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05000285/FIN-2013012-052013Q2Failure to adequately implement design requirements for U-bolt support
05000285/FIN-2013012-042013Q2Failure to adequately design containment air coolers structural bracing
05000285/FIN-2013012-032013Q2Failure to correct thermal stress acceptance limits in raw water piping and pipe support calculations
05000285/FIN-2013012-022013Q2H.14Inadequate functionality evaluation of the raw water pump anchor bolts
05000285/FIN-2013012-082013Q2Failure to adequately design anchorage for containment spray and raw water system pipe supports
05000285/FIN-2013008-192013Q2P.1Failure to Initiate Condition Reports in Accordance with the Corrective Action Program Procedures
05000285/FIN-2013008-302013Q2Evaluation of Change to Alternate Shutdown Cooling Flowpath
05000285/FIN-2013008-282013Q2Failure to Perform an Evaluation for a Change to Component Cooling Water MAKE-UP
05000285/FIN-2013008-262013Q2P.2Failure to Properly Inspect, Maintain, and Test Emergency Feedwater Tank Equipment
05000285/FIN-2013008-252013Q2P.2Deficient Evaluation for Known Degraded Conditions: SAFETY-RELATED Air Operated Valve Elastomers Not Qualified for Helb/Loca Temeratures
05000285/FIN-2013008-242013Q2P.2Failure to Effectively Monitor the Performance of Penetration Seals
05000285/FIN-2013008-212013Q2P.1Failure to Ensure That Design Requirements Associated with the Containment Electrical Penetration Assemblies Were Correctly Translated Into Installed Plant Equipment
05000285/FIN-2013008-202013Q2P.1Failure to Identify Conditions Adverse to Quality
05000285/FIN-2013008-322013Q2H.14Multiple Examples of Inadequate RISK-BASED Operability Determinations
05000285/FIN-2013008-182013Q2H.5Failure to Establish Adequate Instructions for Restoring Temporary Modifications
05000285/FIN-2013008-172013Q2H.14Failure to Adequately Implement the Maintenance Rule
05000285/FIN-2013008-162013Q2P.2Failure to Account for Additional Diesel Loading from NON-SAFETY Loads
05000285/FIN-2013008-152013Q2P.2Failure to Correct Conditions Adverse to Quality Involving Frequency Compatibility Issues in the 120VAC System
05000285/FIN-2013008-132013Q2H.8Failure to Establish and Document Basis for Test Acceptance Criteria
05000285/FIN-2013008-122013Q2X.6Inadequate Root Cause for a Significant Condition Adverse to Quality
05000285/FIN-2013008-102013Q2P.2Failure to Accurately Model RAW Water Flow Into the Intake Structure
05000285/FIN-2013009-032013Q3Flaw Tolerance Evaluation for Thermal Aging Embrittlement of CASS Components
05000285/FIN-2013009-022013Q3Evaluation of Operating Cycles for Fatigue Monitoring Program
05000285/FIN-2013009-052013Q3Submittal of Leak-Before-Break Analysis
05000285/FIN-2013009-042013Q3Thermal Aging Embrittlement of CASS Nozzles in the Reactor Coolant System
05000285/FIN-2013009-012013Q3Evaluation of Environmentally-Assisted Fatigue for Charging Line Nozzle
05000285/FIN-2013019-012013Q4P.3Failure to Correct Deficiencies in Operations Support Center Functions