RA-12-063, Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek

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Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 05/16/2012
Exelon Generation Co, Exelon Nuclear
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML12174A216 (59)


Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels COLR Oyster Creek 1 Rev. 7 Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390 Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek 2012.05.16 13:39:15

) -04'00' Prepared:

  • - 2012.05.16 Reviewed: 17:37:21 -04'00' Reactor Engineering, 2012.05.16 Reviewed: 15:57:41 -04'00' Engineering Safety Analysis 2012.05.16 Reviewed: /* S,'Z,. 14:35:38 -04'00' Independent Review

- 2012.05.17 Approved: /1 11:04:55 -04'00' GNF - BWR Design.Manager Y2012.05.17 09:44:36

-04'00' Station Qualified Review Page 1 of 59

Exelon Nuclear:-.Nucle&r, Fuels COLR..Oyster Creek P Rev. 7 Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek _

Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with 10CFR2.390 Table of Contents

1. Lis t of T a b le s .................................................................................................................. I........................... 3
2. References ............

1.Lsto Tbe.  :......................................................................

. . .................. ............................ . .......... 43 3 . T erm s a nd D efinitions ............... 1: ................... .................. ............... .......................................... 5 4 . G e ne ral Info rm a tio n .................. ................................... ................................................. 66.......

5. Average Planar Linear Heat Genefation Rate " .. 77
:: '. 't .. . . " ,* L '7 7.% 7'-* *..................
6. Minimum Critical Power Ratio ........ ........... ....20............

7 6.1. Manual Flow Control MCPR L its ._....... ....... ... .. ............. ........ 20 6.2 Power Dependent MCPR L.imtos,.. ...................... 20 Scram

63. Time ..... : ............... .. 20
7. Linear Heat Generation Rate.:............. .................. 23
8. Stability P rotection Settincs. ... ........ ............ .................... ......... .... 23 23..................
9. M odes Of O peratio n ................. ............... ................................... .................... ........... 24 24...

1 0 .p e thd o l g y '. .'..... .......  : :v " : " ........

?. -..................... ........-

- <...:! ,: .--.. -:...... ... ...... :.2 4 Appetdology 24 Appndx..... . .. . .......... ,,,, ,,,.. . /..-.

Page 2 of-59

Exelon Nuclear-"Nucle*rFuels COLR Oyster Creek 1 Rev. 7 Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390

1. List of Tables Table 5-1 MAPLHGR for bundle: GE1 1-P9DUB359-14GZ-100T-145-T6-3108 ...................................... 7 Table 5-2 MAPLHGR for bundle: GE11-P9DUB359-14GZ-100T-145-T6-3108 ................... ............... 8 Table 5-3 MAPLHGR for bundle: GE11-P9DUB356-14GZ-100T-145-T6-3109 . ...... .......... 8 Table 5-4 MAPLHGR for bundle: GE 11-P9DUB356-14GZ-100T-145-T6-3109 .......... .................... 9 Table 5-5 MAPLHGR for bundle: GE11-P9DUB367-12GZ-100T-145-T6-3104 .............................. 9 Table 5-6 MAPLHGR for bundle: GEl 1-P9DUB367-12GZ-IOOT-145-T6-3104 . , ............. 10 Table 5-7 MAPLHGR for bundle: GE11 -P9DUB360-11GZ-10OT-145-T6-3107 ..................................... 10 Table 5-8 MAPLHGR for bundle: GE1-P9DUB360-11GZ-100T-145-T6-3107 ...... ................. 11 Table 5-9 MAPLHGR for bundle: GE1 I-P9DUB365-10GZ-100T-145-T6'3105 .................................... 11 Table 5-10 MAPLHGR for bundle: GEl 1-P9DUB365-10GZ-10oT-1465-T6-3105 .............. ........ 12 Table 5-11 MAPLHGR for bundle:. GNF2-P1ODG2B370-15GZ-100T2-145-T6-3355 . . ........ 12 Table 5-12 MAPLHGR for bundle: GE11-P9HUB363-12GZ-10OT-145-T6-2817 ................. 13 Table 5-13 MAPLHGR for bundle: GE11-P9HUB363-1 2GZ-10OT-145-T6-2817 ................................... 13 Table 5-14 MAPLHGR for bundle: GE11P9HUB364-14GZ-1 OT-145-T6-2a1 8.' ............... 14 Table 5-15 MAPLHGR-for bundle: GE11-P9HUB364-14GZ-10OT-145-T6-2818 ............... 14 Table 5-16 MAPLHGR for bundle: GNF2-P 10DG2B370-16GZ-100T2-145-T6-3356 ........................... 15 Table 5-17 MAPLHGR for bundle: GNF2-P10DG2B369-16GZ-100T2-145-T6-3357-LTD::.. .:,J . 15 Table 5-18 MAPLHGR for bundle: GE11-P9DUB367-11GZ-100T-145-T6-2921 .................................. 16 Table 5-19 MAPLHGR for bundle: GE11-P9DUB367-11GZ-10OT-145-T6-2921 .......................... i.....

46 Table 5-20 MAPLHGR for bundle: GE 1I-P9DUB361-14GZ-10OT-145-T6-2922 ................................... 17 Table 5-21 MAPLHGR for bundle: GEl 1-P9DUB361-14GZ-10OT-145-T6-2922 ................................... 17 Table 5-22 MAPLHGR for bundle: GEl 1-P9DUB366-12GZ-100T-145-T6-3106 ................................... 18 Table 5-23 MAPLHGR for bundle: GE 1I-P9DUB366-12GZ-10OT-145-T6-3106 ....................................... 18 Table 5-24 MAPLHGR Multiplier with One ISOLATED Loop ................................................................. 19 T a b le 6-1 MC P R Lim it - G E l 1 .................................................................................................................... 21 T able 6-2 MC P R Lim it - G NF2 ................................................................................................................... 21 Table 6-3 Kf Multiplier - G El 1 and G NF2 ............................................................................................. 22 Table 6-4 Power Dependent MCPRp Limits and Multipliers - GEl 1 and GNF2 .................................... 22 Table 7-1 Power Dependent LHGR Multiplier LHGRFACp for PROOS ................................................ 23 Table 8-1 O ption II Stability Protection Settings ................................................................................... 23 T able 9-1 Modes of O pe ratio n .................................................................................................................... 24 Page 3 of 59

Exelon..Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels COLRQOyster Creek 1.Rev. 7 Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390 , . . ,.... .

2. References
1. Deleted.
2. GNF Document, 0000-0108-7976-SRLR, Revision 1, "Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Oyster Creek ReloaJ 23 Cycle 23,'":November 2010.
3. GNF Document, 0000-0108-7976-FBIR-NP, Revision.0, "Fuel Bundle Information Rep6rt for Oyster Creek Reload 23 Cycle 23," October 2010.
4. Deleted.


. . Deleted. , -

6. GENE Letter, NSA02-247, "Oyster Creek APRM Flow-Biased Setpoint Margin Between Scram and Rod Block for Stability Option II Adjustmnenrt;" January 2002.
7. Deleted.
8. Deleted. . . ..
9. Deleted. .
11. Deleted.
12. Deleted.-

13., GNF Document;, NEDE-2401 1-P-A-1 7 rnd. Supplement NEDE-2401 1:P-A-17-US, "General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel," September 2010 (GESTAR II).

14. GNF Letter, CFL-EXN-ENI-11-031, "Transmittal of Updaied E&pos'ufe-Dependent GEI I and GNF2 Fuel MAPLHGR Limits for Oyster Creek Cycle 23," dated April 29, 2011.
15. GEH Letter, CFL-EXN-EN1-12-068, "Transmittal of Revised Exposure-dependent GNF2 Fuel MAPLHGR Limits for Oyster Creek Cycle 23," dated May 3, 2012.
16. GNF Document, NEDE-24011 -P-A-18 and ,Supplement NEDE-24011 -P-A-1 8-US, "General:

Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel," April 20, 2011 (GESTAR II).

Page 4 of 59

Exel6r Nuclear"-"Nucle'r Fuels COLR Oyster Creek 1 Rev.'7 Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390

3. Terms and Definitions APLHGR Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate ARTS APRM, Rod Block Monitor, and Tachnical Specification (Improvement)

APRM Average Power Range Monitor BOC Beginning of Cycle BWROG Boiling Water Reactor Owner's Group Coastdown Coastdown occurs when full power is not achievable with all rods out, maximum'allowable core flow and feedwater temperature reduction, and equilibrium xenon ELLLA Extended Load Line Limit Analysis EOC End of Cycle EOR End of Rated Conditions (i.e., cycle exposure at 100% power, 100% flow, all-rods-out, all feedwater heaters in service and equilibrium xenon)

GNF Global Nuclear Fuel ICF, . Increased CoreFlow , , ' -,

ISOLATED The recirculation loop suction, discharge and discharge bypass valves are in the closed position Kf MCPR flow dependent multiplier (i.e., adjustment to the MCPR limit when at core flow less than rated)

Kp MCPR power dependent multiplier'(i.e., adjustment to the' MCPR limit when at core bower less than rated)

LHGR - . Linear.Heat Generation Rate-. 1 . . ".

LHGRFACp LHGR power dependent multiplier (i.e., adjustment to the LHGR limit when at core power less than rated)

LPRM Local Power Range Monitor MAPLHGR Maximum Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate MCPR Minimum Critical Power Ratio MCPRp Off-rated power dependent Operating Limit MCPR OOS Out of Service Option A Option A refers to the Technical Specifications core average scram time speed that when applied results in a more restrictive MCPR limit Option B Option B refers to a specific core average scram time speed that when met allows the use of a lower MCPR limit PROOS Pressure Regulator Out of Service TIP Traversing In Core Probe Page 5 of 59

Exelon. Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels COLER Oyster Creek I Rev.. 7 Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with 10CFR2.390

4. General Information ,..

Oy',ter Creek iBa, non-ARTS plant. There are Oyster Creek specific flow0-biased and power-biased .

MCPR operating -limits for operation at less than rated flow and power.,, The flow-biased MCPR limits are discussed in Section 6.1. The power-biased MCPR limits are discussed inSection 6:2. The.- are power-biased LHGRiimits for PROOS operating-condition provided in Sectlin'TT Rated core flow is6! Mlb/hr and operation up to 110.7% of rated is licensedfor this cycle. Additionally, Oyster Creek utilizes an ELLLA.operating domain, which has expanded the power/flow map to allow fcr greater operational flexibility .

Page 6 of 59

Exelon Nuclear - Nucler. Fuels COLR Oyster Creek 1 Rev. 7 Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390

5. Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate The MAPLHGR limits ar6 discUssed in Technical Specifications Section 3.10.A. The MAPLHGR limits for the lattices in each-fuel type as a function of average planar exposure are.given in Tables 5-1-through 5-23 for operation withýzer'oISOLATED RECIRCULATION LOOPS (Reference 14 and Reference. 15):

For operation with one ISOLATEUDRECIRCULATION LOOP, multiply'the limits'in Tables 5-1 through 5-23 by the ISOLATED Lop :multiplier listed in Table'5-24 (Reference 2 and Reference15).

All lattices are defined in-Reference-3. Ail GEl11 MAPLHGR limits provided herein are from Reference 14, which supersedes GEl 1 MAPLHGR limits documented in Reference 2. All GNF2 MAPLHGR'limits provided herein are from Reference 15, which supersedes all GNF2 MAPLHGR limits documented in References 2 and 14. The basis for the MAPLHGR limits given in References 14 and 15 is Reference 16.

Table 5-1 MAPLHGR for bundle: GE11-P9DUB359-14GZ-10OT-145-T6-3108 GNF Lattice #8527, #8528, #8508, #8525 Avg. Planar Exposure MAPLHGR (GWd/ST) (kW/ft) 0.0 9.64 0.2 9.64 1.0 9.57 5.0 9.39 10.0 9.18 15.0 8.93 20.0 8.95 25.0 8.52 35.0 7.78 45.0 7.59 55.0 7.55 65.0 7.51 Page 7 of 59

Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels COLROyster Creek I Rev. 7 Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390

.,Table 5-2 MAPLHGRk for bv ndle: GE11-P9DtJB359-ý4G.Z"IC9T-14.5-T6..3108

,GNF LaticesIM07'; V8.8526 Avg. Planar

ý.Enpcsure MAPLH3R (GWd/ST) .(kW/At  ;

.0.0 9.62.

0.2 ;9.62 1.0 9.56

.50 . 9.44 10.0 9.17

-15.0 8.87

  • 200i . 8.....893 25.,0 8.52 35.0 7.76 45.0 '7.59 5E£.0 7.55 65.0 *2 J 7.48

..TabIl 5.3 MAFLHGR-foi-

, GNF Lý... icesl#85,uý,VZ.3l, 00i~508, #8525 Expc are, ~MAPLHGRW (GW.P-ST) ____

10,0 T 9.5

- 0;-2

,1.0 ,9:55 9.50 5.0 9.33 10.0 9.04 S15.0 8.99 20.0 8.90

,:25.0 &851 35.0 7.78 45.0 J 7.50

.55.0 7.55 65.0 7.47 Page 8,of 59

Exelon Nuclear -rNucleil 'Fuels COLR:Oyster Creek, I Rev: 7 Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390 Table654 MAPLHGR forGNF b6undle: GEI -1.P9DUB356-14t3Z"100T.-145-T6-3109 LattcOes #8507, #8529

[ Avg. Planar ExpoSure iAPLIGR; (GWd/ST)  :(kW/ft) 0.0 4.957

.02 ,9.57

_1.0 .9.56 5:0 4940 10.0 9.22

'!5.0 . 8.92 20,0 _ 8.89 58.50 p35.0 7.78

.45.0 7.53

`55.0 --_7.56 6-5.0 j
Table' 5'L MA1PLHGRŽA..'A mm~ 3-.'. -P9DUB7 /-42GZ-1 OOT-1 45 -T6-31 04

.1GNF Ltixs#3'0, *JI, J_581: #12 NE Avg. Planar

`P-p6aLne Miiý-LHGR (CWdIS '

0:2 9.55

' 1-0* 1.0 :9.5

  • .5.0 9:31 10.0 9.10 15.0 :8.93 20:0 .9.01 25&0 ' 8.68 35.0 7.80

.45.0 7.63 55.0 7:60 65.0 7T54 Page 9 of 59

Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels COL..R Oyster Creek 1 Rev. 7 Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek.

Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with I OCFR2.390 Table 5-6 MAPLHGR for bundle: GEl I-P9DUB367-12GZ-10OT-145-T6-3104 GNF Lattices #8507, #8509 -

Avg. Planar Exposure MAF-LGR' 7.,(GWd/ST) j (kW/ft)

' 0.0 -9.58 0.2 9.58 1.0 9.55 5.0 9.29 10..0 .9.08 15.0 8..98

'200 8.96 25.0 .8.67 35.0 7.82 45.0

.55.0 ,7.563 7...756 65.0 Lj 7:53

.1 Table 5-7 MAPLHGR for bundle: GE1"I-P9DUB360-1 IGZ-10OT-145-T6-3107 CNF Latric:s U-22t #,1523, #8509, #9524

,Avg. Planar Exposure IMPLNGR

':CWd/IST) (ltW/ft)

' "3C " 9.14

.,0.2 9.14

.10 9.10 5.0 9.13 10.0 9.04 15.0 8.93 20.0 8.97 25.0 8.62 35.0 7.78

"45.0 7.56

.55.0 7.54 65.0 7.45 Page 10 of 59

Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear 1:ueis COLR Oyster Creek 1 Rev. 7 Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390 Table 5-8 MAPLHGR f6r bundle: GEl1 -P9DUB360-1 I GZ-1 OOT-145-T6-3107 GNF Lattices #8507, #8521.

Avg. Planar EX~osure MAPLHGR (GWd/ST) (kW/ft)

,0.0 9.28 0.2 . 9.28 1.0 9.26

--"5:0 - .9.22

,10.0 *9.09  :

15.0 8,96

.20.0 . .97 25.0 ýa8*58

-35,0 7,81 1.5!.0 7.55 55.0 1 7:54 65.0 I I

7.47 Table 5-9 MAPLHGR foi bundle: GE1I-P9DUL*365-IOGZ-100T-145-T6-3105 GNF Lattices #8514,..#85.15.; #850.8, #8516

,Avg. Plp r ..

Exposure I L:GR (GWd/ST) W*(W/ft) 00 952 0.2 .9.52 1.0 9.50 5.0 9.35 10.0 *9.14 15.0 9.02 20.0 8.96 25.0 8.65 35.0 7.82 45.0 -7.63 55.0 7.58 65.0 7.54 Page 11 of 59

Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels COLR.Oyster Creek 1 Rev. 7 Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with 10CFR2.390 Table 5-10 MAPLHGRý for,bundle: GEl -P9PUB3C1-1 CJC'-1 (T07-1,;5T6-3105

  • ' *=,.GNF, Lattices #8507;, f85t3" '

Avg Planar Expou re MAPhH(R

,0.0 ,9i51 0.2 .951 1.0 9.49 9.32  ;

5.0 10.0 '9.16 15.0 8:94 20,0 1,8:97 25.0  : ',8.65 1350 7- 80

,.5.0 T.7.61

.,550 -T759

= '50[ t'7:52 Table. 5-.1 MAPLHGR C'- burid -'.F2..IDG,.B3,, - :LGZ,.GOV2-1,5*.T6-3355 Lvg. Pie' L

-- 5 0:2 1.0

- . .73 7.73

.7.75 5".0 __ 7:67

'10.0 __7.64

-5.0 7.72 20.0 6.96 26.46 P35.0 62 6 45.0 ý6.13

-55.0 603

____ 5.91.

Page 12 of 59

Exelon Nuclear -,Nudlear Fuels COLR Oyster Creek I Rev. 7 Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390 ,! , ý "Table'5"'2 MAPLH&OR for bundleý' G Eli -P9HUB363-12GZ-10OT,145-T6-2817 GNF Lattices #6784, #6786; #6782, #6787 Avg. Planar Expos'ure MAPLHGR (GW*v/ST) .(MW/fty)

S.0.0 9.83 0.2 -9.83 1.0 9.89 5.0 9.74

..iO.0 .9.53 15.0 .9.24 20.0 8.89 "125:,0 '8:32

'35.0 &.18 F '.55.0 r~.
45.0 8.46

, 8.04 65.0 8.32

-Table',5-i 3.MAPLHGR-Cwr týncile.- C l4?~l.1Zvll36S:,1fGZ-1 OOT-i 45-T6-281 7 GNF L'atilc~s- kQ3, #6785 Avg. P, .

0.0 /'"8

-0.2 9.78 1.0 '9.90

"!5.0 , 9._80

.10.0 M9!59

.15.0 9.49

.20.0 8.88 25.0 8.32 35.0 8:.17

45.0 8.16 55.0 8.25 65.0 _'8.32 '

Page 13 of 59

Exelon Nuclear- Nuclear Fuels -COLR Oyster Creek lRev. 7 Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390 Table 5-14 MAPLHGR for bundle: GE11-P9HUB364-14GZ.,1Q0T,-"ý.45-T6-231.8 GNF Lattices #6789, #6791, #6782, #6792 Avg. Planar

.Expos ure "MAPLHGR:

(GWdIST) (kWift) 0O.0 9..73

02 9.73..

1.0 .9.71

...... 9659

.10.0 . 9.42 15:0 . :9:4f 20i0 . 8..5

. ,250. 8.29

. 35.0 .8.!3d .

.. 5.0 8.11

. 55.0. [ 8.188

.650 .826 Table 5-15 MAPLHGR for bundle: GEl 1-P9HUB364-14GZ-1OOT-145-T6-2818 GNF.LAiicet6 #6-1b, #bi'3O A'vg. Planar SE-csar- .-..1MAPL:1GR

..(G  !ST) . (kW/ft) do.O7 9.76 0.2 9.76 1.0 9.77 "5.0- 9.65

,10.0 9.53 15.0 9.37 20.0 -. 8.84 25.0 8.30

.35.0 8.13 45.0- 8.09 55.0 -.. . 3.17 65.0 8.24 Page 14 of 59

Exeloiri Nuclear-' Nuclear Fuels COLR Oyster Creek-I Rev. 7 Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390 Ta'be 5-16 tMAPLHGR, for bundle: GNF2-P1 0DG2B370-1'6GZ-1 O0T2-145-T6-3356 All Lattices Avg. Planar Exposure MAPLHGR

. .0 7.83_

0.2 -..7.81.

1.0. .7.78

- 5:0 7.73

'10.0 7.65 A5.0 7.62 20.0 7.76.

25.., 688.

350 6.30-450 .6A7

'55.0 604 65.0o . 591 Table 5-17 MAPLHGR for bundle: GNF2-PI0DG2B369-16GZ-100T2-145-T6-3357-LTD All Lattices

'Avg. Pianar Exposure MAPLHGR (GWd/ST) ' (kW'ft) 0.0 ,787

.0.2 7.877 1-0 *7-85--

5.0 7.75 10.0 -7.70

.15.0 7.60 20.0 -7.76 25.0 6.83 35.0 6.30 45.0 6.16 55.0 .6.03 65.0- 5.91 Page 15 of 59

Exelon:Nuclear,- Nuclear Fuels COLR Oyster Creek 1 Rev. 7 Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390 Table 5-18 MAPLHGR for bund.1e: GEI I-%P9DUB367.-1!iGZ-1.00TA 45-T6-2921

.GNF Lattices #7313, #73141 #7315,* 6-73,16 Avg. Planar Expos tire .MAPL, .GR (GWd/ST) " ;(k* lift) 00 8:84

. 1 .0 ...... 8.87

..... r5-*0 ==. . 8 8 " ""

  • 5¢,.0-100 ' $.93 8.89 115.0 89 2C0 8.84 25.70 -8.18 A350 17.84 45.0 7-:0 S55.0 ,:7:86 '

65.0  : .7:0 Table 5-19 MAPLHGR for b', 'dle: GE1I-P9DUB367-11GZ-1OOT-145-T6-2921 r . . c.s-#731, #7312.

II4Avq.. Planar

.xposure Li: ::.. J/S,) j ____________)'

  • 0.2 '.917 9.20 3/4)
1.0 92 5.0 .9.06 10.0 19.02 15.0 891
,20.0 '8.83 25.0 .8.16 35.0 7..84 45.0 7:79 55.0 7.84 65.0  : 7.91 Page 16 of 59

ExelofniNuclear - Nucleai Fuels COLR Oyster Creek,1 Rev. 7 Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted inAccordance with IOCFR2.390

'Table 5-20TMAPLfHGR'for bundle: GEI1l-P9DUB361"14GZ-IO0T-1 45-T6-2922 GNF Lattices #731 8,'#73194#7315, #1320 Avg. Planar 4 Eiposube MIPLHGR (GV'*AIST) * *(kW/ft) 0!0 9.39 0.2 9.39 1.0 9.32 510 9123

,10.0 8.92 1-5.0.0 8.90 010 8a976 25.0 8.10

  • 35:.0 7'82 ,
450 "717

.55,0 .7'84

.65:0 ';7.91 ,

Table 5-21 MAPLHGR for bundle. GEI-ýP Ml'i:1i-14GZ-1OOT-145-T6-2922 GNF Lattices #7311, #7317

-Avg.P.nnar EBpegpre PWIAFLhGR S(GWdlST). (kW/ft) 0.0 9.39

  • 0.2 p.39 1.0 9.33 5.0 .9.18 10.0 8.92

.15,0 8.88 20.0 "8.72 25.0 8.08 35.0 .7.83 45.0 7.80

.55.0 7.86 65.0 7.91 Page 17 of 59

Exelon Nuclear -* Nuclear Fuels :COLR Oyster Creek 1 Rev. 7 Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted inAccordance with IOCFR2.390 Table 5-22 MAPLHGIR for bundle: GE11-P9DUB366-12GZ-100T-145-T6-3106 GNF Lattices #8518, #8519, #8508, #8520 Avg. Planar Emposure, MAPLHGR, (GWd/ST) j(kWift) 0.0. 9.51 0.2 9.51 1.0 9.49 5.0 9.31 10.0 9.08 15.0 8.92 20.0 9.01 25.0 8.68 35.0 7.80 45.0 7.63 55.0 7.57 65.0 7.52 Table 5-23 MAPLHGR for bundle: GEl 1-P9DUB366-12GZ-1 OOT-145-T6-3106 GNF Lattices #8507, #8517 Avg. Planar Exposure MAPLHGR (GWd/ST) (kW/ft) 0.0 9.52 0.2 9.52 1.0 9.48 5.0 9.34 10.0 9.09 15.0 8.90 20.0 8.97 25.0 8.64 35.0 7.80 45.0 7.62 55.0 7.56 65.0 7.51 Page 18 of 59

Exelonb Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels COLR Oyster Creek I Rev. 7 Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390 Table-5-24MAPLHGR Multiplier withOne ISOLATED Loop Fuel T.ype Isolated Loop Multiplier'

_GE1_ 1 0.98 "GF2' -..

0: 9&/

Page 19 of 59

Exelon Nuclear.- Nuclear Fuels .,COLR Oyster Creek 1 Rev. 7 Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with 10CFR2.390 *

6. Minimum Critical Power Ratio The MCPR limits are discussed in Technical Spe-cifications Section 3.10.C. For all conditions, the more limiting of the flow adjusted. MCPR and power adjusted MCPR is applied.

6.1.1 Manual Flcew Cofitrol MCPR L.imitS A

"`Th6 flow adjusted MCPR is'detfermrined ty-m unltiplyin-g i'he aIlppliical6Je rated coridifibnl MbPR limit shown in Tables 6-1 and 6-2 by the applicable MCPR multiplier, Kf, givenin Table 6-3. The MCPR-values and Kf-multipliers are documented in Reference 2:- Tal.jle 8-1 aihd 6-2 limits are independent, of APRM status changes since Reference 2 analyzes th(,ý Rod Withdrawal Error

..(RWE)_as unblocked. The appropriate. Kf value m.ay. be dýeterrhined.bv.lnear interpolation. Table 6-3 is applicable to GEl 1 and GNF2 fuel types per Reference 2.

6,,2. Power Dependent MiCPRiLirriits . ...

,ntroduction of the GNFF2 fual type r-qu'rars-use of-power 6,Xpendoia MCR. ir,,s a, off-rated conditions. Power dependent limits are required because APRM Trip Setdown may not provide adequate protection for the MCPR Safety Limit. Use of these limits ensures that the MCPR Safety Limit is not violated as a result of any anticipated operational occurrence (AOO). Plant specific power dependent MCPR limits are presented in Table 6-4 d documented in Reference

2. When core thermal power is greater thian orqual -o 40% of rateý.,the Kp multiplier from Table 6-4 is applied to the applicable rated condition MCPR limit shc i in Tables 6-1 and 6-2.

-Theappiopriate MCFRpor Kp vdilue may- ue determirnied by ,ineai ini. Ipoiadon;-Below 40% of rated power, the.McOPR,!iri'siýsn Table.6-4 are !pl_!ied directly. Table,6-4 is applicable to both

'GE; arid"GNF2 fuel .ypes per RFijr,.nca 2' 6.3. Scram Time ....

Core average scram insertion times are determined per Technical Spacifi-ations"2:2.R. Based on the results of the scram time surveillance testing and calculation of tha core average insertion time, a-MCPk imnit-is chbseh f6rhoTableb-1 for GE1 1 fuel ahd Table 6-2 fbr-_GNF2 tuel (Reference 2). If the core average scram insertion time does riot meet the O- lbn B criteria, but has met Option. A criteria, then the appropriate MCPRyalue may be c'et Titd-fiom a linear interpolation between the Option A and B.limits with standard rnathenaical (rundirig to two decimal places. The scram time adjustment to. MCPR only applies to.MCPR limits that are set by pressurization transients (see Note 2 to Table 6-1 for further clarification).

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Exelon'Nuclear'--Nucleair Fuels COLR Oyster Creek f Rev. 7 Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390 Table 6-1 MCPR Limit- .GE1 1, Cycle Exposure Applicability' Option .BOC to <ý(>R-2525) _>,(EOR-2525) MWD/ST to' MWD/ST EOC Four6roFive' 143,. .1.49 Fi.e5 1.51 Recirculation Loops in Service 3 Bi 52 ... 2, B 1.452 1.45

": "i',i. ? '*. ,. ' i:  : '* * .'. ':*T .3 "::", .;*,' = :. " -.* ' s.,.-i T,;

TableI6.2 MCPR, Urmt--GN2.Z, -

..... . C- E ",,po.ure..

Applicability1 Option Boc to <WD(IST-?) > (EQR-2525)MWDST to MWD/ST EOC Four or Five A 1.53 1.61' Recirculation Loops 'inService 1 SA.. . 1-55 -1.63 .

RecircLuS c i, , ____."____"_____

. 5 _

Loops in Serv~ice3 15 5 MCPR limits are applicable to rated power operation for Equipment in Service and PROOS conditions per Reference 2.

2 The documented MCPR limit is based on the Rod Withdrawal Error (RWE) event, which is a non-pressurization event. The limiting pressurization event results in Option B MCPR limits that are 0.11 less (BOC to (EOR-2525)

MWD/ST) and 0.05 less ((EOR-2525) MWD/ST to EOC) than the stated value per Reference 2. Scram time adjustments are only required to be applied to MCPR limits that are set by pressurization transients.

3 For three recirculation loops in service, the MCPR operating limit is 0.02 greater than the four/five loop value per Reference 2.

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Exelon.Nuclear - Nuclear-Fuels CD.LR Oyster Creek 1 Rev..7 Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek  : .

Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390 Table 6-3 Kf Multiplier - GE11-and GIF2 1 d ,

Table 6-4 Power Deper.dent MCP.pp..imits.anrd Mu~tipliers - GEI I and GNF2 Core Flow. Core Flom.. Core

  • ... Thermnil iii"i Power (% of rated)

Applicability of rated 25 <_40 >40 60 70 79 I 90 100 I___erating Limiit-MC OPR")perating Limit MCPR Multiplier, Kp Four or Five Recirculation Loops in Service

< 60

> 60 } 2.52 2.66 2.52 2.66 2.20 2.29 .- .1*85V'1I,% 1U1&5' .068 1.000

,Thrý--Rcifrculation 50

-c< 2.54 2.5.4 .2 1 Lbops in Service :" >60 2.68.185 1. 2,O6.100 .1.. I 1, 8...

PROOS - Four or Five < 60 2.52 2.52 2.20 Recirculation 1.517 1.375 1.345 1.265 1.068 1.000 Loops in Service .. _66 2..56 22..

PROOS - ThreeRiruito".-<60 2.54. 2.54 *2.222. .

.1.517 .1.375 1.345 1,265 11068 1.000 Loops in Service >60 2.68 21.32 1 1 Kf multipliers are applicable for Equipment in Service and PROOS conditions per Reference 2.

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Exelon Nuclear -*-.Nuclear Fuels 'COLR Oyster Creek 1 Rev. 7 Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with I OCFR2.390

7. Linear Heat Geneia;J"i'fiRate'"

The LHGR limits are discussed in Technical'Specification's Section 3.10.B. The maximum LHGR shall not exceed the LHGR limits as specified in,Reference. 3, ttached as Appendix A. The exposure dependent U0 2 and Gd 2O3 Thermal-Mechanical LHGR limits are contained in Appendix A. Power dependent LHGR multipliers are listed in Table 7-1 for PROOS operating conditions and are applicable to GEl 1 and GNF2 fuel types (Reference 2)., The appropriate iLHGRFACp value may be determined by linear interpolation. . .

Table 7-1 Power Depean.dent.LHGR Multiplier.LHGRFACp for PROOS Pwer. LHGRFACp

(% rated)_

50.0 0.760 70.0 0.891

- '. . V 90 .0 1.000..

100.0". 1.000 P

8. Stability Protecton Setti gs..-.

The stability protection settings are discussed in Technnical'Specifications 2.3. Oyster Creek utilizes the BWROG Option II solution inithe licensing stability calculations. Table 8ý1. provides the analytical limit equations for APRM based stability protetctio6 settings and related.Control.Rod Block settings to support Option II implementation (References 2 a'hd'6). .

Table 8-1 Option HStabUl~y Protection Settings

~1 Technical Specification 2.3.A.1 Neutron Flux; Scram - APRM For W*5 27.5 x 106 b /hr:

S*< (1.433 x 10-6) W+ 24.8 where:

S = setting in percent of rated power W = recirculation flow (lb/hr)

Technical Specification 2.3.B Neutron Flux, Control Rod Block ForW< 27.5x 106 lb/hr:

S*< (1.433 x 10-6)W+ 17.5 where:

S = setting in percent of rated power W = recirculation flow (lb/hr)

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Exelon'Nuclear.- Nuclear Fuels ý;COLR Oyster Creek 1 Rev. 7 Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390

9. Modes of Operation The allowed Modes of Operation are as described in Table 9-1.

Table 9-1 Modes of Operation Oneratina Rea ion Options 1'" Standard ELLLA ICF" Five-loop Operation, Option A or B Yes Yes Yes Four-loop Operation, Option A or B Yes Yes Yes Three-loop Operation, Option A or B Yes Yes Yes PROOS, Five-loop Operation, Option A or B Yes Yes Yes PROOS, Four-loop Operation, Option A or B Yes Yes Yes PROOS, Three-loop Operation, Option A or B Yes Yes Yes 1 Each operational mode may be combined with up to a 100°F reduction in feedwater temperature (Final Feedwater Temperature Reduction or Feedwater:H'-tiers OOS) at any point in the cycle (Reference 2).

2 Operation up to 67.5 Mlb/hr core flow is licensed for this cycle (Reference 2).

3 Each operational mode may be coincident with coastdown operation. The minimum coastdown power level is 40% per GESTAR II (Reference 13).

10. Methodology Reference 13 is the basis for the values reported in the COLR with the exception of the MAPLHGR limits.

The basis for the MAPLHGR limits is Reference 16.

1. GENE Document, NEDC-31462P and NEDE-31462, "Oyster Creek NGS SAFER/CORECOOL/GESTR-LOCA Loss-of-Coolant Accident Analysis," August 1987.
2. GNF Document, NEDE-24011-P-A-17 and Supplement NEDE-24011-P-A-17-US, "General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel," September 2010.
3. GENE Document, NEDC-33065P, Rev. 0, "Application of Stability Long-Term Solution Option II to Oyster Creek," April 2002.
4. GNF Document, NEDE-24011-P-A-18 and Supplement NEDE-24011-P-A-1 8-US, "General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel," April 20, 2011 (GESTAR II).

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Exelon Nuclear -Nuclear Fuels COLR Oyster Creek, 1 Rev. 7 Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390

'y... -~<.I*1AppcndixA:

,; ,:,* *,,, *;.i*:*


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Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with 10CFR2.390 COLR Oyster Creek I Rev. 7 Global Nuclear Fuel - AmericasLL*C -

AFFIDAVIT 1, Anthony.P. Reese, state as follows:"..

(1) 1 am the Manager, Reload Design & Analysis, of Global Nuclear, Fuel - Amiericas, LLC (GNF-A), and have bee.- 'delegated the function 'of reviewing the iinformafion described in paragraph (2) which is sought to be withheld, an0 havebeen authorized to apply for its "withlholding.

(2.) The information sought to be withheld is contaifr ed in the GNr-A propretary'report, 0000-0108-7976-FBIR-P, Fuel Bundle Information Report for Oysier Crcek Reload 23:Cycle 23, Revision 0, Class III (GNF-:A Propri;tawy. Information), dated Octobe,"-2010. GNF-A proprietary information in 0000-0108-7976-FBIR-P is identified by a dark red dotted underline inside double squhrebrackets. [.T*. e'.AcTs.a *.nx)) Figures and large equation cbjects ccntaininig'GNF..A proprietary informatio a~re, ide.-tified with double

,square bracketa before and after the object.-in each case,'.he ulperscript rotation'l refers to Paragraph (3) of this affidavit.that priies the bŽssfor the proietary determination.

(3) In making this application for withholding of proprietary information of which it is the ownei' oA lice..see,- GNF-A tei!es upon'-iieý cxerrptitr frot ,di's-losLre sefV forth in the Freedom of Informriation Act (FOIA)' 5 USC Sc. 552(b)(4), and. the ýTrde Secrets Act, 18 USC See. 1905, and NRC -egulat-emi ,0 CFR 9.17(a)(4I), ar.., 2-3*(a)(,) for trade secrets (Exemption- 4). The materiai' for which exemption: fiom di&closure is here sought also qulifieso under the narrow.2r definition' of trade ecret, within h 'meanings assigned to those; teims for purposs.-of FCIA Eexniption 4 in, reýspectively, Critical Mass Energy Proiect v. Nuclear Regiufatorv. Commissicr., :175 F2d 871 (DC Cir? 19'2), and Public Citizen Health Research Group v. FDA 704 F2d 1280 (DC Cir. 1983).

(4) The information sought to be withld is .zonsiderd to be proprietary for the reasons set forth'in paragraphs (4)a. and (4)b. Soine e6ampies of categories of ihformation that fit into

  • ..thedefinition of proprietary ir.3ormation are:
a. Information that discloses a process, method, or, apparatus, including sulpporting data and analyses, where prevention of its use by GCIF-At s competitors Wit,.obut license from GNF-A constitutes a competitive economic advantage over GNF-A and/or other


.Information that,, it used by a competitor, would reduce their expenditure,of resources or improve their' competitive position in' the design,, manufacture, shipment, installation, assurance of quality, or licensing of a similar product.

-c. Ihifrmation that reveals aspects of past, present, or future GNF-A customer-funded

- development: plans and programs, that may include potential products of GNF-A.

0000-0108-7976-FBIR-P Affidavit Page I of 3 COLR Page 26 of 59

Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with 10CFR2.390 COLR Oyster Creek I Rev. 7

d. Information llha.` discloses, trade .secret and/or potentially patentable subject matter for which it may be desirable to obtain patent protection.

(5) To address 10 CFR 2.390(b)(4), the information sought to be withheld is being submitted to the NRC in confidence. The information is of a sort customarily held in confidence by GNF-A, and is in faict,so held., The information sought.tQ be withheld has, to the best of my knowledge .andbelief, consistenmlybeen held in confidetnce by GNF-A, not-beenrdisclosed publicly, and not been ,made, available in public sources., All disclosures to ,thirdý parties; including any required transmittals to the NRC, have been made, or must be.made, pursuant to regulatory provisions or proprietary and/or confidentiality agreements that provide for maintaining the, information in confidence. Theý initial designation of this, information as proprietary, information:, and ithe subsequent stepsý taken to :prevent *its unauthorized disclosurqare as sýfiorth -in the following-paragraphs (6) and (7).. .

(6),. Initial approyal of proprietary treatment of, a, documentw-is-made by- the manager of the

-originating comlonent,,whois ,t~heperson xnost likely.top, beacquainted with, the, value and sensitivity of,,the informatin in ;relation to, iadustry knowledge, or who is-the person most likely to be_.subjgct- to ,the termrs-t.nder; whihý .t ,.Was. licensed -to GNF-4. ,Access to such documents within GNF-A is limited to a "need to know" basis.

(7) The procedure -for approval of extemaL.releasg of such aldocument typically requires review by the staff manager, .project maner,-principal,scientist, or otheru.equivalent authority for technical ,ontent,_ coh petiiv.ýe effect, and detennination of the. accuracy of the proprietary designation. Disclosures-outside GNF,-A aroelimited to-regulatory bodies,;,customers, and potential customers, And ,their agents, suppliers, nd licenseesand others with, a ,legitimate need for the informaion; andi then.,:only: in6'accordaihce-,with appropriate: regulatory provisioins or proprietary and/or co nfidetiality*agre. . ..... .....

(8) The information identified in paragraph (2) above is classified as proprietary because it

  • contains details ofGNF-A's f-uel design and ,censing-methodology, for-the. Boiling Water Reactor (BWR), . Development of these: methods; techniques, and information and their application for the design, modificationi, and analyses methodologies and processes was achieved at a significant cost to GNF-A. The development of the evaluation process along Swith *the *interpretation,andapplication of the analytical results is derived from the extensive

-experienc.e database that constitu4tes a major.GNF-A asse.,

(9) Public disclosure of the information sought to be withheld is likely to cause substantial harm to GNF-A's competitive position and foreclose or reduce the availability of profit-maki'ng o0i6rtunities, The fuel design-fid' licensing' methodology'is' part of GNF-A's comprehensive' BWR safety and technology base, and itis commercial value extends beyond the original develbpment cost. The value of the technology base goes beyond the extensive physical database and analytical methodology and includes .development of the expertise to determine and apply the appropriate evaluation process. In addition, the technology base includes the value derived from providing analyses done with NRC-approved methods.

0000-0108-7976-FBIR-P Affidavit Page 2 of 3 COLR Page 27 of 59

Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390 COLR OysterCreek I Rev. 7 The research, development, engineering, analytical and NRC review costs comprise a sulb tantil invcsment-oftmeand money by GN[-A. The precise value of the expertise to devise an evaluation process and apply the correct analytical methodology is difficult to quantify, but it clearly is substantial. GNF-A's competitive advantage will be lost if its competitors are able to use the results of the GNF-A experience to normalize or verify their own process or if they are able to claim an equivalent understanding by demonstrating that!

'they can arrive at the same or similar conclusions.

The value of this information to GNF-A would be lost if the information were disclosed to the public. Making such information available to competitors without their having been required to undertake a similar expenditure of resources would unfairly provide competitors with a windfall, and: deprive GNF-A of the opportunity to exercise its competitive advantage to seek an adequate return on its large investment in developing and obtaining these very valuable analytic14tools..

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing affidavit and the matters stated therein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

Executed on this 8th day of October, 2010,,..

P. Reese Manager, Reload Design & Analysis Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas LLC 0000-0108-7976-FBIR-P Affidavit Page 3 of 3 COLR Page 28 of 59

Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance withIOCFR2.390 COLR Oyster Creek 1-Rev. 7 Global Nuclear Fuel A Joint Venture of GE, Toshiba, & Hitachi 0000-0108-7976-FBIR-NP Revision 0 Class I October 2010 Non-ProprietaryInformation Fuel Bundle Information Refport for Oyster Creek Reload 23 Cycle 23 Copyright 2010 Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas, LLC All Rights Reserved COLR Page 29 of 59

Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with I0CFR2.390 COLR Oyster Creek I Rev. 7 Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information 0000-01 08-7976-?FBIR-NP Reload 23 Class I Revision 0 Important Notice Regarding Contents of This Report Please Read Carefully This report was prepared by Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas, LLC (GNF-A) solely f6r use by Exelon

("Recipient") in support of the operating license for Oyster Creek (the "Nuclear Plant"). The information contained in this report (the "Information"') is believed by GNF-A to be an accurate and true represe:ntation of the facts knlown by, obtained bS or 6Trovided to GN* -A at the time thlis report was prepared.:

The only undertakings of GNF-A respecting the Information are contained in the contract between Recipient and GNF2A for'nuclear e arPlant (the "Fuel Contract") and nrothfing contained in this docuiment shall'be orstrued'as ameniding or modifyingthe Fuel Contract. The use of the Informnition for' any purpose'-other than that"forl Which it was7intended under the Fuel Contract, is not authorized by GNF-A. In the event of any such unauthorized use, GNF-A neither (a) makes any representation or warranty (either expressed or implied) as to the completeness, accuracy or usefulness of the Information or that such unauthorized use may not infringe privately owned rights, nor (b) assumes any responsibility for liability or damage of any kind which may result from such use of such information.

Proprietary Information Notice This is a non-proprietary version of the document 0000-0108-7976-FBIR-P (which has the proprietary information removed). Portions of the document that have been removed are indicated by an open and closed double brackets as shown here ((

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Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with I0CFR2.390 COLR Oyster Creek I Rev. 7 Oyste" Creek......... Non-Proprietary:Information 0000-0108-7976-FBIR-NP Reload 23 Class I .... Revision 0

-...... 1. Introduction and Summary This report, which supplements the Supplemental Reload Licensing Report, contains thermal-mechanical linear heat generation rate (LHGR) limits for the GNF-A fuel designs to be loaded into Oyster Creek for Cycle 23. These LHGR limits are obtained from thermal-mechanical considerations only. Approved GNF-A calculation models.documented in Reference I were.used in performing this analysis.

LHGR limits as a function of exposure for each bundle of the core design are given in Appendix A. The LHGR values provided in Appendix A provide upper and lower exposure dependent LHGR bouhdaries which envelope the actual gadolinia dependent LHGR limits. The LHGRs reported have beeinrounded to two places past the decimal.

Appendix B'contains a description of the fuel bundles. Table B-I contains a summary of bundle-specific information, and the figures provide the enrichment distribution and gadolinium distribution for the fuel bundles included in this appendix. These.bundles have been approved for. use under, the fuel licensing acceptance criteri~a of Reference 1.

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Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with I0CFR2.390 COLR Oyster Creek I Rev. 7 Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information 0000-01 08-7976-FBIR-NP Reload 23 Class I Revision 0

2. References
1. GeneralElectric StandardApplicationfor Reactor Fuel, NEDE-240 11-P-A- 17, September 2010; and the U.S. Supplement, NEDE-2401 1-P-A- 17-US, September 2010.

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Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accoi'dance wiih 10CFR2.390 COLR Oyster Creek I Rev. 7 Oyster Crý&d.. . l!-Proprietary Information 0000-01 08-7976-FBIR-NP

. .. C lass I .... . . Revisioh 0

elozid ýj_3 Class I Appendix A UO2/Gd Thermal-Mechanical LHGR Limits Bundle Type: GE 1 -P9DUB359-14GZ-1OOT-145-T6-3108 (GEl 1)

Bundle Number: 3108 Peak Pellet Exposure U0 2 LHGR Limit GWd/MT (GWd/ST) kW/ft 0.00 (0.00) 12.00 20.00 (18.14) 10.50 70.00 (63.50) 6.00 Peak Pellet Exposure Most Limiting Gadolinia LHGR Limit' GWd/MT (GWd/ST) kW/ft 0.00 (0.00) 10.29 16.52 (14.99) 9.00 63.65 (57.74) 5.14 Bounding gadolinia LHGR limit for all gadolinium concentrations occurring in this bundle design ( 7.0% Gd).

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Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyste Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with I0CFR2.390 COLR Oyster Creek I Rev. 7

.Oyster Creek., *Non-Proprietary Information 0000-0108-7976-FBIR-NP Reload 23 Class I :Revision 0 Class I UO2/Gd, TherraI-MechanicaI L!*'3"7,;L!;mts Bundle Type: GE 1 -P9DUB356-14GZ-1OOT-145-T6-3109 (.GEl 1).

Bundle Number: 3109 Peak Pelleti Exposure UZ L-GR Liml)

GWd/.Mr,(GWd/ST) 'i . .

0.00(0.00) .. ,12'.00.

20,006, (18.14) 10.*50; 7000 (63.50) .6;00.-

Peak.Pellet Exposure Mot tOrtLrliting GaCika 2 nia'ý LHGR Limit GWd/*IT (GWd/ST) . kW/ft 0o00 (0.00) 10.29 16.52.(14.99) 9.00, 63.65 (57.74) * *. - 5.14 2 Bounding~gadolinia LHGR limit for all gadolinium concentrations occurring in this bundle design (7.0% Gd).

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Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390 COLR Oyster Creek I Rev. 7 Oyster Creek .Nort.Proprietary Information 0000-0108-7976-FBIR-NP

,_ Relaad.23 .. ... ........ Class I ... _ .Revision 0 UOIS- iTherrnaI-Mechanicai LHGR Lirmiits Bundle Type: GE 1 -P9DUB367-12GZ-1OOT-I=45-T6-3104 (GEl1)

Bundle Number: 3104 I*ak P~i1dt Exposure . ffiUOZ' LHGR Limit GWd/MT (GWd/ST) kW/Itt 0..00 (o0.00) kl2.0o, 20.00(18.14) 10..50o.

70.00,(63.50) .6. DO'

- Pellet Exposure Most Limitinig G.dolinia LHGR Limit 3 GWd/MT (GWd/ST) kWif"'

0.00 (0.00) 10.29' 16.52 (14.99) 9.00 .

63.65 (57.74) 5.14 Bounding gadolinia LHGR limit for all gadolinium cohncentrations occurring in this bundle design ( 7.0% Gd).- "

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Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390 iCOLR Oyst, Ceek. Rev. 7 Oyster Creek -. Non-Proprietary, Information 0000-01 08-7976-FBIR-NP Reload 23 Class I Revision 0

.UO21Gd;ThcrmaI-Mechanical, LMIGR L.imits Bundle Type: GE 1 -P9DUB360-.!1 GZ-41QT-145-T6-3107.(GE II)

Bundle Number: 3107

[Peak Veiiei6 Exposure GWd/MT (GWd/ST)

-UO 2 L-GR Limit kW,'t..

S0.00( 0.00) 12.W ..

20.00(108.14) . . .. 10.50 70.00-(63.50) ,6.00.

IP-ak-Pellct Exposu7e Mt Limitiig Gadoliniag

-LHGR Limit 4 GWd/MT (GWd/ST) kW/ft, 0.0o*(0.00) .10.29, 16.52,(14.99) .. 00 63'65 (57.74) 5.,14-4 Bounding gadolinia-LHGR limit for all gadolinium concentrations occurringiin this bundle design ( 7.0% Gd).

  • Page 8 COLR Page 36 of 59

Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordancd wiih IOCFR2.390 COLR Oyster Creek I Rev. 7 Oyster 'Cree " Non-Proprietary Inforrma4ti0n 0000-01 08-7976-FBIR-NP Reload -23 .. Class I - Revision 0

ý'UO"'!3d";-;ierrnaI-Mechanical .HGR Limits Bundle Type: GEl 1-P9DUB365-10GZ--IO0T- 145.-T6-3105 (GEl 1)

Bundle Number: 3105 11,eak PVIti Exposure i U0 2 LHGR Limit

. GWd/MT (GWd/ST) kW/ft.

0.00 (0.00) '112.00 20;00"(18.14) 1-0,50 70.00 (63.50) -6..00

'PeakPellt :E-posulre *JLsft LimitingCgadolinia

....................... LHGRLimit' GWdiMT (GWd/ST) kW/ft,

- 0.00(0.00) 10.29 16.52 (14.99) 9.00 63.65 (57.74) ". . 5.1.4 Bounding gadolinia LHGR limit for. all gadolinium concentrations occurring in this bundle design ( 7.0% Gd).

Page 9 COLR Page 37 of 59

Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster I Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390 COLR Oyster Creek I Rev. 7 Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information 0000-0108-7976-FBIR-NP Reload 23 Class I Revision 0 UO2/GJ Thermai-Mechanical LHGr !i ts Bundle Type: GNF2-P 10DG2B370-15GZ- 100T2- 145-T6-3355 (GNF2)!

Bundle Number: 3355 Peak-Pellet Exposure . O 2 iM, IIGRLim-'t GWd/MT. (GWd/ST) kWft Peak2ellelk Exposure I Most Limiting Gadolinia LAGR Umit 6 GWd/MT (GWd/ST) kW/ft 6 Bounding gadolinia LHGR limit for all gadolinium concentrations occurring in this bundle design (( ]I].

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Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with 10CFR2.390 COLR Oyster Creek 1 Rev. 7 Oyster Creek ' Non-Proprietary Information 0000-01 08-7976-FBIR-NP Reload 23 ................. -..Class' I Revision.0

-UG 2 IGdThermaI-Mechanleal LHGR Lirrits Bundle Type: GEl 1-P9HUB363-12GZ- 1 OT- 145-T6-2817 (GE 11)

Bundle Number: 2817 Peak Pellet Exposure U0 2 LHGR Limit GWd/MT (GWd/ST) . kWft"

. 0.00(0.00) 12.00

.20.00(18.14) . 10.50 70.00 (63.50) 6.00 Peak Pellet Exposure Most Limiting Gadolinia 7

S. LHGRLimit

.. GWdK "T (GWd/ST) kW/ft.. .

0.00 (0.09) .. 10.29 16.52 (14.99) .. 9.00 63.65 (57.74) 5.14 7 Bounding gadolinia LHGR limit for all gadolinium concentrations occurring in,this bundle design (7.0% Gd).

COLR Page 3'9of 59 Page 11

Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with I0CFR2.390 COLR Oyster .Creek I Rev. 7

.Oyster Creek No.n-Proprietary Information 0000-01 08-7976FB!R-NP Reload 23 Class I Revision 0 UO2/iG3 -ThermaIMe.chanical LHG1.7Lim its Bundle Type: GE 1 -P9HUB364-14GZ- IOOT- 145-T6-281,8 (GE 11)

Bundle Number: 2818 RPetk.Pelle', Exposure U0 2 LIIGR Limit GWd/MT (GWd/ST) -kW/ft-0.00(0.00) -12.00 20.00 (18.14) 10.50 70.00 (63.50) 6.00 Peak Pellet Exposure Most Limiting Gadolinia LHGR Limit.

GWdIMT (GWd/ST) kW/ft 0.00 (0.00) 10.29 16.52 (14.99) 9.00 63.65 (57.74) 5.14 8 Bounding gadolinia.LHGR limit for all gadolinium. concentrations occurring in this bundle design ( 7.0%,Gd).

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Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance wvith l3C1R2.390 COLR Oyster Creek U"Rev. 7 Oyster Creekl- IN6n-Proprietary Ihfoirmation 0000-01 08-7976-FBIR-NP Reload 23 I ... . . .Class ... . Revision 0

'UO 2 IGd',Th-rmaI-Mechan'icarILHGý ,Lirrits Bundle Type: GNF2-P 10DG2B370-16GZ- 100T2-145-T6-3356 (GNF2)

Bundle Number: 3356 Peak Felkt Expcsure I U0 2 LHIGRý Limit GWd/MT (GWd/ST) . kW/ft

.Peak Pellet Elxposure -... Most. Limiting Gadolinia 9

LHGR Limit ..

GWd/MT (GWd/ST) . kW/ft .


[ . . . . . . . . . ... . .i :

9Bounding gadolinia LHGR limit for all gadolinium concentrations occurring in this bundle design (( I].

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Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with. I0CFR2.390 COLR Oyster Creek I Rev. 7 Oyster Creek No' -i-Proprietary infor~mation 0000-01 08-7976-FBIR-NP Reload 23 I Class I Revisiorn 0 UO:JGd ThermpI-Mocqhanical LH W..7itrr s Bundle Type: GNF2-PI 0DG2B369-16GZ- 100T2-145-T6-3357-,LTD (GNF2)

Bundle Number: 3357 kak, el1t Exposure GWd/MT (GWd/ST) kN/ft PeakTPellet E4posure -Most Limiting Gadolinia:

- LHGRLEinit;10 GWd/MT (GWd/ST) kW/ft

.I'l ..

to Bounding gadolinia LHGR limit for all gadolinium concentrations occurring in this bundle design (( ]I].

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Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390 COLR Oyster Creek I Rev: 7 Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information 0000-01 08-7976-FBIR-NP

'Reload 23... Class:I -.-. Revision 0

.'UO rG" 2 ThermaI-Mechanical LHGR Limits Bundle Type:' GEl 1-P9DUB367-1 1GZ- 100T- 145-T6-2921 (GE 11)

Bundle Number: 2921 Peak Pellet Exposure U0 2 LHGR Limit GWd/MT (GWd/ST) kW/ft 0.00 (0:00) 12.00 20.00 (18.14) .. 10.50 70.00 (63.50) J 6.00 Peak Pellet Exposure Most Limiting Gadolinia LHGR Limit 1 '

GWdW.T (GWd/ST) kW/ft 0.00(!0.00) - 10.29 16.52 (14.99) 9.00 63.65 (57.74) 5.14 Bounding gadolinia LHGR limit for all gadolinium concentrations occurring in this bundle design ( 7.0% Gd).

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Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyst Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with 10CFR2.390 COLR Oyster Creek I Rev. 7 Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Ifnformation 0000-0108-7976-FBIR-NP Reload 23 SClass I ;Revision 0 Class I Revision 0 U0,/.l3d Trhermj-MechaniraI LHGtJinlits Bundle Type: GE11-P9DUB361-14GZ-IOOT-145-T6-2922-(GE1,1  ;,-

Bundle Number: 2922 Peak Pelle Exposure .. ,*OzLHG.R Limi-t GWd/MT (GWd/ST) kW/ft Q.00 0.00) 12.00

, 10.50 1 4) 20.00 :(18.1 70.100 (63.50) 6.00.

1,:Peak Pellet ExpcFivr2 Most Limita-.Gadolinia' LHGR Limit' 2 GWd/MT (GWd/ST) kit k..

0.00(0.00) .10.29 16.52Z(14.99) 9.00.

63.65 (57'.74). 5.14 12 Bounding gadolinia LI-IGR limit for all gadolinium concentrations occurring in this bundle design (.7.0% Gd).

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Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oystei Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordan6e with I0CFR2.390 COLR oy'ster Creek I Rev. 7 Oyster'Creek.:,- . 'Nb6-Proprietary Information 0000-01 08-7976-FBIR-NP

  • A e10o d'23 .. .... . . ......... .

Cliss I. .... Revision 0

-0z!;Gu'1erna[tMeehaiical LHGR LImits Bundle Type: GE 11-P9DUB366-12GZ- IOOT-145-T63106 (GE 11)

Bundle Number: 3106

.Pek Peliet Eiposure UO2-. LHGR Limit GWd/M-T (GWd/ST) "'kW/ft 0.00(0.00) 12.'00 .

2'0..0(18.!14) 10.50.

70.00'(63.50) . 6.00

,:Pek,Fellk .Exposur-e Most Limiting Gadolinia LHGR Limit 13 GWd/MT (GWd/ST) kW/ft.

0.00( 0.00) .. 10;29 16.652(14.99) - 9.00 631.65 (57.74) 5.1i4 13 Boundinggadolinia LHGR limit for all gadolinium concentrations occurring in this bundle design ( 7.0% Gd).

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Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with 10CFR2.390 COLR Oyster Creek 1 Rev. 7 Oyster Creek ' Non-Prop!rietary. Information 0000-01 08-7976-FBIR-NP

.Reload 23 Class I Revision 0 Appendix B Fuel Bundle Information Table B-1 Bundle Specific Information Bundle Enrichment Weight Weight Max Exposure Fuel of U0 2 of U ko at at Max ko Bundle Number (wt% U-235) (kg) (kg) 200C 14 GWd/MT (GWd/ST)

GEl 1-P9DUB3359-14GZ- 100T- 3108 145-T6-3108 (GE 11)

GEl 1-P9DUB356-14GZ-IOOT-145-T6-3109 (GE 11)

GE 11-P9DUB367-12GZ- IOOT- 3104 145-T6-3104 (GEl 1)

GE 11-P9DUB360-1 IGZ-IOOT- 3107 145-T6-3107 (GE 11)

GEl I-P9DUB365-10GZ-100T- 3105 145-T6-3105 (GE 11)

GNF2-P1ODG2B370-15GZ-100T2-145-T6-3355 (GNF2)

GE 11-P9HUB363-12GZ-100T-145-T6-2817 (GE 11)

GEl 1-P9HUB364-14GZ- 100T- 2818 145-T6-2818 (GEl 1)

GNF2-P 1ODG2B370-16GZ-100T2-145-T6-3356 (GNF2)

GNF2-P 1ODG2B369-16GZ-100T2-145-T6-3357-LTD 3357 (GNF2)

GEl 1-P9DUB367-1 IGZ-IOOT- 2921 145-T6-2921 (GEl 1)

GEl I-P9DUB361-14GZ-100T- 2922 145-T6-2922 (GEl 1)

GE 11-P9DUB366-12GZ- IOOT- 3106 145-T6-3106 (GEl1) 14 Maximum lattice k. for the most reactive uncontrolled state plus a (( )) adder for uncertainties.

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Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with I0CFR2.390 . . COLR Oyster Creek I Rev. 7 Oyster Cree .Non-Proprietary IPfdrmation 0000-01 08-7976-FBIR-NP

'Reload 23. ................... Class I... Revision 0


Figure B-1 Enrichment and Gadolinium Distribution for EDB No. 3108 Fuel Bundle GEl 1-P9DUB359-l4GZ-100T-145-T6-3108 (GEl 1)

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Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster, Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390 COLR Oyster Creek I Re v. 7 Dys*er'Creek Non-Proprietary Information 0000-0108-41976-FBIR-NP Reload. 23 Class I Revision 0 I((

Figure B-2 Enrichment and CadoliaiumrDistribution for EDE No. 3109

- Fuel Bundge GEM -P9g*DUE-336-14GZ-'OOT-145-T6-3109 (GEl1)

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Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oysti Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordancewith .10CFR2.390 COLR Oyster. Creek 1 Rev. 7

.Oy*RteroCa -.Non-Proprietary Information 0000-01 08-7976-;FBIR-NP

'Reload23 Class I Revision 0

[I Figure B-3 EnricIme[t.t and Gadolinium Distribution for EDB No. 3104 Fuel Bundle GEll-P9DUB367-12GZ-IOOT-1'45-T6-3104 (GEl1)

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Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390 COLR Oyster Creek I Rev. 7 Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information 0000-01 08-7976-FBIR-NP

  • Reload 23 Class I Revision 0 Figure B-4 Enrichment and Gadolinium Distribution for EDB No. 3107 TFuel Bundle GEl1-P9DUB360-11GZ-100T-ý145-T6-3107 (GEl1)

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Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oystc Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390 COLR Oyster Creek I Rev. 7 Oyster Creek *:Non-Proprietary Information 0000-01 08-7976-FBIR-NP

  • Reload 23 Class I Revision 0


Figure B-5 Enrichment and Gadolinium Distribution for EDB No. 3105

'Fuel Bundle GEl1-P9DUB365-10GZ-100T-145-T6-3105 (GEl1)

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Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oystej Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390 COLR Oyster Creek I Rev. 7 Oyster, Creek ;Non-Proprietary Information 0000-01 08-7976-FBIR-NP Reload 23 .Class.I Revision 0



Figure B-6 Enrichment and Gadolinium Distribution for EDB No. 3355 Fuel Bundle GNF2-P1ODG2B370-15GZ-100T2-145-T6-3355 (GNF2)

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Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyste, Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accottdance with IOCFR2.390 COLR Oyster Creek I Rev. 7 Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Iniformation 0000-01 08-7976-FBIR-NP Reload 23 ..... Class.I .. Revision 0


Figure B-7 Enrichment and Gadolinium Distribution for EDB No. 2817 Fuel Bundle GEll-P9HUB363-12GZ-100T-145-T6-2817 (GEl1)

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Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyste Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with 10CFR2.390 COLR Oyster Creek I Rev. 7 Oyster Creek ,Non-Proprietary Information 0000-01 08-7,976-FBIR-NP Reload 23 'Class I ,Revision 0


Figure B-8 Enrichment and Gadolinium Distribution for EDB No. 2818 Fuel Bundle GE11-P9HUB364-14GZ-100T-145-T6-2818 (GEl1)

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Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390 COLR Oyster Creek I Rev. 7 Oyster Creek'-' Noii-Proprietary Irtformation 0000-01 08-7976-FBIR-NP Reload 23 Class I ..... Revision 0 Figure B-9 Enrichment and Gadolinium Distribution for EDB No. 3356 Fuel Bundle GNF2-P1ODG2B370-16GZ-100T2-145-T6-3356 (GNF2)

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Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyste Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with 10CFR2.390 COLR OysterCreek I Rev. 7 Oyster Creek , Non-Proprietary Information 0000-01 08-7976-FBIR-NP Reload '23 Class I Revision 0


Figure B-10 Enrichment and Gadolinium Distribution for EDB No. 3357 Fuel Bundle GNF2-P10DG2B369-16GZ-100T2-145-T6-3357-LTD (GNF2)

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I Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyst Non-Proprietary Information Submitted inrAdcordance with 10CFR2.390 COLR Oyster Creek I Rev. 7 OysterCi'e6k Non-Prbprietary Information 0000-0108-7976-FBIR-NP Reload,23 ClIass I -Revidioh 0


Figure B-II Enrichment and Gadolinium Distribution for EDB No. 2921 Fuel Bundle GElI-P9DUB367-11GZ-10OT-145-T6-2921 (GEl1)

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Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with IOCFR2.390 COLR Oyster Creek I Rev. 7 Oyster Creek Noin-Proprietary. Information 0000-01 08-7976-FBIR-NP Reload,23 , Class I Revision 0 Figure B-12 Enrichment and Gadolinium Distribution for EDB No. 2922

Fuel LPundle GEl 1-P9DUB361-14GZ-100T-1457T6-2922 (GEl1)

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Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Cycle 23 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) -Oyster Creek Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordauice with IfCFR2.390 COLR Oyster Creek I Rev. 7 O0yster Cireek "'No,n-Pr6priefary lhf6rimation 0000-01 08-7976-FBIR-NP Reload-23I .. ... . ,C lass I. Revision 0 Figure B-13 Enrichment and Gadoliitium i~iribution for EDB No. 3106

'Fuel Bundle GEli-P9DUB366-1-2GZ-100T'-145-T6-3106 (GEl1)

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