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ENS 4163725 April 2005 20:18:00

A Troxler Model 3440 moisture density gauge (S/N 33256, activity 8.8 milliCurie of Cs-137 and 44 milliCurie Am/Be) was lost at a job site after 4:00 pm on April 25, 2005. The gauge user did not check that the gauge was present in the transport vehicle before proceeding to the next job site. The fence around the jobsite was locked, and no other workers were present to determine whether the gauge was found and placed in the licensee's work trailer. Officials (local police, etc) will be notified if the gauge is not found at the job site on 4/26/05. Nevada Report NV-05-005.


The following update was provided by the State via facsimile: The gauge was found the same day the device was lost. The masonry contractor who found the gauge at the job site contacted a contractor who is also a gauge licensee and was working at the same job site. The gauge licensee/contractor then took possession of the gauge and notified Owens Geotechnical who took possession of the gauge on 4/26/05. This incident is considered to by closed. R4DO (Johnson) and NMSS EO (Essig) notified.

ENS 4132412 January 2005 12:01:00

During the time frame of 11:00 pm on January 11, 2005 and 5:30 a.m. on January 12, 2005, a Troxler Model 3430 portable gauge containing 9 mCi of Cs-137 and 44 mCi of Am-241/Be was reported stolen. The serial number on the Troxler gauge is not known at this time. The device was reported as fully locked, with all sources in the storage positions. The Nevada Health Division, Radiological Health Section, was notified by the licensee on January 12, 2005 at approximately 7:00 a.m. The individual involved was instructed by corporate RSO to notify local police. No other information is known at this time. An investigation is being conducted. Event Report ID No. NV-05-001

          • UPDATE AT 13:08 EST ON 1/19/05 FROM S. MARSHALL TO M. ABRAMOVITZ *****

The initial information incorrectly identified the gauge as Troxler, Model 3430. The correct Troxler Model is 3450, Serial # 000863. The Event Report ID No. NV-05-001 was incorrect, it should have read Event Report ID No. NV-05-002. The gauge was found on Friday, 01/14/05, by a private citizen on the curb at a local supermarket. The citizen called the licensee to advise them of the location of the gauge. The licensee will leak test the gauge before returning it to service. Notified R4DO (Clark), NMSS (Essig), and TAS (Hahn).

ENS 4128322 December 2004 18:22:00During the semi-annual inventory of General License radioactive material at Barrick Goldstrike Mines it was found that two NRD 2U500 sources with original activity of 500 micro-curies of Polonium 210 per source were not located where they are supposed to be. These sources are used in analytical laboratory as static eliminators on balance scales. They were installed in April 2004 and were accounted for during the semi-annual inventory conducted in June 2004. An investigation is being conducted by the licensee in an attempt to locate the missing sources and to determine how they were lost. Notification (from licensee) received in writing (letter dated 12/16/04) on December 22, 2004. Consequences: These are generally licensed static eliminators with no public health impact anticipated. Nevada Event Report ID No. NV-04-010
ENS 4120216 November 2004 12:55:00On November 16, 2004, Krazan & Associates, Inc., California Radioactive Material License # 4247-10, reported to the Nevada Health Division Radiological Health Section that one of their Troxler Moisture Density Gauges (Model # 3430, serial # 21922) was stolen. The gauge was stolen on November 14, 2004, between 0330 am and 0700 am PST from a job site in Reno, Nevada. Reno, Nevada Police Department was notified. Cause & contributing factors: Security measures defeated. Troxler Moisture Density Gauge Model # 3430 contains 9 millicuries of cesium-137 and 44 millicuries of Am:Be. State of Nevada Event Report ID No. NV-04-009.
ENS 4119615 November 2004 13:54:00On November 11, 2004, at 1700 hours PST, a Troxler Model number 3440 (serial number 30887) moisture density gauge was stolen from a transport vehicle in Las Vegas, Nevada. Landmark Testing of Las Vegas, NV is the license holder of the gauge. The gauge contains 8 millicures of Cesium-137 and 40 millicuries of Americium-241:Be. Las Vegas Metro Police Department was notified of the stolen gauge. Cause and Contributing Factors: The security measures for securing the gauge to the transport vehicle were defeated. Corrective Actions: Licensee conducted additional training regarding transportation requirements. Nevada Event Report ID No. NV-04-008.
ENS 4097623 August 2004 12:55:00

1. Event Report ID No. NV-04-005 2. License name, address, license No: Geotek, Inc.; 8835 S. Escondido Street, Suite A; Las Vegas, Nevada 89119-3 828, 00-11-0348-01 3. Nature of Event, Date and time of occurrence: Theft of a portable moisture/density gauge on 8/19/04, about 4:30 pm. 4. Date notified of event by licensee or non-licensee: August 20, 2004 5. Radionuclide, activity: Cesium 137-10 millicuries and Americium 241-50 milliCuries 6. Any exposures (indicate short and long-term effects): Unknown 7. Sealed source, device, etc. (make, model #, serial #): CPN-131 sealed source, CPN Model MC-3 gauge, serial number M34125837 8. Leak test information, if applicable: Unknown 9. Equipment (make, model #, serial #), and clear description of any equipment problems: See # 7 above 10. Persons involved, consequences: (Deleted), no consequences known 11. Transportation, identify shipper, package type and ID No.: N/A 12. Abnormal Occurrence (Y/N): N 13. Cause and contributing factors: The chain, securing the gauge case in the truck, was cut with bolt cutters and the gauge in its case was stolen 14. Notifications: patient, physician: N/A 15.Licensee corrective actions: Will perform investigation to determine root cause 16.Provide status through resolution (update record when found) 17. Notifications, local police, FBI and other States; as needed: Clark County Metropolitan Police 18. Enforcement Actions: Under investigation 19. Identify any possible generic safety concerns: N/A 20. Potential for others to experience the save event: Unknown This incident was reported to Ms. Linda McLean, NRC Region IV, on 8/20/04 by telefax.


The gauge was discovered in Las Vegas on October 8, 2004, apparently left at a job site. The man who found the gauge recognized what it was from past work experience. The gauge was stored at a fire station until it could be picked up by the owner. The gauge was not in a case but appeared OK and the shutter was closed. The owner confirmed pickup of the gauge on October 12, 2004. Notified R4DO (Jack Whitten) and NMSS (Bill Reamer).

ENS 4067916 April 2004 12:23:00The following information was received on 4/16/04 via facsimile: At approximately 4:15 p.m. on 4/15/04 the State received a telephone call from the RSO for Nortech - Reno. The RSO reported the loss of a Pacific Nuclear Model MC-1 portable moisture density gauge, S/N is M12044864, which contains 10 millicuries of Cs-137 and 50 millicuries of Am-241/Be. The operator had the device sitting on the tailgate of his pickup, out of the shipping box, while talking on the telephone. He got in the truck and proceeded to drive to a convenience store several miles away. Upon getting out of the truck at the convenience store he noticed that the gauge was missing. He retraced his route looking for the device but did not find it. It is not known if the device was locked or not. The individual had been conducting testing, so there is the possibility that it was not locked. The RSO has had four different individuals retracing the route looking for the device. They reportedly have been looking in alleys, dumpsters etc. but have not located the device. The licensee has notified the Reno Police and the Washoe County Sheriff.
ENS 405632 March 2004 18:18:00

Between 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 pm on March 2, 2004, at Vista & McCarran in Reno, Nevada, a Humboldt Scientific Model 5001 moisture density gauge containing 11 millicuries of Cs-137 and 44 millicuries of Am-241:Be, s/n 1854, was stolen from the transport vehicle. The employee indicated the chain securing the gauge to the pickup bed was cut.

The Reno, Nevada Police Department was notified.

The State provided the following information via facsimile: The gauge was found in a remote canyon east of Reno Nevada on July 12, 2005. The Storey County, Nevada sheriff's office contacted the Nevada Radiological Health Section who took possession of the gauge on July 12, 2005, and placed it in locked storage pending fingerprinting by law enforcement and leak testing. The shipping case for the gauge was not found but radiation measurements indicated the source was intact and the gauge appeared to be undamaged. Gauge serial number is actually 1859, the 1854 serial number listed above was a typographical error. Nevada event report number NV040001 Notified the R4DO (Spitzberg), NMSS EO (Miller) and TASDO (Whitney via e-mail).

ENS 4033418 November 2003 14:13:00The Nevada Department of Transportation notified the Nevada Division of Rad Health on 11/17/03 that on 11/15/03 a Troxler 4640B, s/n 2361 was stolen out of a field lab trailer. The gauge was secured in the trailer, but the thief was able to defeat the locks and barriers. The gauge contained 8 millicuries of Cs-137. Notifications were made to the local police, the FBI and other states of the stolen gauge.
ENS 403631 December 2003 10:45:00The State of Nevada provided the following information via facsimile: Date notified of event by licensee or non-licensee: November 17, 2003 Radionuclide, activity Cesium 137.8 millicuries Any exposures (indicate short and long-term effects): Unknown Sealed source, device, etc. (make, model #, serial #): Troxler 46408, S/N 2361 Leak test information, if applicable: Unknown Persons involved, consequences: Unknown Cause and contributing factors: Gauge was secured, according to procedures, in the licensee's field lab trailer. Thief defeated locks and barriers to break into storage closet and remove gauge. Gauge case and source rod were padlocked at the time of gauge theft. Licensee corrective actions: None, source was properly secured at the time of theft Provide status through resolution (update record when found): Gauge recovered on November 26, 2003 by a person wanting to remain anonymous. Gauge delivered to State regulatory agency and will be returned to licensee. Notifications, local police, FBI and other States; as needed: Henderson, NV Police Dept., Nevada Highway Patrol, Nevada Division of Emergency Management, and lastly, Nevada Radiological Health Section Identify any possible generic safety concerns: None Potential for others to experience the same event: Slight Note: This EN is actually an update to EN 40334.