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 Issue dateTitleTopic
NL-22-0756, Proposed Inservice Inspection Alternative FNP-ISI-ALT-05-05, Version 1.030 September 2022Proposed Inservice Inspection Alternative FNP-ISI-ALT-05-05, Version 1.0Hydrostatic
Finite Element Analysis
Flow Accelerated Corrosion
Stress corrosion cracking
IR 05000348/202205030 September 2022Special Inspection Reactive Report 05000348/2022050 and Apparent ViolationProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Significance Determination Process
ML22272A33129 September 2022Single Positive Test Form Collected on 04/04/2022
ML22272A33229 September 2022Single Positive Test Form Collected on 04/04/2022
ML22272A33329 September 2022Single Positive Test Form Collected on 04/05/2022
ML22272A34429 September 2022Single Positive Test Form Collected on 05/05/2022
NL-22-0289, License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification 4.3 Fuel Storage to Correct Tabulated Values from the Associated Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) Criticality Analysis21 September 2022License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification 4.3 Fuel Storage to Correct Tabulated Values from the Associated Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) Criticality AnalysisNon-Destructive Examination
Fuel cladding
ML22256A03113 September 2022Project Manager Assignment
IR 05000348/202200524 August 2022Updated Inspection Plan for Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Report 05000348/2022005 and 05000364/2022005Fitness for Duty
Commercial Grade Dedication
Exemption Request
NL-22-0608, Interim 10 CFR 21.21(a)(2) Report Regarding Framatome Supplied Siemens Medium Voltage Circuit Breakers17 August 2022Interim 10 CFR 21.21(a)(2) Report Regarding Framatome Supplied Siemens Medium Voltage Circuit Breakers
ML22229A47915 August 2022HP Baseline Inspection Document Request
IR 05000348/202200212 August 2022Integrated Inspection Report 05000348/2022002 and 05000364/2022002Boric Acid
Ultimate heat sink
Commercial Grade Dedication
Temporary Modification
Functionality Assessment
Tornado Generated Missile
Local Leak Rate Testing
Operability Determination
Very Low Safety Significance Issue Resolution
Fire Protection Program
ML22223A12510 August 2022News Release-II-22-021: NRC Launches Special Inspection at Farley Nuclear Power Plant
ML22214B8264 August 2022Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000348/2022403 and 05000364/2022403
ML22213A2691 August 2022NRR E-mail Capture - Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 - Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action Revise Technical Specification 3.4.10, Pressurizer Safety Valves
ML22213A0481 August 2022Notification of Licensed Operator Initial Examination 05000348/2023301 and 05000364/2023301
IR 05000348/20233011 August 2022Notification of Licensed Operator Initial Examination 05000348/2023301 and 05000364/2023301
NL-22-0552, Inservice Inspection Program Owner'S Activity Report for Outage 2R2828 July 2022Inservice Inspection Program Owner'S Activity Report for Outage 2R28Through-Wall Leak
IR 05000348/202240226 July 2022Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000348/2022402 and 05000364/2022402Contraband
NL-22-0510, Plants Units 1 and 2, 10 CFR 50.46 ECCS Evaluation Model Annual Report for 202114 July 2022Plants Units 1 and 2, 10 CFR 50.46 ECCS Evaluation Model Annual Report for 2021GNF3
ML22172A21411 July 2022June 16, 2022, Summary of Public Meeting with Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc., a Proposed License Amendment Request to Modify the Technical Specifications Regarding Pressurizer Safety Valve Setpoints at the Joseph M. Farley Nuclear