W3F1-2017-0080, Submittal of Technical Requirements Manual Update
ML17345A512 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Waterford ![]() |
Issue date: | 12/06/2017 |
From: | Jarrell J Entergy Operations |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
W3F1-2017-0080 | |
Download: ML17345A512 (126) | |
{{#Wiki_filter:W3F1-2017-0080 December 6, 2017 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001
Technical Requirements Manual Update to the NRC Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 (Waterford 3) Docket No. 50-382 License No. NPF-38
Dear Sir or Madam:
Entergy Operations, Inc. 17265 River Road Killona, LA 70057 -3093 Tel 504-739-6685 Fax 504-739-6698 jjarrel@entergy.com John P. Jarrell Regulatory Assurance Manager Waterford 3 10 CFR 50.71(e) Pursuant to Waterford Steam Electric Station Unit 3 (Waterford 3) Technical Specification (TS) 6.16, Entergy Operations, Inc. (EOI) hereby submits an update of all changes made to the Waterford 3 Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) since the last submittal per letter W3F1-2016-0040 (ADAMS Accession No. ML16154A863) dated June 2, 2016. Additionally, this update satisfies the submittal frequency required by TS 6.16, which indicates that the TRM will be submitted at a frequency consistent with 10 CFR 50.71(e) and exemptions thereto. Plant changes made under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59 are reported to the NRC pursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59(b)(2) by separate submittal. There are no commitments associated with this submittal. Should you have any questions or comments concerning this submittal, please contact the Regulatory Assurance Manager, John Jarrell, at (504) 739-6685. Attachments:
- 1.
Waterford 3 Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) Change List.
- 2.
Waterford 3 Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) Revised Pages.
W3F1-2017-0080 Page 2 of 2 cc: Mr. Kriss Kennedy Regional Administrator U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 1600 East Lamar Blvd. Arlington, TX 76011-4125 NRC Senior Resident Inspector Waterford Steam Electric Station Unit 3 P.O. Box 822 Killona, LA 70066-0751 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 RidsRgn4MailCenter@nrc.gov Frances.Ramirez@nrc.gov Chris.Speer@nrc.gov April.Pulvirenti.nrc.gov to W3F1-2017-0080 Waterford 3 Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) Change List to W3F1-2017-0080 Page 1 of 3 Waterford 3 Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) Change List TRM Implementation Affected TRM Topic of Change Amendment Date Pages No. 137 7/14/2016 111 Amendment# 137 Turbine over 3/4 3-39 speed protection and its basis which 3/4 3-39a valves must be closed to isolate an B 3/4 2a affected steam lead if valve is 8 3/4 2b inoperable. License Bases Document B 3/4 2c Change Request (LBDCR) 16-030 138 9/14/2016 I, II, Ill, IV, Amendment #138 NFPA 805 V,VI Requirements transitioning from 3/4 1-1 Appendix R. License Bases 3/4 1-2 Document Change Request (LBDCR) 3/4 3-15 16-011. 3/4 3-16, 3/4 3-17 3/4 3-18 3/4 3-19 3/4 3-20 3/4 7-1d 3/4 7-1e 3/4 7-2 3/4 7-4 3/4 7-6 3/4 7-7 3/4 7-8 3/4 7-9 3/4 7-10a 3/4 7-12 3/4 7-13 3/4 7-13a 3/4 7-14 3/4 7-14a 8 3/41 8 3/4 3g 8 3/4 4 B 3/4 4a to W3F1-2017-0080 Page 2 of 3 TRM Implementation Amendment Date No. 11/10/2016 139 140 7/12/2016 141 4/11/2017 142 5/9/2017 143 6/7/2017 Affected TRM Pages 5.7-1 3/4 3-39 3/4 8-5 through 3/4 8-62 3/4 8-64 B 3/4 2h 3/4 8-3 3/4 3-7b 3/4 3-7c 3/4 3-7d 3/4 3-18 Topic of Change Amendment #139 updates Table 5.7-1 "Component Cyclic or Transient Limits to match UFSAR Table 3.9-1. License Bases Document Request (LBDCR) 16-051 Amendment #140 clarifies that the provisions of TRM 4.0.2 (Max allowable extension/grace period of 25% for surveillance intervals is not applicable to the TRM A requirement to cycle valves associated with turbine over speed protection at least once every 184 days. Also removes turbine valve testing late date extension. License Bases Document Request (LBDCR) 16-035 and 16-055 Amendment #141 replaces the 60 Month frequencies for each component with "See SFCP" Surveillance Frequency Control Program. The required testing frequency will be maintained in procedure UNT-006-033. Change to RT NOT of reactor vessel from 22° to 0° determined using ASME Sec. Ill NB-2331 methods. License Basis Document Request (LBDCR) 17-012 and 17-001 Amendment #142 revises section by renaming the SUPS Static Uninterruptible Power Supplies. License Bases Document Request (LBDCR) 16-058 and 16-059 Amendment #143 revises Table 3.3-11 b to properly identify that there are 20 detectors on the +46 and 5 detectors in the S-6 Fan room on the +69 elevation. License Bases Document Request (LBDCR) 17-018 and 17-021 to W3F1-2017-0080 Page 3 of 3 TRM Implementation Amendment Date No. 144 8/15/17 145 10/24/2017 Affected TRM Topic of Change Pages II, Ila, IV, Iva Amendment #144 adds section to 3/4 7-17 establish controls/actions for 3/4 7-18 addressing the operability of the room 3/4 7-19 coolers servicing equipment in the 3/4 9-5 Control Room Equipment room and B 3/4 4e1 RAB heating and ventilation room. B 3/4 5c License Bases Document Request (LBDCR) 16-0056 3/4 7-1 Amendment #145 changes the term 3/4 7-16 lnservice Testing Program to a B 3/4 3c defined term indicated in all Caps. License Bases Document Change Request (LBDCR) 17-032 to W3F1-2017-0080 Waterford 3 Technical Requirements (TRM) Revised Pages (There are 120 unnumbered pages following this cover page)
SECTION -+(EC-27790, Am. 119) 2.2.1 REACTOR TRIP SETPOINTS +-(EC-27790, Am. 119) -+(ORN 05-880, Am. 100) 3/4.0 APPLICABILITY +-(ORN 05-aao, Am. 100) 3/4.1 REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS INDEX 3/4.1.2 BORATIONS SYSTEMS CHARGING PUMPS-APPENDIX R... 3/4.3 INSTRUMENTATION -+(ORN 03-2115, Am. 85; 05-880, Am. 100) 3/4.3.1and 3/4.3.2 REACTOR PROTECTIVE AND ENGINEERING SAFETY........ 3/4 3.3.1 3/4 3.3.2 3/ 3/ 3/ FEATURES ACTUATION SYSTEMS INSTRUMENTATION RADIATION MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION....................... INCORE DETECTORS..................................................................... SEISMIC INSTRUMENTATION....................................................... METEOROLOGICAL INSTRUMENTATION..................................... FIRE DETECTION INSTRUMENTATION......................................... +-(ORN 03-2115, Am. 85; 05-880, Am. 100) 3/ LOOSE-PART DETECTION INSTRUMENTATION............................. 3/ RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION..................................................................... 3/ RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION...................................................................... 3/4.3.4 TURBINE OVERSPEED PROTECTION............................................ -+(ORN 02-677, Am. 56, LBOCR 16-030, Am. 137) 3/4.3.5 ULTRASONIC FLOWMETERS................................................. +-(ORN 02-677, Am. 56, LBOCR 16-030, Am 137) -+(ORN 03-1808, Am. 80) 3/4.4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM -+(ORN 04-1236, Am. 92; 05-880, Am. 100) 3/4.4.3 PRESSURIZER..................................................................... +-(ORN 05-880, Am. 100) -+(ORN 07-201, Am. 112) 3/4.4.5 LEAKAGE DETECTION INSTRUMENTATION +-(ORN 07-201, Am. 112) -+(LBOCR 13-003, Am. 124) 3/4.4.6 CHEMISTRY........................................................................ +-(LBOCR 13-003, Am. 124) 3/4.4.8 PRESSURE/TEMPERATURE LIMITS........................................ +-(ORN 04-1236, Am. 92) 3/4.4.9 STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY.................................................... +-(ORN 03-1808, Am. 80) PAGE B 2-1 B 3/4 0-1 B 3/41 B 3/4 1a B 3/4 1b B 3/4 1b B 3/4 1c B 3/4 1c B 3/4 1c B 3/4 2 B 3/4 2 B 3/4 2 B 3/4 2 B 3/4 2b B 3/4 2c B 3/4 2d B 3/4 4-2(a) B 3/4 2f B 3/4 2f Ill AMENDMENT NO. 12, 1a, 15, J4, as, 50, 56, 58, 65, 6Q, +0, 80,a&,90, 92, 100. 112, 119, 424,137
3/4.3 INSTRUMENTATION 3/4.3.4 TURBINE OVERSPEED PROTECTION LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.3.4 At least one turbine overspeed protection system shall be OPERABLE. APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2*, and 3*. ACTION: -+(LBDCR 16-030, Am 137)
- a.
With one stop valve or one control valve per high pressure turbine steam lead inoperable and/or with one reheat stop valve or one reheat intercept valve per low pressure turbine steam lead inoperable, restore the inoperable valve(s) to OPERABLE status within 72 hours, or close valve(s) to isolate the affected steam lead as shown in Table 3.3-14, or isolate the turbine from the steam supply within the next 6 hours.** +(LBDCR 16-030, Am. 137)
- b.
With the above required overspeed protection system otherwise inoperable, within 6 hours isolate the turbine from the steam supply. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS -+(DRN 04-1191, Am. 91) The provisions of TRM SR 4.0.4 are not applicable. + (DRN 04-1191, Am. 91) The above required turbine overspeed protection system shall be demonstrated OPERABLE: -+(DRN 06-723, Am. 107)
- a.
At least once every 184 days## (under direct observation) each of the following valves is cycled through at least one complete cycle from the running position. + (DRN 06-723, Am. 107)
- 1.
Four high pressure throttle valves.
- 2.
Four high pressure governor valves.
- 3.
Six low pressure reheat stop valves.
- 4.
Six low pressure reheat intercept valves.
- b.
At least once per 18 months by performance of a CHANNEL CALIBRATION on the turbine overspeed protection systems.
- c.
At least once per 40 months by disassembling at least one of each of the above valves and performing a visual and surface inspection of valve seats, disks and stems and verifying no unacceptable flaws or corrosion. -+(DRN 06-723, Am. 107)
- d.
At least once per 40 operating months by inspecting the installed light low pressure turbine discs, and not to exceed# at least once per 90 operating months by inspecting the installed heavy low pressure turbine discs. + (DRN 06-723, Am. 107)
- With any main steam isolation valve and/or any main steam line isolation valve bypass valve not fully closed.
-+(DRN 06-723, Am. 107) 'The provisions of TRM SR 4.0.2 are not applicable to this requirement. + (DRN 06-723, Am. 107) -+(LBDCR 16-030, Am. 137)
- Separate entry allowed for each inoperable steam lead.
+ (LBDCR 16-030. Am 137) ~LBDCR 16-034, Am. 137) A one time extension beyond the late date of 7/18/16 is allowed provided the surveillance is completed by 9/30/16. -+(LBDCR 16-034, Am 137) 3/4 3-39 AMENDMENT NO. 84-, 4-07, 137
~(LBDCR 16-030, Am 137) TABLE 3.3-14 VALVE(S) TO CLOSE TO ISOLA TE AFFECTED STEAM LEAD AFFECTED STEAM LEAD INOPERABLE VALVE VAL VE(S) TO CLOSE MS-149 MS-149 or MS-153 and MS-155 MS-151 MS-151 or From Main Steam to MS-153 and MS-155 High Pressure Turbine MS-153 or Steam Lead 1 MS-153 MS-149 and MS-151 MS-155 or MS-155 MS-149 and MS-151 MS-150 MS-150 or MS-154 and MS-156 MS-152 MS-152 or From Main Steam to MS-154 and MS-156 High Pressure Turbine MS-154 or Steam Lead 2 MS-154 MS-150 and MS-152 MS-156 MS-156 or MS-150 and MS-152 From Moisture Separator Reheater A to RS-204A RS-204A or RS-21 OA Low Pressure Turbine A RS-210A From Moisture Separator Reheater A to RS-204B RS-204B or RS-210B Low Pressure Turbine B RS-210B From Moisture Separator Reheater A to RS-204C RS-204C or RS-210C Low Pressure Turbine C RS-210C From Moisture Separator Reheater B to RS-205A RS-205A or RS-211A Low Pressure Turbine A RS-211A From Moisture Separator Reheater B to RS-205B RS-205B or RS-211B Low Pressure Turbine B RS-211B From Moisture Separator Reheater B to RS-205C RS-205C or RS-211 C Low Pressure Turbine C RS-211C + (LBDCR 16-030, Am. 137) 3/4 3-39a AMENDMENT NO. 137
+ (ORN 02-677, Am. 56) 3/4.3 INSTRUMENTATION BASES + (ORN 06-723, Am. 107) 3/4.3.4 TURBINE OVERSPEED PROTECTION (Cont'd) Prevention of turbine overspeed and generation of potentially damaging turbine missiles is dependent upon proper valve function, overspeed detection and associated turbine runback or trip initiation and turbine disc integrity. Turbine missiles are created upon Low Pressure Turbine disc failure. While Low Pressure Turbine blade failure is an operational concern, Low Pressure Turbine blade failure is not an initiator of turbine missiles. Key factors to guard against generation of turbine missiles in addition to listed surveillances is to ensure Low Pressure Turbine discs remain clear of indications due to stress corrosion cracking, maintaining steam chemistry and preventing reductions in LP inlet temperature due to Moisture Separator Reheater problems. Identification of indications in Low Pressure Turbine rotor discs due to stress corrosion cracking, operation with severe chemistry excursions for a period of time (days) or reductions in Low Pressure Turbine inlet temperatures due to Moisture Separator Reheater problems for a period of time (days) are reasons to re-evaluate turbine rotor disc inspection intervals and turbine valve test intervals. Period of time (days) is based on discussion with Original Equipment Manufacturer Siemens (formerly Westinghouse) and Operating Experience. + (ORN 06-723, Am. 107) + (LBOCR 16-030, Am. 137) This TRM refers to the steam valves at the inlet to the high pressure turbine as "stop valves" and "control valves." The terms "throttle valves" and "governor valves" are also used in this TRM to reference these valves. To provide clarification, a "stop valve" is equivalent to a "throttle valve" and a "control valve" is equivalent to a "governor valve." Per FSAR Table 10.2-2, the throttle and reheat stop valves provide redundancy for the governor and interceptor valves, respectively. For a low pressure turbine, a "steam lead" is one of the individual lines from a moisture separator reheater to a low pressure turbine. Thus, there are 6 low pressure turbine steam leads. One reheat stop valve or intercept valve in each steam lead may be inoperable for the allowed outage time. lnoperability of one valve in one of the individual leads from the moisture separator reheaters does not prohibit a steam valve in another lead from functioning; therefore, one valve in each lead can be inoperable. If either a reheat stop or interceptor valve is inoperable (incapable of being closed by the protection system or being manually maintained closed), then the corresponding valve in series in the same lead would have to be closed in order to isolate steam flow. For the high pressure turbine, each steam chest (integral throttle/governor valve assembly), each containing two throttle valves and two governor valves, is a steam lead. Thus, there are two high pressure turbine steam leads. This is due to the configuration of the steam chest such that either throttle valve in that assembly can supply either governor valve. One throttle or governor valve in each steam chest may be inoperable for the allowed outage time. lnoperability of one of the valves in one steam chest does not prohibit a valve in the other steam chest from functioning; therefore one valve in each steam chest can be inoperable. Due to the arrangement of the valves in the steam chest, if any single valve were inoperable (incapable of being closed by the protection system or being manually maintained closed), then two other valves in the same steam chest would have to be closed in order to isolate steam flow. Table 3.3-14 is provided in TRM 3.3.4 to identify the valves that must be closed in order to isolate an affected steam lead if a valve is inoperable. + (LBOCR 16-030, Am 137) B 3/4 2a AMENDMENT NO. a&,-74, 75, QQ, 4W, 137
3/4.3 INSTRUMENTATION BASES 3/4.3.5 ULTRASONIC FLOWMETERS +(ORN 02-1889, Am. 74, ORN 03-247, Am. 75) The ultrasonic flowmeters (UFMs) measure feedwater flow and bulk feedwater temperature. The UFM feedwater flow and feedwater bulk temperature inputs will be used by the Core Operating Limits Supervisory System (COLSS) to calculate station secondary calorimetric power. The UFM feedwater flow and feedwater bulk temperature inputs are also used as inputs into calibration constant algorithms that compensate or "calibrate" the alternate feedwater and main steam venturi-based flows and feedwater temperature instrumentation inputs used by COLSS on a loss of UFMs. + (ORN 04-1244, Am. 99) The loss of a UFM will cause a control room alarm to annunciate and COLSS to automatically default to the compensated alternate venturi-based instrumentation inputs. COLSS normally defaults to Main Steam BSCAL (MSBSCAL) when reactor core power is greater than or equal to 95% of 3716 Mwt RATED THERMAL POWER (RTP) or Feedwater BSCAL (FWBSCAL) when reactor core power is less than 95% of 3716 Mwt RTP. MSBSCAL and FWBSCAL are calibrated by the UFM calibration factors. The requirement for the UFM to be operable above 50% power ensures that feedwater temperature is greater than the temperature (250 F) at which the UFM is reliable and the most accurate power measurement instrumentation is used over a large power range. +-(ORN 02-1889, Am. 74, ORN 03-247, Am. 75; ORN 04-1244, Am. 99) +(ORN 02-1889, Am. 74; ORN 03-247, Am. 75) +-(ORN 02-1889, Am. 74; ORN 03-247, Am. 75) +(ORN 02-677, Am. 56) +(ORN 02-1889, Am. 74; ORN 03-247, Am. 75; ORN 04-1244, Am. 99) Within 48 hours following the loss of the UFMs, operator action must be taken to reduce THERMAL POWER to less than or equal to 3697 Mwt (99.5%). The decrease in power within the 48 hour completion time takes into account the reduction of confidence in the UFM based calibration factors resulting from COLSS alternate instrumentation loop drift caused by time and ambient temperature uncertainty effects. On restoration, THERMAL POWER should be maintained at the previous TRM action level until UFM calibration factors are developed. +-(ORN 02-1 889, Am. ORN 03-247, Am. 75) +(ORN 03-247, Am. 75) Within 31 days following the loss of the UFMs, operator action must be taken to reduce power to less than or equal to 3660 Mwt (98.5%). The decrease in power within the 31 day completion time takes into account the loss of confidence in the UFM based calibration factors. +-(ORN 02-677, Am. 56; ORN 03-247, Am. 75; ORN 04-1244, Am. 99) +(ORN 02-1889, Am. 74; ORN 03-247, Am. 75) The 48 hour and 31 day LCO ACTION STATEMENTS are required to maintain consistency with the COLSS Secondary Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty analyses. The entry into LCO ACTION STATEMENTS begins with the loss of the UFM, when greater than 50% power. The appropriate ACTION STATEMENT time limit entry will be based on the last time MSBSCAL and FWBSCAL were updated by the UFM calibration factors prior to UFM failure. These ACTIONS ensure CPC margins to trip remain conservative and preserve the Appendix K ECCS limits. +-(ORN 02-1889, Am. 74; ORN 03-247, Am. 75) B 3/4 2b AMENDMENT NO. ~ . 75, QQ, 4-07-, 137
3/4.3 INSTRUMENTATION BASES 3/4.3.5 ULTRASONIC FLOWMETERS (cont'd) + (ORN 03-247, Am. 75; ORN 04-1244, Am. 99) If COLSS is out of service, then Core Protection Calculator System (CPCS) will continue to maintain plant operations within the core power operating limits. Operating limits will be maintained through compliance with Technical Specifications (TS) sections 3.2.1, 3.2.3, 3.2.4, 3.2.7, and 4.3. 1. 1, Table 4.3-1 (2, 9, 10, 14) applicable ACTION STATEMENTS and Surveillance Requirements (SR). If the UFM(s) is OPERABLE during the period COLSS is out of service, then plant operation may continue at 3716 MWt RTP using the power indications from the CPCS and UFM based manual secondary calorimetric measurement. If the UFM(s) becomes INOPERABLE during the period COLSS is out of service, then plant operation may continue at 3716 MWt RTP using the power indications from the CPCS. However, in order to remain in compliance with the bases for operation at a RTP of 3716 MWt, the UFM(s) must be returned to service prior to the next required daily CPCS calibration or THERMAL POWER must be reduced to less than or equal to 3660 MWt (98.5%). This power reduction is performed prior to the next CPC calibration in order to remain within the alternate venturi-based instrumentation power measurement uncertainty analysis and maintain consistency with the COLSS Secondary Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty analyses. +-(ORN 03-247, Am. 75; ORN 04-1244, Am. 99) The TRM is annotated with a 3.0.4 exemption, allowing entry into the applicable Mode to be made with UFMs INOPERABLE, as required by the Actions. The SR 4.3.5.a. to perform a CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST at least once per 18 months is based on the vendor recommendations. The UFM equipment contains on-line self-diagnostic capabilities to continuously verify operation within its design bounds. The 18 month frequency is based on the refueling cycle. This frequency is acceptable from a reliability standpoint. The SR 4.3.5.b 31 day CHANNEL CHECK verifies the COLSS alternate calorimetric heat balances MSBSCAL and FWBSCAL are within a value bounded by engineering analyses. This comparison of alternate heat balances to USBSCAL assures the calibration factors derived by USBSCAL are valid and the basis for the original power measurement uncertainty assumptions for operation are maintained at the various thermal power levels when UFM is inoperable. +-(ORN 02-677, Am. 56) B 3/4 2c AMENDMENTN0. 80, 92,QQ, 4-07, 137
INDEX LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SECTION ... (EC-27790, Am. 119) 2.2 LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETIINGS 2.2.1 REACTOR TRIP SETPOINTS <-(EC-27790. Am. 119) ... (DRN 04-11 91. Am. 91) 3/4.0 LCO AND SR APPLICABILITY 3/4.1 REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS ... (LBDCR 16-011. Am 138) 3/4.1.2 DELETED..................................................................................................... <-(LBDCR 16-011. Am 138) 3/4.3 INSTRUMENTATION 3/4.3.1 REACTOR PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENTATION............................... 3/4.3.2 ENGINEERED SAFETY FEATURES ACTUATION SYSTEM INSTRUMENTATION................................................................... 3/4.3.3 MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION ... (DRN 02-912) <-(DRN 02-912) RADIATION MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION...................... INCORE DETECTORS.................................................................. SEISMIC INSTRUMENTATION..................................................... METEOROLOGICAL INSTRUMENTATION.................................. FIRE DETECTION INSTRUMENTATION...................................... LOOSE-PART DETECTION INSTRUMENTATION....................... RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENT MONITORING...................... RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT......................................... 3/4.3.4 TURBINE OVERS PEED PROTECTION............................................. -+(DRN 02-677) 3/4.3.5 ULTRASONIC FLOWMETERS.................................................. +-(DRN 02-677) (DRN 03-1806. Am 80. 04-1236. Am 02. 05*04. Am 00, 05*880. Am 100, 01.201. Am 112) 3/4.4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 3/4.4.3 PRESSURIZER HEATERS..................................................... 3/4.4.5 LEAKAGE DETECTION INSTRUMENTATION............................ .. (LBDCR 13*003. Am 124) 3/4.4.6 CHEMISTRY....................................................................... .. (LBDCR 13*003. Am 124) 3/4.4.8 3/4.4.9 PRESSURIZER HEATUP/COOLDOWN.................................... STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY....................................................
- (ORN 03*1808. Am 80. 04-1236. Am 02. 0!-04. Am Otl. 05*880 Am 100 07*201 Am 1121 314,6 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS 3/4.6.1 PRIMARY CONTAINMENT
- (ORN 05-880 Am 100)
CONTAINMENT LEAKAGE............................................................
- (ORN 05,880 Am 1001 DELETED...................................................................................
3/4.6.3 CONTAINMENT ISOLATION VALVES................................................ -+ (ORN 04*972 Am 901 3/4.6.4 COMBUSTIBLE GAS MONITORING HYDROGEN ANALYZERS...................................................... ""(ORN 04*072 Am 901 -+(OflN 02*0121 tORN 02*0111 PAGE 2-1 2-1 3/4 0-1 3/41-1 3/4 3-1 3/4 3-4 3/4 3-?a 3/4 3-8 3/4 3-9 3/4 3-12 3/4 3-15 3/4 3-22 3/4 3-23 3/4 3-31 3/4 3-39 3/4 3-40 3/4 4-1 3/4 4-2 3/4 4-2(a) 3/4 4-3 3/4 4-4 3/4 6-1 3/4 6-5a 3/4 6-6 3/4 6-18
INDEX LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SECTION 3/4.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3/ MAIN FEEDWATER REGULATING VALVES AND STARTUP FEEDWATER REGULATING VALVES............................................. -+ (ORN 02-1683) DELETED............................................................................................ DELETED............ *-*............................................................... +-(ORN 02-1683) -+(ORN 02-1794. 05-880. Am 100) 3/ DELETED............................................................................. +-(ORN 05-880. Am. 100) -+(LBOCR 16-011, Am 138) 3/4.7.3 DELETED.............................................................................. +-(LBOCR 16-011, Am 138) -+(LBOCR 13-003, Am 124) 3/4.7.5 FLOOD PROTECTION............................................................. +-(LBOCR 13-003. Am. 124) -+ (EC-15515, Am. 118) 3/4.7.8 SHOCK SUPPRESSORS SNUBBERS)....................................... +-(EC-15515, Am 118) -+(LBOCR 13-003. Am 124) 3/4.7.9 SEALED SOURCE CONTAMINATION........................................ +-(LBOCR 13*003, Am 124) 3/4.7.10 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS FIRE SUPPRESSION WATER SYSTEMS..................................... +-(ORN 02-1794) SPRAY AND/OR SPRINKLER SYSTEMS...................................... -+(ORN 02-912. LBDCR 16-011 Am 138) +-(ORN 02-912. LBDCR 16-011. Am 138) FIRE HOSE STATIONS.................................................................. YARD FIRE HYDRANTS AND HYDRANT HOSE HOUSES.......... 3/4.7.11 FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES.............................................................. -+(LBOCR 16-011 Am 138) 3/4.7.12 DELETED...................................................................................... +-(LBDCR 16-011 Am 138) -+(ORN 02,012) 3/4.7.13 SWITCHGEAR AREA VENTILATION SYSTEM.................................. t-(ORN 02-0121 -+(ORN 02,1878) 3/4.7.14 ESSENTIAL INSTRUMENT AIR SYSTEM.................................... t-(ORN 02-1878) 3/4,6 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS -+(ORN 02-0 12 02-1830 0~*1013. 07,138 Am 111) 3/4.8.1 AC. SOURCES t-(ORN 02-01 21 OPERATING........................................................................................ OPERATING/SHUTDOWN.................................................................. 3/4.8.3 ONSITE POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS.................................. t- (ORN 0&* 1013 07,136 Am 111 ) -+(OllN 02 0 12 02* 18301 3/4 7-1 3/4 7-1a 3/4 7-1b 3/4 7-1c 3/4 7-1d 3/4 7-1e(a1) 3/4 7-1e 3/4 7-1e(10)(a1) 3/4 7-1f 3/4 7-4 3/4 7-8 3/4 7-11 3/4 7-13 3/4 7-14 3/4 7-15 3/4 7-16 3/4 8-1 3/4 8-2 3/4 8-3 11 AMENDMENT NO. 16, 38, 6Q, 61, 68, 67, 7Q, 1QQ, 4-03, 111, 124, 138 .. IOllN 02,012 02-18301
SECTION --+(EC-27790. Am. 119) 2.2. 1 REACTOR TRIP SETPOINTS +-(EC-27790. Am. 119) --+ (ORN 05-880. Am. 100) 3/4.0 APPLICABILITY +-(ORN 05-880. Am. 100) 3/4.1 REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS --+(LBOCR 16-011. Am 138) INDEX 3/4. 1.2 DELETED............................................................................ +- (LBDCR 16-011. Am 138) 3/4.3 INSTRUMENTATION -+(ORN 03-2115. Am. as: 05-880. Am. 100) 3/4.3.1and 3/4.3.2 REACTOR PROTECTIVE AND ENGINEERING SAFETY........ 3/4 3.3.1 3/4 3.3.2 3/ 3/ 3/ FEATURES ACTUATION SYSTEMS INSTRUMENTATION RADIATION MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION....................... INCORE DETECTORS..................................................................... SEISMIC INSTRUMENTATION....................................................... METEOROLOGICAL INSTRUMENTATION..................................... FIRE DETECTION INSTRUMENTATION......................................... +-(ORN 03-2115. Am 85. 05-880. Am 100) 3/ LOOSE-PART DETECTION INSTRUMENTATION............................. 3/ RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION..................................................................... 3/ RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION...................................................................... 3/4.3.4 TURBINE OVERSPEED PROTECTION............................................ -+ (ORN 02-677. Am 56. LBOCR 16*030. Am 137) 3/4.3.5 ULTRASONIC FLOWMETERS................................................. +-(ORN 02-677. Am 56. LBDCR 18-030. Am 137) -+(ORN 03-1808. Am 80) 3/4.4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM -+(ORN 04 -1236. Am 92. 05*880. Am 100) 3/4.4.3 PRESSURIZER..................................................................... +-(ORN 05*880. Am 100) -+(ORN 07-201. Am 112) 3/4.4.5 LEAKAGE DETECTION INSTRUMENTATION +-(ORN 0 7,20 1. Am 112) -+(LBOCR 13*003. Am 124) 3/4.4.6 CHEMISTRY........................................................................ +-(LBOCR 13*003 Am 124) 3/4.4.8 PRESSURE/TEMPERATURE LIMITS........................................ t- (ORN 04* 1236 Am 92) 3/4.4.9 STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY.................................................... t-(ORN 03* 1808 Am 80) PAGE B 2-1 B 3/4 0-1 B 3/4 1 B 3/4 1 a B 3/4 1 b B 3/4 1b B 3/4 1c B 3/4 1c B 3/4 1c B 3/4 2 B 3/4 2 B 3/4 2 B 3/4 2 B 3/4 2b B 3/4 2c B 3/4 2d B 3/4 4-2(a)
- 8. 3/4 2f B 3/4 2f Ill AMENDMENT NO. ~
63r6ir69, +0, 80, 86, 90, 92, 00, 11 2, 119, ,1~4 I 137, 138
INDEX SECTION PAGE 3/4.6 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS 3/4.6.1 3/ PRIMARY CONTAINMENT............................................................... CONTAINMENT LEAKAGE............................................................... -+(ORN 05-880. Am. 100) 3/ DELETED.......................................................................................... +-(ORN 05-880. Am. 100) 3/4.6.3 CONTAINMENT ISOLATION VALVES.............................................. -+(ORN 04-972. Am. 90) 3/4.6.4 COMBUSTIBLE GAS MONITORING...................................... f-(ORN 04-972. Am. 90) 3/4.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3/ MAIN FEEDWATER REGULATING VALVES AND STARTUP FEEDWATER REGULATING VALVES........................................... -+(ORN 02-1683, Am 65, 02-1794. Am. 69) f-(ORN 02-1683, Am 65) -+(ORN 05-880. Am 100) DELETED........................................................................... 3/4.7. 1.7 DELETED........................................................................... +-(ORN 05-880, Am 100. LBOCR 16-011, Am 138) 3/4.7.3 DELETED............................................................................. +-(ORN 02-1794, Am 69, LBOCR 16-011. Am 138) -+(LBOCR 13-003. Am 124) 3/4.7.5 FLOOD PROTECTION......................................................... +-(LBOCR 13-003. Am 124) -+ (EC-15515, Am 118) 3/4.7.8 SHOCK SUPPRESSORS (SNUBBERS).................................... +-(EC-15515. Am 118) -+(LBDCR 13-003. Am 124) 3/4.7.9 SEALED SOURCE CONTAMINATION.................................... +-(LBOCR 13-003, Am 124) 3/4.7.10 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS..................................................... 3/4.7. 11 FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES............................................................. -+(LBOCR 16-011, Am 138) 3/4. 7.12 DELETED................................................................................. +-(LB OCR 16-011. Am 138) -+(ORN 02-012. Am 58) 3/4.7.13 SWITCHGEAR AREA VENTILATION SYSTEM........................... +-(ORN 02*012. Am 58) ... !ORN 02-1878 Am 70) 3/4.7.14 ESSENTIAL INSTRUMENT AIR................................................ +-(ORN 02*1870 Am 70) 3/4,8 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS ... !ORN 02,1030 05,1013. Am 103) 3/4.8. 1 A.C. SOURCES................................................................................... +-(ORN 02*1030 05* 1013 Am 103) 3/4.8.3 ONSITE POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS............................. +-(ORN 02* 1030) 3/4.8.4 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES...................... +-(ORN 02*012 02*10301 B 3/4 3 B 3/4 3 B 3/4 3 B 3/4 3 B 3/4 3a B 3/4 3b B 3/4 3d B 3/4 3e B 3/4 3g B 3/4 7-1e(a1) B 3/4 3g(1) B 3/4 7-1e(10)(a1) B 3/4 4 B 3/4 4 B 3/4 4a B 3/4 4b B 3/4 4c B 3/4 4f B 3/4 5 B 3/4 5a IV AMENDMENT NO. 381 60, o-1-r 68, ~ +-10RN 02*012 02* 1030) 443-.~. 138
- 3. 1-1 DELETED.........................................................................................
<-(LBDCR 16-011, Am 138) 3.3-1 REACTOR PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENTATION....................... 3.3-2 REACTOR PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENTATION RESPONSE TIMES................................................................................................ 4.3-1 REACTOR PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENTATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS <- (EC-27790. Am. 11 9) >(ORN 02-91 2) 3.3-5 ENGINEERED SAFETY FEATURES RESPONSE TIMES................................................................................................. , (ORN 02-912 3.3-6 RADIATION MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION............................ 4.3-3 RADIATION MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS.................................................... 3.3-7 SEISMIC MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION................................... 4.3-4 SEISMIC MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION................................... 3.3-8 METEOROLOGICAL MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION................ 4.3-5 METEOROLOGICAL MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS..................................................... -+(LBDCR 16-011 Am 138) 3.3-11 a FIRE DETECTION INSTRUMENTS (HSS)............................................. 3.3-11b FIRE DETECTION INSTRUMENTS (LSS)...................................... <-(LBDCR 16-011, Am 138) 3.3-12 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENT MONITORING 4.3-8 3.3-13 4.3-9 3.6-1 3.6-2 ,(ORN 02*0121 INSTRUMENTATION............................................................................ RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS................. RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION........................................................................... RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS................. CONTAINMENT LEAKAGE PATHS..................................................... CONTAINMENT ISOLATION VALVES................................................. PAGE 2-2 3/4 1-2 3/4 3-1a 3/4 3-2 3/4 3-3a 3/4 3-5 3/4 3-7b 3/4 3-7d 3/4 3-10 3/4 3-11 3/4 3-13 3/4 3-14 3/4 3-17 3/4 3-18 3/4 3-24 3/4 3-28 3/4 3-32 3/4 3-36 3/4 6-2 3/4 6-7 V AMENDMENT NO. ~ . 138 , !ORN 02*0 12
INDEX LIST OF TABLES TABLE ~(ORN 05.880. Am. 100. LBOCR 16*011. Am 138) 3.7-1 DELETED........................................................................... ,- (ORN 05*880. Am. 100. LB OCR 16-011. Am 138) -t(EC.15515, Am 118) 3.7.8-1 LIST OF SNUBBERS WITH SEISMIC LOADS ONLY................... 3.7.8-2 LIST OF SNUB BERS WITH DYNAMIC LOADS...........................
- {EC-15515. Am 118)
-+(LBOCR 16-011. Am 138) 3.7-2a SPRAY AND/OR SPRINKLER SYSTEMS (HSS).............................. 3.7-2b SPRAY AND/OR SPRINKLER SYSTEMS (LSS)............................... +-(LBOCR 16-011. Am 138) 3.7-4 FIRE HOSE STATIONS.................................................................... 3.7-5 YARD FIRE HYDRANTS AND ASSOCIATED HYDRANT HOSE HOUSES................................................................................. -+(LBOCR 16-011. Am 138) 3.7-12 DELETED.......................................................................................... +-(LBOCR 16-01 1. Am 138) ,(ORN 02*912) 3.8-1 CONTAINMENT PENETRATION CONDUCTOR OVER-CURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES.................................................................... 3.8-2 MOTOR-OPERATED VALVES THERMAL OVERLOAD PROTECTION AND/OR BYPASS DEVICES....................................... , (ORN 02-912)
- llOOCR IG,008 Am 1Jei 4.11 -1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID WASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAM...............................................................
,(ORN 02-21e) 4.11 -2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS WASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAM............................................................... , (ORN 02-21e) 3.12-1 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM...... 3.12-2 REPORTING LEVELS FOR RADIOACTIVITY CONCENTRATIONS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLES..................................................... 4.12-1 DETECTION CAPABILITIES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLE ANALYSIS....................................... :.................................. ,(ORN O<l* 1244 Am 00) PAGE 3/4 7-1e 3/4 7-1 e(3) 3/4 7-1e(5) 3/4 7-6 3/4 7-7 3/4 7-9 3/4 7-12 3/4 7-14a 3/4 8-1 a 3/4 8-62 3/4 13-4 3/4 13-6 3/4 11-2 3/4 11 -19 3/4 12-3 3/4 12-10 3/4 12-11 5.7-1 COMPONENT CYCLIC OR TRANSIENT LIMITS.......................... 5.7-1 , (ORN O<l -1244 Am 00) VI AMENDMENT NO. 38, 47, 60, 61, 68, QQ, 100, 448, 43ir 138
-+(LBDCR 16-011, Am. 138) 3/4.1 REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS 3/4.1.2 DELETED The Limiting Condition for Operation for charging pumps A and B has been deleted. +-(LBDCR 16-011, Am 138) 3/4 1-1 AMENDMENT #;-47, 138
3/4.3 INSTRUMENTATION 3/ FIRE DETECTION INSTRUMENTATION LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION As a minimum, the fire detection instrumentation for each fire detection zone shown shall be OPERABLE. APPLICABILITY: Whenever equipment protected by the fire detection instrument is required to be OPERABLE. NOTE: For Fire Detection Instruments located inside the Containment, notify the SS/CRS to initiate investigation of a possible fire in the event of: NOTE:
- 1.
Any unexplainable Containment Fan Cooler intake temperature
- increase,
- 2.
Containment Fan Cooler (average) intake temperatures increase beyond the specified limit of 120°F, as based in Technical Specification If FP-601A or FP-601B are closed, FPM-1 and FPM-2 Low Supervisory Air signal(s) should not be relied upon for indication of Containment conditions or system operation. NOTE: Containment temperature recording is compensatory action for fire detection instrumentation and is based on observance of unexpected temperature increases being indication of a potential fire condition. Additional, indications may be, but are not limited to, equipment performance (motor amps, vibration, etc.) and abnormal indication from installed instrumentation and controls. ACTION: ... (EC-25884, Am. 123 LBDCR 16-011 Am 138) For Fire Detection Instrumentation listed in Table 3.3-11 a (High Safety Significant)
- a.
- b.
With any, but not more than one-half the total of the Function A fire detection instruments in any fire area shown INOPERABLE, restore the inoperable instrument(s) to OPERABLE STATUS within 14 days or within the next 1 hour establish an hourly fire watch patrol to inspect the area(s) with the inoperable fire detection instrument(s). With more than one-half of the Function A fire detection instruments in any fire area shown INOPERABLE, or with any Function B fire detection instrumentation shown INOPERABLE, within 1 hour establish a continuous fire watch with backup suppression equipment available for the area(s) with the inoperable fire detection instrument(s). .. (EC-25884, Am. 123, LBDCR 16-011, Am. 138) 3/4 3-15 AMENDMENT NO. ~ . 138
3/4.3 INSTRUMENTATION 3/ FIRE DETECTION INSTRUMENTATION LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION <Continued} -+(EC-25884, Am. 123, ORN 04-1191, Am. 91, LBOCR 16-011, Am 138) ACTION (Continued): For Fire Detection Instrumentation listed in Table 3.3-11b (Low Safety Significant) C.
- d.
- e.
With any, but not more than one-half the total of the Function A fire detection instruments in any fire area shown INOPERABLE, restore the inoperable instrument(s) to OPERABLE STATUS within 14 days or within the next 1 hour establish an hourly fire watch patrol to inspect the area(s) with inoperable fire detection instrument(s), unless the instrument(s) is located inside the Containment, then inspect that Containment zone at least once per 8 hours OR monitor and record temperature at least once per hour are each of the OPERABLE Containment Fan Cooler Air Intakes. With more than one-half of the Function A fire detection instruments in any fire area shown INOPERABLE, or with any Function B fire detection instrumentation shown INOPERABLE, restore the inoperable instruments to OPERABLE STATUS within 14 days or within 1 hour establish an hourly fire watch with backup suppression equipment available for the area(s) with the inoperable fire detection instrument(s), unless the instrument(s) is located inside Containment, then inspect that Containment area at least once per 8 hours OR monitor and record temperature at least once per hour at each of the OPERABLE Containment Fan Cooler Air Intakes. The provisions of TRM LCO 3.03 and 3.04 are not applicable. +-(EC-25884, Am. 123, ORN 04-1191, Am. 91 LBOCR 16-011, Am 138) SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Each of the above required fire detection instruments which are accessible during plant operation shall be demonstrated OPERABLE at least once per 12 months by performance of a CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST. Fire detectors which are not accessible during plant operation shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by the performance of a CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST during each COLD SHUTDOWN exceeding 24 hours unless performed in the previous 12 months. The NFPA Standard 72D supervised circuit supervision associated with the detector alarms of each of the above required fire detection instruments which are accessible during plant operation shall be demonstrated OPERABLE at least once per 6 months. Circuits which are not accessible during plant operation shall be demonstrated OPERABLE during each COLD SHUTDOWN exceeding 24 hours unless performed in the previous 6 months. 3/4 3-16 AMENDMENT NO. 21, 91, 123,138
-+(ORN 02-912, LBDCR 16--011, Am. 138) TABLE 3.3-11 a FIRE DETECTION INSTRUMENTS High Safety Significant (HsS) FIRE ROOM NAME ELEVATION HEAT SMOKE AREA {ft}
- {xl:t'.}
- {xl:t'.)
REACTOR AUXILIARY BUILDING RAB1A Control Room Proper +46 28/0 RAB1E Cable Vault +35 0/17 RAB5 Electrical Penetration Area "B" +35 0/12 RAB6 Electrical Penetration Area "A" +35 0/10 RAB7 Relay Room +35 017 Isolation Panel +35 18/0 RAB8A Switchgear Room "A" +21 1/11 RAB8B Switchgear Room "B" +21 3/19 480V Switchgear 3A32 Room CEA M/G Set Room RAB8C Switchgear Room "AB" +21 0/8 RAB15 Emergency Diesel Gen "B" Room +21 0/3 RAB16 Emergency Diesel Gen "A" Room +21 0/3 RAB23 Corridor to CCW Pumps, +21 0/18 Corridor to CCW Heat Exchangers And corridor to Emergency Diesel Gen. TURBINE GENERATOR BUILDING TGB5 Turbine Lube Oil +15 017 TSG Turbine Bldg Switchgear Room +15 36/0 TABLE NOTATIONS
- (x/y): Xis the number of Function A (early warning fire detection and notification only) instruments Y is the number of Function B (actuation of fire suppression systems and early warning and notification) instruments f-(ORN 02-912, LBDCR 16--011, Am. 138) 3/4 3-17 AMENDMENT NO. QJ,-58 138
- {xl:r'.}
- {xl:r'.}
REACTOR AUXILIARY BUILDING RAB 18 Control Room H&V Room +46 017 RAB 1C Control Room Emergency Quarters +46 9/0 RAB 1D Computer Room (above raised floor) +46 5/0 Computer Room (below raised floor) +46 710 RAB2 Ventilation Equip Room +46 0/25 RAB3 RAB Corridor to Relay Room +35 0/5 RAB HVAC Switchgear Equip Room +46 0/4 RAB3A RAB Battery Exhaust Fan Room +69 0/3 Elevator Vestibule +21 1/0 RAB9 Remove Shutdown Room +21 1/0 RAB 11 Battery Room "B" +21 1/0 RAB12 Battery Room "AB" +21 1/0 RAB 13 Battery Room "A" +21 1/0 RAB15A Emergency Diesel Gen "B Feed Tk Room +46 0/1 RAB16A Emergency Diesel Gen "A" Feed Tk Room +46 0/1 RAB17 CCW Heat Exchanger "B" +21 0/3 RAB18 CCW Heat Exchanger "A" +21 0/3 RAB 19 CCWPump"A" +21 0/2 RAB20 CCW Pump "AB" +21 0/2 RAB21 CCWPump "B" +21 1/0 RAB22 Drumming Station I Hot Tool Room +21 0/5 RAB24 Hot Machine Shop +21 17/0 RAB25 Equipment Access Area Wing Area +21 12/0 RAB27 H&V Room +7 0/4 Electrical Area and Health Physics Offices +7 0/31 l&C Room +7 0/5 Communications Room +7 1/0 RAB 30 Administrative Area (HP) -4 32/0 RAB31 Corridor and Passageways -4 0/17 RAB32 Wing Area - Auxiliary Component -35 22/0 Cooling Water Pump -4 21/0 RAB33 SID Cool Heat Exchangers A&B -34 0/9 +-(LBDCR 16-011, Am 138) 3/4 3-18 AMENDMENT N0.138
... (LBDCR 16-011 Am 138) TABLE 3.3-11 b (Continued) FIRE DETECTION INSTRUMENTS Low Safety Significant (LSS) FIRE ROOM NAME ELEVATION HEAT SMOKE AREA {ft}
- {x/y}
- {x/y}
REACTOR AUXILIARY BUILDING RAB34 Valve Gallery Rooms A & B -15.5 5/0 RAB35 Safety Injection Pump Room "B" -35 5/0 RAB36 Safety Injection Pump Room "A" -35 6/0 RAB37 Emergency Feedwater Pump "A" -35 0/1 RAB38 Emergency Feedwater Pump "B" -35 1/0 RAB39 Corridor & General Equip Areas -35 8/22 RAB40 Diesel Storage Tank "A" -35 1/0 RAB41 Diesel Storage Tank "B" -35 1/0 COOLING TOWERS CTA Cooling Tower "A" 16/0 1/0 CTB Cooling Tower "B" 2/0 1/0 FUEL HANDLING BUILDING FHB Electrical Equip Room +1 1/0 REATOR CONTAINMENT BULDING** RCS Electrical Penetration Areas A & B +21 44/0 RCS Reactor Cable Trays +46 16/0 .. The fire detection instruments located Within the Containment are not required to be operable during the performance of Type A Containment Leakage rate tests. TURBINE GENERATOR BUILDING TGB6 Hydrogen Seal Oil +40 0/2 TGB7 Feed Water Pump A +15 0/12 TGB8 Feed Water Pump B +15 0/12 TRANSFORMER YARD XFMR Main Transformer "A" +18 0/7 XFMR Main Transformer "B" +18 0/8 XFMR Aux Transformer "A" +18 0/4 XFMR Aux Transformer "B" +18 0/4 XFMR Start-up Transformer "A" +18 0/4 XFMR Start-up Transformer "B" +18 0/4 +-(LBDCR 16-011, Am. 138) 3/4 3-19 AMENDMENT N0.138
--->(LBDCR 16-011, Am. 138) <-(LBDCR 16-011, Am. 138) THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 3/4 3-20 AMENDMENT NO. 138
-->(LBDCR 16-011, Am. 138) <--(LBDCR 16-011, Am. 138) THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 3/4 3-21 AMENDMENT NO. 22, 126, 138
PLANT SYSTEMS --+(LBDCR 16-011, Am 138) 3/4.7.3 DELETED 3.7.3 The Limiting Condition for Operation for Component Cooling Water Pumps A and B has been deleted. <-(LBDCR 16-011, Am 138) 3/4 7-1d AMENDMENT NO. 69, 138
- e.
At least once per 12 months by cycling each testable valve in the flow path through at least one complete cycle of full travel.
- f.
At least once per 18 months by performing a system functional test which includes simulated automatic actuation of the system throughout its operating sequence, and: -+ (ORN 07-213. Am. 114; EC-8523. Am. 126)
- 1.
Verify that each fire suppression pump develops at least 1218 gpm at a system head of 108.3 psid. +-(ORN 07-213, Am. 114; EC-8523, Am. 126)
- 2.
Cycling each valve in the flow path that is not testable during plant operation through at least one complete cycle of full travel, and
- 3.
Verifying that the fire pumps start sequentially on a continued pressure drop in the fire suppression system.
- g.
At least once per 3 years by performing a flow test of the system in accordance with Chapter 5, Section 11 of the Fire Protection Handbook, 14th Edition, published by the National Fire Protection Association. Each fire pump diesel engine shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:
- a.
At least once per 31 days by verifying:
- 1.
The diesel fuel oil day storage tank contains at least 170 gallons of fuel, and
- 2.
The diesel starts from ambient conditions and operates for at least 30 minutes.
- b.
At least once per 92 days by verifying that a sample of -+(LBDCR 16-011, Am 138) diesel fuel from the fuel storage tank, obtained in accordance with ASTM-0270-75, is within the acceptable limits specified in Table 1 of ASTM 0975-77 when checked for viscosity, water and sediment.
- c.
At least once per 18 months by subjecting the diesel to an inspection In accordance with procedures prepared in conjunction with its manufacturer's recommendations for the class of service. +-(LBOCR 16-011, Am 138) 3/4 7-2 AMENDMENT NO. 4Q, 114, 46, 138
3/4.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3/ SPRAY AND/OR SPRINKLER SYSTEMS LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION -+(DRN 04-1191, Am. 91, DRN 03-115, Am. 72, DRN 04-1191, Am. 91, LBDCR 16-011, Am 138) As a minimum, the Spray and/or Sprinkler Systems listed in Tables 3.7-2a (High Safety Significant) and 3.7-2b (Low Safety Significant) shall be OPERABLE. APPLICABILITY: Whenever equipment protected by spray/ sprinkler system is required to be OPERABLE. ACTION:
- a.
With one or more of the spray and/or sprinkler systems listed in Table 3.7-2a INOPERABLE within 1 hour establish a continuous fire watch with backup fire suppression equipment available.
- b.
With one or more of the spray and/or sprinkler systems listed in Table 3.7-2b INOPERABLE, restore to OPERABLE STATUS within 14 days, or within 1 hour establish an hourly fire watch patrol with backup fire suppression equipment available.
- c.
The provisions of TRM LCO 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable. +-(DRN04-1191, Am 91, DRN 03*115. Am 72. 0RN04-1191. Am 91. LBDCR16-011, Am 138) SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Each of the Spray and/or Sprinkler Systems listed in Table 3.7-2 shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:
- a.
At least once per 31 days by verifying that each valve (manual, power-operated, or automatic) in the flow path that is not locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in position is in its correct position.
- b.
At least once per 12 months by cycling each testable valve in the flow path through at least one complete cycle of full travel.
- c.
At least once per 18 months:
- 1.
By performing a system functional test which includes simulated automatic actuation of the system, and:
- 2.
Verifying that the automatic valves in the flow path actuate to their correct position on a thermal/ preaction test signal, and
- 3.
Cycling each valve In the flow path that Is not testable during plant operation through at least one complete cycle of full travel.
- 4.
By a visual Inspection of the dry pipe spray and sprinkler headers to verify their Integrity, and.
- 5.
By a visual Inspection of each nozzle's spray area to verify the spray pattern Is not obstructed. 3/4 7.4 AMENDMENT NO. 62, +2,94, 138
-+(ORN 02-38, Am. 52, ORN 03-115, Am. 72, LBDCR 16-011, Am 138) TABLE 3.7-2a SPRAY and/or SPRINKLER SYSTEMS High Safety Significant (HSS) Sprinkler No. Bldg./Elev. Location FPM-3A RAB +21 Diesel Generator Area A (ONLY) FPM-4B RAB +21 Diesel Generator Area B (ONLY) FPM-17 RAB +35 Cable Vault Area FPM-18 RAB +35 Electrical Penetration Area A FPM-19 RAB +35 Electrical Penetration Area B FPM-24 RAB +21 Corridors & Passageways (ONLY) FPM-25B RAB +21 Switchgear Rooms B & AB FPM-29 RAB +35 Relay Room (ONLY) FPM-30A RAB +21 Switchgear Rooms A & AB +-(ORN 02-38. Am 52, ORN 03-115, Am. 72, LBOCR 16-011, Am 138) 3/4 7-6 Fire Area/Room Numbers RAB 16 / 221 RAB 15 / 222 RAB 1E / 260 RAB 6 / 263A RAB 5 / 263 RAB 23 / 218 & 219 & 225A RAB 8 / 212 & 212B & 2258 RAB 7 / 262 RAB 8 / 212A & 212B AMi NCMli~,r NO, 3~. 6~. ~. 138
->(LBDCR 16-011, Am 138) TABLE 3.7-2b SPRAY and/or SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Low Safety Significant (LSS) Sprinkler No. Bldg./Elev. Location Fire Area/Room Numbers FPM-3A RAB +46 EOG Diesel Fuel Tank A (ONLY) RAB 16A / 3288 FPM-48 RAB +46 EOG Diesel Fuel Tank B (ONLY) RAB 15A / 328A FPM-5 TGB +15 Lube Oil Tank TGB / 256 FPM-7 TGB +15 Feed Water Pump A TGB / 343 FPM-8 TGB +15 Feed Water Pump B TGB / 343 FPM-11A RAB -35 Diesel Oil Storage Tank "A" RAB 40 / 850 FPM-128 RAB-35 Diesel Oil Storage Tank "B" RAB 41 / 852 RAB 31 / 8101, 8114, 8116 & FPM-22 RAB-4 Corridor & Passageway 8145A, 81458 & 8150A, 81508, 8150C FPM-23 RAB -35 General Area Elev. -35 (ONLY) RAB 39 / 81 thru 85, 817, 849 FPM-24 RAB +21 CCW Pump AB Room (ONLY) RAB 20 / 234 FPM-26 RAB +46 Control Room HVAC Room RAB 1 B / 314 FPM-26 RAB +46 H & V Mechanical Room (Essential Chillers) RAB 2 / 299 <-(LBDCR 16-011, Am 138) 3/4 7.7 AMENDMENT NO. 138
3/4.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3/4.7.10 FIRE HOSE STATIONS LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION -> (ORN 04-11 91, Am. 91 ) The Fire Hose Stations listed in Table 3.7-4 shall be OPERABLE. +-(ORN 04-11 91, Am. 91) APPLICABILITY: Whenever equipment in the areas protected by the fire hose stations is required to be OPERABLE. ACTION:
- a.
With one or more of the fire hose stations shown inoperable, provide gated wye(s) on the nearest operable hose station(s). One outlet of the wye shall be connected to the standard length of hose provided for the hose station. The second outlet of the wye shall be connected to length of hose sufficient to provide coverage for the area left unprotected by the inoperable hose station. Where it can be demonstrated that the physical routing of the fire hose would result in a recognizable hazard to operating technicians, plant equipment, or the hose itself, the fire hose shall be stored in a roll at the outlet of the operable hose station. For those stations in the RCB the hose and gated wye(s) may be staged at the containment entry. With the exception of gated wyes staged at the containment entry, signs shall be mounted at the gated wye(s) to identify the proper hose to use. The above action shall be accomplished within 1 hour if the inoperable fire hose is the primary means of fire suppression; otherwise, route the additional hose within 24 hours. ->(ORN 04-11 91, Am 91)
- b.
The provisions of TRM LCO 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable. +-(ORN 04-1191, Am 91) SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Each of the Fire Hose Stations listed shall be demonstrated OPERABLE.
- a.
At least once per 31 days by visual Inspection of the stations accessible during plant operation to assure all required equipment Is at the station.
- b.
At least once per 18 months by:
- 1.
->(LBOCR 16-011, Am 138)
- 2.
<-(LBDCR 16-011 Am 138)
- 3.
Visual Inspection of the stations not accessible during plant operations to assure all required equipment Is at the station. Removing the hose for Inspection. Inspecting all gaskets and replacing any degraded gaskets In the couplings. . c. At least once per 3 years by:
- 1.
Partially opening each hose station valve to verify valve OPERABILITY and no flow blockage.
- 2.
Conducting a hose hydrostatic test at a pressure of 150 pslg or at least 50 pslg above maximum fire main operating pressure, whichever Is greater. 3/4 7-8 AMENDMENT NO. 03, ;1-, 138
TABLE 3.7-4 FIRE HOSE STATIONS -->(LBDCR 16-011, Am 138) LOCATION BLDG/COLUMN ELEVATION (Feet MSL) HOSE RACK IDENTIFICATION FHB 3FH-V +1 FH/A-020 FHB 5FH-V +1 FH/A-021 RAB J-9A -35 RA/F-101 RAB J-6A -35 RA/F-102 RAB H-4A -35 RA/F-103 RAB J-3A -35 RA/F-104 RAB K-4A -35 RA/F-105 RAB M-10AZ -35 RA/C-106 RAB M-3A -35 RA/A-107 RAB M-2AC -20 RA/K-108 RAB M-11AZ -20 RA/L-109 RAB K-10A -35 RA/F-110 RAB K-11A -4 RA/D-201 RAB H-11A -4 RA/D-202 RAB J-10A -4 RA/E-203 RAB J-6A -4 RA/H-204 RAB H-4A -4 RA/1-205 RAB K-4A -4 RA/J-206 RAB M-10AZ .4 RA/C-207 RAB M-3A .4 RA/A-208 RAB LY-BA .4 RA/B-209 RAB K-12A +7 RA/D-301 RAB J-11A +7 RA/D-302 RAB H-11A +21 RA/E-401 RAB H-9A +21 RA/E-402 RAB K-11A +21 RA/D-403 RAB L-7A +21 RA/C-411 RAB N-10AZ +21 RA/C-405 RAB J-6A +21 RA/1-406 RAB H-4A +21 RA/1-407 RAB J-1 A +21 RA/1-408 RAB K-4A +21 RA/J-409 RAB L-7A +21 RA/G-410 RAB N-4A +21 RA/A-412 +-(LBDCR 16-011, Am 138) 3/4 7.9 AMENDMENT NO. 138
-+(LBDCR 16-011, Am 138) LOCATION BLDG / COLUMN TGB / B-2T TGB / E-4T TGB / B-4T TGB / E-7T TGB / B-7T TGB / E-9T TGB / B-9T TGB / D-7T TGB / F-9T TGB / B-10T +--(LBDCR 16-011, Am 138) TABLE 3.7-4 (Continued) FIRE HOSE STATIONS ELEVATION (Feet MSLL) +15 +15 +15 +15 +15 +15 +15 +40 +40 +40 3/4 7-10a HOSE RACK ID T/A-100 T/B-101 T/B-102 T/C-103 T/C-104 T/D-105 T/D-106 T/C-203 T/D-204 T/D-205 AMENDMENT NO. 138
TABLE 3.7-5 YARD FIRE HYDRANTS AND ASSOCIATED HYDRANT HOSE HOUSES -+(ORN 06-660, AM. 113, LBOCR 16-011, Am 138) LOCATION South ofTGB South of Xfmr Yard East ofTGB +-(ORN 06-660, AM. 113, LBOCR 16-011, Am 138) HYDRANT NUMBER 1 2 3 3/4 7-12 HOSE HOUSE 1 2 3 AMENDMENT NO. 1..lt 138 _J
3/4.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3/4.7.11 FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION -+ (ORN 04-1191, Am. 91, LBDCR 16-01 1, Am 138) 3.7.11 Fire rated assemblies which include: 1) Electrical Raceway Fire Barrier Systems (ERFBS); 2) fire barrier penetration seals; 3) fire doors and fire dampers and 4) fire area boundary walls, floors and/or ceilings shall be OPERABLE. APPLICABILITY: At all times ACTION: For Electrical Raceway Fire Barrier Systems (ERFBS)
- a.
With ERFBS INOPERABLE, and fire detection AND automatic suppression INOPERABLE in the fire area containing the ERFBS, within 1 hour establish an hourly fire watch.
- b.
With ERFBS INOPERABLE, and fire detection OR automatic suppression OPERABLE in the fire area containing the ERFBS, establish a fire watch once per shift. For Fire Barrier Penetration Seal(s)
- c.
With fire barrier penetration seal(s) INOPERABLE, and fire detection AND automatic suppression INOPERABLE on BOTH sides of the penetration seal(s), within 1 hour establish an hourly fire watch with backup suppression equipment available on one side of the fire barrier penetration seal(s).
- d.
With fire barrier penetration seal(s) INOPERABLE, and either fire detection OR automatic suppression OPERABLE on at least one side of the penetration seal(s), NO compensatory action is required. For Fire Doors, Fire Dampers and Fire Area Boundary (Walls, Floors or Ceilings)
- e.
With either fire door, fire damper or fire area boundary INOPERABLE, and fire detection AND automatic suppression INOPERABLE on BOTH sides of the fire rated assembly, within 1 hour establish an hourly fire watch with backup suppression on one side of the fire rated assembly.
- f.
With either fire door, fire damper or fire area boundary INOPERABLE, and either fire detection OR automatic suppression OPERABLE on one side of the fire rated assembly, within 1 hour establish shiftily fire watch on one side of the fire rated assembly.
- g.
With either fire door, fire damper or fire area boundary INOPERABLE, and either fire detection OR automatic suppression OPERABLE on BOTH sides of the fire rated assembly, NO compensatory action is required.
- h.
The provision of TRM-LCO 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable. <-(ORN Q,4.11 01. Am 01 LBDCR 16-011, Am 138)
- 4. 7. 11. 1 At least once per 18 months the above required fire rated assemblies and penetration sealing devices other than fire doors shall be verified OPERABLE by:
- a. Performing a visual Inspection of the exposed surfaces of each fire rated assembly.
3/4 7-13 AMENDMENTNO.Oi,-4i,i9-r 6~ 138
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS <Continued) ->(ORN 02-450, LBOCR 16-011, Am. 138)
- b.
Performing a visual inspection of at least 10% sample of the fire windows / fire dampers / and associated hardware. If degradation or deficiencies are found, a visual inspection of an additional 10% sample of the fire windows/ fire dampers I and associated hardware shall be made. This inspection process shall continue until a 10% sample with no degradation or deficiencies is found. Samples shall be selected such that each fire window/ fire damper I and associated hardware will be inspected at least once per 15 years. ,-(ORN 02-450) ->(ORN 02-814) C. +-(ORN 02-814) Performing a visual inspection of at least 10% of each type of accessible sealed penetration. If apparent changes in appearance or abnormal degradations are found, a visual inspection of an additional 10% of that type of sealed penetration shall be made. This inspection process shall continue until a 10% sample with no apparent changes in appearance or abnormal degradation is found. Samples shall be selected such that each accessible penetration seal will be inspected at least once per 15 years. Each of the above required fire doors shall be verified OPERABLE by inspecting the automatic hold-open, release, and closing mechanism and latches at least once per 6 months, and by verifying:
- a.
That doors with automatic hold-open and release mechanisms are free of obstructions at least once per 24 hours and performing a functional test of these mechanisms at least once per 18 months.
- b.
That each fire door is closed at least once per 24 hours. ,-(LBOCR 16-011, Am 138) 3/4 7-13a AMENDMENT NO. 138
3/4.7 PLANT SYSTEMS ~(LBDCR 16-011, Am 138) 3/4.7.12 DELETED 3.7.12 The Limiting Condition for Operation for the three essential services chilled water chillers and associated chilled water pumps has been deleted. +-(LBDCR 16-011, Am 138) 3/4 7-14 AMENDMENT -1.6, 47, 138
3/4.1 REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS BASES -+(DRN 02-912, LBDCR 16-011, Am. 138) 3/4.1.2 DELETED The Limiting Condition for Operation established for charging pumps A and B was associated with maintaining compliance with 1 O CFR 50 Appendix R. With the transition to NFPA 805, the compensatory action is no longer required. Therefore, Section 3/4 1.2 of the Technical Requirements Manual has been deleted. +-(DRN 02-912, LBDCR 16-011 Am. 138) B 3/4 1 AMENDMENT NO. 15, 47, 58, 138
_.(ORN 02-1794) 3/4.7 PLANT SYSTEMS _.(LBOCR 16-011, Am. 138) 3/4.7.3 DELETED The Limiting Condition for Operation established for the Component Cooling Water pumps A and B was associated with maintaining compliance with 10 CFR 50 Appendix R. With the transition to NFPA 805, the compensatory measure action is no longer required. Therefore, Section 3/4. 7.3 of the Technical Requirements Manual has been deleted. +-(ORN 02-1794, LBOCR 16-011, Am 138) _.(LBOCR 13-003, Am. 124; LBOCR 13-001, Am. 125) 3/4.7.5 FLOOD PROTECTION The Limiting Condition for Operation provides a limitation on flood protection that ensures facility protective actions will be taken in the event of flood conditions. The limit of elevation +27.0 ft Mean Sea Level is based on the maximum elevation at which the levee provides protection. The nuclear plant island structure provides protection to safety-related equipment up to elevation +30 ft Mean Sea Level. The Action requirement to initiate and complete procedures ensuring that all doors and penetrations to the nuclear island are secure prior to attaining +27.0 ft Mean Sea Level establishes the nuclear plant island structure as flood protection for safety-related equipment. EC41353 determined a conservative response time to close the doors and EC39741 determined a maximum expected rate of rise in the Mississippi River using +-(LBOCR 13-003, Am. 124; LBOCR 13-001, Am. 125) _.(ORN 02-1794) +-(ORN 02-1794) B 3/4 3g AMENDMENT NO. 99, 124, 126, 138
3/4.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3/4.7.10 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS The OPERABILITY of the fire suppression systems ensures that adequate fire suppression capability is available to confine and extinguish fires occurring in any portion of the facility where safety-related equipment is located. The fire suppression system consists of the water system spray and/or sprinklers, fire hose stations, and yard fire hydrants. The collective capability of the fire suppression systems is adequate to minimize potential damage to safety-related equipment and is a major element in the facility fire protection program. In the event that portions of the fire suppression systems are inoperable, alternate backup fire fighting equipment is required to be made available in the affected areas until the inoperable equipment is restored to service. When the inoperable fire fighting equipment is intended for use as a backup means of fire suppression, a longer period of time is allowed to provide an alternate means of fire fighting than if the inoperable equipment is the primary means of fire suppression. -+(LBDCR 16-011, Am. 138) The Surveillance Requirements provide assurance that the minimum OPERABILITY requirements of the fire suppression systems are met. A sprinkler/ spray system isolation valve or a water supply sectional valve that is found stuck in its full open position will fail the Surveillance Requirement of 4. or However, a failed but fully open sprinkler/ spray system isolation or water supply sectional valve allows the fire suppression water system to meet its design function as set forth in Limiting Condition for Operation statement 3. 7.10.1.c. The stuck open valve does not adversely impact the ability of the water to flow and does not impede the water supply function to any automatic fire suppression system, hose station or fire hydrant. Therefore, a stuck open valve in the fire suppression water supply flow path does NOT require entry into ACTION statements or This situation is an exception to TRM 4.0.1 based on a stuck fully open fire suppression water supply valve having no adverse impact on the ability of the fire suppression water system to perform its design function. +-(LBDCR 16-011 Am 138) In the event the fire suppression water system becomes inoperable, immediate corrective measures must be taken since this system provides the major fire suppression capability of the plant. 3/4.7.11 FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES The OPERABILITY of the fire barriers and barrier penetrations ensure that fire damage will be limited. These design features minimize the possibility of a single fire involving more than one fire area prior to detection and extinguishment. The fire barriers, fire barrier penetrations for conduits, cable trays and piping, fire windows, fire dampers, and fire doors are periodically inspected to verify their OPERABILITY. B 3/4 4 AMENDMENT NO. G4, 138
3/4.7 PLANT SYSTEMS -+(LBDCR 16-011, Am. 138) 3/4.7.12 DELETED The Limiting Condition for Operation established for each train of chilled water (CHW) and associated pump was associated with maintaining the compliance with 10 CFR 50 Appendix R. With the transition to NFPA 805, the compensatory action is no longer required. Therefore, Section 3/4 7.12 of the Technical Requirements Manual has been deleted. +-(LBDCR 16-011. Am 138) B 3/4 4a AMENDMENT NO. 4&;-47, 138
~(ORN 04-1244, Am. 99) 5.7 COMPONENT CYCLIC OR TRANSIENT LIMITS 5.7-1 The components identified in Table 5.7-1 are designed and shall be maintained within the cyclic or transient limits of Table 5.7-1. COMPONENT Reactor Coolant System ~ (LBDCR 16-051, Am. 139) +-(LBDCR 16-051, Am. 139) ~(ORN 06-1000, Am. 110) +-(ORN 06-1000, Am. 110) ~(LBDCR 16-051, Am 139) +-(LBDCR 16-051, Am. 139) +- (ORN 04-1244, Am. 99) ~(ORN 04-1244, Am. 99) 4,0RN 04-1244, Am. 99) TABLE 5.7-1 COMPONENT CYCLIC OR TRANSIENT LIMITS CYCLIC OR DESIGN CYCLE TRANSIENT LIMIT OR TRANSIENT 500 system heatup cycles and 500 cooldown cycles at rates s 100 °F / hr. The RSG is analyzed for 300 plant heatup and 300 plant cooldown cycles. 200 pressurizer heatup and cooldown cycles at rates S 200 °F / hr. 10 hydrostatic testing cycles. 200 leak testing cycles. Fatigue consideration of leak test are already accounted for in the plant heatup and cooldown transients(i.e., no additional pressure transients at normal RCS operating pressure need to be included in the plant component design specification.). 200 seismic stress cycles. 480 cycles (any combination) of reactor trip, turbine trip, or complete loss of forced reactor coolant flow. 5 complete loss of secondary pressure cycles. 5.7-1 Heatup cycle Tcold from s 70 °F to~ 543 °F; cooldown cycle Tcold from~ 543 °F to s 70 °F. Heatup cycle - Pressurizer temperature from < 70 °F to > 653 °F; cooldown cycle ~ 653 °F to s 70 °F RCS pressurized to 3125 psia with RCS temperature ~ 60 °F above the most limiting components' NDTI value. RCS pressurized to 2250 psia with RCS temperature greater than minimum for hydrostatic testing, but less than 400 °F. Subjection to a seismic event equal to the operating basis earthquake (OBE). Trip from 100% of RATED THERMAL POWER; Turbine trip (total load rejection from 100% of RATED THERMAL POWER followed by resulting reactor trip; simultaneous loss of all reactor coolant pumps at 100% of RATED THERMAL POWER. Loss of secondary pressure from either steam generator while in MODE 1, 2, or 3. AMENDMENT NO. QQ, 110, 139
3/4.3 INSTRUMENTATION 3/4.3.4 TURBINE OVERSPEED PROTECTION LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.3.4 At least one turbine overspeed protection system shall be OPERABLE. APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2*, and 3*. ACTION: -+(LBDCR 16-030, Am. 137)
- a.
With one stop valve or one control valve per high pressure turbine steam lead inoperable and/or with one reheat stop valve or one reheat intercept valve per low pressure turbine steam lead inoperable, restore the inoperable valve(s) to OPERABLE status within 72 hours, or close valve(s) to isolate the affected steam lead as shown in Table 3.3-14, or isolate the turbine from the steam supply within the next 6 hours.** + (LBDCR 16-030, Am. 137)
- b.
With the above required overspeed protection system otherwise inoperable, within 6 hours isolate the turbine from the steam supply. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS -+(DRN 04-1191, Am. 91) The provisions of TRM SR 4.0.4 are not applicable. + (DRN 04-1191, Am. 91) The above required turbine overspeed protection system shall be demonstrated OPERABLE: -+(DRN 06-723, Am. 107; LBDCR 16-035, Am 140, LBDCR 16-055, Am 140)
- a.
At least once every 184 days# (under direct observation) each of the following valves is cycled through at least one complete cycle from the running position. + (DRN 06-723, Am. 107; LBDCR 16-035, Am. 140, LBDCR 16-055, Am 140)
- 1.
Four high pressure throttle valves.
- 2.
Four high pressure governor valves.
- 3.
Six low pressure reheat stop valves.
- 4.
Six low pressure reheat intercept valves.
- b.
At least once per 18 months by performance of a CHANNEL CALIBRATION on the turbine overspeed protection systems.
- c.
At least once per 40 months by disassembling at least one of each of the above valves and performing a visual and surface inspection of valve seats, disks and stems and verifying no unacceptable flaws or corrosion. -+(DRN 06-723, Am. 107)
- d.
At least once per 40 operating months by inspecting the installed light low pressure turbine discs, and not to exceed# at least once per 90 operating months by inspecting the installed heavy low pressure turbine discs. + (DRN 06-723, Am. 107)
- With any main steam isolation valve and/or any main steam line isolation valve bypass valve not fully closed.
-+(DRN 06-723, Am. 107) 'The provisions of TRM SR 4.0.2 are not applicable to this requirement. +(DRN 06-723, Am. 107) -+(LBDCR 16-030, Am. 137)
- Separate entry allowed for each inoperable steam lead.
+ (LBDCR 16-030, Am. 137) -+(LBDCR 16-034, Am. 137; LBDCR 16-035, Am. 140) +(LBDCR 16-034, Am. 137; LBDCR 16-035, Am. 140) 3/4 3-39 AMENDMENT NO. Q4,107, 137, 140
- 'iDIBER Cl'RRE:'iT ff:'iC.
CH..\\:'i:'iEL FUNC. PREY. WHICH AFFECTED OR CIIAR.\\C-TEST C..\\LIB. TEST MAINT. SURVIS CO\\IPO:'iE.'TS DR.\\\\\\1:-iG DE.~RJPTIO:'i n *rE TERISTIC l.a REO'D I 6..911.:,* POWER FRO)I )IEDIDI \\ 'OLT..\\G[ S\\\\lTCIIGE..\\R (:'iOTE 1.3) (LBDCR 17-012, Am. 141) I RE..\\CTOR COOL.\\.'T PDIP IA -~- 2"-IIAI U.c 15,16.17 ~otc I.I ~otc 1.2
- \\'A 10% per R 10% per R See SFCP 1,2,3,4 RC EB1i:Rl..\\-7A RC ERELIA-7L RC ERELIA-71i:
RC ERELIA-7)1 R ERELIA-~ bBacbp 71i:\\ "EBKR 1..\\-1 RCEREU2..0 424-220 IDRda~* 2 adjust to 4 s<<
- \\'A 10% per R 10% per R Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 71i:\\"ERELJ..\\-I[
2"-IIA I U.C I ~otc I.I ~otc 11.5
- 'iA 10% perR 10% perR Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 71i:\\ "£.RELi A-IF i.s,...11AI U.CI
~otc I.I
- 'iote 11.5
- 'iA 10% perR 10% pcrR Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 71i:\\"ERELIA-IG i.s,...11AI U.CI
- 'iotc I.I
- 'iote 11.5
- \\'A 10% perR 10% perR See SFCP 1,2,3,4 cBacbp K\\.EBKRIA~
RC EREU2..0 424-220 IDReb~* 2 adjust to 4 s<<
- \\'A 10% perR 10% per R Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 71i:\\ "£.RELi A~E 239-IIAI U.CIO
- 'iote I.I
- 'iotc 11.5
- 'i..\\
10% per R 10% per R Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 71i:\\.ERELJ A~f 239-IIAI U.CIO
- 'iote I.I
~otc 11.5 ~A 10% per R 10% per R Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 7K\\"ERELI..\\~ 2"-11..\\I U.CIO ~ote I.I
- 'iotc 11.5
- 'iA 10% per R 10% per R Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 2 RE..\\CTOR COOL.\\:\\T PDIP 18
... ~ i.s,...12..\\1 U.C *~.16,17
- 'iotc I.I
- 'iote 1.2
- \\'A 10% perR 10% per R See SFCP 1,2,3,4 RC EBKRIB-7..\\
- \\A 10% perR 10% perR See SFCP 1,2,3,4 7K\\ "£RF.LI 8-1 E 289-12.-\\1 L.iae I
~ote I.I ~Ole 11.5 ~A 10% perR 10% perR See SFCP 1,2,3,4 7K\\ "£RF.LI 8-1 F 289-12.-\\l L.iae I ~Ole I.I ~Ole 11.5
- \\A 10% perR 10% perR See SFCP 1,2,3,4 7K\\ "£RELi 8-1 G 289-12.-\\1 Liae I
~Ole J.1 ~ole 11.S ~.-\\ 10% perR 10% perR See SFCP 1,2,3,4 cBacbp 7K\\"EBKRIB-.a RC EREL23e-D -124-230 TDRda~-? adjust to 4 s<<
- \\A 10% per R 10% per R See SFCP 1,2,3,4 7K\\ "£REL I 8--IE 289-12.-\\1 L.iae 10
~ole I.I ~Ole 115 ~A 10%perR 10% perR See SFCP 1,2,3,4 7K\\ "£REL I 8--IF 2S9-12Al L.iae 10 ~ote I.I ~Ole IL" ~A 10% per R 10% per R See SFCP 1,2,3,4 7K\\"ERELIB--IG 289-12,\\J Liae 10 ~ole I.I ~Ole 11.5 ~A 10% per R 10% per R See SFCP 1,2,3,4 3 REACTOR COOL\\~T PDIP 2A a l"rialary 289-1 IAI L.iae 18,19,20 ~ote I.I ~Ole 1.2 X-\\ 10% perR 10% perR See SFCP 1,2,3,4 RC EBKRIA-3.-\\ RC ERF.LI A-3..\\ RC ERF.LIA-3C RC ERELIA-18 RC ERELIA-ID bBacb:p 7K\\"EBKRIA-I RCERE~ -124-2-IO TD Rda~-2 adjust to 4 s<< NA 10% perR 10% per R See SFCP 1,2,3,4 7K\\ "ERELIA-1 E 289-IIAI L.iae I ~Ole I.I ~Ole 11.5 NA 10% perR 10% perR See SFCP 1,2,3,4 7KYERF.LI..\\-IF 289-IIAI Liae I ~ote I.I ~Ole 11.5 ~A 10% perR 10% perR See SFCP 1,2,3,4 7K\\"E.RF.LI..\\-IG 289-IIAI L.iae I ~ote I.I ~Ole 11.5
- \\A 10% perR 10% per R See SFCP 1,2,3,4 3/4 8-6 AMENDMENT NO. H-, %, 141
TABLE3.8-I CO:\\T..\\[\\°\\IE:\\T PE'.'IETR,\\ TIO'.'. CO'.'.Dt:CTOR OVER-CCRRE'.'.T PROTECTIVE DEVICES 0\\ TR-(TRR£.,T PROn:rnn: DE\\ lCES WITHl'.'i EACH VOL T..\\GE LEVEL (BOMAN_) MODES 8RL\\KER IDE:\\TIFYl'.'.G Tl:\\IE INTEG. INSP& FOR PROITCJ '.'.DIRER Ct:RRE'.'IT Ft;'.'IC. CHANNEL FUNC. PREV. WHICH AFFECTED OR CIURAC-TEST CALIB. TEST MAINT. SURVIS CO:\\IPO'.'.E.'TS DR.\\\\\\l'.'.G DE.~Rimo~ TI"PE TERJSTIC 4.8..t.1.a.2 4.8..t.1.a.l.a 4.8..t.l.a.l.b REO'D C Badarp 7K\\"'£BKRI..\\-I RCEREU.O 424-2* TDRda~-2 Adjust to 4 s<< ~..\\ 10% per R 10 % per R Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 7K\\"'£RELI..\\-IE 289-I IAJ Line JO '.'iote I.I '.'\\ote IL" X.\\ 10%perR 10% per R See SFCP 1,2,3,4 7K\\ TRELI..\\-IF 239-IIAI Line JO '.'\\ote I.I '.'\\ote 11.5 '.°\\..\\ 10% per R 10% perR See SFCP 1,2,3,4 7K\\ TRELi A-IC 289-IIAI Line 10 '.'\\ote I.I '.'\\ote 11.5 '.°\\..\\ 10% per R 10% per R Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 4 RL\\CTOR COOL.\\:\\T PDIP 28 aP~- 239-12..\\J Line 18,19,20 '.'\\ote I.I '.'\\ote 1.2 '.°\\..\\ 10% perR 10% per R Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 RC EBKJU 8-3..\\ RC ERELI 8-3..\\ RC ERELIB-3C RC ERELI 8-38 RC ERELI B-3D b Badarp 7K' TBKR I B-1 424-250 TD Reb~-2 adjust to 4 RCEREUS.-0 sec X.\\ 10% perR 10% per R See SFCP 1,2,3,4 7K\\ "£REL I B-1 E 239-12..\\J Line I '.'\\ote I.I '.'\\ote 11.5 '.°\\..\\ 10% per R 10% per R See SFCP 1,2,3,4 7K\\ "£REL I B-1 F 239-12..\\J Line I '.'\\ote I.I '.'\\ote 11.5 X.\\ JO*/o per R 10% per R See SFCP 1,2,3,4 7K\\ "£REL I B-1 G 239-12..\\J Line I '.'\\ote I.I '.'\\ote 11.5 '.'\\..\\ 10% per R 10%perR Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 C Bacbp 71\\. '"\\ "'£8KR I B-1 424-250 TDReb~-2 adjust to 4 RC EREU.'il-D sec '.°\\..\\ 10% perR 10% per R See SFCP 1,2,3,4 71\\. '"\\ "£RELi B-IE 239-12..\\I Lille 10 '.'\\ote I.I '.'\\ote 11.5 '.°\\..\\ 10% per R 10% perR See SFCP 1,2,3,4 71\\. '"\\ "£REL I B-1 F 239-12..\\I Line 10 '.'\\ote I.I '.'\\ote 11.5 X.\\ 10% per R 10% per R Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 K\\"ERELI B-4G 239-12..\\1 Line 10 '.'\\ote I.I '.'\\ote 115 '.°\\..\\ 10% per R 10% per R See SFCP 1,2,3,4 lt.eas I.I tlln IA-Tnunfer Trip Rda~-s prmide bacbp protection via Startup Transformer and t:nil Auxiliar:y Transfonner Breakers Perfet a:i.ag 1k l:\\TEG Fl "'.'\\CT TEST satisf"teS Cll.\\'.'\\ CAL FS..\\R F"eiwre SJ-ll illmtrates openatioa of primal)* ud bacbp o,*er-currenl prol<<lioo. 3/4 8-7 AMENDMENT NO. +/-4-, S, 141
- \\ote II.I
- \\ore 11.2,11.3 I09/e ofTJ*pe
~..\\ N..\\ Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 pcrR CR'liEBKR31A-3A b Primary* 289-20..\\2 LiHl6 '.\\'ote II.I '.\\'ole 11.2,11.3 io*;. ofTJ*pe '.\\°..\\ X.\\ See SFCP 1,2,3,4 pcrR CR'\\EREUIA-l IC CR'\\EREUl..\\-11..\\ CR'liEREUIA-IIB cBacbp 42~243..'- TD RdaJ* 2 adjust to 2 Stt '.\\'..\\ IO*/o per R JO% per R See SFCP 1,2,3,4 CR'iEltEL243..'- D£BKR3A-1S ? CED)I COOU'.\\'G t "'.\\TI E-16 (3A) a Primary** 289-20AI LiHl7 '.\\'ote II.I '.\\'ote 11.2,11.3 io*;. ofTJ*pe '.\\'..\\ N..\\ See SFCP 1,2,3,4 pcrR n>C"EBKRll..\\-38 b Primary** 289-20..\\2 LiHl7 '.\\'ote II.I '.\\'ote 11.2,11.3 JO*/. ofTJ*pe ~..\\ NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 pcrR n>C"EREUIA-1 IC n>C"EREUI..\\-I IA COCUU:Ul..\\-11 B
- ~ewlU 3/4 8-8 AMENDMENT NO. 141 L
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO'.\\TAl'.\\)IE'.\\T PE'.\\ITR.\\TIO'.\\ CO'.\\DlTTOR OVER-Ct:RRE'.\\T PROTECTIVE DEVICES O\\'£R-<TRR£.,T PRon:cn,*[ D[\\lCF..S \\\\HHI'.\\ EACH VOL T..\\GE LE\\.EL (ROMAN} MODES BREAKER IDL'TIFYl'.\\G Tl)IE INTEG. INSP& FOR PROTECJ '.\\l.)IBER Cl"RRE'.\\T Fl"'.\\C. CHA'.\\:'IIEL FU.NC. PREY. WHICH ..\\FFEC1'£.D OR CI-L.\\IUC-TEST CALIB. TEST MAINT. SURVIS CO'IPO'.\\EXTS DR.\\\\\\l'.\\G DESCRimo'.\\ TI-PE TERISTIC I.a l.b REO' D 2 CED)I COOU'.\\G l "'.\\IT E-16 (3..\\) (CoatiaHd) cBxbp 42+1139 TD Rda~-2 adjust to I s<<
- 'Ii..\\
10% per R 10%per R See SFCP 1,2,3,4 COCDU:LI 139,.3 DEBKRJ..\\-15 3 CED)I COOU'.\\G l~IT E-16 (30 a Primary** 239-20..\\3 .I.JM2J
- 'liotc II.I
- 'liotc 11.2, 11.3 10*1. ofT~*pc
- "i..\\
- 'Ii..\\
See SFCP 1,2,3,4 pcrR COCEBKRJl..\\-98 b Primary** 239-20..\\4 l..iM 23 '.\\otc II.I '.\\otc 11.2,11.3 10%ofT~*pc
- "iA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 pcrR COCEREUl..\\-1 IH CDCEREUl..\\-1 IF CDCEREUl..\\-1 IG cBxbp 42+1140 TDRda~* 2 adjust to I s<<
- 'Ii..\\
10% per R 10% perR See SFCP 1,2,3,4 COCERELI U0-3 . DEBKRJ..\\-15 4 CED)I COOU'.\\G t*'.\\rr E-16 (38) a Priaary** 239-21..\\I l..iM 18 '.\\otc II.I
- "iotc 11.2,11.3 10*1. of Type
- 'Ii..\\
- '.\\.. c IL4 3/4 8-9 AMENDMENT NO. 141
CI-L.\\;'li;'l;EL FUNC. PREY. WHICH AFFECTED OR Cl-l.\\RAC-TEST CALIB. TEST MAI 'T. SURVIS CO.\\IPO:SL'TS DR.\\\\\\l:SG DE.~RIPTIO:S ITIT TERISTIC I.a l.b REO'D 4 O:D.\\I COOU:SG 1 *:srr E-16 (38) (Coatinaftl) b Primary** 2"-21.-\\2 LiHl8
- Sotc II.I
- Sotc 11.2,11.3 10*1. ofT~*pc
- 'Ii..\\
NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR COCEREUI B-11.\\I COCERE.UI B-11 K CDCERE.UIB-l IL cBacbp 424-1141 TD Rda~-2 adjust to I sec
- SA 10% per R 10% per R See SFCP 1,2,3,4 COCERE.LI 141-3 DEBKRlB-10 S CED.\\I COOU:SG 1*:srr E-16 (30) a Primary*
2"-21..\\3 LiH24
- Sotc II.I
- Sotc 11.2, 11.3 10*1. of Type
- S..\\
1'.A See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR COCEBKRJI 8-98 b Primary** 2"-21..\\4 LiH24
- Sotc II.I
- Sotc 11.2, 11.3 10*1. ofT~*pc
- SA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR CDCERE.UI B-11 R CDCERE.UIB-l IP COCERE.UI B-1 IQ cBacbp 424-1142 TD Rda~* 2 adjust to I sec
- SA 10% perR 10% per R See SFCP 1,2,3,4 COCERELI 142-3 SSDE8KR3B-IO 3/4 8-10 AMENDMENT NO. 4-%,-, 1 4 1
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO'.\\TAl'.'i)IE'.\\T PE'.'.ETR.\\ TIO'.'. CO'.'.Dl:CfOR OVER-Ct:RRE'.'.T PROTECTIVE DE\\"ICES 0\\ "ER-(TRRE..'T PROITCTl\\°E DE\\ 1cr..s \\\\HHl'.'i EACH VOL T..\\GE LEVEL {RO:\\IAN} l\\lODES BREAKER IDL'TlrYl'.'iG Tn!E INTEG. INSP& FOR FROITCJ '.'.DIBER Cl"RRE'.'.T Fl"'.'.C. CHA~~EL FlNC. PREV. WHICH AFFECTED OR CHARAC-TEST CALIB. TEST MAINT. SURVIS CO\\IPO'.'.FSTS DR.\\\\\\l'.'.G DESCRIPTIO'.'i n *PE TERISTIC I.a REO'D 6 FRESSl"RIZER IIE..\\ITRS B..\\ClffP B..\\'.'.K I (B-1) a Friaar)** 289-23..\\I LiH4 '.'iotr II.I '.'iotr 11.2,11.5 10*1. ofT~*pr '.'i..\\ N..\\ See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR RC EBKR32..\\-K'
- ~etrlU b Friaar)**
289-23..\\2 Liae4 '.'iotr II.I '.'iotr 11.2,11.S 10*1. ofT~*pr
- \\"..\\
NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 per R RC EREU2A-7S RC EREU2..\\-7T RC EREU2..\\-7l" rBarbp 424-235 TD rrb~* 2 adjust to 0.5 Stt X.\\ 10% per R 10% perR See SFCP 1,2,3,4 RC EREL.235-E SSDE8KR3..\\-3 FRESSt "RIZER HE.A ITRS B..\\CKt"P 8..\\'.'i'K 2 (B-2) a rn.ary-* 289-23..\\I LiHS '.'iolr II.I '.'iolr 11.2,11.5 10*1. of Type '.'i..\\ '.'.A See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR RC EBKR32..\\-'D bFnauy* lM-23..\\2 Liar 5 '.'iolr II.I '.'iolr 11.2, 11.5 10*;. of T~*pr
- \\..\\
NA Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR RC EREUl..\\-7..\\ RC EREUl..\\-78 RC EREU2..\\-7C C Barbp 424-236 TD Rda~-2 adjust lo 0.5 stt '.'i..\\ 10% per R 10% per R See SFCP 1,2,3,4 RCERE~ DEBKRJ..\\-3 3/4 8-11 AMENDMENT NO. 141
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO:\\TAl'.'i\\lE:\\T PE'.'iETR\\TIO'.'i CO'.'.Dl"CTOR OVER-Cl"RRE'.'iT PROTECTIVE DEVICES 0\\ IR-Ct.RR£.,T PROTHTl\\"E DE\\ lCES WITIII~ EACH VOLTAGE LEVEL {RO:\\IAN} MODES BRE.AKl:R JDE.,TIFYl'.'iG Tl:\\IE INTEG. INSP& FOR PROTECJ '.'iDIBER et*RRE~T Fl".:\\"C. CHA~NEL FlNC. PREY. WHICH AFFECTED OR CH..\\RAC-TEST CALIB. TEST MAINT. SURVIS CO\\IPO'.'.E.'TS DR.\\\\\\l'.'iG DE.~RIPTIO'.'i n *PE TERISTIC 4.8A.l.a.2 4.8A. l.a.1.a I.b REO'D I FRESSl"RIZ£R HE..\\ TERS B..\\CKl"P B..\\'.'iK 3 (B-3) a Primary* ln-23..\\) LiM6 '.'iote II.I ~ote 11.2,11.5 10*1. of Type NA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 pcrR RC EBKR32A-5..\\
- ~oce JU b Primary**
289-23..\\1 LiM6 ~ote II.I ~otc 11.2, 11.5 ro*;. ofT~*pc X.\\ NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 pcrR RC EREU2A-7G RC EREU?A-711 RC EREU?A-71 cBacbp 4.?.i-287 TD Rcb~* 2 adjust to 0.5 sec ~A IO"/o per R l0% per R See SFCP 1,2,3,4 RCEREU37-E DEBKR3..\\-3 , rRESSl"RIZER HE..\\ TER~ BACI\\TP B..\\.~K 4 (B-4)
- ~**
289-24..\\l Uoc4 ~ole II.I ~OIC Jl.2,11.5 ro*;. of Type ~A NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 pcrR RC EBKR328-4C bFnaary* 289-24..\\1 LiM4 ~ote II.I ~otc 11.2,IL'i ro*;. ofT~*pe ~A NA Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 pcrR RC EREU.?B-7:\\1 RC EREU.?B-~ RC EREU2B-70 cBacbp 41.i-233 TDReb~* 2 adjust to 0.5 Stt NA IO"lopcrR 10%per R Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 RC EREl.213-E DEBKR3B-, 3/4 8-12 AMENDMENT NO. 141
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO:'\\TAl~.\\IE:'\\T PE~ETR\\TIO~ CO~Dl'CTOR OVER-Cl'RRE~T PROTECTIVE DE\\'ICES 0\\ '"ER-CT.RRE..,T PROITCTI\\ '"E DE\\ *1cF..s \\\\HHI~ EACH VOLTAGE LEVEL {RO.\\IAN) MODES BRL KER IDDTIFYl~G TI.\\IE INTEG. INSP& FOR PROITCJ ~DIBER Cl'RRE:'\\T ff~C. CI-L.\\~~EL Fll.\\C. PREV. WHICH AFFECTED OR CIL.\\RAC-TEST C.ALIB. TEST MA.INT. SURVIS CO.\\IPO:'\\'"E.'TS DR.\\\\\\l~G DESCR1mo~ ~ TERISTIC I.a l.b REO'D II PRESSl"RIZE.R HEAITRS BACI\\TP BA~I..: S (B-5) a f"riaary** 2"-24..\\1 Li11rS ~otr II.I ~otr 11.2, 11.5 10*1. ofTypr
- \\A NA Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 prrR RC E.BKJU28-4D
- ~ocrlU b l"riaary**
2"-24.U Li11rS ~otr II.I ~otr 11.2,11.S 10*1. of Type ~A NA Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 per R RCEREU2B-7 Re* EREU2B-7T RC E.REL328-R cBacbp 424-.?89 TD Rda~* 2 adjust to 0.5 ~A IO% prr R 10% per R Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 RC E.REL23'--E DEBKJUB-9 II l"R.ESSl.RIZE.R HE.A ITRS 8..\\Ct..:t*p B..\\..'il..: 6 (B-6) a Primary
- 2"-24AI
- Lille 6
~ote II.I ~ote 11.2, 11.5 IO*!. ofT,*pe ~ A
- ";A See SFCP 1,2,3,4 prrR RC EBKJU2B-~..\\
- 2"-2-1.U Lille 6
~otr II.I ~otr 11.2,IL'i IO*!. ofT~*pe X.\\ NA SeeSFCP 1,2,3,4 perR RC EREL32B-7G RC EREL32B-7H RC EREL32B-71 I teas 11.6 tlu11 ILi I - ~ bacbp proltttioa consists ofTramfrr Trip Rrb~*s actintrd b~* an~* onr of tbr primal)* onr-current protect in relays illustrated on FS.AR Figure 8.3-30. ~.. rlU 3/4 8-13 AMENDMENT NO. 141
- '\\DIBER Cl'RRE:"\\T ff:"iC.
CIIA:"i:'iEL FUi\\'C. PREV. WHICH .UFECTED OR CIL.\\R.\\C-TEST CALIB. TEST i\\lAINT. SURVIS CO'.\\IPO:"\\T.,TS DR.\\\\\\l~G D~CRimo~ n *rE TERISTIC -t8A.l.a.2 4.8A. I.a. I.a 4.8A. l.a. l.b REO'D 11 PR£SSl"RIZER IIE..\\ TERS B..\\CKl'P BA:'iK 6 (B-')(Coatinucd) clbcbp 4U-2'1 TD Rda~* 2 adjust to 0.5 Stt
- 'i..\\
10*1. pu R 10% per R See SFCP 1,2,3,4 RC EREl.,?,--E SSDEBKRJB-, 12 PR£SSl"RJZER HEATERS PROPORTIO~AL BA~K I (P-1) a Priaaary* ln-23..\\1 LiK8
- "iote II.I
~ole 11.2, 11.5 10*1. ofT~*pe ~.-\\ NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR RC E.BKR32A-5C b Priaaary* ln-23.U LiDe8
- 'iote II.I
~ote 11.2, 11.5 10*1. ofT~*pe
- "iA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR RC EREU?A-7'.\\1 RC EREU?A-7:'\\
RC E.REU?A-70 clbcbp CIL.\\SE-F~
- "i..\\
X.\\ NA NA 1,2,3,4 Sll..\\W'.\\llT fma A50P200 13 PR£SSl"IUZER IIE..\\TERS PROPORllO~AL B..\\."liK 2 (P-2)
- ~-
289-24..\\I LiDe8
- 'iote II.I
~ote 11.2, 11.5 10*1. of Type X -\\
- \\..\\
Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR RC EBKR32B-~ b Priaaary* 289-2-1.U LiDe8
- "iote II.I
~Ole IJ.2, 11.5 10*1. of Type
- \\..\\
NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR RC EREU.?B-7..\\ RC EREU?B-78 RC E.REU2B-7C ltcas ILl2 aecl ILIJ - ~ proportiotul ltniter local control panel houses tbe backup protection. 3/4 8-14 AMENDMENT NO. 40a, 141
TABLE 3. 8-1 (cont'd) CO'.\\T Al~'.\\IE'.\\T PE~ITR.\\ TIO~ CO~Dl:CTOR OVER-Ct:RRE~T PROTECTIVE DEVICES O\\T R-*CTRRE.'T PROTf.CTI\\"£ D[\\"ICF-~ BRE..\\KER IDE'.\\TIFYl~G Tl'.\\IE PROTI:CJ ~l-'.\\IBERor et*RRE~T AfFECT"ED OR Cll.\\R..\\C-CO'.\\IPO'.'\\f5TS DR.\\\\\\l~G DESCRimO~ Til'E TERISTIC 13 PRESSl"RIZ£R HEATERS PROPORTIO~AL BA~K 2 (P-2)(Continurd) clbcbp Cll.\\SE-SIL\\\\HllT A.,;(IP200 Ill 2* \\ "OL TS CED'.\\I POWER (~OTES l\\".3 & l\\'A) I CED'.\\I COILS c,1 Circwits) ... ~ CEDEBKJU-03 AC2 CEDEBKR2-03 BC2 CEDEBKJU-03 ca CEDEBKR?-03 DC2 CEDEBKR?-03 EC2 CEDEBKR?-03 fC2 CEDEBKR?-03 GC2 CEDEBKR2-03 IIC2 CEDEBKR?-03 IC2 CEDEBKR?-03 JC2 CEDEBKR?-03 AC3 CEDEBKR?-03 BC3 CEDEBKR?-03 CCJ CEDEBKR?-03 DCJ CEDEBKJU-03 EC3 CEDEBKR?-03 fC3 CEDEBKR?-03 GC3 CEDEBKR?-03 IIC3 CEDEBKR?-03 1C3 CEDEBKJU-03 JO Sa~rot1p Bas Hnne-Heine012nn Series mann.io A'.\\I, Curn 3 3/4 8-15 WITHI~ EACH VOLTAGE LEVEL {ROMAN} INTEG. Fl'~C. CHANNEL FUNC. TEST CALIB. TEST -t8A. l.a.2 -t8A.l.a.l.a l.b NA NA MODES INSP& FOR PREY. WHICH i\\lAINT. SURVIS REO'D NA 1,2,3,-1 See SFCP 1,2,3,4 AMENDMENT NO. 141
- \\DIBER Ct:RRE:\\T ff~C.
..\\FFEC1'£0 OR CH..\\R.\\C-TEST CO\\IPO~E..YTS DR.\\\\\\l~G DE..~CRJPTIO~ ~ TERISTIC 4.8.-U.a.2 I CED)I COILS 191 Cirnuts) Coatillffd a Primary* S*!Jtroap Bas H~ae-- Heinemann Series IO% prrR mann-&0 .Ul,Cun*t3 CEDEBKR,211-D CEDEBKR,213-(' CED[BKR,211-..\\ CEDEBKR92 ll-8 b Primary* Hold Bas Heine-- Heinemann Series IO% prr R mann30 ..\\'.\\l,Cun*t3 CEDEBKR29e9-..\\ CEDEBKJL""-8 cBacbp 60..\\ FU5C Fast Acting ~A FmG Semiconductor Fuse UI, *, 3 plia:w pc,wu fttds fnm tM C-[ Reactor Trip Switchicar to the CED)I Cabinets. Tk 91 cirnaib sq,&nte illto sab:roaps aad ltold ~ One brcakrr and three ruses protect adt sab:~ bas.. THSC abiacu feed,-er to the CED)I Coils,*i2 #4..\\ WG & #8..\\ WG prnctration conductors. 3/4 8-16 INTEG. INSP& FOR CHANNEL FUNC. PREY. WHICH C..\\LIB. TEST IAINT. SURVIS I. b REO'D .NA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4
- \\A NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4
.NA NA NA 1,2,3,4 AMENDMENT NO.~, 141 I
- ,,;ntBER Cl;RRE'.'iT ff'.'iC.
CHANNEL FUNC. PREV. WHICH AfTECaED OR CIL-\\RAC-TEST C..\\LIB. TEST MAINT. SURVIS CO"PO:,,;E'.\\TS DR.\\\\\\l:,,;G DESCR1mo:,,; n *rE TERISTIC ~.8.4.1.a.2 l.a ~.8.4.1.a. l.b REO'D I\\".a \\ "OLTS PO\\\\"ER FRO" ~ICCs I S..\\Frn* l:s.JECT10'.'oi T..\\:,,;K IA ISOL.\\ 110'.'oi \\"AL \\"E SI ~l\\"..\\..\\..\\331-..\\ (ISl-\\"1505 TK I..\\) a~- 289-61 Brnkrr EF '.'iote l\\".2, IV.3 10*;. of Type NA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR SI EBKRJI IA-311 '.'oiote l\\".I bBatbp 289-61 r-TRS '.'iote l\\".4
- '\\..\\
'.'IA NA NA l,2,3,4 2 S..\\F"En. l:s.JECTIO'.'oi T..\\.'iK 2..\\ ISOL.\\110'.'oi \\"..\\L\\"E SI ~l\\"..\\..\\..\\332-..\\ (ISl-\\"1507 TK 2..\\) a Primary 289-61 Brnkrr EF '.'oiote l\\'.2,1\\".3 10%ofT)*pe '.'IA N..\\ See SFCP l,2,3,4 perR I EBKRJll..\\-3~1 '.'oiote l\\".I bBatbp 289-61 r-TRS '.'oiole l\\".4
- 'I..\\
NA N..\\ NA l,2,3,4 3 LP-311 a Primary-289-62 Breaktr EF '.'oiote l\\'.2,1\\".3 10% of Type NA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 per R L nEBKRJl 1..\\-l?)IL '.'oiote l\\".I bBacbp 289-62 r-TRS
- '\\ole l\\".4 X.\\
NA N..\\ NA 1,2,3,4 -' RCS LOOP 2 SOC ISOLATIO'.'oi \\...\\L\\"E SI ~l\\"AA..\\401..\\ (ISl-\\"1504..\\) a l"riaary-289-63 Breaktr EF
- '\\ote l\\".2, IV.3 10%ofType NA NA See SFCP l,2,3,4 perR I EBKR311..\\-3D
'.'oiote l\\".I bBatbp 289-63 r-TRS '.'iote l\\".4
- \\..\\
NA N..\\ NA l,2,3,4 3/4 8-17 AMENDMENT NO. 141
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO'.\\T Al'.li)IE'.\\T PE'.liETR\\ TIO'.li CO'.liDl'CTOR OVER-Cl'RRE:'>,T PROTECTIVE DEVICES 0\\ "£R-Cl'RR£'.\\T PROITCTl\\'E DE\\*tcr.s \\\\HHI:\\" EACH \\'OL T AGE LE\\'EL {ROMAN) MODES BREAKER IDE'.\\TIFYl'.liG Tl)IE CHANNEL INTEG. INSP& FOR PROTECJ '.liDIBER Cl'RRE:\\"T F :.'\\C. C..\\LIB. FUNC. PREV. WHICH AFFECTED OR CHAR.\\C-TEST TEST MAINT. SURVIS CO\\IPO'.liE.,TS DR.\\\\\\l'.liG DESCRIPTIO'.li TI'PE TERISTIC a.I.a REO'D SCARS 1*CT10'.1i \\.AL \\.E C..\\R\\l\\'AA-\\201-A (211\\"-F253..\\) a Primary* ~ Brea~r EF
- \\"otc l\\'.2,1\\'.3 l0%ofTypc
- \\"A N..\\
See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR CAR EBKRJI IA-1~)1 '.liotc l\\*.1 bBacbp ~ Fase TRS
- \\"otc l\\'.4 XA NA NA NA 1,2,3,4 SAFETY l:\\JECTIO'.li TA'.liK 18 ISOL.\\ TIO'.li \\'AL\\'l: SI )IV..\\..\\..\\331-B (ISI-V1506 TK 18) a Primary*
289-65 Brea~r EF
- \\"otc IV.2, I\\'.3 l0%ofType
- \\"A NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 per R SI EBKRJIIB-311
'.liotc 1,*.1 bBacbp 289-65 Fase TRS
- \\"otc l\\'.4
- '\\A NA NA NA 1,2,3,4 I
.\\FEn' l:\\JECTIO'.li TA'.liK 28 ISOL.\\TIO~ VAL\\'l: SI )IV..\\..\\..\\332-8 (ISI-VIS08 TK 28) a Primary 239-65 B~r EF
- \\"otc l\\'.2,1\\'.3 l0%ofT~*pe
- '\\A NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR SI EBKRJl 18-3)1
'.liotc l\\'.I NA NA NA 1,2,3,4 bBacbp 289-6.."i Fase TRS
- \\"otc l\\'.4
- \\"A NA N..\\
NA 1,2,3,4 3/4 8-18 AMENDMENT+/-+,~' 141
- \\"ote J\\'.2,1\\'.3 10*;. of Type X.\\
NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR LT.\\EBKR.3118- )IL ~oee IY.1 bBaebp ~ Fase TRS ~ote IV.4
- \\"..\\
N..\\ NA NA 1,2,3,4 It RCS LOOP I SOC ISOL.\\ TIO~ \\'AL\\"£ SI )IY..\\..\\.-UOl-8 (ISl-\\.15028) aP~- 23'-67 Braktr EF
- \\"ote J\\'.2,1\\'.3 10*;. of Type N..\\
NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR SI E.BKRJ 11 B-3D ~oee l\\*.1 bBaebp 23'-67 Fase TRS
- \\"ote J\\'.4
- \\"..\\
N..\\ NA NA 1,2,3,4 11 CARS st*cno~,.AL\\"£ CAR\\l\\'..\\..\\.UOI-B (211\\'-F2..~B)) a Primary* 2n-68 Brnlitr EF
- \\"ote J\\'.2,1\\..3 10-;. of Type X.\\
NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 per R CAR EBKRJl 18-15)1 ~oee 1,*.1 bBacbp 2n-68 Fase TRS ~ote J\\'.4 X.\\
- 'oi..\\
NA NA 1,2,3,4 3/4 8-19 AMENDMENT NO. +/--+, 141
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) C0:\\1 AIX\\IE:\\1 PE~ETR.\\ TIO~ COXDl"CTOR OVER-Cl"RRE~T PROTECTIVE DEVICES 0\\"J:R-CTRRE..,a PROTECTl\\"E DE\\lCES BREAKER IDE.,TIFYIXG PROTECJ ~DIBER AFTI:<TED OR CO'f POXf_YfS DR.\\\\\\lXG DESCRIPTIOX TI-PE IJ C0:\\1. Jel\\.'\\"..\\ TR.\\.~SF. PDP 3nA a Prial~- 239-71 Bnaur I-IFD L \\.D £.BKR312..\\-IHIR Xote l\\".J bBacbp 239-71 faK TRS I-' RO' 2A OIL LIFT PDIP A aP~- 239-7) Bnaur EF RC EBKR3f2A..,11 Xou l\\*.1 bBacbp 239-71 FIIK TRS I~ RCP IA OIL LIFT PDIP A aP~- 239-71 Bnaur EF RC EBKR312A-,E Xote l\\".I bBacbp 239-71 fllK TRS 16 STE..\\.\\I GE.~ER.\\TOR I \\.E.,,- \\ "AL\\"£ \\IS \\l\\"A..\\..\\101-..\\ (HIS..\\'668) TIie..cw opentor i:s abaJldoenl ia pbtt. Brali.n-slcablrs an spand. \\IO\\...\\BL£. DETECTOR DRl\\*r_ \\I..\\Clll~E I 111[ \\IO\\'ABLE DETECTOR ORI\\ "E \\I..\\Clll~E I WAS DISCOXXECTED. 80111111[ BRE..\\KER AXD ffSE ARE SPARED. (\\l~I EBKR312..\\-IHIL) \\\\HHI~ EACH VOL T..\\GE LEYEL (ROM..\\N) TI.\\IE INTEG. INSP& et:RRE:\\1 n;~c. CI-1.-\\~~EL FlNC. PREY. CI-1..\\Rr\\C.. TEST C..\\LIB. TEST l\\lAINT. TERISTIC ~ote l\\".2,1\\".3 IOlo of Type NA NA SccSFCP perR ~ote l\\".4 ~A ~A NA NA ~ote IV.2,1\\".3 10%ofType
- \\'A NA SccSFCP per R Xote 1\\..4
- \\'A NA NA NA
~ote IV.2,1\\".3 IO%ofT~*pe NA NA Sec SFCP perR ~ote IY.4 ~A ~A NA NA 3/4 8-20 AMENDMENT NO. 141 MODES FOR WHICH SURVIS REO' D 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4
TABLE 3. 8-1 (cont'd) CO'.\\TAI.S)IE'.\\T PE.SETR.\\TJO.S CO.SDl.:CTOR OVER-Ct:RRE;'\\.T PROTECTIVE DEVICES 0\\ "ER-<"l *RRE.,T PROTECTJ\\ I DE\\ lCES WITHI.S EACH VOLTAGE LEVEL {ROMAN_} BREAKER IDE.,TIFYI.SG Tl)IE PROTECJ .SDIBER AFFEC'"TED OR CO\\IPO.SF_,TS DR.\\\\\\l.SG DE.'iCRIPTI 0.S n *PE IS STLOI GE.~ER.\\ TOR 2 \\ "L'T \\ 'AL\\'[ )IS )l\\'AA..\\101-B (HIS-\\"667) T. -<<w opn2tor is aballdoeed ill pbtt. Brnlin-s/ablft an sparrd. 19 RCP 18 OIL LIFT PDIP A a Prilau) 289-74 Brnktr IIFD RC EBKR3128-9[ .SOk l\\".I bBacbp 289-74 Faw TRS 21 RCP 28 OIL LIFT PDIP A a Prilau)* 289-74 Brnktr EF RC EBKR312B-911 .Sotc l\\".I bBacbp 289-74 Faw TRS 21 )IO\\"..\\BLE DETECTOR DRJYE )IACIII.SE 2 TIIE )IO\\"..\\BLE DETECTOR DRl\\'E )I..\\CIII.SE 2 WAS DISCO:'li.SECTED. BOTII TIIE BREAKER..\\..~D Fl"SE ARE SPARED.(\\l:'lil EBKR312B-12'1L) 22 CO'.\\T. 31KYA TR.\\.S F. PDP373B a Prilau)* 289-75 Brnktr EF L\\l> EBKR312B-12'1R .Sou l\\".I bBacbp 289-75 Faw TRS ct:RRE'.\\T FV.SC. Cl-l..\\RAC-TEST TERISTIC .Sotc IV.2,1\\".3 10% ofT~*pe per R .Sotc l\\".4 .SA .Sote IV.2.1\\".3 10%ofT~*pe perR .Sote l\\".4 .SA .Sote 1,*.2, IV.3 10%ofT~*pe per R
- 'liote l\\'.4
.SA TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) 3/4 8-21 INTEG. INSP& Cl-l..\\S;'\\.EL FUNC. PRE\\'. C..\\LIB. TEST l\\lAINT. I.a b NA NA SeeSFCP
- '\\.A NA NA
- '\\.,\\
- '\\.A NA NA See SFCP NA NA
'A AMENDMENT NO. 141 MODES FOR WHICH SURVIS REO'D 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4
- \\'DIRER Ct;RRE~T FU:\\'C.
CHANNEL FUNC. PREV. WHICH AFFECTED OR CH..\\RAC-TEST CALIB. TEST l\\lAINT. SURVIS CO)IPO~EXTS DR.\\Wl:\\'G DESCRIPTIO:\\' n *rE TERISTIC ~.8.4.1.a.2 ~.8.4.1.a. l.a ~.8.4.1.a.l.b REO' D 2J 112 RECO)IBl:\\'ER POWER Sl'PPL Y..\\ a Primary* 289-77 Breakrr FJ
- \\'ote l\\".2, IV.3 IO% ofT~*pe
- \\",\\
NA SeeSFCP 1,2,3,4 per R IIR.\\E.BKRJIJ..\\-3)1
- \\'ote 1,*.1 bBacbp 289-77 Faw TRS
- \\'OT[ l\\"A
- \\',\\
- \\',\\
NA NA 1,2,3,4 U REACTOR C.\\\\ln. COOU:\\'G SYSTDI FA:\\' S-2 (3..\\) a Primary 289-78 Breal.rr EF
- \\'ote I\\'.2,1\\".3 10%ofType NA NA Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 per R RCCE.BKRJIJ..\\-12)1
- \\'ote l\\".I bBacbp 289-78 Faw TRS
- \\'ote l\\"A
- \\'A NA NA NA 1,2,3,4 25 R.\\DL.\\110:\\' RE.\\IO\\"..\\L l ":\\'IT [-13 (3A) a Priaary 239-78 Breal.rr EF
- \\'ote IV.2.1\\".3 IO%ofT~*pe NA NA SccSFCP 1,2,3,4 per R ARREBKRJIJ..\\-12[
- \\'ote l\\".I bBacbp 239-78 Faw TRS
- \\'ote n *.4
- \\"A i\\,\\
NA NA 1,2,3,4 U RCP IA OIL LIFT PDIP B a Primary 239-78 Breal.rr EF
- \\'ote 1,*.2,1\\".3 I0°/o ofT~*pe NA NA Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 per R RC EBKRJIJ..\\-11.J
- \\'ote l\\".I bBacbp 289-78 Faw TRS
- \\'ote l\\"A
- \\'A
- \\'A NA NA 1,2,3,4 3/4 8-22 AMENDMENT NO. 141
- 'liDIBER ct:RRE:\\T FU~C.
CHANNEL FUNC. PREV. WHICH AfFE("'TED OR CH..\\RAC-TEST C..\\LIB. TEST l\\lAINT. SURVIS CO'.\\IN>:SE..,.s DR.\\\\\\l'.\\"G DESCRIPTIO'.\\" TI"PE TERISTIC .i.8..t.l.a.2 .i.8..t.l.a.l.a l.b REO' D 27 RCP 2A OIL LIFT PDIF B a~ 2"-78 Bra~r EF
- 'liote l\\".2,1\\".3 10%ofT~*pe
- '\\IA NA SeeSFCP 1,2,3,4 per R RC EBKR.313..\\-11'.\\I
'.\\"ole l\\".I blbcbp 2"-78 Fase TRS
- 'liote l\\"..t
- \\"A
- \\"A NA NA 1,2,3,4 21112 RECO'.\\IBl:SER POWER Sl"PPL \\" B a Primary 239-80 Bra~r FJ
- 'liote l\\'.2,1\\".3 10*1. ofT~*pe NA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 per R IIR.\\EBKR.3138-3'.\\I
'.\\"oee l\\".I bBacbp 239-80 Fase TRS
- \\"ote l\\"..t
~A NA NA NA 1,2,3,4 2' RE.ACTORC.\\\\ln. COOU:'liG SYSTDI FA:\\" S-2 (38) a Primary* 289-81 Bra~r IIFD
- 'liote l\\".2, IV.3 10%ofType NA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 per R RCCEBKR31JB-lnl
- 'lioee 1,*.1 bBacbp 289-81 Fase TRS
- 'liote l\\"A
- '\\IA NA NA NA 1,2,3,4 3e R~DL.\\TIO~ RL\\IO\\"AL l~IT E-IJ (38) a Primary*
289-81 Bra~r EF
- 'liote I\\'.2,1\\".3 10*1. of Type NA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR ARREBKR313B-12E
~ote l\\".I blbcbp 289-81 Fase TRS
- 'liote l\\"..t
- '\\IA
- '\\IA NA NA 1,2,3,4 31.i 8-13 AMENDMENTN0. U, 141
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO'.\\TAl~;\\IE'.\\T PE~ETR.\\ TIO~ CO~Dl"CTOR OVER-(TRRE~T PROTECTIVE DEVICES 0\\ "ER-CT.RR.£.,, PROITCTI\\ "£ DE\\ lCES BRL.\\KER IDE.YllFYl~G PROTEC J ~DIBER AffECTED OR CO;\\IPO~E.,TS DR.\\\\\\l~G DE.~RIPTIO~ JI RCP 18 OIL LIFT PDIP B a Primary 289-31 RC EBKR.3138-IOJ bBacbp ~Ole 1,*.1 289-31 32 RCP 28 OIL LIFT PDIP 8 -~- 289-31 RC EBKRJIJB-10;\\I b Badarp ~ote l\\'.I 289-31 Brea~r 33 )IISSILE SHIELD TRl.CK RECEPTACLE aP~-* CR'\\E8KRJ 168-38R bBadarp* EF TRS EF TRS TnlE Cl"RRE'.\\T CH..\\RAC-ITRISTIC ~ote l\\'.2, IV.3 ~ote l\\'.4 ~ote l\\'.2, IV.3 ~ote l\\".4 \\\\UHi~ EACH VOL T..\\GE LE\\'EL {ROMAN) INTEG. F ::'liC. TEST 10*;. ofT~*pe perR 10% ofT~*pe per R CHANNEL CALIB. I.a NA FlNC. TEST l.b NA NA
- ITE.\\11\\".JJ-Primary* brnktr is locMd oat i* tbe open position durin: ;\\IODES 1,2,3,4. Therefore, non OPER.\\BLE primary or backup protection does
... pbtt tM pint ill u LCO ~ CO'.'\\T Al~;\\IE.,T COOLl~G l ~IT..\\II-I (3A-S..\\) a Primary 239-97 8rea~r CCSEBKR.317..\\-2.\\1 b Badarp SDE8KJUI..\\ 7A 239-20..\\I ~ote l\\'.5 2J9-20..\\l Brnktr JD ECS IAC66T ~ote I\\'.2,1\\'.3 ~ote l\\'.6, l\\'.7,IV.8 ~ote l\\".6,1\\".7,l\\'.8 IO%ofT~*pe perR IO%ofType per R IO%ofT~*pe per R NA NA NA INSP& PREV. l\\lAINT. See SFCP NA See SFCP NA See SFCP See SFCP SeeSFCP MODES FOR WHICH SURVIS REO'D 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 3/4 8-24 AMENDMENT NO. 02,422, 14 1
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO'.\\TAl~:\\IE'.\\T PE~ETR.\\ TIO~ CO~Dl"CTOR OVER-Ct:RRE;'l;T PROTECTIVE DEVICES on:R-(TRR£.,T PROIT(TJ\\'[ Df.\\"ICES WITHI'.\\ EACH VOL T..\\GE LEVEL {ROi\\lAN.) MODES BRL.\\MR IDE'.\\TlFYl~G Tl:\\IE INTEG. INSP& FOR PROITCJ ~DIBER et*RRE~T Fl"~C. CH..\\;\\NEL FlNC. PREV. WHICH ..\\FFECaE.D OR CIL.\\RAC-TEST C..\\LIB. TEST MAINT. SURV IS CO:\\IPO~E.,TS DR.\\\\\\l~G D[SCRlmo~ n *pr TERISTIC I.a l.b REO'D JS CO'.\\T..\\l~:\\IE.,T COOLl~G t*~rr..\\II-I (3C-SA) a Primary* in-,1 Brcakrr JL ~ote l\\".2,1\\".3 t0*/o of Type NA NA Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 CTSEBKR.317..\\-3:\\1 perR bBacbp 219-20..\\I Breaker ECS ~ote l\\'.6,IV. 7&,IV.8 tO*/o ofT)*pe N..\\ NA Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR DEBKRJI..\\ 7..\\ ~ote 1,*5 cBacbp 219-20..\\2 Reb)* L.\\C66T ~ote l\\".6,1\\'. 7,1\\".8 IO%ofType '.\\..\\ NA Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 per R J6 CO'.\\T..\\J~:\\IE.'T COOLl~G t*~rr..\\II-I (38-SB) a Primary* 219-97 Brcakrr JL ~ote l\\'.2,1\\".3 IO% of Type '.\\..\\ NA Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR CCSEBKR317B-3:\\I bBacbp 219-21..\\1 Brcakrr ECS '.\\ote l\\".6,1\\'. 7,1\\'.8 IO%ofT)*pe
- "...\\
NA Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR SSDEBKJUIB 7..\\ ~Ole l\\'5 cBacbp 219-21..\\2 Reb)* IAC66T ~Ole 1\\.. 6,1\\'.7,l\\'.8 IO% of Type N..\\ NA Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 per R 37 CO'.\\T Al~:\\IE.,T COOLl~G t*~rr..\\II-I (3D-SB) aPriaary* in-,1 Brcakrr JL ~ote l\\".2,IV.3 IO"/o of Type
- \\..\\
NA Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR CCSEBKR317B-2:\\I bBacbp 219-21..\\1 Brnkrr ECS ~ote l\\".6,IV. 7,1\\'.8 IO%ofType
- 'I;..\\
NA Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR DEBKJUIB7A ~ote IV_<; cBacbp 219-21..\\2 Reb)* IAC66T ~ote l\\".6,IV. 7,1\\.. 8 10% ofT)*pe N..\\ NA Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR 3/4 8-25 AMENDMENT NO. 141
- 'liDIBER ct:RRE:'liT Fl!:'liC.
CHANNEL FUNC. PREV. WHICH . un:rno OR CH..\\RAC-TEST CALIB. TEST i\\lAINT. SURVIS CO~IPO:'liEXTS DR.\\\\\\l:'liG DE..'iCRlmO:'li n *pr TERISTIC I.a l.b REO'D JI co~. Al~~1E.,T SDIP PDIP A a Primary* 239-4S Brakrr [F
- 'liote IV.2,1\\".3 10%ofT~*pe l\\'A NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR SP EBKR.213A-U bBacbp 239-45 Faw TRS
- 'liote l\\".4
- \\"A l\\'A NA NA 1,2,3,4 39 LP-3'6 a Primary 239-4S Brakrr
- 'liote l\\'.2,1\\".3 IO%ofT~*pe l\\'A NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR L T.\\"EBKR.213A-ll FR bBacbp 239-45 Faw TRS
'.'iote l\\".4
- '\\A
- '\\A NA NA 1,2,3,4
-MLP-311 a Primary* 239-4S Brakrr [F '.'iote l\\".2,1\\".3 10% ofT~*pe
- '\\A l\\'A See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR L T.\\"EBKR213..\\-l lCL bBacbp 239-4S Faw TRS
'.'iote l\\".4
- '\\A l\\'A NA NA 1,2,3,4
.&I LP-312 a Primary 239-4S Brakrr [F '.'iote IV.2,1\\".3 10%ofType NA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR L T.\\"EBKR213A-1 ICR bBacbp 239-4S Faw TRS '.'iote l\\".4
- '\\A l\\'A NA NA 1,2,3,4 3/4 8-26 AMENDMENT NO. 141
- "iDIBER Cl"RRE:'\\T Ft;:'\\C.
- "iote IV.2,1,*.3 10°/o of Type X.\\
NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR L ~EBKJU 13..\\-11 FL b 8adaap 289-45 Fase TRS
- '\\ote l\\'.4
- \\A i\\'.A NA NA 1,2,3,4
-0 CO'.\\T Al:"i)IE.,T ELEY..\\ TOR D a Priaaary-289-47 Brnktr EF '.'.ote l\\".2, l\\".3 10% ofT~*pe
- '.'i..\\
NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR EL \\"£81\\:JUl3B-12CL bBadaap 289-47 Fase TRS
- '\\ote l\\".4
- \\A
- 'Ii..\\
NA NA 1,2,3,4 -" REFl"£U:"iG C..\\\\m* DR.\\l:"i PDIP a Fria:ar)* 23948 Brnktr EF
- '\\ote l\\".2, l\\".3
.10% ofT~*pe
- 'Ii..\\
N..\\ See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR FS £Bl\\:R213B-I IJ bBacbp 23948 Fase TRS
- '\\ote l\\".4
- \\A
~..\\ NA NA 1,2,3,4 -I!- REFl"EU'.\\G EQUP)IL'T ar~- 289-50 B~r [For
- '\\ote l\\".2, l\\'.3 10% ofT~*pe
- \\..\\
NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 HFD FIISEBl\\:R213B-l 2CR per R bBadaap 289-50 Fase TRS
- '\\ote l\\'.4
- \\A NA NA NA 1,2,3,4 3/4 8-27 AMENDMENT NO. +J+, 141
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO'.'\\T..\\['\\)IE'.'\\T PE:,o;ETR.\\ TIO:,,; co:,o;Dt'CTOR OVER-Cl'RRE:,o;T PROTECTIVE DE\\'ICES 0\\ "ER.('l *RRE..,T PROTI:CTI\\ "E DE\\ lCT-~ WITIII:'\\ EACH VOL T..\\GE LEYEL (RO!\\l..\\l\\) MODES BREAKER JDE.,TIFYl:,o;G Tl)IE INTEG. INSP& FOR PROTECJ
- "iDIBER Ct;RRE:,o;T n;:,,;c.
- \\UINT.
SURVIS CO)IPO'.'"E.,TS DR-\\\\\\1:"iG D[SCRIPTIQ:,o; n *rE TERJSTIC 4.8A.l.a.2 4.8A. I.a. I.a 4.8.-U.a.l.b REO'D ~ REA"EU:"iG EQl"IP)IE.'T a Primary-239-'8 Brakrr EF
- ,,;ote l\\".2, IV.3 10"/o orT,*pe NA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 per R HIS EBl\\:R2138-12H.
b Badarp 239-'8 F-TRS
- ,,;ote l\\'A
- \\A NA NA NA 1,2,3,4
.&7 CO'.'\\T Al'.\\')IE.,T Sl ')IP Pl.)IP B a Primary* 289-49 Brakrr EF
- ,,;ote l\\".2,1\\'.3 10%ofType
- \\A NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 per R sr EBKR.2138-U b Badarp 289-49 r-TRS
- ,,;ote l\\'A
- \\A i\\"A NA NA 1,2,3,4
.&I LP-Je.J a Primary 289-49 Brakrr EF
- ,,;ote l\\'.2,1\\".J 10%ofT,*pe NA NA SeeSFCP 1,2,3,4 perR LT:"iEBKR.2138-IICR b Badarp 289-49 r-TRS
- "iote l\\'A
- \\A
- \\A NA NA 1,2,3,4
_., LP-315 a Primary-289-49 Braktr EF
- ,,;ote l\\'.2,1\\".3 10%orT,*pe
- \\A i\\"A See SFCP 1,2,3,4 per R LT:"iEBl\\:R2138-IIH.
b Badarp 289-49 r-TRS
- "iote l\\'A
- \\A
- \\A NA NA 1,2,3,4 3/4 8-28 AMENDMENT NO. 141
- ""DIBER Cl"RRE'.\\T Ft::\\'C.
CIU.NNEL FUNC. PREV. WHICH AFFECTED OR CH..\\RAC-TEST C..\\LIB. TEST lAINT. SURVIS CO'IN>~E.,TS DR.\\\\\\l~G DE.~RIPTIO~ n *PE TERISTIC -t.8.4.1.a.2 -t.8.4.1.a. l.a I. b REO'D SI LP-311 a Friaary* 2"-'9 Brnktr EF
- ""ote l\\'.2, IV.3 10%ofT~*pe NA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 per R LD"EBK.IUIJB-1 ICL bBacbp 2"-'9 r-TRS
~ote l\\'.4
- '\\A NA NA NA 1,2,3,4 SI SOC LOOP 2 \\ '..\\(TDI PRJ)ll~G PDIP a Primary Brnktr EF-3
- \\'ote l\\'.2,1\\'.3 to*/o ofT~*pe NA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR SI EBK.IUIJ..\\-311 bBacbp 2"-'3 r-TRS
~ote l\\'.4
- '\\A NA NA NA 1,2,3,4
~2 SOC LOOP I \\ '..\\ClT)I PRJ)ll~G PDlr a Friaary 2"-'7 Brnktr EF-3
- ""ote l\\".2, IV.3 10% ofT~*pe NA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 per R SI EBKR21JB-SJ bBacbp 2"-'7 r-TRS
- \\'ote l\\".4
- \\'A NA NA NA 1,2,3,4
~ ror 36...~.\\ RECEPTACLE.~ a Friaary* 239-ICM Brus.tr TED
- '\\ote l\\".2,1\\'.3 10%ofT~*pe NA NA Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR DEB~R6S..\\-
3/4 8-29 AMENDMENT NO. 141
- 'liote I\\'.2,1\\'.3 10*1. of Type
- '\\,.\\
NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 per R . DEBKR6$A-A 5"' PDP 3"8 RECEPTACLES a Pnaary-289-IIM Brnktr TED '.'iole l\\'.2, IV.3 10%ofT~*pe '.'iA NA Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR DE8KR668-7 bBacbp 239-IIM Brnktr TED '.'iote IV.2, IV.3 10*1. ofT~*pe NA NA Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR DEBKR668-7..\\ 3/4 8-30 AMENDMENT NO. 141
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO'.\\T.-\\l~:\\1£'.\\T PE~ITR.\\TIO~ CO~Dl"CTOR O\\"ER-Cl"RRE~T PROTECTIVE DEVICES O\\ "J:R-<'l *RRE.,T PROITCTIH: DE\\ lCES WITH!~ EACH VOLT AGE LE\\"EL (ROMANJ MODES BRL\\KER IDDTIFYl~G TnlE INTEG. INSP& FOR PROTECJ ~DIBER Ct:RRE'.\\T FD,C. CH..\\:",;NEL FUNC. PREV. WHICH AFFECTED OR CJL.\\R.\\C-TEST C..\\LIB. TEST MAINT. SURVIS CO:\\IPO~E.,TS DR.\\\\\\l~G DE.~RIPTIO~ n *r1: TERISTIC -t8.-U.a.2 4.8.-U.a.l.a REO' D ,. 218 \\ "OLTS CO'.\\TROL POWER FRO:\\I PDPs OR :\\ICCs I RCP I..\\ HE..\\ITR aPriau)* 42-'-2269 Breakrr T[B ~ote V.2 l0%ofType NA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR RC EBKRl..\\-78 bBacbp 42-'-2Ui9 Breakrr TEB ~ote V.2 10%ofType
- ',;A 1'iA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR RC EBKRl..\\-7(.
2 RCF2. IIE..\\TER a Primary 42-'-2269 Breakrr ITB ~ote V.2 10*;. ofT~*pe NA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 per R RC EBKRl..\\-88 bBacbp 42-'-2269 Breakrr ITB
- ",;ote V.2 l0%ofT~*pe 1'iA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR RC EBKRl..\\-8C 3 RCP 18 IIE..\\TER a Priaa.ry 42-'-2270 Breakrr TEB
~ote V.2 l0%ofT~*pe 1'iA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR RC EBKRIB-78 bBacbp 42-'-2270 Breakrr TEB ~ote \\'.2 10*;. of Type NA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR RC EBKRIB-C 3/4 8-3 1 AMENDMENT NO. 141
INTEG. AFTI:Cl"ED OR CO'IPO~E.,TS DR-\\ Wl:\\G DESCRIPTIO:\\ -' RCP 28 HE..\\ TER -~- RC EBKRIB-38 bBacbp Ro:BKRIB-3C .. 2..... 2270 Brukrr Brukrr \\1 l?t VOLTS CO'.\\TROL POWER FRO'I PDPs OR 'ICCs TEB
- \\ote V.2 TEB
- \\ote \\'.2 I. I T..\\..,"K IA LE..\\K.-\\GE ORAi:\\ SOLE.'\\OID \\"AL\\"[ SI IS\\'0303-A (1SI-F1551TKIA) a Primary*
239-186 Cimtit 26 Brukrr
- \\ote Vl.2 CD I EBKR,.l..\\-26 b Bacbp 239-186..\\
Cimait 26 Fuse FR'\\ 2 SI TA~K 2A LE..\\K...\\GE DR.\\):\\ SOLE:\\OID \\"AL\\"E SI 1s,*o~A (1SI-FI553TK2A) a~- 239-186 Cimait 38 Bre:akrr
- \\ote Vl.2 CD SI EBK~.\\-33 Ft;:\\C.
TEST -t8A.l.a.2 10%ofType perR IO%ofT~*pe perR IO% ofT~*pe per R 10*1. of Type perR b Bacbp 239-186A Cirnlit 38 Fuse
- \\A FR'\\
3 CO~IPO:\\E.,T COOU:\\G WATER FRO~I RCP'S ISOL SOLE:\\OID VALVE CC IS\\.0710 (2CC-F243..\\/B)* a Primary 239-108..\\ Cima.it 4 Fuse
- \\ote \\'l.2 IO% ofT~*pe
- \\0 BKR FR'\\
per R bBacbp 239-108..\\
- T*
- f1ne ia suies., oae acla. + aad - poles Cimait 4 Fuse FR'\\
3/4 8-32 CHANNEL C..\\LIB. 4.SA. I.a. I.a NA NA 1"A 1"A FUNC. TEST 4.SA.l.a.l.b NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA INSP& PREV. MAINT. See SFCP Sec SFCP See SFCP NA See SFCP A SeeSFCP NA MODES FOR WHICH SURVIS REO'D 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 AMENDMENT NO. 141
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO'.\\T.-\\1:li)IE:\\T PE:liETR,\\ TIO:li CO:liDl;CTOR OYER-Cl'RREi'iT PROTECTl\\'E DEVICES 0\\ ""ER-C"l "RRE.'T PROTECTJ\\"E DE\\ lCE.S WITl-11:li EACH VOLT AGE LE\\'EL {ROi\\lAN) MODES BRE.-\\K.ER IDE'.\\TIFYl:liG Tl)IE INTEG. INSP& FOR PROl""ECJ
- liDIBER Ct:RRE:liT Ft::liC.
CH..\\~NEL FlNC. PRE\\. WHICH AFFECTED OR CH.-\\Rr\\C-TEST C.-\\LIB. TEST i\\lAINT. SURVIS CO)IPO'.\\""E..,TS DR-\\\\\\1:liG DE.SCRIPTIO:li n *rE TERISTIC .u.. u.a.2 -'.8.4.1.a. I.a -'.8.4.1.a. l.b REO'D -' CO'.\\T ISOL FRO\\! I TA:liK DR.\\l:li TO RWSP SOL.E:liOID \\"..\\LH SI IS\\'03"'3 (2SI-F1561..\\/B) a Primary* 289-186 CimutS BrHkrr
- liote Vl.2 10*;. ofT~*pe NA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 perR SI EBKR,..l.-\\-5 bBacbp 289-186.-\\
CimutS Fuse
- liA NA NA NA 1,2,3,4 FR'i s I T.-\\~K IA :lilTROGE.'i Sl"PPLY SOL.E:liOID \\ "AL \\ 'E :liG IS\\"0161-A (2SI-F605TK1A) a Primary-289-186 Cirnait 16 BrHkrr
- liote \\'1.2 10%ofType
- liA
- \\'A See SFCP 1,2,3,4 CD perR
- liGEB~-\\-16 bBacbp 289-186.-\\
Cirnit 16 Fuse
- "iA
- "iA NA NA 1,2,3,4 FR'i I T.-\\..'iK 2.-\\ :lilTROGE.'i Sl.PPLY SOL.E:liOID \\ 'AL\\'[ :liG IS\\"0162-A (2SI-F60TTK2A) a rnaary-289-186 Cirniit 2.,;
- liote Vl.2 10%ofT~*pe NA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 CD perR
- liG EBKR,..l..\\-2.'-
bBacbp 289-186.-\\ Ciruit25 Fuse FR'i
- liA NA NA A'
1,2,3,4 I T.-\\..'iK IA n:..,T SOLE.'iOID \\ ".-\\L\\""E SJ IS\\"0323-.-\\ (2Sl-[636) a Primary 289--186 Cirnit 30 BrHkrr
- liote Vl.2 10% ofT~*pe
- \\'A NA SeeSFCP 1,2,3,4 CD perR IEBK~.-\\-30 bBacbp 219-116.-\\
289--186.-\\ Cimait 30 Fuse
- liA NA NA NA 1,2,3,4 FR'i 3/4 8-33 AMENDMENT NO. G-2,-3-+, 141
- SDIBER AFFECTED OR co~,PO~E.,TS DR.\\\\\\l:SG DESCRlmo:s n *rr.
S I T..\\~11: 2..\\ \\'I.,a SOLE.~OID \\ "..\\L\\'I SI IS\\"0324-A (2SI-E638) a P~* 289-186 Cirniit 36 Breakrr CD SI EBKR9-l.\\-J6 b Bacbp 289-186..\\ Cirniit 36 Fnse FR~ 9 LETOO\\\\--:S STOP,...\\L\\'I SOLE.~OID \\.AL\\'I C\\"CIS\\"0101 (ICH-F1516,VB) a P~ 289-147 Cirnait I Breakrr CD b Bacbp 289-147..\\ Cirniit I Fnse FR~ Tl~IE ct:RRE:ST CIL.\\RAC-TERISTIC
- Sote Vl.2
- Sote Vl.2 II RCS LOOP I HOT LEG l:SJECTIO:S DR.\\l:S SOLE:SOID \\ "AL,.E SI rs,*0301 (ISl-\\"2504) a P~
289-147 Cimut 30 Breakrr
- Sote Vl.2 CD I [BKR91..\\-31 bBacbp 289-147A Cirniit 30 Fnse FR~
11 I T..\\.~11: I..\\ FILLJDR.\\l:S SOLE.~OID \\"AL \\ "E SI IS\\'0307-..\\ (2SI-F1564TKI..\\) a P~- 289-186 Cinait 28 Brcakrr
- Sote Vl.2 CD IEB~.\\-28 bBacbp 289-186..\\
Cinait 28 3/4 8-34 \\\\1THI~ EACH VOLT AGE LE\\"EL {ROMAN) INTEG. FU:SC. TEST 10%ofT~*pe per R 10*;. ofT~*pe perR 10%ofType per R JO*/o of Type per R CHANNEL CALIB. I.a FUNC. TEST l.b NA NA NA NA ~A NA NA NA INSP& PREV. i\\lAINT. See SFCP NA See SFCP NA See SFCP NA See SFCP A MODES FOR WHICH SURVIS REO' D 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 AMENDMENT NO. 141
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO:'ffAl~\\IE'.\\a PE~ETR,\\TIO~ CO~DlTTOR O\\.ER-CLRRE~T PROTECTl\\'E DEVICES 0\\ '£R-(TRR£.,,. PROn:cnn: DE\\ lCES WITHI:\\ EACH \\'OL TAGE LE\\'EL {RO\\J..\\N) l\\lODES BREAKER IDEXTIFYI~G TI\\IE INTEG. INSP& FOR PROTEC J ~DIBER n :RRE'.\\a Ft:~C. Cl-L.\\:'ii\\'EL FlNC. PREV. WHICH AFITcn:D OR Cl-UR.AC-TEST C..\\LIB. TEST l\\lAlNT. SURVIS CO\\IPO~E..,TS DR.\\\\\\l~G DESCRJmo~ TERISTIC l.a l.b REO'D 12 C0'.\\1..\\l~\\IE..,1 Pl.RGE ISOL.\\TIO~ SOLE~OID \\'ALVES CAPIS\\'0103, C..\\PIS\\'0103-2, CAPISV0104, & CAPIS\\'0104-2 (2HV-BISIA & 2HV-Bl52A) a Primary* ln-120 Cirntit 26 Brnkrr ~ote Vl.2 10*;. of Type NA NA Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 EE per R CAP EBKR61A-26 bBadatp ln-120..\\ Fl Fuse NA NA 1,2,3,4 TRS 13 IU..\\.'\\..\\L \\-U:R P..\\."EL \\ -STE.\\I A a Primary ln-120 Cimitt32 Brnkrr '.'iote Vl.2 10%ofT~*pe i\\'A 'A See SFCP 1,2,3,4 EE perR HR.\\ EBl\\:R60A-32 b Badatp ln-120a FIS Fuse '.'.A NA NA NA 1,2,3,4 ~" cP~ ln-120 Cimitt7 Brnkrr '.'iote Vl.2 10%ofT~*pe i\\'A NA Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 EE per R HR.\\ EBl\\:R60..\\- d 8adatp ln-120a F17 Fuse '.'.A '.'.A i\\'A NA 1,2,3,4 ~" 3/4 8-35 AMENDMENT NO. ~. 8-7, 4%, 141
- -;ntBER AFITrnD OR CO)tPO:-;-E.,TS DR.\\\\\\1:-;G DE.~Rimo:-;
TmE et;RRE:-;T OL.\\R.\\C-TERISTIC n;:,.;c. TEST .t.8A.I.A.2 U c:O'.\\T Al:-;-)IE.,T PR.\\ Y RJSER LE\\"EL Pl ')IP..\\ TEST SOLE:-;om \\ 'AL\\'[ cs ISVOI29-..\\ (2CS-E608A) a Priaaar)* 239-120 Circ11it 9 Brukrr
- 'oiotc Vl.2 10*1. of Type EE pcrR CS EBKR6e..\\-9 bBacbp 239-120..\\
F3 Fuse TRS 15 I TA."\\K 2..\\ FILI.JDRAt:-; SOLE.'iOID \\ 'AL\\.E SI IS\\'0308-..\\(2SI-F1566TK2..\\) a Primary 239-186 Circ11it.tO Brukrr
- -;otc Vl.2 CD SI EBKR,..&..\\-11 b Bacbp 239-186..\\
Circ11it.tO Fuse FR'i 16 I T..\\."\\K 18 \\"E.,T SOLE.'iOID \\ '..\\L\\"E SI IS\\'0323-B (2SI-E633) a P~* 239-186 Circ11il 3-t Brukrr CD b Bacbp 239-186..\\ Circ11it 3-t Fuse FR'i I SI T..\\.'iK 28 \\"E.'T SOLE.'iOID \\ '..\\L\\"E SI IS\\'0326-B (2S1-E63S) a P~* 239-186 Cimait 27 Brc2krr I EBK~..\\-2 bBacbp 239-186..\\ Circ11i127 CD Fuse FR'i
- -.iotc Vl.2
- -.iotc Vl.2 3/4 8-36 I0%ofType per R 10*1. of Type pcrR I0%ofType per R Cl-1.-\\:-.i:'oiEL C..\\LIB.
.t.8A.l.a.l.a NA i\\A NA NA 1;-o;TEG. FUi\\C. TEST .t.8A. I.a. l.b NA NA NA NA NA NA i'\\A NA INSP& PREV. l\\lAINT. .t.8.4.1.b See SFCP NA SeeSFCP NA See SFCP NA See SFCP NA ~IODES FOR WHICH SURVIS REO'D 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 AMENDMENT NO. 141
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO'.\\T..\\IX\\IE'.\\T PE'.'\\ETR..\\ TIO'.'li CO'.'\\Dl:CfOR O\\.ER-Cl1RRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES 0\\ "ER~.RR£..,T PR0T£(TI\\ "E DE\\ 1C[$ BRL\\KER IDDTIFYl'.'\\G FROTECJ '.'\\DIBER AFFECTED OR CO)IFO'.'\\E.,TS DR.\\ \\\\l'.'\\G DE$('RJP110'.'i Tl)IE Ct:RRE'.\\T CI-UR.\\C-TERISTIC 18RCS LOOP2 oc* ISOL.\\ 110'.'li \\.AL\\ "E I )l\\"..\\A.\\.&05-A SOLE'.'\\OID \\'ALVES (ISl-\\'1503..\\)* a l"riaary* 289-108A Circuit 7 F- '.'\\OBKR FR'\\ bBacbp 289-108..\\ Circuit 7 F-FR'\\ 1, CO'.\\T Al'.'li)IE.'T \\"AC'l *1 *)1 R£LIEF OLE~OID \\"..\\L \\.EC\\ lUS\\'0201 (21-1\\'-BI 56A) a Friaary* 289-147 Circuit 1-t Bruk.tr ~ote Vl.2 CYR EBKR91..\\-U bBacbp 289-147..\\ Circuit 14 H CO'.\\TAl~)IE.'T FA'.'\\ COOLERS SYS A \\"ALVES a l"riaa~- 289-120 Circuit 17 CCSEBKRa..\\-1 bBacbp 289-120..\\ F6 CD F-FR'\\ Bruk.tr EE F-TRS
- \\ote Vl.2 3/4 8-37
\\\\1THl'.'li EACH VOLTAGE LEVEL (ROi\\lAN) INTEG. Ft:'.'\\C. TEST .t.8..t.l.a.2 '.'\\A
- \\A 10%ofT~*pe per R 10%ofType perR CH..\\'.'INEL C..\\LIB.
- \\'.A NA FUNC.
TEST .t.8..t. I.a. l.b NA NA NA NA NA NA INSP& PREY. i\\lAINT. .t.8.4.1.b NA NA SeeSFCP NA See SFCP NA MODES FOR WHICH SURVIS REO'D 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 AMENDMENT NO.~, 141
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO:\\T..\\IS)IE:\\1 PESETRA TIOS COSDlTTOR O\\"ER-Cl"RREST PROTECTIVE DEVICES 0\\ ""ER-Ct.RRE.,T PROTECTI\\ "£ DE\\.ICES BREAM:R IDDTIFYISG PROTEC J SDIBER AFFECTED OR CO\\IPOSE,"T'S DR.\\ \\\\lSG DESCRIPTIOS 21 C0:\\1 Al:S)IE,T FAS COOLER..\\ll-1(3A-SA) )IOTOR SPACE IIE..\\ TER a Friaa.ry-289-120 Cirniit 13 Brnkrr CCSEBKR61A-13 bBxbp .289-120A F-1 EE Fuse TRS 22 C0:\\1,\\l:S)l£.,a F..\\.~ COOLER All-1(3C-SA) )IOTOR SPACE IIE..\\ TER a P~- 289-120 Cimut IS Brnkrr CCSE8i,,;R6l..\\-1S bBxbp .289-120A 2J CTD)I COOUSG t *srr E-16(3A) )IOTOR SPACE IIE..\\ TER* EE Fuse TRS a P~- 1-1139 Brnkrr TED CDC EBKRJl..\\-31 bBxbp COCEBi,,;RJl..\\-32 1-1139 Brnkrr
- 12et211\\* S\\\\.GR mttr ha. doabk brcakrr proltttioa.
TED Tl)IE Cl"RREST CH..\\R.\\C-TERJSTIC Sotc \\11.2 Sotc \\11.2 Sotc Vl.2 Sotc Vl.2 WITHl:'i EACH VOL T..\\GE LE\\'EL (ROMAN) INTEG. FUSC. TEST - 10*/o ofT~*pc per R 10%ofType perR l0%ofType per R 10% ofT~*pe pcrR CHANNEL C..\\LIB. - FlNC. TEST NA NA NA NA NA 3/4 8-38 INSP& PREV. l\\lAINT. See SFCP NA See SFCP NA See SFCP See SFCP MODES FOR WHICH SURVIS REO' D 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 AMENDMENT NO. 141
- 'liDIBER AFITCTED OR CO\\IPO'.\\"IXTS DR.\\ \\\\l:'liG DESCRIPTIO:'li n *rE 2~ CED'.\\I COOU:'liG l ~IT E-16(3C) '.\\IOTOR SPACE IIEA TER*
a Primary* ~24-1140 Break.tr TED COCEBKRJIA-33 bBacbp COCEBKRJIA-3-1 ~24-1140 Break.tr TED Tl'.\\IE et:RRE:'liT CHAR,.\\C-TERISTIC
- 'liotc Vl.2
- 'liotc VJ.2 25 SI TA.,"K IB LE.U:.AG[ DR.\\l:'li SOLE:'liOID \\"AL \\"E SI IS\\"0303-B (2SI-F1552TKIB) a Primary 289-187 Cirnait 26 Break.tr
- 'liotc VJ.2 I EBKR958-26 bBacbp 2S9-187A Cirniit 26 CD Fuse FR'\\
26 SI TA:'li"K 28 LEAKAGE DRAl:'li SOLE:'liOID \\"AL \\"E SI IS\\.0304-B (ISI-F155.ffK28) a Primary 289-187 Cirniit 38 Break.tr
- 'liotc VJ.2 SIEBK~B-38 bBacbp 2S9-187A Cirniit 38
- 12ef?tS\\* WGR llntcr btn, doable break.tr prottttioa.
CD Fuse FR'\\ \\\\HHI~ EACH VOLTAGE LE\\"EL (ROi\\lAN.) Ft::'liC. TEST 4.8.-t.l.a.2 IO% of Type pcrR IO%ofType perR 10%ofT~*pe per R IO%ofT~*pe pcrR 3/4 8-39 INTEG. CH..\\NNEL FUNC. C..\\LIB. TEST I.a 4.8.4. l.a. l. b NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA MODES INSP& FOR PREV. WHICH l\\IAINT. SURVIS 4.8.4.l.b REO'D ee SFCP 1,2,3,4 See SFCP 1,2,3,4 Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 NA 1,2,3,4 See SFCP 1,2,3,4 'A 1,2,3,4 AMENDMENT NO. 141
- '\\DIBER Cl'RRE:'\\T FU:'iC.
CHANNEL FUNC. PREY. WHICH AFFEC1"£D OR CH..\\RAC-TEST CALIB. TEST i\\lAINT. SURVIS CO'.\\IN>:'\\E'.\\TS DR.\\\\\\l~G DESCRIPTIO:'\\ n *rE TERJSTIC -tS.4.1.a.2 -t8.4. I.a. I.a l.b REO'D 27 WASTE G..\\S CO'.\\T. ISOL\\TIO:'\\ \\'AL\\'E SOLE:'\\OID \\ 'AL\\'E GW'.\\IIS\\'0104 (2W'.\\I-Fl57AB) al"~* 219-187 Cirnait 7 Brnku
- '\\ote Vl.2 10%ofType
- 'iA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 CD perR G\\\\'"'.\\IEBKR958-7 b Badaip 219-187..\\
Cirnait 7 FDK '.'IA NA NA 'A 1,2,3,4 FR'i 23 I T..\\.'iK 18 :'\\ITROGE.'i l l'PL Y SOLE.'iOID \\ 'AL \\ 'E :'\\G IS\\'0161-B (2S1-F606TKI B) ar~* 219-187 Cirniit 16 Brnktr
- '\\ote Vl.2 10*;. ofT~*pe 1"A NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 CD per R
- '\\G EBKR958-16 b Badaip 219-187..\\
Cirnait 16 FUK '.'IA '.'IA NA NA 1,2,3,4 FR'i 2' SI T..\\.,1' 28 :'\\ITROGE.'i st*rPL \\' SOLE~OID \\'..\\L\\'E '.'.G IS\\'0162-B (2Sl-F608TK2B) ar~* 219-187 Cirntit 25 Brnktr '.'iote Vl.2 10%ofType '.'IA NA eeSFCP 1,2,3,4 CD per R
- '\\G EBKR,58-25 b Badaip 219-187..\\
Cirnait 25 FDK '.'IA
- \\A NA NA 1,2,3,4 FR'i JI SI T..\\.'iK 18 n
- .,T SOLE.'iOID \\'..\\L\\'E SI IS\\'032."-B (2SI-E637) ar~
219-187 Cirt"ait 30 Brnktr '.'iote Vl.2 10% ofT~*pe
- \\'A NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 CD perR SI EBKR,58-30 bBadaip 219-187..\\
Cirnait 30 FDK .'.'IA
- ".A N..\\
NA 1,2,3,4 FR'i 3/4 8-40 AMENDMENT NO. 141
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO'.\\TAl:\\'.\\IE'.\\T PE:\\ETR..\\TIO:\\ CO:\\Dl"CTOR O\\"ER-Cl"RRE~T PROTECTIVE DEVICES on:1u:nuu:..,T PROTE(Tln: DE\\ lC[S BREAK.ER IOE.,TIFYl~G PROTECJ
- \\DIBER AFFECTED OR CO'.\\IN>:\\"E.,TS DR.\\ \\\\l:\\G DE.~RIMlO:\\
31 SI TA~K 28 n :.,T SOLE.~OID \\"AL \\.E SI IS\\'0324-8 (2Sl-[639) a Priaar)* 289-187 Cirniit 27 Brn~r SI £.B~B-27 b Bad.ap 289-187..\\ Cirniit 27 CD Fuse FR~ TI'.\\IE ct:RRE~T CH..\\RAC-TERISTIC ~ote Vl.2 32 RCP BLEED OFF CO'.\\T. ISOL SOLE.~010 \\"AL \\"E RC IS\\"0606 (2CH-F1Sl3A/B) a Primary 289-187 Cirnit 2 Brn~r ~ote VI.2 RC EBKR,58-:? bBad.ap 289-187..\\ Cimut 2 CD Fuse FR~ "L£TOO\\\\~ CO'.\\T. ISOL \\ "AL\\.E SOU:\\010 \\ "AL\\"l: C\\"CIS\\"0103 (ICII-F2SOI A/8) a Priaar)* 289-1-'8 Cirnit I Brn~r ~ote Vl.2 C\\"C EBKR91B-I bBad.ap 289-USA Cirniit I CD Fuse FR~ \\\\HHI:\\ EACH VOLTAGE LEVEL (ROMAN} INTEG. Fl.:~C. CHANNEL FUNC. TEST CALIB. TEST IO%ofType perR IO%ofType perR IO%ofT~*pe per R I.a NA NA l.b NA NA NA NA NA NA 3/4 8-41 INSP& PREV. MAINT. See SFCP NA See SFCP NA See SFCP NA MODES FOR WHICH SURVIS REO'D 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 AMENDMENT NO. 141
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO:\\TA['li'.\\IE:\\T PE:'liITR.\\ TIO:'li CO:'liDl"CTOR O\\.ER-Cl"RRE:'liT PROTECTIVE DEVICES 0\\ -.:R-0 *RR£.,T PROTECT!\\.[ DE\\ lCES WITHl:'li EACH VOLTAGE LE\\'EL {ROMAi'{l BRE..\\KER IDDTIFYl:'liG Tl'.\\IE INTEG. INSP& PROTECJ
- 'lil.'.\\IBER Cl"RRE:'liT Ft.::'liC.
Cll..\\;'li;'liEL Fli'\\C. PREY. AFFECTI:D OR CIL.\\R,\\C-TEST C..\\LIB. TEST l\\lAINT. CO'.\\IPOSE.,TS DR.\\\\\\l:'liG DESCRimO:'li n *PE TERISTIC -t8.-t.l.a.2 -t.8.-t. I.a. I.a -t.8.-t. I.a. I. b 3-& RCS LOOP 2 HOT LEG l:'li.JECTIO:'li DRAl:'li SOLE:'liOID \\ "AL\\"[ SI IS\\"0302 (ISl-\\"2505)
- ~
239-1"'8 Cirnut 28 Bn2krr
- 'liote Vl.2 I0%ofType i'liA
'A SeeSFCP CD perR SI EBKR91B-28 bBadaip 239-1-'SA Cirnait 28 Fuse
- \\A NA NA NA FR'li 3~ SOLE.'liOID \\ "AL\\""£ (B'.\\1-109) a Primary-239-187 Cirnit I Breakrr
- 'liote VJ.2 I0%ofT~*pe NA NA SeeSFCP CD perR B'.\\I EBKR,58-1 bBadaip 239-187A Cirnit I Fuse
- 'liA
- 'Ii,\\
NA NA FR'li 3' CO:\\T Al:'li'.\\IE.'T Pl.RGE ISOL.\\ TIO:'li SOLE:'liOID \\ "AL \\ 'E.~ CAP1SV0203, CAPISV0203-2, CAPISV020-t, & C..\\PISV020-t-2 (2HV-81538 & 2HV-81548) a Primary-239-121 Cirntit 26 Bn2krr
- 'liote VJ.2 JO*/o of Type NA NA See SFCP CAPEBKR61 B-26 EE per R bBadaip 239-121..\\
F6 Fuse TRS J CO:\\T Al:'li'.\\IE.,T \\ "A(TDI RELIEF SOLE:'liOID \\ "AL\\ "I: C\\"RJS\\'0101 (2HY-Bl578) a Primary-239-1"'8 Cirnit 14 Bn2krr
- 'liote \\11.2 CYREBKR91 B-1-t CD bBadaip Cirnut 14 I0%ofT~*pe per R NA NA See SFCP NA NA NA MODES FOR WHICH SlJRV IS REO'D 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 3/4 8-42 AMENDMENT NO. 141
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO'.\\T..\\l'.'oi)IE'.\\T PE'.'iETR.\\ TIO'.'oi CO'.'iDl-CTOR O\\"ER-Cl"RRE'.'oiT PROTECTl\\'E DEVICES O\\TR-<TRRF-'T PROITCTl\\"E DE\\.ICES WITH!:\\ EACH \\'OL T..\\GE LEYEL {ROMAN) MODES BRL.\\KER IDE:\\TJFYl~G Tn!E INTEG. INSP& FOR PROTECJ '.'iDIBER ct:RRE:\\T Ft.::\\C. Cl-l.\\. '\\"NEL FlNC. PREV. WHICH AFFECTED OR CH..\\RAC-TEST C..\\LIB. TEST MAINT. SURVIS CO'IPO'.'oiE:\\TS DR.\\\\\\l'.'oiG DESCRIPTIO'.'oi n *rE TERISTIC 4.8.-U.a.2 I.a l.b REO'D 31 STL.\\)I GE.,ER.\\TOR ~O. I BL0\\\\1)(}\\\\~ CO'.\\T. ISOL SOLE'.'oiOID V..\\L\\.E BD IS\\"0102-A (2BD-F603) a Priaaary* 289-187 Cirn1it 6 Brnku '.'oiote \\ 1.2 10%ofType NA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 CD perR BDEB~B-4 bBacbp 289-187A Cil'Tilit 6 Fuse
- \\A
- \\"A NA NA 1,2,3,4 FR'\\
J, STL.\\)I GE.,ER.\\TOR '.'oiO. 2 BLOWDO\\\\~ CO'.\\T. ISOL SOLE'.'oiOID VALVE BD ISVOI02-B (2BD-F605J a Primary 289-187 Circwit 8 Brnker '.'oiote VI.2 10% ofT~*pe NA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 CD per R BD EBKR958-3 bBacbp 289-187..\\ Cirn1it 8 Fuse '.'oiA NA NA NA 1,2,3,4 FR'\\
- IU AX.\\L \\HR PA..'\\EL S\\"STE.\\I B a Primary*
289-121 Cil'Tilit 32 Braker '.'oiote VI.2 10% ofT~*pe
- ,.iA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 EE perR IIR.\\EBKR618-32 bBacbp 289-121a FIS Fuse
- \\A
- \\A NA NA 1,2,3,4
~)I C Priaary* 289-121 Cirn1it 7 Braker '.'oiote VI.2 10%ofType
- \\A NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 EE perR IIR.\\EBKR618-7 cl Bacbp 289-121a Fl7 Fuse
- \\A NA NA NA 1,2,3,4 F:\\)I 3/4 8-43 AMENDMENT NO. 02, 89, 4-0a, 141
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO'.'TAl~:\\IE:'\\T PE~ITRA TIO~ CO~Dl"CTOR m *ER-Ct:RRE~T PROTECTIVE DEVICES o,*ER..a.RRL,T PROrrcn,*r DE\\ lCE.~ WITHI:,.. EACH VOLTAGE LE\\"EL (ROi\\lANJ BREAKER IDE.,TIFYl~G Tl:\\IE PROTECJ ~DIBER ct*RRE'.'T Ft::\\C. Afl"ECTED OR CIL.\\RAC-TEST CO:\\IPO~E.,TS DR.\\ \\\\l~G DE.~RIPTIO~ TERISTIC 41 CO'.'TAl~:\\IE.'T SPRAY RISER LE\\.EL PDIP B TEST SOLE~OID \\.AL \\.E CS IS\\"0129-B (2CS-E609B) a Primary 289-121 Cirnait 9 Brn~r ~ote Vl.2 10% ofT~*pe EE per R CS EBKR61B-, bBad.ap 289-121..\\ F2 Fuse TRS 42 CO'.'TAl~:\\tE.,T SDIP PDIPS ISOL.\\TJO:,.. \\"AL\\"[ SOLE:,..om VALVE SP IS\\"0105 (2W:\\1-FIOH/B) a Prialary* 289-187 Cinllit 9 Brn~r ~ote Vl.2 10"/o ofT~*pe CD per R SP EBKR95B-, bBadaap 289-187A Cirnait 9 Fuse FR'i 4J I TA'iK 18 FlLUDR.\\I~ SOLE.'iOID \\ "AL\\.E SI IS\\'0307-B (2SI-F1565TKIB) a P~- 289-187 Circait 28 Brea~r
- ,..ote Vl.2 CD b Badaap 289-187A Cirnait 28 Fuse FR'i 44 SI TA'.'~ 28 FlLUDRAI~ sou:.. 'iOID,.AL\\'£ SI JS\\'0308-B (2SI-Fl567TK2B) a Primary 289-187 Cirnait 40 Brea~r
~ote Vl.2 I EBKR95B-IO bBad.ap 289-187A Cirntit 40 CD Fuse FR'i 10%ofType per R 10%ofT~*pe per R INTEG. CI-L.\\N:\\EL FUNC. CALIB. TEST I.a l.b NA NA NA NA NA NA NA INSP& PREV. i\\lAINT. See SFCP NA SeeSFCP NA See SFCP NA See SFCP NA MODES FOR WHICH SURVIS REO'D 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 3/4 8 - 44 AMENDMENT NO.~, 141
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO'\\TAl~~IE'\\T PE~ITR.\\ TIO~ CO~Dl'CTOR O\\'ER-CL"RRE~T PROTECTIVE DEVICES 0\\ ""ER-(TRRE..'T PROTECTIY[ D[\\ 1cr_s BRL.\\lu:R IDE..,TIFYl~G PROTECJ ~DIBER AFFECTED OR co~,ro~['\\TS DR.\\ \\\\l~G DE..~RIPTIO~ 45 I TA..~K I..\\ n :.,T SOLE.~OID \\'AL\\'£ SI IS\\"032$-A (2SI-E632) a Primary 289-187 Cirnit 36 Breaktr SIEB~B-3' bBacbp 289-187A CD Cirnit 36 46 I TA.. ~K 2A \\'£.'T SOLE~OID \\"AL n: SI IS\\'0326-A (2SI-E634) a Primary 289-187 Cirnit 3-1 Breaktr CD SI EBK.~8-3-1 bBacbp 289-187A TnlE Cl'RRE~T CIL.\\RAC-TERISTIC ~ote Vl.2 ~ote Vl.2 \\\\HHI~ EACH VOLTAGE LE\\'EL (ROMAN) INTEG. FU~C. TEST l0%ofType per R 10*1. ofT~*pe perR CHANNEL CALIB. I.a NA FUNC. TEST l.b NA NA NA NA 47 COOL.\\'\\T S..\\~IPLl~G ISOL.\\110~ \\ 'AL\\'E SOLE~OID VALVE PSLIS\\"0105 (2SL-Fl501.-VB) a Primary* 289-187 Cirn1it 29 Breaktr ~ote Vl.2 CD 289-187A Cima.it 29 10%ofType per R NA 3/4 8-45 NA NA NA INSP& PREV. L<\\INT. See SFCP NA See SFCP NA SeeSFCP NA MODES FOR WHICH SURVIS REO'D 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 AMENDMENT NO. 141
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO'.\\TAl~~IE'.\\T PE~ETR.\\TIO~ CO~DlTTOR O\\'ER-Cl"RRE~T PROTECTIVE DEVICES 0\\"l:R-<TRRF-'T PROTECTl\\"l: DE\\"ICES BRE...\\KER IDE'.\\TIFYl~G Tl~IE Ct:RRE::\\"T CHARAC-TERISTIC WITH!~ EACH VOL T..\\GE LE\\'EL {ROi\\lAN) INTEG. PROTECJ ~DIBER AFFECTED OR CO'IPO~E.,TS DR.\\\\\\l~G DESCRIPTIO'.'\\ FUNC. TEST -ts.4.1.a.2 ~ PRESSl"IUZ£R Sl.RGE LI.SE S..\\~IPU~G ISOL.\\TIO::\\" \\'ALVE SOLE::\\"OID VALVE PSLISV0203 (2SL-Fl502A/B) a P~* 289-187 Cimtit 31 Brak.tr ~ote VU IO*/o ofT~*pe CD per R PSL EBK~B-31 blbcbp 289-187A Cirnit 31 ~ PRESSl"RIZER STEA)I SPACE S..\\~IPU::\\"G ISOL.\\TIO~ \\'AL\\'E SOLE::\\"OID \\ "AL\\'E PSLIS\\'0303 (2SL-F1503.-\\/B) a Primary 289-187 Cirn.it 33 Brak.tr
- \\"ote VI.2 IO% ofT~*pe ffi
~R PSLEBKR9SB-l3 blbcbp 289-187..\\ Cirnit 33 51 RCS LOOP I SOC ISOL.\\TIO::\\" \\ "AL\\""£ SI ~l\\"..\\A..\\405-B SOLE::\\"OID \\ ALVES (ISI-V1501B)* a Primary 289-109A Cirnit 9 F~ .SOBKR FR'\\ blbcbp 289-109..\\ Cirnit 9
- T ** fma ill Krics. -
eacla. + aad - poles 3/4 8-46 CHANNEL C.-\\LIB. -t.8.-1.1.a. I.a NA NA FUNC. TEST l.b NA NA NA NA NA NA INSP& PREV. i\\lAINT. SceSFCP NA Sec SFCP NA NA NA MODES FOR WHICH SURVIS REO'D 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 AMENDMENT NO. 141
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO~TAIS'.\\IE:\\T PESETRA TIOS COSDl-CTOR O\\"ER-Cl"RRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES 0\\ ""ER-Cl.RRE.,T PROITCTJ\\°E DE\\ lCES BREAKER IDE~TIFYISG PROITCJ SDIBER AFFECTED OR CO'.\\IPOS£.,TS DR.\\ \\\\lSG DESCRIPTIOS 51 CO~TAIX'.\\1£.'T FAS COOLER All-1(38-SB) '.\\IOTOR SPACE HEATER a Priaary 289-121 Cil"C1lit 13 Brnktr EE CCSEBKR6IB-I3 bBacbp 289-121..\\ F3 Fuse TRS 52 CO~T..\\l~'.\\1£.'T F..\\~ COOLER All-1(3D-SB) '.\\IOTOR SPACE IIE..\\ TER a Priaary-289-121 Ciffllit 15 Brnktr CCSEBKR61 B-15 bBacbp 289-121..\\ F4 ~ CED'.\\! COOU~G t *~rr E-16(38) '.\\IOTOR SPACE HE..\\ TER* EE Fuse TRS a Primary* 424-1 UI Brnktr TED CDCEBKR31B-31 bBacbp CDCEBKR31 B-32 424-1141 Brukrr
- 12tf21S\\" SWGR lteattr bas. doabk bnal.tr prottttion.
TED Tl'.\\IE ct*RRE~T CI-L.\\RAC-TERISTIC Sole Vl.2 SOTE Vl.2 Sotc Yl.2 Sotc \\ '1.2 WITHIS EACH \\ 'OL T AGE LEVEL (ROMAN) Fl'SC. TEST JO%ofTypc pcrR 10%ofType pcrR JO*/* ofT~*pc per R JO*/. ofT~*pe pcrR 3/4 8-47 CHANNEL C.-\\LIB. I.a NA INTEG. FlNC. TEST I.b NA NA NA NA INSP& PREY. MAINT. See SFCP NA Sec SFCP NA See SFCP Sec SFCP MODES FOR WHICH SURVIS REO'D 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 AMENDMENT NO. 141
- ,,;ntBER ct*RRE:-i;T n ;:,,;c.
CHANi'iEL FUNC. PREV. WH ICH AFTECTI:D OR CH...\\RAC-TEST C...\\LIB. TEST MAINT. SURV JS CO'IPO:,,;E:\\TS DR..\\\\\\l~G DESCRIPTIO~ n *rE TERISTIC 4.8.-t.l.a.2 I.a REO' D S.. CED)I coou:,,;G t*:,,;n E-16(30) )IOTOR SPACE HEATER* a Primary 42.$-IU2 Bruktr TED
- -i;otc \\"1.2 JO%ofType NA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 per R CDCEBKRJIB-33 b Bac:bp 42.$-1142 Bruktr TED
- ,,;otc \\"1.2 JO%ofT)*pc NA NA ee SFCP 1,2,3,4 pcrR COCEBKRJIB-3-1
~CO:\\TAJ:,,;)IE.'T F...\\.."'\\ COOLERS SYS B \\"AL\\"ES a Priaiary 239-121 Cimlit 17 Bnaktr
- 'liotc \\"1.2 JO*/. ofT)*pe NA NA Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 EE pcrR CCSEBKR61B-17 b Bac:bp 239-121...\\
F5 Fuse
- 'liA
- 'Ii...\\
NA NA 1,2,3,4 TRS S6 STEA'I GE."'\\ER..\\TOR :,,;o. I S...\\)IPLJ:,,;G JSOL SOLE:,,;010 VALVE SSLJS\\'8004-A (2SL F601) a Primary* 239-148...\\ Cimut49 Bnaktr
- 'liotc \\"1.2 JO%ofType
- 'liA i'iA Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 CD per R LEBKR91B-49 bBad.ap 239-148...\\
Cimait 49 Fuse
- 'liA NA NA NA 1,2,3,4 FR'\\
- 1211211,* SWGR linter bas, doable brnktr prottttioa.
3/4 8 - 48 AMENDMENT NO. 1 41
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO'.\\T.-\\1:"')IE'.\\T PE'.\\"ETRA no~ CO~Dl"CTOR O\\"ER-Cl"RRE~T PROTECTl\\"E DEVICES 0\\ T.R-0-.UU:.'T PROITCTI\\ T. DE\\ lCES BREAKER IDE'.\\TIFYl~G Tl)IE Ct:RRE'.\\T CIURAC-TERISTIC \\\\UHi~ EACH VOL T.-\\GE LE\\"EL (RO;\\lr\\N) INTEG. PROITC J '.\\"DIBER AFFECITD OR CO"PO~E.,TS DR\\ \\\\l'.\\"G DESCRIPTIO~ S STE.-\\)1 GE."'[R.\\ TOR ~O. 2 S.-\\)IPLl'.\\"G ISOL SOLE~OID \\".-\\L \\'E SSLIS\\"8004-2 (2SL F603)
- a. ~
289-1~.-\\ Ciruit 45 Brcaku ~ote Vl.2 CD
- b. 8acbp 289-1~.-\\
Circuit 45 FUR FR" S3 S,OIPLE YSTE.\\I RECORDER P.-\\'.\\"[L SA)IPLE \\".-\\L\\'ES RX COOL.\\.'T HOT LEG I S)IPL ISOL SOLE'.\\"OID \\"AL\\"[. RC-0104 (S\\"-RC-1151.-VB) PRES.~t*RIZER Sl.RGE Ll'.\\"E S)IPL SOLE."\\OID \\ ".-\\L \\.[. RC-0316 (S\\"-RC-2503.-VB) PRESSl "RI7-ER STE..\\)I SPACE S)IPL ISOL SOLE."\\OID \\"I.\\", RC-0319 (SV-RC-2502.-VB) Ft.::\\C. TEST -t8.-U.a.2 10%ofT~*pe per R \\ "AL n :s SSL-IS\\"-3001..\\(B).-\\RE GAGGED CLOSED.-\\~D SSL-ISV80002A(B) GAGGED OPE:\\".
- a. Primary 8289-133 Circuit 35 Br-cal.tr
~ote Vl.2 10% ofT~*pe U:SKR 34.-\\-35 EE Per R
- b. 8acbp 8289-133.-\\
F12 FUR TRS s, CO'.\\T Al'.\\"\\IE.'T Pl"RG[ S\\"SIT)I D..\\.\\IPERS SOLE'.\\"OID \\"AL \\ "ES CAP S\\"0201 & C..\\PIS\\"0202 (S\\"-D23 & S\\"-D22) CH..\\:\\:\\EL C..\\LIB. I.a NA NA
- a. Primary 239-133 Cirnut I Br-cal.tr
- \\ote Vl.2 10% ofT~*pe
- \\A
- b. 8acbp 11\\"R[BKRSSB-I cl. Bacbp 289-133..\\
FS Circuit I F2 EE per R Br-cal.tr EE
- \\ote Vl.2 10%ofType perR NA FlNC.
TEST l.b NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA INSP& PREV. i\\lAINT. See SFCP NA SeeSFCP NA See SFCP NA See SFCP NA MODES FOR WHICH SURVIS REO'D 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 3/4 8-49 AMENDMENT~. 84, 141
- "\\DIBER Affl:CTED OR CO\\f PO:"\\E'.\\TS DR.\\ \\\\l:"\\G DE$CRIPTIO:"\\
61 Qt*E.~01 TA~K n:.,T \\ "AL\\ "E SOLE:"\\OID \\'AL \\'E RC IS\\'0323 (7RC-F60.i) a P~- 289-133 Circuit 8 Brc.akrr EE RC EBKR.S,lA-3 bBacbp 289-133.-\\ F3 Fuse TRS ,1 Ql -E.~01 TA:"\\K DR.\\I:"\\ \\'AL,.E SOLE.~OID \\ 'AL n : RC IS\\'0325 (7RC-F605) Tl'.\\IE Cl"RRE:"\\T CHARAC-TERISTIC
- "\\otr Vl.2 a r~-
289-133 Circait 10 Brc.akrr '.'iote Vl.2 RC EBKR.84A-10 bBacbp 289-133.-\\ F-t EE Fuse TRS \\\\UHi:"\\ EACH VOL T.-\\GE LE\\'EL (ROMAN) Ii\\TEG. n;:-,;c. TEST -t.8..t.l.a.2 I0%ofT~*pe perR I0%ofT~*pe per R CI-1..\\'.'i'.'iEL C..\\LIB. -t.8..t.l.a.1.a FUNC. TEST -t.8..t.l.a.l.b NA NA NA NA ,2 OL.\\RGl:"\\G LLl:"\\E TO LOOP 2A SlllT OFF \\'AL\\'E SOLE'.'iOID VALVE C\\'CIS\\'0218-B (1CH-E2504B) a Primary 289-US Circuit 29 Brc.akrr '.'iote Vl.2 IO% ofT~*pr bBacbp Circuit 29 CD Fuse FR'\\ perR 3/4 8-50 NA NA INSP& PREY. i\\lAINT. Sec SFCP NA See SFCP NA See SFCP NA MODES FOR WHICH SURVIS REO'D 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 AMENDMENT NO. 141
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO:\\T..\\l~)l[:\\T PE~ETR--\\ TIO~ CO~Dl"CTOR O\\"ER-Cl"RRE:\\"T PROTECTIVE DEVICES O\\T.R-<TRR£.,T PROITCTIH: D[\\"ICF_~ BREAKER IDE.,TIFYl~G PROITC J ~DIBER AFFECTED OR CO)IPO:\\"E.,TS DR.\\ \\\\l~G DE.~RIPTIO~ TnlE ct:RRE:\\T CH..\\R.-\\C-TERISTIC \\\\UHi:\\ EACH VOL T..\\GE LE\\"EL <ROMAN) INTEG. FU~C. CHANNEL Fl NC. TEST C..\\LIB. TEST 4.8A.l.a.2 4.8A.l.a.l.a '3 OURGl~G LI:\\"[ TO LOOP IA SlllT OFF \\'..\\L\\"E SOLE~OID \\'..\\L\\"[ C\\'CIS\\"0218-..\\ (ICI1-E2503..\\) a Priaal)* 289-147 Circait 27 Brnkrr ~ote VI.2 10% ofT~*pe CD ~rR bBacbp 2"-147A Circait 27 NA ~ RCP IA COOU~G COIL CCW l:\\"LET & OlTLET SOLE~OID \\ "AL\\"ES CC IS\\'0665-..\\ & CC IS\\'0679-..\\ (3CC-Pl501..\\I & 3CC-P1505..\\I) a Primary 289-1~ Circait 25 Brnkrr ~ote Vl.2 10% ofT~*pe NA NA CC EBKR%..\\B-25 bBacbp Fl ITB perR Fuse Ant NA '5 RCP 2A COOU~G COIL CCW l~LET & OlTLETSOLE~OID \\'..\\L\\LS CC IS\\'0666-..\\ & CC IS\\'0680-..\\ (3CC-Pl503..\\2 & 3CC-P1507..\\2) a l"riaary 289-J~ Circait 27 Brcakrr ~ote Vl.2 10% of Type NA NA CC EBKR%..\\B-27 bBacbp fl TEB perR Fuse ADI 3/4 8-51
FOR PRE\\!. WHICH MAINT. SURVIS REO' D SeeSFCP 1,2,3,4 NA 1,2,3,4 SeeSFCP 1,2,3,4 NA 1,2,3,4 SeeSFCP 1,2,3,4 NA 1,2,3,4 AMENDMENT NO. 141
TABLE J.8-1 (cont'd) CO'.\\T.-\\l'.'i)IE'.\\1 PE'.'.ETR\\ TIO'.'. CO'.'.Dl.CTOR m*ER-Cl.RRDiT PROTECTIVE DEVICES on:R-<TRRE.,, PROITCTIH: DEHCES WITH!'.'. EACH VOL T.-\\GE LE\\.EL (ROMAN.) MODES BREAKER IDDIIFYI'.'liG Tl)IE INTEG. INSP& FOR PROITCJ '.'.DIBER ct:RRE'.'.T Ft.:'.'.C. CIUNNEL FlNC. PREY. WHICH AFFECTED OR CIL-\\RAC-TEST C..\\LIB. TEST MAINT. SURVIS CO\\f PO'.\\"E.,TS DR-\\\\\\1'.'.G DE.~RIPTIO'.'i Til'E TERISTIC I.a l.b REO'D '6 RCP IA l'.'.STRDJE.,T.-\\TIO'.'i.-\\.."D ACCESSORIES* ar~- 42+220 F-OTS '.'.A NA NA NA 1,2,J,4 '.'.OBKR bBacbp -'2+220 F-OTS NA NA NA NA 1,2,J,4 RCP 2.-\\ l'.'.STRl *)1£.,, A TIO'.'. A'.'.D ACCESSORIES* a Prima~* -12+240 F~ OTS NA NA N.-\\ NA 1,2,J,4 '.'.OBKR bBadap -12+240 f"~ OTS NA
- 'Ii,\\
NA NA 1,2,J,4 63 CU>)I COOU'.'.G t *'.'irrs l'.'.L£T D.-\\)IPERS aP~ 289-1-19 Circuit 14 Breaku '.'liote Vl.2 10%ofType NA NA SecSFCP 1,2,3,4 TEB perR CDO:BKR-l!-AB-14 bBacbp -12+11-15 F2 Fuse '.'.A NA NA NA 1,2,3,4 ADI
- T"
- fmcs ill Kric:s, -
ncla, + aad - poles '9CED)I COOLER t *'.'.JTS l'.'.L£T D.-\\..\\IPERS ... ~ 239-1~ Circuit 20 Break.tr Note VJ.2 10%ofType NA NA See SFCP 1,2,3,4 TEB perR CDCEBKR'6.-\\B-20 b Bad.ap -12+11-15 Fl Fuse NA NA NA NA 1,2,3,4 ADI 3/4 8-52 AMENDMENT NO. 141
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO:\\T..\\l:'oi'.\\IDiT PE'.'iETRATIO:'oi CO'.'iDt*croR O\\'ER-Cl.RRE:"iT PROTECTIVE DEVICES on:R-enuu:..,T PROITCTIYE DE\\ lCES \\\\UHi'.'\\ EACH VOL T..\\GE LE\\'EL {ROMAN) BREAKER IDE.,TJFYl'.'iG PROITCJ
- 'oiDIBER AFFECTED OR CO'.\\IPO'.'iE.,TS DR.\\\\\\l'.'\\G DE.~RIPTIO'.'\\
Tl'.\\IE ct*RRE:\\T CIL.\\RAC-TERISTIC i i RCP COXTROL BLEEDOFF RELIEF ISOL.\\ 110:'oi (RC-602) RC IS\\'0602 (2CH-F1514A/B) a Primary 289-1~ Cimait 5 Brak.tr
- 'oiote Vl.2 ITB RC EBKR'6..\\B-5 bBacbp 424-326 F2 Fuse
..\\TII I REACTOR DR.\\l:'oi TA:'oiK, *r.,T \\...\\L \\.E SOLE:'oiOID GW'.\\IIS\\'0101 (7B'.\\I-F237) a P~* 289-135 Cirntit 11 Brak.tr
- 'oiote Vl.2 EE GW)I EBKR6-I..\\B-1l bBacbp Fl FaR
..\\TII FU'.'iC. TEST 10%ofType per R 10%ofType perR 72 REORC RElTR'i Ll:'oiE DR.\\l:'oi TO CO:\\T..\\l:'oi'.\\IDT SDIP SOLE'.'iOID V..\\LVE SI IS\\'0342 (5SI-Fl563) a Primary* 289-1~ Cimait I Brak.tr
- 'oiote Vl.2 10% ofT~*pe SI EBKR'6..\\B-I ITB per R bBacbp F3 Fuse
..\\HI CH..\\.NNEL C..\\.LIB. NA NA NA INTEG. FUNC. TEST NA NA NA NA NA 3 RCI' 18 COOU~G COIL CCW l:'oilla & OlTLET SOLE~OID \\.AL\\.ES CC IS\\'0665-B & CC ISV0679-B (3CC-Pl502BI & 3CC-Pl506Bl) a P~ 289-1~ Cirntit 26 Braku
- 'oiote Vl.2 10% ofT~*pe NA NA CC EBKR'6..\\B-26 bBacbp 424-281 F2 ITB
~R Fuse ..\\HI NA INSP& PREV. l\\lAINT. Sec SFCP NA See SFCP NA Sec SFCP NA See SFCP NA MODES FOR WHICH SURV IS REO' D 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4, 3/4 8-53 AMENDMENT NO. {}-2., 141
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO'.\\T..\\l~)IE'.\\T PE~ETR.\\ TIO~ CO~Dl'CTOR m*ER-Cl'RRE:\\T PROTECTl\\'E DEVICES 0\\ TR-Ct.RRE,T PROTECTI\\ T. DE\\.ICES \\\\UHi~ EACH \\'OL T..\\GE LE\\'EL (ROMAN) BREAKER IDE'.\\TIFYJ~G PROTECJ ~DIBER AFFECTED OR CO)IPO~L'TS DR.\\ \\\\l~G DESCRIPTJO~ Tl)IE et*RRE~T CIL.\\RAC-TERISTIC Ft:~C. TEST CHANNEL C..\\LIB. INTEG. FUNC. TEST l.b 4 RCP 28 COOU~G COIL CCW l~LIT & OlTLET SOLE~OID \\'AL\\TS CC IS\\'0666 B & CC IS\\'0680-B (3CC-P150482 & 3CC-P150882) a J>riaary* ll9-1~ Circuit 28 Break.tr '.'iote Vl.2 10% ofT~*pe NA NA CC EBK.R%...\\B-23 TEB per R bBacbp F2 S RCP 18 l'.'.STRDIL,TATIO~..\\~D ACCESSORIES* a Primary* 424-230 F- ~O BKR bBacbp 6 RCP 28 l~STRDIL'T A TIO'.'...\\~D ACCESSORIES* a Primary* 424-2..-.0 F- ~O B"R bBadiap 424-2.-.0 FDR ATII OTS OTS OTS OTS 77 CO'.\\T Al~~IL'T A nm PIIERE R.\\DL.\\TIO~ )IO~ITOR ISOLA TIO~ SOLE~OID \\' AL \\'E..\\R\\IIS\\'0109 (2C..\\-E604B) a Primary* 289-148 Cirn1it 26 Breaker ~ote Vl.2 10% ofT~*pe ~A CD per R AR\\IEB"R.918-26 CifTilit 26 3/4 8-54 NA
PREV. i\\lAI T. See SFCP NA NA NA NA NA See SFCP NA MODES FOR WHICH SURVIS REO'D 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 AMENDMENT NO. 141
T..\\BLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO'.\\T..\\IS'.\\IE:'iT PESETR-\\TIOS COSDl"CTOR O\\"ER-Cl'RRE:\\T PROTECTIVE DEVICES 0\\ "J:R-CT "RR£.'T PROTECTI\\"E DE\\ lCES BREAKER IDE.,TIFYISG PROTECJ Sl "'.\\IBER AFFl:CTED OR CO'.\\IPOSE'.\\TS DR-\\\\\\lSG DE.~RIPTIOS TnlE Cl'RRE'.\\T CIU.RAC-TERISTIC 73 PRESSl-RJZER..\\l 'X SPR..\\ Y \\"..\\L \\ 'E SOLESOID \\"..\\L VE CYCIS\\'0216-..\\ ( I CH-E2505..\\) a P~* 2S9-147 Cirnait 31 Bma~r Sote \\'1.2 CD CYO:SKR,t..\\-31 bBacbp 2S9-147..\\ Cirnait 31 7' PRESSl 'RIZER..\\ l 'X SPR.\\ Y \\ '..\\L \\ t SOLE.'\\OID \\"..\\L \\'E CYCIS\\'0216-8 ( I CH-E25058) a Primary 2S9-1"'8 Cirnait 31 Bma~r Sote \\"1.2 CD CYCEBKRCJ I B-31 blbcbp 2S9-U8..\\ Cirniit 31 II CO'.\\T..\\l~'.\\IE.'T St .\\IP Pl *)Ip RECIRC ISOL.\\ TIO~ SOLESOID \\"..\\LYE SP IS\\'0102-A a P~* C-UO? CB-I Bre1~r Sote \\"1.2 P..\\SEBKR'363-3 blbcbp P..\\SEBKR6363-4 Sit 35 CII C-1402 S1t35 CB-I Bma~r CII Sote \\"l.2 3/4 8-55 WITHI~ E..\\CH \\ 'OL T AGE LEVEL {ROMAN} F *sc. TEST 4.8A.l.a.2 10%ofType perR SA
- 10°1. ofT~*pe per R 10%ofT~*pe perR 10*;. ofT~*pe perR INTEG.
CHANNEL FlNC. C..\\LIB. TEST 4.8A. l.a. I.a l.b N..\\ NA
- 'tiA NA NA N..\\
NA N..\\ NA MODES INSP& FOR PREV. WHICH l\\lAINT. SURVIS REO' D See SFCP 1,2,3,4 NA 1,2,3,4 See SFCP 1,2,3,4 N..\\ 1,2,3,4 See SFCP 1,2,3,4 See SFCP 1,2,3,4 AMENDMENT u, 141 I
TABLE 3.8-J (cont'd) CO:\\TAJ~\\IE:\\T PE~ETR.\\ TIO~ CO~Dl"CTOR O\\"ER-Cl"RRE~T PROTECTIVE DEVICES 0\\"l:R.("l"RRE.,T PROITCTI\\"l: DE\\°ICES BRL.\\KER IDE:\\TIF\\"l~G PROTEC J ~DIBER AFFECTED OR CO\\IPO~E:\\TS DR.\\\\\\l~G DESCRIPTIO~ TI.\\IE et*RRE~T CHARAC-TERISTIC WITl-lllll EACH VOLTAGE LEVEL (ROMAN) INTEG. Fl1~C. ClL.\\NNEL FUNC. TEST CALIB. TEST -t.8.4. J.a.2 4.8.4. I.a. I.a 4.8.4. I.a. J.b INSP& PREV. MAINT. 4.8.4.J.b MODES FOR WHICH SURVIS REO'D II RL.\\CTOR COOL.\\~T \\"STE.\\I \\ "E:\\T \\ "..\\L\\"ES SOLE~OID \\"..\\L\\"ES RC ISV3184, RC IS\\"JOIS, & RC ISV3186 (2RC-2557A, 2RC-2559..\\, & 2RC-2561A) a P~- 289-212 Cirnit 2 Breakrr ~otc VI.2 JO% ofT~*pe i'IIA NA Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 RC EBKRN4.A-2 bBacbp 289-120..\\ Fl EE per R Fuse TRS NA NA J,2,3,4 82 RL.\\CTOR COOL\\..'T S\\"STE.\\I \\ "E.'T \\ "..\\L \\ "ES SOLE~OID \\"..\\LYES SOLE~OID \\"AL \\ "ES RC IS\\"3183, RC IS\\"1014, & RC ISVJOl 7 (2RC-2558B, 2RC-2560B, & 2RC-2562B) a P~ 289-213 Cirnit 2 Breakrr ~otc Vl.2 JO*/o ofT~*pe i'IIA NA Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 RC EBli:Rll58-2 bBacbp ln-121..\\ Fl EE per R Fuse TRS NA 13 SI TA~li: I..\\ ISOL \\"AL\\"E SI \\l\\"..\\..\\..\\331-..\\ (1Sl-\\.1505Th:IA) SPACE HE..\\TER) THE SP..\\CE HE..\\ TER WAS DISCO~~ECTED..\\ T THE \\ICC A~D PDP. BOTH THE BREAKER..\\~D Fl"SE..\\RE SPARED. (SI EBKR94A-13) 14 SI T..\\~K I.A ISOL \\"..\\L\\"E SI \\l\\"..\\..\\.-\\331-..\\ (ISl-\\"1505TKIA) LI\\IIT S\\\\lTCH & l~DIC..\\Tl~G LIGHTS a P~ ln-147 Cima.it 6 Breakrr ~otc \\ "1.2 JO% of Type I EBli:R,t..\\~ bBacbp ln-147..\\ Cimait6 0 ~R ~A 3/4 8-56 NA NA NA 1,2,3,4 SccSFCP 1,2,3,4 NA 1,2,3,4 AMENDMENT NO. 141
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO:\\TAl:,,."EXT PE:,,.ETR.\\TJO:,,. co:,,.DrCTOR O\\"ER-Cl"RRE:,,.T PROTECTl\\"E DEVICES OY£R-(TRR£.'T PROITcnn: DEYIC~ wnm:,,. EACH VOLTAGE LEVEL {RO:\\'IAN} BREAKER IDE:\\TIFYl:,,.G Tl)IE 1:-iTEG. PROITCJ
- ,,.n1BER Cl:RRE:\\T Ft":,,.c.
CHA:"i:"iEL FlNC. AFFECTED OR OL.\\R.\\C-TEST CALIB. TEST CO\\IPO:,,.E.,TS DR.\\\\\\l:,,.G DESCRIPTIO:,,. n *PE TERISTIC 4.8A.l.a.2 4.8A. I.a. I.a. ~ SI T..\\~K 2..\\ ISOL Y..\\L \\ "E SI )IY..\\..\\..\\332-A (ISl-\\"IS0TTK2A) SPACE HEATER lllE P..\\("E IIE..\\ ITR WAS DISCO:\\~ECT£D AT THE )ICC A:,,.D PDP. BOTH THE BREAKER A:,,.D Fl"SE ARE SPARED (SI EBKR94A-15) 16 SI T..\\.'iK 2..\\ ISOL YAL \\"£ SI )IY..\\..\\..\\332-A (ISl-\\"ISOTTK2..\\) Ll)IIT SWITCH & l:,,iDIC..\\ Tl:,,iG LIGHTS a P~ iscJ-147 Cirnait 8 Brnker
- ,,.ot~ \\'1.2 10% ofT ype I EBKR,t..\\-3 bBacbp iscJ-147..\\
S7 RCP I..\\ SPEED SE:SSOR Circuit 8 CD perR Fu~ FR'i lllE RCP IA PEED E.'iSOR ll.\\S BEE.'i D1SCO:,,i:,,iECT£D. B0111 THE BREAKER A:,,iD rt:SE ARE SP..\\RED. (RC EBKR77..\\-5) 81 RCP 2..\\ SPEED SE~SOR lllE RCP !A SPEED SE.'iSOR ll.\\S BEE:,,. DISco:,,.:,,.EcrrD. BOTH THE BREAKER..\\:,,.D Fl"SE ARE SP..\\RED. (RC EBKR77A-7) 3/4 8-57 NA NA MODES INSP& FOR PREV. WHICH MAINT. SURVIS REO'D See SFCP 1,2,3,4 NA 1,2,3,4 AMENDMENT NO. 141
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO'.\\T..\\l~)IE'.\\T PE~ETR.\\ TIO~ CO~Dl"CTOR O\\"ER-Cl"RRE;",T PROTECTIVE DEVICES O\\ TR-Ct *RRF-'T PROITCTtYE DE\\ lCES \\\\HHI~ EACH VOLT..\\GE LE\\'EL <ROMAN) BR£...\\KER JDE.,TJFYl~G TJ)IE JNTEG. INSP& PROITCJ ~DIBER Cl"RRE~T Ft.:~C. CI-L.\\~;".EL FlNC. PREV. AFFECTED OR CI-1..\\R.\\C-TEST C..\\LIB. TEST i\\lAINT. CO)IPO~FSTS DR.\\\\\\l~G DE.SCRJmo~ TI"PE TERISTIC .t.8.4.1.a.2 .t.8A.l.a.l.a .t.8.4.1.a. I. b 8' R.\\DL.\\110~ RL\\10\\"..\\L l ";\\IT E-13 (3A) lllDIISTOR a Primary 289-133 Ci1T11it 2-t Brnkrr ~ote \\ 1.2 IO%ofT~*pe ~A NA Sec SFCP EE per R ..\\.RREBKRS-l.\\-2-1 bBacbp 289-133..\\ F6 Fuse ~A NA NA NA TRS 91 CO'.'T..\\l;\\)IE.,T COOLl~G t *~rr CO~DE.'\\Sl;\\G POT FLOW DETECTOR a~- 289-149 Ciruit3 Brnkrr ~ote Vl.2 IO%ofType
- '\\A NA See SFCP TEB per R CCSEBKR-15..\\8-3 bBacbp 424-329 Fl Fuse
- '\\A NA NA AHi 91 PR.ESSl.RIZ£R ~OR\\I. SPR.\\ \\" \\"..\\L\\-.
- .S RC )l\\"AA..\\.301-..\\ & RC )l\\'..\\..\\..\\301B (IRC-FISOIA & IRC-F1502B) a Primary*
289-1~ Ci1T11it 4 Brnku ~ote VU 10%ofType NA NA See SFCP ITB perR RC EBKR96..\\8-4 bBacbp 42.i-296 Fl Fuse ~A ~A
- 'iA NA AHi 92 )IO\\...\\.BLE l~CORE DETECTOR DRin: )I..\\Clll~E #I CO'.\\TROL lllE )IO\\"..\\BLE l~CORE DETECTOR DRJ\\""E )IAClll~E #I CO:\\TROL 1-L.\\S BEE.'.li DISCO.'.li~ECTED. BOTH THE BREAKER..\\ND Fl SE..\\RE SPARED.
()l~I EBKR77..\\-3?) MODES FOR WHICH SURVIS REO'D 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 3/4 8-58 AMENDMENT NO. 141
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO'.\\T..\\l'.\\:\\IE'.\\T PE'.\\ETR.\\ TIO:\\ CO'.\\Dl"CTOR O\\.ER-Cl"RRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES on:R-et*RRI"-'T PROITCTT\\T. DE\\.ICES \\\\HHIN EACH VOLT AGE LEYEL {ROi\\lAN) BRL.\\MR IDDTIFYl'.\\G Tl:\\IE INTEG. PROITCJ '.\\DIBER ct*RRE'.\\T FU'.\\C. CHANNEL FlNC. AFITCTED OR CH..\\R.\\C-TEST C..\\LIB. TEST CO:\\f PO'.\\FSTS DR.\\ \\\\l~G DESCRIPTIO~ TERISTIC I.a l.b ,3 :\\IO\\"..\\BU: l'.\\CORE DETECTOR S\\\\lTClll~G DE\\"ICE THE :\\IO\\...\\BU: l~CORE DETECTOR SWITClll~G DEVICE IIAS BEE:\\ DISCO'.\\'.\\ECTED. BOTH THE BREAKER A'.\\D FCSE ARE SPARED. (P:\\IO:BKR37..\\-7) ~ REFt *ru:-,.c :\\IACHl'.\\E CO'.\\TROL aP~- 5817-'241 FRK TRS
- \\A
- \\A NA
'.\\OBKR b lbdarp ~17-4241 FRK KD/
- \\A NA NA KT'.\\R
,S I TA'.\\K 18 ISOL \\"AL\\'E SI :\\l\\"AAA331-B (ISl-\\"1506Tk:IB) SPACE HEATER THE SPACE HE..\\ ITR WAS DISCO'.\\'.\\ECTED..\\ T THE :\\ICC..\\'.\\D PDP. BOTH THE BREAKER..\\'.\\D Fl"SE..\\RE SPARED. (SI EBKR95B-13) '6 SJ T..\\..~K 18 ISOL \\...\\L\\"E SI :\\1\\"..\\..\\..\\331-B (ISl-\\"IS06TKIB) Ll:\\IIT S\\\\lTCII & l'.\\DICATl'.\\G LIGHTS a P~ 239-148 Cirnait 6 Breakrr '.\\ote \\'l.2 10% ofT~'pe NA NA CD per R SI EBKR,JB-6 b 8acbp 239-J.18A Cimait 6 FDR NA NA NA FR~ '7 SI T.-\\.~K 28 ISOL \\"AL\\T. SI :\\1\\"..\\..\\..\\332-B (ISl-1508TKlB) SPACE HE..\\ TER THE SPACE HE..\\ ITR WAS DISCO'.\\'.\\ECTED..\\ T TIIE :\\ICC AND PDP. BOTH THE BREAKER AND Ft;SE ARE SPARED. (SI EBKR95B-15) 3/4 8-59 MODES INSP& FOR PREV. WHICH i\\lAINT. SllRV IS REO'D NA 1,2,3,4 NA 1,2,3,4 Sec SFCP 1,2,3,4 NA 1,2,3,4 AMENDMENT NO. 141
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO'.\\T..\\l'.'i\\lE'.\\T PE'.'iITR.\\TIO'.'i CO'.'iDl'CTOR O\\'ER-Cl'RRE'.'iT PROTECTIVE DEVICES OH:R-Cl.RRE.,T PROITCTIYE DE\\ lC[S WITI-II:"> EACH VOLT..\\GE LEYEL (ROi\\lAl\\'.) BRL.\\KER IDE.,TIFYI'.'iG TI.\\IE PROITC J '.'iDIBER Cl"RRE:">T FU:">C. Cl-1..\\NNEL AFIT<TED OR Cl-1..\\RAC-TEST C..\\LIB. CO)IPO:'liE.,TS DR.\\ \\\\l'.'iG DESCRIPTIO'.'i TERISTIC 4.8.4. I.a.2 I.a ,s I TA:'li~ 28 ISOL \\ '..\\L n : SI )1\\'.. \\..\\..\\332-B (IS1-\\"IS08TK2B) U)IIT SWITCH & I'.'iDICATI:">G LIGHTS a P~ 289-143 Cirnait 8 Breaku '.'iotc Yl.2 10*10 of Type NA CD ~rR SI EB~IB-3 blbcbp Cirntit 8 " RC? I B SPEED sE.,soR THE RC? I B SPEED sE.,soR IL\\S BEE., DISCO:'\\i:'\\i[CTI:D. BOTH THE BREAKER A:">D Fl'SE ARE SPARED. (RC EBKR78B-5) IN RCP 28 SPEED sE.,soR TIIE RC? 28 SPEED sE.,soR IL.\\S BEE., DISCO:'li:'liE<TED. BOTH THE BREAKER A:">D Ft:SE ARE SPARED. (RC EBKR78B-7) Ill R.\\DL.\\ TIO'.'i RDIO\\'..\\L l "'.'ilT E-13 (38) TIIER\\IISTOR a Primary-289-134 Cirnait 24 Breaker
- ">otc Vl.2 10*1. ofT~*pc NA EE pcrR
..\\RREB~R&.'8-24 blbcbp 289-134..\\ Fl Fuse '.'iA
- ">A
..\\DI 112 CO'.\\T..\\l:'li)IE.'T AIR LOC~ DOOR POSmO'.'i l:">DICA TOR a Prima'! 289-147 Cinait33 Breaker
- ">otc \\'1.1 10*1o of Type NA CD pcrR CB EBKR,t..\\-33 b Badatp 289-147A Cirnait 33 Fuse
'.'iA NA FR' 3/4 8-60 INTEG. FUNC. TEST l.b NA NA NA NA NA MODES INSP& FOR PREV. WHICH i\\lAINT. SURVIS REO'D See SFCP 1,2,3,4 NA 1,2,3,4 See SFCP 1,2,3,4 NA 1,2,3,4 See SFCP 1,2,3,4 NA 1,2,3,4 AMENDMENT NO. 141
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO'.\\T..\\l~\\IE'.\\1 PE~ETR.\\ TIO~ CO~DlTTOR O\\.ER-Cl"RRE~T PROTECTIVE DEVICES 0\\ "£.R-Ct *RRE.,1 PROITCTl\\ 'E DE\\ lCES BREAKER IDE'.\\tlFYl~G PROITCJ ~DIBER or AFFECITD OR CO)IPO~EXTS DR.\\\\\\l~G DESCRIPTIO~ 113 C0'.\\1..\\l~)IL'* AIR LOCKS DOOR POSITIO~ l~DICATOR a l"naary* 289-148 Cil"Cllit 33 Bruku CD CB EBKR918-33 bBacbp Cirnait 33 Tl)IE et:RRE~T CIL.\\RAC-TERISTIC ~ote \\l.2 WITHI~ EACH VOLTAGE LEVEL (ROMAN) INTEG. n:~c. TEST -t8A.1.a.2 OL.\\:\\NEL CALIB. -t8A. I.a. I.a 10*/o ofT~*pe
- \\'A per R FlNC.
TEST 4.8A.l.a.l.b NA NA le.. RL.\\CTOR DR.\\l~ TA~K C0'.\\1. lSOL Y..\\LYE 8)1 )l\\"AA.\\109 (2B\\I-Fl08AB) POSITIO~ l~DICA TIO~ a Prialary* '-'00 & Cil"Cllit 2 Fuse ~A ~..\\ NA 405 ~o~ 8)1 EBKRS-&..\\-3-1 bBacbp -12~& Cil"Cllit 30 Fuse ~A
- \\'A NA
~ ~o~ 115 WASTE GAS C0'.\\1. ISOL, *AL\\ 'E GW)l)l\\"..\\..\\..\\10-I (2\\HI-Fl57..\\B) POSITIO~ l~DIC..\\ TIO~
- ~ '-'-q&
Cil"Cllit 19 Fuse ~ote Vl.2 ~,\\ NA NA 680 ~o~ L \\\\ ~I EBKR.S-IA-33 bBacbp -12~q& Cil"Cllit 22 Fuse ~,\\
- \\'A NA 680
~o~ 116 )IO\\...\\BLE l~CORE DEITCTOR DRIYE )IAClll~E #2 CO'.\\TROL INSP& PREV. MAINT. ee SFCP NA NA NA NA NA TIIE )IO\\...\\BLE l~CORE DEITCTOR DRI\\.E )I..\\CHl~E #2 C0'.\\1ROL HAS BEE~ DISCO~:\\'ECTED. BOTH THE BREAKER AND FUSE ARE SPARED. ()l~I EBKR73B-J2) MODES FOR WHICH SURVIS REO'D 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 3/4 ~-61 AMENDMENT NO. M6, 141
TABLE 3.8-1 (cont'd) CO'.'T Al~)IE:\\T PE~ETR.\\ TIO~ CO~DlTTOR OVER-Cl'RRE~T PROTECTl\\'E DEYICES 0\\ T.R-CT.R.RE..,T PROTHTI\\ T. DE\\ lCES BRE.AK[R IDE'.'TIFYl~G PROTI:CJ ~DIBER AFFECTED OR CO)IPO~EXTS DR.\\ \\\\l~G DESCRIPTIO~ 117 C£D\\I COOU~G l-~rrs \\UR.\\ TIO~ S\\\\TTCIIES* a Primary* ~OBKR bBacbp 289-IIOA .u.a..n1 & 2023 289-110..\\ .u.a..n1 & 2023 Tl)IE Cl"RRE~T CHA.RAC-TI"PE TERISTIC FB FB Ill CO'.'TAl::"")IE.'T PRESSl 'RE E.'\\:IL\\t *sr SOLE::""OID VAL\\ "I: CAR-IS\\"-200B (21ff-228A) a Primary* 289-147 Cirrait 18 Bn2ker ~ote \\'1.2 bBacbp Cirrait 18 CD F~ FR'\\" It, R.\\DL\\TIO~ RE)IO\\"AL t *::""IT E-13 (3A) DR.\\I~ SOLE~OID \\"AL\\"E ARR-IS\\"--0103..\\ a Primary-S8 I - F3 F ~ bBacbp 10186 313002 S81 - 10186 F2 F~ 313002 I It R.\\DL\\ TIO'.'" RE)IO\\"..\\L t*~IT E-13 (38) DR.\\I~ SOLE~OID \\ 'AL\\'E ARR-IS\\'--0103B a Primary S817-F3 F~ bBacbp (LBDCR 17-012, Am. 141) 10186 313002 S817-IOl86 F2 F~ 313002
- Ila rirnit Illas a W~litotlK Trip ac hi o pole bn2ker 11*bicb Nataim fma ill cxli pow (positne a.ad ~ath*e) oftbe bn2krr.
iatt diis rirnuC is a DC aa:rotlllded rirrllit, the fmes are iD seric:s ud pR'ide priaary*/badaip prottttioa.. 3/4 8-62 \\\\UHi~ EACH \\"OL T AGE LEVEL {ROMAN) MODES INTEG. INSP& FOR Fl1:\\"C. CHANNEL FUNC. PREY. WHICH TEST CALIB. TEST MAINT. SURVIS I.a l.b REO'D ~A ~A
- \\"A NA 1,2,3,4 NA NA 1,2,3,4 10% ofT~*pc
- \\"A NA PerR See SFCP 1,2,3,4 NA 1,2,3,4 NA 1,2,3,4 NA NA 1,2,3,4 NA 1,2,3,4 NA NA 1,2,3,4 AMENDMENT H,~,141
TABLE 3.8-1 NOTES (Continued) CONTAINMENT PENETRATION CONDUCTOR OVER-CURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES IV.7) Refer to C.E. curve CES-7004A for IAC66T relays. IV.8) Relay and programmer testing to be performed in accordance with manufacturer's recommendation. IV.9) Equivalent breakers and fuses may be substituted for the types specified. V. 208 VOL TS AND 120 VOL TS CONTROL POWER FROM PDPs or MCCs V. I) For trip sctpoint, refer to drawing LOU-1564-B-289 sheet numbers as indicated. V.2) Below is a listing of molded case breakers hy type giving the curve numhcr for time-current characteristic: TYPE/MANUFACTURER EE, EF CD TEB TED AM QO Cit ITE llclncman CE CE llelne1111111 Square D Cutler llammcr CURVE NO. TD49-47 CD,CE, CF CES-6122B, 6122 CES-6119C AM 630-2 Snfety Breaker Curve V.3) Equlvnlcnt hrcakcrs nnd fuses may he substituted for the types s1>eclned. VI. 120 VOLTS CONTROL POWER FROM PDPs or MCCs VI. I) For trip setpolnt, refer to drnwlni: LOU-1564-D-289 sheet numbers as Indicated. Vl.2) Below Is II lbtlni: of molded case hrcnkcrs hy type 11lvl1111 the curve numher for time-current charncterbtlc: TYl'E/MANUFAeruRER El-:,EF CD TED TED AM QO C'll ITE 1 lclneman ci,: ci,: lldnem11n S1111nrc I> Cutler l111111111cr CURVE NO. Tl> 4947 C'D, n :, CF GES-6122D, 6122 GES-6119(' AM
- 630-2 S11floty Dn*11kcr C'un,c VU) E11ulvall*nt hn*ak,*n and fuses m11y hc 111lntlt11t,*d for thc types 1pcclncd.
(LBDCR 17-012, Am. 141) See SFCP - Frequencies are controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program (LBDCR 17-012, Am. 141) 3/4 8-"4 AMENDMENT NO. 141
3/4.4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM BASES 3/4.4.9 STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY (cont'd) ~ (DRN 03-1808, Am. 80; LBDCR 17-001, Am 141) The ACTION requirements provide restrictions prior to restoring structural integrity on ASME Code Class 1 and 2 components while allowing sufficient Reactor Coolant System heatup to allow pressurization to perform hydrostatic testing of the affected component while complying with the RCS pressure/temperature limits of Specification For the structural integrity of the reactor coolant pressure boundary to be assured, the reactor coolant pressure boundary must be maintained within the limitations of Technical Specifications and Maintaining the reactor coolant pressure boundary within these limits ensures that the component material is adequately warmed such that the material is above the Nil Ductility Reference Temperature, RT Nor* prior to introducing pressure sufficient to induce brittle fracture. The RT Nor of the reactor vessel is 0°F plus adjustments for embrittlement when the reactor coolant system pressure is greater than 525 psi. At pressure below 525 psi, lower temperatures are acceptable. These limits are controlled by the Pressure/Temperature limits in Technical Specification The lowest service temperature per ASME is RT Nor plus 60°F for the reactor vessel and RT Nor plus 100°F for the piping, pumps and valves. The most limiting RT Nor of the reactor coolant system is 90°F based on the reactor coolant pump driver mount flanges. That makes the lowest service temperature 215.6°F (90°F plus 100°F plus instrument error). The minimum temperatures apply Components of the Reactor Coolant System were designed to provide access to permit inservice inspections in accordance with Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 1980 Edition and Addenda through Winter 1981. + (DRN 03-1808, Am. 80; LBDCR 17-001, Am 141) -+(DRN 03-1808, Am. 80, 07-201, Am. 112) + (ORN 03-1808, Am. 80, 07-201, Am. 112) B 3/4 2h AMENDMENT NO. 80, 99, 4-07, 108,112,124, 141
-+(DRN 02-1638) ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS 3/4.8.3 ONSITE POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS OPERATING LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION --+(LBOCR 15-008 Am 135; LBOCR 15--009 Am. 135, LBOCR 16-058 Am. 142; LBOCR 16-059 Am 142) 3.8.3. 1 The rectifiers for the following Static Uninterruptible Power Supplies (SUPS) shall be OPERABLE.
- a.
- b.
- c.
- d.
- e.
- f.
- g.
SUPS-3AB-S <-(LBOCR 15-008 Am 135, LBOCR 15--009 Am. 135; LBOCR 16-058 Am 142; LBOCR 16-059 Am 142) APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3 and 4. ACTION: --+(ORN 04-1191, Am. 91)
- a.
With any of the above listed SUPS rectifiers inoperable and the associated SUPS is not being supplied from the bypass AC power, restore the rectifier to operable status or verify the two associated battery chargers are in service within 24 hours; otherwise, enter TRM LCO 3.0.3. <-{ORN 04-1191, Am 91 ) SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.8.3. 1 No additional surveillance requirements other than those required by Technical Specifications 4.8.3. <-{ORN 02-1639) --+(ORN 02-1639; 05-1013, 07-136, Am. 111) <-{ORN 02-1639; 05-101 3, 07-136, Am. 111) 3/4 8-3 AMENDMENT NO. 34, 67, Q1, 400;, 111, 135, 142
- {xly.J
- {xi~}
REACTOR AUXILIARY BUILDING RAB1B Control Room H& V Room +46 0/7 RAB1C Control Room Emergency Quarters +46 9/0 RAB1D Computer Room (above raised floor) +46 5/0 Computer Room (below raised floor) +46 710 ... (LBDCR 17-021, Am. 143) RAB2 Ventilation Equip Room +46 0/20 S-6 Fan Room (RAB Roof) +69 0/5 +-(LBDCR 17-021, Am 143) RAB3 RAB Corridor to Relay Room +35 0/5 RAB HVAC Switchgear Equip Room +46 0/4 RAB3A RAB Battery Exhaust Fan Room +69 0/3 Elevator Vestibule +21 1/0 RAB9 Remove Shutdown Room +21 1/0 RAB 11 Battery Room "B" +21 1/0 RAB12 Battery Room "AB" +21 1/0 RAB13 Battery Room "A" +21 1/0 RAB15A Emergency Diesel Gen "B" Feed Tk Room +46 0/1 RAB16A Emergency Diesel Gen "A" Feed Tk Room +46 0/1 RAB17 CCW Heat Exchanger "B" +21 0/3 RAB18 CCW Heat Exchanger "A" +21 0/3 RAB19 CCWPump "A" +21 0/2 RAB20 CCW Pump "AB" +21 0/2 RAB21 CCWPump"B" +21 1/0 RAB22 Drumming Station/ Hot Tool Room +21 0/5 RAB24 Hot Machine Shop +21 17/0 RAB25 Equipment Access Area Wing Area +21 12/0 RAB27 H&V Room +7 0/4 Electrical Area and Health Physics Offices +7 0/31 l&C Room +7 0/5 Communications Room +7 1/0 RAB30 Administrative Area (HP) -4 32/0 RAB31 Corridor and Passageways -4 0/17 RAB32 Wing Area - Auxiliary Component -35 22/0 Cooling Water Pump -4 21/0 RAB 33 SID Cool Heat Exchangers A&B -34 0/9 ~(LBDCR 16-011, Am. 138) 3/4 3-18 AMENDMENT N0.4J8, 143
- 1.
- a.
Fuel Storage Pool Area Fuel Handling Building Ventilation System 2 ~ 100 mR/h 10 104 mR/h 24 Isolation -+(LBDCR 17--018, Am. 143)
- 2.
- a.
Fuel Handling Building 1 Not Applicable 10 105 µCi/cc 27 Exhaust High Range .. (LBDCR 17--018, Am. 143)
- With irradiated fuel in the storage pool.
3/4 3-?b AMENDMENT NO.SO, 143
TABLE 3.3-6 (Continued) ACTION STATEMENTS ACTION 24 With the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, comply with the ACTION requirements of Requirement 3.9.12. -+(LBDCR 17-018, Am. 143) ACTION 27 With the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, either restore the inoperable Channel(s) to OPERABLE status within 72 hours, or: + (LBDCR 17-018, Am. 143)
- 1. Initiate the preplanned alternate method of monitoring the appropriate parameter(s), and
- 2. If the monitor is not restored to OPERABLE status within 7 days after the failure, prepare and submit a Special Report to the Commission pursuant to Specification 6.9.2 within 14 days after the failure outlining the action taken, the cause of the inoperability and the plans and schedule for restoring the system to OPERABLE status.
3/4 3-7c AMENDMENT NO. W, 143
- 1.
- a. Fuel Storage Pool Area Fuel Handling Building Ventilation System Isolation
-+(LBDCR 17--018, Am. 143)
- 2.
- a. Fuel Handling Building Exhaust High Range
+ (LBDCR 17--018, Am. 143) CHANNEL CHECK s s
- With irradiated fuel in the storage pool.
INDEX LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SECTION 3/4.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3/ MAIN FEEDWATER REGULATING VALVES AND STARTUP FEEDWATER REGULATING VALVES............................................. -+(ORN 02-1683) DELETED............................................................................................ DELETED.............................................................................. +-(ORN 02-1683) -+(ORN 02-1794, 05-880. Am. 100) 3/ DELETED............................................................................. +-(ORN os.aao. Am. 100) -+ (LBOCR 16*011, Am. 138) 3/4.7.3 DELETED.............................................................................. +-(LBOCR 16*011. Am. 138) -+(LBOCR 13*003, Am 124) 3/4.7.5 FLOOD PROTECTION............................................................. +-(LBDCR 13-003, Am 124) -+(EC*15515, Am 118) 3/4.7.8 SHOCK SUPPRESSORS SNUBBERS)....................................... +-(EC-15515. Am 118) -+ (LBDCR 13*003. Am 124) 3/4.7.9 SEALED SOURCE CONTAMINATION........................................ +-(LBDCR 13*003. Am 124) 3/4.7.10 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS FIRE SUPPRESSION WATER SYSTEMS..................................... +-(ORN 02-1794) SPRAY AND/OR SPRINKLER SYSTEMS...................................... -+(ORN 02*912. LBDCR,a.a,,. Am 138) +-(ORN 02*912. LBOCR 16*011. Am 138) FIRE HOSE STATIONS.................................................................. YARD FIRE HYDRANTS AND HYDRANT HOSE HOUSES.......... 3/4.7.11 FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES.............................................................. -+(LBOCR 16*011, Am 138) 3/4.7.12 DELETED...................................................................................... +-(LBDCR 16*011. Am 138) -+(ORN 02*912) 3/4.7.13 SWITCHGEAR AREA VENTILATION SYSTEM.................................. +-(ORN 02*G12) ... (ORN 02* 1878) 3/4.7.14 ESSENTIAL INSTRUMENT AIR SYSTEM.................................... +-(ORN 02* 1878) -+(LBDCR 16-056. Am 144) 3/4.7.15 CONTROL ROOM EQUIPMENT ROOM....................................... CONTROL ROOM EQUIPMENT ROOM - OPERATING.................. CONTROL ROOM EQUIPMENT ROOM - SHUTDOWN.................. 3/4.7.16 REACTOR AUXILIARY BUILDING HEATING AND VENTILATION ROOM EQUIPMENT ROOM....................................................... +-(LBOCR 16-056. Am 144) 314,8 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS ... (ORN 02*G12 02* 163Q 05*1013 07*136 Am 111) 3/4.8.1 A.C. SOURCES +-(ORN 02.Q12) OPERATING........................................................................................ OPERATING/SHUTDOWN.................................................................. 3/4.8.3 ON SITE POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS.................................. +-10RN 02-912 02*1630 ORN 0&* 101 3 01.1:,e Am 111) ... (ORN02*012 02* 1830) 3/4 7-1 3/4 7-1a 3/4 7-1b 3/4 7-1c 3/4 7-1d 3/4 7-1e(a1) 3/4 7-1e 3/4 7-1e(10)(a1) 3/4 7-1f 3/4 7-4 3/4 7-8 3/4 7-11 3/4 7-13 3/4 7-14 3/4 7-15 3/4 7-16 3/4 7-17 3/4 7-17 3/4 7-18 3/4 7-19 3/4 8-1 3/4 8-2 3/4 8-3 II AMENDMENT NO. 16, 38, 60, &1, 68, 67, 70, 100, 103, 111, 124, 138, 144 t-10RN 02*G12 02-1639)
INDEX LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SECTION -+(ORN 07-1 36Am. 111 ) 3/4.8.4 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES CONTAINMENT +-(ORN 07-136 Am. 111 ) (ORN 05-880, Am. 100) <- (ORN 05-880, Am. 100) PENETRATION CONDUCTOR OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES........................................................... MOTOR-OPERATED VALVES THERMAL OVERLOAD PROTECTION AND/OR BYPASS DEVICES................................. 3/4.9 REFUELING OPERATIONS ---+(LBOCR 13-003, Am. 124) 3/4.9.5 COMMUNICATIONS............................................................... < (LBOCR 13-003, Am 124) -,(LBOCR 15-024, Am 129) 3/4.9.6 REFUELING MACHINE........................................................... 3/4.9.7 CRANE TRAVEL - FUEL HANDLING BUILDING.......................... < (LBOCR 15-024, Am 129) 3/4.9.12 FUEL HANDLING BUILDING VENTILATION SYSTEM.................. --> (LBOCR 16-056, Am 144) 3/4.9.13 FUEL HANDLING BUILDING HEATING AND VENTILATION ROOM............................................................. f-(LBDCR 16-056 Am 144) 3/4.11 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS 3/4.11.1 ,(ORN 02-2181 3/4.11.2 ,(ORN 02*G12)
- (ORN 02,G12) 3/4.11.3 3/4.11.4
, (ORN 02,21 6) 3/4,12 3/4.12.1 3/4.12.2 3/4.12.3 LIQUID EFFLUENTS CONCENTRATION............................................................................ DOSE................................................................................................. LIQUID RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM................................... GASEOUS EFFLUENTS DOSE RATE............................................................................ GASEOUS EFFLUENTS DOSE RATE............................................. DOSE - IODINE-131, IODINE-133, TRITIUM AND RADIONUCLIDES IN PARTICULATE FORM........................ GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT............................................ SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE........................................................... TOTAL DOSE...................................................................................... RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING MONITORING PROGRAM................................................................. LAND USE CENSUS..........................................................................
- INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAM...................,........
- (lODCR 16,033 Am 1;i.1 3/4, l 3 BEYOND DESIGN BASIS COMPONENTS 3/4.13.1 SPENT FUEL POOL INSTRUMENTATION........................................
, (lODCR 16,033 Am 13~1 ,(lODCR 16,00II Am 136) 3/4.13.2 DIVERSE AND FLEXIBLE COPING STRATEGIES (FLEX) EQUIPMENT 3/4.13.3 FLEX FLUID AND ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS , (lODCR 16 008 Am 136) 3/4 8-4 3/4 8-62 3/4 9-1 3/4 9-2 3/4 9-3 3/4 9-4 3/4 9-5 3/4 11-1 3/4 11-16 3/4 11-17 3/4 11-18 3/4 11-25 3/4 11-26 3/4 11-27 3/4 11-29 3/4 11-30 3/4 12-1 3/4 12-13 3/4 12-14 3/4 13-1 3/4 13-2 3/4 13-5 lie AMENDMENT NO. 68, 99, 100, 118, 124, 129, 134, 138, 144
INDEX 3/4.6 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS 3/4.6.1 3/ PRIMARY CONTAINMENT............................................................... CONTAINMENT LEAKAGE............................................................... -+ (ORN 05-880, Am. 100) 3/ DELETED.......................................................................................... <-(ORN 05-880. Am 100) 3/4.6.3 CONTAINMENT ISOLATION VALVES.............................................. -+(ORN 04-972. Am. 90) 3/4.6.4 COMBUSTIBLE GAS MONITORING...................................... f-(ORN 04-972, Am. 90) 3/4.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3/ MAIN FEEDWATER REGULATING VALVES AND STARTUP FEEDWATER REGULATING VALVES........................................... -+(ORN 02-1683. Am es. 02-1794, Am 69) f-(ORN 02-1883. Am. 65) -+(ORN 05*880. Am 100) DELETED........................................................................... 3/ DELETED........................................................................... <-(ORN 05*880. Am 100. LBOCR 16*011. Am 138) 3/.4.7.3 DELETED....................................................,........................ <-(ORN 02-1794. Am 89, LBOCR 18*011. Am 138) -+(LBOCR 13*003. Am 124) 3/4.7.5 FLOOD PROTECTION......................................................... <-(LBOCR 13*003. Am 124) -+(EC-15515. Am 118) 3/4.7.8 SHOCK SUPPRESSORS (SNUBBERS).................................... +-(EC-15515. Am 118) -+ (LBDCR 13*003. Am 124) 3/4.7.9 SEALED SOURCE CONTAMINATION.................................... +-(LBOCR 13*003. Am 12*) 3/4.7.10 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS..................................................... 3/4.7.11 FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES............................................................. -+(LBDCR 18*01 1. Am 138) 3/4.7.12 DELETED................................................................................. +-(LBOCR 18*011. Am 138) -+(ORN 02*91 2, Am 58) 3/4.7.13 SWITCHGEAR AREA VENTILATION SYSTEM........................... +-(ORN 02*912. Am 58) -+(ORN 02* 1878. Am 70) 3/4.7.14 ESSENTIAL INSTRUMENT AIR................................................ ..,(ORN 02* 1878 Am 701 -+(LBOCR 16-056, Am 144) 3/4.7.15 CONTROL ROOM EQUIPMENT ROOM..................................... 3/4.7.16 REACTOR AUXILIARY BUILDING HEATING AND VENTILATION ROOM EQUIPMENT ROOM.................................................... +-(LBDCR 16-056, Am 144) 3/4,8 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS -+(ORN 02.1939 05* 1013 Am 103) 3/4.8.1 A.C. SOURCES................................................................................... ..,(ORN 02* 1839 05* 1013 Am 1031 3/4.8.3 ON SITE POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS............................. ... (ORN 02* 10391 3/4.8.4 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES...................... B 3/4 3 B 3/4 3 B 3/4 3 B 3/4 3 B 3/4 3a B 3/4 3b B 3/4 3d B 3/4 3e B 3/4 3g B 3/4 7-1e(a1) B 3/4 3g(1) B 3/4 7-1e(10)(a1) B 3/4 4 B 3/4 4 B 3/4 4a B 3/4 4b B 3/4 4c B 3/4 4e1 B 3/4 4e1 B 3/4 4f B 3/4 5 B 3/4 Sa IV AMENDMENT NO. ~ 118,124,1381 144
r INDEX 3/4.9 REFUELING OPERATIONS --+(LBDCR 13-003, Am. 124) 3/4.9.5 COMMUNICATIONS........................................................ b(LBDCR 13-003, Am. 124) --+(LBDCR 15-024, Am. 129) B 3/4 5a 3/4.9.6 REFUELING MACHINE........................................................ B 3/4 5a 3/4.9.7 CRANE TRAVEL-FUEL HANDLING BUILDING...................................... B 3/4 5b b(LBDCR 15-024, Am. 129) 3/4.9.12 FUEL HANDLING BUILDING VENTILATION SYSTEM..................... -+(LBDCR 16-056, Am 144) 3/4.9.13 FUEL HANDLING BUILDING HEATING AND VENTILATION ROOM.................................................... <-(LBDCR 16-056. Am 144) 3/4.11 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS 3/ 3/4. 11. 1.2 3/ 3/ 3/4. 11.2.2 (ORN 02-216) 3/4. 11.2.3 3/4. 11.2.4 4- (DRN 02*2 16) 3/4.11.3 3/4.11.4 CONCENTRATION........................................................................... DOSE................................................................................................. LIQUID RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM................................... DOSE RATE....................................................................................... DOSE - NOBLE GASES..................................................................... DOSE IODINE-131, IODINE-133, TRITIUM, AND RADIONUCLIDES IN PARTICULATE FORM.................................. GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT............................................... SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE........................................................... TOTAL DOSE...................................................................................... 3/4.12 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 3/4.12.1 MONITORING PROGRAM.................................................................. - >(ORN 05*880. Am 100) 3/4.12.2 LAND USE CENSUS........................................................................... 4- (DRN 05*880, Am 100) 3/4. 12.3 INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAM............................ ,(LBOCR 18*008. Am 138) 314. 13 BEYOND DESIGN BASES COMPONENTS 3/4. 13.1 3/4.13.2 3/4.13.3 SPENT FUEL POOL LEVEL INSTRUMENTATION........................... DIVERSE AND FLEXIBLE COPING STRATEGIES (FLEX) EQUIPMENT FLEX FLUID AND ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS--............................ , (LBOCR 18-008 Am I 38) B 3/4 5b B 3/4 5c B 3/4 6 B 3/4 6 B 3/4 7 B 3/4 7 B 3/4 8 B 3/4 9 8 3/4 10 B 3/4 10 B 3/4 10 B 3/4 11 8 3/4 12 B 3/4 12 B 3/4 13 B 3/4 14 B 3/4 14 IVs AMENDMENT NO. 124, 129, 136-r 144
- 3. 7.15.1 Two independent control room equipment room air handling units (AH-26) shall be OPERABLE.
- a. With one control room equipment room air handling unit inoperable,
- 1. Verify the opposite train control room air conditioning unit (AH-12) is OPERABLE and capable of being powered fr om an OPERABLE emergency power source, and
- 2. Restore the inoperable unit to OPERABLE within 7 days.
- b. With both control room equipment room air handling units inoperable, or if any requirements of ACTION a are not met, enter TRM LCO 3.0.3.
- 4. 7.15.1 No additional surveillance requirements specific to the control room equipment room air handling units.
<-(LBDCR 16-056, Am. 144) 3/47-17 AMENDMENT NO. 144
-+(LBDCR 16-056, Am. 144) PLANT SYSTEMS CONTROL ROOM EQUIPMENT ROOM - SHUTDOWN LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION Two independent control room equipment room air handling units (AH-26) shall be OPERABLE. APPLICABILITY: MODES 5, 6, and during load movements with or over irradiated fuel assemblies. ACTION:
- a.
With one control room equipment room air handling unit inoperable, restore the inoperable unit to OPERABLE within 7 days, or initiate and maintain operation of the remaining OPERABLE control room equipment room air handling unit.
- b.
With both control room equipment room air handling units inoperable, or with the OPERABLE control room equipment room air conditioning unit, required to be in operation by ACTION a, not capable of being powered by an OPERABLE emergency power source, suspend all operations involving CORE AL TE RATIONS and load movements with or over irradiated fuel assemblies, OR verify environmental conditions allow supported equipment to remain OPERABLE.
- c.
The provisions of TRM LCO 3.0.4 are not applicable. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS No additional surveillance requirements specific to the control room equipment room air handling units. <--(LBDCR 16-056, Am 144) 3/4 7-18 AMENDMENT NO. 144
--+(LBDCR 16-056, Am. 144) PLANT SYSTEMS 3/4.7.16 REACTOR AUXILIARY BUILDING HEATING AND VENTILATION ROOM EQUIPMENT ROOM LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.7.16 Two independent trains of reactor auxiliary building heating and ventilation room equipment room fan coolers (AH -13) and exhaust fans (E-41) shall be OPERABLE. APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4. ACTION :
- a. With one train of reactor auxiliary building heating and ventilation room equipment room fan coolers and exhaust fans inoperable,
- 1. Verify the opposite train reactor auxiliary building heating and ventilation room equipment room fan coolers and exhaust fans is OPERABLE and capable of being powered from an OPERABLE emergency power source, and
- 2. Restore the inoperable train to OPERABLE within 72 hours.
- b. With both trains of reactor auxiliary building heating and ventilation room equipment room fan coolers and exhaust fans inoperable, or if any requirements of ACTION a are not met, enter TRM LCO 3.0.3.
- 4. 7.16 No additional surveillance requirements specific to the reactor auxiliary building heating and ventilation room equipment room fan coolers.
f-(LBDCR 16-056, Am. 144) 3/4 7-19 AMENDMENT NO. 144
-+(LBDCR 16-056, Am. 144) REFUELING OPERATIONS 3/4.9.13 FUEL HANDLING BUILDING HEATING AND VENTILATION ROOM LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.9.13 Two independent trains of fuel handling building heating and ventilation room exhaust fans (E-21) shall be OPERABLE. APPLICABILITY: Whenever irradiated fuel is in the spent fuel pool. ACTION :
- a. With one train of fuel handling building heating and ventilation room equipment room exhaust fans inoperable, restore the inoperable train to OPERABLE within 7 days, or declare the same train fuel handling building emergency filtration unit (E-35) INOPERABLE.
- b. With no fuel handling building heating and ventilation room equipment room exhaust fans OPERABLE, suspend all operations involving movement of fuel within the spent fuel pool or crane operation with loads over the spent fuel pool until at least one train of fuel handling building heating and ventilation room exhaust is restored to OPERABLE status.
- c. The provisions of TRM LCO 3.0.4 are not applicable.
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.9.13 No additional surveillance requirements specific to the fuel handling building heating and ventilation room equipment room fan coolers. f- (LBDCR 16-056, Am 144) 3/4 9-5 AMENDMENT NO. 144
-+(LBDCR 16-056, Am. 144) PLANT SYSTEMS BASES 3/ and 3/ CONTROL ROOM EQUIPMENT ROOM Control Room equipment Room Air Handling Units AH-26A(B) [HVCMAHU0013A(B)] support the safety function of the Control Room Air Handling Units AH-12A(B) [HVCMAHU0001A(B)] and the Control Room Emergency Filtration Units S-8A(B) [HVCMAHU0009A(B)] by maintaining the control room equipment room temperature within acceptable limits. Each AH-26 will auto-start when its associated AH-12 starts. A train of AH-26 is considered OPERABLE when it is capable of performing its safety function of removing heat from the control room equipment room. Each AH-26 is designed as a 100% capacity subsystem and therefore only one train is required to remove heat generated by both trains of equipment in the control room equipment room and maintain temperature below the design limit. The room coolers may not be required to maintain the room design temperature if the environmental conditions (outdoor ambient air temperature) are at a point where transmission losses from the room exceed the heat load in the room. In MODES 1-4, such an allowance to maintain the supported equipment Operable may be implemented under the provisions of TRM 3.0.3. In MODES 5-6, TRM 3.0.3 is not applicable, so this allowance has been included in the associated TRM Action. 3/4.7.16 REACTOR AUXILIARY BUILDING HEATING AND VENTILATION ROOM EQUIPMENT ROOM The reactor auxiliary building heating and ventilation room equipment room fan coolers support the safety function of equipment in the room by maintaining the room temperature within acceptable limits. The room is supplied by AH-13A(B) [HVRMAHU0022A(B)] and is exhausted through E-41 A(B) [HVRMFAN0024A(B)]. A train of reactor auxiliary building heating and ventilation room equipment room fan coolers is considered OPERABLE if the AH-13 and E-41 on a single train are OPERABLE. AH-13 is considered OPERABLE when it can auto-start on a SIAS and supply air to the reactor auxiliary building heating and ventilation room equipment room. E-41 is considered OPERABLE when it can remove heat from the equipment room and auto-start upon starting its associated AH-13 or start on high room temperature. Each train of fan coolers is designed as a 100% capacity subsystem and therefore only one train is required to support the safety function of both trains of equipment in the reactor auxiliary building heating and ventilation room equipment room. The room coolers may not be required to maintain the room design temperature if the environmental conditions (outdoor ambient air temperature) are at a point where transmission losses from the room exceed the heat load in the room. In MODES 1-4, such an allowance to maintain the supported equipment Operable may be implemented under the provisions of TRM 3.0.3. <-(LBDCR 16-056, Am 144) B 3/4 4e1 AMENDMENT NO. 144
--+(LBDCR 16-056, Am. 144) 3/4.9 PLANT SYSTEMS BASES 3/4.9.13 FUEL HANDLING BUILDING HEATING AND VENTILATION ROOM At least one Fuel Handling Building Heating and Ventilation Room Exhaust Fan, E-21A(B) [HVFMFAN0006A(B)], is required to be OPERABLE for both trains of Fuel Handling Building ventilation E-35A(B) [HVFMFAN0005A(B)] to be considered OPE RAB LE. Each train of fan coolers is designed as a 100% capacity subsystem and therefore only one train is required to support the safety function of both trains of equipment in the fuel handling building heating and ventilation room equipment room. The E-21 exhaust fan is OPERABLE if it is capable of starting upon a loss of offsite power coincident with a fuel handling ace ident when the room temperature is greater than the preset limit. The auto-start of the exhaust fans is not tied to the associated fuel handling building emergency filtration units on the same train. f-(LBDCR 16-056, Am. 144) B 3/4 5c AMENDMENT NO. 144
3/4.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3/ MAIN FEEDWATER REGULATING VALVES AND STARTUP FEEDWATER REGULATING VALVES LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION In support of their backup functions to the Main Feedwater Isolation Valves, each Main Feedwater Regulating Valve (MFRV) and Startup Feedwater Regulating Valve (SFRV) shall be able to actuate to the closed position on MSIS. APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4 ACTION: Note: Separate Condition entry is allowed for each valve. With one or more MFRV or SFRV degraded such that it is unable to actuate to the closed position on MSIS, either:
- a.
- b.
-+(ORN 04-1191, Am. 91) Close and deactivate, or isolate the degraded valve within 72 hours and verify degraded valve closed and deactivated or isolated once every 7 days or Be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours. The provisions of TRM LCO 3.0.4 are not applicable. +-iORN 04-1191, Am. 91) SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Functionality of each MFRV and SFRV shall be demonstrated: ORN 04-1191, Am. 91 ; LBOCR 17-032, Am. 146)
- a.
By verifying isolation ~ 4.5 seconds when tested pursuant to the INSERVICE TESTING PROGRAM. +-(ORN 04-1191, Am. 91 ; LBOCR 17-032, Am. 145)
- b.
By verifying actuation to the closed position on an actual or simulated actuation signal at least once per 18 months. 3/4 7-1 AMENDMENT NO. a,. 1-, 145
+ (DRN 02-1878) PLANT SYSTEMS 3/4. 7.14 ESSENTIAL INSTRUMENT AIR LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.7.14 The Essential Instrument Air System shall be OPERABLE with a minimum air bank pressure of 2250 PSIG. APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3 and 4. ACTION:
- a. With one station inoperable and its air bank pressure.:':. 2250 PSIG, align the high pressure and low pressure cross-connect valves within 4 hours to maintain the operability of the valves served by the inoperable station.
+ (ORN 04-1191, Am. 91)
- b. With one station inoperable and its air bank pressure <2250 PSIG or unable to align the high pressure cross connect, then align the low pressure cross-connect valves to supply the valves served by the inoperable station within 4 hours, and restore the inoperable air bank cylinders within 14 days; otherwise, enter TRM LCO 3.0.3.
+ (ORN 04-1191, Am. 91) SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS -+(DRN 03-1808, Am. 80; LBDCR 17..032, Am. 145) No additional surveillance requirements other than those required by the INSERVICE TESTING PROGRAM. + (DRN 02-1878; 03-1808, Am. 80; LBDCR 17-032, Am. 145) 3/4 7-16 AMENDMENT NO. +Q, 00, 94, 145
3/4.7 PLANT SYSTEMS BASES 3/ MAIN FEEDWATER REGULATING VALVES AND STARTUP FEEDWATER REGULATING VALVES (Continued) + (ORN 03-1808, Am. 80; LBDCR 17.032, Am. 145) The Surveillance Requirement to verify isolation in less than or equal to 4.5 seconds supports the 5.0 second time assumed in the accident and containment analyses minus 0.5 seconds to account for measurement uncertainty. The SFRVs and MFRVs should not be tested at power since even a partial stroke exercise increases the risk of a valve closure with the plant generating power. The Surveillance to verify each SFRV and MFRV can close on an actual or simulated actuation signal is normally performed when the plant is returning to operation following a refueling outage. The 18 month frequency is based on the refueling cycle. Verification of closure time is performed per the INSERVICE TESTING PROGRAM. This frequency is acceptable from a reliability standpoint and is in accordance with the INSERVICE TESTING PROGRAM. + (ORN 03-1808, Am. 80; LBOCR 17.032, Am. 145) + (ORN 02-1683) + (ORN 02-1683) B 3/4 3c AMENDMENT 38,ea, 80, 145}}