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| issue date = 05/16/1995
| issue date = 05/16/1995
| title = Forwards Info Copy of NPDES Permit FL0002208 Mod,Issued by EPA on 941025
| title = Forwards Info Copy of NPDES Permit FL0002208 Mod,Issued by EPA on 941025
| author name = SAGER D A
| author name = Sager D
| author affiliation = FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO.
| author affiliation = FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO.
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Forwards Info Copy of NPDES Permit FL0002208 Mod,Issued by EPA on 941025
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/16/1995
From: Sager D
Shared Package
ML17228B340 List:
L-95-150, NUDOCS 9511300270
Download: ML17309A805 (32)


7p P.Q.Box 128, Ft.Pierce, FL 34954-0128 FPL May 16, 1995 L-95-150 10 CFR 50.36b 10 CFR 50.4 EPP 3.2.3 U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 Re: St.Lucie Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos.50-335 and 50-389 NPDES Permit FL0002208 Modification Attachment 1 is an information copy of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)Permit modification, which was issued by the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency on October 25, 1994.This document is being sent pursuant to Section 3.2.3 of the St.Lucie Units 1 and 2 Environmental Protection Plan.Florida Power and Light Company (FPL)delayed submitting the permit change because page I-11 of this permit change had errors in the SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE section when issued.FPL Environmental Affairs Department has been working with the U.S.Environmental Protectign Agency (USEPA)to correct the page.Since the USEPA has taken much longer than expected to issue the correction, this permit change is being transmitted as issued and the correction will be submitted when received.On May 1, 1995, USEPA granted administration authority of the NPDES program to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP).Attachment 2 is an information copy of the State of Florida regulation (DEP 62-620)which the FDEP will use to implement transfer of administrative authority.

In accordance with Section 62-620.105(10), FDEP should be issuing a letter to FPL modifying the Permit to reflect this transfer.Should you have any questions on this information, please contact us~Very truly yours, D.A.ger Vice r sident St.Lu ie Plant DAS/GRM cc: Stewart D.Ebneter, Regional Administrator, Region II, USNRC Senior Resident Inspector,"MNRC, St.Lucie Plant Attachments 951'1'300270 ar51 124 PDR ADQCK 05000335 S PDR~~~a an FPL Group company g,ai L VAULT c.wAsrK CJ BUEHRKr D.E SELLS G.rL MADDEN M.A.SCHOPPMAN LD.LEON H.RErs N.WHITING 0

St.Lucie Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos.50-335 and 50-389 NPDES Permit PL0002208 Modification L-95-150 Attachment 1 ATTACHMENT 1 NPDES PERMIT REVISION PERMZ'1'L0002208 Major Non-POTW qAt>~a ONZTEO STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 1$6>" REGION IV AUTHORIZATION TO DISCHARGE UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act, as amended (33 U.S.C-1251 et seq.;the"Act"), Florida Power and Light Company Post Office Box 008801 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408-8801.

is authorized to discharge from a facility located at St.Lucie Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2 Hutchinson Island St.Lucie County, Florida to receiving waters named Atlantic Ocean: from outfall serial numbers 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, and 007.Mangrove Impoundment 8E: from outfall serial number accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth herein.The permit consists of this cover sheet, Part Z 11 pages, Part ZI 16 pages, Part III 4 pages, Part ZV 6 pages, and Part V 2 pages.This permit became effective on January 1, 1994.The cover sheet has been modified to reflect the appropriate receiving water body for Outfall 006C.This modification allows for the dischaxge of non-industrial related storm water into the Mangrove Impoundment 8E, through Outfall 006C.In allowing so, 006C's discharge location has been changed to reflect the Mangrove Impoundment 8E and not the Intake Canal.Monitoring for oil and grease has been added for Outfall 006C on Page Z-10.Outfalls 006A and 008 were deleted, upon request, by the permittee, on Page I-9.Page I-9 has been removed and subsequent pages have been renumbered.

Only Pages Z-9, I-10 and I-11 are enclosed.The modification shall become effective'on November 1 1994.This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight, Se tember 30 1998'e tember 30 1993 Date Issued OCT 25 1994 Dat.e Modified Robert.McGhee, Acting rect.or Water Management Division Part I Page I-9 Permit No.F~0002208 A.EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS

-FINAL 7.During the period beginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting through expiration of this permit, the permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall serial number 006B (oil storage area)-industrial related storm water to the intake canal.a.Such a discharge shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS MONITORING RE UIREMENTS Flow, (MGD)Total Suspended Solids,.mg/1 Oil and Grease, mg/l Daily Averacue Report Report Report Daily Maximum Report Report Report Measurement

~recruen~c 1/Year 1/Year 1/Year Sample T~e Estimate Grab Grab C b.Ther[shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.c~Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s):

nearest accessible point after final treatment but prior to discharge to the receiving stream.Internal serial number assigned for identification and monitoring purposes.Monitoring requirements apply once per year during the first 30 minutes:of a rainfall event.0(lT 25')9S4 Major Modification Date: (~~4$fWm'p fr a>sr[Hat em L~w>.eesgtv aa~4<n 4 Part I Page I-10 Permit No.FL0002208 A.EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS

-FINAL 8.During the period beginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting through expiration of this permit, the permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall serial number 006C<'>non-industrial related storm water to the Mangrove Impoundment 8E.a.Such a discharge shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS MONITORING RE UIREMENTS Daily AveracVe Daily Maximum Measurement Sample~Te Plow, (MGD)Oil and Grease, mg/l Report Report<'>Report 1/Quarter 1/Quarter Estimate Grab b.There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.c.Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall Qe taken at the following location(s):

nearest accessible point after final treatment but prior to discharge to the receiving stream.9.During the period beginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting through expiration of this permit, the permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall serial number 007 intake screen wash water to the intake canal.Internal serial number assigned for identification and monitoring purposes.a.Discharge of intake screen wash water is permitted without limitations or monitoring requirements.

b.There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in.other than trace amounts.Monitoring requirements apply once per quarter during the first 30 minutes of a rainfall event pv i The permittee shall conduct Oil and Grease monitoring as specified above.The effluent shall be monitored once per quarter until a total of 4 valid tests have been completed.

EPA shall review the Oil and Grease data and the permit may be modified to establish a water quality based limit, if needed, as authorized and required by 40 CPR 122.44(d)(1)(iii), to ensure that Ct the requirements of Florida Administrative Code (PAC)17-302.530(50)(b)(April 25, 1993)are maintained.

OCT 35 1994 Major Modification Date:

~.~$pp'tjP%j C~PPlP'la Page I-11 Permit No.FL0002208 B~SCHEDULE QP COMPLIANCE 1~The permittee shall achieve compliance with effluent limitations specified for discharges in accordance with the following schedule: a.Operational level attained.~~....Effective Date (ED)of the permit~~BMP Plan (see Part IV of this permit)(1)Complete Waste Management Assessment......ED of Permit+3 months (2)Develop 6 Implement Plan...ED of Permit+6 months 2.No later than 14 calendar days following the date identified in the above schedule of compliance, the permittee shall submit either a report of progress or/, in the case of specific actions being required by identified dates, a written notice of compliance or non-compliance.

In the later case, the notice shall include cause of non-compliance, any remedial actions taken, and the probability of meeting the next scheduled requirement Major Modification Date:

St.Lucie Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos.50-335 and 50-389 NPDES Permit FL0002208 Modification L-95-150 Attachment 2 ATTACHMENT 2 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REGULATION 62-620 WASTEWATER FACILITY PERMITTING DEP 62-620 STE)VATER FACILE PERMI'Q PART I: GENERAL 11/94 TABLE OF CONTENTS62-620.100 62-620.105 62-620.106 62-620.200 62-620.300 62-620.301 62-620.302 62-620.305 62-620.310 62-620.320 62-620.325 62-620.330 62-620.335 62-620.340 62-620.345 62-620.350 Scope.Applicability.

References and Variances.


General Prohibitions.

General Provisions.

Confidentiality of Information.

Signatories to Permit Applications and Reports.Procedure to Obtain Permits.Standards for Issuing or Denying Permits.Substantial Revision to Permit Conditions.

Minor Revisions to Permit Conditions.

Renewals.Transfer of Permit.Suspension and Revocation.


2 2 5 6 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 REGfile system-EDITOR'S NOTES LISTING OF AMENDMENTS TO PART I 27 28 Copyright 1994 REGfiles, inc., Tallahassee, Florida 1 DEP 62-620.105(6)

WASTEWATER FACILITY PERWGTTING PART I: GENERAL 11/94 accordance with the requirements of Chapter 10D-6, F.A.C.For these systems the Depart-ment shall use Rule 10D-6.048(l), F.A.C., for determining the estimated volume of sewage from an establishment.

(7)This chapter does not apply to: any single individual service connection from a single building to a pretreatment system;or any single individual gravity service connecuon, with no pretreatment, to a collection system sized and intended to serve a single building.(8)This chapter applies to discharges from mobile point sources such as seafood processing rigs, seafood processing vessels, aggregate plants, oil and gas exploratory drilling rigs, or oil and gas developmental drilling rigs.It does not apply to discharges of sewage from vessels regulated by the U.S.Coast Guard under Section 312 of the CWA.(9)This chapter applies to discharges of stormwater from industrial and domestic wastewa-ter facilities or activities which discharge wastewater to surface waters and are permitted under Section 403.0885, F.S.(10)For wastewater'facilities which have both an existing federal NPDES permit for which the Department has been granted administrative authority and an existing Depart-ment-issued permit for the same discharge to surface waters, thc Department shall, afte'r the implementation of this rule, revise those permits by issuing a letter to thc permittee~combining the two permits into one Department-issued permit.Thc letter revising the permits shall change the issuing agency name, include DEP Form 62-620.910(10) for reporting monitoring information, contain an expiration date for the combined permit, incorporate all of the permit conditions of both permits, and state that if there are conflicts between permit conditions, the more stringent condition shall supersede the less stringent.

The existing permits shall be revised as follows: (a)If the permittee has either, but not both, a Department-issued construction or operat-ing permit, the expiration date of thc combined permit shall be based on the earlier of the two expiration dates of the Department or the federal NPDES permit.(b)If the perminee has a Department-issued temporary operating permit, the letter combining the permit conditions of both permits shall include as an enclosure an Admin-istrative Order setting forth the schedule for compliance with the permit conditions., (c)If the permittee has both a Department-issued construction permit and a Depart-ment-issued operating permit, the letter shall combine the federal NPDES and the Department operating permit conditions and establish thc expiration date using the earlier of thc dates from the federal NPDES or the Department operating petmit.Thc existing construction permit shall remain in effec until it expires and shall not bc renewed or reissued.(II)For wastewater facilities which have a federal NPDES permit only, the Department shall, after implementation of this rule, revise the permit by issuing a letter to the permittee.

The letter revising the permit shall change the name of the issuing agency and include DEP Form 62-620.910(10) for reporting monitoring information to the Department.

(12)On the date this rule is implemented, applications for renewal of permits to discharge wastes into surface waters which have been filed prior to the implementation date with either EPA or the Department shall'be processed as follows: I Copyright 1994 REGfiles, inc., Tallahassee, Florida 3 T'

DEP 62-620.106 WASTEWATER FACILITY PERMITTING PART I: GENERAL 11/94 62-620.106 References and Variances.

(1)The Department adopts and incorporates by reference the following sections of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.)revised as of July 1, 1993: (a)40 C.F.R.Part 122, Appendix A, which lists the NPDES primary industry categories;(b)40 C.F.R.Part 122, Appendix D, which contains NPDES permit application testing requirements;(c)40 C.F.R.Part 125, Subpart G, which contains the criteria for requesting a modifica-tion of secondary treatment requirements under Section 301(h)of the Clean Water Act;(d)40 CZ.R.Part 125, Subpart D, which contains the criteria and standards for deter-mining fundamentally different factors under Sections 301(b)(1)(A), 301(b)(2)(A) and (E)of the Clean'Water Act;p (e)40 C.F.R.Part 125, Subpart C, which contains the criteria for extending compliance dates for facilities installing innovative technology under Section 301(k)of the Clean Water Act;(f)40 C.F.R.Part 125, Subpart H, which contains the criteria for determiiiing alternative eNuent limitations under Section 316(a)of the Clean Water Act;(g)40 C.F.R.133.102(a)(4)(i), which contains the level of effluent quality required for Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD5);(h)40 C.F.R.Part 125, Subpart A, which contains guidelines for using best professional judgment to develop technology-based effluent limitations on a case-by-case basis;(i)40 CS.R.122.26, solely for the purpose of and only those portions that identify the facilities described in Rule 62-620.445, F.A.C.;(j)40 C.F.R.136, which contains guidelines for establishing test procedures for the analysis of pollutants;(k)40 C.F.R.401.15, which contains the list of toxic pollutants promulgated under the Section 307(a)(l)of the CWA;(1)40 CZ.R.122.21(g)(7), solely for the purpose of and only those portions that allow establishment of site-specific sampling procedures for stormwater discharges;(m)40 C.F.R.122.44(k), which contains guidelines for requiring best management practices (BMPs)for facilities and activities regulated under Section 403.0885, F.S.;and (n)40 C.F.R.122.28(b)(3), which contains certain criteria for requiring individual permits.Copyright 1994 REGfiles, inc., Tallahassee, Florida 5 O.

DEP 62-620.200(S)

'ASTEWATER FACILITY PERMITTING PART I: GENERAL 11/94 (S)"Co-permittee" means a permittee to a wastewater permit that is only responsible for permit conditions relating to the discharge for which it is the operator.(9)"CWA" means the Clean Water Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C.1251 et seq., in existence on January 1, 1993.(10)"Daily discharge" means the discharge measured during a calendar day or any 24-hour period that reasonably represe'nts the calendar day for purposes of sampling.For pollutants with limitations expressed in units of mass, the"daily discharge" is calculated as the total mass of the pollutant discharged over the day.For pollutants with limitations expressed in other units of measurement, the"daily discharge" is calculated as the average measure-ment of the pollutant over the day.(11)"Department" means the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection.

(12)"Discharge of a pollutant" means any addition of any pollutant or combination of pollutants, as defined in 40 C.F.R.122.2, to waters from any point source other than a vessel or other floating craft which is being used as a means of transportation, This definition includes additions of pollutants into waters from surface runoff which is collected or channeled by man, and discharges through pipes, sewers, or other conveyances which do not lead to a treatment works.This term does not include an addition of pollutants by any indirect discharger.

(13)"Discharge of wastes" means the introduction or addition to waters of sewage, indus-trial wastes, and all other liquid, gaseous, solid, radioactive, or other substances that may pollute or tend to pollute any waters of the state.The term includes the discharge of a pollutant and the discharge of stormwater regulated under Rule 62-620.445, F.A.C.(14)"Discharge point" means the outlet, structure, or designated location through which effluent is discharged to ground water.(15)"Domestic wastewater" means wastewater derived principally from dwellings, business buildings, institutions, and the like, commonly referred to as sanitary wastewater or sewage.When industrial wastewater is combined with domestic wastewater for treatment, determina-tion of whether the treatment plant is designated as domestic shall be in accordance with the definition of domestic wastewater provided in Rule 62-600.200, F.A.C.(16)"Draft permit" means a document prepared under Rule 62-620.510, F.A.C., indicating the tentative decision of the Department to issue or deny, revise, revoke and reissueterminate, or reissue a permit.Notices of intent to terminate a permit and to deny a permit are types of"draft permits." A denial of a request for revision, revocation and reissuance, or termination is not a"draft permit." A"proposed permit" is not a"draft perIIliL (17)"Effluent limitation" means any restriction established by the Department on quantities, rates, or concentrations of chemical, physical, biological, or other constituents which are discharged from sources into waters of the state.(IS)"EPA" means the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency.Copyright 1994 REGfiles, inc., Tallahassee, Florida 7

DEP 62-620.200(27)

'VASTEEVATER FACILITY PERMITTING PART I: GENERAL 11/94 (27)"New discharger" means any building, structure, facility, or installation: (a)From which there is or may be a discharge of wastes to surface waters;(b)That did not commence the discharge at a particular site prior to August 13, 1979;(c)Which is not a"new source" as defined in Subsection (28)in this s'ection;and (d)Which has never received a finally effective NPDES permit for discharges to surface waters at that site.(e)This definition includes: an industrial discharger to a POTW which commences discharging into waters after August 13, 1979;an existing mobile point source such as a seafood processing rig, seafood processing vessel.or aggregate plant, that begins discharging at a site for which it does not have a permit;and any offshore or coastal mobile oil and ga's exploratory drilling rig or coastal mobile oil and gas developmental drilling rig that commences discharging after August 13, 1979, at a site under Depart-ment jurisdiction for which it is not covered by an individual or a general pamit.(2S)"New source*'eans any building, structure, facility, or instaHation fr'om which there is or may be a discharge of wastes to surface water, the construction of which commenced: (a)After promulgation of standards of performance under Section 306 of the Clean Water Act which are applicable to such source, or (b)After proposal of standards of performance under Section 306 of the Clean Water Act which are applicable to such source, but only if the standards are promulgated within 120 days of their proposal.(29)"Non-process wastewater" means water that does not come into direct contact with or does not result from the production or use of any raw material, intermediate product, finished product, by-product, waste product or wastewater.

It includes sanitary wastes, restaurant or cafeteria wastes, and non-contact cooHng water used only to reduce tempera-ture.(30)"NPDES" means National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.(31)"Outfall" means the outlet, structure, or designated location through which e8luent is discharged to surface water.(32)"Permittee" means the owner, operator or other entity to which a permit for a wastewa-ter facility or activity is issued by the Department.

The term"pemiittee" shall be function-ally synonymous with the terms"owner,""contractor," and"licensee," but shaH not include licensed individuals, such as state certified operators, unless they are the persons to whom a facility permit is issued by the Department.

The term shall extend to a permit"applicant" for purposes of this chapter.(33)"Pollution" is as defined in SectiNr 403.031, F.S.Copyright 1994 REGfiles, inc., Tallahassee, Florida 9 DEP 62-620.200(43)

STEWATER FACILITY PERMI G PART I: GENERAL 11/94 used in this definition, mean facilities whose discharges"result from the holding of unpro-cessed wood, logs or roundwood with or without bark, held in self-contained mill or log ponds or stored on land where water'is applied intentionally on the logs.(44)"Substantial modification" means a modification to the facility or activity which is reasonably expected to lead to a substantially different environmental impact or which involves a substantially different type of wastewater, residuals or industrial sludge treatment, reuse or disposal system.A substantial modification includes changes in the characteristics of the effluent, reclaimed water, residuals, or industrial sludge;changes to'the location of the discharge; or changes to the permitted capacity of the treatment, or reuse or disposal system.A substantial modification requires filing an application for a substantial revision to a permit.(45)"Substantial revision" means a change in the permit conditions in response to a substantial modification to the facility or activity, to changes in the effluent limitations, to the granting of a variance pursuant to Part VI of this chapter, or to a demonstration of good cause in accordance with Rule 62-620.325, F.A.C.(46)"Toxic pollutant" means any pollutant listed as toxic in 40 CAR..401.15.

(47)"Treatment works" means any treatment plant or other works used for the purpose of treating, stabilizing, or holding wastes.(4S)"Upset" means an exceptional incident in which there is unintentional and temporary noncompliance with technology'-based effluent limitations because of factors beyond the reasonable control of the permittee.(a)An upset does not include noncompliance caused by operational error, improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventive mainte-nance, careless or improper operation.

I (b)An upset constitutes an affirmative defense to an action brought for noncompliance with technology-based permit effluent limitations if the requirements of upset provisions of Rule 62-620.610, F.A.C., are met.(49)"U.S." means United States.(50)"Wastewater facility" or"facility" means any facility which discharges wastes into waters of the state or which can reasonably be expected to be a source of water pollution and includes any or all of the following:

the collection and transmission system, the waste-water treatment works, the reuse or disposal system, and the residuals management facility.(51)"Waters" means those waters defined in Section 403.031, F.S.(52)"Weekly average discharge limitation" means the maximum weekly average pollutant value avowed by the permit and calculated as the arithmetic mean of each reclaimed water or effluent sample collected on a separate day during a period of seven consecutive days.If fewer than two samples are obtained in seven consecutive days, the weekly limita-tion is not applicable.

Copyright 1994 REGfiles, inc., Tallahassee, Florida ll 0WASTEWATER FACILITY PERMITTING DEP 62-620.300(3)(b)

PART I: GENERAL 11/94 A wastewater pernlit revision shall be obtained before placing these modifications into operation.

This subsection shall not be construed to affect the regulatory status of, or create new requirements for, other industrial or domestic facilities or activities.

(4)No person shall discharge into waters any industrial or domestic wastewater which, by itself or in combination with the wastes of other sources, reduces the quality of the receiving waters below the classification established for them.(5)A permitted industrial or domestic wastewater facility or activity shall not be operated, maintained, constructed, expanded, or modified in a manner that is inconsistent with the terms of the permit.Specific Authority:

403.061, 403.087, 403.088, 403.0885, 403.08851, 403.8055, F.S.Law Implemented:

403.061, 403.087, 403.088, 403.0885, F.S.History: New 11-29-94.62-620.301 General Provisions.(I)Any person intending to discharge wastes into waters shall apply to the Department for the appropriate permit required by this chapter.(2)For purposes of enforcement, compliance with a wastewater permit constitutes com-pliance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 403, F.S.However, the Department shall not be precluded from instituting enforcement actions as indicated in Rule 62-650.120, F.A.C.For purposes of enforcement, compliance with a wastewater permit issued under this chapter pursuant to the authority of Section 403.0885, F.S., constitutes compliance with Sections 301, 302, 306, 307, 318, 402 and 403 of the Clean Water Act, except for: (a)Any effluent standards and prohibitions for toxic pollutants imposed under 40 CS.R.Part 129;and (b)Standards for residuals use or disposal under 40 C.F.R.Part 503.(3)A petmit may be revised, revoked and reissued, or terminated in accordance with Rules62-620.325,62-620.340, or 62-620.345, F.A.C.A permit may be renewed in accordance with Rule 62-620.335, F.A.C.(4)To the extent that this chapter imposes duties for the construction, operation, mainte-nance, or monitoring of a faciTity, for reporting facility operations, or for securing permits from the Department, responsibility lies with the permittee and the owner of the facility.Nevertheless, Section 403.141, F.S., creates joint and several liabiTity for those responsible for violations.


The applicant, or his agent, is encouraged'o consult with Department personnel before submitting an application, or at any other time concerning the operation, construction, or modification of any facCity or concerning the required pollution control Copyright 1994 REGfiles, inc., Tallahassee, Florida 13

DEP 62-620.305 ASTEWATER FACILITY PERMI NQ PART I: GENERAL 11/94 62-620.305 Signatories to Permit Applications and Reports.(I)All permit applications under this chapter shall be signed as follows: (a)For a corporation, a responsible corporate officer shall sign all applications for permit.A responsible corporate officer is considered to be: I.A president, secretary, treasurer, or vice president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy or decisi'on-making functions for the corporation; or 2.The manager of one or more manufacturing, production or operating facilities employing more than 250 persons or having gross annual sales or expenditures exceeding$25 million (in second-quarter 1980 dollars), if authority to sign docu-ments has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures., (b)For a partnership or sole proprietorship, a general partner or the proprietor, respec-tively, shall sign all applications for permit.(c)For public agencies, a principal executive officer or ranking elected official shall sign all permit applications.

A principal executive officer includes the chief executive officer of the agency or a senior executive officer having the responsibility for the'overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency, for example, a regional or district administrator, a director of public works, or city or county manager.(2)All reports required by permits and other information requested by the Department under this chapter shall be signed by a person described in Subsection (1)of this section or by a duly authorized representative of that person.A person is a duly authorized representative only if: (a)The authorization is made in writing by a person described in Subsection (1)of this section;(b)The authorization specifies either an individual or a position having overall responsi-bility for the operation of the regulated facility or activity.such as the position of plant manager, superintendent, certified chief operator, position of equivalent responsibil-ity.or an individual or position having overall responsibility for environmental matters for the company;and (c)The written authorization is submitted to the Department.

(3)If an authorization under Subsection (2)of this section is no longer valid because a different individual or position has overall responsibility for the operation of the facility or activity, a new authorization satisfying the requirements of Subsection (2)of this section must be submitted to the Department prior to or together with any reports, information, or applications to be signed by an authorized representative.

(4)Any person signing a document under Subsection (I)or (2)of this section shall make the following certification:

Copyright 1994 REGfiles, inc., Tallahassee, Florida 15

~'EP 62-620.310{5)

.WASTEWAT FACILITY PERMITTING PART I: GENERAL 11/94 must be accompanied by thc proper processing fee.The fce shall bc paid by check, payable to the Department of Environmental Protection.

The application processing fee is non-refundable.

(6)Annual regulatory program and surveillance fees shall be submitted in accordance with Rule~62-4.052, F.A.C.(7)When an application is received without the required fee, the Department shall acknowl-edge receipt of the application and shall immediately notify the applicant.

by certified mail that the correct fee was not received.The Department shall take no further action until the correct fee is received.Upon receipt of thc correct fee, the Department shall begin permit processing.(a)If a fee is received by the Department which is less than the amount required, the Department shall return the fee along with the written notification.(b)If an applicant does not submit thc required fee within ten days of receipt of written notification, the Department shall either return the unprocessed application or arrange to have the applicant pick up the application.(c)If an applicant submits an application fee in excess of the required fee, the permit processing shall begin and the Department shall refund to the applicant thc amount received in excess of the required fee.(8)Any substantial change to a complete application shaQ require an additional processing

'ee determined pursuant to the schedule set forth in Rule 62-4.050, F.A.C.(9)A permit shall: (a)Specify the manner, nature, volume, and&equency of any discharge;(b)Require proper operation and maintenance of any wastewater facility by qualified personnel as described in Rules62-620.610(7) and 62-620.630, F.A.C.;and (c)Contain such additional conditions, limitations, requirements, and restrictions such as those imposed under Rules62-620.610,62-620.620,62-620.625 and 62-620.630, F.A.C., which are necessary to preserve and protect the quality of the receiving waters and to ensure proper operation of the wastewater facilities.(IO)Additional requirements for domestic wastewater facilities include the following: (a)Residuals treatment components and residuals land application sites required under Chapters62-600 and 62-640, F.A.C., shall be included in thc permit for the wastewater treatment plant.(b)The wastewater facility permittee shall apply under Rule 62-620.330, F.A.C., for a minor permit revision for any modifications or expansions of the approved residuals land application sites in accordance with Chapter 62-640, F.A.C.(c)When a permit is required for a reuse and land application system portion of a wastewater facility, it shall be included in a single permit for the entire facility, except as provided in Rule 62-61MK6, F.A.C.Copyright 1994 REGfiles, inc., Tallahassee, Florida 17 4

1 STEWATER FACILITY PERMI'), G DEP 62-620.335(5)(a)

PART I: GENERAL 11/94 (a)Violation by the permittee of any condition of the permit;(b)The permittee's failure in the application or during the permit issuance process to disclose fully all relevant facts, or the permittee's misrepresentation of any relevant facts at any time;(c)A determination that the permitted activity endangers human health or the environ-ment and can only be regulated to acceptable levels by permit termination;(d)A change in any condition that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of any discharge, any domestic wastewater reuse or disposal system, or any domestic residuals use or disposal practice controlled by the permit;(e)Failure to submit required information or required fees;(f)Failure to pay annual fees or penalty assessments for noncompliance; or (g)After review of the application and the information on monitoring and monthly reports, the Department determines that the applicant has not provided reasonable assur-ance that the wastewater facility or activity will be operated in accordance with Chapter 403, F.S., and applicable Department rules.Specific Authority:

120.60, 403.061, 403.087, 403.088, 403.0885, 403.08851, F.S.Law Implemented:

403.061, 403.087, 403.088, 403.0885, F.S.History: New 11-29-94.62-620.340 Transfer of Permit.(1)Except as provided in Subsection (2)of this section, a permit may be transferred by the existing permittee to a proposed permittee only if the permit has been revised in accordance with Rule 62-620.325, F.A.C., to identify the proposed permittee and to incorporate other applicable statutory or rule requirements in effect at the time of revision or if the permit has been revoked and reissued.(2)As an alternative to transfers under Subsection (1)of this section, and subject to Subsection (3)below, a permit shall be automatically transferred to a new permittee if: (a)The existing permittee notifies the Department on DEP Form 62-620.910(l) and DEP Form 62-620.910(11) at least 30 days in advance of the proposed transfer date;(b)The notification of a transfer includes a written agreement between the existing permittee and the proposed permittee containing a specific date for the transfer of permit responsibility, coverage, and liability between them;and (c)Within 30 days of receipt of the notification of the transfer, the Department does not serve notice to the existing permittee and the proposed permittee that it intends to revise, under Subsection (1)of this section, the permit or to deny the transfer, or that additional information is r~ed to adequately review the transfer request.Copyright 1994 REGfiles, inc., Tallahassee, Florida 23 WASTEWATER FACILITY PERMITTING DEP 62-620.345(l)(e)

PART I: GENERAL 11/94 (e)That the permitted activity endangers human health or the environment and can only be regulated to acceptable levels by permit termination; or (f)That a change in any condition requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of any discharge of effluent, reclaimed water, industrial sludge or residuals use or disposal practice controlled by the permit, such as plant closure or termination of discharge by connection to another permitted wastewater facility.(2)No suspension, revocation, or termination shall become effective until notice is served upon the permittee in accordance with Rule 62-103.190, F.A.C., and if requested, a hearing held within the time specified in the notice.The notice shall specify the provision of the law, the permit condition, or the Department order alleged to be violated, and the facts alleged to constitute the violation.

This subsection does not preclude the Deparunent from seeking immediate injunctive relief under Section 403.131, F.S.SpecificAuthority:

120.60, 403.061, 403.087, 403.088, 403.0885, 403.08851, F.S.Law Implemented:

120.60, 403.061, 403.087, 403.088, 403.0885, F.S.History: New 11-29-94.62-620.350 Recordkeeping.

Unless the wastewater permit specifically indicates an alternative location, the permittee shall maintain the following records on the site of the permitted facility and make them available for inspection:

(1)Records of all compliance monitoring information, including all calibration and mainte-nance records and all original strip chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumenta-tion, including, if applicable, a copy of the laboratory certification showing the certification number of the laboratory, for at least three years from the date the sample or measurement was taken;(2)Copies of all reports, other than those required in Paragraphs (1), (4), and (9)of this section, required by the permit for at least three years from the date the report was prepared, unless otherwise specified by Department rule;(3)Records of all data, including reports and documents, used to complete the application for the permit for at least three years from the date the application was filed, unless otherwise specified by Department rule;(4)Monitoring information, including a copy of thc laboratory certification showing the laboratory certification number, related to the residuals use and disposal activities for the time period set forth in Chapter 62-640, F.A.C., or for at least three years from the date of sampling or measurement; I (5)A copy of the current permit;(6)A copy of the current operation and maintenance manual as required by Chapter 62600, F.A.C.;Copyright 1994 REGfiles, inc., Tallahassee, Florida 25 DEP 62-620 WASTEWATER FACILITY PERMITTING PART I: GENERAL REG file system~EDITOR'S NOTES 11/94 REG file system<Editor's Note: Section 62-4.052, F.A.C., does not exist.Reference should probably be to Section 62-4.050, F.A.C.Copyright 1994 REGfiles, inc., Tallahassee, Florida 27 C

4 DEP 62 620 TEWATER FACILITY PERMI<G PART I: GENERAL LISTING OF AMENDMENTS 11/94 Chapter/Section Change Effective Date Description of Change the Department under this chapter to be signed by cer-tain individuals as described in this section.62-620.310 62-620.320 62-620.325 62-620.330 62-620.335 62-620.340 62-620.345 Addition Addition Addition Addition Addition Addition Addition November 29, 1994 Specifying the procedures to be followed in order to obtain,a permit under this chapter.November 29, 1994 Establishing standards which the Department wiQ use in issuing or denying permits.November 29, 1994 Stating that for good cause and after notice and if re-quested, an admitustrative hearing, the Department shall require the permittee to conform to new or additional permit conditions but shall allow the permittee a reason-able time to conform to the new or additional condi-tions.November 29, 1994 Establishing procedures to be used when making minor revisions to a permit condition.

November 29, 1994 Providing procedures for renewing a permit.November 29, 1994 Providing for the transfer of a permit by an existing permittee to a proposed permittee; providing exceptions.

November 29, 1994 Providing reasons for the Department to suspend, re-voke or tertninate a wastewater permit.62-620.350

'ddition November 29, 1994 Listing the records that the permittee shall maintain on the site of the permitted facility and make available for inspections.

Copyright 1994 REGfiles, inc., Tallahassee, Florida 29

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