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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20236D07926 June 1987Advises That Statistical Limit in 870605 Submittal Acceptable Until New Fundamental Nuclear Matl Control Plan (FNMCP) Finalized.Understands Revised FNMCP Chapter 5.0 Will Be Submitted in Early Jul 1987 & Other Chapters by 871030
ML20132C23016 September 1985Confirms 850912 Verbal Approval for Extension of Response Date for Violation Noted in Insp Rept 70-0113/85-04 from 850913 to 850927
ML20126C63823 May 1985Ltr to Licensees Informing That Safeguard Event Repts Required by 10CFR73.71,including Unaccounted for Shipments, Suspected Thefts,Unlawful Diversion & Radiological Sabotage Should Be Submitted to Tt Martin,Region I