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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML24107A93215 April 2024Document Request for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Units 1 & 2 - Radiation Protection Inspection Report 2024-02Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
ML21312A41217 November 2021Final Significance Determination of a Preliminary White Finding, a Preliminary Greater than Green Finding, Notice of Violation, and Assessment Follow-Up Letter; NRC Special Inspection Report 05200025/2021011Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Significance Determination Process
Preliminary White Finding
ML18299A32626 October 2018Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 3 & 4 - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Security Integrated Inspection Report 05200025/2018412 and 05200026/2018412 (OUO Removed)
ML16008A8988 January 2016IR 05000424/2015501 and 05000425/2015501, December 31, 2015, Vogtle Electric Generating Plant - NRC Emergency Preparedness Annual Report
ML13094A2133 April 2013IR 05000424-13-007 and 05000425-13-007, on 07/15-19, 07/29 -008/02, 08/12-16/2013, Notification of Vogtle Electric Generating Plant - Component Design Bases InspectionProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Time Critical Operator Action
ML1016001712 June 2010Notification of Triennial Fire Protection Baseline Inspection (NRC)Safe Shutdown
Fitness for Duty
Fire Barrier
Fire impairment
Operator Manual Action
Temporary Modification
Emergency Lighting
Severe Accident Management Guideline
B.5.b Mitigating Strategies
Fire Protection Program
ML0921701075 August 2009Request for Documents for Radiation Protection Inspection
ML09043014312 February 2009IR 05000424-08-005 & 05000425 on 01/20/09 for Vogtle Electric Generating PlantHigh Radiation Area
Process Control Program
ML0806402101 April 2008Review of the 2006 Refueling Outage Steam Generator Tube Inservice Inspection Report
IR 05000424/20072026 February 200805000424-07-202, 05000425-07-202 on 09/14/2007 for Vogtle, Units 1 and 2 on Security Baseline Inspection
ML07205057219 July 2007IR 05000424-07-006, 05000425-07-006, on 04/23/2007 - 04/27/2007, 05/07/2007 - 05/11/2007, 05/21/2007 - 05/25/2007, Vogtle, Units 1 and 2; Component Design Bases InspectionSafe Shutdown
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Job Performance Measure
Time Critical Operator Action
Battery sizing
IR 05000424/200740213 July 2007IR 05000424-07-402, and IR 05000425-07-402, on 06/15/2007, Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, NRC Physical Security Baseline Inspection ReportAffidavit
ML07078009816 March 2007IR 05000424-07-007, 05000425-07-007, on 01/29/2007 - 02/16/2007, Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2, Identification and Resolution of ProblemsTritium Exit Sign
Boric Acid
Pressure Boundary Leakage
ML06172036820 June 2006IR 05000424-06-009, IR 05000425-06-009 on 03/20-24/2006; Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2; Exercise EvaluationSignificance Determination Process
Preliminary White Finding