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ENS 4604725 June 2010 18:37:00On Friday, June 25, 2010, at about 1235 PDT, Southern California Edison (SCE) spilled about 25 gallons of Ethanolamine (ETA) while filling the ETA bins from the ETA bulk container. The spill occurred at the SONGS MESA Hazmat pad. Approximately 23 gallons remained inside the hazmat berm; approximately 2 gallons were spilled and contained outside the berm. The SONGS Hazardous Materials personnel are in the process of removing the ETA for disposal. ETA is used to control secondary side chemistry. SCE completed notification of the San Diego County Department of Environmental Health, the California Emergency Management Agency (CalEMA) and the National Response Center (Incident # 945486) by 1427 PDT. SCE is making this notification in accordance with 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(xi). At the time of this report, SONGS Units 2 and 3 are at 100% power. The NRC Senior Resident Inspector has been notified of this occurrence and will be provided with a copy of this report.
ENS 4586020 April 2010 18:39:00At about 0755 (PDT) on April 20, 2010, approximately 200 gallons of sodium hydroxide (caustic) was released into the SONGS Caustic Skid Berm. The release was fully contained within the bermed area and there was no release to the environment. The release is believed to have occurred from a Unit 2 caustic pump pressure safety valve (PSV) during the performance of condensate polishing demineralizer regeneration. The release has been secured and SONGS personnel have pumped the caustic to poly drums. Between 1103 and 1125 (PDT) SONGS notified the San Diego Department of Environmental Health (DEH), the State of California Emergency Management Agency (CalEMA), and the National Response Center of the contained non-radioactive caustic spill within the protected area of the facility. Therefore, Southern California Edison is reporting this occurrence to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi). SONGS Unit 2 is in Mode 1 at approximately 98% power and Unit 3 is in Mode 1 at approximately 50% power. The NRC Resident Inspector will be notified of this occurrence and will be provided a copy of this report. Additional information regarding this event will be provided to one of the Resident Inspectors at the site.
ENS 4424729 May 2008 18:06:00

On May 29, 2008, at approximately 1136 PDT, the offsite power grid connected to San Onofre experienced a momentary system disturbance. Control Room indicators alerted Operators that the grid frequency dipped to approximately 59.6 Hz. Because frequency dipped below 59.7 Hz, SCE is reporting this event in accordance with 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(v)(D). The frequency dip lasted approximately 10 seconds, reportedly due to a loss of generation in the Pacific Northwest. The grid is currently operating at nominal frequency.

At the time of the event, San Onofre Unit 2 was operating in Mode 1 at approximately 99 percent power and Unit 3 was operating in Mode 1 at approximately 80 percent power. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified of this event and will be provided a copy of this report.

ENS 423104 February 2006 00:46:00On February 3, 2006, at about 1646 PST the Devers-Palo Verde line relayed. This required an evaluation of grid nomograms for San Onofre. At about 1815 PST, the Grid Control Center (GCC) notified San Onofre that the grid nomograms predicted offsite power would not be within limits if San Onofre Unit 3 were to trip (San Onofre Unit 2 is currently shutdown in a refueling outage and Unit 3 is operating at about 100 percent power). Plant Operators declared offsite power inoperable at about 1815 PST. At about 1843 PST, the GCC notified San Onofre that the grid operator added generation to the grid and that offsite power was within nomogram limits. Plant Operators declared offsite power operable at that time. Consistent with the guidance provided in NUREG-1022, Rev. 2, Southern California Edison is reporting this event in accordance with 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(v)(D). All four San Onofre diesel generators (two per Unit) remained operable during this event. The San Onofre Senior Resident Inspector has been notified of this event and will be provided with a copy of this report.
ENS 4195829 August 2005 14:18:00

On August 29, 2005 at about 1045 PDT, San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 3, removed a portion of the Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS) and the Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) from service for a planned upgrade to ensure long-term reliability and improve the human-machine interface. This work is expected to complete within seven days. The SPDS emergency assessment function at San Onofre is implemented by a combination of the Qualified Safety Parameter Display System (QSPDS) and the Critical Function Monitoring System (CFMS). The QSPDS portion, which provides emergency assessment capability to plant operators in the control room, will remain functional. The CFMS portion, which receives input from the QSPDS, implements the ERDS and communicates data to the Technical Support Center and Emergency Offsite Facility. Only the CFMS and ERDS are impacted by this upgrade. This planned CFMS outage is being reported in accordance with10CFR50.72(b)(3)(xiii) as a courtesy notification even though only a portion of the SPDS will be removed from service and preplanned compensatory measures will be in place for the duration of the work.

"At the time of this report, Unit 2 and Unit 3 were operating at about 99 percent and 100 percent power, respectively.  The NRC Resident Inspectors will be notified of this occurrence and will be  provided with a copy of this report.
* * *  UPDATE ON 09/04/05 AT 0249 FROM C. WILLIAMS TO P. SNYDER  * * * 

The CFMS upgrade work was completed on September 3, 2005 at 2255 PDT. The SPDS and ERDS have been returned to service. The NRC Resident Inspectors will be notified of this occurrence. Notified R4DO (Smith).

ENS 4193520 August 2005 19:16:00

Section 4.1 of Appendix B of the Operating License for Units 2 and 3 requires Southern California Edison (SCE) to report to the NRC within 24 hours any unusual or important environmental events, which includes unusual fish kills.

Between August 19 and August 20, 2005, SCE removed an unusually large number of fish from the Units 2 and 3 intake structure. At approximately 1000 PDT on August 20, 2005, SCE estimated the quantity to be approximately 11,070 pounds (approximately 6420 pounds from Unit 2 and 4650 pounds from Unit 3). While the NRC has not specified a reporting limit for an unusual fish kill, SCE has internally defined this quantity as 4500 pounds. This unusual influx of fish is unrelated to plant operation and a heat treat of the intake structure was not being performed. However, there is a heat treat of the San Onofre Unit 2 intake structure scheduled for later today. The licensee stated that the fish kill was apparently the result of a large school of anchovies that swam to close to the intake. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.

ENS 4179826 June 2005 14:52:00

On June 25, 2005, at about 1335 PDT, during a test of Unit 3 Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) 3G003, Emergency Supply Fan 3A276 did not start. SCE's investigation found a loose electrical connection at the thermal overload auxiliary switch contact for that fan. A similar condition was found on Emergency Supply Fan 3A277. SCE declared 3G003 inoperable and initiated a common cause investigation required by the EDG Technical Specifications. SCE tightened the affected electrical connections and after successfully start testing 3G003, declared 3G003 operable at 0406 PDT on June 26, 2005. On June 26, 2005, at about 0417 PDT, SCE found similar loose connections for EDG 3G002. Components affected were the EDG radiator fan and an EDG Emergency Supply Fan. Because SCE could not conclusively determine if the loose connections would have caused 3G002 to be inoperable, SCE conservatively declared 3G002 inoperable. (SCE currently plans to start test the Unit 2 EDGs today to confirm the Unit 2 EDGs remain operable.) Because it appears that both Unit 3 EDGs could have been inoperable at the same time, SCE is reporting this occurrence in accordance with 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(v)(D) as an event or condition that could have prevented fulfillment of a safety function. At the time of this occurrence, Unit 2 was operating at about 99 percent power and Unit 3 was at about 100 percent power. SCE has notified the NRC Resident Inspectors about this occurrence and will provide them with a copy of this report.


On June 26, 2005, SCE reported to the NRC that both Unit 3 emergency Diesel Generators (EDGs) were conservatively declared inoperable at the same time. SCE reported that occurrence to the NRC in accordance with 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(v)(D) for the loss of a safety function. SCE has since determined that both EDGs were operable in the as found condition and that a report to the NRC was not required and SCE is retracting that report. For EDG 3G003, even though one of two emergency supply fans did not function, SCE confirmed by calculation that the remaining emergency supply fan was sufficient. That is, 3G003 was capable of performing its specified safety function with only one emergency supply fan operating. For EDG 3G002, the electrical connections that were reported to be 'loose' did not prevent circuit continuity and did not degrade the operability of the EDG. 3G002, therefore remained operable. Because the EDGs were operable, no report was required. SCE is retracting the June 26, 2005 report. SCE will, however, submit a voluntary licensee event report to document this event and inform the NRC of the corrective actions taken. At the time of this phone call, Unit 2 was operating at about 99 percent power and Unit 3 was at about 100 percent power. SCE has notified the NRC resident inspectors about this retraction and will provide them with a copy of this report. R4DO (Smith) was notified.

ENS 4149214 March 2005 19:37:00A non-licensed employee was determined to be under the influence of illegal drugs during a random test. The employee's access to the plant has been terminated. Contact the Headquarters Operations Officer for additional details. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4141015 February 2005 01:13:00

The following information was provided by the licensee via e-mail: On February 10, 2005, plant operators observed an abnormal flow condition on Unit 2 Train 'B' Component Cooling Water (CCW) from the Shutdown Cooling Heat (SDC) exchanger and, at about 2315 PST, declared Train 'B' of Containment Spray inoperable. This caused Unit 2 to enter a seven-day action statement (TS

Although it may have been possible to correct the abnormal flow condition on-line, SCE has elected to shutdown Unit 2. Plant Operators initiated the shutdown at about 2155 PST on February 14, 2005. SCE in reporting this occurrence in accordance with 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(i). At the time the shutdown was initiated, Unit 2 was operating at about 100% power. Unit 3 continues to operate at about 100 % power. The NRC Resident Inspectors have been briefed on the shutdown plans and will be provided with a copy of this report.

ENS 413683 February 2005 18:02:00On February 3, 2005, at about 1227 PST, SONGS Unit 2 tripped from about 100 percent power. Preliminary information indicates that the Unit 2 Unit Auxiliary Transformer tripped on high differential current, which caused the main generator to trip and caused the Reactor Protection System to automatically trip the reactor, as expected. Auxiliary Feedwater system actuated as designed and the Unit remains stable in Mode 3 on Main Feedwater. SCE's investigation is ongoing. SCE is reporting this occurrence in accordance with 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B) and 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(iv). At the time of this event, SONGS Unit 3 was at about 100 percent power. The NRC resident inspectors are aware of this event and SCE will provide them with a copy of this report. All control rods fully inserted. Decay heat is being rejected to the main condenser. All ESF systems are available and the electrical grid is stable.
ENS 4132010 January 2005 00:56:00

The following information was received from the licensee via e-mail: On January 9, 2005, at about 1945 PST, the access road to the SONGS MESA facilities became flooded after several days of rain. The San Onofre Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) is located at the MESA and because of the flooding, is inaccessible to passenger vehicles. While the EOF itself is operable, in the event of an Emergency at San Onofre, SCE would direct EOF emergency responders to the alternate EOF located in Irvine, California. SCE is reporting this occurrence to the NRC in accordance with 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(xiii). At the time of this occurrence, Unit 2 was operating at about 100% power and Unit 3 was operating at about 65% power. SCE will notify the NRC resident inspectors about this occurrence and will provide them with a copy of this report.


On January 10, 2005 at about 0143 PST, flooding had dissipated sufficiently for one lane to be passable; at 0615 PST, both lanes were passable. In the event of an Emergency at San Onofre, there is no longer a need to redirect emergency responders to the alternate EOF located in Irvine, California. This report is to advise the NRC of this change in EOF access status. Also note that it is continuing to rain at SONGS and this status is subject to change. At the time of this report, Unit 2 was operating at about 85% power and Unit 3 was at about 80% power. SCE has informed the NRC resident inspectors and will provide them with a copy of this report. Notified R4DO (Bywater).


On January 11, 2005, at about 0041 PST, the access road to the SONGS MESA facilities again became flooded after several days of rain (reference NRC Operations Log Number 41320). The San Onofre Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) is located at the MESA and because of the flooding, is inaccessible to passenger vehicles. While the EOF itself is operable, in the event of an Emergency at San Onofre, SCE would direct EOF emergency responders to the alternate EOF located in Irvine California. SCE is reporting this occurrence to the NRC in accordance with 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(xiii). At the time of this occurrence, Unit 2 was operating at about 85% power and Unit 3 was at about 80% power. SCE will notify the NRC resident inspectors about this occurrence and will provide them with a copy of this report. Notified R4DO (Bywater).

  • * * UPDATE 1430 EST ON 1/11/05 FROM CLAY WILLIAMS TO S. SANDIN * * *

On January 11, 2005, at 0125 PST, Southern California Edison (SCE) reported that the access road to the SONGS MESA facilities had again flooded after several days of rain and that the SONGS Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) was inaccessible to passenger vehicles (NRC Operations Log Number 41320). On January 11, 2005 at about 0535 PST, flooding had dissipated sufficiently for the road to be passable. In the event of an Emergency at San Onofre, there is no longer a need to redirect emergency responders to the alternate EOF located in Irvine California. This report is to advise the NRC of this change in EOF access status. At the time of this report, Unit 2 was operating at about 85% power and Unit 3 was at about 81% power. SCE has informed the NRC resident inspectors and will provide them with a copy of this report. Notified R4DO (Russ Bywater).

ENS 4115027 October 2004 13:05:00Illegal drug use was detected during a random drug test of a non-licensed employee. The employee's access to the plant has been terminated. Contact the HOO for additional details. The NRC Resident Inspector was notified by the licensee.
ENS 4089724 July 2004 18:20:00On July 24, 2004, at about 1000 PDT, SCE (Southern California Edison) personnel were tightening two seismic restraint bolts on Advanced Horizontal Storage Module (AHSM) Number 10 at the Unit 1 ISFSI (Independent Fuel Storage Installation) when one of the bolts failed. SCE had placed the storage canister into AHSM No. 10 on July 18, 2004 and was tightening the restraint as specified in the final safety analysis report, after the module had reached thermal equilibrium. SCE plans to replace the failed bolt with another bolt manufactured under the same Certificate of Compliance and will tighten the seismic restraints within the period allowed by the FSAR (one week from initial placement of the storage canister). SCE's evaluation of the failed bolt is ongoing. SCE has notified the NRC resident inspectors about this occurrence and will provide them with a copy of this report.
ENS 4081814 June 2004 17:14:00On June 14, 2004 at 0741 PDT, the offsite power grid connected to San Onofre experienced a system disturbance. Grid frequency dipped to about 59.7 Hz or slightly lower, and then recovered about three minutes later. Plant Operators declared offsite power inoperable. Southern California Edison is conservatively reporting this event in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(v)(D). The diesel generators for both Units 2 and 3 were operable during this event. At the time of this report, Units 2 and 3 continue to operate at about 100% power. The NRC Resident Inspector was notified. NOTE: see events 40814, 40815 and 40816
ENS 4077525 May 2004 20:02:00A licensed employee was administered a random drug test. He tested positive for an illegal substance. The Medical Review Officer reviewed the test results with the licensed employee. His access was immediately terminated for the protected area and he was placed on investigatory suspension. Contact the Headquarters Operations Officer for details. The NRC Resident Inspector will be informed by the licensee.
ENS 4061928 March 2004 21:25:00At about 1349 (PST) on March 28, 2004, while a Security Offer was receiving his weapon in the armory, the weapon accidentally discharged as it was being holstered. The discharge grazed the officer's leg and the officer was treated for the resulting abrasion. At about 1425 PST, Southern California Edison notified the FBI (SONGS LLEA). SCE is reporting this occurrence in accordance with 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(xi). The NRC Resident Inspector was notified.
ENS 405043 February 2004 19:05:00Section 4.1 of Appendix B of the Operating License for Units 2 and 3 requires Southern California Edison (SCE) to report to the NRC within 24 hours any unusual or important environmental events, which includes unusual fish kills. Between February 2 and February 3, 2004, SCE removed an unusually large number of sardines from the Units 2 and 3 intake structure. At approximately 1100 on February 3, 2004, SCE determined the quantity to be approximately 13,590 pounds (approximately 6940 pounds from Unit 2 and 6650 pounds from Unit 3). While the NRC has not specified a reporting limit for an unusual fish kill, SCE has internally defined this quantity as 4500 pounds. SCE believes the unusual influx of sardines may be related to current winter storm conditions. The NRC Resident Inspectors have been notified The licensee will also give a courtesy call to the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board