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{{#Wiki_filter:Serial No. 12-474A Docket No. 50-336 Attachment 4 Calculation No. 98-ENG-02045D2 Rev. 00, Attachment A, Pages A2 and A3 DOMINION NUCLEAR CONNECTICUT, INC.MILLSTONE POWER STATION UNIT 2 inW~UJU~U[
{{#Wiki_filter:Serial No. 12-474A Docket No. 50-336 Attachment 4 Calculation No. 98-ENG-02045D2 Rev. 00, Attachment A, Pages A2 and A3 DOMINION NUCLEAR CONNECTICUT, INC.
Calculation No. 98-ENG-02045D2, Rev. 00 COMMON PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS BY FUNCTION AT 25'C t Flat.PA C. pOWERLESS (All models excf pI as noitd)H aked I -A DjgdjA.AccfI y and linearity i 'oo ot lull scale, +/- I counl Ma,,Mum inpul signal (vollsl : -150% of range, except 500V range Irmited to 550V Maximum input signaltcurrenlq 5VRMS(aross Rshunl).. MaximuJm power consumption  
I watt-power consumption
Calculation No.                     98-ENG-02045D2,                           Rev.       00 COMMON PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS BY FUNCTION AT 25'C HFlat.PA aked I -A C. pOWERLESS (All models excf pI as noitd)                                                             SLAVE DISPLAY (Model 5471 lot Ilse with 570 series DjgdjA.AccfI y and linearity                                   i 'oo ot lull scale, +/- I counl Ma,,Mum inpul signal (vollsl                               : -150%of range, except                   NOTE: If connecIs directly to any of the 570 series and. is 500V range Irmited to 550V                          powered and signal driven from the same.
0,2 walls----x Measuring melhod(VW.,1 AC, average R MScalibraled
Maximum input signaltcurrenlq                             5VRMS(aross Rshunl)
            ..     MaximuJm power consumption                                         ............           I watt     Power requirement.,            5VOC t20%at SmA tlrom 5701
Vast g melhod (feq( .... Freq. to voltage-. _ Spar. :Iustmenl range ..:30% o lfull Scale 3 % r Z e t a .............................A u l o m a l t c",'. scklight operating range .... 60-200V and 200-5OOV;50-40OHz...Z..peratling(teque ncyra nge.. 40.7OHz(othersOnrequesl)
            -      Nuii,* power consumption                                .............               0,2 walls         Limit's l*ogic Output ...      ...          I TTL load isbe"NOTE}
Program, SLAVE DISPLAY (Model 5471 lot Ilse with 570 series NOTE: If connecIs directly to any of the 570 series and. is powered and signal driven from the same.Power requirement., 5VOC t20% at SmA tlrom 5701 Limit's Output ... ... I TTL load isbe"NOTE}
    ---- x          Measuring melhod(VW.,1                          AC, average RMScalibraled                            Oploisolated timit's logic Output            ......... t1OIL loads
Oploisolated timit's logic Output .........
    --------- Vast            g melhod (feq( ....                                           Freq. to voltage            Accuracy an linearity .........         .+/-0.t % o F.S. +/-1t Digit
t1 OIL loads Accuracy an linearity
_-. Spar. :Iustmenl range                                            . . :30% o lfull Scale 3 %r Ze t a . .. . ..      . . . .. . . .               .     . . . .. . . . ..  . . . .A u lo m al tc    NOTE: When the 547 asordered as slave display lot the
          ",'.       scklight operating range ....                           60-200V and 200-5OOV;                        A.C. POWERLESS (models 572. 577. 576. and 579) no 50-40OHz          isolation from the A.C. mains exists and the backtlighl (if
.+/-0.t % o F.S. +/-1t Digit NOTE: When the 547 as ordered as slave display lot the A.C. POWERLESS (models 572. 577. 576. and 579) no isolation from the A.C. mains exists and the backtlighl (if ordered) is driven tram the same signal (towertine as the masler.When it's ordered lot the D.C. (models 570. 57 1, and 573)the backtlight (if ordered) must be externally powered from a SVDC ;t20% at 120mA supply.I Ci No WERED VOC ANO mADC B mpollr 1 5t 8.560. 570. 580. and 590)N ur yandlineanly....
    ...       Z..peratling(teque ncyra nge..                         40.7OHz(othersOnrequesl)                            ordered) is driven tram the same signal (towertine as the t      Program,                                                                                                          masler.
t0.05% at lullscaletlcountrbar I Resoldwin
I No          WERED VOC ANO mADC When it's ordered lot the D.C. (models 570. 57 1, and 573)
...... 1% of F.S. for bargraph; 0.05% for digital_ Power. operating range .....................
Ci      B            mpollr 5t18.560. 570. 580. and 590) the backtlight (if ordered) must be externally powered from a Nur yandlineanly.... t0.05%at lullscaletlcountrbar                                                SVDC ;t20% at 120mA supply.
5VOC +/- 1 0%-" (see power input option)0 *O5'C uerel requirements  
I Resoldwin ...... 1% of F.S. for bargraph; 0.05% for digital
:... 5mA for .518; .mA for 560, 570.1010+o60.
_      Power. operating range .....................                                   5VOC +/- 10%-"
and 580:0.3OmA for 590;O 0 5%.1 tnpul signal prolect kon ,300% of specitied range except SO0V limited to 600VOC 21561 Potanly .Bipolar loi digital. unipolar lot bargraph 538 Mess ig method ... Dusl slope inlegralion 528 Inpult.,e
(see power input option) 0 *O5'C uerel requirements :... 5mA for .518; .mA for 560, 570.
1010+o60.                                                           and 580:0.3OmA for 590                         CURRENT LOOP POWERLESS
Single ended and ditfferential" ".Span adluslenin .. ' .+/-40% of bull scale-- Backlighl operating range .4.6VOC/AC, 12amA 568-4-$2 D.C. POWERLESS (Models 561, 5I. 581. and 5911 Accuracy and linearity
      ;O 0 5 %.1tnpul signal prolect kon ,300% of specitied range except                                                 (Models 500.521t. 563.           503. and 593          -
..+/-005% of F.S. : I counl/bat 510 Resolution
Accuracy and linearity ...........               0.05% +/-t I crount/bar SO0V limited to 600VOC 21561 Potanly .                         Bipolar loi digital. unipolar lot bargraph                              Resolution ...... I.%Of F.S. tar bargrapth. 0.05% tor digilal 538 Mess ig method                                        . .. Dusl slope inlegralion                          Minimum input signal . 3VDC/.SmADC for 521 and 593:
...... 1% at F.S. lor bargraph.
4V/2mA (or 500,563. 573, and 583 528 Inpult.,e ............                               Single ended and ditfferential Maximum input vollage , .,            3OVDC (clamoed to 4VOC)
005% tor digital-Minimurn input signal ... 4VOC1200jAfof
          "".Span adluslenin rang*4 ..                                 '            . +/-40% of bull scale
,59t44VC/2mA for 571, 561.and 581 Mlvaxlmr:n input signal...........150%
    --              Backlighl operating range .                                     4.6VOC/AC, 12amA                      Maximum          lput current              ............       50mADC 568                                                                                                                                                  Ifuse prolecled 10 lOOmAl                                                                                                                        Polarily ..         UnipolarttIdlal will show - sign lot below "ero" sell
to speclfied range except t 40VOC range limited to 16OVDC t =uM-oii Plarity ..... ..................................
          $2        D.C. POWERLESS (Models 561, 5I. 581. and 5911 Accuracy and linearity . . +/-005% of F.S. : I counl/bat                                                Span adjustment range              . . +/-50% O'specifed range 510      Resolution ...... 1% at F.S. lor bargraph. 005% tor digital                                          Zero adjustment range              +50%ot"zeto' see NOTE I)
Unipolar q9-- .Measuring melhod ... ...........
          -         Minimurn input signal ... 4VOC1200jAfof ,59t44VC/2mA                                                Backlight operating range .......... 4-6VOC/AC, 120mA for 571, 561.and 581 Mlvaxlmr:ninput signal...........150% tospeclfied range                                              NOTE I: Models 593 are tacto"y set to specified "tloaling except t 40VOC range limited to 16OVDC                                      zero.
Duat slope integralion
t      =uM-oii Plarity ..... ..................................                                         Unipolar
                  . Measuring melhod ... ........... Duat slope integralion q9--                                                                                                     NOTE 2: Standard calibration is 1.5mA = 0-1OO0%. 4-2OmA
                    $SP1nadiustmeni ...................                               +/-40%of(ull scale                  = 0-100% and t0-SOmA 0=-100% and/or 0-1000 counts
+/-40% of (ull scale.Zro....................................
                          .Zro....................................                                     Automatic          tor the digital sewtlon of full scale unless olhenwise somcifled
Automaticý', ;BaCklight operating range ...........
                    ;BaCklight operating range ........... 4-6VDCIAC. 12amA
                    ý',                                                                                                   at time of orderg (others on requeslt.
12amA MEC a- r-%a .1 r. L*~i CURRENT LOOP POWERLESS (Models 500.521t.
563. 503. and 593 -Accuracy and linearity
                                                                                                                                                            -aDepii        w1 a-             r-%a.
1r. L*~i Attachment A Page A2 of 5
0.05% +/-t I crount/bar Resolution
...... I.% Of F.S. tar bargrapth.
0.05% tor digilal Minimum input signal .3VDC/.SmADC for 521 and 593: 4V/2mA (or 500,563. 573, and 583 Maximum input vollage , ., 3OVDC (clamoed to 4VOC)Maximum lput current ............
Calculation No.                          98-ENG-02045D2,                    Rev.                00 14ow It W'ORtKS: lMC'! P'o'.ertqs-i Dfl&'&' (pli loriSl                frOWr tP DOORPOWE RLE SS? Ntiirtl;,rti                              .
50mADC Ifuse prolecled 10 lOOmAl Polarily .. Unipolar ttIdlal will show -sign lot below"ero" sell Span adjustment range ..+/-50% O'specifed range Zero adjustment range +50%o t"zeto' see NOTE I)Backlight operating range ..........
1111ll11v :itlýoii anrdsermi-cu-iom ICI lot or extra low lxlwnr        nirvidrttrdieh:ntlywfr, Ih,,POWERLESS DPM', Gnrih,'a                         EFg           i' i'latfnl   ytwtl!o',jtml~ c,in 51and lIm. butdwi of Ili" Inaill irit-I-) w,lh '0             01111-ff"I.
4-6VOC/AC, 120mA NOTE I: Models 593 are tacto"y set to specified "tloaling zero.NOTE 2: Standard calibration is 1.5mA = 0-1OO0%. 4-2OmA= 0-100% and t0-SOmA 0= -100% and/or 0-1000 counts tor the digital sewtlon of full scale unless olhenwise somcifled at time of orderg (others on requeslt.HANICAL-aDe pii w1 Attachment A Page A2 of 5 I1%14ow It W'ORtKS: lMC'! P'o'.ertqs-i Dfl&'&' (pli 1111ll11v
(i    iplioli)', andi AC./OC coflveroonf or Oit(IAl itricirrricirs to minilrnhbe standby quier-ent power                      tlftchling its ar.curtacy then the p*owele.s r- thiv FrithI             can toe (70 to go because it nmeans lesS compoonrnts to go tid,.                       mnO4 not weight, less inslatlation costs, and safety probtlem             if It           r conmm signal cannot withstand the burden or it cannot be buft                 e, Optor
:itlýoii anrd sermi-cu-iom ICI or lot extra low (i iplioli)', andi AC./OC coflveroonf or Oit(IAl itricirrricirs to minilrnhbe standby quier-ent power Calculation No. 98-ENG-02045D2, Rev. 00 loriSl frOWr tP D OOR POWE RLE SS? Ntiirtl;,rti
                          'gaOn                                          see our powered models                                                         4OVAC.
.lxlwnr nirvidrttrdieh:ntlywfr, Ih,,POWERLESS DPM', Gnrih,'a EFg i'i'latfnl ytwtl!o',jtml~
n framer COMPARISON DATA                               nled and THE DISPLAY is the most important element on a panel                                              I IPOWE44LESS   ANALOO MIETER  jCON1VIN Ml e..
c,in 51and lIm. butdwi of Ili" Inaill irit-I-) w,lh '0 01111-ff"I.
tlftchling its ar.curtacy then the r- thiv FrithI can toe (70 to go because it nmeans lesS compoonrnts to go tid,. mnO4 not weight, less inslatlation costs, and safety probtlem It if r conmm signal cannot withstand the burden or it cannot be buft e, Optor see our powered models 4OVAC.n framer COMPARISON DATA nled and IPOWE44LESS ANALOO jCON1VIN Ml 1"koIs panel I e MIETER ;-M .'aM ..'gaOn THE DISPLAY is the most important element on a since it inlerlaces directly and instantaneously wit fastest sense. IMC's Powerless DPMs are designed I the maximum display 1o case ratio and to blend in your as an integral par of It, Bolh ambient light rtOtectir backtighted models have sharp contrasting character annunclatorsfor easy viewing.h our O give panel o and S and 05% 2 -IN 0!% 17 Cills 05% 15,% es% SLESýu..a N-~ Pin I.-GOCO Uweno eo li, 9 4n ý14rini O- A- of i C',,r o'riisi~rl 3.rW 1w 0? 51V 2 W~ili rewith th.rimq Rr-wr 301li~n Loireis "ý taken rnot I eiirP ~ Y ., No e!. ablaI ýP0.. seOply N-ur Po'd o0- limO epQ.,d C-1 2.3 7.3 h these ml Pro. RA-9. MdioO..l o rii L-0 k20 weit-0 V.ry L-. L"t.Eiorwrru very Cl-6 l'". Ono RILES Aoool!*l!o V.1 5 Good i'0O Good a.8 59 Sirosit very Good t!2!w Poo Omit the volt I viy (1-6 V-w P6in moffence" MOUNTING & CONNECTIONS to the Powerless OPM's are kept simple. None of the series requite sotdeling, and.,'wr'pl Inr thn nnstl6o melt repltoments, none reniirdi the uiisual rexpnrlsive parrol cut oU. The tive of itt(t caset, were iteitienid to meet industrys evishnq slandtads for easy retwilncmlennt, mouinting and connections with ninirnllm labor-f-r- llckli .ANALOG, DIGITAL, OR BOTH?THE ANALOG BARGRAPH models have 101 bars that illiminate in proportion to the signers ampliiude, this gives you 1% resolutlion ala glance and with the scale graduation constantly lit, it indicates the trend.THE DIGITAL (31h DIGITS) models have 0.05% resolution of lull scale lot an accurate display of your process THE HYBRID modelacombine both the bargraph anddigital technologies to give you the best of them in the same compact case, the bargraph soclion glves you t% resolulion and the digital section 0. t% resolution AMBIENT OR but the trend is under most aml O)PM's leature ahigh c lth; operator's tracrlighted ort should be soids IMC's OPM' qc, SCALING need.eading ratio s d= 500 Howeve reading its relati Examples 4-20 0 to 1300. etc In hytirid models 0 -100% lull si it the scaling is s iIlumlinale.
                                                                                                                                                                    ;-M.'aM since it inlerlaces directly and instantaneously wit h our                            05%        2 -IN        0!%              17 fastest sense. IMC's Powerless DPMs are designed IOgive                                    Cills        05%        15,%        es%                  SLESý the maximum display 1o case ratio and to blend in your panel                                u..a        N-~          Pin        I.-
tit, l In NOTE; 7i i! d.,tiit's control Ust be L.aP.BACKLIGHTING?
as an integral par of It, Bolh ambient light rtOtectir o and                                                      GOCO  -        11-            Uweno eo backtighted models have sharp contrasting character S and                                li,      4n    ý14rini                                        O-of  A-i 9
The decision is :'o0 vO --a-to backlight the display for better viewr ulredbythi bient light conditions.
annunclatorsfor easy viewing.                                                   C',,r o'riisi~rl        3.rW 1w      0? 51V      2 W~ili        rewith th.
All IMC's Powe pPt* (4V typ noptionalsottaeationgreenbncklhght lotr 2? g onlrast ietloclive display. A word Cit a 'ighl (Jt viewing angle is very important it eit .eflective displays, the location'of the 0 noimallyviewed Irom.lho 60o'clock posdi MARNING: /in be easily viewed trom 1.40' ot center Q. VOL., d 599 ae c and conlif Ily less'loading'tionks). The ted, bet NGS: come: not be specified it standard 1:1 signs  lesired(100mV=
rimq Rr-wr                301li~n      Loireis      "ý              taken rnot I eiirP    ~          Y.,         No                      e!. ablaI ý P0.. seOply            N-ur Po'd      o0-limO    epQ.,d C-1                    2.3        7.3                       h these ml Pro. RA-9.            MdioO..l        o L-0        rii                      k20 weit-0              V.ry L-.        L"t.
i0O%, 10V= 1000,50 FLATPAC r, it the signal represents other than di Id.g.r red onship must be noted next to the part out Is  mA = 0 to + t 500' O-50my = 0 to 600; I the I s. the digital d,stlaytsr.ts latea limited by ki4A tEL cal ofl the bta"g.iabh section, consi.oue M6, P,. tao 4.2OmA = 0 -600 the har,,raPlh b thi (10% Iharand the ihgil1 datla will s Sic ay taillti)(hon will rlot reid 10010 (:(wi.I t Sv.led liy Ih, targiaph's A/I converlr Attachment A Page A3 of 5}}
Eiorwrru                veryCl-6        l'".       Ono                      RILES Aoool!*l!o            V. 15 Good    i'0O        Good                        a.859 Sirosit            veryGood        t!2!w        Poo        Omit the volt          I viy (1-6          V-w          P6in            moffence" Ust be L.aP.
AMBIENT OR BACKLIGHTING? The decision is :'o0                                          vO--a-but the trend is to backlight the display for better viewr ulredbythi MOUNTING &CONNECTIONS to the Powerless OPM's                                                                                      Powe        pPt*       (4V  typ under most amlbient light conditions. All IMC's are kept simple. None of the series requite sotdeling, and O)PM's leature a noptionalsottaeationgreenbncklhght                            lotr 2? g
    .,'wr'pl Inr thn nnstl6o melt repltoments, none reniirdi the
                                                                          *,*andid high c onlrast ietloclive display. A word Cit a                          'ighl (Jt uiisual rexpnrlsive parrol cut oU. The tive     ofitt(t caset, were     lth; operator's viewing angle is very important                                .
it eit iteitienid to meet industrys evishnq slandtads for easy tracrlighted ort eflective displays, the location'of the 0 retwilncmlennt, mouinting and connections with ninirnllm                                                                                                             /
should be soids noimallyviewed Irom.lho 60o'clock posdi                          MARNING:
labor IMC's OPM' qc, in be easily viewed trom 1.40' ot center Q. VOL.,
d 599 ae c and conlif Ily less
                      -f-r-. llckli                                                                                                            tionks). The ted, bet ANALOG, DIGITAL, OR BOTH?
THE ANALOG BARGRAPH models have 101 bars that                                                                                                              NGS:
illiminate in proportion to the signers ampliiude, this gives                                                                                              come:
you 1% resolutlion ala glance and with the scale graduation constantly lit, it indicates the trend.
SCALING need not be specified it standard 1:1 signs                            *"
THE DIGITAL (31h DIGITS) models have 0.05% resolution                .eading ratio s dlesired(100mV= i0O%, 10V= 1000,50                              FLATPAC of lull scale lot an accurate display of your process                = 500 Howeve r, it the signal represents other than di                        Id.g.r red reading its relati onship must be noted next to the part                      out Is r*o THE HYBRID modelacombine both the bargraph anddigital Examples 4-20 mA = 0 to + t 500' O-50my = 0 to 600; I                                    the I technologies to give you the best of them in the same 0 to 1300. etc compact case, the bargraph soclion glves you t% resolulion and the digital section 0. t% resolution In hytirid modelss. the digital d,stlaytsr.ts latea limited by                            ki4AtEL 0 - 100% lull sical ofl the bta"g.iabh section, consi.oue                                  M6, it the scaling is s P,. tao 4.2OmA = 0 - 600 the har,,raPlh        *y-                          b iIlumlinale. tit, l Inthi (10%Iharand the ihgil1 datla will s                          Sic ay NOTE; 7i i! d.,titaillti)(hon will rlot reid t*r*yord 10010 (:(wi.I                    t Sv.
s*nCi it's control led liy Ih, targiaph's A/I converlr Attachment A Page A3 of 5}}

Latest revision as of 23:45, 11 November 2019

Calculation 98-ENG-02045D2 Rev. 00, Attachment 4-A, Pages A2 and A3
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 08/09/2012
Dominion Nuclear Connecticut
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
12-474A 98-ENG-02045D2, Rev 00
Download: ML12227A523 (3)


Serial No. 12-474A Docket No. 50-336 Attachment 4 Calculation No. 98-ENG-02045D2 Rev. 00, Attachment A, Pages A2 and A3 DOMINION NUCLEAR CONNECTICUT, INC.



Calculation No. 98-ENG-02045D2, Rev. 00 COMMON PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS BY FUNCTION AT 25'C HFlat.PA aked I -A C. pOWERLESS (All models excf pI as noitd) SLAVE DISPLAY (Model 5471 lot Ilse with 570 series DjgdjA.AccfI y and linearity i 'oo ot lull scale, +/- I counl Ma,,Mum inpul signal (vollsl  : -150%of range, except NOTE: If connecIs directly to any of the 570 series and. is 500V range Irmited to 550V powered and signal driven from the same.

Maximum input signaltcurrenlq 5VRMS(aross Rshunl)

.. MaximuJm power consumption ............ I watt Power requirement., 5VOC t20%at SmA tlrom 5701

- Nuii,* power consumption ............. 0,2 walls Limit's l*ogic Output ... ... I TTL load isbe"NOTE}

x Measuring melhod(VW.,1 AC, average RMScalibraled Oploisolated timit's logic Output ......... t1OIL loads

Vast g melhod (feq( .... Freq. to voltage Accuracy an linearity ......... .+/-0.t % o F.S. +/-1t Digit

_-. Spar. :Iustmenl range . . :30% o lfull Scale 3 %r Ze t a . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .A u lo m al tc NOTE: When the 547 asordered as slave display lot the

",'. scklight operating range .... 60-200V and 200-5OOV; A.C. POWERLESS (models 572. 577. 576. and 579) no 50-40OHz isolation from the A.C. mains exists and the backtlighl (if

... Z..peratling(teque ncyra nge.. 40.7OHz(othersOnrequesl) ordered) is driven tram the same signal (towertine as the t Program, masler.

I No WERED VOC ANO mADC When it's ordered lot the D.C. (models 570. 57 1, and 573)

Ci B mpollr 5t18.560. 570. 580. and 590) the backtlight (if ordered) must be externally powered from a Nur yandlineanly.... t0.05%at lullscaletlcountrbar SVDC ;t20% at 120mA supply.

I Resoldwin ...... 1% of F.S. for bargraph; 0.05% for digital

_ Power. operating range ..................... 5VOC +/- 10%-"

(see power input option) 0 *O5'C uerel requirements :... 5mA for .518; .mA for 560, 570.

1010+o60. and 580:0.3OmA for 590 CURRENT LOOP POWERLESS

O 0 5 %.1tnpul signal prolect kon ,300% of specitied range except (Models 500.521t. 563. 503. and 593 -

Accuracy and linearity ........... 0.05% +/-t I crount/bar SO0V limited to 600VOC 21561 Potanly . Bipolar loi digital. unipolar lot bargraph Resolution ...... I.%Of F.S. tar bargrapth. 0.05% tor digilal 538 Mess ig method . .. Dusl slope inlegralion Minimum input signal . 3VDC/.SmADC for 521 and 593:

4V/2mA (or 500,563. 573, and 583 528 Inpult.,e ............ Single ended and ditfferential Maximum input vollage , ., 3OVDC (clamoed to 4VOC)

"".Span adluslenin rang*4 .. ' . +/-40% of bull scale

-- Backlighl operating range . 4.6VOC/AC, 12amA Maximum lput current ............ 50mADC 568 Ifuse prolecled 10 lOOmAl Polarily .. UnipolarttIdlal will show - sign lot below "ero" sell

$2 D.C. POWERLESS (Models 561, 5I. 581. and 5911 Accuracy and linearity . . +/-005% of F.S. : I counl/bat Span adjustment range . . +/-50% O'specifed range 510 Resolution ...... 1% at F.S. lor bargraph. 005% tor digital Zero adjustment range +50%ot"zeto' see NOTE I)

- Minimurn input signal ... 4VOC1200jAfof ,59t44VC/2mA Backlight operating range .......... 4-6VOC/AC, 120mA for 571, 561.and 581 Mlvaxlmr:ninput signal...........150% tospeclfied range NOTE I: Models 593 are tacto"y set to specified "tloaling except t 40VOC range limited to 16OVDC zero.

t =uM-oii Plarity ..... .................................. Unipolar

. Measuring melhod ... ........... Duat slope integralion q9-- NOTE 2: Standard calibration is 1.5mA = 0-1OO0%. 4-2OmA

$SP1nadiustmeni ................... +/-40%of(ull scale = 0-100% and t0-SOmA 0=-100% and/or 0-1000 counts

.Zro.................................... Automatic tor the digital sewtlon of full scale unless olhenwise somcifled

BaCklight operating range ........... 4-6VDCIAC. 12amA

ý', at time of orderg (others on requeslt.


-aDepii w1 a- r-%a.

1r. L*~i Attachment A Page A2 of 5


Calculation No. 98-ENG-02045D2, Rev. 00 14ow It W'ORtKS: lMC'! P'o'.ertqs-i Dfl&'&' (pli loriSl frOWr tP DOORPOWE RLE SS? Ntiirtl;,rti .

1111ll11v :itlýoii anrdsermi-cu-iom ICI lot or extra low lxlwnr nirvidrttrdieh:ntlywfr, Ih,,POWERLESS DPM', Gnrih,'a EFg i' i'latfnl ytwtl!o',jtml~ c,in 51and lIm. butdwi of Ili" Inaill irit-I-) w,lh '0 01111-ff"I.

(i iplioli)', andi AC./OC coflveroonf or Oit(IAl itricirrricirs to minilrnhbe standby quier-ent power tlftchling its ar.curtacy then the p*owele.s r- thiv FrithI can toe (70 to go because it nmeans lesS compoonrnts to go tid,. mnO4 not weight, less inslatlation costs, and safety probtlem if It r conmm signal cannot withstand the burden or it cannot be buft e, Optor

'gaOn see our powered models 4OVAC.

n framer COMPARISON DATA nled and THE DISPLAY is the most important element on a panel I IPOWE44LESS ANALOO MIETER jCON1VIN Ml e..


-M.'aM since it inlerlaces directly and instantaneously wit h our 05% 2 -IN 0!% 17 fastest sense. IMC's Powerless DPMs are designed IOgive Cills 05% 15,% es% SLESý the maximum display 1o case ratio and to blend in your panel u..a N-~ Pin I.-

as an integral par of It, Bolh ambient light rtOtectir o and GOCO - 11- Uweno eo backtighted models have sharp contrasting character S and li, 4n ý14rini O-of A-i 9

annunclatorsfor easy viewing. C',,r o'riisi~rl 3.rW 1w 0? 51V 2 W~ili rewith th.

rimq Rr-wr 301li~n Loireis "ý taken rnot I eiirP ~ Y., No e!. ablaI ý P0.. seOply N-ur Po'd o0-limO epQ.,d C-1 2.3 7.3 h these ml Pro. RA-9. MdioO..l o L-0 rii k20 weit-0 V.ry L-. L"t.

Eiorwrru veryCl-6 l'". Ono RILES Aoool!*l!o V. 15 Good i'0O Good a.859 Sirosit veryGood t!2!w Poo Omit the volt I viy (1-6 V-w P6in moffence" Ust be L.aP.

AMBIENT OR BACKLIGHTING? The decision is :'o0 vO--a-but the trend is to backlight the display for better viewr ulredbythi MOUNTING &CONNECTIONS to the Powerless OPM's Powe pPt* (4V typ under most amlbient light conditions. All IMC's are kept simple. None of the series requite sotdeling, and O)PM's leature a noptionalsottaeationgreenbncklhght lotr 2? g

.,'wr'pl Inr thn nnstl6o melt repltoments, none reniirdi the

  • ,*andid high c onlrast ietloclive display. A word Cit a 'ighl (Jt uiisual rexpnrlsive parrol cut oU. The tive ofitt(t caset, were lth; operator's viewing angle is very important .

it eit iteitienid to meet industrys evishnq slandtads for easy tracrlighted ort eflective displays, the location'of the 0 retwilncmlennt, mouinting and connections with ninirnllm /

should be soids noimallyviewed Irom.lho 60o'clock posdi MARNING:

labor IMC's OPM' qc, in be easily viewed trom 1.40' ot center Q. VOL.,

d 599 ae c and conlif Ily less


-f-r-. llckli tionks). The ted, bet ANALOG, DIGITAL, OR BOTH?

THE ANALOG BARGRAPH models have 101 bars that NGS:

illiminate in proportion to the signers ampliiude, this gives come:

you 1% resolutlion ala glance and with the scale graduation constantly lit, it indicates the trend.

SCALING need not be specified it standard 1:1 signs *"

THE DIGITAL (31h DIGITS) models have 0.05% resolution .eading ratio s dlesired(100mV= i0O%, 10V= 1000,50 FLATPAC of lull scale lot an accurate display of your process = 500 Howeve r, it the signal represents other than di Id.g.r red reading its relati onship must be noted next to the part out Is r*o THE HYBRID modelacombine both the bargraph anddigital Examples 4-20 mA = 0 to + t 500' O-50my = 0 to 600; I the I technologies to give you the best of them in the same 0 to 1300. etc compact case, the bargraph soclion glves you t% resolulion and the digital section 0. t% resolution In hytirid modelss. the digital d,stlaytsr.ts latea limited by ki4AtEL 0 - 100% lull sical ofl the bta"g.iabh section, consi.oue M6, it the scaling is s P,. tao 4.2OmA = 0 - 600 the har,,raPlh *y- b iIlumlinale. tit, l Inthi (10%Iharand the ihgil1 datla will s Sic ay NOTE; 7i i! d.,titaillti)(hon will rlot reid t*r*yord 10010 (:(wi.I t Sv.

s*nCi it's control led liy Ih, targiaph's A/I converlr Attachment A Page A3 of 5