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 Entered dateEvent description
ENS 4047223 January 2004 17:45:00

At 1529 ET the reactor was manually tripped due to low steam generator level as a result of the loss of the 22 SGFP (Steam Generator Feed Pump). When the reactor was tripped, the turbine bypass and atmospheric dump valves went full open and did not shut. This lead to a SIAS (Safety Injection Actuation Signal) and SGIS (Steam Generator Isolation Signal). At 1718 ET, a second SIAS actuation occurred while reestablishing pressurizer level. The cause of the SGFP trip is unknown. The cause of the over steaming on turbine bypass valves and atmospheric dump valves is unknown. All control rods fully inserted. Auxiliary Feedwater initiated normally. The licensee stated that there was no actual ECCS injection to the RCS. The plant electrical system responded normally and all emergency diesel generators remain operable. All ECCS systems remain operable. There are no primary to secondary leaks. Decay heat is currently being removed via the steam-driven auxiliary feedwater pump and the atmospheric steam dumps. As of 1830 ET, primary pressure is approximately 2103 psi and pressurizer level is at 242 inches. Plant conditions are being stabilized at normal hot standby values . The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector who responded to the Control Room.

  • * * UPDATE FROM PACE TO GOTT ON 1/26/04 AT 1438 EST * * *

The licensee reported that their post trip review determined that the reactor received an automatic trip about 2 seconds before the manual trip. The automatic trip was due to low steam generator water level. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified NRR (Reis) and R1DO (Meyer)

  • * * UPDATE ON 03/23/04 @ 1604 BY DAVID FRYE TO C. GOULD * * *

During post event review of the 1/23/04 Rx Trip event (40472), it was discovered that Unit 2 met the entry criteria for EOP-4, Excess Steam Demand event. This condition required declaration of an Unusual Event. No declaration was made at the time because of the transitory nature of the condition. Transitory conditions such as this, however, still require reporting per NUREG-1022, Rev. 2. Immediate notification to the NRC via the Emergency Notification System is required per 10 CFR 50.72(a)(1)(i). The NRC Resident Inspector will be notified.