NUREG-0348, Responds to Re Rural & Urban Characteristics of Proposed & Existing Nuclear Power Plants.Data Re Plant Site Characteristics & Current Licensing Status Contained in NUREG-0348 & NUREG-0380
ML19294B991 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 02/13/1980 |
To: | Leahy P SENATE |
Shared Package | |
ML19294B992 | List: |
References | |
RTR-NUREG-0348, RTR-NUREG-0380, RTR-NUREG-348, RTR-NUREG-380 NUDOCS 8003060508 | |
Download: ML19294B991 (2) | |
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ros The Honorable Patrick J. Leahy United States Senate Washington, D. C.
Dear Senator Leahy:
Your letter to Chairman Ahearne dated January 10, 1980, has been forwarded to me for response.
In response to your questions about the rural and/or urban characteristics of proposed and existing nuclear power plants, I am enclosing a copy of an NRC study, " Demographic Statistics Pertaining to Nuclear Power Reactor Sites" (NUREG-0348) which contains considerable data concerning the character of sites for proposed and operating nuclear power plants.
In addition, I am enclosing a copy of the NRC Program Sumary Report (NUREG-0380) which includes a listing of the current status (e.g., operating, operating license application under review) of all nuclear power plants that have proceeded beyond the point of having been publicly announced.
These two documents should give your con-stituent an understanding of the demographic setting of proposed and operating nuclear power plants. A more detailed description of the socioeconomic setting of each nuclear power plant is contained in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) which is prepared by the NRC during the review of every application for a construction permit or operating license.
I have assumed that these EISs, which number well over 100 separate volumes, are more detailed and voluminous than you or your constituent desires.
With respect to the economic activities that are conducted in the vicinity of nuclear power plants, it would be reasonable to say that virtually any economic activity is currently being conducted within the vicinity of one or more nuclear power plants.
These activities are discussed in detail, from a socioeconomic perspective, in the EISs described above.
In addition, the NRC reviews these activities from the perspective of their potential as a threat to the safe operation of a proposed plant.
The results of these analyses are described in the Safety Evaluation Report that the NRC prepares during the review of each application for a construction permit or operating license.
As in the case of the EISs, I have assumed that a complete set of SERs is more voluminous than your constituent desires.
I have, however, enclosed the NRC Standard Review Plan sections that describe the analysis of potentially hazardous activities and the Environmental Standard Review Plan sections that describe the analysis of the economic activities in the site vicinity.
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The Honorable Patrick J. Leahy With respect to the question concerning the routes for removing wastes from a plant, it is not possible to provide a specific list of these routes because they vary depending on the location of the plant, the type of shipment and the destination for the shipment.
For low level waste, the selection of the route for shipments is left to the shipper and can be changed as transportation conditions change.
For spent fuel, the routes are proposed by a licensee and must be approved in advance by the NRC staff.
Proposed and approved spent fuel routes, however, are privileged information as defined in 10 CFR Part 2.790(d)
(a copy of which is enclosed) and are not releasable to the public.
For your infonnation. I have also enclosed a copy of the " Interim Rule For Protection of Spent Fuel in Transit" (44 FR 34467) and " Physical Protection of Shipments of Irradiated Reactor Fuel, Interim Guidance" (NUREG-0561).
As I am sure you realize, the questions contained in your letter are quite general in nature and are the subject of extensive analysis and documentation by the NRC staff.
I hope that the enclosed reference material is responsive to your questions.
If, however, you or your constituent desires additional information concerning these issues, please contact me or Mr. Fred Hebdon, (301) 492-7066, of n1y staff.
Sincerely, (Sirredi 7. Vrvin Ccrnell William J. Dircks Acting Executive Director y/
for Operations 0
NUREG-0348 2.
NUREG-0380 3.
Standard Review Plan -
Sections 2.2.1, 2.2.2
& 2.2.3 4.
Environmental Standard Review Plans - Sections 2.2, 2.5, 2.8, 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 5.1, 5.2, & 5.8 5.
Interim Rule for Protection of Spent Fuel in Transit 7.