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PNO-III-88-075, on 880827,w/reactor Operating at Full Power, Ph at Outlet of B Mixed Bed Demineralizer Decreased to Alarm Setpoint.Unit Taken Off Line 880829.Region III Will Monitor Licensee Course of Action29 August 1988PNO-III-88-075:on 880827,w/reactor Operating at Full Power, Ph at Outlet of B Mixed Bed Demineralizer Decreased to Alarm Setpoint.Unit Taken Off Line 880829.Region III Will Monitor Licensee Course of Action
PNO-III-88-015, on 880302,reactor Tripped Automatically from 93% Power.Caused by Fault in Electrical Distribution Bus Which Provides Power to Reactor Coolant Pumps & Main Feedwater Pumps.Similar Event Occurred on 8707103 March 1988PNO-III-88-015:on 880302,reactor Tripped Automatically from 93% Power.Caused by Fault in Electrical Distribution Bus Which Provides Power to Reactor Coolant Pumps & Main Feedwater Pumps.Similar Event Occurred on 870710
PNO-III-87-136A, on 871024,female Guard Employed by Facility Found Stabbed to Death.Male Security Officer Employed by Facility Will Be Charged W/First Degree Murder,Site Access Authorization Suspended Since 87102429 October 1987PNO-III-87-136A:on 871024,female Guard Employed by Facility Found Stabbed to Death.Male Security Officer Employed by Facility Will Be Charged W/First Degree Murder,Site Access Authorization Suspended Since 871024
PNO-III-87-136, on 871024,dead Body of Female Security Officer Employed by Burns,Inc Found in Home of Second Female Security Officer on Duty.Cause Not Yet Released.Licensee Withdrew Second Security Guard Site Access Authorization26 October 1987PNO-III-87-136:on 871024,dead Body of Female Security Officer Employed by Burns,Inc Found in Home of Second Female Security Officer on Duty.Cause Not Yet Released.Licensee Withdrew Second Security Guard Site Access Authorization
PNO-III-86-108, on 860926,radiation Monitor for Condenser Air Ejector Alarmed in Control Room.Caused by Two Tanks of Argon Gas Inadvertently Connected W/Hydrogen Tanks Used to Supply Cover Gas for Vol Control Tank.Tanks Disconnected29 September 1986PNO-III-86-108:on 860926,radiation Monitor for Condenser Air Ejector Alarmed in Control Room.Caused by Two Tanks of Argon Gas Inadvertently Connected W/Hydrogen Tanks Used to Supply Cover Gas for Vol Control Tank.Tanks Disconnected
PNO-III-86-042, on 860508,.38 Caliber Bullet Discovered Imbedded in IE Manual.Caused by Accidental Discharge of Loaded Round by Contract Guard Manager.Handling or Cleaning of Guns in Administrative Areas Banned.Guard Removed12 May 1986PNO-III-86-042:on 860508,.38 Caliber Bullet Discovered Imbedded in IE Manual.Caused by Accidental Discharge of Loaded Round by Contract Guard Manager.Handling or Cleaning of Guns in Administrative Areas Banned.Guard RemovedAccidental discharge
PNO-III-85-094, on 851107,bypass Reactor Trip Breaker B Failed to Operate During Performance of Tests Per IE Bulletin 85-002.Cause Not Stated.Plant Restored to Condition in Which Both Main Reactor Trip Breakers Operable7 November 1985PNO-III-85-094:on 851107,bypass Reactor Trip Breaker B Failed to Operate During Performance of Tests Per IE Bulletin 85-002.Cause Not Stated.Plant Restored to Condition in Which Both Main Reactor Trip Breakers Operable
ML20248H8184 May 1978PNO-78-101:on 780502,unplanned Radiation Exposure Occurred When Shift Supervisor Entered Rc During Refueling Outage to Look for Leakage W/O Carrying Survey Instrument Entry.On 760919,IE Circular 76-03 Sent to All Reactor Licensees
ML20236U0103 April 1975PN-75-009:on 750402,Region III Notified That Bus Fault Occurred at Kewaunee Nuclear Plant Main Auxiliary Transformer.Cause of Fault Not Yet Determined.Bus Fault Resulted in Trip of Generator