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 Issue dateTitleTopic
IR 05000354/201840317 October 2018Cyber Security Inspection Report 05000354/2018403 (Letter Only)Cyber Security
IR 05000354/201540424 July 2015Pub OUO-SRI-NRC Temporary Instruction 2201-004, Inspection of Implementation of Interim Cyber Security Milestones 1-7, Report 05000354 2015-404 (Letter)Enforcement Discretion
Cyber Security
IR 05000354/20060047 November 2006IR 05000354-06-004, on 07/01/2006 - 09/30/2006, Hope Creek, Maintenance Effectiveness, and Maintenance Risk Assessments and Emergent Work ControlHigh Radiation Area
Fire Barrier
Past operability
Temporary Modification
Significance Determination Process
Operability Determination
Substantial potential for overexposure
Operability Assessment
IR 05000354/20060133 October 2006IR 05000354/2006013; Hope Creek Nuclear Generation Station; Ti 2515/168Affidavit
IR 05000272/200520118 October 2005Force-on-Force Inspection Report 05000272-05-201, 05000311-05-201 & 05000354-05-201, Salem Hope Creek, Cover Letter OnlyAffidavit
ML05010019410 January 2005Summary of Results of NRC Review of Technical IssuesHydrostatic
Nondestructive Examination
ML05010018210 January 2005Preliminary Results of the Special Inspection for the October 10, 2004 EventProbabilistic Risk Assessment
IR 05000354/200101221 March 2002IR 05000354/2001-012, on 12/30/01 - 2/9/02, Public Service Electric Gas Nuclear LLC, Hope Creek Generating Station, Post Maintenance, Surveillance Testing. Non-cited Violations NotedTime of Discovery
High Radiation Area
Mission time
Significance Determination Process
Foreign Material Exclusion
Feedwater Heater
Operability Determination