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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20196A37925 November 1988Advises That Mcmaster Univ 880929 Request for Approval of Encl Route to Be Used for Transport of Spent Reactor Fuel from Fort Erie,Ny to Aiken,Sc Meets Requirements of 10CFR73.37
ML20207N4469 January 1987Final Response to FOIA Request.Documents Listed in App E Re Facility Encl.Info Partially Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 4)
ML20154A24425 February 1986Forwards Insp Rept 70-1739/86-01 on 860115.No Violations Observed
ML20137A0999 January 1986Responds to 860108 Request for Approval of Route for Transport of Spent Reactor Fuel from Hamilton,Ontario to Aiken,Sc.Route,As Modified in Encl,Approved.Arrangements W/Law Enforcement Agencies Along Route Completed by NRC
ML20205H8568 January 1986Confirms That Tri-State Motor Co Authorized to Represent Univ Re Transportation & Import of Irradiated Reactor Fuel Shipment,Per .Followup Ltr Currently Being Forwarded
ML20205H8518 January 1986Confirms Mcmaster Univ 860108 Twx That Tri-State Will Serve as Agent in Requesting Approval of Route Submitted in Univ .Route Will Be Utilized to Provide Svcs to Univ
ML20062E31829 July 1982Advises That Div of Accounting & Finance Will Issue Invoice for Fees Owed Re Amend to Physical Protection Plan
ML20126C28617 March 1980Notifies That Category 13 Fee Is Required for Review of Immobilizing tri-state Vehicles Transporting Spent Fuel Sys & Emergency Shutdown Sequence.Fee Invoice Forthcoming
ML20207N62519 March 1975Discusses Physical Security Insp 70-1193/75-01 on 750218- 20.Written Statement for Each Item W/Corrective Actions Requested.Illegible J Keppler 740926 & 1002 Ltrs Re 10CFR2.790 & License SNM-1174 Encl