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 Entered dateEvent description
ENS 4727116 September 2011 15:04:00

The Licensee declared an Unusual Event for Palisades Unit 1 on 09/16/2011 at 1450 EDT based on EAL SU 8.1, RCS (Reactor Coolant System) leakage exceeding 10 gallons per minute (gpm). The licensee was monitoring an increase in RCS leakage, and at a rate of 3.5 gpm entered their off normal procedure and began shutting down the plant. Technical Specification requires the plant to be in Mode 3 within 6 hours. Leakage increased to greater than 10 gpm, and at 1454 EDT the reactor was manually tripped from 79% power. All control rods fully inserted, and the shutdown was described by the licensee as uncomplicated. Unit 1 is stable in Mode 3. No safety injection was required since two charging pumps (B&C) were able to keep up with RCS leakage estimated to be between 14 and 15 gpm. Pressurizer level was restored to 43% and rising. RCS pressure was greater than 2000 psi and RCS temperature was being maintained at no load Tave of 535F on the turbine bypass valves. There is no indication of any primary-to-secondary leakage and all equipment is available except for charging pump 'A', which was tagged out of service for planned maintenance. An entry into containment had been made and the licensee had identified the source of the RCS leakage as being in the vicinity of the 'A' pressurizer spray control valve #1057. This was based on a steam plume seen from below the pressurizer looking up through grating towards this valve. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector.


At 1934 EDT the licensee terminated from their Unusual Event due to EAL SU 8.1. The plant is still in Mode 3 with a leak rate of 0.324 gpm..The licensee has confirmed that the leak is a result of the packing gland backing out of pressurizer spray valve #1057. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector. The R3DO (Bloomer) was notified. Notified FEMA (Eiscoe) and DHS (Flinter).