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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML22355A63721 December 2022Notices of Appearance of Ryan K. Lighty, Timothy P. Matthews and Grant W. Eskelsen
ML16336A5071 December 2016Notification
ML16328A26623 November 2016Notification Stating That Staff Intends to Issue an Order Approving Indirect Transfer of 90 Percent Interest of Susquehanna Nuclear, LLC in Renewed Licenses for Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Units 1 and 2
ML16306A02131 October 2016Notice of Appearance for Jeremy L. Wachutka
ML16294A38520 October 2016NRC Staff Response to Request for Access to Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information Related to the Application for Indirect Transfer of the Susquehanna Steam Electric StationAffidavit
ML14357A63923 December 2014Letter of ClarificationExemption Request
PLA-7245, Ppl Talen Energy - Appendices in Support of Joint Application - Non-Proprietary Version9 June 2014Ppl_Talen Energy - Appendices in Support of Joint Application - Non-Proprietary VersionIncorporated by reference
ML09232036018 August 2009Letter from S. Crockett to R. Cairo USNRC Staff'S Comments on the Srbc'S July 2 Proposed Rule
ML0725002885 September 2007Susquehanna - Email Response from Eric Joseph Epstein to Paul Swartz, Exec. Director for the Susquehanna River Basin Commission Regarding His August 31, 2007 Submission