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November 20, 2024, Palisades Public Outreach Meeting Presentations
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/20/2024
From: Ngola Otto
Licensing Processes Branch
Download: ML24323A052 (36)


Public Meeting Agenda 5:00-6:00 pm Open House NRC 6:00-6:15 pm Welcome, Ground Rules, Opening Remarks Facilitator, NRC 6:15-6:25 pm NRC Presentation on Emergency Preparedness NRC 6:25-6:40 pm FEMA Presentation on Emergency Preparedness FEMA 6:40-7:15 pm Palisades Restart Panel Presentation NRC 7:15-7:30 pm Statements from Elected Officials Public Officials 7:30-9:00 pm Public Questions and Comments 9:00 pm Meeting Adjourned

Potential Palisades Nuclear Plant Restart U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission November 20, 2024

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Meeting Opening Welcome & Ground Rules Opening Remarks


Meredith Neubauer, NRC Facilitator Phil McKenna, Deputy Director, Division of Reactor Oversight (DRO)

NRC Staff, FEMA 1

PALISADES RESTART EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Jeffrey Herrera, Emergency Preparedness Specialist Reactor Licensing Branch Division of Preparedness and Response Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2

How Emergency Preparedness is Verified NRCs Role Evaluate if nuclear power plant emergency plans are adequate to protect public health and safety.

Evaluate if nuclear power plant emergency plans can be used by emergency response personnel and ensure the plans provide for sufficient resources and equipment during an emergency.

Review FEMA evaluations of offsite emergency preparedness.

Make decisions on the overall state of emergency preparedness.

FEMAs Role Evaluate if State and local emergency plans are adequate to protect public health and safety.

Evaluate if State and local emergency plans can be used by emergency response personnel and provide for sufficient resources and equipment during an emergency.

Evaluate the alert and notification system for nuclear power plants, including outdoor warning sirens, as applicable.

Assume responsibility for emergency preparedness training of State and local officials as a supplement to State, local and utility efforts.


Current State of the Emergency Plan A Permanently Defueled Emergency Plan was approved that eliminated the requirements for an offsite emergency plan and reduced the scope of onsite emergency planning activities.

A Permanently Defueled Emergency Action Level scheme was approved for the storage of spent fuel.


Holtecs Requested Revisions Revise the emergency plan for power operations and upgrade the plan to the latest joint NRC/FEMA guidance NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants - Final Report, Revision 2.

Restore the previously NRC-approved emergency action level scheme for power operations 5

Differences Between Operational and Decommissioning Emergency Plans Decommissioned Site Focused on addressing low consequence, limited impact emergencies No formal offsite radiological emergency preparedness (REP) planning:

No emergency planning zone (EPZ)

No alert and notification system (ANS)

No evacuation time estimate studies (ETE)

Removes Site area emergency (SAE) & General emergency (GE) classification levels Prompt offsite agency notification Recommended protective actions, if necessary Streamlined site emergency response organization No dedicated offsite facilities; common onsite facility Offsite response organizations invited to participate in biennial exercises Operating Reactor Multi-faceted, to address a variety of emergencies, including hostile action events, affecting public health and safety Formal offsite REP planning that includes:

Emergency Planning Zone Alert and Notification System Evacuation Time Estimate Studies All Emergency Classifications Immediate offsite notification Predetermined offsite protective actions Extensive site/offsite emergency response organizations Dedicated on-and off-site facilities Joint, biennial exercises Comprehensive site/offsite training 6

Emergency Preparedness Review and Oversight Review of onsite and offsite emergency plans:

NRC is reviewing Holtecs proposed onsite emergency plan for compliance with the NRC regulations.

NRC has requested FEMA to review the State and local emergency plans.

Results of FEMAs review of State and local emergency plans are provided to the NRC to ensure public health and safety.

NRC Region III will lead inspections of onsite facilities and procedures.

Palisades will need to conduct a full participation emergency exercise with NRC inspecting onsite activities and FEMA evaluating offsite activities.


Inspection Overview Perform comprehensive emergency preparedness inspections Validate Holtecs emergency preparedness program meets requirements for operations Verify Palisades emergency response capabilities during an exercise Coordinate with FEMA to:

Transition to full operational offsite radiological emergency response plans 8

Inspection Overview (Contd)

Onsite Inspections:

Emergency response facilities Technical Support Center Operations Support Center Emergency Operations Facility Communication equipment status Emergency action level instrumentation and calibration Emergency response organization staffing, training and qualifications Alert and notification system equipment status 9

Full Participation Emergency Exercise Full participation definition:

Appropriate offsite local and State authorities and licensee personnel physically and actively take part in testing their integrated capability to adequately assess and respond to an accident at a commercial nuclear power plant.

Full participation includes testing major observable portions of the onsite and offsite emergency plans and mobilization of State, local and licensee personnel and other resources in sufficient numbers to verify the capability to respond to the accident scenario.

Source 10 CFR 50, Appendix E (IV)(f)(2)(i) - Note 4 10

Palisades Emergency Preparedness Summary License amendment review (in progress)

FEMA will review offsite plans Inspections will be performed Full participation emergency exercise needs to be conducted 11

Establishing an Offsite Preparedness Program Joint NRC & FEMA Public Meeting / Palisades Restart November 20, 2024 12

Federal Emergency Management Agency Helping people before, during and after disasters FEMA.GOV

  • Following Holtecs request of 11 July 2022, the NRC exempted Holtec from certain provisions of the NRCs federal regulations concerning emergency response planning activities.
  • As a result of the NRC exemption, the State of Michigan and the Counties of Allegan, Berrien, and Van Buren have no responsibility to maintain plans, procedures, equipment, or performance capabilities for the Palisades facility.
  • This also eliminated Federal, state, and local funding for the Radiological Emergency Preparedness program for the Palisades facility.

Palisades Decommissioning Actions 13

Federal Emergency Management Agency Helping people before, during and after disasters FEMA.GOV The regulations which govern FEMAs approval of an offsite program for the Palisades facility are outlined in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 44 Part 350.

The regulations establish policy and procedures for FEMA review and approval of State and local radiological emergency plans and procedures.

These regulations have governed the start and expansion of every offsite program since the start of the FEMA Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program.

Establishing an Offsite Program 14

Federal Emergency Management Agency Helping people before, during and after disasters FEMA.GOV The state of Michigan will submit State and local government plans and procedures related to Palisades Emergency Preparedness.

FEMA will assist State and local government officials in developing their plans and procedures.

It may be possible to adapt the plans and procedures that were in place prior to decommissioning.

Plan submittal may happen as early as First Quarter 2025.

STEP 1 - Application submitted by the State 15

Federal Emergency Management Agency Helping people before, during and after disasters FEMA.GOV FEMA will conduct a detailed plan review. FEMA conducts annual plan reviews for every commercial nuclear power plant in the country.

FEMA will solicit review and comment from other Federal Agencies.

FEMA will begin planning for public participation and initial exercise (Steps 3 and 4.)

STEP 2 - Initial FEMA actions 16

Federal Emergency Management Agency Helping people before, during and after disasters FEMA.GOV FEMA will conduct public meetings to solicit comments and concerns from the public.

The purpose of these public meetings is to provide information about the plans and the exercise and to ensure the public has adequate opportunity to engage in the review and approval process FEMA will describe how the plan will be implemented in the event of an actual emergency.

FEMA will solicit public comments and questions about the plan.

STEP 3 - FEMA-led Public Meetings 17

Federal Emergency Management Agency Helping people before, during and after disasters FEMA.GOV There will be an exercise involving the State, local government entities, and the licensee.

Exercises are a cornerstone of the REP program and they occur biennially at every commercial nuclear power plant.

This is an initial exercise, therefore all elements of the plan must be observed and evaluated.

As in other REP Program exercises, DHS/FEMA will hold a participants' briefing and a public briefing within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> after the completion of the exercise.

Holtec proposed the exercise for Summer 2025.

STEP 4 - Joint Full Participation Exercise 18

Federal Emergency Management Agency Helping people before, during and after disasters FEMA.GOV The plan review, public meeting comments, and the results of the evaluated exercise are reviewed by FEMA regional staff.

The assembled documents will be submitted to the FEMA Deputy Administrator for review and approval.

The FEMA Deputy Administrator approves the state plan and communicates it to the Governor of Michigan, the NRC, and to the public through the Federal Register.

STEP 5 - FEMA Review and Approval 19

Federal Emergency Management Agency Helping people before, during and after disasters FEMA.GOV Protecting the public is the purpose of the FEMA Radiological Emergency Preparedness program. Public comment is essential in ensuring your concerns and questions are addressed.

This email is available for you to send us your comments. Please share it widely. What is FEMA's mission?


S.P. OLeary Regional Assistance Committee Chair DHS/FEMA Region 5 21


PRP Update Generic Letter (GL) 2004-02/

Generic Safety Issue (GSI) 191 Inspection Activities Resident Inspectors Staffing 23

GL 2004-02/GSI-191 Generic Letter (GL) 2004-02 requested plants perform an evaluation of the emergency core cooling system and containment spray system recirculation functions and, if appropriate, take additional actions to ensure system function.

Prior to shutdown, Palisades completed analyses, testing, and modifications to improve containment sump performance.


GL 2004-02/GSI-191 Closure Plan The NRC staff held a public meeting in October with Holtec regarding resumption of work on GL 2004-02.

Holtec plans to submit their updated GL 2004-02 plan by December 2024 and final plan by June 2026.

The NRC staff plans to review Holtec's closure plan for Palisades.


Inspection Activities Most recent inspection results are documented in the 3rd Quarter Inspection Report Primary Coolant System Decontamination Reactor Pressure Vessel Inspections Steam Generator Inspections 26

Primary Coolant System Decontamination Evaluated radiological hazards controls and worker performance Evaluated potential impacts to plant and impacts of temporary system connections 27

Reactor Pressure Vessel Inspections

  • Purpose to verify the following are appropriately monitored for degradation:

- Reactor coolant system boundary

- Reactor vessel internals

- Risk-significant piping system boundaries 28

Steam Generator Inspections Inspectors observed and verified steam generator (SG) inspection activities The purpose of the inspections is to verify that the SG tube integrity is appropriately monitored and any potential mechanisms that could lead to primary-to-secondary tube leakages are addressed 29

Steam Generator Inspections Eddy current testing identified a large number of tubes that require activities to restore tube integrity in both SGs Holtec finalizing repair methodology and scope NRC Inspectors will be onsite to observe aspects of SG repair activities 30

Palisades Resident Inspectors Joseph Mancuso Senior Resident Inspector Takuma Okamoto Resident Inspector 31

Find further information about the Palisades Potential Restart Project: Contact us at: For Further Information 32

Maximizing Engagement Please silence phones, smart watches, and laptops.

Please keep your questions brief and concise to allow everyone to participate.

Questions In-Person: Use one of the microphones Dial-in using the bridgeline Raise Hands on Teams Dial-In Info 1 (301) 576-2978 Passcode:


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