-273 Sheet 1, Diagram of Control Room,  Office,  & DW Air Cond.
: f. M-974, Diagram of D/G Room Ventilation.
: g. 12E-2350A(12E-3350A) Sheet 1, Schematic Control Diagram Engine Control & Generator Excitation, Standby Diesel Generator.
: h. 12E-2350B(12E-3350B), Schematic control Diagram Diesel Generator Auxiliaries & Start Relays.
: i. 12E-2351A, Sheet    1 & 2, Schematic Control Diagram Engine control & Gen. Excitation Standby, Diesel Generator.
: j. 12E-2351B, Sheet 1, 2 & 3, Schematic Control Diagram Diesel Generator 2/3 Auxiliaries & Start Relays.
: k. 12E-2736(12E-3736), Wiring Diagram Main Control Board Panel 902(3)-8 Part 1 Front Face.
: 1. 12E-2737, Wiring Diagram Main Control Board Panel    902-8 Part 2 Front Face.
: m. 12E-2739, Wiring Diagram Main Control Board Panel    902-8 Terminal Blocks A Thru D.
: n. 12E-2741(12E-3741), Wiring Diagram Main Control Board Panel 902(3) Part 6 Terminal Blocks G Thru K.
: 1. Attachment A, Contingency Actions for Reactor Scram or Loss of Off Site Power During Loaded D/G Surveillance Testing.
: 2. Checklist A,  D/G Prestart Checks.
: 3. Data Sheet 1-A,  Unit 2 Diesel Generator Test Data.
: 4. Data Sheet I-B,  Unit 3 Diesel Generator Test Data.
: 5. Data Sheet 1-C,  2/3 Diesel Generator Test Data.
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CATEGORY 1                                                                                                                                                      UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 C.                      6.                    Data Sheet 2,                                          Start Time Record.
: 7.                    Table 1, Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Tank Level From Remote Indication.
: 8.                    Table 2,                            Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Tank Level At Tank.
: 9.                    Figure 1, Diesel Governor D.                      EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:
: 1.                    Engine barring tool.
: 2.                    Lubricant for cylinder Test Valve Caps, N-5000,                                                          CAT ID 732916 or other approved lubricant per Engineering.
: 3.                      14 inch pipe wrench.
: 4.                    Adjustable flat                                                jaw wrench or box end wrench.
: 5.                    Recorder setup per DIP 6600-01.
E.                      PREREQUISITES:                                                                                                                                  Initial
: 1.                    Tests to be performed have been specified:
(N which                          tests                  are to              be performed):
Endurance                              and Margin Test.
[              Full Load Rejection Test.
[              Hot Restart Test.
[              ECCS Start Test.
: 2.                      (Unit 2/3 Only) Bus to be used to load 2/3 D/G for 24 hour period has been determined (4 which Bus to be used):
Bus 23-1.
[              Bus 33-1.
NOTE Approximately 4,500 gallons of fuel should be used to perform this test.                                                                                              Tech Spec SR limit is > 10,000 gallons (69%).                                                                                            Maintaining > 74% in  the tank will avoid a low fuel oil level alarm.
: 3.                    Ensure provisions have been made to restore bulk storage tank to proper level in compliance with applicable Tech Specs.
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CATEGORY 1                                                                        UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 E. 4.  ©  Preparations for obtaining necessary fuel oil samples have been made per DOS 0040-02.              ©(W-1)
: 5. DOP 6600-01 (D/G 2/3, DOP 6600-04) Diesel Generator 2(3)
(2/3) Preparation for Standby Operation has been completed as required        ('N/A'  if  in standby).
: 6. The 2(2/3)(3)-6657,            U2(2/3)(3)  D/G LUBE OIL CIRCULATING PUMP is running.
: a.      After changing oil filter          elements, draining accessory oil system, and refilling            system, Lube Oil Circulation Pump has been operating for > 30 minutes.
: b.      Strainer Box has been verified as being full before starting      the Diesel engine.
: 7. The 2(2/3) (3)-6660, U2(2/3) (3) D/G TURBO OIL CIRCULATING PUMP has been in operation for > 30 minutes.
: 8. Oil is visible in Lube Oil Gallery sight glass (lower sight glass) AND NO oil is visible in the Cam Shaft sight glass (upper sight glass).
: 9. IF D/G related annunciators are alarming, THEN the source of alarm has been identified and documented on Attachment B, Remarks Sheet.
: 10. © DOS 6600-02, Reversal of Emergency Diesel Generator Cooling Water Flow has been performed if required by surveillance schedule.        ©(W-7)
: 11.    (2/3)-6699-121,        EMERGENCY FUEL SHUT-OFF VALVE,        has been verified      OPEN    (pushed in)  prior  to starting  the D/G.
: 12.  © Normal    air    pressure range downstream of Air Start Air Pressure Regulator is in the preferred range (175 to 190 psig).        ©(W-12)
: a.      IF air      pressure is NOT 175 to 190 psig, THEN adjust pressure per one of the following, as appropriate:
(1)      DOP 6600-01,    Diesel Generator 2(3)      Preparation for  Standby Operation.
OR (2)      DOP 6600-04,    Diesel Generator 2/3 Preparation for  Standby Operation.
: 13. Communications is established between Operator in                Main Control Room and Local Operator.
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CATEGORY I                                                                          UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 E. 14. The following requirements, as applicable AND determined by Tech Specs depending on plant status are met:
: a.        Redundant D/G is      available.
: b.        Verify ECCS availability meets applicable Tech Spec requirements.
: c.        Auxiliary Power is available from Reserve Auxiliary Transformer AND either Division I, 23-1/33-1 4 KV crosstie      OR Division II,      24-1/34-1 4KV crosstie.
: d.        D/G being tested is        declared inoperable AND the Actions      of Tech Spec 3.8.1        are performed.
: 15. IF conditions of Step E.14 are NOT satisfied, THEN the D/G being tested is declared inoperable AND actions required by Tech Spec        3.8.1  are implemented.
: 16. © IF    this surveillance is being performed as a scheduled run, THEN verify Chemistry personnel available to operate chemical injection system UNLESS chemical injection system is INOPERABLE OR removed from service for system maintenance outage.          ©(W-15, W-19) (CM-l)
: 17. Electrical Maintenance Department has been notified that technicians will be required to install/remove jumpers for the ECCS Test.
: 18. System has been evaluated and appropriate                    data sheets filled      out for    NEI Safety System Unavailability.
: 19. EDG Standby Conditions are met for an ECCS Start.                    The following requirements apply to the ECCS Start ONLY:
: a.        Verify that the Diesel Generator 2(3)(2/3)                jacket water    temperature  is  less    than 155 0 F.
TI 2(3) (2/3)-6641-12, U2(3) (2/3)          D/G ENGINE CLG WTR ENGINE INLET                            OF
* TI 2(3) (2/3)-6641-13,        U2(3) (2/3)  D/G ENGINE CLG WTR ENGINE          OUTLET                  OF
: b.        Verify that Diesel Generator 2(3) (2/3)              circulating lube oil      temperature    is  less    than 150°F.
0        TI 2(3) (2/3)-6641-533,        U2(3) (2/3) D/G LUBE OIL FILTER INLET                                  OF Lube Oil Sump by pyrometer                              OF 6 of 67
CATEGORY 1                                                                                                  UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOTE IF targets are lit            on the following relays,                THEN initiate        an Issue Report          (IR)
:AND reset the target.
E.      20.        (U2 & U3 D/G only) Verify the following relays at MCC 29-7 D-2    (MCC 39-7 B-3/B-4)          do not have targets            lit:
: a.        7826-59N OVERVOLTAGE RELAY
: b.        7826-81 FREQUENCY RELAY
: c.        7826-27NA UNDERVOLTAGE RELAY
: 21.      Strip Chart Recorder installed per DIP 6600-01.                              (This step can be accomplished any time, out of sequence, as long as it  is  complete BEFORE          the Diesel      is  started.)
NOTE Bus Voltage will increase during the EDG Endurance Run due to kVAR loading requirements.          To maintain bus voltage within the limits of DOA 6500-11, 4KV BUS OVERVOLTAGE, the Load Tap Changer (LTC) should be adjusted to low within the anticipated acceptable minimum allowed by DOA 6500-12, LOW SWITCHYARD VOLTAGE.
CAUTION DO NOT adjust the LTC WHILE an EDG is                      in parallel with a bus supplied from a Transformer with the LTC.
: 22.      IF the applicable bus is supplied from a Transformer with a LTC, THEN the LTC is in MANUAL per the applicable procedure:
Bus 23-1 OR 24-1 supplied from TR 22                      (TR 86 LTC per DOP 6400-14).
Bus 33-1 OR 34-1 supplied from TR 32                      (TR 32 LTC per DOP 6400-15).
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CATEGORY I                                                              UNIT 2(3)
: 1. For an AUTO start,    there are only three D/G trip  or lockout conditions:
* Diesel Engine Overspeed, 1035 TO 1050 RPM.
* Generator Differential Fault.
* Start Failure (overcranking).
: 2. For a MANUAL start,    D/G engine will trip  on any of the following:
* Engine High Water Temperature.
* Engine Low Water Pressure.
* Main Bearing Oil Pressure Low.
0      Crankcase Pressure High a      Diesel Engine Over Speed.
0      Generator Differential Fault.
: 3. For a MANUAL start,    D/G output Circuit Breaker will trip  for the following:
* Under Frequency.
0      Loss of Field.
0      Generator Ground Fault.
a      Generator Over Current.
* Reverse Power.
* Generator Differential Fault.
: 4. During ECCS D/G will auto start      due to an ECCS Signal.
Consequently, all    normal trips  except D/G Differential Current fault and Diesel Engine Overspeed Trip will be bypassed.
: 5. This test    is to be performed on ONLY one D/G at a, time.
: 6. ©  ONLY two D/G Cooling Water Pumps may take a suction from a common line.    (More than two pumps taking suction from a common line may cause cavitation in the D/G Cooling Water Pump.)        ©(W-4, W-6)
: 7. ©  WHEN Cooling Lake is bypassed, THEN chemical injections may ONLY be performed if sufficient dilution is provided to ensure NO NPDES discharge limits are exceeded.      This is determined by Chemistry Supervision.    ©(W-14)
: 8. ©  Failure to set Droop to 5, voltage to 4160 Volts and frequency to 60 Hz may prevent D/G from achieving proper speed and voltage in the event of an AUTO start.      ©(W-l)
: 9.    (Unit 2/3 Only) The Unit 2/3 D/G auxiliaries (D/G Cooling Water Pump, Vent Fan, Fuel Oil Transfer Pump) electrical feeds will automatically transfer to Unit 3 when the 2/3 D/G is loaded to 4 kV Bus 33-1.
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CATEGORY 1                                                              UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 F. 10.    (Unit 2/3 Only) The Unit -2/3 D/G auxiliaries (D/G Cooling Water Pump, Vent Fan, Fuel Oil Transfer Pump) electrical feeds will automatically transfer to Unit 2 when the 2/3 D/G output breaker, 2/3 D/G TO Bus 33-1 is opened.
: 11. © The EDG frequency meter must meet the following two criteria        in order to properly indicate:        (a) the EDG field must have successfully flashed, (b) actual EDG frequency must be within the range of the frequency meter (58 Hz to 62 Hz).        Without this criteria    met, the frequency meter has the ability  to indicate an on scale value, dependent on the internal magnetic balance of the specific meter.      Verify proper EDG output voltage or momentarily adjust frequency to assure that the indication is displaying actual frequency.      ©(W-20)
: 12. MSDS recommended protective gear for fuel oil and/or cylinder test valve cap lubricant includes Chemical Splash Goggles and Chemical Resistant Impermeable Gloves.
: 1. This test    may be performed in lieu of DOS 6600-01 for the monthly surveillance run of the D/G per Tech Spec SR        This test  may also be performed in lieu of DOS 6600-01 for the Semi-Annual Fast Start Surveillance run of the D/G per Tech Spec SR        This test    does NOT perform a low idle start.
: 2. IF either a Reactor Scram OR a Loss of Offsite Power occurs during the running portion of a loaded diesel test,      THEN perform Attachment A, Contingency Actions for Reactor Scram or Loss of Offsite Power during Loaded D/G Surveillance Testing.
3.©  IF automatic or manual D/G shutdown fails      to stop D/G, THEN the preferred method for D/G shutdown is to trip      by using the Fuel Injection Rack Lever.      ©(W-ll)
: 4. D/G fuel oil levels in storage tank should be maintained above Tech Spec limit of 10,000 gallons (69%).
: a.        This test will use approximately 4500 gallons of fuel.
: b.        Ensure fuel is available to fill  the storage tank during the 24 hour run required by the Endurance and Margin Test.
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CATEGORY 1                                                                                                                                                              UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOTE The following restrictions                                DO NOT apply to Unit 2 D/G,                                              the Unit 3 D/G or the Unit 3 CCSW Pumps.
G.      5.  ©    IF 2/3 D/G is to be loaded, THEN the following restrictions apply for operation of the Unit 2 CCSW Pumps to avoid choking the 2/3 D/G cooling water flow below UFSAR requirements:
: a.              IF Cooling Water inlet temperature is                                                              < 820F,            THEN no restrictions                      apply.
: b.              IF Cooling Water inlet temperature is > 82 0 F but < 91 0 F, THEN no more than three Unit 2 CCSW Pumps may operate concurrently.
: c.              IF Cooling WATER INLET TEMPERATURE IS GREATER THAN 91 0 F, THEN no more than two Unit 2 CCSW Pumps may operate concurrently.
: 6.        IF this procedure is being used to satisfy the requirements of DOS 6600-01, Monthly Surveillance OR DOS 6600-01, Semi-Annual Fast Start Surveillance, THEN IST Coordinator Post Procedure Review is required.
: 7.        Checklist 1, D/G Prestart Checks may be performed any time prior to ENGINE START.
: 8.        The diesel being tested IS available for online risk provided that a dedicated Operator is available to normalize the diesel during Barring Over or following a SCRAM/LOOP (per Attachment A).
: 9.        Prerequisite E.19 is acceptable for determining a "normal standby condition" (e.g., for determining an acceptable interval between scheduled surveillances).                                            However, this guidance alone does not preclude unacceptable preconditioning by other means.                                                                                            Activities, such as preventive maintenance, repetitive testing, or manipulation of components immediately prior to testing can lead to unacceptable preconditioning.                                IF there are any concerns associated with unacceptable preconditioning, THEN initiate                                                                          an Issue Report for further evaluation by Engineering.
: 10.      When Independent Verifications are specified, verification may be performed out of sequence at any time prior to completion of this procedure.
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CATEGORY 1                                                                        UNIT 2(3)
: 1. Procedural Acceptance Criteria are identified by the notation "(AC)"
prior to the step.
: 2. Air start  compressor starting, loading and check valve performance shall be verified for each of the operable air          start    compressors.
NOTE At least one of the air    start systems must meet Acceptance Criteria for D/G
:operability requirements to be met.
: 3. IF any of the air    start  system Acceptance    Criteria can NOT be met, THEN:
: a.      Immediately declare    the affected air  start    system inoperable.
: b. Notify the Unit Supervisor.
: c. Refer to Tech Spec Section 3.8.3 to evaluate air            start    system operability.
: 4. IF any of the D/G Acceptance Criteria can NOT be met,              THEN:
: a.      Immediately declare    the D/G inoperable.
: b. Notify the Unit Supervisor.
: c. Refer to Tech Spec Section 3.8.1 OR 3.8.2 to evaluate continued plant operation.
: 5. D/G Cooling Water Pump starts        automatically upon receipt of a start signal for the associated diesel generator Tech Spec SR
: 6. D/G starts    from standby or hot restart    conditions,      as applicable.
: 7. Endurance and Margin Test Acceptance Criteria:
: a. D/G operates    for >24 hours  (Tech Spec SR
: b. During first    two hours of D/G operation, load is maintained between 2730-2860 kW AND 1550-1800 kVAR (Tech Spec SR
: c. During remaining 22 hours of D/G operation, load is                maintained between 2340-2600 kW AND 1450-1700 kVAR (Tech Spec SR
: 8. ECCS Start Test Acceptance Criteria:
: a. D/G parameters are achieved in
* 13 seconds AND maintained within the following steady state bands during the test (Tech Spec SR and SR
(1)    Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts      (4160 +/-208).
(2)    Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz    (60 +/-1.2)
(3)    D/G operates for &#x17d; 5 minutes.
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CATEGORY I                                                        UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 H. 9. Load Reject Test Acceptance Criteria  (Tech Spec SR
: a. D/G rejects a load equal to 90 to 100% of its  continuous rating (2340 to 2600 kW).
: b. Generator stable voltage
* 5000 Volts during or following load rejection (Momentary transients above 5000 volts do NOT invalidate this test).
: c. D/G does NOT trip  on overspeed.
: 10. Hot Restart Test Acceptance Criteria: (Tech Spec SR
: a. Within five minutes after D/G Shutdown (from fully loaded condition with temperatures stable), the D/G STARTS on receipt of a manual start  signal.
: b. D/G parameters are achieved in
* 13 seconds after the auto start  signal AND maintained within the following steady state bands during the test:
(1)  Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts  (4160 +/-208)
(2)  Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz  (60  +/-1.2) 12 of 67
CATEGORY I                                                                                                  UNIT 2 (3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I.      PROCEDURE:                                                                                                  Initial CAUTION Excessive load may be applied to a D/G if a SCRAM or Loss of Offsite Power (LOOP) occurs while a diesel is connected to the grid.                                The NSO and HVO performing the surveillance are responsible for performing the actions of Attachment A, Contingency Actions for Reactor Scram or Loss of Offsite Power During Loaded D/G Surveillance Testing, upon notification of the SCRAM or LOOP.
: 1.        Personnel involved in this test                  have been briefed on the requirements of Attachment A, Contingency Actions for Reactor Scram or Loss of Offsite Power During Loaded D/G Surveillance        Testing.
*:        Steps that are NOT applicable may be marked                          "N/A".
  **      IF the diesel has been barred over OR operated within 24 hours,                                      THEN Step I.2.d (barring diesel over) is "N/A".
: a.  &#xa9;    IF Diesel Generator is being run for a normally scheduled operability surveillance AND chemical injection system is available, THEN inform Chemistry Department Personnel that Chemical addition to Diesel Generator Cooling Service Water will be required per DCP 2103-05 @(W-15, W-19) (CM-I).
: b.          Perform Checklist 1, D/G Prestart Checks.
: c.        Direct NLO to D/G to be tested to monitor D/G startup and engine operation,            including      Fuel Rack Operation.
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CATEGORY 1                                                                                                  UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 WARNING Failure to place D/G control switch to STOP OR to close 2(3) (2/3)-6699-102, U2(3) (2/3) D/G AIR START CUTOFF VLV may result in personnel injury or equipment damage if a D/G start              signal is received during performance of the following steps.
I.      2.        d.      Check for oil or water in                the engine cylinders as follows:
(1)      At Panel 902(3)-8 place U2(3) (2/3) D/G control switch to STOP AND verify 902(3)-8 H-9, U2(3)
(2)      Close 2(3) (2/3)-6699-102,              U2(3) (2/3) D/G AIR START CUTOFF VLV.
(3)      At 2252-10(2253-10) (2223-33) U2(3) (2/3) D/G RELAYING & METERING CABINET Annunciator A, acknowledge C-2, ENGINE START AIR PRESS LOW OR LOCKED OUT OR AIR VALVE CLOSED OR NOT FULL OPEN.
                            *(4)      At Control Room Panel 902(3)-B, verify and reset 902(3)-8 A-7, U2(3) DIESEL GEN TROUBLE, (902-8    A-4,    U2/3    DIESEL GEN TROUBLE),            alarm.
(5)      Remove cylinder          test  valve pipe caps.
(6)      Open all      20  cylinder      test    valves.
(7)      Install    Engine Barring Tool at              Engine Flywheel.
NOTE While performing the following step, one person will be required to Bar Engine while another person observes cylinder test                          valves for discharge of water or oil.
(8)      Bar Engine one full revolution as indicated by degree markings          on engine      flywheel.
(9)      IF no water or oil is discharged from any cylinder test          valve, THEN go to Step I.2.d. (13).
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CATEGORY 1                                                          UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. 2. d.  (10) IF any quantity of water or oil is discharged from any cylinder test    valve(s), THEN perform the following steps for each cylinder that discharged oil or water:
Remove the air    box hand hole cover for the associated cylinder(s).
Bar the engine until the associated cylinder air    intake ports are open.
Visually inspect Piston Crown (top) for presence of any accumulation of oil or water.
(11) IF any accumulation of oil/water is observed on any piston crown, THEN maintain Diesel Engine inoperable AND notify the Operations Shift Supervisor.
(12) IF no accumulation of oil/water is      observed on any piston crown, THEN replace all      air  box hand hole covers.
(13) Close all    20 Cylinder Test Valves,    hand tight.
(14) In the following sub steps, use N-5000, CAT ID 732916 OR other lubricant specified as meeting applicable requirements by, the Engineering Department.
Take care to avoid getting lubricant in the opening of the test    valve.
Remove all    old lubricant from cap and valve.
Apply a thin layer of lubricant on the exposed threads of the cylinder test caps.
(15) IF pipe caps were removed in Step I.2.d.(5),
THEN install    pipe caps finger tight.      IF the caps are on too tight, they may permanently bind and require replacement of the valve.
(16) Remove Engine Barring.Tool.
(17) Open 2(3)(2/3)-6699-102,    U2(3)(2/3)  D/G AIR START CUTOFF VLV.
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CATEGORY 1                                                            UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. 2. d.  (19) At Control Room Panel 902(3)-8, verify 902(3)-8 A-7, U2(3) DIESEL GEN TROUBLE (902-8 A-4, U2/3 DIESEL GEN TROUBLE) reset.
(20) At Panel 902(3)-8 place U2(3) (2/3)    D/G control switch to AUTO.
(21) Verify 902(3)-8 H-9, U2(3) DIESEL GEN AUTO START BLOCKED (902-8 H-6, U2/3 DIESEL GEN AUTO START BLOCKED), resets.
(22) Independently verify the following:
All 20 Cylinder Test Valves closed,          hand tight.
* Cylinder test    valve pipe caps installed, hand tight.
All Air Box Hand Hole Covers      installed.
2(3) (2/'3)-6699-102,  U2(3) (2/3)    D/G AIR START CUTOFF VLV open.
At Panel 902(3)-8,    U2(3) (2/3) D/G control switch in AUTO.
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CATEGORY 1                                                                      UNIT 2(3)
CAUTION The following steps supply an ECCS start    signal. All EDG/Breaker trips/lockouts will be bypassed with the exception of Overspeed, Differential Current Fault and Failure to Start UNTIL the autostart logic is reset by either pushing the local "stop" pushbutton or taking the Main Control Room switch to "stop".              Running the EDG for 5 minutes in this configuration is not hazardous since the NLO can stop the EDG with the fuel racks should a "bypassed" trip        condition occur.
: a. At Panel 902(3)-8, Operations personnel shall time diesel generator start    by starting the Strip Chart Recorder at 10 mm/sec to record data for Data Sheet 2.
NOTE When performing the ECCS start  on the Unit 2 or 3 D/G, then verification of contact across points 1 and 2 can only be done via the control room.              No relay actuation will occur locally.
: b. Direct Electrical Maintenance      to start  D/G as follows:
(1)  For U2(3) D/G, inside Panel 902(3)-33 in AEER, momentarily jumper contacts 1 AND 2 of Relay 1430-108B. WHEN D/G starts,    THEN remove jumper.
Concurrent  Verifier:
(2)  For 2/3 D/G to Bus 23-1, inside Panel 902-32 in AEER, momentarily jumper contacts 1 AND 2 of Relay 1430-108A.      WHEN D/G starts,    THEN remove jumper.
Concurrent Verifier:
(3)  Engine start    signal is  WHEN CHANNEL 3 displays a  step change in    voltage.
(4)  WHEN D/G achieves 3952 Volts AND 58.8 Hz,          THEN mark the strip    chart.
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CATEGORY I                                                              UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. 3. b.  (5)  Record the following:
(a)  Time from start      signal to
                        > 3952 Volts AND 58.8 Hz:                  seconds (b)  Voltage:                                    Volts (c)    Frequency:                                Hz (6)  Stop the Strip Chart Recorder after voltage and frequency stabilize.
(7)  Complete Data Sheet 2.
: c.  (AC) Verify D/G starts      in
* 13 seconds AND the following steady state parameters are achieved:
(Tech Spec SR, SR, SR
(1)  Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts        (4160 +208).
(2)  Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz        (60  +1.2).
: d. Record time D/G starts        (from Control Room clock):
: e.  (AC) Verify proper Air Start System operation (demonstrated by the Diesel Engine starting)
: f. IF the D/G does NOT start,        THEN complete the following:
(1)  Record the number of times the Air Start Motors attempted      to engage.
(2)  Record air    pressure on the air pressure  regulator    gauge.                      psig (3)  Did the air    start  motors crank the engine?                                              (y/n)
: g. Verify proper engine operation.          (Demonstrated by NO obvious problems.)
: h. Verify proper Fuel Rack Operation.          (Engine comes up to speed and maintains the speed.)
: i.  (AC) At Panel 2252(3)-47 U2(3) (UNIT 2/3) DIESEL GENERATOR AUXILIARY CONTROL, verify the (3-5790)
DIESEL 2(3)(2/3) VENT FAN starts.
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CATEGORY 1                                                                            UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION  39 I. 3. j.  (AC)    At Panel 2252(3)-47 U2(3)(UNIT 2/3)                  DIESEL GENERATOR AUXILIARY CONTROL,                verify        (3-3903) DIESEL COOLING WATER PUMP 2(3)(2/3)                  starts      (Tech Spec SR
: k.  (AC)    Verify the D/G starts            by observing the Red RUN light      and the    appropriate        meters on Panel        902(3)-8.
: 1. WHEN D/G has run for > 5 minutes,                      THEN record time from Control Room clock:
: m.  (AC) Verify D/G has run for a minimum of five minutes while maintaining the following parameters (Tech Spec SR
(1)      Voltage    3952 to        4368 Volts        (4160  +/-208).
(2)      Frequency 58.8          to  61.2"Hz      (60  +/-1.2)
: n. For Unit 2/3 D/G only,                otherwise proceed to Step I.3.x.
(1)      Move D/G Start switch to STOP momentarily,                    THEN move switch to AUTO (2)      Reset 902-8 H-6 U2./3 DIESEL GEN AUTO START BLOCKED.
(3)      While the D/G is operating in its                  cooldown period, check the lubrication oil level with the dipstick.          IF level is NOT between low and high level      indications,        THEN fill      as necessary.
(4)      Record the time the D/G stops from Control Room clock:
hours:minutes:seconds (5)      At Panel 2252(3)-47 U2(3) (UNIT 2/3) DIESEL GENERATOR AUXILIARY CONTROL, trip                  the (3-5790)
DIESEL 2(3)(2/3) VENT FAN.
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CATEGORY 1                                                                UNIT 2 (3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I.      3. n.    (6)  Verify 2/3 D/G Standby Conditions are met:
(a)  Verify that the Diesel Generator 2/3 jacket water temperature is < 155 0 F.
TI 2/3-6641-12, U2/3 D/G ENGINE CLG WTR ENGINE INLET TI 2/3-6641-13, U2/3 D/G ENGINE CLG WTR ENGINE OUTLET            OF (b)  Verify that Diesel Generator 2/3 circulating lube oil temperature is
                                < 150OF.
* TI 2/3-6641-533, U2/3 D/G LUBE OIL FILTER INLET
* Lube Oil Sump by pyrometer CAUTION The following step supplies an ECCS start    signal. All EDG/Breaker trips/lockouts will be bypassed with the exception of Overspeed, Differential Current Fault and Failure to Start UNTIL the autostart logic is reset by either pushing the local "stop" pushbutton or taking the main control room switch to "stop". Running the EDG for 5 minutes in this configuration is not hazardous since the HVO can stop the EDG with the fuel racks should a "bypassed" trip condition occur.
: o. At Panel 902-8, Operations personnel shall time diesel generator start  by starting the Strip Chart Recorder at 10mm/sec to record data for Data Sheet 2.
: p. Direct Electrical  Maintenance  to start  D/G as follows:
(1)  For 2/3 D/G to Bus 33-1, inside Panel 903-32 in AEER, momentarily jumper contacts 1 AND 2 of Relay 1430-108A. WHEN D/G starts,  THEN remove jumper.
Concurrent Verifier:
(2)  Engine start  signal is WHEN CHANNEL 3 displays a step change in voltage.
(3)  WHEN D/G achieves 3952 Volts AND 58.8 Hz,    THEN mark the Strip Chart.
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CATEGORY 1                                                              UNIT 2 (3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. 3. p.  (4)      Record the following:
(a)    Time from "start"    signal to
                          > 3952 Volts AND 58.8 Hz:                seconds (b)    Voltage:                                  Volts (c)    Frequency:                                Hz (5)      Stop the Strip Chart Recorder after        voltage and frequency stabilize.
(6)      Complete Data Sheet 2.
: q.  (AC) Verify D/G starts      in
* 13 seconds AND the following steady state parameters are achieved:
(Tech Spec
(1)      Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts      (4160 +208).
(2)      Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz      (60  +/-1.2).
: r. Record time D/G starts        (from Control Room clock):
: s.  (AC) At Panel 2252 (3) -47 U2 (3) (UNIT 2/3) DIESEL GENERATOR AUXILIARY CONTROL, verify the (3-5790)
DIESEL 2(3)(2/3) VENT FAN starts.
: t.  (AC) At Panel 2252 (3)-47 U2(3) (UNIT 2/3) DIESEL GENERATOR AUXILIARY CONTROL, verify (3-3903) DIESEL COOLING WATER PUMP 2(3)(2/3) starts            (Tech Spec SR
: u.  (AC) Verify the D/G starts        by observing the Red RUN light and the appropriate meters on Panel 902-8.
: v. WHEN D/G has ran for > 5 minutes,          THEN record time from Control Room clock:
: w.  (AC) Verify D/G has run for a minimum of five minutes while maintaining the following parameters (Tech Spec SR
(1)      Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts      (4160 +/-208).
(2)      Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz      (60 +/-1.2).
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CATEGORY 1                                                                                                  UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I.      3.        x.  &#xa9;    IF applicable, THEN notify Chemistry Department to start    Chemical Injection to the Diesel Generator Cooling Water System per DCP 2103-05, Chemical Addition to the Diesel Generator Cooling Service Water.      &#xa9;(W-15, W-19) (CM-l)
NOTE The following step will "re-enable" all                        trips    that may be bypassed due to the simulated autostart signals provided for the "ECCS Start" portion of the test.
: y.      Move 2(3) (2/3) D/G Start switch to STOP momentarily, then move switch to START
: z.      Reset 902 (3)-8 H-9 (902-8 H-6)                  U2(3)(2/3)      DIESEL GEN AUTO START BLOCKED.
NOTE WHEN the Droop Setting is                taken off 5,        THEN an alarm will sound locally and in the Control Room.
aa.      At the D/G Governor on the Diesel,                    set the Droop to 55.
ab.      At 2252-10(2253-10) (2223-33) U2(3) (2/3) D/G RELAYING
                            & METERING CABINET Annunciator A, acknowledge annunciator C-l, DROOP NOT SET ON "5".
ac.      On the Main Control Room Panel 902(3)-8, verify and reset 902(3)-8 A-7, U2(3) DIESEL GEN TROUBLE (902-8 A-4, U2/3 DIESEL GEN TROUBLE).
: 4.      Verify open and locked the following valves:
2(3) (2/3)-4699-192,          D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Al/A2 OUTLET VLV 2(3) (2/3)-4699-193,          D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Bl/B2 OUTLET VLV
: 5.        Independently verify the following valve positions:
: a.      2(3)(2/3)-6699-101,            D/G AIR START STRAINER BLOWDN VLV closed.
: b.        2(3) (2/3)-4699-192,          D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Al/A2 OUTLET VLV locked open.
: c.      2(3)(2/3)-4699-193,            D/G AIR RECEIVER TK BI/B2 OUTLET VLV locked open.
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CATEGORY 1                                                                                                    UNIT 2 (3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOTE Unless otherwise noted,                all  operations are at Panel 902(3)-8.
I.      5.        d.          (AC) Adjust D/G Speed to 60 Hz using GOVERNOR control switch.
: e.          (AC) Adjust D/G voltage to 4160 Volts using VOLTAGE REG control switch.
NOTE IF the D/G is out of phase with the 4KV system,                              a synchro check relay will block manual c losure of the D/G to the 4KV sys tem.
: f.      Turn the synchroscope ON for the appropriate D/G breaker.
* D/G 2/3 TO BUS 23-1 ACB.
* D/G 2/3 TO BUS 33-1 ACB.
* U2 D/G TO BUS 24-1 ACB.
* U3 D/G TO BUS 34-1 ACB.
: g.        Adjust GOVERNOR AND VOLTAGE REGULATOR UNTIL D/G is synchronized with 4KV system.
: 1.      When synchronizing D/G to Bus,                    synchroscope should rotate one revolution in the Ldi                      o in    approximaieiy 3u seconUs.                incoming vo+/-lage should be slightly higher than Running Voltage.
: 2.      Breaker should be closed just before the pointer reaches vertical position to prevent high transient current in generator reverse power trip.
: 3.      When loading the 2/3 D/G to Bus 33-1, then electrical                                  feed to the Diesel Auxiliaries will automatically transfer to Unit 3.
CAUTION The GOVERNOR control switch should be operated using short "bumps", especially when approaching loading limits.                      Excessive duration governor control switch operation could cause limits to be exceeded.
: h.        WHEN the D/G is synchronized to the bus,                        THEN close the applicable D/G breaker.
S        D/G 2/3 TO BUS 23-1 ACB.
S        D/G 2/3 TO BUS 33-1 ACB.
0        U2 D/G TO BUS 24-1 ACB.
0        U3 D/G TO BUS 34-1 ACB.
: i.      IF 2/3 D/G was synchronized to Bus 33-1, THEN verify D/G Cooling Water pump and D/G Vent Fan are operating.
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CATEGORY 1                                                                    UNIT 2(3)
:1. D/G excitation is initially    set at 1550 to 1600 kVARS to verify proper regulator operation.      Excitation is then reduced in the subsequent step to
        -300 to +300 kVARS.
: 2. Do NOT exceed diesel bus voltage of 4300 Volts.        Reduce diesel VARs if necessary.
I. 5. j. Load D/G to indicated 2470 to 2600 kW over a period of approximately 30 to 90 seconds, while maintaining the following D/G parameters:
(1)  Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts      (4160 +208).
(2)  Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz    (60 +/-1.2)
(3)  kVAR loading between 1550 to 1600.
: k. While maintaining D/G load at 2470 to 2600 kW,        reduce excitation to -300 to +300 kVARS.
: 1. Turn off  synchroscope  and remove  key.
NOTE Step I.5.m provides direction to perform only one test.          The step performing that test  will direct the operator to perform subsequent tests        OR to shutdown the D/G. The order of test performance is as follows:
: m. Go to applicable step to perform desired test:
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CATEGORY 1                                                                                                  UNIT    2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I.      6.        ENDURANCE AND MARGIN TEST:
: 1.      Unless otherwise noted,              all    operations are at Panel 902(3)-8.
: 2.      Momentary transients outside the load range and power factor limit do not invalidate this test.
: 3.      IF grid conditions do not permit (i.e.,                        low load resulting in high bus voltage), THEN the power factor limit is not required to be met.                                        Under this condition, the power factor shall be maintained as close to the limit as practicable.
: 4.      DO NOT exceed diesel bus voltage of 4300 Volts.                              Reduce diesel kVARs as necessary.
: a.        (AC) Load D/G to indicated 2730 to 2860 kW while maintaining the following D/G parameters:
(1)      Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts                (4160 +/-208).
(2)      Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz                (60 +/-1.2)
(3)      kVAR between +1550 and +1800.
: b.        Record load applied to the D/G (2730 to 2860 kW,                            1550 to 1800 kVAR) AND time from Control Room Clock.
Load                    kW Load                    kVAR hours: minutes:seconds
: c.        (2/3 D/G Only) Record the following:
(1)    Unit 2/3 D/G is          loaded to                        Bus (2)    Unit supplying electrical feed to the 2/3 D/G Cooling Water Pump and Vent Fan, as indicated on Aux Control panel        in  D/G room.                    Unit
: d.        While D/G Cooling Water Pump is running, direct an Operator to blow down its                associated wye strainer by momentarily opening 2-3999-283 (2/3-3999-264)
(CM-1) 25 of 67
CATEGORY 1                                                          UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. 6. e. Close AND lock 2-3999-283 (2/3-3999-264) (3-3999-353)
Independent Verification:
: f. While D/G is operating, direct an Operator to check oil level with the dipstick. IF the oil level is NOT between the FULL and LOW marks on the 'CHECK WITH ENGINE HOT AND IDLING' side of the dipstick, THEN fill  as necessary.
: g. Approximately one hour after D/G has been loaded to 2730 to 2860 kW, record parameters on Data Sheet 1, Diesel Generator Operating    Parameters,  as applicable.
: h.  (AC) Verify D/G has operated with indicated load of 2730 to 2860 kW for a minimum of 2 hours while maintaining the following D/G parameters:
(Tech Spec SR
(1)    Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts    (4160 +208).
(2)    Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz  (60 +/-1.2).
(3)    kVAR between +1550 and +1800.
Record time from Control Room Clock.
: i.  (AC) Lower D/G load to indicated 2340 to 2600 kW while maintaining the following D/G parameters:
(1)    Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts  (4160 +/-208).
(2)    Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz  (60  +/-1.2).
(3)    kVAR between +1450 and +1700.
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CATEGORY 1                                                    UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. 6. j. Approximately one hour after D/G has been loaded to 2340 to 2600 kW, AND approximately every four hours thereafter throughout the D/G run, record D/G operating parameters on Data Sheet 1.
: k.  (AC) Verify D/G has operated at an indicated minimum load of 2340 to 2600 kW for a minimum of 22 hours while maintaining the following D/G parameters:
(Tech Spec SR
(1)  Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts  (4160 +/-208).
(2)  Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz  (60  +/-1.2).
(3)  kVAR between +1450 and +1700.
Record time from Control Room Clock.
: 1. IF Full Load Rejection Test is to be performed,  THEN go to Step 1.7, Full Load Reject Test.
: m. IF Full Load Rejection Test is NOT performed, AND Hot Restart Test is to be performed, THEN go to Step 1.8, Hot Restart Test.
: n. IF it is NOT desired to perform Full Load Rejection Test OR Hot Restart Test, THEN go to Step 1.9 and 1.10 or I.11 as applicable.
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CATEGORY I                                                                                                                                                                                                                  UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I.                    7.                FULL LOAD REJECT TEST:
: a.                  (AC)        Verify D/G loaded as follows:
(1)              2340 to 2600 kW.
(2)              Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts                                                            (4160 +208).
(3)              Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz                                                          (60 +/-1.2).
(4)              kVAR between -50                                    and +50.
: b.                  IF Hot Restart Test is to be performed,                                                                                    THEN go to Step 1.8, Hot Restart Test.
: c.                At Panel 902(3)-8, monitor AND record voltage and start            strip              chart recorder at 10m/sec:
Voltage observed                                                                (902(3)-8)
Voltage                  recorded                                              (strip              chart)
: d.                TRIP the applicable D/G breaker:
* D/G 2/3 TO BUS 23-1 ACB.
* D/G 2/3 TO BUS 33-1 ACB.
* U2 D/G TO BUS 24-1 ACB.
* U3 D/G TO BUS 34-1 ACB.
: e.                  (AC) Verify D/G does NOT trip                                                                on overspeed (Tech Spec SR and stop strip                                                            chart recorder.
Peak Voltage                            observed                                              (902(3)-8)
Peak Voltage                            recorded                                              (strip              chart)
NOTE Momentary transients                                                above 5000 volts do NOT invalidate this test.
: f.                  (AC) Verify Generator stable voltage
* 5000 Volts during or following the load rejection (Tech Spec SR
: g.                IF it is NOT desired to perform Hot Restart Test, THEN go to Step 1.9 and 1.10 (if                                                                      applicable) or I.11, D/G Shutdown.
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CATEGORY 1                                                                                                                                                                    UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I.                    8.                    HOT RESTART TEST:
: a.                      IF the Endurance and Margin Test was NOT performed, THEN verify the following:
(1)                    (AC) D/G has operated for minimum two hours with the following loading:
* 2340 to 2600 kW.
* Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts (4160 +/-208).
* Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz (60 +/-1.2).
* kVAR between -50 and +50.
(2)                  D/G temperatures are stable.
NOTE D/G must be restarted within five minutes after D/G comes to a stop.
: b.                      IF Full Load Reject Test is                                              to be performed,        THEN:
(1)                  At Panel 902(3)-8, monitor AND record voltage and start                        strip    chart recorder at 10mm/sec:
Voltage                        observed              (902(3)-8)
Voltage                        recorded              (strip    chart)
(2)                  TRIP the applicable D/G breaker:
* D/G 2/3 TO BUS 23-1 ACB.
* D/G 2/3 TO BUS 33-1 ACB.
* U2 D/G TO BUS 24-1 ACB.
* U3 D/G TO BUS 34-1 ACB.
(3)                    (AC) Verify D/G does NOT trip                              on overspeed (Tech Spec SR and stop strip                                  chart recorder.
Peak Voltage observed                                        (902(3)-8)
Peak Voltage                          recorded              (strip    chart)
:Momentary transients outside the voltage limit do not invalidate this test.
(4)                    (AC) Verify Generator voltage does NOT exceed 5000 Volts during or following the load rejection                        (Tech Spec SR
(5)                  Go to Step I.8.d.
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CATEGORY 1                                                                        UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. 8. C. IF  Full Load Reject Test was NOT performed,            THEN:
(1)    Reduce D/G load to < 100 kW using GOVERNOR control switch.
(2)    Open applicable breaker AND record time from Control Room Clock.
* D/G 2/3 TO BUS 23-1 ACB.
* D/G 2/3 TO BUS 33-1 ACB.
* U2 D/G TO BUS 24-1 ACB.
* U3 D/G TO BUS 34-1 ACB.
: d. IF 2/3 D/G was tested to Bus 33-1, THEN verify DIESEL COOLING WATER PUMP 2/3 AND DIESEL 2/3 VENT FAN continue operating AND their electrical feeds automatically transfer to Unit 2 when the D/G 2/3 TO BUS 33-1 ACB is      opened.
&#xa9; Failure to set the droop to 5,        the voltage to 4160 and the frequency to 60 Hz may prevent the D/G from coming up to speed and voltage in              the event of an AUTO start.    &#xa9;(W-l)
: e. At D/G Governor      set  the droop  setting    to  5.
(1)    At 2252-10(2253-10) (2223-33)          U2(3) (2/3) D/G RELAYING & METERING CABINET,          Annunciator A, reset    annunciator C-i,    DROOP NOT SET ON "5".
(2)    Reset annunciator 902(3)-8 A-7, U2(3) DIESEL GEN TROUBLE (902-8 A-4, U2/3 DIESEL GEN TROUBLE).
f.&#xa9;  Set D/G frequency to 60 Hz using GOVERNOR control switch.      O(W-I)
: g.  &#xa9; Adjust D/G voltage to 4160 Volts using VOLTAGE REG control switch.        O(W-1)
: h. Move D/G Start switch to STOP momentarily, then move switch to AUTO AND record time from Control Room Clock.
: i. Reset 902(3)-8 H-9 (902-8 H-6)          U2(3) (2/3) DIESEL GEN AUTO START BLOCKED.
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CATEGORY 1                                                                                                  UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I.      8.        j.      While the D/G is          operating in          its    cool down period, check    the lubrication          oil  level      with the dipstick.
(1)      IF    level is    NOT between low and high level indications,          THEN fill      as necessary.
NOTE D/G must be restarted within five minutes after the D/G comes to a stop.                                            A stopwatch will be used to time the total elapsed time from diesel stop to subsequent restart.              The strip        chart will be used to determine time from start signal to rated parameters of voltage and frequency.
: k.      Record the time the D/G stops AND start                        stopwatch.
: 1.      At Panel 2252(3)-47 U2(3)(UNIT 2/3) DIESEL GENERATOR AUXILIARY CONTROL, trip                the (3-5790) DIESEL 2(3)(2/3)
: m.      Perform the following:
(1)      Start      the strip      chart recorder        at  10mm/sec.
(2)      Start D/G from the Main Control Room by taking D/G START switch to START.
: n.      WHEN D/G achieves 3952 Volts AND 58.8 Hz, THEN stop the stopwatch AND the strip                  chart recorder.
(1)      Record elapsed time between shutdown and startup:
seconds (2)      (AC)    Verify elapsed time <              5 minutes.
: o.      Record the following:
(1)      Time from "start"            signal to
                                      > 3952 Volts AND 58.8 Hz:                                        seconds (2)    Voltage:                                                          Volts (3)      Frequency:                                                        Hz
: p.        (AC) Verify D/G starts              in
* 13 seconds AND the following steady state parameters are achieved:
(Tech Spec SR and SR
(1)    Voltage        3952    to 4368 Volts          (4160  +/-208).
(2)      Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz                  (60  +/-1.2).
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CATEGORY 1                                                                                                                                                          UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I.                    8.                      q.                      (AC) At Panel 2252(3)-47 U2(3) (UNIT 2/3) DIESEL GENERATOR AUXILIARY CONTROL, verify the (3-5790)
DIESEL 2(3)(2/3) VENT FAN starts.
: r.                      (AC) At Panel 2252(3)-47 U2(3) (UNIT 2/3) DIESEL GENERATOR AUXILIARY CONTROL, verify the (3-3903)
DIESEL COOLING WATER PUMP 2(3) (2/3) starts.
(Tech Spec SR
: 9.                      IF performing this test                                                          in lieu of DOS 6600-01, Monthly Surveillance AND/OR DOS 6600-01, Semi-Annual Fast Start Surveillance:
:Do not take credit for any time the D/G is                                                                                                  loaded outside of the 2340 to 2600 kW
:load band.                                        (i.e.,                    110% PM run)
: a.                      (AC)              Verify D/G has operated for > 60 minutes with a load of 2340                                      to    2600 kW  (Tech Spec SR
: 10.                    IF performing this test                                                          in lieu of DOS 6600-01, Monthly Surveillance and/or DOS 6600-01, Semi-Annual Fast Start Surveillance AND the Unit 2/3 D/G operability is being verified, AND the remaining 4 kV Bus 23-1(33-1) is available, THEN following the 24 hour loaded run, load the 2/3 D/G to the opposite unit (unit NOT loaded to during endurance run) as follows:
: a.                    IF loaded, THEN reduce the D/G load to < 100 kW using the GOVERNOR control switch.
: b.                      IF closed, THEN open the D/G circuit breaker to the 4 kV Bus 23-1 (33-1) and record time.
hours:minutes:seconds NOTE Steps I.10.c through I.10.g will have to be performed if the Hot Restart Test was performed immediately prior to loading the 2/3 D/G to the alternate bus.
: c.                    At the D/G Governor on the Diesel,                                            verify Droop is set to 55.
: d.                    At 2252-10(2253-10) (2223-33) U2(3) (2/3) D/G RELAYING
                                                                          & METERING CABINET, Annunciator A, reset annunciator C-1, DROOP NOT SET ON '5",                                            IF necessary.
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CATEGORY 1                                                                    UNIT 2 (3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. 10. e. On the Main Control Room Panel 902(3)-8, verify and Reset 902(3)-8 A-7, U2(3) DIESEL GEN TROUBLE (902-8 A-4,  U2/3 DIESEL GEN TROUBLE).
: f. Insert key and turn the synchroscope ON between the D/G and the appropriate 4 kV bus.
: g. Adjust the D/G Voltage and Governor Controls until the D/G output is    synchronized    with the 4 kV system.
NOTE When synchronizing the D/G to the Bus, the synchroscope should rotate one revolution in approximately 30 seconds in the fast direction, the breaker should be closed just before the pointer reaches the vertical position, Incoming voltage should be slightly higher than Running voltage.        These conditions will help prevent high transient current in the generator or a reverse power trip.
CAUTION The GOVERNOR control switch should be operated using short "bumps", especially when approaching loading limits. Excessive duration governor control switch operation could cause limits to be exceeded.
: h. WHEN the D/G/  is  synchronized to the bus,    THEN close the D/G output breaker      to the 4 kV Bus 23-1    (33-1).
: i. Load D/G to indicated 2470 to 2600 kW over a period of approximately 30 to 90 seconds, while maintaining the following D/G parameters:
(1)  Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts      (4160 +208).
(2)  Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz      (60  +/-1.2)
(3)  kVAR loading between      -300  to +300.
: j. Turn off  synchroscope    and remove key.
: k. Record the following:
(1)  Unit 2/3 D/G is    loaded to              Bus (2)  Unit supplying electrical feed to the 2/3 D/G Cooling Water Pump and Vent Fan, as indicated on Aux Control panel  in  D/G room.            Unit (3)  Record D/G load and time:
Load              kW hours:minutes:seconds 33 of 67
CATEGORY I                                                      UIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. 10. 1. After EDG has been loaded for > 5 minutes, then reduce D/G load to < 100 kW using GOVERNOR control switch.
: m. Open the circuit breaker from the D/G 2/3 to 4 kV Bus 23-1 (33-1) and record time.
: n. IF 2/3 D/G was loaded to Bus 33-1, THEN verify DIESEL COOLING WATER PUMP 2/3 AND DIESEL 2/3 VENT FAN continue operating AND their electrical feeds automatically transfer to Unit 2 when the D/G 2/3 TO BUS 33-1 ACB  is  opened.
: a. IF D/G is  loaded,  THEN perform the following:
(l)  Reduce D/G load to < 100 kW using GOVERNOR control switch.
(2)  Open applicable breaker AND record time from Control Room Clock.
* D/G 2/3 TO BUS 23-1 ACB
* D/G 2/3 TO BUS 33-1 ACB
* U2 D/G TO BUS 24-1 ACB
* U3 D/G TO BUS 34-1 ACB hours:minutes:seconds
: b. IF 2/3 D/G was tested to Bus 33-1, THEN verify DIESEL COOLING WATER PUMP 2/3 AND DIESEL 2/3 VENT FAN continue operating AND their electrical feeds automatically transfer to Unit 2 when the D/G 2/3 TO BUS  33-1 ACB is opened.
34 of 67
CATEGORY 1                                                                                                                                                                  UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOTE The EDG will be run unloaded for approximately 10 to 15 minutes (including normal cool down time) to allow extra cool down after the 24 hour endurance run and any subsequent tests.
  &#xa9; Failure to set the droop to 5, the voltage to 4160 and the frequency to 60 Hz may prevent the D/G from coming up to speed and voltage in the event of an AUTO start.                          &#xa9;(W-1)
I.                      11.                    c.                    At D/G Governor                                          set    the droop setting      to 5.
(1)                  At 2252-10(2253-10) (2223-33)                                U2(3) (2/3) D/G RELAYING & METERING CABINET,                                Annunciator A, reset                  annunciator            C-l,  DROOP NOT SET ON "5".is (2)                  Reset annunciator 902(3)-8 A-7, U2(3) DIESEL GEN TROUBLE (902-8 A-4, U2/3 DIESEL GEN TROUBLE).
: d.          e          Adjust D/G frequency to 60 Hz using GOVERNOR control switch.                            &#xa9;(W-l)
: e.        &#xa9;          Adjust D/G voltage to 4160 Volts using VOLTAGE REG control                        switch.                    &#xa9;(W-l)
: f.                    Run D/G unloaded                                            for    10 to    15 minutes.
: g.                    Move D/G Start switch to STOP momentarily, then move switch to AUTO AND record time from Control Room Clock.
: h.      -            Reset 902(3)-8 H-9 (902-8 H-6)                                                  U2(3) (2/3)  DIESEL GEN AUTO START BLOCKED.
: i.                    Record the time the D/G stops.
: j.                    WHEN the D/G STOPS,                                              THEN:
(1)                  Verify 2(2/3)(3)-6657,                                U2 (2/3)(3)  D/G LUBE OIL CIRCULATING PUMP                            is  running (2)                  Verify 2(2/3)(3)-6660,                                U2(2/3)(3)  D/G TURBO OIL CIRCULATING PUMP                            is  running.
: k.                    At Panel 2252(3)-47 U2(3) (UNIT 2/3) DIESEL GENERATOR AUXILIARY CONTROL, verify the (3-3903) DIESEL COOLING WATER PUMP 2(3)(2/3) has shutdown.
35 of 67
CATEGORY 1                                                                          UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. 11. 1. At Panel 2252(3)-47 U2(3) (UNIT 2/3) DIESEL GENERATOR AUXILIARY CONTROL, trip            the (3-5790) DIESEL 2(3) (2/3)
: 1. Step I.ll.m is  required monthly OR after a D/G period of operation
  > one hour.
: 2. During the following      step,  the day tank sample'may be obtained.
: m. Check Diesel Fuel Oil Day Tank for accumulated water as follows:
(1)    Place collection container under the Day Tank Drain.      (CM-3)
(2)    Remove pipe cap and open 2(3)(2/3)-5299-205, D/G FUEL OIL DAY TK OUTLET TO D/G DRN VLV.
(3)    Check for accumulated water in          the Day Tank.
(4)    IF water has accumulated in the Day Tank, THEN continue to drain until accumulated water is removed from Day Tank.          (CM-3)
(5)    Close 2(3) (2/3)-5299-205,        D/G FUEL OIL DAY TK OUTLET TO D/G DRN VLV and install          cap.    (CM-3)
(6)    Independently verify 2(3) (2/3)-5299-205, D/G FUEL OIL DAY TK OUTLET TO D/G DRN VLV closed and capped.        (CM-3)
(7)      (AC) Any accumulated water has been removed from the Diesel Fuel Oil Day Tank.              (Tech Spec SR      (CM-3)
: n. Record Diesel Fuel Oil Day Tank level:                          inches
: o.    (AC)  Diesel Fuel Oil Day Tank level &#x17d;205 gallons of fuel  oil.      (Tech Spec SR
: p.    (AC) Verify Fuel Oil Transfer Pump has RECHARGED Day Tank to &#x17d;205 gallons as indicated by associated Diesel Oil Day Tank site        glass.    (Tech Spec SR
(1)    IF Day Tank level is <205 gallons as indicated by the associated Diesel Oil Day Tank Local Site Glass, THEN declare Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Transfer System        inoperable.
36 of 67
CATEGORY 1                                                                          UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. 11. q. Independently verify          2(3) (2/3)-6699-146,    U2(3) (2/3)
: 12. Log the Diesel Storage Tank Level.
: a. Record tank level:                                      (% OR inches)
IF Diesel Storage Tank Level remote indicator
(%) is Out-Of-Service, THEN obtain tank level by sticking      the tank locally.
: b. Record Diesel Fuel Oil Tank useable volume (in gallons) from Table 1, Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Tank Level From Remote Indication, OR from Table 2, Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Tank Level At Tank.
: c.      (AC)  Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Tank useable volume is
              > 10,000    gallons    (69%)    (Tech Spec SR
: d. IF D/G fuel storage tank level is less than either of the following, as applicable, THEN notify the Unit Supervisor.
(1)    12,522 gallons        (remote indication,      78.5%).
(2)    12,560 gallons,        (local  by stick,  75 inches).
: e.  &#xa9; IF    applicable, THEN notify Chemistry Department to stop chemical injection from Diesel Generator Cooling Water per DCP 2103-05, Chemical Addition.
              &#xa9;(W-15, W-19)
: f. IF D/G was declared inoperable AND a 7 day LCO entered for Loaded Run Testing, THEN verify D/G test successful AND:
(1)    Declare Diesel        Generator Operable.
(2)    Exit any LCO for        Diesel Generator testing.
: 13. Disconnect strip      chart recorder in accordance with DIP 6600-01. May be removed at any time, out of sequence, after data is verified.
: 14. IF conditions allow LTC operation in automatic, WHEN directed by the Unit Supervisor, THEN transfer TR 86(32)
LTC to AUTO operation      [DOP 6400-14        (DOP 6400-15)].
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CATEGORY 1                                                                                UNIT 2(3)
: 1. The D/G air      start      system operates as follows:              When the D/G is started, the air            start    solenoid is powered, allowing air            from the air    receivers to pass through the solenoid valve to the pinion gear end of the lower start                motor. This causes the pinion gear to move forward and engage the ring gear.                    Movement of the pinion gear uncovers a port that allows air                  passage to the upper motor, engaging its    pinion gear.          Only when both pinion gears are engaged does air reach the air        start      relay valve that then opens the main air            supply to drive each of the starting motors.                    If the main air        supply does NOT reach the air            start    motors in two seconds as sensed by the multiple start          pressure switch, the air          start      solenoid will re-power to start    the sequence again.              This multiple start        sequence will continue until the D/G reaches 200 rpm.                      If the D/G does NOT reach 200 rpm in 15 seconds, the sequence will stop and the Fail To Start alarm will come in.                At >200 rpm, the air      start    solenoid valve de-powers, thus interrupting the air to the starting motors and venting the pressure.                This causes the air        start    motors to disengage and stop.        Proper start          of the D/G verifies adequate air          supply to the air    start    motors.          If the air  start  motor properly engages and starts    the D/G the following valves will be considered operable:
: a.      2(3)    (2/3)-6699-103,          Air Start Solenoid.
: b.      2(3)    (2/3)-6699-104,          Air Start Check Valve.
: c.      2(3)(2/3)-4699-312,316,              Air Receiver Outlet Check Valve.
: d.      2(3)    (2/3)      4699-311A,      B,  Air Compressor Outlet Check Valve.
: 2.  &#xa9; The D/G Heat        Exchangers will be monitored as required in DAP 14-07, Service Water System Performance Verification, to confirm adequate heat exchanger cooling capability in accordance with GL 89-13.
: 3. S&L Calculation (W-16) demonstrated that if 2/3 D/G cooling water flow is 800 gpm with two or less U2 CCSW pumps operating, then flow is adequate for all              operating modes, given U2 CCSW pump operation restrictions in LPCI and 2/3 D/G operating procedures.                          Subsequent evaluation determined a minimum flow requirement of 830 GPM (800 GPM U2/3 Only) gpm.              (W-26)
: 4. Dresden Station's EDG Surveillance Testing Program meets NUMARK 87-00 Rev 1 AND Reg. Guide 1.9 Rev. 3 recommendations by performing the surveillances listed                in ER-AA-440. In this Surveillance, the following tests          required by ER-AA-440 are performed:
: a.      Endurance and Margin Test.
: b.      Full Load Rejection Test.
: c.      ECCS Test.
: d.      Hot Restart Test.
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CATEGORY 1                                                          UIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 J. 5. New Fuel Oil Storage Tank levels:
: a. Level was recalculated on ABB Impell Calculation # 10553-CALC-03.
: b. Percent values in Steps E.3 NOTE, G.4, I.13.d NOTE, and Data Sheet 1 Item 21 include instrument error based on approximately -3.3 inches of water (possible error) and specific gravity adjustment. These values are specified as limits in Writers Reference W-17 to prevent going below the Tech Spec limit even under worst-case conditions.
: c. The percent level readings in Table 1 are NOT adjusted for instrument error and are a direct calculation from level information provided in Calculation # 10553-CALC-03.
: d. Table 2 is provided in case the remote  indication is not available OR if a manual tank level is  desired. The even inch values are directly from Calculation#    10553-CALC-03.
1/2 inch values were interpolated from  the data provided.
: 6. Attachment A, Contingency Actions for Reactor Scram or Loss of Offsite Power During Loaded D/G Surveillance Testing, was created due to a LaSalle event where:
: a. A D/G was connected to the grid for surveillance testing,
: b. A SCRAM occurred,
: c. The diesel assumed VARs lost by the main generator.
: d. Per the manufacturer, the loading picked up by the D/G could have destroyed the D/G in 10 to 15 minutes.
: 7. Attachment A has two purposes. In the event of a SCRAM it provides protection for the D/G by opening the output breaker. In the event of a LOOP, it supplements core protection by forcing load shedding and ensuring controls are adjusted to maintain proper bus voltage and frequency for ECCS equipment. While not all actions are required for both events, a single set of guidelines were developed for ease of operation.
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CATEGORY I                                                            UNIT 2(3)
: 1. Response to I.E. Information Notice No. 85-28, Partial Loss Of AC Power and Diesel Generator Degradation,    Dated October 18, 1985.
: 2. QA Audit 12-87-08.
: 3. QA Audit 12-88-14.
: 4. QAL 12-87-197,  Dresden Station Safety System Functional  Inspection (SSFI) Report,  Dated August 28, 1987.
: 5. S & L Spec.  #K-2183,  Western Electrical Control Equipment Manual.
: 6. S & L Calculation Number MAD 89-0003,    Diesel Generator Cooling Water Pump NPSH.
: 7. Response to I. E. Bulletin 81-03, Dated March 28, 1983; Flow Blockage of Cooling Water to Safety System Components by Carbicula Sp. (Asian Clam) and Mytillus Sp. (Mussels).
: 8. I. E. Circular No 79-12,    Potential Diesel Generator Turbo Charger problems.
: 9. DIS 6600-01,  Diesel Generator Starting Air Pressure Instrument Calibration.
: 10. Generic Letter 89-04,  Guidance on Developing Acceptable  Inservice testing Programs.
: 11. DVR 12-2-89-070, Implement a Procedure for Diesel Generator Emergency shutdown Utilizing Tech Staff Recommendations.
: 12. DVR 12-2-90-053,  Inoperable Due To Air Start System Regulator Leak.
: 13. Generic Letter 89-13,  Service Water System Problems Affecting Safety Related Equipment.
: 14. NTS 237-200-92-01001.
: 15. NTS 237-201-93-48901.
: 16. S&L Calculation MPED 09215-113, maximum Allowable Lake Temperature For Unrestricted Unit 2/3 D/G Operation.
: 17. White Paper, Dresden Station Units 2 and 3 Emergency Diesel Generator Fuel Oil System Instrumentation, August 8, 1994.
: 18. ABB Impell calculation # 10553-CALC-05,    Dresden EDG Fuel Oil Storage Tanks 2, 3, 2/3-5241 Volume.
: 19. Revision to NRC commitment to Generic Letter (GL) 89-13 for biocide injection into Diesel Generator Cooling Water and Containment Cooling Service Water per Letter to J. Kotowski for G. Paramore (SWS Eng.), J. Frankovic and L. Magers (SWS Chemists) dated 5-4-94.
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CATEGORY 1                                                            UIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 W. 20. LER 12-2-97-016, Autostart of the 2/3 Diesel Generator due to Operating Team Knowledge Deficiency.
: 21. EC# 332886, Emergency Diesel Generator Power Factor during Full Load Reject and Endurance Testing.
: 22. Dresden: (CM-I) 3, 5, AMR M04, AR 101522.20.01 (Steps E.16,        I.2.a, I.3.x, I.6.d and Data Sheet 1, Item 20 and Item 20 Note.)
: 23. Dresden:    (CM-2) License Renewal Aging Management, GALL Section XI.M21.3,    4, 5, 6 AMD MI1,    AR 101522.21.01 (Step A)
: 24. Dresden: (CM-3) License Renewal Aging Management, GALL Section XI.M30.4, AMR M03, AR 101522.30.03 (Steps I.ll.k.      (1). through I.ll.k.  (7) .)
: 25. Calculation No. DRE96-0135, DO Starting Air Compressor and Receiver Pressure Setpoints Analysis Revision 0, dated 10-1-96 and Revision Oa, dated 11-14-03.
: 26. Calculation ATD-400,    Unit 2/3 Diesel Generator Jacket Water Cooler Capacity.
: 27. EC 364072, Evaluate and Determine Power Factor and KVAR Range for Emergency Diesel Generator 24-Hour Endurance Testing.
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CATEGORY I                                                                                                                                                                                    UNIT 2 (3)
NOTE If a Loss of Offsite Power (LOOP) condition exists, the D/G output breaker will automatically close.                                        Opening of the D/G output breaker is necessary to ensure load          shedding                of      non-essential                          loads.
: 1.              Open the applicable D/G Output Breaker AND record time:                                                                                                                                    INITIAL 0                U2 D/G TO BUS 24-1 ACB 0                2/3 D/G TO BUS 23-1 ACB 0                2/3 D/G TO BUS 33-1 ACB U3 D/G TO BUS 34-1 ACB hours : minutes : seconds CAUTION
          &#xa9;      Failure to set the droop to 5,                                                        the voltage to 4160 and the frequency to 60 Hz may prevent the D/G from coming up to speed and voltage in the event of an AUTO start.                                                      &#xa9;(W-l)
: 2.              At the D/G Governor,                                      set the droop setting to 5.                                                                                                                        .I
: 3.              At 2252-10(2253-10) (2223-33) U2(3) (2/3) D/G RELAYING & METERING CABINET, Annunciator A, reset annunciator C-l, DROOP NOT SET ON "5".
: 4.              Reset annunciator 902(3)-8, A-7,                                                          U2(3)            DIESEL GEN TROUBLE                                    (902-8 A-4, U2/3 DIESEL GEN TROUBLE).
5.&#xa9;            Adjust D/G frequency to 60 Hz using the Governor Control                                                                                                      switch.
                  &#xa9; (W-Z)
: 6.      e      Adjust the D/G voltage to 4160 Volts using the VOLTAGE REGULATOR control.                    &#xa9;(W-l) 42 of 67
CATEGORY 1                                                              UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 ATTACHMENT A (Continued)
CAUTION IF DOS 6600-14, DIESEL OIL TRANSFER PUMP OPERATION AND FUEL CONSUMPTION TEST,      is being performed concurrently , THEN the applicable Fuel Oil Transfer Pump Circuit Breaker(s) will be open, preventing automatic Day Tank refill.
: 7. Verify the applicable Fuel Oil Transfer Pump Circuit Breaker(s) closed:
* MCC 29-2 Breaker  B-2,  2-5203 DIESEL OIL TRANSFER PUMP 2.
* MCC 28-1 Breaker  F-l,  2/3-5203 UNIT 2/3 DIESEL OIL TRANSFER PUMP.
* MCC 38-1 Breaker  C-2,  2/3-5203 UNIT 2/3 DIESEL OIL TRANSFER PUMP.
* MCC 39-2 Breaker  E-l,  3-5203 UNIT 3 DIESEL OIL TRANSFER PUMP.
: 1. If the D/G output breaker is open, the OSS may direct shutdown by returning to Step I.11. If the D/G output breaker closed due to LOOP signal, this procedure is exited after notifying the OSS of D/G status.
: 2. This Attachment leaves the diesel capable of supplying ECCS loads on a bus that has been load shed.      The diesel protective devices are disabled only on an AUTO start.
: 8. As plant conditions permit,    inform the Unit Supervisor as to the status of the D/G.
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CATEGORY 1                                                                  UNIT 2 (3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 CHECKLIST A D/G PRE-START CHECKS (Checklist performed locally)
D/G NO.                                                                          INITIAL
: 1. Verify there is NO water and no significant quantities of oil in the Diesel Air Box as follows:
: a. Open 2(3) (2/3)-6699-135, U2(3) (2/3) D/G AIR BOX DRN VLV and collect any accumulation of water or oil.
: b. WHEN NO liquid is flowing from the drain, THEN close 2(3)(2/3)-6699-135, U2(3) (2/3) D/G AIR BOX DRN VLV.
: c. IF ANY visible water, OR greater than 1 Pint of oil was drained from the air    box, THEN immediately notify the Operations Shift Supervisor.
: 2. Blow down the starting Air Piping as follows:
: a. Remove cap from exhaust line of 2(3) (2/3)-6699-101, D/G AIR START STRAINER BLOWDN VLV      (located at the Air Line Strainer).
: b. Slowly open 2(3) (2/3)-6699-101, D/G AIR START STRAINER BLOWDN VLV until  the air  being released is free of visible moisture.
: c. Close 2(3) (2/3)-6699-101,    D/G AIR START STRAINER BLOWDN VLV and replace the cap.
3.&#xa9;  Perform the operability check for the D/G 2(3) (2/3) Air Compressors as follows: &#xa9;(W-10)
: a. 2(3) (2/3)-4611B,  2(3) (2/3)B DIESEL START UP AIR COMPRESSOR:
(1    Verify the Compressor Crankcase Oil Level is between the High and Low marks on the crankcase dipstick.
(2)  Record D/G Start Air Receiver Tank pressure:
PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-15, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR Al AIR RECEIVER TANK                        psig PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-17, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR A2 AIR RECEIVER TANK                        psig PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-18, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR B1 AIR RECEIVER TANK                        psig PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-20, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR B2 AIR RECEIVER TANK                        psig 44 of 67
CATEGORY 1                                                                                                                                                          UNIT 2 (3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 CHECKLIST A (Continued)
: 3.                    a.                      (3)                    (AC)              Verify D/G Start Air Receiver Tank pressure
                                                                          >225                    psig                (Tech Spec SR
NOTE Normal alignment of the D/G Air Receiver Drain valves has the Inboard drain valves Open and the Outboard drain valves closed. When lowering receiver pressure for compressor test                                                                                      start        purposes, it is desirable to first    align the inboard receiver drain valves closed and the outboard drain valves open for the convenience of the Operator performing the test.                                                                                                The normal drain valve alignment is to be re-established following completion of the test.
(4)                  Close 2(3) (2/3)-4699-186,                                        D/G AIR RECEIVER TK B1 INBD DRN VLV.
(5)                  Open 2(3) (2/3)-4699-190,                                        D/G AIR RECEIVER TK B1 OTBD DRN VLV.
(6)                  Slowly lower the air                                          receiver pressure by opening 2(3) (2/3)-4699-186, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Bl INBD DRN VLV UNTIL 2(3) (2/3)-4611B, 2(3) (2/3)B DIESEL START UP AIR COMPRESSOR starts,                                          THEN start  the stopwatch AND record D/G Start                                        Air Receiver Tank pressure:
* PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-15, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR Al AIR RECEIVER TANK                                                              psig
                                                      "                  PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-17, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR A2 AIR RECEIVER TANK                                                              psig
* PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-18, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR B1 AIR RECEIVER TANK                                                              psig PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-20, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR B2 AIR RECEIVER TANK                                                              psig (AC) 2(3)(2/3)-4611B, 2(3)(2/3)B DIESEL START UP AIR COMPRESSOR starting pressure &#x17d;!225 psig.
(7)                  Close 2(3) (2/3)-4699-186, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK B1 INBD DRN VLV WHEN 2(3)(2/3)-4611B, 2(3)(2/3)B DIESEL START UP AIR COMPRESSOR starts.
45 of 67
CATEGORY 1                                                                                                  UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 CHECKLIST A (Continued)
D/G PRE-START CHECKS NOTE D/G Starting Air Compressor "B" should start                          at 228 to 241 psig and stop at 245 to 260 psig.          Air receiver pressure is to be restored within 10 minutes.
Acceptance Criteria is based Technical Specification limit of > 220 psig, with 5 psig instrument inaccuracy.
: 3.      a.        (8)    Using the stopwatch, measure the length of time the 2(3) (2/3)-4611B, 2(3) (2/3)B DIESEL START UP AIR COMPRESSOR is in operation.
* Time of compressor operation:                                        min
                      *      (AC)  Verify time
* 10 minutes.
(9)      Record D/G Start Air Receiver Tank pressure:
PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-l5,            U2(3) (2/3)      D/G START AIR Al AIR RECEIVER TANK                                                psig
* PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-17,            U2(3) (2/3)      D/G START AIR A2 AIR RECEIVER TANK                                                psig
* PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-18,            U2(3) (2/3)      D/G START AIR Bl AIR RECEIVER TANK                                                psig
                      "      PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-20,            U2(3) (2/3)      D/G START AIR B2 AIR RECEIVER TANK                                                psig NOTE Verifying that D/G Start Air Al/A2 Receiver Tank pressure does not change AND that D/G Start Air A1/A2 Receiver Tank pressure is greater than D/G Start Air Bl/B2 Receiver Tank pressure demonstrates that 2(3) (2/3)-4699-316, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Bl/B2 OUTLET CK VLV is closed.
(10)      (AC) Verify D/G START AIR              Al/A2 RECEIVER TANK pressure does not change                (+/- 2 psig) in Steps 3.a(2), 3.a(6) and 3.a(9)                AND D/G START AIR Al/A2 RECEIVER TANK pressure is                greater than D/G START AIR BI/B2 RECEIVER TANK in              Step 3.a(6) .
(11)    Close 2(3) (2/3)-4699-190,              D/G AIR RECEIVER TK B1 OTBD DRN VLV.
(12)    Open 2(3) (2/3)-4699-186,              D/G AIR RECEIVER TK B1 INBD DRN VLV.
46 of 67
CATEGORY 1                                                                        UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 CHECKLIST A (Continued)
: 3. b. 2(3) (2/3)-4611A,  2(3)(2/3)A DIESEL START UP AIR COMPRESSOR.
(1)  Verify Compressor Crankcase Oil Level is            between the High and Low marks on the crankcase      dipstick.
(2)  Record D/G Start Air Receiver Tank pressure:
PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-15,  U2(3) (2/3)  D/G START AIR Al AIR RECEIVER TANK                              psig PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-17,  U2(3) (2/3)  D/G START AIR A2 AIR RECEIVER TANK                              psig
* PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-18,  U2(3) (2/3) .D/G START AIR B1 AIR RECEIVER TANK                              psig
* PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-20,  U2(3) (2/3)  D/G START AIR B2 AIR RECEIVER TANK                              psig (3)    (AC) Verify D/G Start Air Receiver Tank pressure
                    > 225 psig  (Tech Spec  SR
NOTE Normal alignment of the D/G Air Receiver Drain valves has the Inboard drain valves Open and the Outboard drain valves closed.        When lowering receiver pressure for compressor test  start  purposes, it is desirable to first            align the inboard receiver drain valves closed and the outboard drain valves open for the convenience of the Operator performing the test.        The normal drain valve
:alignment is to be re-established following completion of the test.
(4)  Close 2(3) (2/3)-4699-184,    D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Al INBD DRN VLV.
(5)  Open 2(3) (2/3)-4699-188,  D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Al OTBD DRN VLV.
47 of 67
CATEGORY 1                                                                    UNIT 2 (3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 CHECKLIST A (Continued)
: 3. b.    (6)  Slowly lower the air      receiver pressure by opening 2(3)(2/3)-4699-184, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Al INBD DRN VLV UNTIL 2(3) (2/3)-4611A, 2(3) (2/3)A DIESEL START UP AIR COMPRESSOR starts,        THEN start  the stopwatch AND record D/G Start Air Receiver Tank pressure:
PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-15, U2(3) (2/3)      D/G START AIR Al AIR RECEIVER TANK                              psig
              "  PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-17, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR A2 AIR RECEIVER TANK                              psig
* PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-18, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR B1 AIR RECEIVER TANK                              psig
* PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-20, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR B2 AIR RECEIVER TANK                              psig (AC) 2(3) (2/3)-4611A,    2(3) (2/3)A DIESEL START UP AIR COMPRESSOR  starting  pressure    &#x17d; 225 psig.
(7)  Close 2(3) (2/3)-4699-184, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Al INBD DRN VLV WHEN compressor "A" starts.
NOTE Starting Air Compressor "A" should start      at 228 to 241 psig and stop at 245 to 260 psig. Air receiver pressure is to be restored within 10 minutes.
Acceptance Criteria is based Technical Specification limit of > 220 psig, with 5
:psig instrument inaccuracy.
(8)  Using a stopwatch, measure the length of time the 2(3) (2/3)-4611A, 2(3) (2/3)A DIESEL START UP AIR COMPRESSOR is in operation.
* Time of compressor operation:                        min
              "    (AC) Verify time
* 10 minutes.
              *    (AC) Compressor starting pressure &#x17d; 225 psig.
48 of 67
CATEGORY 1                                                                                                  UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 CHECKLIST A (Continued)
: 3.      b.        (9)      Record D/G Start Air Receiver Tank pressure:
* PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-15,            U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR Al AIR RECEIVER                TANK                                  psig
* PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-17,            U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR A2 AIR RECEIVER                TANK                                  psig
* PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-18,            U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR BI AIR RECEIVER                TANK                                  psig
* PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-20,            U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR B2 AIR RECEIVER                TANK                                  psig NOTE Verifying that D/G Start Air Bl/B2 Receiver Tank pressure does not change AND that D/G Start Air Bl/B2 Receiver Tank pressure is greater than D/G Start Air Al/A2 Receiver Tank pressure demonstrates that 2(3) (2/3)-4699-312, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Al/A2 OUTLET CK VLV is closed.
(10)      (AC)  Verify D/G START AIR Bl/B2 RECEIVER TANK pressure does not change                (+/-    2 psig)    in  Steps 3.b(2), 3.b(6) and 3.b(9) AND D/G START AIR Bl/B2 RECEIVER TANK pressure is greater than D/G START AIR Al/A2 RECEIVER TANK in Step 3.b(6).
(11)    Close 2(3) (2/3)-4699-188,              D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Al OTBD DRN VLV.
(12)    Open 2(3) (2/3)-4699-184,              D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Al INBD DRN VLV.
49 of 67
CATEGORY 1                                                                                                      UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 CHECKLIST A (Continued)
: 1.        Independent Verification of DIESEL START UP AIR FILTER in                                      service may take place at any time prior to declaring the EDG Operable.
: 2.        IF one DIESEL START UP AIR FILTER train is NOT operable OR is non-preferred use, THEN changeover of the DIESEL START UP AIR FILTER in service should not be performed.
: 3.        IF one DIESEL START UP AIR COMPRESSOR is NOT operable OR is non-preferred use, THEN isolation of the operable OR preferred use DIESEL START UP AIR COMPRESSOR should NOT be performed (Verify the inoperable OR non-preferred use DIESEL START UP AIR COMPRESSOR is isolated).
: 4.      For EVEN numbered months place the 2(3) (2/3)-4600E 2(3) (2/3)A DIESEL START UP AIR FILTER in service AND isolate the DG AIR RECEIVER TK Al/A2 as follows:
: a.        Unlock AND verify Locked Open 2(3) (2/3)-4699-194 D/G "A" AIR FILT INLET VLV Independent        Verifier:
: b.        Unlock AND verify Locked Open 2(3) (2/3)-4699-195 D/G "A" AIR FILT OUTLET VLV Independent        Verifier:
: c.        Unlock AND verify Locked Closed 2(3) (2/3)-4699-196 D/G "B" AIR FILT INLET VLV Independent        Verifier:
: 4.      d.        Unlock AND verify Locked Closed 2(3) (2/3)-4699-197 D/G "B" AIR FILT OUTLET VLV Independent        Verifier:
NOTE Closing the 2(3) (2/3)-4699-192, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Al/A2 OUTLET VLV verifies the 2(3) (2/3)-4699-316, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Bl/B2 OUTLET CK VLV opens during D/G Startup.
: e.        Unlock AND verify Closed 2(3) (2/3)-4699-192, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Al/A2 OUTLET VLV.                        (Utilize the B Air Start System for      starting        the D/G.)
50 of 67
CATEGORY 1                                                                                                  UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 CHECKLIST A (Continued)
: 5.      For ODD numbered months place the 2(3) (2/3)-4600D 2(3) (2/3)B DIESEL START UP AIR FILTER in service AND isolate the DG AIR RECEIVER TK Bl/B2 as follows:
: a.        Unlock AND verify Locked Open 2(3) (2/3)-4699-196 D/G "B" AIR FILT INLET VLV Independent Verifier:
: b.        Unlock AND verify Locked Open 2(3) (2/3)-4699-197 D/G "B" AIR FILT OUTLET VLV Independent Verifier:
: c.        Unlock AND verify Locked Closed 2(3) (2/3)-4699-194 D/G "A" AIR FILT INLET VLV Independent Verifier:
: d.        Unlock AND verify Locked Closed 2(3) (2/3)-4699-195 D/G "A" AIR FILT OUTLET VLV Independent Verifier:
NOTE Closing the 2(3) (2/3)-4699-193, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Bl/B2 OUTLET VLV verifies the 2(3) (2/3)-4699-312, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Al/A2 OUTLET CK VLV opens during D/G Startup.
: e.        Unlock AND verify Closed 2(3) (2/3)-4699-193, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Bl/B2 OUTLET VLV.                    (Utilize the A Air Start System for starting the D/G.)
: 6.      Check the D/G lubrication system as follows:
: a.        Verify the crankcase oil level is between the FULL and LOW marks on the 'LEVEL WHEN NOT RUNNING' side of the crankcase oil dipstick.
: b.        The 2(3)(2/3)-6657,            U2(3)(2/3)        D/G LUBE OIL CIRCULATING PUMP is running.
: c.        The 2(3) (2/3)-6660,          U2(3) (2/3) D/G TURBO OIL CIRCULATING PUMP is running.
: 7.      Verify the coolant level is                within the normal bounds indicated on the sight glass.
: 8.      IF Compressor "A" OR "B" stop pressures are not within expected range (224-260 psig), THEN contact the System Engineer AND initiate      an Issue Report.
51 of 67
DATA SHEET 1-A CATEGORY 1                                                                                            UNIT 2 (3)
Unit 2 Diesel Generator Test Data                            DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOTE
:Readings outside the nominal range should be brought to the attention of the Unit Supervisor And Plant Engineer.
NOMINAL REDINAL                          OBSERVED READING READING          ____  ________
Date/Time                                    N/A PI 2-6641-537 U2 D/G MAIN BEARING OIL PRESSURE    60 to 105 psig
: 2. TI 2-6641-533 U2 .D/G LUBE OIL FILTER INLET          180 to 220&deg;F PI 2-6641-11 U2 DIESEL FUEL OIL PUMP DISCHARGE    20 to 55 psig Governor Oil Level Observe that Diesel engine                Between
: 4. governor oil level is between Y          Y and 1V4 and 1 '4 inch below the top of the          inch governor casing. Refer to Figure 12, Diesel Governor.
: 6. 2-6641-538 CAMSHAFT SIGHT GLASS PI 2-6641-15                              13 psig U2 DIESEL ENGINE AIR BOX PRESS            MINIMUM TI 2-6641-12 0
: 8.                                        150 to 165    F U2 D/G ENGINE CLG WTR ENGINE INLET TI 2-6641-13
: 9. U2 D/G ENGINE CLG WTR ENGINE          160 to 180OF OUTLET PI 2-3941-31                          10 to 25 psig U2 D/G CLG WTR HX SW OUT/IN  (TOP)  20  to  40 psig PI 2-3941-30                          10 to 25 psig (BOTTOM)
      &#xa9; Differential  Pressure &#xa9;(W-7)
: 12.  (Difference between 10 AND 11.)          6 psid 52 of 67
DATA SHEET I-A CATEGORY 1                                                                                      UNIT 2(3)
Unit 2 Diesel Generator Test Data                    DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOMINAL READING                      OBSERVED READING Date/Time                                  N/A TI 2-3941-879
: 13. U2 D/G CLG WATER HX SERVICE WATER      35 to 95&deg;F INLET TI 2-3941-881
: 1. Open PIV 2-6699-146, U2 DG          N/A FUEL OIL FILTER DISCHARGE
: 15.            PRESSURE INDICATOR ISOL VLV. Trending Data
: 2. Take reading.                      Only
PI 2-6641-535
___OUTLET TI 2-6641-7
: 17. T2-617165 U2 D/G LUBE OIL COOLER OUTLET              to 190OF PI 2-6641-8
: 18. U2 D/G TURBO LUBE OIL CIRC PUMP      60 to 110 psig DISCH
        &#xa9; FI 2-3941-897
        &#xa9;(W-13) (CM-l) **
Fuel Oil 20.L- Storage Sre      Tank>
Tank Level                          74%                                      ,
53 of 67
CATEGORY 1                                          DATA SHEET 1-A UNIT 2 (3)
Unit 2'Diesel Generator Test Data                              DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOMINAL                              OSRE      EDN READING                              OSRE      EDN Date/Time                                  N/A TI 2-6641-500, U2 D/IG EXHAUST MANIFOLD TEMP  (Temperature Range for Nominal Full Load)
: 21. Cylinder 1 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 22. Cylinder 2 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 23. Cylinder 3 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 24. Cylinder 4 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 25. Cylinder 5 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 26. Cylinder 6 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 27. Cylinder 7 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 28. Cylinder 8 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 29. Cylinder 9 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 30. Cylinder 10 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 31. Cylinder 11 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 32. Cylinder 12 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 33. Cylinder 13 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 34. Cylinder 14 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 35. Cylinder 15 Temperature                750 to 1100OF 36 . Cylinder 16 Temperature                750 to 1100OF 37 . Cylinder 17 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 38. Cylinder 18 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 39. Cylinder 19 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 40. Cylinder 20 Temperature                750 to 1100OF 54 of 67
DATA SHEET 1-A CATEGORY 1                                                                                                  UNIT 2 (3)
Unit 2 Diesel Generator Test Data                                  DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOMINAL READING                                  OBSERVED READING Date/Time                                  N/A Open 2-6699-135, U2 D/G AIR BOX DRN VLV, blowdown liquid to a suitable container AND close 2-6699-135,  U2 D/G AIR BOX DRN VLV.
NOTE Local AND remote kW indication should be approximately equal.        If a discrepancy of >120 kW is found between the local and remote meter, submit an Issue Report to have both meters calibrated.
: 42. kW  (local)
: 43. AC Amps  (local)
: 44. AC Volts  (local)
: 45. DC Amps  (local)
: 46. kW  (902(3)-8)                      2730-2860  (I.6.g) 2340-2600  (I.6.j)
: 47. AC Amps  (902(3)-8)
: 48. AC Volts  (902(3)-8)
: 49. kVAR (902(3)-B)                    1550-1800  (I.6.g) 1450-1700  (I.6.j)
I Obtain lube oil sample during
: 50. last two hours of 24 hour run per    Sample Obtained DOS 0040-02.
Obtain fuel oil storage tank
: 51. sample after run per                Sample Obtained DOS 0040-02.
Obtain fuel oil day tank sample
: 52. after run per                        Sample Obtained IDOS 0040-02.
55 of 67
DATA SHEET 1-B CATEGORY 1                                                                                            UNIT 2 (3)
Unit 3 Diesel Generator Test Data                          DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOTE Readings outside the nominal range should be brought to the attention of the Unit Supervisor And Plant Engineer.
NOMINAL REMINAL                          OBSERVED READING READING Date/Time                                    N/A PI  3-6641-537 U3  D/G MAIN BEARING OIL PRESSURE    60 to 105 psig TI  3-6641-533 U3  D/G LUBE OIL FILTER INLET PI 3-6641-11
: 3. U3 D/G DIESEL FUEL OIL PUMP          20 to 55 psig DISCHARGE PI 3-6641-15                              13 psig U3 DIESEL ENGINE AIR BOX PRESS            MINIMUM Governor Oil. Level Observe that Diesel engine                Between
: 5. governor oil level is between Y.        Y and 1 14 and 1 1/4 inch below the top of the          inch governor casing. Refer to Figure 2,  Diesel Governor.
: 8. TI 3-6641-12 U3 D/G ENGINE CLG WTR ENGINE INLET    150 to 165&deg;F TI 3-6641-13
: 9. U3 D/G ENGINE CLG WTR ENGINE          160 to 180&deg;F
_OUTLET PI 3-3941-31                          10 to 25 psig
: 10. U3 D/G CLG WTR HX  SW OUT/IN (TOP)  20  to 40 psig PI 3-3941-30                          10 to 25 psig
: 11. U3 D/G CLG WTR HX SW IN/OUT            20 to 40 psig (BOTTOM)
      &#xa9; Differential Pressure &#xa9;(W-7)
: 12.  (Difference between 10 AND 11)            6 psid 56 of 67
DATA SHEET 1-B CATEGORY 1                                                                                  UNIT 2 (3)
Unit 3 Diesel Generator Test Data                  DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOMINAL READING                    OBSERVED READING Date/Time                                    N/A TI 3-3941-35
: 13. U3 D/G CLG WATER HX SERVICE WATER        35 to 950 F INLET TI 3-3941-36
: 14. U3 D/G CLG WATER HX SERVICE WATER      35 to 110&deg;F
_OUTLET PI 3-6641-535                            60 psig
: 15. U3 D/G LUBE OIL TURBO FILTER              60Npsi 9 OUTLET                                    MINIMUM PI 3-6641-18 U3 DG FUEL. OIL FILTER DISCHARGE PRESSURE
: 1. Open 3-6699-146, U3 DG FUEL          N/A
: 16.          OIL FILTER DISCHARGE          Trending Data PRESSURE INDICATOR ISOL VLV.        Only
: 2. Take reading.
TI 3-6641-7 U3  D/G LUBE OIL COOLER OUTLET PI 3-6641-8
: 18. U3  D/G TURBO LUBE OIL CIRC PUMP      60 to 110 psig DISCH
      &#xa9; FI 3-3941-897
: 19. U3 D/G CLG WATER PMP SUPPLY HEADER        > 830 GPM S@&#xa9;(W-13)  (CM-i) **
: 20. Fuel Oil Storage Tank Level                            7 57 of 67
CATEGORY 1                                        DATA SHEET 1-B UNIT 2 (3)
Unit 3 Diesel Generator Test Data                                DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOMINAL                              OBEVD    EDN READING      jOSRE                              EDN Date/Time                                  N/A        _________________________________________________
TI 3-6641-500 U3 D/G EXHAUST MANIFOLD TEMP  (Temperature Range f or Nominal Full Load)
: 21. Cylinder 1 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 22. Cylinder 2 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 23. Cylinder 3 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 24. Cylinder 4 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 25. Cylinder 5 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 26. Cylinder 6 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 27. Cylinder 7 T~emperature              750 to 1100OF
: 28. Cylinder 8 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 29. Cylinder 9 Temperature                750 to 1100OF 30 . Cylinder 10 Temperature              750 to 1100OF
: 31. Cylinder 11 Temperature              750 to 1100OF
: 32. Cylinder 12 Temperature              750 to 1100OF 33 . Cylinder 13 Temperature              750 to 1100OF
: 34. Cylinder 14 Temperature              750 to 1100OF
: 35. Cylinder 15 Temperature              750 to 1100OF 36 . Cylinder 16 Temperature              750 to 1100OF 37 . Cylinder 17 Temperature              750 to 1100OF
: 38. Cylinder 18 Temperature              750 to 1100OF
: 39. Cylinder 19 Temperature              750 to 1100OF
: 40. Cylinder 20 Temperature              750 to 1100OF 58 of 67
DATA SHEET 1-B CATEGORY 1                                                                                                    UNIT 2 (3)
Unit 3 Diesel Generator Test Data                                    DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOMINAL READING                                  OBSERVED READING Date/Time                                  N/A During the run, open 3-6699-135, 1U3 D/G AIR BOX DRN VLV, blowdown
: 41. liquid to a suitable container AND close 3-6699-135, U3 D/G AIR BOX DRN VLV.
NOTE Local AND remote kW indication should be approximately equal.        If a discrepancy of >120 kW is  found between the local and remote meter, submit an Issue Report to have both meteers calibrated.
: 42. kW  (local)
: 43. AC Amps  (local)
: 44. AC Volts    (local)
: 45. DC Amps  (local)
: 46. kW  (902(3)-8)                    2730-2860  (I.6.g) 2340-2600  (I.6.j)
: 47. AC Amps  (902(3)-8)
: 48. AC Volts    (902(3)-8) 1550-1800  (I.6.g)
: 49. kVAR (902(3)-8)                    1450-1700  (I.6.j)                                        I Obtain lube oil sample during
: 50. last  two hours of 24 hour run per  Sample Obtained DOS 0040-02.
Obtain fuel oil storage tank
: 51. sample after run per                Sample Obtained DOS 0040-02.
Obtain fuel oil day tank sample
*52. after run per                        Sample Obtained DOS 0040-02.
59 of 67
DATA SHEET 1-C CATEGORY 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    UNIT 2 (3) 2/3 Diesel Generator Test Data                                                                                                                                                              DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOTE Readings outside the nominal range should be brought to the attention of the Unit Supervisor And Plant Engineer.
NOMINAL REDINAL                                                                                                          OBSERVED READING
____        _______          ____            ____            ___READING Date/Time                                                                                                                            N/A PI 2/3-6641-537
: 1.        U2/3 D/G MN BEARING OIL PRESSURE                                                                                    60 to 105 psig
: 2.        TI 2/3-6641-533
_ U2/3 D/G LUBE OIL FILTER INLET PI 2/3-6641-11
: 3.        U2/3 D/G DIESEL FUEL OIL PUMP                                                                                        20 to 55 psig DISCHARGE Governor Oil Level Observe that Diesel engine                                                                                                    Between governor oil level is between Y.                                                                                            X    and 1 Y4 and 1 V4 inch below the top of the                                                                                                  inch governor casing. Refer to Figure 12,        Diesel Governor.
: 6.        2/3-6641-538 CAMSHAFT SIGHT GLASS TI 2/3-6641-12
: 7.                                                                                                                                                                0 U2/3 D/G ENGINE CLG WTR ENGINE                                                                                        150 to 165                        F
_ INLET TI 2/3-6641-13
: 8.        U2/3 D/G ENGINE CLG WTR ENGINE                                                                                        160 to 180&deg;F OUTLET PI 2/3-3941-31                                                                                                        10 to 25 psig
: 9.        U2/3 D/G CLG WTR HX SW OUT/IN (TOP)                                                                                                                20 to            40 psig PI 2/3-3941-30                                                                                                        10 to 25 psig
: 10.          U2/3 D/G CLG WTR HX SW IN/OUT                                                                                        20 to 40 psig (BOTTOM)
                &#xa9; Differential                                Pressure &#xa9;(W-7)                                                                  6 psid 1i.          (Difference between 7 and 8)                                                                              1                          psid 60 of 67
DATA SHEET 1-C CATEGORY 1                                                                                        UNIT 2 (3) 2/3 Diesel Generator Test Data                  DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOMINAL READING                  OBSERVED READING Date/Time                                        N/A TI 2/3-3941-883
: 12. 2/3 D/G CLG WATER HX      SERVICE WATER      35 to  95&deg;F INLET TI 2/3-3941-884
: 13. 2/3 D/G CLG WATER HX SERVICE WATER          35 to 110&deg;F OUTLET PI 2/3-6641-18 U2/3 D/G FUEL OIL FUEL FILTER DISCH PRESSURE
: 1.      Open 2/3-6699-146, U2/3 D/G              N/A
: 14.              FUEL OIL FILTER DISCH PI          Trending Data ISOL VLV.                              Only
: 2.      Take reading.                            Only
: 3.      Close 2/3-6699-146, U2/3 D/G FUEL OIL FILTER DISCH PI ISOL VLV.
PI    2/3-6641-535
: 15. U2/3 D/G LUBE      OIL TURBO FILTER OUTLETMINIMUM                    60Npsig
___OUTLET 16    PI 2/3-6641-15                                  13 psig 2/3 DIESEL ENGINE AIR BOX PRESS                MINIMUM TI 2/3-6641-7 U2/3 D/G LUBE OIL COOLER OUTLET PI 2/3-6641-8
: 18. U2/3 D/G TURBO LUBE OIL CIRC PUMP          60 to 110 psig DISCH
      &#xa9; FI 2/3-3941-897
: 19. 2/3 D/G CLG WATER PUMP SUPPLY                  > 800  GPM HEADER
      @&#xa9;(W-13)    (CM-1)  **
: 20. Fuel Oil Storage Tank Level                      I 61 of 67
DATA SHEET 1-C CATEGORY 1                                                                                                UNIT 2(3) 2/3 Diesel Generator Test Data                                  DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOMINAL READING                                OBSERVED READING Date/Time                                  N/A TI 2/3-6641-500, U2/3 D/G EXHAUST MANIFOLD TEMP    (Temperature Range for Nominal Full Load)
: 21. Cylinder 1 Temperature                750 to 1100&deg;F
: 22. Cylinder 2 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 23. Cylinder 3 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 24. Cylinder 4 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 25. Cylinder 5 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 26. Cylinder 6 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 27. Cylinder 7 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 28. Cylinder 8 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 29. Cylinder 9 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 30. Cylinder 10 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 31. Cylinder 11 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 32. Cylinder 12 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 33. Cylinder 13 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 34. Cylinder 14 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 35. Cylinder 15 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 36. Cylinder 16 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 37. Cylinder 17 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 38. Cylinder 18 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 39. Cylinder 19 Temperature                750 to 1100OF
: 40. Cylinder 20 Temperature                750 to 1100OF 62 of 67
DATA SHEET 1-C CATEGORY 1                                                                                                            UNIT 2 (3) 2/3 Diesel Generator Test Data                                        DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOMINAL READING                                  OBSERVED READING Date/Time                                        N/A During the run, open 2/3-6699-135, U2/3 D/G AIR BOX DRN VLV, blowdown liquid to a suitable container AND close  2/3-6699-135.
[GTE Local AND remote kW indication should be approximately equal.                  If a discrepancy of >120 kW is found between the local and remote meter, submit an Issue Report to- have both meters calibrated.
: 43. kW  (local)
: 44. AC Amps      (local)
: 45. AC Volts      (local)
: 46. DC Amps      (local) 47.(3    W (92
                      -8)2730-2860                            (I.6.g)
: 47.      kW    (02(3)-B)2340-2600              (I.6.j)____
: 48. AC Amps      (902(3)-B)
: 49. AC Volts      (902(3)-B) 1550-1800        (I.6.g)
: 50. kVAR (902(3)-B) 1450-1700        (I.6.j)
Obtain lube oil sample during
: 51. last two hours of 24 hour run per      Sample Obtained DOS 0040-02.
Obtain fuel oil storage tank
: 52. sample after run per                    Sample Obtained
__DOS    0040-02.                        _________
Obtain fuel oil day tank sample
: 53. after run per                          Sample Obtained IDOS 0040-02.                        1 63 of 67
CATEGORY 1                                                                  UNIT 2(3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 DATA SHEET 2 DIESEL GENERATOR ECCS START RECORD Strip Chart Timings I                I    I A                B    C EVENTS A. 2(3) (2/3) D/G Start signal from switch voltage change        (CHANNEL 3).
B. 2(3) (2/3) D/G Voltage or frequency reaches 58.8 Hz or 3952 Volts (CHANNEL 1 or CHANNEL 5).
C. 2(3) (2/3) D/G voltage or frequency reaches 58.8 Hz or 3952 Volts (CHANNEL 1 or CHANNEL 5).
Attach strip  chart and record the following data      (from the strip    chart)
(AC) C - A  _< 13 seconds  (Tech Spec SR                      Seconds Recorded by:
Verified by:
64 of 67
CATEGORY 1                                                        UNIT 2 (3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 TABLE 1 DIESEL FUEL OIL STORAGE TANK LEVEL FROM REMOTE INDICATION Fuel Level    Volume*    Fuel Level      Volume*  Fuel Level    Volume*
(%)      (gallons)      (%)        (gallons)      (%)      (gallons) 60.0        9,235        73.5        11,696        87.0        13,757 60.5        9,330        74.0        11,780        87.5        13,821 61.0        9,425        74.5        11,865        88.0        13,884 61.5        9,519        75.0        11,949        88.5        13,946 62.0        9,614        75.5        12,033        89.0        14,007 62.5        9,708        76.0        12,116        89.5        14,066 63.0        9,802        76.5        12,199        90.0        14,124 63.5        9,896        77.0        12,280        90.5        14,182 64.0        9,990        77.5        12,361        91.0        14,237 64.5        10,090        78.0    C    12,442        91.5        14,292 65.0        10,191        78.5        12,522        92.0        14,344 65.5        10,277        79.0        12,601        92.5        14,396 66.0        10,362        79.5        12,679        93.0        14,445 66.5        10,452        80.0        12,753        93.5        14,494 67.0        10,544        80.5        12,820        94.0        14,539 67.5        10,635        81.0        12,893        94.5        14,585 68.0        10,725        81.5        12,978        95.0        14,626 68.5        10,816        82.0        13,060        95.5      14,668 69.0        10,906        82.5        13,234        96.0      14,705 69.5        10,995        83.0        13,207        96.5      14,742 70.0        11,084        83.5        13,279        97.0      14,775 70.5        11,173        84.0        13,350        97.5      14,807 71.0        11,261        84.5        13,420      .98.0      14,834 71.5        11,349        85.0        13,490        98.5      14,860 72.0        11,436        85.5        13,558        99.0      14,879 72.5        11,523        86.0        13,626        99.5      14,896 73.0        11,609        86.5        13,692      100.0      14,907
*USEABLE Volume 65 of 67
CATEGORY 1                                                        UNIT 2 (3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 TABLE 2 I                  DIESEL FUEL OIL STORAGE TANK LEVEL AT TANK Fuel Level      Volume*    Fuel Level      Volume*  Fuel Level  Volume*
(inches)      (gallons)    (inches)      (gallons)  (inches)  (gallons) 48.0          7,380        64.0          10,579      80.0      13,349 48.5          7,475        64.5          10,674      80.5      13,423 49.0          7,584        65.0          10,769      81.0      13,496 49.5          7,679        65.5          10,864      81.5      13,570 50.0          7,788        66.0          10,958      82.0      13,638 50.5          7,883        66.5          11,051      82.5      13,706 51.0          7,992        67.0          11,145      83.0      13,775 51.5          8,093        67.5        .11,237      83.5      13,841 52.0          8,195        68.0          11,330      84.0      13,908 52.5          8,297        68.5          11,421      84.5      13,972 53.0          8,399        69.0          11,513      85.0      14,036 53.5          8,500        69.5          11,603      85.5      14,097 54.0          8,601        70.0          11,694      86.0      14,158 54.5          8,702        70.5          11,783      86.5      14,216 55.0          8,803        71.0          11,872      87.0      14,275 55.5          8,904        71.5          11,960      87.5      14,330 56.0          9,005        72.0          12,048      88.0      14,385 56.5          9,105        72.5          12,136      88.5      14,436 57.0          9,205        73.0          12,222      89.0      14,488 57.5          9,305        73.5          12,307      89.5      14,536 58.0          9,405        74.0          12,392      90.0      14,584 58.5          9,404        74.5          12,476      90.5      14,628 59.0          9,603        75.0          12,560      91.0      14,671 59.5          9,702        75.5          12,643      91.5      14,710 60.0          9,801        76.0          12,725      92.0      14,749 60.5          9,899        76.5          12,806      92.5      14,782 61.0          9,998        77.0          12,886      93.0      14,816 61.5        10,096        77.5          12,965      93.5      14,843 62.0        10,193        78.0          13,044      94.0      14,869 62.5        10,290        78.5          13,121      94.5      14,886 63.0        10,386        79.0          13,198      95.0      14,904 63.5        10,483        79.5          13,273      95.25      14,907 USEABLE Volume 66 of 67
CATEGORY 1                                                                                                                                    UNIT 2 (3)
DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 FIGURE 1 DIESEL GOVERNOR NOTE When the Engine is operating, Governor Oil level may appear anywhere in the sightglass.                                      At all                      times during operation however, an oil level below the bottom OR above the top of the sightglass visible range would indicate a problem.
Observe top of oil level in sightglass is between Y4 and 1 V inch below the top of the governor casing (NOT the top of the casing cap - it is measured from the bottom of the casing cap assembly) when the engine is in standby condition.
67 of 67}}

Latest revision as of 15:21, 13 March 2020

DOS 6600-12, Revision 39, Diesel Generator Test, Endurance and Margin/Full Load Rejection/Eccs/Hot Restart.
Person / Time
Site: Dresden  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/05/2007
- No Known Affiliation
DOS 6600-12, Rev 039
Download: ML071570512 (67)




Technical Specifications.


Disciplines NPPT RO RE/QNE CH RS I&C M&ES Required: EX] [XI [] [ [ [ ] [X]

Unit 1 Review*Required: I] YES [X] NO Special Reviews: IST Coordinator.



Shift Operations Supervisor (SOS), or designee.


IST Coordinator must review completed procedure.

1 of 67



To perform the following Diesel Generator (D/G) tests:

1. Endurance and Margin Test.
2. Full Load Rejection Test.
3. ECCS Test.
4. Hot Restart Test.
5. By verifying the start of the D/Gs, the air start solenoids and the air start check valves operability are verified. (CM-2)



1. Technical Specifications:
a. Section 3.5.1, ECCS - Operating.
b. Section 3.7.2, Diesel Generator Cooling Water (DGCW) System.
c. Section 3.8.1, AC Sources - Operating.
d. Section 3.8.3, Diesel Fuel Oil and Starting Air.
2. Procedures:
a. © DCP 2103-05, Chemical Addition to the Diesel Generator Cooling Service Water. ©(W-15)
b. DOP 6400-14, TR 86 Load Tap Changer Operation.
c. DOP 6400-15, TR 32 Load Tap Changer Operation.
d. DOS 6600-01, Diesel Generator Surveillance Tests.
e. DOP 6600-03, Diesel Generator 2(3) Shutdown.
f. DOP 6600-06, Diesel Generator 2/3 Shutdown.
g. DOS 0040-02, Operator Oil Sampling for Offsite Laboratory Analysis.
h. DOP 6600-04, Preparation for Standby Operations (2/3).
i. DOP 6600-01, Preparation for Standby Operations (2 and 3).
j. DOS 6600-02, Reversal of Diesel Generator Cooling Water Flow.
k. ER-AA-321, Administrative Requirements for Inservice Testing.
1. Dresden Inservice Testing Program for Pumps and Valves.

2 of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 B. 2. m. ER-AA-440, Emergency Diesel Generator Reliability Program.

1. DIP 6600-01, Diesel Generator Multichannel Test Recorder Setup / Calibration Check.

.3. Prints

a. M-22(M-355), Diagram of Service Water Piping.
b. M-40(M-370), Diagram of TBX BLDG Drains And D/G Air Intake.
c. M-41 Sheet 2, Diagram of Turbine And Diesel Oil Piping.
d. M-173, Diagram of Corrosion Test & D/G Air Start Piping.
e. M-273 Sheet 1, Diagram of Control Room, Office, & DW Air Cond.
f. M-974, Diagram of D/G Room Ventilation.
g. 12E-2350A(12E-3350A) Sheet 1, Schematic Control Diagram Engine Control & Generator Excitation, Standby Diesel Generator.
h. 12E-2350B(12E-3350B), Schematic control Diagram Diesel Generator Auxiliaries & Start Relays.
i. 12E-2351A, Sheet 1 & 2, Schematic Control Diagram Engine control & Gen. Excitation Standby, Diesel Generator.
j. 12E-2351B, Sheet 1, 2 & 3, Schematic Control Diagram Diesel Generator 2/3 Auxiliaries & Start Relays.
k. 12E-2736(12E-3736), Wiring Diagram Main Control Board Panel 902(3)-8 Part 1 Front Face.
1. 12E-2737, Wiring Diagram Main Control Board Panel 902-8 Part 2 Front Face.
m. 12E-2739, Wiring Diagram Main Control Board Panel 902-8 Terminal Blocks A Thru D.
n. 12E-2741(12E-3741), Wiring Diagram Main Control Board Panel 902(3) Part 6 Terminal Blocks G Thru K.


1. Attachment A, Contingency Actions for Reactor Scram or Loss of Off Site Power During Loaded D/G Surveillance Testing.
2. Checklist A, D/G Prestart Checks.
3. Data Sheet 1-A, Unit 2 Diesel Generator Test Data.
4. Data Sheet I-B, Unit 3 Diesel Generator Test Data.
5. Data Sheet 1-C, 2/3 Diesel Generator Test Data.

3 of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 C. 6. Data Sheet 2, Start Time Record.

7. Table 1, Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Tank Level From Remote Indication.
8. Table 2, Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Tank Level At Tank.
9. Figure 1, Diesel Governor D. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:
1. Engine barring tool.
2. Lubricant for cylinder Test Valve Caps, N-5000, CAT ID 732916 or other approved lubricant per Engineering.
3. 14 inch pipe wrench.
4. Adjustable flat jaw wrench or box end wrench.
5. Recorder setup per DIP 6600-01.


1. Tests to be performed have been specified:

(N which tests are to be performed):

Endurance and Margin Test.

[ Full Load Rejection Test.

[ Hot Restart Test.

[ ECCS Start Test.

2. (Unit 2/3 Only) Bus to be used to load 2/3 D/G for 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> period has been determined (4 which Bus to be used):

Bus 23-1.

[ Bus 33-1.

NOTE Approximately 4,500 gallons of fuel should be used to perform this test. Tech Spec SR limit is > 10,000 gallons (69%). Maintaining > 74% in the tank will avoid a low fuel oil level alarm.

3. Ensure provisions have been made to restore bulk storage tank to proper level in compliance with applicable Tech Specs.

4 of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 E. 4. © Preparations for obtaining necessary fuel oil samples have been made per DOS 0040-02. ©(W-1)

5. DOP 6600-01 (D/G 2/3, DOP 6600-04) Diesel Generator 2(3)

(2/3) Preparation for Standby Operation has been completed as required ('N/A' if in standby).

6. The 2(2/3)(3)-6657, U2(2/3)(3) D/G LUBE OIL CIRCULATING PUMP is running.
a. After changing oil filter elements, draining accessory oil system, and refilling system, Lube Oil Circulation Pump has been operating for > 30 minutes.
b. Strainer Box has been verified as being full before starting the Diesel engine.
7. The 2(2/3) (3)-6660, U2(2/3) (3) D/G TURBO OIL CIRCULATING PUMP has been in operation for > 30 minutes.
8. Oil is visible in Lube Oil Gallery sight glass (lower sight glass) AND NO oil is visible in the Cam Shaft sight glass (upper sight glass).
9. IF D/G related annunciators are alarming, THEN the source of alarm has been identified and documented on Attachment B, Remarks Sheet.
10. © DOS 6600-02, Reversal of Emergency Diesel Generator Cooling Water Flow has been performed if required by surveillance schedule. ©(W-7)
11. (2/3)-6699-121, EMERGENCY FUEL SHUT-OFF VALVE, has been verified OPEN (pushed in) prior to starting the D/G.
12. © Normal air pressure range downstream of Air Start Air Pressure Regulator is in the preferred range (175 to 190 psig). ©(W-12)
a. IF air pressure is NOT 175 to 190 psig, THEN adjust pressure per one of the following, as appropriate:

(1) DOP 6600-01, Diesel Generator 2(3) Preparation for Standby Operation.

OR (2) DOP 6600-04, Diesel Generator 2/3 Preparation for Standby Operation.

13. Communications is established between Operator in Main Control Room and Local Operator.

S of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 E. 14. The following requirements, as applicable AND determined by Tech Specs depending on plant status are met:

a. Redundant D/G is available.
b. Verify ECCS availability meets applicable Tech Spec requirements.
c. Auxiliary Power is available from Reserve Auxiliary Transformer AND either Division I, 23-1/33-1 4 KV crosstie OR Division II, 24-1/34-1 4KV crosstie.
d. D/G being tested is declared inoperable AND the Actions of Tech Spec 3.8.1 are performed.
15. IF conditions of Step E.14 are NOT satisfied, THEN the D/G being tested is declared inoperable AND actions required by Tech Spec 3.8.1 are implemented.
16. © IF this surveillance is being performed as a scheduled run, THEN verify Chemistry personnel available to operate chemical injection system UNLESS chemical injection system is INOPERABLE OR removed from service for system maintenance outage. ©(W-15, W-19) (CM-l)
17. Electrical Maintenance Department has been notified that technicians will be required to install/remove jumpers for the ECCS Test.
18. System has been evaluated and appropriate data sheets filled out for NEI Safety System Unavailability.
19. EDG Standby Conditions are met for an ECCS Start. The following requirements apply to the ECCS Start ONLY:
a. Verify that the Diesel Generator 2(3)(2/3) jacket water temperature is less than 155 0 F.

TI 2(3) (2/3)-6641-12, U2(3) (2/3) D/G ENGINE CLG WTR ENGINE INLET OF

  • TI 2(3) (2/3)-6641-13, U2(3) (2/3) D/G ENGINE CLG WTR ENGINE OUTLET OF
b. Verify that Diesel Generator 2(3) (2/3) circulating lube oil temperature is less than 150°F.

0 TI 2(3) (2/3)-6641-533, U2(3) (2/3) D/G LUBE OIL FILTER INLET OF Lube Oil Sump by pyrometer OF 6 of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOTE IF targets are lit on the following relays, THEN initiate an Issue Report (IR)

AND reset the target.

E. 20. (U2 & U3 D/G only) Verify the following relays at MCC 29-7 D-2 (MCC 39-7 B-3/B-4) do not have targets lit:

21. Strip Chart Recorder installed per DIP 6600-01. (This step can be accomplished any time, out of sequence, as long as it is complete BEFORE the Diesel is started.)

NOTE Bus Voltage will increase during the EDG Endurance Run due to kVAR loading requirements. To maintain bus voltage within the limits of DOA 6500-11, 4KV BUS OVERVOLTAGE, the Load Tap Changer (LTC) should be adjusted to low within the anticipated acceptable minimum allowed by DOA 6500-12, LOW SWITCHYARD VOLTAGE.

CAUTION DO NOT adjust the LTC WHILE an EDG is in parallel with a bus supplied from a Transformer with the LTC.

22. IF the applicable bus is supplied from a Transformer with a LTC, THEN the LTC is in MANUAL per the applicable procedure:

Bus 23-1 OR 24-1 supplied from TR 22 (TR 86 LTC per DOP 6400-14).

Bus 33-1 OR 34-1 supplied from TR 32 (TR 32 LTC per DOP 6400-15).

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1. For an AUTO start, there are only three D/G trip or lockout conditions:
  • Generator Differential Fault.
  • Start Failure (overcranking).
2. For a MANUAL start, D/G engine will trip on any of the following:
  • Engine High Water Temperature.
  • Engine Low Water Pressure.
  • Main Bearing Oil Pressure Low.

0 Crankcase Pressure High a Diesel Engine Over Speed.

0 Generator Differential Fault.

3. For a MANUAL start, D/G output Circuit Breaker will trip for the following:
  • Under Frequency.

0 Loss of Field.

0 Generator Ground Fault.

a Generator Over Current.

  • Reverse Power.
  • Generator Differential Fault.
4. During ECCS D/G will auto start due to an ECCS Signal.

Consequently, all normal trips except D/G Differential Current fault and Diesel Engine Overspeed Trip will be bypassed.

5. This test is to be performed on ONLY one D/G at a, time.
6. © ONLY two D/G Cooling Water Pumps may take a suction from a common line. (More than two pumps taking suction from a common line may cause cavitation in the D/G Cooling Water Pump.) ©(W-4, W-6)
7. © WHEN Cooling Lake is bypassed, THEN chemical injections may ONLY be performed if sufficient dilution is provided to ensure NO NPDES discharge limits are exceeded. This is determined by Chemistry Supervision. ©(W-14)
8. © Failure to set Droop to 5, voltage to 4160 Volts and frequency to 60 Hz may prevent D/G from achieving proper speed and voltage in the event of an AUTO start. ©(W-l)
9. (Unit 2/3 Only) The Unit 2/3 D/G auxiliaries (D/G Cooling Water Pump, Vent Fan, Fuel Oil Transfer Pump) electrical feeds will automatically transfer to Unit 3 when the 2/3 D/G is loaded to 4 kV Bus 33-1.

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DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 F. 10. (Unit 2/3 Only) The Unit -2/3 D/G auxiliaries (D/G Cooling Water Pump, Vent Fan, Fuel Oil Transfer Pump) electrical feeds will automatically transfer to Unit 2 when the 2/3 D/G output breaker, 2/3 D/G TO Bus 33-1 is opened.

11. © The EDG frequency meter must meet the following two criteria in order to properly indicate: (a) the EDG field must have successfully flashed, (b) actual EDG frequency must be within the range of the frequency meter (58 Hz to 62 Hz). Without this criteria met, the frequency meter has the ability to indicate an on scale value, dependent on the internal magnetic balance of the specific meter. Verify proper EDG output voltage or momentarily adjust frequency to assure that the indication is displaying actual frequency. ©(W-20)
12. MSDS recommended protective gear for fuel oil and/or cylinder test valve cap lubricant includes Chemical Splash Goggles and Chemical Resistant Impermeable Gloves.


1. This test may be performed in lieu of DOS 6600-01 for the monthly surveillance run of the D/G per Tech Spec SR This test may also be performed in lieu of DOS 6600-01 for the Semi-Annual Fast Start Surveillance run of the D/G per Tech Spec SR This test does NOT perform a low idle start.
2. IF either a Reactor Scram OR a Loss of Offsite Power occurs during the running portion of a loaded diesel test, THEN perform Attachment A, Contingency Actions for Reactor Scram or Loss of Offsite Power during Loaded D/G Surveillance Testing.

3.© IF automatic or manual D/G shutdown fails to stop D/G, THEN the preferred method for D/G shutdown is to trip by using the Fuel Injection Rack Lever. ©(W-ll)

4. D/G fuel oil levels in storage tank should be maintained above Tech Spec limit of 10,000 gallons (69%).
a. This test will use approximately 4500 gallons of fuel.
b. Ensure fuel is available to fill the storage tank during the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> run required by the Endurance and Margin Test.

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DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOTE The following restrictions DO NOT apply to Unit 2 D/G, the Unit 3 D/G or the Unit 3 CCSW Pumps.

G. 5. © IF 2/3 D/G is to be loaded, THEN the following restrictions apply for operation of the Unit 2 CCSW Pumps to avoid choking the 2/3 D/G cooling water flow below UFSAR requirements:

a. IF Cooling Water inlet temperature is < 820F, THEN no restrictions apply.
b. IF Cooling Water inlet temperature is > 82 0 F but < 91 0 F, THEN no more than three Unit 2 CCSW Pumps may operate concurrently.
c. IF Cooling WATER INLET TEMPERATURE IS GREATER THAN 91 0 F, THEN no more than two Unit 2 CCSW Pumps may operate concurrently.


6. IF this procedure is being used to satisfy the requirements of DOS 6600-01, Monthly Surveillance OR DOS 6600-01, Semi-Annual Fast Start Surveillance, THEN IST Coordinator Post Procedure Review is required.
7. Checklist 1, D/G Prestart Checks may be performed any time prior to ENGINE START.
8. The diesel being tested IS available for online risk provided that a dedicated Operator is available to normalize the diesel during Barring Over or following a SCRAM/LOOP (per Attachment A).
9. Prerequisite E.19 is acceptable for determining a "normal standby condition" (e.g., for determining an acceptable interval between scheduled surveillances). However, this guidance alone does not preclude unacceptable preconditioning by other means. Activities, such as preventive maintenance, repetitive testing, or manipulation of components immediately prior to testing can lead to unacceptable preconditioning. IF there are any concerns associated with unacceptable preconditioning, THEN initiate an Issue Report for further evaluation by Engineering.
10. When Independent Verifications are specified, verification may be performed out of sequence at any time prior to completion of this procedure.

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1. Procedural Acceptance Criteria are identified by the notation "(AC)"

prior to the step.

2. Air start compressor starting, loading and check valve performance shall be verified for each of the operable air start compressors.

NOTE At least one of the air start systems must meet Acceptance Criteria for D/G

operability requirements to be met.
3. IF any of the air start system Acceptance Criteria can NOT be met, THEN:
a. Immediately declare the affected air start system inoperable.
b. Notify the Unit Supervisor.
c. Refer to Tech Spec Section 3.8.3 to evaluate air start system operability.
4. IF any of the D/G Acceptance Criteria can NOT be met, THEN:
a. Immediately declare the D/G inoperable.
b. Notify the Unit Supervisor.
c. Refer to Tech Spec Section 3.8.1 OR 3.8.2 to evaluate continued plant operation.
5. D/G Cooling Water Pump starts automatically upon receipt of a start signal for the associated diesel generator Tech Spec SR
6. D/G starts from standby or hot restart conditions, as applicable.
7. Endurance and Margin Test Acceptance Criteria:
a. D/G operates for >24 hours (Tech Spec SR
b. During first two hours of D/G operation, load is maintained between 2730-2860 kW AND 1550-1800 kVAR (Tech Spec SR
c. During remaining 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br /> of D/G operation, load is maintained between 2340-2600 kW AND 1450-1700 kVAR (Tech Spec SR
8. ECCS Start Test Acceptance Criteria:
a. D/G parameters are achieved in
  • 13 seconds AND maintained within the following steady state bands during the test (Tech Spec SR and SR

(1) Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts (4160 +/-208).

(2) Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz (60 +/-1.2)

(3) D/G operates for Ž 5 minutes.

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DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 H. 9. Load Reject Test Acceptance Criteria (Tech Spec SR

a. D/G rejects a load equal to 90 to 100% of its continuous rating (2340 to 2600 kW).
b. Generator stable voltage
  • 5000 Volts during or following load rejection (Momentary transients above 5000 volts do NOT invalidate this test).
c. D/G does NOT trip on overspeed.
10. Hot Restart Test Acceptance Criteria: (Tech Spec SR
a. Within five minutes after D/G Shutdown (from fully loaded condition with temperatures stable), the D/G STARTS on receipt of a manual start signal.
b. D/G parameters are achieved in
  • 13 seconds after the auto start signal AND maintained within the following steady state bands during the test:

(1) Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts (4160 +/-208)

(2) Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz (60 +/-1.2) 12 of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. PROCEDURE: Initial CAUTION Excessive load may be applied to a D/G if a SCRAM or Loss of Offsite Power (LOOP) occurs while a diesel is connected to the grid. The NSO and HVO performing the surveillance are responsible for performing the actions of Attachment A, Contingency Actions for Reactor Scram or Loss of Offsite Power During Loaded D/G Surveillance Testing, upon notification of the SCRAM or LOOP.

1. Personnel involved in this test have been briefed on the requirements of Attachment A, Contingency Actions for Reactor Scram or Loss of Offsite Power During Loaded D/G Surveillance Testing.


  • Steps that are NOT applicable may be marked "N/A".
    • IF the diesel has been barred over OR operated within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, THEN Step I.2.d (barring diesel over) is "N/A".
a. © IF Diesel Generator is being run for a normally scheduled operability surveillance AND chemical injection system is available, THEN inform Chemistry Department Personnel that Chemical addition to Diesel Generator Cooling Service Water will be required per DCP 2103-05 @(W-15, W-19) (CM-I).
b. Perform Checklist 1, D/G Prestart Checks.
c. Direct NLO to D/G to be tested to monitor D/G startup and engine operation, including Fuel Rack Operation.

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DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 WARNING Failure to place D/G control switch to STOP OR to close 2(3) (2/3)-6699-102, U2(3) (2/3) D/G AIR START CUTOFF VLV may result in personnel injury or equipment damage if a D/G start signal is received during performance of the following steps.

I. 2. d. Check for oil or water in the engine cylinders as follows:

(1) At Panel 902(3)-8 place U2(3) (2/3) D/G control switch to STOP AND verify 902(3)-8 H-9, U2(3)


(2) Close 2(3) (2/3)-6699-102, U2(3) (2/3) D/G AIR START CUTOFF VLV.

(3) At 2252-10(2253-10) (2223-33) U2(3) (2/3) D/G RELAYING & METERING CABINET Annunciator A, acknowledge C-2, ENGINE START AIR PRESS LOW OR LOCKED OUT OR AIR VALVE CLOSED OR NOT FULL OPEN.

  • (4) At Control Room Panel 902(3)-B, verify and reset 902(3)-8 A-7, U2(3) DIESEL GEN TROUBLE, (902-8 A-4, U2/3 DIESEL GEN TROUBLE), alarm.

(5) Remove cylinder test valve pipe caps.

(6) Open all 20 cylinder test valves.

(7) Install Engine Barring Tool at Engine Flywheel.

NOTE While performing the following step, one person will be required to Bar Engine while another person observes cylinder test valves for discharge of water or oil.

(8) Bar Engine one full revolution as indicated by degree markings on engine flywheel.

(9) IF no water or oil is discharged from any cylinder test valve, THEN go to Step I.2.d. (13).

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DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. 2. d. (10) IF any quantity of water or oil is discharged from any cylinder test valve(s), THEN perform the following steps for each cylinder that discharged oil or water:

Remove the air box hand hole cover for the associated cylinder(s).

Bar the engine until the associated cylinder air intake ports are open.

Visually inspect Piston Crown (top) for presence of any accumulation of oil or water.

(11) IF any accumulation of oil/water is observed on any piston crown, THEN maintain Diesel Engine inoperable AND notify the Operations Shift Supervisor.

(12) IF no accumulation of oil/water is observed on any piston crown, THEN replace all air box hand hole covers.

(13) Close all 20 Cylinder Test Valves, hand tight.

(14) In the following sub steps, use N-5000, CAT ID 732916 OR other lubricant specified as meeting applicable requirements by, the Engineering Department.

Take care to avoid getting lubricant in the opening of the test valve.

Remove all old lubricant from cap and valve.

Apply a thin layer of lubricant on the exposed threads of the cylinder test caps.

(15) IF pipe caps were removed in Step I.2.d.(5),

THEN install pipe caps finger tight. IF the caps are on too tight, they may permanently bind and require replacement of the valve.

(16) Remove Engine Barring.Tool.

(17) Open 2(3)(2/3)-6699-102, U2(3)(2/3) D/G AIR START CUTOFF VLV.


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DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. 2. d. (19) At Control Room Panel 902(3)-8, verify 902(3)-8 A-7, U2(3) DIESEL GEN TROUBLE (902-8 A-4, U2/3 DIESEL GEN TROUBLE) reset.

(20) At Panel 902(3)-8 place U2(3) (2/3) D/G control switch to AUTO.

(21) Verify 902(3)-8 H-9, U2(3) DIESEL GEN AUTO START BLOCKED (902-8 H-6, U2/3 DIESEL GEN AUTO START BLOCKED), resets.

(22) Independently verify the following:

All 20 Cylinder Test Valves closed, hand tight.

  • Cylinder test valve pipe caps installed, hand tight.

All Air Box Hand Hole Covers installed.

2(3) (2/'3)-6699-102, U2(3) (2/3) D/G AIR START CUTOFF VLV open.

At Panel 902(3)-8, U2(3) (2/3) D/G control switch in AUTO.

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CAUTION The following steps supply an ECCS start signal. All EDG/Breaker trips/lockouts will be bypassed with the exception of Overspeed, Differential Current Fault and Failure to Start UNTIL the autostart logic is reset by either pushing the local "stop" pushbutton or taking the Main Control Room switch to "stop". Running the EDG for 5 minutes in this configuration is not hazardous since the NLO can stop the EDG with the fuel racks should a "bypassed" trip condition occur.

a. At Panel 902(3)-8, Operations personnel shall time diesel generator start by starting the Strip Chart Recorder at 10 mm/sec to record data for Data Sheet 2.

NOTE When performing the ECCS start on the Unit 2 or 3 D/G, then verification of contact across points 1 and 2 can only be done via the control room. No relay actuation will occur locally.

b. Direct Electrical Maintenance to start D/G as follows:

(1) For U2(3) D/G, inside Panel 902(3)-33 in AEER, momentarily jumper contacts 1 AND 2 of Relay 1430-108B. WHEN D/G starts, THEN remove jumper.

Concurrent Verifier:

(2) For 2/3 D/G to Bus 23-1, inside Panel 902-32 in AEER, momentarily jumper contacts 1 AND 2 of Relay 1430-108A. WHEN D/G starts, THEN remove jumper.

Concurrent Verifier:

(3) Engine start signal is WHEN CHANNEL 3 displays a step change in voltage.

(4) WHEN D/G achieves 3952 Volts AND 58.8 Hz, THEN mark the strip chart.

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DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. 3. b. (5) Record the following:

(a) Time from start signal to

> 3952 Volts AND 58.8 Hz: seconds (b) Voltage: Volts (c) Frequency: Hz (6) Stop the Strip Chart Recorder after voltage and frequency stabilize.

(7) Complete Data Sheet 2.

c. (AC) Verify D/G starts in
  • 13 seconds AND the following steady state parameters are achieved:

(Tech Spec SR, SR, SR

(1) Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts (4160 +208).

(2) Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz (60 +1.2).

d. Record time D/G starts (from Control Room clock):


e. (AC) Verify proper Air Start System operation (demonstrated by the Diesel Engine starting)
f. IF the D/G does NOT start, THEN complete the following:

(1) Record the number of times the Air Start Motors attempted to engage.

(2) Record air pressure on the air pressure regulator gauge. psig (3) Did the air start motors crank the engine? (y/n)

g. Verify proper engine operation. (Demonstrated by NO obvious problems.)
h. Verify proper Fuel Rack Operation. (Engine comes up to speed and maintains the speed.)
i. (AC) At Panel 2252(3)-47 U2(3) (UNIT 2/3) DIESEL GENERATOR AUXILIARY CONTROL, verify the (3-5790)

DIESEL 2(3)(2/3) VENT FAN starts.

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DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. 3. j. (AC) At Panel 2252(3)-47 U2(3)(UNIT 2/3) DIESEL GENERATOR AUXILIARY CONTROL, verify (3-3903) DIESEL COOLING WATER PUMP 2(3)(2/3) starts (Tech Spec SR

k. (AC) Verify the D/G starts by observing the Red RUN light and the appropriate meters on Panel 902(3)-8.
1. WHEN D/G has run for > 5 minutes, THEN record time from Control Room clock:


m. (AC) Verify D/G has run for a minimum of five minutes while maintaining the following parameters (Tech Spec SR

(1) Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts (4160 +/-208).

(2) Frequency 58.8 to 61.2"Hz (60 +/-1.2)

n. For Unit 2/3 D/G only, otherwise proceed to Step I.3.x.

(1) Move D/G Start switch to STOP momentarily, THEN move switch to AUTO (2) Reset 902-8 H-6 U2./3 DIESEL GEN AUTO START BLOCKED.

(3) While the D/G is operating in its cooldown period, check the lubrication oil level with the dipstick. IF level is NOT between low and high level indications, THEN fill as necessary.

(4) Record the time the D/G stops from Control Room clock:

hours:minutes:seconds (5) At Panel 2252(3)-47 U2(3) (UNIT 2/3) DIESEL GENERATOR AUXILIARY CONTROL, trip the (3-5790)

DIESEL 2(3)(2/3) VENT FAN.

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DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. 3. n. (6) Verify 2/3 D/G Standby Conditions are met:

(a) Verify that the Diesel Generator 2/3 jacket water temperature is < 155 0 F.

TI 2/3-6641-12, U2/3 D/G ENGINE CLG WTR ENGINE INLET TI 2/3-6641-13, U2/3 D/G ENGINE CLG WTR ENGINE OUTLET OF (b) Verify that Diesel Generator 2/3 circulating lube oil temperature is

< 150OF.

  • TI 2/3-6641-533, U2/3 D/G LUBE OIL FILTER INLET
  • Lube Oil Sump by pyrometer CAUTION The following step supplies an ECCS start signal. All EDG/Breaker trips/lockouts will be bypassed with the exception of Overspeed, Differential Current Fault and Failure to Start UNTIL the autostart logic is reset by either pushing the local "stop" pushbutton or taking the main control room switch to "stop". Running the EDG for 5 minutes in this configuration is not hazardous since the HVO can stop the EDG with the fuel racks should a "bypassed" trip condition occur.
o. At Panel 902-8, Operations personnel shall time diesel generator start by starting the Strip Chart Recorder at 10mm/sec to record data for Data Sheet 2.
p. Direct Electrical Maintenance to start D/G as follows:

(1) For 2/3 D/G to Bus 33-1, inside Panel 903-32 in AEER, momentarily jumper contacts 1 AND 2 of Relay 1430-108A. WHEN D/G starts, THEN remove jumper.

Concurrent Verifier:

(2) Engine start signal is WHEN CHANNEL 3 displays a step change in voltage.

(3) WHEN D/G achieves 3952 Volts AND 58.8 Hz, THEN mark the Strip Chart.

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DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. 3. p. (4) Record the following:

(a) Time from "start" signal to

> 3952 Volts AND 58.8 Hz: seconds (b) Voltage: Volts (c) Frequency: Hz (5) Stop the Strip Chart Recorder after voltage and frequency stabilize.

(6) Complete Data Sheet 2.

q. (AC) Verify D/G starts in
  • 13 seconds AND the following steady state parameters are achieved:

(Tech Spec

(1) Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts (4160 +208).

(2) Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz (60 +/-1.2).

r. Record time D/G starts (from Control Room clock):


s. (AC) At Panel 2252 (3) -47 U2 (3) (UNIT 2/3) DIESEL GENERATOR AUXILIARY CONTROL, verify the (3-5790)

DIESEL 2(3)(2/3) VENT FAN starts.

t. (AC) At Panel 2252 (3)-47 U2(3) (UNIT 2/3) DIESEL GENERATOR AUXILIARY CONTROL, verify (3-3903) DIESEL COOLING WATER PUMP 2(3)(2/3) starts (Tech Spec SR
u. (AC) Verify the D/G starts by observing the Red RUN light and the appropriate meters on Panel 902-8.
v. WHEN D/G has ran for > 5 minutes, THEN record time from Control Room clock:


w. (AC) Verify D/G has run for a minimum of five minutes while maintaining the following parameters (Tech Spec SR

(1) Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts (4160 +/-208).

(2) Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz (60 +/-1.2).

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DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. 3. x. © IF applicable, THEN notify Chemistry Department to start Chemical Injection to the Diesel Generator Cooling Water System per DCP 2103-05, Chemical Addition to the Diesel Generator Cooling Service Water. ©(W-15, W-19) (CM-l)

NOTE The following step will "re-enable" all trips that may be bypassed due to the simulated autostart signals provided for the "ECCS Start" portion of the test.

y. Move 2(3) (2/3) D/G Start switch to STOP momentarily, then move switch to START
z. Reset 902 (3)-8 H-9 (902-8 H-6) U2(3)(2/3) DIESEL GEN AUTO START BLOCKED.

NOTE WHEN the Droop Setting is taken off 5, THEN an alarm will sound locally and in the Control Room.

aa. At the D/G Governor on the Diesel, set the Droop to 55.

ab. At 2252-10(2253-10) (2223-33) U2(3) (2/3) D/G RELAYING

& METERING CABINET Annunciator A, acknowledge annunciator C-l, DROOP NOT SET ON "5".

ac. On the Main Control Room Panel 902(3)-8, verify and reset 902(3)-8 A-7, U2(3) DIESEL GEN TROUBLE (902-8 A-4, U2/3 DIESEL GEN TROUBLE).

4. Verify open and locked the following valves:

2(3) (2/3)-4699-192, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Al/A2 OUTLET VLV 2(3) (2/3)-4699-193, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Bl/B2 OUTLET VLV

5. Independently verify the following valve positions:
a. 2(3)(2/3)-6699-101, D/G AIR START STRAINER BLOWDN VLV closed.
b. 2(3) (2/3)-4699-192, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Al/A2 OUTLET VLV locked open.
c. 2(3)(2/3)-4699-193, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK BI/B2 OUTLET VLV locked open.

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DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOTE Unless otherwise noted, all operations are at Panel 902(3)-8.

I. 5. d. (AC) Adjust D/G Speed to 60 Hz using GOVERNOR control switch.

e. (AC) Adjust D/G voltage to 4160 Volts using VOLTAGE REG control switch.

NOTE IF the D/G is out of phase with the 4KV system, a synchro check relay will block manual c losure of the D/G to the 4KV sys tem.

f. Turn the synchroscope ON for the appropriate D/G breaker.
  • D/G 2/3 TO BUS 23-1 ACB.
  • D/G 2/3 TO BUS 33-1 ACB.
  • U2 D/G TO BUS 24-1 ACB.
  • U3 D/G TO BUS 34-1 ACB.
g. Adjust GOVERNOR AND VOLTAGE REGULATOR UNTIL D/G is synchronized with 4KV system.


1. When synchronizing D/G to Bus, synchroscope should rotate one revolution in the Ldi o in approximaieiy 3u seconUs. incoming vo+/-lage should be slightly higher than Running Voltage.
2. Breaker should be closed just before the pointer reaches vertical position to prevent high transient current in generator reverse power trip.
3. When loading the 2/3 D/G to Bus 33-1, then electrical feed to the Diesel Auxiliaries will automatically transfer to Unit 3.

CAUTION The GOVERNOR control switch should be operated using short "bumps", especially when approaching loading limits. Excessive duration governor control switch operation could cause limits to be exceeded.

h. WHEN the D/G is synchronized to the bus, THEN close the applicable D/G breaker.

S D/G 2/3 TO BUS 23-1 ACB.

S D/G 2/3 TO BUS 33-1 ACB.

0 U2 D/G TO BUS 24-1 ACB.

0 U3 D/G TO BUS 34-1 ACB.

i. IF 2/3 D/G was synchronized to Bus 33-1, THEN verify D/G Cooling Water pump and D/G Vent Fan are operating.

23 of 67



1. D/G excitation is initially set at 1550 to 1600 kVARS to verify proper regulator operation. Excitation is then reduced in the subsequent step to

-300 to +300 kVARS.

2. Do NOT exceed diesel bus voltage of 4300 Volts. Reduce diesel VARs if necessary.

I. 5. j. Load D/G to indicated 2470 to 2600 kW over a period of approximately 30 to 90 seconds, while maintaining the following D/G parameters:

(1) Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts (4160 +208).

(2) Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz (60 +/-1.2)

(3) kVAR loading between 1550 to 1600.

k. While maintaining D/G load at 2470 to 2600 kW, reduce excitation to -300 to +300 kVARS.
1. Turn off synchroscope and remove key.

NOTE Step I.5.m provides direction to perform only one test. The step performing that test will direct the operator to perform subsequent tests OR to shutdown the D/G. The order of test performance is as follows:

m. Go to applicable step to perform desired test:




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1. Unless otherwise noted, all operations are at Panel 902(3)-8.
2. Momentary transients outside the load range and power factor limit do not invalidate this test.
3. IF grid conditions do not permit (i.e., low load resulting in high bus voltage), THEN the power factor limit is not required to be met. Under this condition, the power factor shall be maintained as close to the limit as practicable.
4. DO NOT exceed diesel bus voltage of 4300 Volts. Reduce diesel kVARs as necessary.
a. (AC) Load D/G to indicated 2730 to 2860 kW while maintaining the following D/G parameters:

(1) Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts (4160 +/-208).

(2) Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz (60 +/-1.2)

(3) kVAR between +1550 and +1800.

b. Record load applied to the D/G (2730 to 2860 kW, 1550 to 1800 kVAR) AND time from Control Room Clock.

Load kW Load kVAR hours: minutes:seconds

c. (2/3 D/G Only) Record the following:

(1) Unit 2/3 D/G is loaded to Bus (2) Unit supplying electrical feed to the 2/3 D/G Cooling Water Pump and Vent Fan, as indicated on Aux Control panel in D/G room. Unit

d. While D/G Cooling Water Pump is running, direct an Operator to blow down its associated wye strainer by momentarily opening 2-3999-283 (2/3-3999-264)


(CM-1) 25 of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. 6. e. Close AND lock 2-3999-283 (2/3-3999-264) (3-3999-353)


Independent Verification:

f. While D/G is operating, direct an Operator to check oil level with the dipstick. IF the oil level is NOT between the FULL and LOW marks on the 'CHECK WITH ENGINE HOT AND IDLING' side of the dipstick, THEN fill as necessary.
g. Approximately one hour after D/G has been loaded to 2730 to 2860 kW, record parameters on Data Sheet 1, Diesel Generator Operating Parameters, as applicable.
h. (AC) Verify D/G has operated with indicated load of 2730 to 2860 kW for a minimum of 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> while maintaining the following D/G parameters:

(Tech Spec SR

(1) Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts (4160 +208).

(2) Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz (60 +/-1.2).

(3) kVAR between +1550 and +1800.

Record time from Control Room Clock.


i. (AC) Lower D/G load to indicated 2340 to 2600 kW while maintaining the following D/G parameters:

(1) Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts (4160 +/-208).

(2) Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz (60 +/-1.2).

(3) kVAR between +1450 and +1700.

26 of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. 6. j. Approximately one hour after D/G has been loaded to 2340 to 2600 kW, AND approximately every four hours thereafter throughout the D/G run, record D/G operating parameters on Data Sheet 1.

k. (AC) Verify D/G has operated at an indicated minimum load of 2340 to 2600 kW for a minimum of 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br /> while maintaining the following D/G parameters:

(Tech Spec SR

(1) Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts (4160 +/-208).

(2) Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz (60 +/-1.2).

(3) kVAR between +1450 and +1700.

Record time from Control Room Clock.


1. IF Full Load Rejection Test is to be performed, THEN go to Step 1.7, Full Load Reject Test.
m. IF Full Load Rejection Test is NOT performed, AND Hot Restart Test is to be performed, THEN go to Step 1.8, Hot Restart Test.
n. IF it is NOT desired to perform Full Load Rejection Test OR Hot Restart Test, THEN go to Step 1.9 and 1.10 or I.11 as applicable.

27 of 67



a. (AC) Verify D/G loaded as follows:

(1) 2340 to 2600 kW.

(2) Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts (4160 +208).

(3) Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz (60 +/-1.2).

(4) kVAR between -50 and +50.

b. IF Hot Restart Test is to be performed, THEN go to Step 1.8, Hot Restart Test.
c. At Panel 902(3)-8, monitor AND record voltage and start strip chart recorder at 10m/sec:

Voltage observed (902(3)-8)

Voltage recorded (strip chart)

d. TRIP the applicable D/G breaker:
  • D/G 2/3 TO BUS 23-1 ACB.
  • D/G 2/3 TO BUS 33-1 ACB.
  • U2 D/G TO BUS 24-1 ACB.
  • U3 D/G TO BUS 34-1 ACB.
e. (AC) Verify D/G does NOT trip on overspeed (Tech Spec SR and stop strip chart recorder.

Peak Voltage observed (902(3)-8)

Peak Voltage recorded (strip chart)

NOTE Momentary transients above 5000 volts do NOT invalidate this test.

f. (AC) Verify Generator stable voltage
  • 5000 Volts during or following the load rejection (Tech Spec SR
g. IF it is NOT desired to perform Hot Restart Test, THEN go to Step 1.9 and 1.10 (if applicable) or I.11, D/G Shutdown.

28 of 67



a. IF the Endurance and Margin Test was NOT performed, THEN verify the following:

(1) (AC) D/G has operated for minimum two hours with the following loading:

  • 2340 to 2600 kW.
  • Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts (4160 +/-208).
  • Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz (60 +/-1.2).
  • kVAR between -50 and +50.

(2) D/G temperatures are stable.

NOTE D/G must be restarted within five minutes after D/G comes to a stop.

b. IF Full Load Reject Test is to be performed, THEN:

(1) At Panel 902(3)-8, monitor AND record voltage and start strip chart recorder at 10mm/sec:

Voltage observed (902(3)-8)

Voltage recorded (strip chart)

(2) TRIP the applicable D/G breaker:

  • D/G 2/3 TO BUS 23-1 ACB.
  • D/G 2/3 TO BUS 33-1 ACB.
  • U2 D/G TO BUS 24-1 ACB.
  • U3 D/G TO BUS 34-1 ACB.

(3) (AC) Verify D/G does NOT trip on overspeed (Tech Spec SR and stop strip chart recorder.

Peak Voltage observed (902(3)-8)

Peak Voltage recorded (strip chart)


Momentary transients outside the voltage limit do not invalidate this test.

(4) (AC) Verify Generator voltage does NOT exceed 5000 Volts during or following the load rejection (Tech Spec SR

(5) Go to Step I.8.d.

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DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. 8. C. IF Full Load Reject Test was NOT performed, THEN:

(1) Reduce D/G load to < 100 kW using GOVERNOR control switch.

(2) Open applicable breaker AND record time from Control Room Clock.

  • D/G 2/3 TO BUS 23-1 ACB.
  • D/G 2/3 TO BUS 33-1 ACB.
  • U2 D/G TO BUS 24-1 ACB.
  • U3 D/G TO BUS 34-1 ACB.


d. IF 2/3 D/G was tested to Bus 33-1, THEN verify DIESEL COOLING WATER PUMP 2/3 AND DIESEL 2/3 VENT FAN continue operating AND their electrical feeds automatically transfer to Unit 2 when the D/G 2/3 TO BUS 33-1 ACB is opened.


© Failure to set the droop to 5, the voltage to 4160 and the frequency to 60 Hz may prevent the D/G from coming up to speed and voltage in the event of an AUTO start. ©(W-l)

e. At D/G Governor set the droop setting to 5.

(1) At 2252-10(2253-10) (2223-33) U2(3) (2/3) D/G RELAYING & METERING CABINET, Annunciator A, reset annunciator C-i, DROOP NOT SET ON "5".

(2) Reset annunciator 902(3)-8 A-7, U2(3) DIESEL GEN TROUBLE (902-8 A-4, U2/3 DIESEL GEN TROUBLE).

f.© Set D/G frequency to 60 Hz using GOVERNOR control switch. O(W-I)

g. © Adjust D/G voltage to 4160 Volts using VOLTAGE REG control switch. O(W-1)
h. Move D/G Start switch to STOP momentarily, then move switch to AUTO AND record time from Control Room Clock.


i. Reset 902(3)-8 H-9 (902-8 H-6) U2(3) (2/3) DIESEL GEN AUTO START BLOCKED.

30 of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. 8. j. While the D/G is operating in its cool down period, check the lubrication oil level with the dipstick.

(1) IF level is NOT between low and high level indications, THEN fill as necessary.

NOTE D/G must be restarted within five minutes after the D/G comes to a stop. A stopwatch will be used to time the total elapsed time from diesel stop to subsequent restart. The strip chart will be used to determine time from start signal to rated parameters of voltage and frequency.

k. Record the time the D/G stops AND start stopwatch.


1. At Panel 2252(3)-47 U2(3)(UNIT 2/3) DIESEL GENERATOR AUXILIARY CONTROL, trip the (3-5790) DIESEL 2(3)(2/3)


m. Perform the following:

(1) Start the strip chart recorder at 10mm/sec.

(2) Start D/G from the Main Control Room by taking D/G START switch to START.

n. WHEN D/G achieves 3952 Volts AND 58.8 Hz, THEN stop the stopwatch AND the strip chart recorder.

(1) Record elapsed time between shutdown and startup:

seconds (2) (AC) Verify elapsed time < 5 minutes.

o. Record the following:

(1) Time from "start" signal to

> 3952 Volts AND 58.8 Hz: seconds (2) Voltage: Volts (3) Frequency: Hz

p. (AC) Verify D/G starts in
  • 13 seconds AND the following steady state parameters are achieved:

(Tech Spec SR and SR

(1) Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts (4160 +/-208).

(2) Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz (60 +/-1.2).

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DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. 8. q. (AC) At Panel 2252(3)-47 U2(3) (UNIT 2/3) DIESEL GENERATOR AUXILIARY CONTROL, verify the (3-5790)

DIESEL 2(3)(2/3) VENT FAN starts.

r. (AC) At Panel 2252(3)-47 U2(3) (UNIT 2/3) DIESEL GENERATOR AUXILIARY CONTROL, verify the (3-3903)

DIESEL COOLING WATER PUMP 2(3) (2/3) starts.

(Tech Spec SR

9. IF performing this test in lieu of DOS 6600-01, Monthly Surveillance AND/OR DOS 6600-01, Semi-Annual Fast Start Surveillance:


Do not take credit for any time the D/G is loaded outside of the 2340 to 2600 kW
load band. (i.e., 110% PM run)
a. (AC) Verify D/G has operated for > 60 minutes with a load of 2340 to 2600 kW (Tech Spec SR
10. IF performing this test in lieu of DOS 6600-01, Monthly Surveillance and/or DOS 6600-01, Semi-Annual Fast Start Surveillance AND the Unit 2/3 D/G operability is being verified, AND the remaining 4 kV Bus 23-1(33-1) is available, THEN following the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> loaded run, load the 2/3 D/G to the opposite unit (unit NOT loaded to during endurance run) as follows:
a. IF loaded, THEN reduce the D/G load to < 100 kW using the GOVERNOR control switch.
b. IF closed, THEN open the D/G circuit breaker to the 4 kV Bus 23-1 (33-1) and record time.

hours:minutes:seconds NOTE Steps I.10.c through I.10.g will have to be performed if the Hot Restart Test was performed immediately prior to loading the 2/3 D/G to the alternate bus.

c. At the D/G Governor on the Diesel, verify Droop is set to 55.
d. At 2252-10(2253-10) (2223-33) U2(3) (2/3) D/G RELAYING

& METERING CABINET, Annunciator A, reset annunciator C-1, DROOP NOT SET ON '5", IF necessary.

32 of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. 10. e. On the Main Control Room Panel 902(3)-8, verify and Reset 902(3)-8 A-7, U2(3) DIESEL GEN TROUBLE (902-8 A-4, U2/3 DIESEL GEN TROUBLE).

f. Insert key and turn the synchroscope ON between the D/G and the appropriate 4 kV bus.
g. Adjust the D/G Voltage and Governor Controls until the D/G output is synchronized with the 4 kV system.

NOTE When synchronizing the D/G to the Bus, the synchroscope should rotate one revolution in approximately 30 seconds in the fast direction, the breaker should be closed just before the pointer reaches the vertical position, Incoming voltage should be slightly higher than Running voltage. These conditions will help prevent high transient current in the generator or a reverse power trip.

CAUTION The GOVERNOR control switch should be operated using short "bumps", especially when approaching loading limits. Excessive duration governor control switch operation could cause limits to be exceeded.

h. WHEN the D/G/ is synchronized to the bus, THEN close the D/G output breaker to the 4 kV Bus 23-1 (33-1).
i. Load D/G to indicated 2470 to 2600 kW over a period of approximately 30 to 90 seconds, while maintaining the following D/G parameters:

(1) Voltage 3952 to 4368 Volts (4160 +208).

(2) Frequency 58.8 to 61.2 Hz (60 +/-1.2)

(3) kVAR loading between -300 to +300.

j. Turn off synchroscope and remove key.
k. Record the following:

(1) Unit 2/3 D/G is loaded to Bus (2) Unit supplying electrical feed to the 2/3 D/G Cooling Water Pump and Vent Fan, as indicated on Aux Control panel in D/G room. Unit (3) Record D/G load and time:

Load kW hours:minutes:seconds 33 of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. 10. 1. After EDG has been loaded for > 5 minutes, then reduce D/G load to < 100 kW using GOVERNOR control switch.

m. Open the circuit breaker from the D/G 2/3 to 4 kV Bus 23-1 (33-1) and record time.


n. IF 2/3 D/G was loaded to Bus 33-1, THEN verify DIESEL COOLING WATER PUMP 2/3 AND DIESEL 2/3 VENT FAN continue operating AND their electrical feeds automatically transfer to Unit 2 when the D/G 2/3 TO BUS 33-1 ACB is opened.
a. IF D/G is loaded, THEN perform the following:

(l) Reduce D/G load to < 100 kW using GOVERNOR control switch.

(2) Open applicable breaker AND record time from Control Room Clock.

  • D/G 2/3 TO BUS 23-1 ACB
  • D/G 2/3 TO BUS 33-1 ACB
  • U2 D/G TO BUS 24-1 ACB
  • U3 D/G TO BUS 34-1 ACB hours:minutes:seconds
b. IF 2/3 D/G was tested to Bus 33-1, THEN verify DIESEL COOLING WATER PUMP 2/3 AND DIESEL 2/3 VENT FAN continue operating AND their electrical feeds automatically transfer to Unit 2 when the D/G 2/3 TO BUS 33-1 ACB is opened.

34 of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOTE The EDG will be run unloaded for approximately 10 to 15 minutes (including normal cool down time) to allow extra cool down after the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> endurance run and any subsequent tests.


© Failure to set the droop to 5, the voltage to 4160 and the frequency to 60 Hz may prevent the D/G from coming up to speed and voltage in the event of an AUTO start. ©(W-1)

I. 11. c. At D/G Governor set the droop setting to 5.

(1) At 2252-10(2253-10) (2223-33) U2(3) (2/3) D/G RELAYING & METERING CABINET, Annunciator A, reset annunciator C-l, DROOP NOT SET ON "5".is (2) Reset annunciator 902(3)-8 A-7, U2(3) DIESEL GEN TROUBLE (902-8 A-4, U2/3 DIESEL GEN TROUBLE).

d. e Adjust D/G frequency to 60 Hz using GOVERNOR control switch. ©(W-l)
e. © Adjust D/G voltage to 4160 Volts using VOLTAGE REG control switch. ©(W-l)
f. Run D/G unloaded for 10 to 15 minutes.
g. Move D/G Start switch to STOP momentarily, then move switch to AUTO AND record time from Control Room Clock.


h. - Reset 902(3)-8 H-9 (902-8 H-6) U2(3) (2/3) DIESEL GEN AUTO START BLOCKED.
i. Record the time the D/G stops.



(1) Verify 2(2/3)(3)-6657, U2 (2/3)(3) D/G LUBE OIL CIRCULATING PUMP is running (2) Verify 2(2/3)(3)-6660, U2(2/3)(3) D/G TURBO OIL CIRCULATING PUMP is running.

k. At Panel 2252(3)-47 U2(3) (UNIT 2/3) DIESEL GENERATOR AUXILIARY CONTROL, verify the (3-3903) DIESEL COOLING WATER PUMP 2(3)(2/3) has shutdown.

35 of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. 11. 1. At Panel 2252(3)-47 U2(3) (UNIT 2/3) DIESEL GENERATOR AUXILIARY CONTROL, trip the (3-5790) DIESEL 2(3) (2/3)



1. Step I.ll.m is required monthly OR after a D/G period of operation

> one hour.

2. During the following step, the day tank sample'may be obtained.
m. Check Diesel Fuel Oil Day Tank for accumulated water as follows:

(1) Place collection container under the Day Tank Drain. (CM-3)

(2) Remove pipe cap and open 2(3)(2/3)-5299-205, D/G FUEL OIL DAY TK OUTLET TO D/G DRN VLV.


(3) Check for accumulated water in the Day Tank.


(4) IF water has accumulated in the Day Tank, THEN continue to drain until accumulated water is removed from Day Tank. (CM-3)

(5) Close 2(3) (2/3)-5299-205, D/G FUEL OIL DAY TK OUTLET TO D/G DRN VLV and install cap. (CM-3)

(6) Independently verify 2(3) (2/3)-5299-205, D/G FUEL OIL DAY TK OUTLET TO D/G DRN VLV closed and capped. (CM-3)

(7) (AC) Any accumulated water has been removed from the Diesel Fuel Oil Day Tank. (Tech Spec SR (CM-3)

n. Record Diesel Fuel Oil Day Tank level: inches
o. (AC) Diesel Fuel Oil Day Tank level Ž205 gallons of fuel oil. (Tech Spec SR
p. (AC) Verify Fuel Oil Transfer Pump has RECHARGED Day Tank to Ž205 gallons as indicated by associated Diesel Oil Day Tank site glass. (Tech Spec SR

(1) IF Day Tank level is <205 gallons as indicated by the associated Diesel Oil Day Tank Local Site Glass, THEN declare Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Transfer System inoperable.

36 of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 I. 11. q. Independently verify 2(3) (2/3)-6699-146, U2(3) (2/3)


12. Log the Diesel Storage Tank Level.
a. Record tank level: (% OR inches)

IF Diesel Storage Tank Level remote indicator

(%) is Out-Of-Service, THEN obtain tank level by sticking the tank locally.

b. Record Diesel Fuel Oil Tank useable volume (in gallons) from Table 1, Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Tank Level From Remote Indication, OR from Table 2, Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Tank Level At Tank.


c. (AC) Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Tank useable volume is

> 10,000 gallons (69%) (Tech Spec SR

d. IF D/G fuel storage tank level is less than either of the following, as applicable, THEN notify the Unit Supervisor.

(1) 12,522 gallons (remote indication, 78.5%).

(2) 12,560 gallons, (local by stick, 75 inches).

e. © IF applicable, THEN notify Chemistry Department to stop chemical injection from Diesel Generator Cooling Water per DCP 2103-05, Chemical Addition.

©(W-15, W-19)

f. IF D/G was declared inoperable AND a 7 day LCO entered for Loaded Run Testing, THEN verify D/G test successful AND:

(1) Declare Diesel Generator Operable.

(2) Exit any LCO for Diesel Generator testing.

13. Disconnect strip chart recorder in accordance with DIP 6600-01. May be removed at any time, out of sequence, after data is verified.
14. IF conditions allow LTC operation in automatic, WHEN directed by the Unit Supervisor, THEN transfer TR 86(32)

LTC to AUTO operation [DOP 6400-14 (DOP 6400-15)].

37 of 67



1. The D/G air start system operates as follows: When the D/G is started, the air start solenoid is powered, allowing air from the air receivers to pass through the solenoid valve to the pinion gear end of the lower start motor. This causes the pinion gear to move forward and engage the ring gear. Movement of the pinion gear uncovers a port that allows air passage to the upper motor, engaging its pinion gear. Only when both pinion gears are engaged does air reach the air start relay valve that then opens the main air supply to drive each of the starting motors. If the main air supply does NOT reach the air start motors in two seconds as sensed by the multiple start pressure switch, the air start solenoid will re-power to start the sequence again. This multiple start sequence will continue until the D/G reaches 200 rpm. If the D/G does NOT reach 200 rpm in 15 seconds, the sequence will stop and the Fail To Start alarm will come in. At >200 rpm, the air start solenoid valve de-powers, thus interrupting the air to the starting motors and venting the pressure. This causes the air start motors to disengage and stop. Proper start of the D/G verifies adequate air supply to the air start motors. If the air start motor properly engages and starts the D/G the following valves will be considered operable:
a. 2(3) (2/3)-6699-103, Air Start Solenoid.
b. 2(3) (2/3)-6699-104, Air Start Check Valve.
c. 2(3)(2/3)-4699-312,316, Air Receiver Outlet Check Valve.
d. 2(3) (2/3) 4699-311A, B, Air Compressor Outlet Check Valve.
2. © The D/G Heat Exchangers will be monitored as required in DAP 14-07, Service Water System Performance Verification, to confirm adequate heat exchanger cooling capability in accordance with GL 89-13.


3. S&L Calculation (W-16) demonstrated that if 2/3 D/G cooling water flow is 800 gpm with two or less U2 CCSW pumps operating, then flow is adequate for all operating modes, given U2 CCSW pump operation restrictions in LPCI and 2/3 D/G operating procedures. Subsequent evaluation determined a minimum flow requirement of 830 GPM (800 GPM U2/3 Only) gpm. (W-26)
4. Dresden Station's EDG Surveillance Testing Program meets NUMARK 87-00 Rev 1 AND Reg. Guide 1.9 Rev. 3 recommendations by performing the surveillances listed in ER-AA-440. In this Surveillance, the following tests required by ER-AA-440 are performed:
a. Endurance and Margin Test.
b. Full Load Rejection Test.
c. ECCS Test.
d. Hot Restart Test.

38 of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 J. 5. New Fuel Oil Storage Tank levels:

a. Level was recalculated on ABB Impell Calculation # 10553-CALC-03.
b. Percent values in Steps E.3 NOTE, G.4, I.13.d NOTE, and Data Sheet 1 Item 21 include instrument error based on approximately -3.3 inches of water (possible error) and specific gravity adjustment. These values are specified as limits in Writers Reference W-17 to prevent going below the Tech Spec limit even under worst-case conditions.
c. The percent level readings in Table 1 are NOT adjusted for instrument error and are a direct calculation from level information provided in Calculation # 10553-CALC-03.
d. Table 2 is provided in case the remote indication is not available OR if a manual tank level is desired. The even inch values are directly from Calculation# 10553-CALC-03.

1/2 inch values were interpolated from the data provided.

6. Attachment A, Contingency Actions for Reactor Scram or Loss of Offsite Power During Loaded D/G Surveillance Testing, was created due to a LaSalle event where:
a. A D/G was connected to the grid for surveillance testing,
b. A SCRAM occurred,
c. The diesel assumed VARs lost by the main generator.
d. Per the manufacturer, the loading picked up by the D/G could have destroyed the D/G in 10 to 15 minutes.
7. Attachment A has two purposes. In the event of a SCRAM it provides protection for the D/G by opening the output breaker. In the event of a LOOP, it supplements core protection by forcing load shedding and ensuring controls are adjusted to maintain proper bus voltage and frequency for ECCS equipment. While not all actions are required for both events, a single set of guidelines were developed for ease of operation.

39 of 67




1. Response to I.E. Information Notice No. 85-28, Partial Loss Of AC Power and Diesel Generator Degradation, Dated October 18, 1985.
2. QA Audit 12-87-08.
3. QA Audit 12-88-14.
4. QAL 12-87-197, Dresden Station Safety System Functional Inspection (SSFI) Report, Dated August 28, 1987.
5. S & L Spec. #K-2183, Western Electrical Control Equipment Manual.
6. S & L Calculation Number MAD 89-0003, Diesel Generator Cooling Water Pump NPSH.
7. Response to I. E.Bulletin 81-03, Dated March 28, 1983; Flow Blockage of Cooling Water to Safety System Components by Carbicula Sp. (Asian Clam) and Mytillus Sp. (Mussels).
8. I. E. Circular No 79-12, Potential Diesel Generator Turbo Charger problems.
9. DIS 6600-01, Diesel Generator Starting Air Pressure Instrument Calibration.
10. Generic Letter 89-04, Guidance on Developing Acceptable Inservice testing Programs.
11. DVR 12-2-89-070, Implement a Procedure for Diesel Generator Emergency shutdown Utilizing Tech Staff Recommendations.
12. DVR 12-2-90-053, Inoperable Due To Air Start System Regulator Leak.
13. Generic Letter 89-13, Service Water System Problems Affecting Safety Related Equipment.
14. NTS 237-200-92-01001.
15. NTS 237-201-93-48901.
16. S&L Calculation MPED 09215-113, maximum Allowable Lake Temperature For Unrestricted Unit 2/3 D/G Operation.
17. White Paper, Dresden Station Units 2 and 3 Emergency Diesel Generator Fuel Oil System Instrumentation, August 8, 1994.
18. ABB Impell calculation # 10553-CALC-05, Dresden EDG Fuel Oil Storage Tanks 2, 3, 2/3-5241 Volume.
19. Revision to NRC commitment to Generic Letter (GL) 89-13 for biocide injection into Diesel Generator Cooling Water and Containment Cooling Service Water per Letter to J. Kotowski for G. Paramore (SWS Eng.), J. Frankovic and L. Magers (SWS Chemists) dated 5-4-94.

40 of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 W. 20. LER 12-2-97-016, Autostart of the 2/3 Diesel Generator due to Operating Team Knowledge Deficiency.

21. EC# 332886, Emergency Diesel Generator Power Factor during Full Load Reject and Endurance Testing.
22. Dresden: (CM-I) 3, 5, AMR M04, AR 10152210152220.01 (Steps E.16, I.2.a, I.3.x, I.6.d and Data Sheet 1, Item 20 and Item 20 Note.)
23. Dresden: (CM-2) License Renewal Aging Management, GALL Section XI.M21.3, 4, 5, 6 AMD MI1, AR 10152210152221.01 (Step A)
24. Dresden: (CM-3) License Renewal Aging Management, GALL Section XI.M30.4, AMR M03, AR 10152210152230.03 (Steps I.ll.k. (1). through I.ll.k. (7) .)
25. Calculation No. DRE96-0135, DO Starting Air Compressor and Receiver Pressure Setpoints Analysis Revision 0, dated 10-1-96 and Revision Oa, dated 11-14-03.
26. Calculation ATD-400, Unit 2/3 Diesel Generator Jacket Water Cooler Capacity.
27. EC 364072, Evaluate and Determine Power Factor and KVAR Range for Emergency Diesel Generator 24-Hour Endurance Testing.

41 of 67



NOTE If a Loss of Offsite Power (LOOP) condition exists, the D/G output breaker will automatically close. Opening of the D/G output breaker is necessary to ensure load shedding of non-essential loads.

1. Open the applicable D/G Output Breaker AND record time: INITIAL 0 U2 D/G TO BUS 24-1 ACB 0 2/3 D/G TO BUS 23-1 ACB 0 2/3 D/G TO BUS 33-1 ACB U3 D/G TO BUS 34-1 ACB hours : minutes : seconds CAUTION

© Failure to set the droop to 5, the voltage to 4160 and the frequency to 60 Hz may prevent the D/G from coming up to speed and voltage in the event of an AUTO start. ©(W-l)

2. At the D/G Governor, set the droop setting to 5. .I
3. At 2252-10(2253-10) (2223-33) U2(3) (2/3) D/G RELAYING & METERING CABINET, Annunciator A, reset annunciator C-l, DROOP NOT SET ON "5".
4. Reset annunciator 902(3)-8, A-7, U2(3) DIESEL GEN TROUBLE (902-8 A-4, U2/3 DIESEL GEN TROUBLE).

5.© Adjust D/G frequency to 60 Hz using the Governor Control switch.

© (W-Z)

6. e Adjust the D/G voltage to 4160 Volts using the VOLTAGE REGULATOR control. ©(W-l) 42 of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 ATTACHMENT A (Continued)


CAUTION IF DOS 6600-14, DIESEL OIL TRANSFER PUMP OPERATION AND FUEL CONSUMPTION TEST, is being performed concurrently , THEN the applicable Fuel Oil Transfer Pump Circuit Breaker(s) will be open, preventing automatic Day Tank refill.

7. Verify the applicable Fuel Oil Transfer Pump Circuit Breaker(s) closed:
  • MCC 29-2 Breaker B-2, 2-5203 DIESEL OIL TRANSFER PUMP 2.
  • MCC 28-1 Breaker F-l, 2/3-5203 UNIT 2/3 DIESEL OIL TRANSFER PUMP.
  • MCC 38-1 Breaker C-2, 2/3-5203 UNIT 2/3 DIESEL OIL TRANSFER PUMP.
  • MCC 39-2 Breaker E-l, 3-5203 UNIT 3 DIESEL OIL TRANSFER PUMP.


1. If the D/G output breaker is open, the OSS may direct shutdown by returning to Step I.11. If the D/G output breaker closed due to LOOP signal, this procedure is exited after notifying the OSS of D/G status.
2. This Attachment leaves the diesel capable of supplying ECCS loads on a bus that has been load shed. The diesel protective devices are disabled only on an AUTO start.
8. As plant conditions permit, inform the Unit Supervisor as to the status of the D/G.

43 of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 CHECKLIST A D/G PRE-START CHECKS (Checklist performed locally)


1. Verify there is NO water and no significant quantities of oil in the Diesel Air Box as follows:
a. Open 2(3) (2/3)-6699-135, U2(3) (2/3) D/G AIR BOX DRN VLV and collect any accumulation of water or oil.
b. WHEN NO liquid is flowing from the drain, THEN close 2(3)(2/3)-6699-135, U2(3) (2/3) D/G AIR BOX DRN VLV.
c. IF ANY visible water, OR greater than 1 Pint of oil was drained from the air box, THEN immediately notify the Operations Shift Supervisor.
2. Blow down the starting Air Piping as follows:
a. Remove cap from exhaust line of 2(3) (2/3)-6699-101, D/G AIR START STRAINER BLOWDN VLV (located at the Air Line Strainer).
b. Slowly open 2(3) (2/3)-6699-101, D/G AIR START STRAINER BLOWDN VLV until the air being released is free of visible moisture.
c. Close 2(3) (2/3)-6699-101, D/G AIR START STRAINER BLOWDN VLV and replace the cap.

3.© Perform the operability check for the D/G 2(3) (2/3) Air Compressors as follows: ©(W-10)

a. 2(3) (2/3)-4611B, 2(3) (2/3)B DIESEL START UP AIR COMPRESSOR:

(1 Verify the Compressor Crankcase Oil Level is between the High and Low marks on the crankcase dipstick.

(2) Record D/G Start Air Receiver Tank pressure:

PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-15, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR Al AIR RECEIVER TANK psig PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-17, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR A2 AIR RECEIVER TANK psig PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-18, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR B1 AIR RECEIVER TANK psig PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-20, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR B2 AIR RECEIVER TANK psig 44 of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 CHECKLIST A (Continued)


3. a. (3) (AC) Verify D/G Start Air Receiver Tank pressure

>225 psig (Tech Spec SR

NOTE Normal alignment of the D/G Air Receiver Drain valves has the Inboard drain valves Open and the Outboard drain valves closed. When lowering receiver pressure for compressor test start purposes, it is desirable to first align the inboard receiver drain valves closed and the outboard drain valves open for the convenience of the Operator performing the test. The normal drain valve alignment is to be re-established following completion of the test.

(4) Close 2(3) (2/3)-4699-186, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK B1 INBD DRN VLV.

(5) Open 2(3) (2/3)-4699-190, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK B1 OTBD DRN VLV.

(6) Slowly lower the air receiver pressure by opening 2(3) (2/3)-4699-186, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Bl INBD DRN VLV UNTIL 2(3) (2/3)-4611B, 2(3) (2/3)B DIESEL START UP AIR COMPRESSOR starts, THEN start the stopwatch AND record D/G Start Air Receiver Tank pressure:

  • PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-15, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR Al AIR RECEIVER TANK psig

" PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-17, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR A2 AIR RECEIVER TANK psig

  • PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-18, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR B1 AIR RECEIVER TANK psig PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-20, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR B2 AIR RECEIVER TANK psig (AC) 2(3)(2/3)-4611B, 2(3)(2/3)B DIESEL START UP AIR COMPRESSOR starting pressure Ž!225 psig.

(7) Close 2(3) (2/3)-4699-186, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK B1 INBD DRN VLV WHEN 2(3)(2/3)-4611B, 2(3)(2/3)B DIESEL START UP AIR COMPRESSOR starts.

45 of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 CHECKLIST A (Continued)

D/G PRE-START CHECKS NOTE D/G Starting Air Compressor "B" should start at 228 to 241 psig and stop at 245 to 260 psig. Air receiver pressure is to be restored within 10 minutes.

Acceptance Criteria is based Technical Specification limit of > 220 psig, with 5 psig instrument inaccuracy.

3. a. (8) Using the stopwatch, measure the length of time the 2(3) (2/3)-4611B, 2(3) (2/3)B DIESEL START UP AIR COMPRESSOR is in operation.
  • Time of compressor operation: min
  • (AC) Verify time
  • 10 minutes.

(9) Record D/G Start Air Receiver Tank pressure:

PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-l5, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR Al AIR RECEIVER TANK psig

  • PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-17, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR A2 AIR RECEIVER TANK psig
  • PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-18, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR Bl AIR RECEIVER TANK psig

" PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-20, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR B2 AIR RECEIVER TANK psig NOTE Verifying that D/G Start Air Al/A2 Receiver Tank pressure does not change AND that D/G Start Air A1/A2 Receiver Tank pressure is greater than D/G Start Air Bl/B2 Receiver Tank pressure demonstrates that 2(3) (2/3)-4699-316, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Bl/B2 OUTLET CK VLV is closed.

(10) (AC) Verify D/G START AIR Al/A2 RECEIVER TANK pressure does not change (+/- 2 psig) in Steps 3.a(2), 3.a(6) and 3.a(9) AND D/G START AIR Al/A2 RECEIVER TANK pressure is greater than D/G START AIR BI/B2 RECEIVER TANK in Step 3.a(6) .

(11) Close 2(3) (2/3)-4699-190, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK B1 OTBD DRN VLV.

(12) Open 2(3) (2/3)-4699-186, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK B1 INBD DRN VLV.

46 of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 CHECKLIST A (Continued)


3. b. 2(3) (2/3)-4611A, 2(3)(2/3)A DIESEL START UP AIR COMPRESSOR.

(1) Verify Compressor Crankcase Oil Level is between the High and Low marks on the crankcase dipstick.

(2) Record D/G Start Air Receiver Tank pressure:

PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-15, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR Al AIR RECEIVER TANK psig PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-17, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR A2 AIR RECEIVER TANK psig

  • PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-18, U2(3) (2/3) .D/G START AIR B1 AIR RECEIVER TANK psig
  • PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-20, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR B2 AIR RECEIVER TANK psig (3) (AC) Verify D/G Start Air Receiver Tank pressure

> 225 psig (Tech Spec SR

NOTE Normal alignment of the D/G Air Receiver Drain valves has the Inboard drain valves Open and the Outboard drain valves closed. When lowering receiver pressure for compressor test start purposes, it is desirable to first align the inboard receiver drain valves closed and the outboard drain valves open for the convenience of the Operator performing the test. The normal drain valve

alignment is to be re-established following completion of the test.

(4) Close 2(3) (2/3)-4699-184, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Al INBD DRN VLV.

(5) Open 2(3) (2/3)-4699-188, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Al OTBD DRN VLV.

47 of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 CHECKLIST A (Continued)


3. b. (6) Slowly lower the air receiver pressure by opening 2(3)(2/3)-4699-184, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Al INBD DRN VLV UNTIL 2(3) (2/3)-4611A, 2(3) (2/3)A DIESEL START UP AIR COMPRESSOR starts, THEN start the stopwatch AND record D/G Start Air Receiver Tank pressure:

PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-15, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR Al AIR RECEIVER TANK psig

" PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-17, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR A2 AIR RECEIVER TANK psig

  • PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-18, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR B1 AIR RECEIVER TANK psig
  • PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-20, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR B2 AIR RECEIVER TANK psig (AC) 2(3) (2/3)-4611A, 2(3) (2/3)A DIESEL START UP AIR COMPRESSOR starting pressure Ž 225 psig.

(7) Close 2(3) (2/3)-4699-184, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Al INBD DRN VLV WHEN compressor "A" starts.

NOTE Starting Air Compressor "A" should start at 228 to 241 psig and stop at 245 to 260 psig. Air receiver pressure is to be restored within 10 minutes.

Acceptance Criteria is based Technical Specification limit of > 220 psig, with 5

psig instrument inaccuracy.

(8) Using a stopwatch, measure the length of time the 2(3) (2/3)-4611A, 2(3) (2/3)A DIESEL START UP AIR COMPRESSOR is in operation.

  • Time of compressor operation: min

" (AC) Verify time

  • 10 minutes.
  • (AC) Compressor starting pressure Ž 225 psig.

48 of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 CHECKLIST A (Continued)


3. b. (9) Record D/G Start Air Receiver Tank pressure:
  • PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-15, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR Al AIR RECEIVER TANK psig
  • PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-17, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR A2 AIR RECEIVER TANK psig
  • PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-18, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR BI AIR RECEIVER TANK psig
  • PI 2(3) (2/3)-4641-20, U2(3) (2/3) D/G START AIR B2 AIR RECEIVER TANK psig NOTE Verifying that D/G Start Air Bl/B2 Receiver Tank pressure does not change AND that D/G Start Air Bl/B2 Receiver Tank pressure is greater than D/G Start Air Al/A2 Receiver Tank pressure demonstrates that 2(3) (2/3)-4699-312, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Al/A2 OUTLET CK VLV is closed.

(10) (AC) Verify D/G START AIR Bl/B2 RECEIVER TANK pressure does not change (+/- 2 psig) in Steps 3.b(2), 3.b(6) and 3.b(9) AND D/G START AIR Bl/B2 RECEIVER TANK pressure is greater than D/G START AIR Al/A2 RECEIVER TANK in Step 3.b(6).

(11) Close 2(3) (2/3)-4699-188, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Al OTBD DRN VLV.

(12) Open 2(3) (2/3)-4699-184, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Al INBD DRN VLV.

49 of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 CHECKLIST A (Continued)


1. Independent Verification of DIESEL START UP AIR FILTER in service may take place at any time prior to declaring the EDG Operable.
2. IF one DIESEL START UP AIR FILTER train is NOT operable OR is non-preferred use, THEN changeover of the DIESEL START UP AIR FILTER in service should not be performed.
3. IF one DIESEL START UP AIR COMPRESSOR is NOT operable OR is non-preferred use, THEN isolation of the operable OR preferred use DIESEL START UP AIR COMPRESSOR should NOT be performed (Verify the inoperable OR non-preferred use DIESEL START UP AIR COMPRESSOR is isolated).
4. For EVEN numbered months place the 2(3) (2/3)-4600E 2(3) (2/3)A DIESEL START UP AIR FILTER in service AND isolate the DG AIR RECEIVER TK Al/A2 as follows:
a. Unlock AND verify Locked Open 2(3) (2/3)-4699-194 D/G "A" AIR FILT INLET VLV Independent Verifier:
b. Unlock AND verify Locked Open 2(3) (2/3)-4699-195 D/G "A" AIR FILT OUTLET VLV Independent Verifier:
c. Unlock AND verify Locked Closed 2(3) (2/3)-4699-196 D/G "B" AIR FILT INLET VLV Independent Verifier:
4. d. Unlock AND verify Locked Closed 2(3) (2/3)-4699-197 D/G "B" AIR FILT OUTLET VLV Independent Verifier:

NOTE Closing the 2(3) (2/3)-4699-192, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Al/A2 OUTLET VLV verifies the 2(3) (2/3)-4699-316, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Bl/B2 OUTLET CK VLV opens during D/G Startup.

e. Unlock AND verify Closed 2(3) (2/3)-4699-192, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Al/A2 OUTLET VLV. (Utilize the B Air Start System for starting the D/G.)

50 of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 CHECKLIST A (Continued)


5. For ODD numbered months place the 2(3) (2/3)-4600D 2(3) (2/3)B DIESEL START UP AIR FILTER in service AND isolate the DG AIR RECEIVER TK Bl/B2 as follows:
a. Unlock AND verify Locked Open 2(3) (2/3)-4699-196 D/G "B" AIR FILT INLET VLV Independent Verifier:
b. Unlock AND verify Locked Open 2(3) (2/3)-4699-197 D/G "B" AIR FILT OUTLET VLV Independent Verifier:
c. Unlock AND verify Locked Closed 2(3) (2/3)-4699-194 D/G "A" AIR FILT INLET VLV Independent Verifier:
d. Unlock AND verify Locked Closed 2(3) (2/3)-4699-195 D/G "A" AIR FILT OUTLET VLV Independent Verifier:

NOTE Closing the 2(3) (2/3)-4699-193, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Bl/B2 OUTLET VLV verifies the 2(3) (2/3)-4699-312, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Al/A2 OUTLET CK VLV opens during D/G Startup.

e. Unlock AND verify Closed 2(3) (2/3)-4699-193, D/G AIR RECEIVER TK Bl/B2 OUTLET VLV. (Utilize the A Air Start System for starting the D/G.)
6. Check the D/G lubrication system as follows:
a. Verify the crankcase oil level is between the FULL and LOW marks on the 'LEVEL WHEN NOT RUNNING' side of the crankcase oil dipstick.
b. The 2(3)(2/3)-6657, U2(3)(2/3) D/G LUBE OIL CIRCULATING PUMP is running.
c. The 2(3) (2/3)-6660, U2(3) (2/3) D/G TURBO OIL CIRCULATING PUMP is running.
7. Verify the coolant level is within the normal bounds indicated on the sight glass.
8. IF Compressor "A" OR "B" stop pressures are not within expected range (224-260 psig), THEN contact the System Engineer AND initiate an Issue Report.

51 of 67


Unit 2 Diesel Generator Test Data DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOTE

Readings outside the nominal range should be brought to the attention of the Unit Supervisor And Plant Engineer.


Date/Time N/A PI 2-6641-537 U2 D/G MAIN BEARING OIL PRESSURE 60 to 105 psig

2. TI 2-6641-533 U2 .D/G LUBE OIL FILTER INLET 180 to 220°F PI 2-6641-11 U2 DIESEL FUEL OIL PUMP DISCHARGE 20 to 55 psig Governor Oil Level Observe that Diesel engine Between
4. governor oil level is between Y Y and 1V4 and 1 '4 inch below the top of the inch governor casing. Refer to Figure 12, Diesel Governor.


6. 2-6641-538 CAMSHAFT SIGHT GLASS PI 2-6641-15 13 psig U2 DIESEL ENGINE AIR BOX PRESS MINIMUM TI 2-6641-12 0
8. 150 to 165 F U2 D/G ENGINE CLG WTR ENGINE INLET TI 2-6641-13
9. U2 D/G ENGINE CLG WTR ENGINE 160 to 180OF OUTLET PI 2-3941-31 10 to 25 psig U2 D/G CLG WTR HX SW OUT/IN (TOP) 20 to 40 psig PI 2-3941-30 10 to 25 psig (BOTTOM)

© Differential Pressure ©(W-7)

12. (Difference between 10 AND 11.) 6 psid 52 of 67


Unit 2 Diesel Generator Test Data DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOMINAL READING OBSERVED READING Date/Time N/A TI 2-3941-879

13. U2 D/G CLG WATER HX SERVICE WATER 35 to 95°F INLET TI 2-3941-881
2. Take reading. Only

PI 2-6641-535


___OUTLET TI 2-6641-7

17. T2-617165 U2 D/G LUBE OIL COOLER OUTLET to 190OF PI 2-6641-8
18. U2 D/G TURBO LUBE OIL CIRC PUMP 60 to 110 psig DISCH

© FI 2-3941-897


©(W-13) (CM-l) **

Fuel Oil 20.L- Storage Sre Tank>

Tank Level 74% ,

53 of 67


Unit 2'Diesel Generator Test Data DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOMINAL OSRE EDN READING OSRE EDN Date/Time N/A TI 2-6641-500, U2 D/IG EXHAUST MANIFOLD TEMP (Temperature Range for Nominal Full Load)

21. Cylinder 1 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
22. Cylinder 2 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
23. Cylinder 3 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
24. Cylinder 4 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
25. Cylinder 5 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
26. Cylinder 6 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
27. Cylinder 7 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
28. Cylinder 8 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
29. Cylinder 9 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
30. Cylinder 10 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
31. Cylinder 11 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
32. Cylinder 12 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
33. Cylinder 13 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
34. Cylinder 14 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
35. Cylinder 15 Temperature 750 to 1100OF 36 . Cylinder 16 Temperature 750 to 1100OF 37 . Cylinder 17 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
38. Cylinder 18 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
39. Cylinder 19 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
40. Cylinder 20 Temperature 750 to 1100OF 54 of 67


Unit 2 Diesel Generator Test Data DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOMINAL READING OBSERVED READING Date/Time N/A Open 2-6699-135, U2 D/G AIR BOX DRN VLV, blowdown liquid to a suitable container AND close 2-6699-135, U2 D/G AIR BOX DRN VLV.

NOTE Local AND remote kW indication should be approximately equal. If a discrepancy of >120 kW is found between the local and remote meter, submit an Issue Report to have both meters calibrated.

42. kW (local)
43. AC Amps (local)
44. AC Volts (local)
45. DC Amps (local)
46. kW (902(3)-8) 2730-2860 (I.6.g) 2340-2600 (I.6.j)
47. AC Amps (902(3)-8)
48. AC Volts (902(3)-8)
49. kVAR (902(3)-B) 1550-1800 (I.6.g) 1450-1700 (I.6.j)

I Obtain lube oil sample during

50. last two hours of 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> run per Sample Obtained DOS 0040-02.

Obtain fuel oil storage tank

51. sample after run per Sample Obtained DOS 0040-02.

Obtain fuel oil day tank sample

52. after run per Sample Obtained IDOS 0040-02.

55 of 67


Unit 3 Diesel Generator Test Data DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOTE Readings outside the nominal range should be brought to the attention of the Unit Supervisor And Plant Engineer.


3. U3 D/G DIESEL FUEL OIL PUMP 20 to 55 psig DISCHARGE PI 3-6641-15 13 psig U3 DIESEL ENGINE AIR BOX PRESS MINIMUM Governor Oil. Level Observe that Diesel engine Between
5. governor oil level is between Y. Y and 1 14 and 1 1/4 inch below the top of the inch governor casing. Refer to Figure 2, Diesel Governor.
8. TI 3-6641-12 U3 D/G ENGINE CLG WTR ENGINE INLET 150 to 165°F TI 3-6641-13
9. U3 D/G ENGINE CLG WTR ENGINE 160 to 180°F

_OUTLET PI 3-3941-31 10 to 25 psig

10. U3 D/G CLG WTR HX SW OUT/IN (TOP) 20 to 40 psig PI 3-3941-30 10 to 25 psig
11. U3 D/G CLG WTR HX SW IN/OUT 20 to 40 psig (BOTTOM)

© Differential Pressure ©(W-7)

12. (Difference between 10 AND 11) 6 psid 56 of 67


Unit 3 Diesel Generator Test Data DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOMINAL READING OBSERVED READING Date/Time N/A TI 3-3941-35

13. U3 D/G CLG WATER HX SERVICE WATER 35 to 950 F INLET TI 3-3941-36

_OUTLET PI 3-6641-535 60 psig

1. Open 3-6699-146, U3 DG FUEL N/A
2. Take reading.

TI 3-6641-7 U3 D/G LUBE OIL COOLER OUTLET PI 3-6641-8

18. U3 D/G TURBO LUBE OIL CIRC PUMP 60 to 110 psig DISCH

© FI 3-3941-897

19. U3 D/G CLG WATER PMP SUPPLY HEADER > 830 GPM S@©(W-13) (CM-i) **
20. Fuel Oil Storage Tank Level 7 57 of 67


Unit 3 Diesel Generator Test Data DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOMINAL OBEVD EDN READING jOSRE EDN Date/Time N/A _________________________________________________

TI 3-6641-500 U3 D/G EXHAUST MANIFOLD TEMP (Temperature Range f or Nominal Full Load)

21. Cylinder 1 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
22. Cylinder 2 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
23. Cylinder 3 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
24. Cylinder 4 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
25. Cylinder 5 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
26. Cylinder 6 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
27. Cylinder 7 T~emperature 750 to 1100OF
28. Cylinder 8 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
29. Cylinder 9 Temperature 750 to 1100OF 30 . Cylinder 10 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
31. Cylinder 11 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
32. Cylinder 12 Temperature 750 to 1100OF 33 . Cylinder 13 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
34. Cylinder 14 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
35. Cylinder 15 Temperature 750 to 1100OF 36 . Cylinder 16 Temperature 750 to 1100OF 37 . Cylinder 17 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
38. Cylinder 18 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
39. Cylinder 19 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
40. Cylinder 20 Temperature 750 to 1100OF 58 of 67


Unit 3 Diesel Generator Test Data DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOMINAL READING OBSERVED READING Date/Time N/A During the run, open 3-6699-135, 1U3 D/G AIR BOX DRN VLV, blowdown

41. liquid to a suitable container AND close 3-6699-135, U3 D/G AIR BOX DRN VLV.

NOTE Local AND remote kW indication should be approximately equal. If a discrepancy of >120 kW is found between the local and remote meter, submit an Issue Report to have both meteers calibrated.

42. kW (local)
43. AC Amps (local)
44. AC Volts (local)
45. DC Amps (local)
46. kW (902(3)-8) 2730-2860 (I.6.g) 2340-2600 (I.6.j)
47. AC Amps (902(3)-8)
48. AC Volts (902(3)-8) 1550-1800 (I.6.g)
49. kVAR (902(3)-8) 1450-1700 (I.6.j) I Obtain lube oil sample during
50. last two hours of 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> run per Sample Obtained DOS 0040-02.

Obtain fuel oil storage tank

51. sample after run per Sample Obtained DOS 0040-02.

Obtain fuel oil day tank sample

  • 52. after run per Sample Obtained DOS 0040-02.

59 of 67

DATA SHEET 1-C CATEGORY 1 UNIT 2 (3) 2/3 Diesel Generator Test Data DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOTE Readings outside the nominal range should be brought to the attention of the Unit Supervisor And Plant Engineer.


____ _______ ____ ____ ___READING Date/Time N/A PI 2/3-6641-537

1. U2/3 D/G MN BEARING OIL PRESSURE 60 to 105 psig
2. TI 2/3-6641-533

_ U2/3 D/G LUBE OIL FILTER INLET PI 2/3-6641-11

3. U2/3 D/G DIESEL FUEL OIL PUMP 20 to 55 psig DISCHARGE Governor Oil Level Observe that Diesel engine Between governor oil level is between Y. X and 1 Y4 and 1 V4 inch below the top of the inch governor casing. Refer to Figure 12, Diesel Governor.


6. 2/3-6641-538 CAMSHAFT SIGHT GLASS TI 2/3-6641-12
7. 0 U2/3 D/G ENGINE CLG WTR ENGINE 150 to 165 F

_ INLET TI 2/3-6641-13

8. U2/3 D/G ENGINE CLG WTR ENGINE 160 to 180°F OUTLET PI 2/3-3941-31 10 to 25 psig
9. U2/3 D/G CLG WTR HX SW OUT/IN (TOP) 20 to 40 psig PI 2/3-3941-30 10 to 25 psig
10. U2/3 D/G CLG WTR HX SW IN/OUT 20 to 40 psig (BOTTOM)

© Differential Pressure ©(W-7) 6 psid 1i. (Difference between 7 and 8) 1 psid 60 of 67

DATA SHEET 1-C CATEGORY 1 UNIT 2 (3) 2/3 Diesel Generator Test Data DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOMINAL READING OBSERVED READING Date/Time N/A TI 2/3-3941-883

12. 2/3 D/G CLG WATER HX SERVICE WATER 35 to 95°F INLET TI 2/3-3941-884
1. Open 2/3-6699-146, U2/3 D/G N/A
2. Take reading. Only
3. Close 2/3-6699-146, U2/3 D/G FUEL OIL FILTER DISCH PI ISOL VLV.

PI 2/3-6641-535


___OUTLET 16 PI 2/3-6641-15 13 psig 2/3 DIESEL ENGINE AIR BOX PRESS MINIMUM TI 2/3-6641-7 U2/3 D/G LUBE OIL COOLER OUTLET PI 2/3-6641-8

18. U2/3 D/G TURBO LUBE OIL CIRC PUMP 60 to 110 psig DISCH

© FI 2/3-3941-897


@©(W-13) (CM-1) **

20. Fuel Oil Storage Tank Level I 61 of 67

DATA SHEET 1-C CATEGORY 1 UNIT 2(3) 2/3 Diesel Generator Test Data DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOMINAL READING OBSERVED READING Date/Time N/A TI 2/3-6641-500, U2/3 D/G EXHAUST MANIFOLD TEMP (Temperature Range for Nominal Full Load)

21. Cylinder 1 Temperature 750 to 1100°F
22. Cylinder 2 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
23. Cylinder 3 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
24. Cylinder 4 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
25. Cylinder 5 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
26. Cylinder 6 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
27. Cylinder 7 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
28. Cylinder 8 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
29. Cylinder 9 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
30. Cylinder 10 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
31. Cylinder 11 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
32. Cylinder 12 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
33. Cylinder 13 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
34. Cylinder 14 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
35. Cylinder 15 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
36. Cylinder 16 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
37. Cylinder 17 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
38. Cylinder 18 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
39. Cylinder 19 Temperature 750 to 1100OF
40. Cylinder 20 Temperature 750 to 1100OF 62 of 67

DATA SHEET 1-C CATEGORY 1 UNIT 2 (3) 2/3 Diesel Generator Test Data DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 NOMINAL READING OBSERVED READING Date/Time N/A During the run, open 2/3-6699-135, U2/3 D/G AIR BOX DRN VLV, blowdown liquid to a suitable container AND close 2/3-6699-135.

[GTE Local AND remote kW indication should be approximately equal. If a discrepancy of >120 kW is found between the local and remote meter, submit an Issue Report to- have both meters calibrated.

43. kW (local)
44. AC Amps (local)
45. AC Volts (local)
46. DC Amps (local) 47.(3 W (92

-8)2730-2860 (I.6.g)

47. kW (02(3)-B)2340-2600 (I.6.j)____
48. AC Amps (902(3)-B)
49. AC Volts (902(3)-B) 1550-1800 (I.6.g)
50. kVAR (902(3)-B) 1450-1700 (I.6.j)

Obtain lube oil sample during

51. last two hours of 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> run per Sample Obtained DOS 0040-02.

Obtain fuel oil storage tank

52. sample after run per Sample Obtained

__DOS 0040-02. _________

Obtain fuel oil day tank sample

53. after run per Sample Obtained IDOS 0040-02. 1 63 of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 DATA SHEET 2 DIESEL GENERATOR ECCS START RECORD Strip Chart Timings I I I A B C EVENTS A. 2(3) (2/3) D/G Start signal from switch voltage change (CHANNEL 3).

B. 2(3) (2/3) D/G Voltage or frequency reaches 58.8 Hz or 3952 Volts (CHANNEL 1 or CHANNEL 5).

C. 2(3) (2/3) D/G voltage or frequency reaches 58.8 Hz or 3952 Volts (CHANNEL 1 or CHANNEL 5).

Attach strip chart and record the following data (from the strip chart)

(AC) C - A _< 13 seconds (Tech Spec SR Seconds Recorded by:

Verified by:

64 of 67



(%) (gallons) (%) (gallons) (%) (gallons) 60.0 9,235 73.5 11,696 87.0 13,757 60.5 9,330 74.0 11,780 87.5 13,821 61.0 9,425 74.5 11,865 88.0 13,884 61.5 9,519 75.0 11,949 88.5 13,946 62.0 9,614 75.5 12,033 89.0 14,007 62.5 9,708 76.0 12,116 89.5 14,066 63.0 9,802 76.5 12,199 90.0 14,124 63.5 9,896 77.0 12,280 90.5 14,182 64.0 9,990 77.5 12,361 91.0 14,237 64.5 10,090 78.0 C 12,442 91.5 14,292 65.0 10,191 78.5 12,522 92.0 14,344 65.5 10,277 79.0 12,601 92.5 14,396 66.0 10,362 79.5 12,679 93.0 14,445 66.5 10,452 80.0 12,753 93.5 14,494 67.0 10,544 80.5 12,820 94.0 14,539 67.5 10,635 81.0 12,893 94.5 14,585 68.0 10,725 81.5 12,978 95.0 14,626 68.5 10,816 82.0 13,060 95.5 14,668 69.0 10,906 82.5 13,234 96.0 14,705 69.5 10,995 83.0 13,207 96.5 14,742 70.0 11,084 83.5 13,279 97.0 14,775 70.5 11,173 84.0 13,350 97.5 14,807 71.0 11,261 84.5 13,420 .98.0 14,834 71.5 11,349 85.0 13,490 98.5 14,860 72.0 11,436 85.5 13,558 99.0 14,879 72.5 11,523 86.0 13,626 99.5 14,896 73.0 11,609 86.5 13,692 100.0 14,907

  • USEABLE Volume 65 of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 TABLE 2 I DIESEL FUEL OIL STORAGE TANK LEVEL AT TANK Fuel Level Volume* Fuel Level Volume* Fuel Level Volume*

(inches) (gallons) (inches) (gallons) (inches) (gallons) 48.0 7,380 64.0 10,579 80.0 13,349 48.5 7,475 64.5 10,674 80.5 13,423 49.0 7,584 65.0 10,769 81.0 13,496 49.5 7,679 65.5 10,864 81.5 13,570 50.0 7,788 66.0 10,958 82.0 13,638 50.5 7,883 66.5 11,051 82.5 13,706 51.0 7,992 67.0 11,145 83.0 13,775 51.5 8,093 67.5 .11,237 83.5 13,841 52.0 8,195 68.0 11,330 84.0 13,908 52.5 8,297 68.5 11,421 84.5 13,972 53.0 8,399 69.0 11,513 85.0 14,036 53.5 8,500 69.5 11,603 85.5 14,097 54.0 8,601 70.0 11,694 86.0 14,158 54.5 8,702 70.5 11,783 86.5 14,216 55.0 8,803 71.0 11,872 87.0 14,275 55.5 8,904 71.5 11,960 87.5 14,330 56.0 9,005 72.0 12,048 88.0 14,385 56.5 9,105 72.5 12,136 88.5 14,436 57.0 9,205 73.0 12,222 89.0 14,488 57.5 9,305 73.5 12,307 89.5 14,536 58.0 9,405 74.0 12,392 90.0 14,584 58.5 9,404 74.5 12,476 90.5 14,628 59.0 9,603 75.0 12,560 91.0 14,671 59.5 9,702 75.5 12,643 91.5 14,710 60.0 9,801 76.0 12,725 92.0 14,749 60.5 9,899 76.5 12,806 92.5 14,782 61.0 9,998 77.0 12,886 93.0 14,816 61.5 10,096 77.5 12,965 93.5 14,843 62.0 10,193 78.0 13,044 94.0 14,869 62.5 10,290 78.5 13,121 94.5 14,886 63.0 10,386 79.0 13,198 95.0 14,904 63.5 10,483 79.5 13,273 95.25 14,907 USEABLE Volume 66 of 67


DOS 6600-12 REVISION 39 FIGURE 1 DIESEL GOVERNOR NOTE When the Engine is operating, Governor Oil level may appear anywhere in the sightglass. At all times during operation however, an oil level below the bottom OR above the top of the sightglass visible range would indicate a problem.

Observe top of oil level in sightglass is between Y4 and 1 V inch below the top of the governor casing (NOT the top of the casing cap - it is measured from the bottom of the casing cap assembly) when the engine is in standby condition.

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