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ENS 499872 April 2014 18:01:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News Release
10 CFR 50.72(a)(1)(i), Emergency Class Declaration
Unusual Event Declared Due to Toxic Gas Release

Release of toxic or flammable gas affecting the Protected Area boundary deemed detrimental to the safe operation of the plant. Emergency Action Level entered: MU-1. The leak is Trichloroethylene (TCE) gas used in the Off-Gas building. The Off-Gas building ground and basement levels were evacuated due to the leak. There is no safe-shutdown equipment located in the Off-Gas building. The licensee is working to isolate the leak. The licensee informed the NRC Resident Inspector. The licensee notified the State of Ohio and the local counties. Notified DHS SWO, FEMA Ops Center, NICC Watch Officer, DOE Ops Center, USDA Ops Center, HHS Ops Center, and Nuclear SSA via email.

  • * * UPDATE AT 1630 EDT ON 4/2/14 FROM DON ROGERS TO S. SANDIN * * *

The licensee notified the following outside agencies: U.S. EPA National Response Center, Ohio EPA, Perry Township Fire Department, Lake County Emergency Planning Committee, and the U.S. Coast Guard. Notified R3DO (Passehl).


Unusual Event has been terminated on 4/5/2014 at 0059 EDT. The trichloroethylene leak has been stopped. Access has been restored to all normally accessible areas. Unit 1 remains in Mode 1 at 100% power. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector and the Local and State emergency agencies. Notified the IRD MOC (Gott), R3DO (Passehl), and NRR EO (McGinty). Notified DHS SWO, DOE Ops Center, FEMA Ops Center, HHS Ops Center, NICC Watch Officer, USDA OPS Center, EPA EOC, FDA EOC, and Nuclear SSA via email.

ENS 4854228 November 2012 15:19:0010 CFR 50.72(a)(1)(i), Emergency Class DeclarationNotification of Unusual Event Due to Toxic Gas in Radwaste Control Room

Entered an Unusual Event (under Emergency Action Level) MU1, toxic gas, carbon monoxide (CO), detected in the Radwaste Control Room. Levels rose to 34 ppm and the Radwaste Control Room was evacuated prior to reaching the First Energy exposure limit of 35 ppm. The source of the CO has not been determined. There is no radiation release from this event. There were no personnel injuries and offsite assistance was not requested. There was no effect on plant operations. The licensee has notified state and local authorities and the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified DHS SWO, FEMA, DHS NICC and NuclearSSA via email.

(At 1452 EST, the licensee) terminated the Unusual Event for MU1, due to toxic gas - carbon monoxide, detected in the Radwaste Control Room.  The source of the carbon monoxide readings was determined to be from a leaking acetylene bottle.  The acetylene bottle has been removed from the building.  Carbon monoxide readings have returned to normal.

The licensee noted that the acetylene is detected as carbon monoxide by the toxic gas monitoring devices. The licensee has notified State and local authorities and the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R3DO (Stone), NRR (EO) Lubinski) , IRD (Marshall), DHS SWO, FEMA, DHS NICC and NuclearSSA via email.

ENS 4265620 June 2006 20:30:0010 CFR 50.72(a)(1)(i), Emergency Class DeclarationUnusual Event Declared Due to a Seismic Event

Emergency plan unusual event entered due to a seismic event (LU-1). No equipment damage has been identified. The seismic event occurred at 1611hrs and tremors were felt in the Control Room. Unit 1 remained at full power and initial plant walkdown identified no safety equipment damage. Plant instrumentation indicated an acceleration of 0.005 Gs. Per U.S. Geological Survey website the quake was a 3.4 on the Richter scale and occurred NNW of the site. There is a small likelihood of after shocks. No radioactive releases have occurred.


Perry Plant has completed walkdowns from the Seismic Event that occurred at 1611. No Plant problems identified from walkdowns. Unusual Event has been terminated at 2000 on 6/20/06. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector, State and local officials. Notified NRR (M. Case), IRD (Wilson), R3DO (O'Brien), DHS (Fite) and FEMA (Casto).

ENS 4233011 February 2006 20:15:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News Release
10 CFR 50.72(a)(1)(i), Emergency Class Declaration
Alert Declared Due to a Fire in a Ventilation Fan

At 1506 EST, Operators heard a loud noise and discovered that a bearing in the Motor Control Switchgear in the Miscellaneous Equipment Area Return Fan "B" had failed. The Plant Fire Brigade responded and extinguished the fire. Offsite assistance was requested and did respond. No injuries were reported and all personnel have been accounted for. A reflash watch has been posted. The licensee will remain in the Alert awaiting completion of the ventilation transfer to the "A" train. The licensee notified state/local agencies and the NRC Resident Inspector.


At 1740 EST, the licensee terminated the Alert based on the fire being out and the plant stable. The licensee plans to issue a press release. Notified R3DO(Lanksbury), EO(Wermiel), IRD(Leach) and NRR ET(Dyer). Notified DHS SWO(Marianne), FEMA(Barden), DOE(DaSilva), HHS(Lt. Kleiman), USDA(Jimenez) and NRC-EPA(Crews).

ENS 4119512 November 2004 20:00:0010 CFR 50.72(a)(1)(i), Emergency Class DeclarationUnusual Event

The licensee had carbon dioxide release in the turbine lube oil bay affecting normal access. There was no unplanned radioactive release. There was no indication of a fire. There were no personnel injuries or equipment damage. At 1540 11/12/04, the NRC made the decision to remain in the Normal Mode. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.

  • * * UPDATE FROM J BITONTI TO W GOTT AT 1556 ON 11/12/04 * * *

At 1540 Perry remains in an unusual event. The carbon dioxide release was not due to a fire. The licensee is ventilating the area to restore normal access. The fire department has been requested and is currently on site. There are no abnormal elevated radiation levels detected out the plant vents requiring consideration of offsite protective actions. Notified R3 (Lipa).

  • * * UPDATE AT 1651 ON 11/12/04 FROM J BITONTI TO M RIPLEY * * *

At 1636 EST the licensee secured from the Unusual Event. Normal access has been restored to the area and a fire watch established until the fire suppression system is restored to normal. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R3DO (Ring), IRD (Wessman), NRR (Reis), NSIR (Weber), DHS (Reed), and FEMA (Biscoe)

ENS 411734 November 2004 15:54:0010 CFR 50.72(a)(1)(i), Emergency Class DeclarationUnusual Event Declared Due to a Toxic Gas Release Affecting Normal Operations

At 1054 EST on 11/04/04, the licensee declared an Unusual Event due to an acidic water spray in the Water Treatment Building affecting normal access. Licensee entered EAL MU-1, Toxic Gas detected within the Protected Area that impacts normal operations. There were two personnel in the building at the time of the leak, one Non-licensed operator and his supervisor. The Non-licensed operator was overcome by fumes and became nauseous and was taken to the onsite dispensary. The non-licensed operator was treated and taken to the local hospital. The supervisor did not seem to be affected, but he has been taken to the onsite dispensary for any necessary treatment. No unplanned release has occurred and no protective action recommendations are applicable at this time. The acidic water spray made contact with a 480 Vac panel in the building and has caused an electrical ground. Equipment in the building that may potentially affect plant operation if damaged are the clearwell pumps. The clearwell pumps supply seal water for the Main Circulating water pumps, and the non vital service water pumps. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector and made all state and local government emergency management notifications.

  • * * Update on 11/04/04 at 1338 EST by Rick Wiles taken by MacKinnon * * *

Atmospheric conditions in the area have been confirmed to be normal. Slippery conditions and acid hazard still exist on the floor. Licensee is still in an Unusual Event. NRC Resident Inspector has been notified of this update. R3DO (S. Burgess) notified.

  • * * Update on 11/04/04 at 1512 EST by Rick Wiles taken by MacKinnon * * *

Unusual Event terminated at 1502 EST. Surrounding Counties and the State of Ohio were notified by the licensee that the Unusual Event was terminated. NRC Resident Inspector notified of the termination of the Unusual Event. R3DO (Sonia Burgess), NRR EO (Terry Reis), IRD (Dick Wessman), FEMA (Austin) and DHS (Lee) notified.

Service water
ENS 4088220 July 2004 07:44:0010 CFR 50.72(a)(1)(i), Emergency Class DeclarationAlert Declared Due to High Offgas Effluent Alarm Pegged High and Unable to Confirm within 15 Minutes

At 0344 hrs. EDT, the licensee declared an Alert under Emergency Action Level HA.1. The initiating event was a pegged high off gas ventilation effluent radiation monitor and inability to obtain a confirmatory sample within 15 minutes. Only the gaseous channel failed high. The particulate and iodine channels remained reading normally. When plant chemistry technicians were able to obtain samples (an initial and back-up), they were negative with no activity greater than background detected. The plant management and operations team is currently evaluating their exit strategy for the Alert. The plant remains stable at 100% power, operating at normal operating parameters. The NRC entered monitoring mode at 0438 hrs. in response to this event. Notified DOC (Outlaw), DOE (Wyatt), USDA (Brzostek), EPA(NRC) (Baumgartner), and HHS (Phillips). The NRC Resident Inspector was notified and is present in the control room.


The licensee terminated the Alert at 0901 hrs. EDT. The basis for the termination was that samples taken at the site boundary were negative, samples taken locally at the skid indicated no activity, and the licensee determined that the radiation monitor equipment was faulted. The NRC Resident Inspector was notified by the licensee. The licensee notified the State of Ohio (Collins), Ashtabula County, OH, Geauga County, OH and Lake County, OH. The NRC exited monitoring mode at 0914 hrs. EDT. The NRC Operations Center notified DHS (Everett), FEMA (Biscoe), DOE (Smith), EPA(NRC) (Jones), USDA (Comeau), HHS (Molina), HQPAO (Brenner), DOC (Outlaw) and RIVDO (Farnholtz).

  • * * RETRACTION FROM MEADE TO CROUCH AT 1637 EDT ON 9/10/04 * * *

The following retraction was received from the licensee via facsimile: Update to Emergency Plan Alert Event Notification 40882 Retraction This is a follow-up notification to inform the NRC that Perry Nuclear Power Plant (PNPP) is retracting an Alert Emergency Declaration reported on July 20, 2004. Emergency Action Level HA.1, 'Any unplanned release of gaseous radioactivity to the environment that exceeds 200 times the ODCM (Offsite Dose Calculation Manual) Control limit for 15 minutes or greater', was entered based on an invalid reading due to a failed instrument. The Offgas Vent Pipe Gaseous Radiation Monitor had pegged offscale high. The post-accident high range Offgas Vent Pipe Gaseous Radiation Monitor, which monitors the same process stream, had started in response to the offscale reading and was indicating low, which did not correspond to the offscale readings. The radiation monitors for Offgas pre-treatment and post treatment process streams were both reading normally for the plant conditions. Other plant and process radiation monitors, post accident high range monitors, and area radiation monitors did not indicate increased radiation levels to support the off-scale Offgas Vent Pipe Gaseous Radiation Monitor. Aside from the one offscale radiation monitor, there were no corresponding indications that there was a release in progress. The Shift Manager took actions based on the offscale reading. In addition to the radiation monitor reading, the entry criteria for the Emergency Action Level (EAL) required entry into an Alert, unless gaseous effluent levels were verified by chemistry sample analysis methods to be less than the ODCM limits within 15 minutes. These results were not provided within 15 minutes, therefore the Shift Manager declared the Alert. Troubleshooting confirmed that the Offgas Vent Pipe Gas instrument reading was invalid. The Emergency Plan directs classification of events based on valid indications. At no time was there any unplanned release that would have required taking any emergency plan actions. Therefore, the entry criteria in the EAL were not met and the Alert emergency classification is being retracted. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector of this retraction. Notified NRREO (Reis), R3DO (Hills) and IRD (Nieh).

ENS 4006314 August 2003 20:10:0010 CFR 50.72(a)(1)(i), Emergency Class DeclarationUnusual Event Declared Due to Loss of Offsite Power Greater than 15 Minutes.

Automatic reactor scram due to a loss of offsite power. All rods fully inserted. Supplying power to vital buses via emergency diesel generators. All system operating properly. NRC Resident Inspector was notified of the event by the licensee.

  • * * UPDATE ON 08/15/03 @ 2007 BY STRACH TO GOULD * * *

The NOUE was terminated at 1952. Off site power was restored and the emergency diesels secured. Notified FEMA (Austin), Reg 3 RDO (Burgess) and EO (Richards)

Emergency Diesel Generator05000440/LER-2003-002