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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML21181A37630 June 2021Combined Motion of Exelon to File Its Answers to the Edf and Epstein-TMIA Hearing Requests on Illinois New Hearing Request Deadline and Motion of Elpc to Move Exelon Deadline to Answer Elpc Hearing Request to July 30 2021
ML21181A41830 June 2021Non-Disclosure Declaration of Susan L. Satter
ML21181A42030 June 2021Non-Disclosure Declaration of David J. Effron
ML21181A42230 June 2021Certificate of Service - Non-Disclosure Declaration of Susan L. Satter
ML21180A42129 June 2021Order (Providing Second Amended Protective Order and Establishing Hearing Request Deadline for the State of Illinois)
IR 05000289/202140128 June 2021Security Decommissioning Inspection Report 05000289/2021401Coronavirus
IR 05000289/202100128 June 2021NRC Inspection Report No. 05000289/2021001, Exelon Generation Co., LLC, Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1Process Control Program
ML21174A32023 June 2021Petition to Intervene and Hearing Request of the Environmental Law and Policy Center, Declaration of Robert Vogl, and Declaration of Peter BradfordTemporary Modification
IR 05000320/202100322 June 2021TMI-2 Solutions, LLC, Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 2 - NRC Inspection Report 05000320/2021003Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Emergency Lighting
Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Fire Protection Program
Exit Sign
ML21173A14722 June 2021Commission Memorandum and Order (CLI-21-08)
ML21173A29922 June 2021Order (Stay of Hearing Request Deadline for the State of Illinois)
ML21172A29321 June 2021Notices of Appearance of Margrethe Kearney and Caroline Cox
ML21171A00920 June 2021Exelon'S Answer Opposing the State of Illinois'S Motion to Yet Again Amend the Protective Order
ML21168A33117 June 2021Certificate of Service
ML21168A32817 June 2021Motion to Enter Second Amended Protective Order
ML21168A33017 June 2021Exhibit B - Order
ML21168A36817 June 2021Certificate of Service
ML21167A27616 June 2021Certificate of Service
CAC:00007815 June 2021
ML21166A11815 June 2021Technical Assistance Request - Review of Physical Security Plan for the Three Mile Island Unit 1 Power Station Independent Spent Fuel Storage InstallationCyber Security
TMI-21-024, 90-Day Notification Prior to First Storage of Spent Fuel15 June 202190-Day Notification Prior to First Storage of Spent Fuel
TMI-21-025, Notification Pursuant to 10 CFR 72.140(d) of Intent to Apply Previously Approved 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Quality Assurance Program to Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Activities15 June 2021Notification Pursuant to 10 CFR 72.140(d) of Intent to Apply Previously Approved 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Quality Assurance Program to Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Activities
TMI-21-026, Demonstration of Compliance with NRC Order EA-20-103, Issuance of Order for Implementation of Additional Security Measures & Fingerprinting for Unescorted Access at Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation15 June 2021Demonstration of Compliance with NRC Order EA-20-103, Issuance of Order for Implementation of Additional Security Measures & Fingerprinting for Unescorted Access at Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation
ML21165A12414 June 2021Order (Granting Extension of Time for the Environmental Law and Policy Center, and State of Illinois)
ML21165A19614 June 2021Petition of Epstein TMI-Alert for Leave to Intervene Exelon'S Proposed Holdco and Spinco License Transfer Application
ML21167A27511 June 2021Non-Disclosure Declaration of Peter Bradford
ML21168A36711 June 2021Revised Non-Disclosure Declaration of Peter Bradford
JAFP-21-0044, Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Request for Approval of Transfer of Licenses and Conforming Amendments11 June 2021Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Request for Approval of Transfer of Licenses and Conforming Amendments
ML21162A08311 June 2021Certificate of Service
NRC-2021-0099, Agreed Motion to Extend Deadline for the Filing of Certain Hearing Requests Regarding Exelon Generation Company, LLCs Application by the Environmental Law and Policy Center, the People of the State of Illinois, and Exelon Generation Co11 June 2021Agreed Motion to Extend Deadline for the Filing of Certain Hearing Requests Regarding Exelon Generation Company, LLCs Application by the Environmental Law and Policy Center, the People of the State of Illinois, and Exelon Generation Company
ML21181A41910 June 2021Non-Disclosure Declaration of Susan L. Satter
ML21181A42110 June 2021Non-Disclosure Declaration of David J. Effron
ML21161A32310 June 2021Non-Disclosure Declaration of Caroline Cox
ML21161A32110 June 2021Non-Disclosure Declaration for Margrethe Kearney
ML21168A3299 June 2021Exhibit a - Order
ML21160A2319 June 2021Order (Granting Joint Motion to Amend Protective Order)
ML21155A1224 June 2021Proposed Order Granting Joint Motion to Amend Protective Order
ML21155A1214 June 2021Joint Motion to Amend Protective Order
ML21154A01428 May 2021NRR E-mail Capture - Extension of Comment Period for the Exelon Generation Company, LLC License Transfer Application
ML21154A01328 May 2021NRR E-mail Capture - Extension of Comment Period for the Exelon Generation Company, LLC License Transfer Application
ML21154A01128 May 2021NRR E-mail Capture - Extension of Comment Period for the Exelon Generation Company, LLC License Transfer Application
ML21145A01526 May 2021FRN Exelon License Transfer - Extend Comment Period
ML21145A01426 May 2021Fleet and the Associated Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations - Extension of Comment Period for Notice of Consideration of Approval of Transfer of Licenses and Conforming Amendments and Opportunity to Request a Hearing EPID L-2021-L
ML21144A21324 May 2021NRR E-mail Capture - Exelon Generation Company, LLC - Request for Additional Information Regarding License Transfer Application
ML21144A12524 May 2021Order (Granting Motion to Extend Hearing Requests Deadline)
ML21141A34821 May 2021Applicants' Answer Opposing Environmental Law and Policy Center'S Motion to Extend Hearing Request Deadline
ML21141A30620 May 2021Certificate of Service for Susan L. Satter
ML21140A31120 May 2021Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 50.82(a)(8)(i)(A) and 10 CFR 50.75(h)(1)(iv)Exemption Request
ML21141A30520 May 2021People of the State of Illinois'S Motion to Extend Deadline for All Interventions, Comments, and Hearing Requests Regarding Exelon Generation Company, Llc'S Facility Operating License Transfer ApplicationCOVID-19
ML21140A40920 May 2021Environmental Law and Policy Center'S Motion to Extend Deadline for All Hearing Requests Regarding Exelon Generation Company, Llc'S Facility Operating License Transfer Application