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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20056E51011 August 1993Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR20 Re Radiological Criteria for Decommissioning
ML20059P05315 October 1990Comment Opposing Proposed Rules 10CFR2,50 & 54 Re Nuclear Power Plant License RenewalLicense Renewal
IR 05000358/198201024 June 1986Applicant Exhibit A-49,consisting of Forwarding Partially Withheld Safety Insp Rept 50-358/82-10 on 820607- 0818 (Ref 10CFR2.790) & Notice of ViolationHydrostatic
ML20129A37516 May 1985Order Revoking CPPR-88,based on Util 840127 Plan to Convert Facility to Coal Fuel
ML20133N36214 March 1985Unexecuted Amend 3 Terminating Indemnity Agreement B-85
ML20094C3572 August 1984Transmittal of Info Re Util 840320 Motion for Withdrawal of OL Application.Fuel Removed from Site,Steam Supply Sys Modified & CRD Mechanisms Removed.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20087H78820 March 1984Motion Requesting Issuance of Order Authorizing Withdrawal of Application.Plant Will Be Used as Part of New Fossil fuel-fired Electric Generating Plant.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20087N2281 March 1984Endorsement 25 to Nelia Policy NF-249
ML20079F81816 January 1984Response Opposing Miami Valley Power Project 831231 Proposed Issues & Support for Contentions Re Qa.Issues Not Specific or Litigable.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20083J53231 December 1983Proposed Issues & Prospective Witnesses Supporting Miami Valley Power Project Proposed Contentions Re Qa,Character & Competence.Certificate of Svc EnclPacking leak
Nondestructive Examination
ML20079H69014 December 1983Petition Per 10CFR2.206 to Defer Judgment or Decision on Proposed Course of Action for Completion of Facility Until Suppl Created for Record of J Keppler 831215 Briefing.W/O Encls
ML20082P8506 December 1983Response Opposing City of Mentor 831115 Memorandum in Support of NRC 831031 Motion to Defer Rulings on Miami Valley Power Project Motion to Reopen Record.Motion W/O Merit.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20082M5792 December 1983Response Opposing Applicant 831115 Answer to NRC 831031 Motion to Defer Ruling on Petition for Reconsideration & Motion for Leave to File Addl Evidence Prior to 831215 Conference of Counsel.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20082L09930 November 1983Memorandum in Support of City of Mentor Motion to Further Defer Rulings Until Completion of Investigation Into Matl False Statements by NRC & Applicants.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20082D69915 November 1983Memorandum in Support of NRC Motion to Defer Rulings on Miami Valley Power Project Motion to Reopen & City of Mentor Motion to Further Defer Rulings Until Completion of Investigation.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20081M79515 November 1983Answer Opposing NRC Motion to Defer Rulings on Miami Valley Power Project (MVPP) 831003 Motion to Reopen Record.Decision Should Not Be Deferred to Await Completion of Investigation. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20085K78418 October 1983Answer Opposing Miami Valley Power Project 831003 Petition for Reconsideration of ASLB 830915 Memorandum & Order Denying Project Motion to Reopen Record to Admit Eight Late Filed Contentions on Qa.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20078K56213 October 1983Memorandum in Support of Miami Valley Power Project (MVPP) Petition for Reconsideration of ASLB 830915 Order.Mvpp Urges ASLB to Address Stds for Reopening Record.Issues Should Be Included to Ensure Complete Record.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20078F9646 October 1983Notification to Commission of Miami Valley Power Project Misrepresentation in 831003 Motion for Reconsideration of ASLB 830915 Order.No Util Counsel Communicated W/Govt Accountability Project.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20078F8896 October 1983Notice of Jh Laverty Employment W/Conner & Wetterhahn,Pc. Laverty Will Not Participate in Matters Leading to OL Issuance Due to Previous Employment W/Commissioner Roberts. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20078F8756 October 1983Notice of Jh Laverty Employment W/Conner & Wetterhahn,Pc. Previous Employment W/Commissioner Roberts Eliminates Any Contribution to Zimmer Case
ML20080P0773 October 1983Motion for Extension to File Appeal Until 10 Days After Svc of ASLB Decision on Miami Valley Power Project Petition for Reconsideration.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20080P0143 October 1983Petition for Reconsideration of ASLB 830915 Order Denying Miami Valley Power Project Motion to Reopen Record for Admission of Eight Proposed Contentions.Addl Info Provided Since Original Decision.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20080P04826 September 1983Affidavit of T Devine Summarizing 830919 Discussion W/ C Weaver Re Summary of Interview in Torrey Pines Rept. Weaver Seriously Challenges Completeness of Interview Summary
ML20080P02926 September 1983Affidavit of D Jones for Govt Accountability Project Protesting Torrey Pines Rept Chapter on Cases Studies.Ref to Author Interviews Incomplete & Thus Inaccurate.Analysis of Whistleblower Missed Real Problem of Lack of FreedomLiquid penetrant
ML20080P06724 September 1983Affidavit of R Reiter for Govt Accountability Project Expressing Dissatisfaction of W/Summarized Interview in Torrey Pines Rept
ML20080F24513 September 1983Memorandum Supporting Miami Valley Power Project 830603 Motion to Reopen Record for Admission of Eight Contentions. Torrey Pines Mgt Review & NRC Repts Confirm Project Substantially Correct on Qa.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20080E69212 September 1983Answer Opposing Miami Valley Power Project 830826 Motion for Leave to Submit New Documents & for ASLB Review of Pending Investigations.Motion Unjustified Attempt to Bend Rules on Late Contentions.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20080D27926 August 1983Motion for Leave to Submit New Evidence in Support of 830603 Proposed Contentions & for ASLB Review of Significant Pending Investigations.Certificate of Svc EnclLiquid penetrant
ML20080C71725 August 1983Answer Opposing Miami Valley Power Project 830811 Motion for Leave to File Reply Brief to Util & NRC Answers to Project 830712 Motion to Compel Discovery.Project Had Opportunity to Brief Issue in Original Motion.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20076A64515 August 1983Notice of Substitution of Counsel for Amicus Curiae Brief & Appearance Before Aslb.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20024E55911 August 1983Motion for Leave to File Reply Brief to Applicant & NRC 830803 & 01,respectively,answers Opposing Miami Valley Power Project Motion to Compel Discovery.Assertion of Boundary on Discovery Should Be Briefed.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20024E3945 August 1983Motion for Leave to File Reply Brief & for Clarification of Responsibility to Duplicate Previous Analysis & Evidentiary Submissions.Util Challenge Frivolous,Heavy on Chutzpah & Deficient on Common Sense.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20077L5163 August 1983Response Opposing Miami Valley Power Project 830707 Reply Brief Supporting Project 830603 Motion to Reopen Record.Aslb Lacks Jurisdiction to Hear Motion to Reopen to Admit Eight late-filed Contentions.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20024D13827 July 1983Answer Opposing Miami Valley Power Project 830712 Motion for Protective Order to Withhold Identity of Persons Upon Whose Allegations Project Relied in Seeking to Reopen Record.Motion W/O Merit.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20024D11727 July 1983Answer Opposing Miami Valley Power Project 830712 Motion to Defer Ruling on Review of ALAB-727 Pending Ruling on Motions to Reopen.No Justification Given to Delay Review for Unrelated Matters
ML20024D12627 July 1983Answer Opposing Miami Valley Power Project 830712 Motion to Reopen Record for Admission of Eight QA Contentions. Motion Actually Is Untimely Appeal from Earlier ASLB Rulings.Relief Sought Contrary to Commission Orders
ML20080A27221 July 1983Response to Applicant Motion for Leave to Respond to Miami Valley Power Project Reply Brief.Applicant Should Respond Only to Substance of Proposed Contentions Re QA Program Inadequacy.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20076L46915 July 1983Motion for Leave to Respond by 830729 to Miami Valley Power Project (MVPP) Reply Brief Re Applicant Opposition to Eight QA Contentions.Mvpp Reply Distorts Record & Applicant Position.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20072N49012 July 1983Motion for Protective Order to Shield Identity of Affiants Providing Portion of Basis for Miami Valley Power Project Eight Proposed Contentions.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20072N47412 July 1983Motion to Defer Ruling on Whether to Review ALAB-727 Until ASLB & Aslab Rule on Miami Valley Power Project 830603 & 0712 Motions to Reopen Record to Admit Contentions on QA & Character & Competence,Or Alternatively,To Reopen Record
ML20072N46312 July 1983Motion to Reopen Record for Admission of Eight Contentions on QA & Corporate Character & Competence.Aslab Has Jurisdiction Even If ASLB Lacks Jurisdiction to Reopen RecordIncorporated by reference
ML20072N45012 July 1983Reply Brief Supporting Miami Valley Power Project 830603 Motion to Reopen Record for Admission of Eight Contentions on QA & Corporate Character & Competence & Motion to Compel Discovery on Contentions
ML20072K7331 July 1983Answer Opposing Miami Valley Power Project 830629 Motion for Leave to File Reply Brief to Util & NRC Answers to Project 830603 Motion to Reopen Record.No Purpose Would Be Served by Permitting Redundant Discussion.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20024B05929 June 1983Motion for Leave to File Reply Brief,By 830706,to NRC & Util 830630 Answers to Miami Valley Power Project 830603 Motion to Reopen Record to Admit Eight Contentions on QA & Util Character & Competence.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20072F44822 June 1983Memorandum Supporting Miami Valley Power Project 830602 Motion to Reopen Record to Admit Eight Contentions on QA & Lack of Corporate Character & Competence.Reopening Necessary to Foster Public Confidence in Nrc.W/Certificate of SvcIncorporated by reference
ML20024A66220 June 1983Response Opposing Miami Valley Power Project 830603 Motion to Reopen Record for Admission of Eight QA Contentions. Motion Untimely
ML20024A66620 June 1983Response Opposing Motions to File Amicus Curiae Brief in Support of Miami Valley Power Project Motion to Reopen Record for Admission of Eight QA Contentions.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20076J13616 June 1983Ohio Sierra Club Amicus Curiae Brief Supporting Miami Valley Power Project Motion to Reopen Record to Admit Eight Contentions.Contentions Provide Evidence That QA Problems Exist.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20076J12016 June 1983Petition for Leave to File Amicus Curiae Brief Re Miami Valley Power Project Motion to Reopen Record to Admit Eight Contentions on QA & Character & Competence.Requests Extension of Time.Certificate of Svc Encl