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 Issue dateTitle
ML20122A10527 May 2020Letter from Margaret M. Doane to John B. Rhodes, Chair and Executive Officer, Ny State Public Service Commission: Response to Ny State Public Service Commission Regarding Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines Near Indian Point Nuclear Power Pl
ML20122A12227 May 2020Letter from Margaret M. Doane to Mr. Lemuel Srolovic, Chief, Environmental Protection Bureau, Office of the Ny Attorney General: Response to Office of Ny Attorney General Regarding Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines Near Indian Point Power
ML20003D08813 January 2020Letter with Individual Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amendment to Renewed Facility Operating License, Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration Determination, and Opportunity for a Hearing
NL-19-093, Proposed Technical Specifications (TS) Changes - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 3 TS SR and TS 3.7.6, Required Action A.121 November 2019Proposed Technical Specifications (TS) Changes - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 3 TS SR and TS 3.7.6, Required Action A.1
NL-18-045, IP3 ILRT RAI Responses3 July 2018IP3 ILRT RAI Responses
ML17065A17127 March 2017Safety Evaluation Regarding Implementation of Mitigating Strategies and Reliable Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation Related to Orders EA-12-049 and EA-12-051
NL-16-115, Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Review of Compliance with Order EA-12-049 Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events,.2 December 2016Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Review of Compliance with Order EA-12-049 Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events,.
ML16048A09717 February 2016NRR E-mail Capture - Followup Actions Regarding February 2 2016 Meeting with Mr. Richard Kuprewicz
ML15337A25910 August 2015Official Exhibit - NRC000224-00-BD01 - IP3 FSAR Rev. 04 Chapter 16
ML15223A77910 August 2015NRC000224 - IP3 FSAR Rev. 04 Chapter 16
ML13337A59424 January 2014Interim Staff Evaluation and Audit Report Relating to Overall Integrated Plan in Response to Order EA-12-049 (Mitigation Strategies)
ML14010A33114 January 2014Mega-Tech Services, LLC Technical Evaluation Report Regarding the Overall Integrated Plan for Indian Point Energy Center, Units 2 and 3, TAC Nos.: MF0744 and MF0745
NL-12-106, Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Proposed License Amendment to Allow Use of the Backup Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System While the Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System Is Out of Service6 August 2012Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Proposed License Amendment to Allow Use of the Backup Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System While the Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System Is Out of Service
ML12088A23328 March 2012Entergy Pre-Filed Evidentiary Hearing Exhibit ENT000022 - Rg 1.70
ML12335A67328 March 2012Official Exhibit - ENT000022-00-BD01 - Rg 1.70, Standard Format and Content of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition, Rev. 3 (Nov. 1978)
NL-12-029, Proposed License Amendment to Allow Use of the Backup Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System While the Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System Is Out of Service6 February 2012Proposed License Amendment to Allow Use of the Backup Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System While the Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System Is Out of Service
ML12335A43422 December 2011Official Exhibit - NYSR0013K-00-BD01 - UFSAR, Rev. 20, Indian Point Unit 3 (Submitted with License Renewal Application) (2007) (IP3 UFSAR, Rev. 20)
ML11356A15622 December 2011State of New York (NYS) Pre-Filed Evidentiary Hearing Exhibit NYSR0013K, UFSAR, Rev. 20, Indian Point Unit 3 (Submitted with License Renewal Application) (2007) (IP3 UFSAR, Rev. 20)
ML11356A15522 December 2011State of New York (NYS) Pre-Filed Evidentiary Hearing Exhibit NYSR0013J, UFSAR, Rev. 20, Indian Point Unit 3 (Submitted with License Renewal Application) (2007) (IP3 UFSAR, Rev. 20)
ML11356A15122 December 2011State of New York (NYS) Pre-Filed Evidentiary Hearing Exhibit NYSR0013H, UFSAR, Rev. 20, Indian Point Unit 3 (Submitted with License Renewal Application) (2007) (IP3 UFSAR, Rev. 20)
ML11356A13722 December 2011New York State (NYS) Revised Pre-Filed Evidentiary Hearing Exhibit NYSR0013E, UFSAR, Rev. 20, Indian Point Unit 3 (Submitted with License Renewal Application) (2007) (IP3 UFSAR, Rev. 20)
ML12335A42922 December 2011Official Exhibit - NYSR0013H-00-BD01 - UFSAR, Rev. 20, Indian Point Unit 3 (Submitted with License Renewal Application) (2007) (IP3 UFSAR, Rev. 20)
ML12335A43322 December 2011Official Exhibit - NYSR0013J-00-BD01 - UFSAR, Rev. 20, Indian Point Unit 3 (Submitted with License Renewal Application) (2007) (IP3 UFSAR, Rev. 20)
ML12335A42422 December 2011Official Exhibit - NYSR0013E-00-BD01 - UFSAR, Rev. 20, Indian Point Unit 3 (Submitted with License Renewal Application) (2007) (IP3 UFSAR, Rev. 20)
ML1112502389 May 2011Summary of Category 1 Public Meeting with Entergy on the Transfer of Spent Fuel from Unit 3 to Unit 2 at Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3 (TAC Nos. ME1671, ME1672, and L24299)
ML0904100511 July 2008EC 5000033794, Revision 1, Indian Point 2 Station Blackout and Appendix R Diesel Generator Set
ML08128049130 April 2008Indian Point, Units 2 & 3, Amendment 4 to License Renewal Application (LRA)
ML07263019331 January 2007Enclosure 7: Environmental Assessment Direct Final Rule - HI-STORM 100, Amend. 4 - to Amend 10 CFR Part 72 List of Approved Spent Fuel Storage Casks
ML0505902754 March 2005Y20040256 - Thomas J. Abinanti Ltr. Hearing on Dry Cask Storage at the Indian Point Site in Peekskill, Ny
ML04363037310 December 2004Technical Specification Bases
ML0303604515 February 2003RAI, City Water Tank Surveillance Requirements. TAC No. MB5506
ML03024011627 January 2003License Amendment, Component Cooling Water System Design Basis
ML0208707328 April 2002Request for Additional Information Re Component Cooling Water System Protection from Natural Phenomena (Tac No. MB1955)
ML07226046521 September 1973Safety Evaluation Report for Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc
ML07324015215 October 1968Final Facility Description and Safety Analysis Report (Fsar), Original Version, Issued in October 1968, Through Supplement 15, Dated November 12, 1970, Sections Appendix a Through B, Q 12.1-59