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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20012A30726 February 1990Requests That WCAP-12067,Rev 1,Suppl 2, Reconciliation of Fatigue Crack Growth Results for South Texas Project Unit 1 Surge Line Be Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
ML20006E54022 January 1990Requests Withholding of Proprietary WCAP-12495, Review of Flow Peaking & Tube Fatigue in Diablo Canyon Units 1 & 2 Steam Generator, from Public Disclosure
ML16341F53018 December 1989Requests That Proprietary WCAP-12415, Evaluation of Thermal Stratification for Diablo Canyon Units 1 & 2 Pressurizer Surge Line, Be Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790(b)(4))
ML19325E90019 October 1989Forwards Text of Info Communicated to All Util W/ Westinghouse NSSS Design on Pressurizer Safety Valve Set Pressure Deviation Info Request ResponseLoop seal
ML19327A84411 October 1989Forwards Pleadings,Motions & Orders Filed in Alchemie Reorganization Action.Alchemie Currently Preparing Reorganization Plan Which Will Serve as Framework for Future Company Business Activities
ML19327B2496 October 1989Forwards Justification for Extension of Applicability of 890807 SER Re Acceptance of BAW-10175, Rod Exchange Methodology Topical Rept.
ML19327A8515 October 1989Forwards Wh Arowood 890907 Ltr & Other Supplemental Info to Replace Info Previously Filed
ML20247F41231 August 1989Advises That Response to Order Modifying Licenses & Order to Show Cause Why Licenses Should Not Be Revoked Will Be Sent. Responses to NRC Three Basic Questions Re Status of Licensee Finances & Rationale for Having License Provided
ML20246B1678 August 1989Forwards Response to 890717 Request for Info Re Filings W/ Us Bankruptcy Court & Financial Capabilities.Ownership of Unclassified Equipment Remains UnchangedAffidavit
ML20247Q55224 May 1989Notifies That J Smelser Contract Ended,Effective 890517. Mgt of Company by Listed Board of Director Members Will Continue Until New Chief Executive Officer Selected
ML20247P8074 April 1989Forwards Ltr in Which Concerns for Potential Significant Deficiency Under 10CFR21 Expressed
ML20245F2323 April 1989Submits Application for Withholding Proprietary WCAP-12164 from Public Disclosure
ML20247G49930 March 1989Forwards Proprietary BAW-10175P, Rod Exchange Methodology, Developed for Calculating Parameters While Performing Control Rod Measurements Using Rod Exchange Technique to Be Used at Plants.Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
ML19324C31520 February 1989Informs of Change in Vendor Plans for Inspecting Fuel Rods Containing Fuel Pellets Supplied by Ge.Ultrasonic Insp of Fuel Rods at Oconee 1 Found No Failed Rods in three-cycle, Discharged Fuel Assemblies
ML20235G63214 February 1989Requests That Rev 1 to Suppl 1 to WCAP-12067, Addl Info in Support of Evaluations for Thermal Stratification of Pressurizer Surge Lines of South Texas Projects Units... Be Withheld from Public Disclosure (Ref 10CFR2.790)
ML20235M89710 February 1989Requests Withholding of Proprietary WCAP 12125, Catawba Unit 1 Evaluation for Tube Vibration Induced Fatigue, Per 10CFR2.790
ML20206D62411 November 1988Forwards Projected Decommission Costs of Centrifuge Machines to Be Transferred to New Facility at Oliver Spring,Tn. Licensee Will Be Able to Offset Total Decommissioning Costs by Setting Aside Annual Decommissioning Cost Plus Reserve
ML20205Q6332 November 1988Forwards Revised Proprietary Pages to BAW-10164P, RELAP5/Mod2-B&W,Advanced Computer Program for LWR LOCA & Non-LOCA Transient Analysis. Cso Film Boiling Correlation Replaced w/Condie-Bengston IV Correlation & Typos Corrected
ML20205P9511 November 1988Forwards Rev 6 to Security Plan for Alchemie Facility 1 - Cpdf,Oak Ridge,Tn & Rev 6 to Security Plan for Alchemie Facility 2 - Oliver Springs,Oliver Springs,Tn. Revs Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790(d))
ML20195E42931 October 1988Forwards Numbers 1-5 of Rev 5 to Alchemie Security Plans. Requests Replacement of Pages 23-25 & 35 & Encl Rev Page
ML20205N33027 October 1988Forwards Sketch of Feed Sys,Withdrawal Sys Refrigeration Cart & Typical Withdrawal,Large & Small,Pumping Stations
ML20195B60921 October 1988Forwards Summary of B&W Fuel Co Position Re Small Break LOCA Calculations Contained in Util FSARs for Upcoming Reload Cores Which Will Contain Fuel Mfg by B&WLoop seal
ML20154K38412 September 1988Forwards Enhanced Facts Re Adequacy of Funding for Decontamination & Decommissioning (D&D) of Facilities. Intends to Establish Funded Reserve for D&D at Completion of Sale of Unclassified Equipment Not Needed for Production
ML20154S8316 September 1988Requests That Proprietary WCAP-11963, NRC Update Meeting South Texas Bmi Flux Thimble Wear Be Withheld from Public Disclosure (Ref 10CFR2.790)
ML20154E64531 August 1988Requests That 880722 & 0812 Ltrs Re Security Sys Components Be Withheld from Public Disclosure (Ref 10CFR2.790(d))
ML20207L76530 August 1988Requests That Proprietary WCAP 11935, McGuire Unit 2 Evaluation for Tube Vibration Induced Fatigue, Be Withheld from Public Disclosure (Ref 10CFR2.790)Affidavit
ML20151H93825 July 1988Forwards Proprietary BAW-10168P, B&W LOCA Evaluation Model for Recirculating Steam Generator Plants
ML20151L33220 July 1988Forwards DOE Ltr Indicating Acceptance of Classified Matter. Licensee Agrees to Remove Any Toxic or Hazardous Matl from Classified Equipment Prior to Transfer to DOE for Disposal
ML20151M92120 July 1988Responds to 880621 Request for Addl Info Re Enrichment of Naturally Occurring radioisotopes.Te-123 Will Be Enriching Approx 60 G to About 50%
ML20151G97614 July 1988Forwards Rev 2 to Security Plan for Shipment of Classified Matter.Rev Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
ML20150F1568 July 1988Advises of Changes to Alchemie Board of Directors,Per 880618 Annual Stockholders Meeting
ML20207D7401 July 1988Requests Withholding of Encl Proprietary Info from Public Disclosure Per 10CFR2.790.Affidavit Providing Basis for Withholding Subj Info from Public Disclosure Also Encl
ML20151F5672 June 1988Request Withholding of Proprietary WCAP-11862, Houston Lighting & Power/Westinghouse/Nrc Bmi Flux Thimble Meeting 880517, Per 10CFR2.790.Affidavit Encl
ML20155F4444 May 1988Responds to NRC & Request at 880504 Meeting Describing GE Program to Reconfirm Design Adequacy of Associated Circuits in GE Bwrs.Upon Completion of Phases 1 & 2 of Evaluation of Bwrs,Ge Will Submit Summary by 881104
ML20154J9452 May 1988Requests That Proprietary Rev 1 to WCAP-11761, South Texas Units 1 & 2 Reactor Vessel Tilt & Waviness Clarification Study, Be Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790(b)(4)
ML20151F76629 March 1988Forwards Updated Pages to Proprietary BAW-10171P, REFLOD3B- Model for Multinode Core Reflooding Analysis, Per ECCS Methodology for Facilities Reloads.Mod Removes Henry Quench Temp Criteria & Potential Conflict in Logic.Pages Withheld
ML20234C22328 December 1987Forwards Proprietary BAW-10164P, RELAP5/MOD2-B&W,Advanced Program for LWR LOCA & Non-LOCA Transient Analysis. Rept Describes Computer Code Used to Analyze RCS Behavior During Blowdown Phase of LOCA Transient.Rept Withheld
ML20147B28516 December 1987Requests Proprietary WCAP-11701, Responses to NRC Questions Re Fast Response,Narrow Range,Thermowell Mounted Resistance Temp Detector, Be Withheld from Public Disclosure (Ref 10CFR2.790(b)(4))
ML20234D11014 December 1987Forwards Proprietary BAW-10171P, REFLOD3B,Model for Multinode Core Reflooding Analysis. Rept Describes Computer Code That B&W Will Be Using to Analyze RCS Behavior During Refill of LOCA Transient.Rept Withheld
ML20237C36124 November 1987Requests That Proprietary Rev 2 to WCAP-11386, Byron/ Braidwood T-Hot Reduction Final Licensing Rept, Be Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790(b)(4))
ML20236C02622 October 1987Forwards Proprietary BAW-10165P, FRAP-T6-B&W:Computer Code for Transient Analysis of LWR Fuel Rods. Rept Describes Computer Code That B&W Will Be Using for Future Transient Analyses of LWR Fuel Rods.Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
LD-87-056, Forwards Summary of C-E Fuel Irradiated &/Or Discharged in 1986 on plant-by-plant Basis in Response to 870807 Request18 September 1987Forwards Summary of C-E Fuel Irradiated &/Or Discharged in 1986 on plant-by-plant Basis in Response to 870807 Request
ML20235F33910 September 1987Requests That Proprietary WCAP-11555, Technical Bases for Eliminating Rupture of Accumulator Line & Attached RHR Piping from Structural Design Basis for South Texas Project Units 1 & 2, Be Withheld
ML20236H49729 July 1987Forwards Draft Proprietary Topical Rept BAW-10166P, Beach Computer Code for Reflood Heat Transfer During Loca. Draft Submitted to Permit Interaction Between B&W,Nrc & Util. Affidavit for Withholding Encl.Fee Paid
ML20236B41413 July 1987Forwards Proprietary Draft 1 of BAW-10168P, ...B&W LOCA Evaluation Model for Recirculating Steam Generator Plants, to Be Used for LOCA Analysis of Catawba & McGuire Reload Fuel Cycles.Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790).Fee Paid
ML20196K1629 July 1987Partially Deleted Ltr Submitting Addl Info in Response to NRC 861230 & 870211 Requests Re 860918 Application for Exemption from Requirement to Convert from High Enriched U to Low Enriched U for Reactor Fuel,Per Generic Ltr 86-12Shutdown Margin
ML20215L05922 June 1987Responds to Request for Assurance That Facility Neutron Monitoring Sys Design Similar to Design of Other Plants.List of Plants W/Similar Design,Already Reviewed & Approved by Nrc,EnclHot Short
Exemption Request
ML20215B00011 June 1987Requests That WCAP-11506, Full-Flow Filter Recovery & Equipment Assessment Be Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
NRC-87-3231, Forwards Nonproprietary WCAP-11508 & Proprietary WCAP-11506, Full-Flow Filter Recovery & Equipment Assessment. Proprietary Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790).Application for Withholding Rept & Affidavit Encl11 June 1987Forwards Nonproprietary WCAP-11508 & Proprietary WCAP-11506, Full-Flow Filter Recovery & Equipment Assessment. Proprietary Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790).Application for Withholding Rept & Affidavit Encl
ML20214P23326 May 1987Requests Proprietary Addl Info in Support of Elimination of Postulated Pipe Ruptures in Accumulator Line of South Texas Power Project Units 1 & 2 (WCAP-11383/11351)... Be Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)