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  1. Information Notice 1990-44, Dose-Rate Instruments Underresponding to the True Radiation Fields (Issue date: 29 June 1990)
  2. Information Notice 1990-47, Unplanned Radiation Exposures to Personnel Extremities Due to Improper Handling of Potentially Highly Radioactive Sources (Issue date: 27 July 1990, Topic: Coatings)
  3. Information Notice 1990-49, Stress Corrosion Cracking in PWR Steam Generator Tubes (Issue date: 6 August 1990)
  4. Information Notice 1990-56, Inadvertent Shipment of a Radioactive Source in a Container Thought to Be Empty (Issue date: 4 September 1990)
  5. Information Notice 1990-56, Inadvertent Shipment of a Radioactive Source in a Container Thought to be Empty (Issue date: 4 September 1990)
  6. Information Notice 1990-58, Improper Handling of Ophthalmic Strontium-90 Beta Radiation Applicators (Issue date: 11 September 1990)
  7. Information Notice 1990-59, Errors in Use of Radioactive Iodine-131 (Issue date: 17 September 1990)
  8. Information Notice 1990-60, Availability of Failure-Data in the Government-Industry Data Exchange Program (Issue date: 20 September 1990)
  9. Information Notice 1990-61, Potential for Residual Heat Removal Pump Damage Caused by Parallel Pump Interaction (Issue date: 20 September 1990)
  10. Information Notice 1990-62, Requirements for Import and Distribution of Neutron-Irradiated Gems (Issue date: 25 September 1990)
  11. Information Notice 1990-63, Management Attention to The Establishment and Maintenance of a Nuclear Criticality Safety Program (Issue date: 3 October 1990)
  12. Information Notice 1990-63, Management Attention to the Establishment and Maintenance of a Nuclear Criticality Safety Program (Issue date: 3 October 1990)
  13. Information Notice 1990-64, Potential for Common-Mode Failure of High Pressure Safety Injection Pumps or Release of Reactor Coolant Outside Containment During a Loss-Of-Coolant Accident (Issue date: 4 October 1990)
  14. Information Notice 1990-65, Recent Orifice Plant Problems (Issue date: 5 October 1990)
  15. Information Notice 1990-66, Incomplete Draining and Drying of Shipping Casks (Issue date: 25 October 1998)
  16. Information Notice 1990-67, Potential Security Equipment Weaknesses (Issue date: 29 October 1990)
  17. Information Notice 1990-68, Stress Corrosion Cracking of Reactor Coolant Pump Bolts (Issue date: 30 October 1990)
  18. Information Notice 1990-69, Adequacy of Emergency and Essential Lighting (Issue date: 31 October 1990, Topic: Safe Shutdown, Emergency Lighting)
  19. Information Notice 1990-70, Pump Explosions Involving Ammonium Nitrate (Issue date: 6 November 1990)
  20. Information Notice 1990-71, Effective Use of Radiation Safety Committees to Exercise Control Over Medical Use Programs (Issue date: 6 November 1990, Topic: Brachytherapy)
  21. Information Notice 1990-72, Testing of Parallel Disc Gate Valves in Europe (Issue date: 28 November 1990)
  22. Information Notice 1990-73, Corrosion of Valve-To-Torque Tube Keys in Spray Pond Cross Connect Valves (Issue date: 29 November 1990, Topic: Ultimate heat sink)
  23. Information Notice 1990-74, Information on Precursors to Severe Accidents (Issue date: 4 December 1990)
  24. Information Notice 1990-76, Failure of Turbine Overspeed Trip Mechanism Because of Inadequate Spring Tension (Issue date: 7 December 1990)
  25. Information Notice 1990-77, Inadvertent Revoval of Fuel Assemblies from the Reactor Core (Issue date: 12 December 1990)
  26. Information Notice 1990-78, Previously Unidentified Release Path From Boiling Water Reactor Control Rod Hydraulic Units (Issue date: 18 December 1990)
  27. Information Notice 1990-78, Previously Unidentified Release Path from Boiling Water Reactor Control Rod Hydraulic Units (Issue date: 18 December 1990)
  28. Information Notice 1990-80, Sand Intrusion Resulting in Two Diesel Generators Becoming Inoperable (Issue date: 21 December 1990)
  29. Information Notice 1990-81, Fitness for Duty (Issue date: 24 December 1990, Topic: Fitness for Duty)
  30. Information Notice 1990-82, Requirements for Use of Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Approved Transport Packages for Shipment of Type a Quantities of Radioactive Material (Issue date: 31 December 1990, Topic: Fitness for Duty)