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| issue date = 06/25/1986
| issue date = 06/25/1986
| title = NRC Generic Letter 1986-011: Distribution of Products Irradiated in Research Reactors
| title = NRC Generic Letter 1986-011: Distribution of Products Irradiated in Research Reactors
| author name = Miraglia F J
| author name = Miraglia F
| author affiliation = NRC/NRR
| author affiliation = NRC/NRR
| addressee name =  
| addressee name =  

Revision as of 06:08, 14 July 2019

NRC Generic Letter 1986-011: Distribution of Products Irradiated in Research Reactors
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley, Millstone, Hatch, Monticello, Calvert Cliffs, Dresden, Davis Besse, Peach Bottom, Browns Ferry, Salem, Oconee, Mcguire, Nine Mile Point, Palisades, Palo Verde, Perry, Indian Point, Fermi, Kewaunee, Catawba, Harris, Wolf Creek, Saint Lucie, Point Beach, Oyster Creek, Watts Bar, Hope Creek, Grand Gulf, Cooper, Sequoyah, Byron, Pilgrim, Arkansas Nuclear, Three Mile Island, Braidwood, Susquehanna, Summer, Prairie Island, Columbia, Seabrook, Brunswick, Surry, Limerick, North Anna, Turkey Point, River Bend, Vermont Yankee, Crystal River, Haddam Neck, Ginna, Diablo Canyon, Callaway, Vogtle, Waterford, Duane Arnold, Farley, Robinson, Clinton, South Texas, San Onofre, Cook, Comanche Peak, Yankee Rowe, Maine Yankee, Quad Cities, Humboldt Bay, La Crosse, Big Rock Point, Rancho Seco, Zion, Midland, Bellefonte, Fort Calhoun, FitzPatrick, McGuire, LaSalle, 05000000, Zimmer, 05003213, Fort Saint Vrain, Washington Public Power Supply System, Shoreham, Satsop, Trojan, Clinch River
Issue date: 06/25/1986
From: Miraglia F
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
GL-86-011, NUDOCS 8607020017
Download: ML031150217 (22)



WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 June 25, 1986 TO ALL NON-POWER




IN RESEARCH REACTORS (GENERIC LETTER 86-11)We have recently received several inquiries regarding products which are irradiated in research reactors and subsequently distributed to unlicensed persons. The inquiries were related to irradiations of gems and silicon chips, but other ptodufts may also be involved.We are concerned that research reactor licensees may be irradiating and redistributing products containing induced radioactivity to unlicensed receivers who utilize or redistribute these irradiated products.

Information provided to NRC in specific cases indicates that gems, silicon chips, and many other materials usually acquire relatively long-lived induced radio-activity when irradiated in a reactor. Although irradiation of products in a reactor is not of itself prohibited, 10 CFR Section 30.14 prohibits introduction of byproduct material into a product for distribution to an ,unlicensed person, unless the distributor has a specific license issued pursuant to 10 CFR Section 32.11 which permits such distribution.

The purpose of this Generic Letter is to correct any misunderstanding concerning the distribution of irradiated products to unlicensed persons.In accordance with 10 CFR 30.14, the distribution of irradiated materials, even with low levels of induced radioactivity, to unlicensed persons is prohibited unless the distributor of such materials is licensed by the NPC to do so. Furthermore, to measure these low levels of induced radioactivity very sensitive low background instruments are required, such as shielded sodium iodide or germanium-lithium detection systems.In addition, we call your attention to subsection

3 of the enclosed NRC Policy Statement in the Federal Register notice of March 16, 1965 (30 FR 3462) regarding products which are toys, novelties or adornments.

The staff considers gems to be adornments and has not granted licenses for distribution of irradiated gems or similar materials.

You are responsible for assuring that the distributors of any products you have irradiated in your reactor, and which have acquired induced radioactivity, are licensed to distribute these products in accordance with 10 CFR 30.14(c)and 30.31. If you directly distribute the irradiated products to unlicensed persons, you must obtain a new license to reflect this activity.T ) T 'fd 8607020017C

l /

0 I If you wish to irradiate licenseable products (other than gems or other adornments)

for transfer to unlicensed persons, you and/or the distributor should apply to the NRC for a distribution license, pursuant to 10 CFR 32.11, at the following address: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Director, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety Washington, D. C. 20555 Please note that the NRC has exclusive jurisdiction over reactors and distribution of radioactive consumer products.

Agreement States do not issue this type of license..It This letter is for information only and does not require any response.Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Harold Bernard at (301) 492-8529.Frank J. Miraglia, Director Division of PWR Licensing-B

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Enclosure:


Central File SSPD Reading PNoonan HBernard DTondi HBerkow JHickey JMetzger RFonner FMiraglia;PD D 4 SPD HBr d 0 8 DPWRL-8:SSPD


DTondi0A 04/1 Q/86 DP : SSPD lVHB ow U04/ *86~6

-2 -Applications should be addressed as follows: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Director, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety Washington, D. C. 20555 Please note that the NRC has exclusive Jurisdiction over reactors and distribution of radioactive consumer products.

Agreement States do not issue this type of license.This letter is for information only and does not require any response.Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Harold Bernard at (301) 492-8529.Sincerely, Jrank J. Kireglia Frank J. Miraglia, Director Division of PWR Licensing-B

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Enclosure:


Central File SSPD Reading PNoonan HBernard DTondi HBerkow JHickey JMetzger RFonner FMiraglia*SEE PREVIOUS CONCURRENCE





NMSS* I&E*PNoonan:ac HBernard DTondi HBerkow JHickey JMetzger 04/10/86 04/10/86 04/15/86 04/24/86 04/15/86 04/14/86 ELD* :SSPD RFonner tF 1*ia 04/14/86 06 / /86

4 10ADV. FMR -r S m of oWeg l-I." radl in aco~or& M-With the vr*I, 0 at section '110 (b) (1) of tba Defens 51 ductio Act 01 190W" mended. a_ZlecullOre r 10647 taunvmerU 130. the fo130WIM pWS~v aa in the In UL 3m dr d ItheUmBs A. DiGtce: -12h. X a ,tN- pop IL. A600: Pma am a sto I btee otcUAZT UN oroe 1.3. Doe. 51-UUS risk Mm. ii lH4 PK 6:45 &A.ML A~~~et .RICHARD P. ST t M n rs p In acordam with the rPe*MUi MC of sectio '11(b) (6) of the Difense Pro- Pe ductlon Act of 130. .s aded. and r, ecutive Order 1067 at November 2.. ft 195. te folowiU changes ave talren 101 place in my financial inderest as re- c-ate to the Pz~nAZ Dacam during U the "A siz months :.A. osiU=A: lNO ChMOl SC I. £MllOf: No chan e.This statement to made aso e ebruarl b 2c 105. fo RMCMAU P.MviuW. b 7Ju. DO, b y4; losi Mar. U. 1o94 6 ATOMIC ENERGY COMUMIIN USE OF BYPRODUCT

MATERIAL AND t SOURCE MATERIAL Products Intended for U"by Gene I Public (Consmer ProdF°t)Cv~eris for the or of podft_ I haenda for ams by Lhe rewm wb-atup bvpr d miat _ 4 source fdseriaL.

This notice sets forth the mentlat terms at the CoXmisson's Policy with respect to approval et theI use at byproduct material and sourceI material In products Intended for use by the general public Ccomumer products)without the haposition ot regulatory control on the consuw-rse.

Wes Us aoemplished by the emi. on a case-by-case badsis of the possinand un of the arved 1ts f the licensin reQuleM!a for byproduc and source materia CC the Atocice Energy Act of 1904 as amended, and. of the Commissioc's ereulatons -icensingl of Byproduct Material-.

10 CIR Par so and lcensing c soure Material".

10 CM Part 40.1. At the pret t2me It appears un-likely that the total oftributlOn to the exposur of the general public to radi-Ation from the tse c radloactihitY

in-NOICS m r productsili exceed MSa 6 dtes l4imts --manded for U- the C to radiation trom al1 sOWr&esm WuASIoM -to tAl Quantities o oal osettwe materials being used in such do ucia VA the number of Item being 5 ributed wil be obtadned Urg 0u wrd-keplft and reporting require- a t avplicable to the manufacture and ruxtun of such products.

If radio- 4 ,e materials are used In c nt a nt!" In products reaching L4 so as to raise an queson cc ulatio exposure beming a dg- eo heo as, te s w, a&time. reconside Its poliy on th eo ofrdioatvemteilsIacuuw Approval of a proposed conier se duct wil depend upon both asocad drst of p to r the li1 Parent usfle of the product in te daL riJs of exposure to tadlation

&Z Ibeconsidered tobe PtXffb t PU Uaown that In handi. uswe and dis-sl of the product It U lky that gividuals In the population will rwev wehn a small fraction, ls than a GI w hundredths, of individual dose timits P xommended by such groups " the ternational Commission cm! Iadio-rical Protection (ICRP). the Nat D uncil n adton Pro ad asurements CNCRP). d he e iation Council R a th obability of indIvidual doses ff= of th specine1 Obly a. Otherise a e m more difficult A WM require a e dl eighing of aS1 factors, includi enu teat win accrue or be doed to I i public as a result of the CommIssin's I:don Factors that cm be pertnent I re listed In paragraphs

0 and 10. below.3.UU cownsdered that as a ge a 1 ale products Proposcd for dsrbto dl be usefultosome degre Normay be Cocmission wilt no attem an ex-ensive evaluation of th degree of bene-It or usefulnees of a product to the Pbi. However. Ia cam Wheet tan-glblebents to the public ar Question-lo and approval of such a product my wult In widespread use of radioactivo materl, such as in co n bouseld tecms the degrePe of usefulness and bern-It that accrue to the public aW be a Seddi tfcor. In , the Ccci.-slion comsers tat the Ue of radio-hove material in toWs novelties, and tdormnts ma be of marginal benefit..AIcaosftor approvalof -d thef t that are ubject to mls-ing especally by chldren will be aprvdonly If they are foua to ca-b unul de o ut and safety.S. Th CommneaC bas approved cer-taln long standn uses of soRce mFate-rial. nost of which antedate the toc eerg progrT-L Ths Include: C1) Use of uranium to olo gam Nd gas for certain decorative pw (2) Thorim In vario ally0s and ucs gU nte tungosten ie, dg ro. 0 ln etc.) to ha-a a p c p ; and) Ur and thum tIn The Commission has also approved use of trithum " a -bs hll-as material for the long standing us dium for this purpose cc eatch and ek dials an bands.The Comsin ha rvedad-clus ol byproduct an ouema elS 18cosue products.

"[e in-de thefolowin It) Trilu in autaoobe lo Ilin-(2) balan of precls;on () Ur "nm as shiielding In shipping atalners;

and) Urai fire detection unitL Iuses of byprodut and, iarcemateIal n consumner products,, e omi0o establishes limits an antilles or onof radior ie terials 4. If app ate, on 9dZaton emtted.Ing sromo case otheU g, c ed tmport tonhea nd safet fre also pedifid.CWAL Co now AfOI W P~cr t. In etaluation prop or the uo s fradctive aterial ineonsue seducn the 1po incipaI coisiderats bre: (a) he potenUal extal ter lt curoe o Iudividuals In tbe po-1to to radato from the hadig sean disoa of Iniiulpouts;

Cb) The potentia total accumulative aito dos to indiviuals i the popli-ition who may be exposed to radiation roin a number of products;Cc) The long-term Potential external nd internsl expoWre of the genteral PAAUon from the uncontroWd di-osl and dispersal Into the environ-net of radioactive materials from prod-Wt authorized by the Commission;

and Ld) The benetit that will accrue to or be denied the publi because of the 1tility of the product by approval or din-approval of a speclhc product.10. The general criteria for approval of Idvidual products axe set forth in paragrph 2. above. Detailed evalua-ton of potental exposura would take into consideration the following factors together with other consideratins whi may appear pertinent In the partcuW (a) Mhe external radiation klls from theproduct.(b) T.-e proximdty of the product to humn tiu durin mse.ta) no ae f ticUe expod A dose to the skin of the whole body would be considered more igniicant than a siMIA doen to

  • ameal portion of the di of the fladlotolcity of the radimuclldes.

The es tozic matals with a high permissible body buwdn high coen-tration Umnt in Sar water, would be consdred more favorably than mate-rials with a high radlotoxIClt.

Ce) The 0uantity of radioacte Mate-rl per Indvdual product. The smaller the quantw the more favorably would the product be considered.

4t) ?orm of material Materials With a low sotubmt7 in body fGuids win be considered more favorably than those With a hg solbilitY.

  • Tuesda, Moac 19, 195 (gCo n of the matertla Products which contain go material,' M3 w ere f oneaw clndi.tiara wil be oonideIed ore tavoraw than those that win Mt contain the material r uch oonditio'(h) Degree of actrn to ProdUct d-Ing normal bandling awd ue. Producta which ar Inaccensie to Children ae other Peons, di em will be cn-sidered more favorably than tho that are accessle, (amC. lei. a ft. Mt U US. 2301. Ad-Munie"n toO1irfo MI _ us. .43 5 St.22; 5 VJ.C. 10U2 13ted a Wahingto D.C. this th day of March 19.For the Atomic EMUrg Com-1106o10

W. EL McOOO1.ffie r e 1.3L. Doc. g1WI6* Usd. Mwr. is. 236: 6:41 &ALI Srsad *Ptk. w"I1 OKLAHOMA STATE 1 ' NIVER Hosce of Isivonce fCshdo Please t notice tM no reqes for a formal hearing having been fild d-Iowin pubilaction of the notice at pro-s- action in the PKeuAL RaTM.the Atomic Energy Commlntoam ha"s6-inaed ConsUmtiuon Permit No. CPRR465 auhrI n OUlahoma State Uniessity to mmr 'Its Model AGN4201 IuerM.-tW from its present location.

In the Comial Engineering Bulding to the new EgneiglDMAg Cn the jUni-verttf~s campu in Stillwater Okls.'Ibe pfinit as beued. Is as adt forth In the Notice of Proposed lartanc of tPermit am Facility U-cense Amendment published In the Fza-nu PRzzr en NTbrzr7, 1 3. So FR.1 2162.Dated t Dethea. Md... this th day ot March 196".For the Atnme Energy Commlseson-o= S. DoTS.Ch-i. Remarch 8xd Power no.odo Salty Draxch. Dievatos of Reactor rUcessiet R _. Zs 5 ?. 1d M1 1UK 3.6:41 &ALI CDvl. t BNeUIICS BOARD[Docketet1t0

AEROVLAS EcAroRLAIAS, CA.Notice *I aprehoong res"forens Applicaion at At r. ld cuatorlana CA.. In Docket 15911 for L foreIgn W permit to enage In the faren ab tar&-poatson cc persons, property, and malt ewIn cuador d , a BogotColombia.

Notie s he e t a prehea-g c o e b nd a plcto smie to be heM cm arc FDENUZIMTEwR, ,C "W UatWL .. RI cm9ft.Universal Budlz. C10meeticu a"x rda A We aWhington DZ.C before a r on FredaeldkL

Dtd a Wshinetn D.C.. Mac 1U.Cis F. howw.11.3 Doe. 61,46 Fld Mu. IL. IG;CHICAGO HELCOPER AIRWAYS, Heiic, of halwebenr Conferemnce Notice k hereby given that a prehear-la Cm In the abov.-uitltled maKo Is assigned to be held n Aprt 15. 166 a 1aLm. *eAt. In Roo HL.Unvesl bullding.

Connecticu and Foda Avenues NW.. WashIngton.

D.C.before Examinw William J. MaddaL In order to faclitate the conduct at the Conference.

Interested paie ane In-Aructed to submit to the Examiner and ot pares on or before March 24.16: (1) Formal motUons w ct to the proceeding.

including motion to consolidat or epaud (such motions should be Med separately and Comply with the Board's Rules of Pracce h 20 Copies being fied with the Docket Section);

(2) r utome" Of 1s-son: (2) propoead stipulations.

f any;(4) requests for information;

(5) state-ments of posltlu of pates; a E6)--dat Dated at Washington.

D.C.S arch 11.16.(MULI FrAIs W. DROWN, Chef Zzmixer.gVRP De. WOW. PlA .25. 2L65;6:41 s&mLt gDacka 1521l COMPANIA PERUANA INTERNA.CIONAL DE AVIACOI SA.Nolice of Hemhg Notice hereby Us ev en, pwmax" to the d X PdA t of 1963.a amndd tha a beauu i the d In U*aboe-etiled rocedig wllbe held o A 5. 13. at 10 a eAA.. In Room 92M. Universal BuIlding.

1U Con-nectifA Avenue NW., Washingto.

D.C.before the undersigned E:ambe.Pot further Information regarding the Issues involvd herbn Interested persons may refer to the variovs orders at the Board. the preearing confeee and Other documwots which ar on le In the Docket Section CC the ChvU Mro-utice Board Dated at Washington.

D.C., March 11.1#5.[IXAL1 Humow KI BaTAN.1x Dw. 5-2001: 1Sd Mo. u. aft 5:48 a1m-j DFUTaM WPTHAN&A AmEN IaAA DUHSA GERMAN AIRLINESI Notice is herebo gine, pnfAnt Ho the Federal Avistio Act at 105 as mewnded, Uat a hearing in the above..enstd --- d 6 be h 4 on l e 11, 154 1has been r-to be held onApriJ 121 .I at 10 a (llt ) in Room 26 UnI-wand BuIlding.

125 t Ae-mm NW.. WashInto.

D.C. before Examiner Rts L Ninwmaim.Fw Inormation oce=lrw the Une Involved and other detalls In this pro-ceeding. interesed persons are referted to the Prehearing Conference Report served on April 21.164. and other doci-menu which ar In the docket of this proceeding on We In the Doce Sectio of the Cmv~ Aeronautica Board.Dated at WashngtWo D.C.. Kar& 10.[saw Racw L Xnaw , Hwagl imfe.113. c. W-MM Plied Ma. IS, 19k 6:46 a&A1.-15-LOS ANGELES AIRWAYS, INC.Notice of Prehuade Cmfeen Notice U hereby giv ta a Prehear.lug conferetc In the above-entited mat-tet is uldCed to be held an April 13.135. at 10 am, eat., in Root 311.Universal Building.

CAnd Plorlda Avenoe NW.. Wai .ngton Dq.before Examiner William, J. Madden.In order to facilitate the conduct of the Conference.

interested prutes. are in-stiuctedl to it to the Examiner nd other pwties on or before March 261365: (1) Pormal mo1tions with rePP;P , to the proceeding.

Including motions to consoli-date or expand (such motions chould be Mod separatey ad Compo with the ioard's Rules oC Practice, with 20 copies being Med wi the Docket Section);0) propoe statmnts of Issues; (2)prposed stipulations.

Uf a: (41 re-Quests for Information:

(5) statements at postuavs at pries; aN () Pro-ual do Dated at Wahilngton D.C, March 11.18.InALI FKAwm W. 9010W~.Ch*n Luzaser.(VtA Doc W Plid. Mw. M 1;6:45 am.1Do*51 1 tJ NEW YORK AIRWAYS, INC.No**cof Pd hearle Ceoferec Notice is herb given, tha a prbeh -W conference In the abo" -antkd matter U asegned to be held on April 14. 136. a t 0 a.m eat, In RoI* 011.


2 List of Recently Issued Generic Letters Generic Letter No.86-10 86-09 86-08 86-07 86-06 Subject Implementation of Fire Protection Requirements Technical Resolution of Generic Issue No. B-59-(N-1)

Loop Operation in 8WRs and PWRs Availability of Supplement

4 to NUREG-0933"A Prioritization of Generic Safety Issues" Transmittal of NUREG-1190

Regarding the San Onofre Unit 1 Loss of Power and Water Hammer Event Implementation of TMI Action Item II.K.3.5 "Automatic Trip of Reactor Coolant Pumps" Implementation of TMI Action Item II.K.3.5, "Automatic Trip of Reactor Coolant Pumps Policy Statement on Engineering Expertise on Shift Applications for License Amendments Technical Resolution of Generic Issue B-19 Thermal Hydraulic Stability Safety Concerns Associated with Pipe Breaks in the BWR Scram System Date of Issuance 04/24/86 03/31/86 03/25/86 03/20/86 05/29/86 05/29/86 02/13/86 02/10/86 01/23/86 01/03/86 Issued To All Power Reactor Licensees and Applicants All Licensees of Operating BWRs and PWRs and License ADplicants All Licensees of Operating Reactors Applicants for OLs and Holders of CPs All Reactor Licensees and Applicants All Applicants and Licensees with CE designed NSSS-except Maine Yankee All Applicants and Licensees with B&W Designed Nuclear Steam Supply Systems All Power Reactor Licensees and Applicants for Power Reactor Licenses All Power Reactor Licensees and OL Applicants All Licensees of Operating BWRs All BWR Applicants and Licensees 8-86-05 86-04 86-03 86-02 86-01 June 30, 1986 STANDARDIZATION

& SPECIAL PROJECTS BRANCH CURRENT FACILITY ADDRESS LIST Docket No.License No.R-98 Facility Name Project Manager 50-228 (TRIGA)Aerotest Operations, Inc. J. Dosa OL Mr. R. L. Newacheck, President Aerotest Operations, Inc.3455 Fostoria Way San Ramon, California

93583 Manager of Reactor Operations:

Irvine E. Lamb (415) 866-1212 50-170 (TRIGA)R-84 Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute R. Carter OL Colonel James J. Conklin, Director Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute Naval Medical Command, National Capitol Region Bethesda, Maryland 20814 (301) 295-1210 Reactor Facility Director:

Mark Moore (301) 295-1290 50-13 (Cr. Ex.)CX-10 Babcock and Wilcox H. Bernard Dismantling Mr. A. F. Olsen Senior Licensing Administrator Babock and Wilcox Research and Development Division Lynchburg Research Center P.O. Box 11165 Lynchburg, Virginia 24506-1165

50-6 R-4 Battelle Memorial Institute Battelle Memorial Institute Attention John M. Batch, Director 505 King Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43201-2693 H. Bernard Dismantling/


-2-50-262 (L-77)R-109 Brigham Young University R. Carter OL Dr. Robert K. Thomas Academic Vice President Brigham Young University Provo, Utah 84602 Facility Chief: Dwight R. Dixon (801) 378-1211 50-77 (AGN-201)R-31 Catholic University J. Dosa PO Mr. Edward D. Jordan Reactor Administrator Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering The Catholic University of America 620 Michigan Avenue, N.E.Washington, D. C. 20064 (202) 635-5170 50-54 (Pool)R-81 Cintichem, Inc.H. Bernard OL Mr. Stuart J. Somerville Cintichem, Inc.Sterling Forest Research Center P. 0. Box 324 Tuxedo, New York 10987

Technical Contact:

Mr. William G. Ruzicka (914) 351-2131 50-97 (ZPR)50-157 (TRIGA)R-89 R-80 Cornell University H. Bernard OL Dr. David D. Clark School of Applied and Engineering Physics Ward Laboratory Cornell University Ithaca, New York 14853 (607) 256-5224

Technical Contact:

Howard Aderhold (607) 256-3481 OL

-3-50-264 R-108 Dow Chemical Company R. Carter (TRI GA) OL Mr. Charles W. Kocher Reactor Manager H & E.S/I.H 1602 Building Chemical Research Center Dow Chemical Company Midland, Michigan 48674 (517) 636-0304 50-163 R-67 GA Technologies, Inc. -Mark F R. Carter (TRIGA) OL 50-89 R-38 GA Technologies, Inc. -Mark I (TRIGA) OL Mr. Keith E. Asmussen Licensing Administrator GA Technologies, Inc.P. 0. Box 85608 San Diego, California

92138 (619) 455-2823 50-70 TR-1 General Electric Test Reactor H. Bernard (GETR) P0 50-73 R-33 General Electric Company Nuclear Test Reactor (NTR) OL Mr. R. W. Darmitzel, Manager Irradiation Processing Product Section Vallecitos Nuclear Center General Electric Company P. 0. Box 460 Pleasanton, California

94566 (415) 862-4344 Technical Director:

G. E. Cunningham

(415) 862-4330 50-183 DR-10 General Electric -EVESR H. Bernard P0 Same Address as above.

-4-50-160 (Research HW)50-284 (AGN-201)50-116 (UTR-10 Pool)50-188 (TRIGA)50-199 (Tank-ZPR)

R-97 Georgia Institute of Technology R. Carter OL Dr. Ratib A. Karam, Director Neely Nuclear Research Center Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Georgia 30332 (404) 894-3600 R-110 Idaho State University J. Dosa OL Dr. Lawrence H. Rice Vice President of Academic Affairs Idaho State University Pocatello, Idaho 83201 Reactor Supervisor:

Terry Smith (208) 236-2417 R-59 Iowa State University Dr. Richard A. Hendrickson Nuclear Engineering Department Iowa State University

261 Sweeney Hall Ames, Iowa 50010 (515) 294-5840 J. Dosa OL J. Dosa OL R-88 Kansas State University Dr. Richard E. Faw, Director Nuclear Reactor Facility Department of Nuclear Engineering Ward Hall Kansas State University Manhattan, Kansas 66506 (913) 532-5624 Reactor Supervisor:

Jack Higginbotham R-94 Manhattan College J. Dosa Dr. Robert E. Berlin Reactor Administrator Zero Power Reactor c/o Mechanical Engineering Dept.Manhattan College Riverdale, New York 10471 (212) 920-0100 or 920-0140

-5-50-20 (Research HW)R-37 Massachusetts Institute of Technology H. Bernard OL Mr. Lincoln Clark, Jr., Director of Reactor Operations Nuclear Reactor Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology

138 Albany Street Cambridge, Massachusetts

02139 (617) 253-4202 50-538 (AGN-201)50-294 (TRIGA)R-127 Memphis State University J. Dosa PO Dr. Van N. Oliphant, Vice President Advancement and Continuing Education Memphis State University Memphis, Tennessee

38152 Project Manager: Robert Riley, Jr.(901) 454-2256 R-114 Michigan State University J. Dosa OL Dr. R. E. Wilkinson Assistant Vice President for Business and Finance Administration Building Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 Reactor Supervisor:

Mark Mitchell (517) 353-9097 50-241 CPRR-91 Mississippi State University R. Carter CP Mr. Michael J. Hibbard P.O. Box NE Mississippi State, Mississippi

39762 50-30 50-185 TR-3 R-93 NASA Plumbrook (Test and Mock-up)Mr. Edward A. Richley Director of Administration Lewis Research Center National Aeronautics and Space Administration Cleveland, Ohio 44135 R. Carter PO-DO PO-DO

I-6-50-184 (Test)TR-5 National Bureau of Standards (NBS)H. Bernard OL Dr. R. S. Carter, Chief Reactor Radiation Division National Bureau of Standards U. S. Department of Commerce Washington, D. C. 20234 Reactor Supervisor:

Tawfik Raby (301) 921-2523 50-297 (PULSTAR)R-120 North Carolina State University R. Carter OL Dr. Bruce R. Poulton, Chancellor Room A, Holladay Hall North Carolina State University P. 0. Box 7001 Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-7001 Associate Director:

Mr. Garry D. Miller Nuclear Reactor Program Department of Nuclear Engineering

(919) 737-2191 50-187 R-90 Northrop Corporation Dr. Jack Benveniste, Chairman Corporate Radiation Committee Northrop Research & Technology Center Northrop Corporation One Research Park Palos Verdes, California

90274 (213) 377-4811 ext. 245 H. Bernard DO 50-238 NS-1 N.S. Savannah Mr. J. E. Guerry, Jr.Executive Director State of South Carolina Patriots Point Development Authority P.O. Box 986 Mount Pleasant, South Carolina R. Carter PO 29464 Dr. Zelvin Levine Senior Advisor for Research and Development Maritime Administration MAR-700.2, Room 7330 400 7th Street, S.W.Washington, D. C. 20590

-7-50-150 (Pool)50-243 (TRIGA)50-5 (TRIGA)R-75 Ohio State University Mr. Robert F. Redmond Executive Director Engineering Experiment Station Ohio State University

142 Hitchcock Hall Columbus, Ohio 43210 (614) 422-2411 Reactor Operations Manager: Richard D. Myser (614) 422-6755 J. Dosa OL R-106 R-2 Oregon State University Dr. Clifford V. Smith, Jr.Reactor Administrator and Director Radiation Center Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon 97331 (503) 754-2341 Pennsylvania State University Dr. Charles L. Hosler Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School Pennsylvania State University

207 Old Main Building University Park, Pennsylvania


Technical Contact:

Dr. S. Levine, Director Breazeale Nuclear Reactor College of Engineering

(814) 865-3110 R. Carter OL R. Carter OL I 50-182 (Lockheed)

R-87 Purdue University R. Carter OL Mr. Eldon R. Stansberry Reactor Supervisor Department of Nuclear Engineering Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana 47907 (317) 494-5764 IP:-8-50-288 (TRIGA)R-112 Reed College J. Dosa OL Dr. M. A. Kay, Director Reactor Facility Reed College 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd.Portland, Oregon 97202 (503) 771-1112 ext. 205 50-225 (Cr. Ex.)CX-22 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute J. Dosa OL Dr. Donald R. Harris, Director Critical Facility Department of Nuclear Engineering and Science Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, New York 12181 (518) 393-4281

Technical Contact:

Frank Wicks (518) 270-6401 50-193 (Pool)50-375 R-95 Rhode Island Atomic Energy Commission H. Bernard OL Mr. A. Francis DiMeglio, Director Nuclear Science Center Rhode Island Atomic Energy Commission South Ferry Road Narrangansett, Rhode Island 02882 (401) 792-6126 R-118 Rockwell H. Bernard DO Dr. M. E. Remley, Director Rocketdyne Division Rockwell International Corporation

6633 Canoga Avenue, Mail Code LA 06 Canoga Park, California

91304 (818-700-4270)

50-146 DPR-4 Saxton R. W. Heward, Jr.President General Public Utilities System Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp.100 Interpace Parkway Parsippany, N. J. 07054 R. Carter PO

-9-50-57 R-77 State University of New York (Buffalo)

R. Carter (PULSTAR)

OL Mr. Louis G. Henry, Director Buffalo Materials Research Center State University of New York Rotary Road Buffalo, New York 14214 (716) 831-2826 50-59 R-23 Texas A&M University H. Bernard (AGN-201)

OL President Texas A&M University Coke Building Second Floor College Station, Texas 77843-1246

Technical Contact:

Don Erdman (409) 845-7551 50-128 R-83 Dr. H. H. Richardson, Interim Director OL (TRIGA) Texas Engineering Experiment Station 301 Engineering Research Center Texas A&M University College Station, Texas 77843-3577

Technical Contact:

Dr. Donald Feltz (713) 845-7551 50-274 R-133 United States Geological Survey (USGS) R. Carter (TRIGA) Department of Interior OL Dr. Hugh T. Millard, Jr.Reactor Administrator Department of Interior United States Geological Survey Box 25046 -Mail Stop 424 Denver Federal Center Denver, Colorado 80225 Reactor Director:

Donald Rusling (303) 234-2608 50-113 R-52 University of Arizona J. Dosa (TRIGA) OL Dr. George W. Nelson, Director Nuclear Reactor Laboratory University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona 85721 (602) 626-2551

5 I-24-10-50-224 (TRIGA)50-142 R-101 University of California at Berkeley Prof. Thomas H. Pigford Reactor Administrator Department of Nuclear Engineering College of Engineering University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, California

94720 Reactor Supervisor:

Tek Lim (415) 642-5213 R-71 University of California at Los Angeles Dr. Walter F. Wegst, Director Office of Environmental Health and Safety Center for Health Sciences University of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles, California

90024 Neil Ostrander

(213) 825-2825 University of California at Irvine R. Carter OL H. Bernard PO to Dismantle H. Bernard OL 50-326 (TRIGA)R-116 Dr. George Miller -purely technical Reactor Supervisor Department of Chemistry University of California, Irvine Irvine, California

92717 (714) 856-6649 William J. Lillyman -formal licensing Vice Chancellor

50-433 (L-77)R-124 University of California at Santa Barbara Dr. A. E. Profio Nuclear Reactor Director Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, California

93106 (805) 961-3412 or 3788 H. Bernard Decommissioning

-11-50-83 (Argonaut)

R-56 University of Florida H. Bernard OL Mr. William Vernetzen Acting Director of Nuclear Facilities

102 Nuclear Reactor Building Department of Nuclear Engineering Sciences University of Florida Gainesville, Florida 32611 Lab (904) 392-1406, X1408 cc: Dr. A. M. Jacob, Department of Nuclear Engineering Sciences 50-151 (TRIGA)50-356 (LOPRA)R-115 R-117 University of Illinois R. Carter OL Dr. George H. Miley, Chairman Nuclear Engineering Program University of Illinois 214 Nuclear Engineering Laboratory Urbana, Illinois 61801 Reactor Director:

Gerald Beck (217) 586-4633 OL 50-148 (Lockheed)

R-78 University of Kansas J. Dosa OL Dr. Russell Mesler Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering

102 Nuclear Reactor Center University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas 66044 (913) 864-3938 50-223 (GE MTR)R-125 University of Lowell H. Bernard OL Mr. Leon Beghian Director Nuclear Center University of Lowell One University Avenue Lowell, Massachusetts

01854 (617) 458-9081

Technical Contact:

Tom Wallace SWB (617) 452-5000, X2232

-12-50-166 R-70 University of Maryland R. Carter (TRI GA) OL Dr. Frank Kerr, Provost MPSE Division Room 2300, Math Building University of Maryland College Park, Maryland 20742 Nuclear Reactor Director:

Dr. Ralph Belcher (301) 454-2430 50-2 R-28 University of Michigan H. Bernard (Pool) OL Dr. William F. Kerr, Director Phoenix Memorial Laboratory Ford Nuclear Reactor University of Michigan 2301 Bonisteel Boulevard Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2100

Technical Contact:

R. Robert Burn (313) 764-6224 50-123 R-79 University of Missouri -Rolla R. Carter (Pool) OL Dr. Albert E. Bolon, Director Nuclear Reactor Facility University of Missouri, Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401 (314) 341-4720 Reactor Manager: Milan K. Straka 50-186 R-103 University of Missouri -Columbia R. Carter (Tank) 0L Dr. Robert M. Brugger, Director Research Reactor Facility University of Missouri Columbia, Missouri 65211 (314) 882-4211 50-252 R-102 University of New Mexico J. Dosa (AGN-201)

0L Dr. David M. Woodall Chief Reactor Supervisor Nuclear and Chemical Engineering Department University of New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131 (505) 277-5405 Reactor Administrator Prof. Frank L. Williams

-13-50-112 (AGN-211P)

R-53 University of Oklahoma H. Bernard OL Dr. Craig Jensen, Director of Nuclear Reactor School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering University of Oklahoma 865 Asp Avenue, Room 212 Norman, Oklahoma 73019 (405) 325-5011

Technical Contact:

C. W. Terrell 50-192 (TRIGA)50-602 R-92 CP University of Texas H. Bernard Decommissioning Dr. Dale E. Klein, Director Nuclear Reactor Laboratory University of Texas Austin, Texas 78712

Technical Contact:

Thomas L. Bauer (512) 471-5136 J. Dosa CP 50-72 (AGN-201)R-25 University of Utah R. Carter OL 50-407 (TRIGA)R-126 Mr. James J. Brophy, Vice President of Research University of Utah Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 Gary Sandquist, Director Nuclear Engineering Laboratory Reactor Administrator:

Dr. K. L. DeVries Senior Reactor Engineer:

Kevin Crawford (801) 581-7109 OL 50-62 (Pool)R-66 University of Virginia R. Carter OL 50-396 (Cavalier)

R-123 Dr. R. U. Mulder, Director UVA Reactor Facility Department of Engineering and Engineering Physics University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia 22901

Technical Contact:

Preston Farrar (804) 924-7136 OL

-14-50-139 (Argonaut)

R-73 University of Washington H. Bernard OL Dr. Maurice A. Robkin, Director Nuclear Engineering Laboratories University of Washington Seattle, Washington

98195 (206) 543-4170 50-156 (TRIGA)R-74 University of Wisconsin Mr. R. J. Cashwell Reactor Director Nuclear Engineering Dept.University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin

53706 (608) 262-3392 J. Dosa OL 50-131 (TRIGA)50-124 R-57 Veterans Administration Medical Center Mr. R. L. Turcotte, Director Veterans Administration Medical Center 4101 Woolworth Avenue Omaha, Nebraska 68105 Reactor Director:

Mr. Alan Blotcky (404) 346-8800 ext.Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University R. Carter OL 432 R-62 H. Bernard PO Dr. Keith Furr, Director Nuclear Laboratory Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Room 108 Robeson Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 (703) 961-6510

Technical Contact:

Donald R. Krause 50-22 TR-2 Waltz Mill Mr. A. J. Nardi NES License Administrator Nuclear Energy Systems Westinghouse Electric Corporation P.O. Box 355 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

15230 (412) 374-4652 H. Bernard PO

-15-50-27 R-76 Washington State University R. Carter (TRIGA) OL Mr. W. E. Wilson Associate Director Nuclear Radiation Center Washington State University Pullman, Washington

99164 (509) 335-8641 50-47 R-65 Watertown R. Carter PO Mr. John Vining, Acting Director Safety Office Army Materials and Mechanics Research Center Department of the Army Watertown, Massachusetts

02172 50-87 R-119 Westinghouse Electric Corporation (Zion) H. Bernard (NTR) OL Administrative Contact: Mr. A. J. Nardi NES License Administrator Nuclear Energy Systems Westinghouse Electric Corporation P. 0. Box 355 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

15230 (412) 374-4652

Technical Contact:

Ms.Karen Reuter 505 Shiloh Blvd.Zion, Illinois 60099 (312) 872-4585 50-134 R-61 Worcester Polytechnic Institute J.Dosa (Pool) OL Mr. Thomas H. Newton, Jr., Director Nuclear Reactor Facility Worcester Polytechnic Institute Worcester, Massachusetts

01609 (617) 793-5688 V .t 1_-16-SAFEGUARDS


Power Reactors -Jane Gibson A-L (45)Gene McPeek M-Z (47)Non-Power Reactors -Gene McPeek A-P (32)Jane Gibson R-W (36) Gibson IAEA Standard Review Plan DOE and NRC Classifications Guides Foreign Visitors to Reactor Sites Executive Team National Defense Safety and Safeguards Research Program Annual Regionalization Assessment Team Gene McPeek 1. IAT 2. Regulatory Effectiveness Reviews 3. Generic Issue A-29 (Nuclear Power Plant Design for the Reduction of Vulnerability to Sabotage)4. USIA-45 (Shutdown Decay Heat Removal Requirements)

5. Decommissioning Experience

6. Generic Issues (NRC Position re: Hostage Situation, etc.)7. Insider Study 8. LANL Reports (Research)

9. Locking Systems 10. Pat Down Search Issue 11. Reportable Physical Security Events 12. Vital Area Guidelines

13. Human Factors in Safeguards

14. Annual Regionalization Assessment Team
