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 Issue dateTitle
ML24109A08817 April 20241 to the Updated Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 6, Plant Engineered Safeguards
ML24109A08917 April 20241 to the Updated Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 7, Plant Instrumentation and Control Systems
ML24109A09617 April 20241 to the Updated Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 14, Plant Safety Analysis
ML24109A09217 April 20241 to the Updated Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 10, Plant Auxiliary Systems
ML23006A14919 December 20220 to Updated Safety Analysis Report, Section 10, Plant Auxiliary Systems
ML23006A14519 December 20220 to Updated Safety Analysis Report, Section 6, Plant Engineered Safeguards
ML23006A12719 December 20220 to Updated Safety Analysis Report, Section 7, Plant Instrumentation and Control System
ML21223A28015 October 2021Issuance of Amendment No. 207 Adoption of TSTF-564 Safety Limit MCPR
ML21148A27412 July 2021Issuance of Amendment No. 206 TSTF-505, Revision 2, Provide Risk-Informed Extended Completion Times - RITSTF Initiative 4b
ML21160A1059 June 2021Enclosure 1: Summary of Changes
ML21070A13411 February 20218 to Updated Safety Analysis Report, Section 10, Plant Auxiliary Systems
ML21070A12611 February 20218 to Updated Safety Analysis Report, Section 7, Plant Instrumentation and Control Systems
ML21070A12111 February 20218 to Updated Safety Analysis Report, Section 6, Plant Engineered Safeguards
ML21070A11511 February 20218 to Updated Safety Analysis Report, Section 14, Plant Safety Analysis
L-MT-20-036, Response to Request for Additional Information Related to License Amendment Request to Implement Technical Specification Task Force Traveler TSTF-505, Revision 2, Provide Risk-Informed Extended Completion Times21 December 2020Response to Request for Additional Information Related to License Amendment Request to Implement Technical Specification Task Force Traveler TSTF-505, Revision 2, Provide Risk-Informed Extended Completion Times
L-MT-20-023, License Amendment Request: Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-564, Safety Limit MCPR3 November 2020License Amendment Request: Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-564, Safety Limit MCPR
L-MT-20-018, License Amendment Request: Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-582, Reactor Pressure Vessel Water Inventory Control (RPV WIC) Enhancements22 September 2020License Amendment Request: Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-582, Reactor Pressure Vessel Water Inventory Control (RPV WIC) Enhancements
L-MT-20-003, License Amendment Request: Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt Risk-Informed Completion Times TSTF-505, Revision 2, Provide Risk-Informed Extended Completion Times-RITSTF Initiative 4b30 March 2020License Amendment Request: Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt Risk-Informed Completion Times TSTF-505, Revision 2, Provide Risk-Informed Extended Completion Times-RITSTF Initiative 4b
ML20055F81227 February 2020Pre-Application Meeting - License Amendment Request - Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt Risk Informed Completion Times TSTF-505, Revision 2, Provide Risk-Informed Extended Completion Times - Ritsf Initiative 4b
ML19308A0568 October 2019Enclosure 1 - Notification of Changes to the Emergency Response Data System (ERDS)
ML19074A26922 April 2019Non-Proprietary - Issuance of Amendment Revision to Technical Specifications 2.1.2 Safety Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio
ML19065A20011 March 2019Correction to License Amendment No. 200 Related to Adoption of TSTF-425, Relocated Surveillance Frequencies to Licensee Control - RITSTF Initiative 5B
ML19052A14211 March 2019Correction to License Amendment No. 198 Related to Adoption of TSTF-542, Reactor Pressure Vessel Water Inventory Control
ML19007A09028 January 2019Issuance of Amendment Adoption of TSTF-425, Relocate Surveillance Frequencies to Licensee Control-RITSTF Initiative 5B
L-MT-18-060, License Amendment Request: Revise the Safety Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio in Reactor Core Safety Limit 2.1.112 November 2018License Amendment Request: Revise the Safety Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio in Reactor Core Safety Limit 2.1.1
ML18250A07529 October 2018Issuance of Amendment Adoption of TSTF-542, Reactor Pressure Vessel Water Inventory Control
ML18130A7479 May 2018NRR E-mail Capture - Request for Information Monticello TSTF-542 License Amendment Request
L-MT-18-024, Changes to the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP) Emergency Plan24 April 2018Changes to the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP) Emergency Plan
L-MT-17-083, License Amendment Request: Application for Technical Specification Change Regarding Risk-Informed Justification for the Relocation of Specific Surveillance Frequency Requirements to a Licensee Controlled Program19 December 2017License Amendment Request: Application for Technical Specification Change Regarding Risk-Informed Justification for the Relocation of Specific Surveillance Frequency Requirements to a Licensee Controlled Program
L-MT-17-058, Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-542, Reactor Pressure Vessel Water Inventory Control20 October 2017Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-542, Reactor Pressure Vessel Water Inventory Control
L-MT-17-065, License Amendment Request to Revise the Emergency Action Level Scheme - Supplement and Response to Requests for Additional Information25 September 2017License Amendment Request to Revise the Emergency Action Level Scheme - Supplement and Response to Requests for Additional Information
ML17250A8717 September 2017MNGP TSTF-542 TS Draft Markups
ML17250A8707 September 2017MNGP TSTF-542 Draft Variations
ML17095A11231 March 2017License Amendment Request to Revise Emergency Action Level Scheme: Attach. 1, EAL Comparison Matrix Document (Deviations & Differences) and Attachments 2 & 3, Red-Line & Clean Versions of EAL Technical Bases Document
ML17054C39423 February 2017Non-Proprietary Issuance of Amendment Extended Flow Window
ML16312A40715 November 2016Licensing Amendment Request for Operation in the Extended Flow Window Domain
L-MT-16-041, License Amendment Request for Areva Extended Flow Window Supplement to Address Power Distribution Uncertainties14 September 2016License Amendment Request for Areva Extended Flow Window Supplement to Address Power Distribution Uncertainties
L-MT-16-031, Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-545, Revision 3, TS Inservice Testing Program Removal & Clarify SR Usage Rule Application to Section 5.5 Testing, and to Request an Alternative to the ASME Code28 July 2016Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-545, Revision 3, TS Inservice Testing Program Removal & Clarify SR Usage Rule Application to Section 5.5 Testing, and to Request an Alternative to the ASME Code
L-MT-16-021, Changes to the Emergency Plan, Revision 4729 April 2016Changes to the Emergency Plan, Revision 47
ML16054A42126 January 2016Revision 33 to the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Section 7, Plant Instrumentation and Control Systems
ML16054A44026 January 2016Revision 33 to the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Appendix I, Evaluation of High Energy Line Breaks Outside Containment
ML15275A0402 October 2015Revision 37 to Technical Specification Bases
ML15275A0392 October 2015Revision 38 to Technical Specification Bases
IR 05000263/201500212 August 2015IR 05000263/2015002; on 04/01/15-06/30/15; Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant; Integrated; Fire Protection, Inservice Inspection Activities, Maintenance Risk Assessments and Emergent Work Control, Operability Evaluations, Drill Evaluations
L-MT-15-048, License Amendment Request: Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-523, Generic Letter 2008-01, Managing Gas Accumulation, Using the Consolidated Line Item Improvement Process15 July 2015License Amendment Request: Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-523, Generic Letter 2008-01, Managing Gas Accumulation, Using the Consolidated Line Item Improvement Process
ML15167A52215 June 20152015 Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Initial License Examination Proposed Written Examination
ML15174A01815 June 20152015 Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Initial License Examination Administered Written Examination
ML15072A1415 June 2015Issuance of Amendment No. 188 Regarding Transition to Areva Atrium 10XM Fuel and Areva Safety Analysis Methods
ML15135A22412 May 2015Technical Specification Bases
ML15110A28015 April 2015Operating License and Technical Specifications