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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20011D12520 November 1989Requests That Proprietary WCAP-12403, LOFTTR2 Analysis for Steam Generator Tube Rupture W/Revised Operator Action Times for Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Be Withheld, Per 10CFR2.790(b)(4)Affidavit
ML18022A67621 July 1988Forwards Proprietary NEDE-22148-P-A, Extended Burnup Evaluation Mehthodology, Dtd Nov 1985 & Author 841227 Ltr to Co Thomas,Nrc,Containing Addl Info Re Extended Burnup Fuel Operation.Documents Forwarded Per Util Request
ML18005A4497 April 1988Requests Withholding of Proprietary Westinghouse Rept WCAP-11808, ...Incore Thimble Reduction Study, Per 10CFR2.790Affidavit
NRC-86-3160, Submits Updated List of Plants Affected by Changes in ECCS Evaluation Model Described in Rev 1 to Addendum 3 to WCAP-9561-P8 September 1986Submits Updated List of Plants Affected by Changes in ECCS Evaluation Model Described in Rev 1 to Addendum 3 to WCAP-9561-P
ML18004A3521 July 1986Requests Withholding of Proprietary Info Re RCS Flow Uncertainty,Per 10CFR2.790Affidavit
ML18019A64614 October 1985Requests Withholding Proprietary Rev 3 to Tables 4-3 & 3-19 in Westinghouse Setpoint Methodology for Protection Sys, Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant.Affidavit
ML20101C19426 November 1984Informs of Upcoming Insp of Mechanical Interlock Starters at Listed Facilities
ML18018B80718 September 1984Submits Application for Withholding Proprietary WCAP-10665-P, Ex-Core Axial Power Monitor, Per 10CFR2.790Affidavit
ML18018B80518 September 1984Forwards Proprietary WCAP-10665-P & Nonproprietary WCAP-10666, Ex-Core Axial Power Monitor. Proprietary Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)Affidavit
ML18018B41811 October 1983Application for Withholding Proprietary Response to Request for Addl Info Re Criticality Analyses for Spent Fuel Racks. Nonproprietary Version of Response EnclAffidavit
ML18018B41211 October 1983Application for Withholding Proprietary Table of Control Rod Drive Mechanism (CRDM) 400 Series Stainless Steel Items, Per 10CFR2.790.W/affidavitAffidavit
ML18018B43312 July 1983Application for Withholding Proprietary Drawings 2342D26, Dmins Accelerometer Details & 1606E41, Recommended Incontainment Equipment Installation, Per 10CFR2.790Affidavit
ML18017A5387 June 1979RO on 790604:welds in 15 Containment Liner Sleeves Were Not Stress Relieved.Caused by Misunderstanding of Intent of Code Requirement.Units Returned to Vendor for Stress Relieving