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| number = ML13350A368
| number = ML13350A368
| issue date = 12/28/1972
| issue date = 12/28/1972
| title = Testing Of Reinforcing Bars For Category I Concrete Structures
| title = Testing of Reinforcing Bars for Category I Concrete Structures
| author name =  
| author name =  
| author affiliation = US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
| author affiliation = US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
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| page count = 2
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{{#Wiki_filter:Revision I12/28/72U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION.REGULATORY GUIDEDIRECTORATE OF REGULATORY STANDARDSREGULATORY GUIDE 1.15TESTING OF REINFORCING BARS FOR CATEGORY ICONCRETE STRUCTURES'A. INTRODUCTIONGeneral Design Criterion I of Appendix A it) 10ClFR Part 50, "General Design Criteria for NuclearPower Plants," requires that structures, systems andcomponents important to safety be designed. fabricated.erected, and tested to quality standards commensuratewith the importance of the safety function to beperformed. This guide describes an acceptable methodfor implementing this criterion with regard to tests andinspections of reinforcing bars for Category I concretestructure The Advisory Committee on ReactorSafeguards has been consulted concerning this guide andhas concurred in the regulatory position.B. DISCUSSIONThe tensile strength of concrete structuresimportant to safety depends upon reinforcing barsimbedded in the concrete. The contribution of theconcrete to the tensile strength of the structure isminimal and :hus generally disregarded. The tensilestrength of reinforcing bars is usually tested inaccordance with ASTM A-615-72. "StandardSpecification for Deformed Billet-Steel Bars forConcrete Reinforcement", American Society for Testingand Materials. This specification permits the tensile testspecimens to be either of full bar diameter or of areduced diameter. Comparison of test data obtainedwith both full bar diameter and reduced diameterThis guide is a revision of former Safety Guide IS. As such,it is applicable to water-cooled nuclear power reactors.tSt'ructures, systems, and components of a nuclear powerplant are designated as Category I if they are designed towithstand the effects of the Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE)and remain functional. See Safety Guide 29, "Seismic DesignClassification."specimens indicates that the tensile and yield strengthsof the full diameter bars may be lower than the ValIe.,,that ate obtained using reduced diameter -pcinieis. Thevariatinns are generally greater in bar size, No. 14 andlarger. Thus, the evaluation of the desigii margin titsafety in the slrticture may not be conservative if it isbased upon test results obtained from teduced diameterspecimens.ASTM A-615-72 requires only one tension testspecimen per heat if all bars from a single heat differ insize by less than three designation numbers: only twospecimens are required in other cases. Because each heatmay contain from 50 to 250 tons of steel, the fractionof the reinforcing bars that are tested may vary by afactor of 5. A more consistent basis for sampling can heobtained by choosing the test specimens on the basis ,,1the number of reinforcing bars or the weight ofreinforcing.Special chemistry requirements have occasionallybeen placed on somne reinforcing bars. and checks shouldbe made that any such requirements are being met.Since some mechanical splice configurations mayrequire deformations that exceed the minlimumrequirements set forth in ASTM A-615-72. it isimpertant to inspect the deformations it) assute thatthey will permit a reliable mechanical splice to le made.C. REGULATORY POSITIONI. Yield Strength and Tensile Strength TestsReinforcing bars used for concrete structuresimportant to safety should be tested to verify their yieldstrength and tensile strength -,3 follows:USAEC REGULATORY GUIDES Copies of published guides may be obtained by request ndicating the divisionsdesired to the US. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington. O.C. 20545.Regulatory GAides ate issued to describe and mrAke available to the public Attention: Director of Regulato'y Standards. Comrents and suggestions to'methods accptrible to the AEC Regulatory staff of implementing specific pars of irrtIOVeMOInts in these guides are encouraged and should be sent to the Secretarythe Commission's regulations, to delineate techniques used by the staff in of the Commission. US. Atomic Energy Commission. Washington, D.C. 20545,evaluating uJlecific problems or postulated accidents, or to provide guidance to Attention; Chief. Public Proceedings Stall.applicantls. Regulatory Guides are not substitutes for regulations and compliancewith them is not required. Methods and solutions different from those set Out in The guides are issued in the following ten broad diwvrions.the guides will be acceptable it they provide a basis for the findings requitet, tothe issuance or continuance of a permit or license by the Commission. 1. Power Reactors 6. Product i2. Research and lest Reacro's 7. Trans~oo'ttinn3. Fuels and Materials Facilitm 8, Occupational HealthPuhshrhed guides will lie revised periodically, as appropriae. to accommodate 4. Environmentat ard Siting 9. A',:Irust Reviewcomments and to reflect new inlormation or eaperience. S. Materials and Plant Protection t0. General aI, At Iea, one fiui-diamele, specimeni hom eacht11r sliv Should le tested Cor each 50 torns or 'ftrctiolithefico" of reinforcing baOrs that aie prodticed ornm eachand tised il Category I sitrutllures.V. The le"I procedures should he in acckirdancewit hi .I\STN'I A-370-0,S. -StIand1rd MtIhods aridDefinitioms I*oI" Mechanical Tesit ing of Steel Ploducls."American Society o'Or leSling iand c. The jsnc itandards should be inacc' ord:unce wi III ASTNI A. 1.5-72. "St:adaidSpeciflica:ion for Dcl'Otned lillc-Steel iais forConrrrcie k.inmerceent .'ric:ri Socieiy I'Or resting:nmid .Nhiefials. ifrcludinw Srupplemient:1l Requiremuer(S-I). using ftill sectioh s ite harý a,%, d. anry material properly such is yield-It'in l.tIII- Io-[Onsile.streI)-thI ratio. ducilily. weldabilitv,M 4,lhj.'i .',imdLIar )lo)pety is relied upon hV the designeror ColostruLtor, lhe reinforing liatr cliet!lis.ty shoultjd hecontrolled toI lie extent required to achieve lhe desledmaterial prrperty, :and conflriratI .ry ltslit- i sh1o1h.d heperforrmined.2. Deformation I nspectionsDel'irniitions on lhe reinforc:ing hais should ticinspected to assure their compliance wihl AS'IMA.6 Ii-72 and wiili the licensee's specifieatLions pertinentto bonding and other purposes which are dependem onlite def.or iniI t ion ch .ract erisi.sA.33 ,' ld c.q ija (iI' d cl'o fi n allj I i ,t,,t fo r N.l w ill h ,.eder 'n r: I ,s t te'd 1% lht tensile cests o(i ilhic st l .ic', SeeSaI'.ty (.uid, "Mc.t.hnicul (Cadweld) Splices in Reinf6:i1,'liars of C'atcrory I (oncre te Sirt ic. ti.S."I. I -2.}}
{{#Wiki_filter:Revision I
                              .REGULATORY GUIDE
                                U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION
                                DIRECTORATE OF REGULATORY STANDARDS
                                                                  REGULATORY GUIDE 1.15 TESTING OF REINFORCING BARS FOR CATEGORY I
                                                              CONCRETE STRUCTURES'
specimens indicates that the tensile and yield strengths of the full diameter bars may be lower than the ValIe.,,
        General Design Criterion I of Appendix A it) 10                              that ate obtained using reduced diameter -pcinieis. The ClFR Part 50, "General Design Criteria for Nuclear                                  variatinns are generally greater in bar size, No. 14 and Power Plants," requires that structures, systems and                                larger. Thus, the evaluation of the desigii margin tit components important to safety be designed. fabricated.                             safety in the slrticture may not be conservative if it is erected, and tested to quality standards commensurate                                based upon test results obtained from teduced diameter with the importance of the safety function to be                                    specimens.
performed. This guide describes an acceptable method for implementing this criterion with regard to tests and                                    ASTM A-615-72 requires only one tension test inspections of reinforcing bars for Category I concrete                              specimen per heat if all bars from a single heat differ in structures. 2 The Advisory Committee on Reactor                                      size by less than three designation numbers: only two Safeguards has been consulted concerning this guide and                              specimens are required in other cases. Because each heat has concurred in the regulatory position.                                             may contain from 50 to 250 tons of steel, the fraction of the reinforcing bars that are tested may vary by a
factor of 5. A more consistent basis for sampling can he obtained by choosing the test specimens on the basis ,,1 The tensile strength of concrete structures                                  the number of reinforcing bars or the weight of important to safety depends upon reinforcing bars                                    reinforcing.
imbedded in the concrete. The contribution of the concrete to the tensile strength of the structure is Special chemistry requirements have occasionally minimal and :hus generally disregarded. The tensile been placed on somne reinforcing bars. and checks should strength of reinforcing bars is usually tested in be made that any such requirements are being met.
accordance            with       ASTM         A-615-72.         "Standard Specification for Deformed Billet-Steel Bars for                                            Since some mechanical splice configurations may Concrete Reinforcement", American Society for Testing                                require deformations that exceed the minlimum and Materials. This specification permits the tensile test                            requirements set forth in ASTM A-615-72. it is specimens to be either of full bar diameter or of a                                  impertant to inspect the deformations it) assute that reduced diameter. Comparison of test data obtained                                    they will permit a reliable mechanical splice to le made.
with both full bar diameter and reduced diameter
This guide is a revision of former Safety Guide IS. As such, it is applicable to water-cooled nuclear power reactors.                               I.    Yield Strength and Tensile Strength Tests tSt'ructures, systems, and components of a nuclear power Reinforcing bars used for concrete structures plant are designated as Category I if they are designed to withstand the effects of the Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE)                           important to safety should be tested to verify their yield and remain functional. See Safety Guide 29, "Seismic Design                          strength and tensile strength -,3 follows:
                      USAEC REGULATORY GUIDES                                     Copies of published guides may be obtained by request ndicating the divisions desired to the US. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington. O.C. 20545.
Regulatory GAides ate issued to describe and mrAke available to the public         Attention: Director of Regulato'y Standards. Comrents and suggestions to'
methods accptrible to the AEC Regulatory staff of implementing specific pars of     irrtIOVeMOInts in these guides are encouraged and should be sent to the Secretary the Commission's regulations, to delineate techniques used by the staff in         of the Commission. US. Atomic Energy Commission. Washington, D.C. 20545, evaluating uJlecific problems or postulated accidents, or to provide guidance to   Attention; Chief. Public Proceedings Stall.
applicantls. Regulatory Guides are not substitutes for regulations and compliance with them is not required. Methods and solutions different from those setOut in     The guides are issued in the following ten broad diwvrions.
the guides will be acceptable it they provide a basis for the findings requitet, to the issuance or continuance of a permit or license by the Commission.                 1. Power Reactors                      
===6. Product     i===
                                                                                      2.   Research and lest Reacro's           7. Trans~oo'ttinn
                                                                                      3. Fuels and Materials Facilitm         8, Occupational Health Puhshrhed guides will lie revised periodically, as appropriae. to accommodate         4. Environmentat ard Siting             9. A',:Irust Review comments and to reflect new inlormation or eaperience.                               S. Materials and Plant Protection       t
===0. General===
aI, At Iea, one fiui-diamele, specimeni hom eacht                        or ColostruLtor, lhe reinforing liatr cliet!li
====s. ty shoultjd he====
  *. sliv Should le tested Cor each 50 torns or 'ftrctioli
11r                                                                              controlled toI lie extent required to achieve lhe desled thefico" of reinforcing baOrs that aie prodticed ornm each                      material prrperty, :and conflriratI                        .ry ltslit- i sh1o1h.d he Ie*, and tised il Category I sitrutllures.                                       perforrmined.
V. The le"I procedures should he in acckirdance wit hi .I\STN'I       A-370-0,S.           -StIand1rd   MtIhods arid            2.    Deformation I nspections Definitioms I*oI"Mechanical Tesiting of Steel Ploducls."
American Society o'Or         leSling iand i*aterials.                                Del'irniitions on lhe reinforc:ing hais should tic c. The           jsnc             itandards should be in                inspected            to    assure    their        compliance          wihl  AS'IM
acc'ord:unce         wi III     ASTNI         A. 1.5-72.   "St:adaid          A.6 Ii-72 and wiili the licensee's specifieatLions pertinent Speciflica:ion for Dcl'Otned lillc-Steel                       iais for        to bonding and other purposes which are dependem on Conrrrcie                               
====k. inmerceent====
                                    .'ric:ri       Socieiy I'Or resting         lite def.or iniI t ion ch .ract erisi.sA.3
:nmid .Nhiefials.       ifrcludinw Srupplemient:1l Requiremuer (S-I). using ftill sectioh s ,*'" ite harý a,%,     *olled.                                                     d cl'o fi n allj Ii ,t,,t fo r   w ill h ,.e
                                                                                      3 ,'ld c.q ija *.y (iI'
      d. M\ier*, anry material properly such is yield- der 'n r: t I te'd     ,s lht tensile cests o(i ilhic nect-mi*.;, st l .ic',See
  It'in l.tIII-Io-[Onsile.streI)-thI ratio. ducilily. weldabilitv                SaI'.ty (.uid, i*t. "Mc.t.hnicul (Cadweld) Splices in Reinf6:i1,'
,M 4,lhj.'i .',imdLIar )lo)pety is relied upon hV the designer                  liars of C'atcrory I (oncre te Sirtic. ti.S."
                                                                        I. I -2.}}


Latest revision as of 11:12, 4 November 2019

Testing of Reinforcing Bars for Category I Concrete Structures
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/28/1972
US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
RG-1.015, Rev. 1
Download: ML13350A368 (2)

Revision I








specimens indicates that the tensile and yield strengths of the full diameter bars may be lower than the ValIe.,,

General Design Criterion I of Appendix A it) 10 that ate obtained using reduced diameter -pcinieis. The ClFR Part 50, "General Design Criteria for Nuclear variatinns are generally greater in bar size, No. 14 and Power Plants," requires that structures, systems and larger. Thus, the evaluation of the desigii margin tit components important to safety be designed. fabricated. safety in the slrticture may not be conservative if it is erected, and tested to quality standards commensurate based upon test results obtained from teduced diameter with the importance of the safety function to be specimens.

performed. This guide describes an acceptable method for implementing this criterion with regard to tests and ASTM A-615-72 requires only one tension test inspections of reinforcing bars for Category I concrete specimen per heat if all bars from a single heat differ in structures. 2 The Advisory Committee on Reactor size by less than three designation numbers: only two Safeguards has been consulted concerning this guide and specimens are required in other cases. Because each heat has concurred in the regulatory position. may contain from 50 to 250 tons of steel, the fraction of the reinforcing bars that are tested may vary by a


factor of 5. A more consistent basis for sampling can he obtained by choosing the test specimens on the basis ,,1 The tensile strength of concrete structures the number of reinforcing bars or the weight of important to safety depends upon reinforcing bars reinforcing.

imbedded in the concrete. The contribution of the concrete to the tensile strength of the structure is Special chemistry requirements have occasionally minimal and :hus generally disregarded. The tensile been placed on somne reinforcing bars. and checks should strength of reinforcing bars is usually tested in be made that any such requirements are being met.

accordance with ASTM A-615-72. "Standard Specification for Deformed Billet-Steel Bars for Since some mechanical splice configurations may Concrete Reinforcement", American Society for Testing require deformations that exceed the minlimum and Materials. This specification permits the tensile test requirements set forth in ASTM A-615-72. it is specimens to be either of full bar diameter or of a impertant to inspect the deformations it) assute that reduced diameter. Comparison of test data obtained they will permit a reliable mechanical splice to le made.

with both full bar diameter and reduced diameter


This guide is a revision of former Safety Guide IS. As such, it is applicable to water-cooled nuclear power reactors. I. Yield Strength and Tensile Strength Tests tSt'ructures, systems, and components of a nuclear power Reinforcing bars used for concrete structures plant are designated as Category I if they are designed to withstand the effects of the Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) important to safety should be tested to verify their yield and remain functional. See Safety Guide 29, "Seismic Design strength and tensile strength -,3 follows:


USAEC REGULATORY GUIDES Copies of published guides may be obtained by request ndicating the divisions desired to the US. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington. O.C. 20545.

Regulatory GAides ate issued to describe and mrAke available to the public Attention: Director of Regulato'y Standards. Comrents and suggestions to'

methods accptrible to the AEC Regulatory staff of implementing specific pars of irrtIOVeMOInts in these guides are encouraged and should be sent to the Secretary the Commission's regulations, to delineate techniques used by the staff in of the Commission. US. Atomic Energy Commission. Washington, D.C. 20545, evaluating uJlecific problems or postulated accidents, or to provide guidance to Attention; Chief. Public Proceedings Stall.

applicantls. Regulatory Guides are not substitutes for regulations and compliance with them is not required. Methods and solutions different from those setOut in The guides are issued in the following ten broad diwvrions.

the guides will be acceptable it they provide a basis for the findings requitet, to the issuance or continuance of a permit or license by the Commission. 1. Power Reactors

6. Product i

2. Research and lest Reacro's 7. Trans~oo'ttinn

3. Fuels and Materials Facilitm 8, Occupational Health Puhshrhed guides will lie revised periodically, as appropriae. to accommodate 4. Environmentat ard Siting 9. A',:Irust Review comments and to reflect new inlormation or eaperience. S. Materials and Plant Protection t

0. General

aI, At Iea, one fiui-diamele, specimeni hom eacht or ColostruLtor, lhe reinforing liatr cliet!li

s. ty shoultjd he

  • . sliv Should le tested Cor each 50 torns or 'ftrctioli

11r controlled toI lie extent required to achieve lhe desled thefico" of reinforcing baOrs that aie prodticed ornm each material prrperty, :and conflriratI .ry ltslit- i sh1o1h.d he Ie*, and tised il Category I sitrutllures. perforrmined.

V. The le"I procedures should he in acckirdance wit hi .I\STN'I A-370-0,S. -StIand1rd MtIhods arid 2. Deformation I nspections Definitioms I*oI"Mechanical Tesiting of Steel Ploducls."

American Society o'Or leSling iand i*aterials. Del'irniitions on lhe reinforc:ing hais should tic c. The jsnc itandards should be in inspected to assure their compliance wihl AS'IM

acc'ord:unce wi III ASTNI A. 1.5-72. "St:adaid A.6 Ii-72 and wiili the licensee's specifieatLions pertinent Speciflica:ion for Dcl'Otned lillc-Steel iais for to bonding and other purposes which are dependem on Conrrrcie

k. inmerceent

.'ric:ri Socieiy I'Or resting lite def.or iniI t ion ch .ract erisi.sA.3

nmid .Nhiefials. ifrcludinw Srupplemient:1l Requiremuer (S-I). using ftill sectioh s ,*'" ite harý a,%, *olled. d cl'o fi n allj Ii ,t,,t fo r w ill h ,.e

3 ,'ld c.q ija *.y (iI'

d. M\ier*, anry material properly such is yield- der 'n r: t I te'd ,s lht tensile cests o(i ilhic nect-mi*.;, st l .ic',See


It'in l.tIII-Io-[Onsile.streI)-thI ratio. ducilily. weldabilitv SaI'.ty (.uid, i*t. "Mc.t.hnicul (Cadweld) Splices in Reinf6:i1,'

,M 4,lhj.'i .',imdLIar )lo)pety is relied upon hV the designer liars of C'atcrory I (oncre te Sirtic. ti.S."

I. I -2.