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 Issue dateTitleTopic
RS-21-063, Application to Adopt TSTF-554, Revision 1, Revise Reactor Coolant Leakage Requirements30 June 2021Application to Adopt TSTF-554, Revision 1, Revise Reactor Coolant Leakage RequirementsPacking leak
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Process Control Program
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Unidentified leakage
Operational leakage
RS-20-016, County, Nine Mile Point, Peach Bottom Atomic and Quad Cities - Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-566, Revise Actions for Inoperable RHR Shutdown Cooling Systems13 April 2020County, Nine Mile Point, Peach Bottom Atomic and Quad Cities - Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-566, Revise Actions for Inoperable RHR Shutdown Cooling SystemsHydrostatic
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
Power Operated Valves
RS-19-022, License Amendment Request - Clarifying Changes for Certain Emergency Action Levels Based on Emergency Preparedness Program Frequently Asked Questions (Epfaqs)1 March 2019License Amendment Request - Clarifying Changes for Certain Emergency Action Levels Based on Emergency Preparedness Program Frequently Asked Questions (Epfaqs)
RS-03-106, Supplement to Request for Amendment to TS Surveillance Requirement June 2003Supplement to Request for Amendment to TS Surveillance Requirement