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 Start dateReporting criterionTitleEvent descriptionSystemLER
ENS 5496827 October 2020 21:08:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessLoss of Emergency Plan Dose Assessment Capability

At 1608 CDT on 10/27/2020, Wolf Creek Unit 1, operating at 100 percent rated thermal power in Mode-1, experienced a loss of the on-site wired corporate network. During actions to restore, it was discovered the ability to access the dose assessment software was compromised due to a security program. Access to the program was established after some time using Wi-Fi connectivity, but was not able to be accessed without network access. Actions are being taken to rectify. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified. The licensee believes this was not a cyber-event and that the Emergency Response Data System was available, but couldn't verify. Should the Wi-Fi network access be lost, there's no capability to perform a dose assessment. Standalone laptops are being provided but have not been placed onsite yet. That should restore the ability to have dose assessment capability at all times.

  • * * UPDATE ON 10/27/2020 AT 2220 FROM JOHN WEBER TO OSSY FONT * * *

The licensee notified the NRC that the network has been restored to the Technical Support Center building and the emergency plan dose assessment group was capable of performing dose assessment. The licensee also noted that the group is able to perform dose assessment without the network, if needed. The network is still unavailable in the control room. The licensee confirmed that ERDS is available. The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R4DO (Pick).

Emergency Response Data System
ENS 536475 October 2018 05:00:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessEn Revision Imported Date 10/19/2018

EN Revision Text: UNPLANNED LOSS OF THE ASSESSMENT CAPABILITY DUE TO TECHNICAL SUPPORT DIESEL At 05:52 CDT on 10/5/2018, the (Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation) (WCNOC) Technical Support Center (TSC) Diesel fuel oil transfer pump would not run. There was ongoing modification to the facility Halon system at the time. The modification process had included a jumper to the fuel oil transfer pump to allow it to continue to be available. This issue was discovered during testing as the modification was progressing. The pump was verified to function on 10/4/2018 by normal operations rounds. If an emergency is declared requiring the TSC activation during the time the TSC diesel is non-functional, the TSC will be staffed and activated using existing emergency planning procedure. If offsite power is lost, the TSC will relocate to the Alternate TSC using existing emergency planning procedures. There was no impact to the health and safety of the public or plant personnel. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.


Event Notification (EN) 53647, made on October 8, 2018, is being retracted because during the time that the TSC Diesel fuel oil transfer pump was not available, normal power was continuously available. The Alternative TSC was also available. Consequently, the condition did not meet the criteria for a 8-hour notification per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) for any event that results in a major loss of emergency assessment capability, offsite response capability, or offsite communications capability (e.g., significant portion of control room indication, Emergency Notification System, or offsite notification system). The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified of the Event Notification retraction. Notified R4DO (Pick).

ENS 5218416 August 2016 16:00:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessFailure of All Emergency SirensOn 8/16/2016, while operating at 100% in Mode 1, routine testing of the off-site sirens for Wolf Creek was scheduled. The county dispatcher was unable to actuate any sirens. The dispatch supervisor was contacted to ensure there was not a personnel qualification issue. Both the dispatcher and the supervisor were unable to actuate any sirens, either manually or using the normal computer controls. Coffey county personnel, assisted by Wolf Creek personnel, determined that a battery had failed causing a fuse to blow and de-energizing the equipment needed to actuate the sirens. The battery has been replaced, the fuse has been replaced, and the system has been tested satisfactorily. The emergency sirens were restored to service at 12:20 CDT 8/16/2016. NRC resident has been notified. No plant systems were affected by this failure of notification equipment. The plant remained at 100% power Mode 1 throughout this event.
ENS 512976 August 2015 22:39:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessTechnical Support Center Non-Functional

Technical Support Center (TSC) Air Conditioning (AC) unit is out of service. Due to expected high temperatures in the upcoming days, there exists the potential for the TSC to become nonfunctional. This could result in a reduction in Emergency Plan Response Capability. The Alternate TSC is available for use in the event of an emergency and would be staffed and activated using existing EP (Emergency Preparedness) procedures and checklists. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector.

  • * * UPDATE FROM P.C. MOORE TO STEVEN VITTO ON 08/17/2015 AT 1010 (EDT) * * *

As of 0700 (CDT), 8/17/15, the TSC is fully functional, the HVAC system has been restored to 100 percent capacity. NRC Resident Inspector has been notified." R4DO (HAGAR) has been notified.

ENS 5040727 August 2014 13:05:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessLoss of Communications Due to Power Supply FailureThis notification is being made in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) due to a loss of communications capability. On August 27, 2014 at 0805 hours CDT the internal phone system, Emergency Notification System (ENS), and Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) became nonfunctional because of a power supply failure. The ERDS has been restored to service and work is currently in progress to restore the internal phone system and ENS. It has not been determined at the time of this notification as to when the internal phones system and ENS will be restored to a fully functional status. The NRC Resident Inspector has been informed.Emergency Response Data System
ENS 496926 January 2014 09:30:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessLoss of Three Emergency Plan Sirens

While operating in Mode 1 at 100% rated thermal power, the City of Burlington Kansas emergency dispatch center notified Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation (WCNOC) Security that two emergency plan sirens in Burlington, Kansas and one emergency plan siren in New Strawn, Kansas failed to function when they were actuated to call out a local fire response . These three sirens also function as part of the Emergency Plan Alert and Notification System. WCNOC Emergency Plan personnel have been notified of the three siren failures and the cause is under investigation. Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS) remains at 100% rated thermal power. The WCGS NRC Resident (Inspector) has been notified and local government.


At 0922 CST, the three sirens were returned service. WCGS NRC Resident has been notified. Notified R4DO (Hagar).

ENS 486493 January 2013 12:04:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessLoss of Saftey Parameter Display System (Spds)On 01/03/13 at 0604 CST, the Wolf Creek Generating Station Nuclear Plant Information System (NPIS) computer was removed from service for scheduled maintenance. The NPIS computer being removed from service results in a loss of functionality of the SPDS. Due to SPDS being lost for longer than a short period of time, Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation is making this ENS notification pursuant to the criteria of 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii). There was no other loss of emergency assessment capability concurrent with the ongoing loss of SPDS. When the equipment was removed from service, plant personnel entered the appropriate Off-Normal procedure and obtained local readings for the equipment that is normally monitored by SPDS and NPIS during the loss of the plant computer. NPIS computer was restored to service and declared functional at 1541 CST. The return of the NPIS computer to a functional condition restored the SPDS assessment capability function. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 467204 April 2011 05:30:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessEmergency Sirens Out of Service Due to Severe Weather

(Three) of the (eleven) emergency notification sirens became non functional when a severe thunderstorm passed through the area. The Coffey County Sheriffs office reported that they received telemetry notifications that the sirens were out of service. Pursuant to 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), the loss of alert systems (sirens) greater than one hour require an 8-hour notification. The exact cause of the siren loss (i.e. power outage, downed pole, etc) is not known and, as of the time of reporting, the duration of the siren outage cannot be determined. No damage to plant equipment or structures was identified from the severe weather and all outside work activities has resumed. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.


The licensee is retracting this event based on the following: The emergency notification sirens have a battery backup when normal power is lost. Normal power was restored in approximately four hours. It was verified that the three sirens were powered from the battery backup during the time that normal power was unavailable and were always functional. Therefore, this event is not reportable per 10 CFR 50.72. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified. Notified R4DO (OKeefe).

ENS 4657528 January 2011 16:09:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessPlanned Primary Communications Maintenance

On Friday, Jan. 28, 2011, the local phone company will upgrade communications lines on the plant site. Telephone (calls coming in and going outside of the plant site) and internet will be out of service from approximately 1 to 3 p.m. (HPN, ERDS, and SPDS will be out of service during this time).

There will be four phone lines that remain operational during the upgrade: (1.) Emergency notification/verification line in the Control Room, Technical Support Center and Emergency Operation Facility; (2.) Control Room; (3.) Main Security; and (4.) Cell Phone in the Control Room.

Alternate means are available to notify the State of Kansas and the County. Also, alternate means are available to notify the emergency plan organization. This work is anticipated to last no longer than two hours. If there are problems, the phone company will revert to the original configuration at the end of that time period. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.


Maintenance was completed and tested by 1348 CST. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified the R4DO (Miller).

ENS 439749 February 2008 19:20:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessSafety Parameter Display System (Spds) Removed from Service for Scheduled MaintenanceOn 02/09/08 at 05:20 CST, the Wolf Creek Nuclear Plant Information System (NPIS) was removed from service for a planned electrical bus maintenance, which results in the Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS) and Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) being inoperable. At 13:20 CST the maintenance exceed 8 hours as determined by WCNOC for meeting this reporting criteria. Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation is making this ENS notification pursuant to the criteria of 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(x)(xiii). There is no other loss of emergency assessment capability concurrent with the removal of the NPIS from service. Plant personnel entered the appropriate Off-Normal procedure and have obtained local readings for the equipment that is normally monitored by SPDS and NPIS during the planned maintenance. Nuclear Plant Information System was returned to service on 02/09/08 at 17:52 CST. The Senior NRC Resident has been briefed on this evolution and the planned return to service of the system.Emergency Response Data System
Safety Parameter Display System
ENS 4344022 June 2007 01:00:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency Preparedness"Spds (Safety Parameter Display System) Inoperable Due to Plant Computer InoperabilityThe Wolf Creek Nuclear Plant Information System (NPIS; Plant Computer) was conservatively declared inoperable at 2000 (CDT) on 06/21/2007 due to questions concerning accuracy of some of the computer point outputs. Initial troubleshooting and investigation identified that some computer points may be reading 0.1% to 0.2% lower than actual process parameter. Investigation is ongoing to determine the scope and cause for this condition and to correct the problem. Compensatory measures for loss of NPIS are being implemented in accordance with procedure OFN RJ-023, NPIS Malfunctions. The plant is stable with power being maintained at or below 100% based on Nuclear Instruments. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.Safety Parameter Display System
ENS 4339631 May 2007 07:10:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessLoss of Emergency Plan Sirens Due to 69Kv Distribution System FaultAt 02:10 am CDT Wolf Creek's surrounding area experienced a power loss when a fault occurred in the 69KV distribution system. Power was lost in the cities of Burlington, New Strawn and the surrounding area. Wolf Creek's emergency plan sirens are powered from substations fed from the 69 KV distribution system. Associated with this power loss, Wolf Creek initially lost power to seven (of 11 total) Emergency Sirens. Four of the sirens had power restored in approximately 5 minutes, the remaining three Emergency Sirens remained without power for greater than 2 hours. Power was restored to the area surrounding Wolf Creek at approximately 04:30 am CDT. The Coffey County Sheriff's office was kept informed of siren status in the event that they would need to make local notifications. Wolf Creek remained connected to the electrical grid through all three 345 KV lines during the loss of the 69 KV system. Coffey County, Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Kansas Department of Emergency Management and the Federal Emergency Management Agency Region 7 have been notified of the loss of sirens. The Wolf Creek Communications Group has physically verified that all sirens have been returned to service. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4339429 May 2007 13:08:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessSafety Parameter Display System (Spds) Removed from Service for Computer Upgrade

On 05/29/2007 at 08:08 am CDT, the Wolf Creek Nuclear Plant Information System (NPIS) was removed from service for a planned computer system upgrade. The system upgrade will result in the SPDS and Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) being inoperable for approximately three weeks. Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation is making this ENS notification pursuant to the criteria of 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii). There is no other loss of emergency assessment capability concurrent with the removal of the NPIS from service. Plant personnel entered the appropriate Off-Normal procedure and will obtain local readings for the equipment that is normally monitored by SPDS and NPIS during the plant computer upgrade. The Senior NRC Resident has been briefed on this evolution and the planned return to service of the system.

* * * UPDATE FROM LANE TO SNYDER AT 1802 EDT ON 6/11/07 * * *

On 06/09/07 at 18:46 CDT, the Wolf Creek Nuclear Plant Information System (NPIS) was returned to service following the computer upgrade. This restored the Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS) to OPERABLE and made the Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) available for use. The ERDS system will not be considered OPERABLE until testing has been performed with the NRC to confirm proper data transmissions. Some data points and processes are still being tested prior to being returned to service. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R4DO (M. Hay).

  • * * UPDATE FROM JIM KURAS TO JOE O'HARA AT 1633 EDT ON 6/13/07 * * *

On 6/13/07 at 14:57 CDT (ERDS) testing with the NRC completed satisfactory to confirm proper data transmission. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R4DO(Hay).

Emergency Response Data System
Safety Parameter Display System
ENS 4311925 January 2007 11:42:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessLoss of Safety Parameters Display System (Spds)On 01/25/07 at 05:42am CT, the Wolf Creek Generating Station Nuclear Plant Information System (NPIS) computer 'C' primary and all backup MUX's failed. Subsequent troubleshooting failed to restore all primary MUX's to operation in a short period of time. The failure to restore the NPIS computer has resulted in a loss of functionality of the SPDS. Due to SPDS being lost for longer than a short period of time, Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation is making this ENS notification pursuant to the criteria of 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii). There was no other loss of emergency assessment capability concurrent with the ongoing loss of SPDS. Plant personnel entered the appropriate Off-Normal procedure and obtained local readings for the equipment that is normally monitored by SPDS and NPIS during the loss of the plant computer. NPIS was restored to service and declared operable on the primary plant computer at 13:57 CT. The return of the NPIS computer to an operable condition restored the SPDS assessment capability function. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector
ENS 4263512 June 2006 20:56:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessLoss of Spds During Planned Computer Maintenance

On 6/12/06 at 07:54 am CDT, the Wolf Creek Generating Station removed the Nuclear Plant Information System (NPIS) computer from service for planned maintenance. Following this maintenance, one of the NPIS multiplexers (MTJX 'D') failed to re-establish communications with the computer, and efforts to restore the computer to service have been unsuccessful. The failure to restore the NPIS computer has resulted in a loss of functionality of the Safety Parameters Display System (SPDS). Efforts continue to restore the NPIS computer to service, which will restore SPDS functionality. Due to SPDS being lost for longer than a short period of time, Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation is making this ENS notification pursuant to the criteria of 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii). There is no other loss of emergency assessment capability concurrent with the ongoing loss of SPDS. Plant personnel have entered the appropriate Off-Normal procedure and are obtaining local readings for the equipment that is normally monitored by SPDS and NPIS. It is unknown at this time when NPIS/SPDS will be restored. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.

* * * UPDATE FROM T. DAMASHEK TO P. SNYDER AT 1735 ON 6/13/06 * * * 

SPDS has been restored as of 1605 CDT. The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R4DO (Bywater).

ENS 4183110 July 2005 03:54:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessLoss of Emergency Assessment Capability Due to Inoperable Ep SirensAt 2154 hours on July 9, 2005, power was lost to the #11, Otter Creek and #12, Jacob's Creek Emergency Plan Sirens. At 2254 hours on July 9, 2005, the #11 and #12 sirens are still without power. Siren #4, WC Lake South, was previously determined to be inoperable at 1210 hours on July 6, 2005, due to being struck by lightning. With 3 of the 11 Emergency Plan sirens out of service for greater than 1 hour a major loss of emergency assessment capability exists. Lyon Coffey Electric is currently working to restore power to the #11 and #12 Emergency Plan sirens. The NRC Senior Resident Inspector has been notified. At 2359 hours power has been restored to the #11 and #12 sirens restoring emergency assessment capability. The licensee contacted the dispatcher at the LLEO as an informational call.
ENS 4178417 June 2005 21:54:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessLoss of Safety Parameter Display SystemOn 6/17/2005, at 08:54 am CDT, the Wolf Creek Generating Station experienced an unexpected loss of the safety parameter display system (SPDS). Troubleshooting efforts have been, at this time, unsuccessful in restoring functionality of the SPDS. Because SPDS has been lost for longer than a short period of time, the Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation is making this ENS notification pursuant to the criteria within 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii). There is no other loss of emergency assessment capability concurrent with the ongoing loss of SPDS. Plant personnel have entered the applicable off-normal procedure and are taking local readings of equipment normally monitored by SPDS. It is unknown at this time when SPDS is expected to be restored. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.Safety Parameter Display System
ENS 4150921 March 2005 21:53:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessLoss of Safety Parameter Display System (Spds) Function for Greater than 8 Hours.The following information was provided by the licensee On 3-21-05 the Plant Computer system was removed from service at 0753 for scheduled maintenance. The system was not verified restored until 1558. This is in excess of the eight hours allowed by 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(xiii). The Plant Computer system supplies the Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS) function, which is required for Emergency Assessment Capability. The Plant Computer is currently operable. This event did not effect the plant operations. The unit is stable in Mode 1 at 100% power. The NRC Resident inspector has been informed.Safety Parameter Display System
ENS 4034520 November 2003 23:00:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessLoss of Spds for Greater than 8 Hours

During the performance of the control room logs CKL ZL-003 the updating of the SPDS (Safety Parameter Display System) program on the Nuclear Plant Information System (NPIS) computer system was noted to have not changed state. With the recent restoration of the condenser off gas monitor GE RE-092 the computer log had not updated and indicated that the computer was not updating. A review of the computer services backlogs indicates the program has not updated since 11/14/2003 @ 10:29 (CST). This condition is being reported as a Loss of Emergency Preparedness under 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(xiii). The loss of NPIS affects Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS). SPDS is considered a significant portion of the WCGS emergency assessment capability. Because SPDS has been lost for longer than a short period of time, Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation is making this notification pursuant to 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(xiii). There is no other loss of normal procedures and are taking local readings of equipment normally monitored by the NPIS computer. Current plant status is still Mode 5, 0%. The licensee notified the NRC resident inspector.


SPDS function was restored at time of initial notification and no other compensatory measures are required. The licensee notified the NRC resident inspector. Notified Kriss Kennedy - Region 4 Duty Officer.

Safety Parameter Display System
ENS 4025918 October 2003 22:20:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), Loss of Emergency PreparednessLoss of Emergency Assessment Capability

The Wolf Creek Nuclear Plant Information System (NPIS) became unavailable for unknown reasons. Loss of the NPIS affects the Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS). The SPDS forms a significant portion of the Wolf Creek emergency assessment capability. There is no other loss of emergency assessment capability concurrent with this continuing loss of the SPDS. Plant personnel have entered applicable procedures and are taking local readings of equipment normally monitored by the NPIS. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector.

  • * * * UPDATE FROM DAVE DEES TO MIKE RIPLEY 0842 ET 10/19/03 * * * *

The SPDS was restored to service at 0621 CDT 10/19/03. Notified R4DO (G. Sanborn)

Safety Parameter Display System