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 Start dateTitleInspection procedureNumber of inspectorsTopic
Radwaste Transportation Inspection (Monticello 2021)7 June 2021Radwaste TransportationIP 71124.081
Inservice Inspection (Monticello 2021)22 April 2021InserviceIP 71111.08G1
Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation Inspection (Monticello 2021)8 March 2021Radiation Monitoring InstrumentationIP 71124.051
Access Authorization Inspection (Monticello 2021)22 February 2021Access AuthorizationIP 71130.01, Access Authorization
IP 71130.02, Access Control
IP 71130.07, Security Training
Cyber Security Inspection (Monticello 2021)8 February 2021Cyber Security4
Airbourne Radioactivity Control Inspection (Monticello 2020)2 November 2020Airbourne Radioactivity ControlIP 71124.03
IP 71124.04
ISFSI Inspection (Monticello 2020)2 November 2020ISFSIIP 60855.11
PI&R Inspection (Monticello 2020)26 October 2020PI&RIP 711524
Access Control Inspection (Monticello 2020)19 October 2020Access ControlIP 71130.02, Access Control1
Validation of Initial License Examination Inspection (Monticello 2020)13 September 2020Validation of Initial License ExaminationEXAD
DBAI Inspection 2 (Monticello 2020)17 August 2020DBAIIP 71111.21N.023
Radwaste Transportation Inspection (Monticello 2020)1 June 2020Radwaste TransportationIP 71124.081
License Renewal Inspection (Monticello 2020)1 June 2020License RenewalIP 710033
EP Program Inspection (Monticello 2020)18 May 2020EP ProgramIP 71114.03
IP 71114.02
IP 71114.05
Hardened Containment Vent Inspection (Monticello 2020)11 May 2020Hardened Containment VentTI 2515/193, Inspection of the Implementation of EA-13-109: Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Reliable Hardened Containment Vents Capable of Operation Under Severe Accident Conditions2
Radiation Safety Inspection (Monticello 2020)6 April 2020Radiation SafetyIP 71124.02
IP 71124.01, Radiological Hazard Assessment and Exposure Controls
Fitness for Duty Program Inspection (Monticello 2020)23 March 2020Fitness for Duty ProgramIP 71130.14
IP 71130.08, Fitness for Duty Program
IP 71130.04, Security Equipment
DBAI Inspection (Monticello 2020)27 January 2020DBAIIP 71111.21N.053
Airbourne Radioactivity Control Inspection (Monticello 2019)4 November 2019Airbourne Radioactivity ControlIP 71124.03
IP 71124.04
Radiation Safety Inspection (Monticello 2019)21 October 2019Radiation SafetyIP 71124.02
IP 71124.01, Radiological Hazard Assessment and Exposure Controls
Licensed Operator Requalification Program Inspection (Monticello 2019)14 October 2019Licensed Operator Requalification ProgramIP 71111.11B2
Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation Inspection (Monticello 2019)9 September 2019Radiation Monitoring InstrumentationIP 71124.051
EP Exercise Evaluation Inspection (Monticello 2019)9 September 2019EP Exercise EvaluationIP 71114.012
Safeguards Inspection (Monticello 2019)26 August 2019SafeguardsIP 71130.01, Access Authorization
IP 81311
IP 71130.02, Access Control
IP 71130.06, Protection of Safeguards Information
Heat Sink Inspection (Monticello 2019)19 August 2019Heat SinkIP 71111.07T2
RETS Inspection (Monticello 2019)22 July 2019RETSIP 71124.06, Radioactive Gaseous and Liquid Effluent Treatment
IP 71124.07, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program