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Aerotest Email - Letter Dated February 27 2024 Regarding EA-23-118 Violation 050-00228203-001-001A
Person / Time
Site: Aerotest
Issue date: 04/25/2024
From: Slaughter M
To: Greg Warnick
Download: ML24123A241 (1)


From: DM S <>

ML24123A241 Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2024 3:53 PM To: Greg Warnick <>


[External_Sender] Re: Letter Dated February 27, 2024, Regarding EA-23-118, Violation 050-00228/203-001-001A Hi Greg, I appreciate the telephone discussion that we had on 4-25-2024. I want to emphasize that I accept Violation IV. It was my responsibility to properly fill out the Checklist for CFH Training/Requalification Program; that document is part of AOs requalification program. Independent of the form and location of the information, I was responsible for showing the inspector our annual training program, documented surveillances, and evaluations performed by the staff (i.e., CFHs) that comply with our training program. While there was confusion about what was being requested, the basic information was not provided.

As noted in the February 27, 2024, letter, training, and activities occurred but were recorded in other places. AO performs an annual training program that is required to specifically educate, train, and evaluate the employees on work and radiation safety, security plan and procedures, emergency plan/ procedures, fuel handling security/procedures, facility operation to name a few subjects. CFHs (and other staff) are obligated to perform monthly, quarterly, semiannual, and annual surveillances concerned with emergency, security and health physics and those activities are documented in the appropriate surveillance logs. Practicums for fuel handling are required for CFH; the presence of the radiation safety officer(RSO) is included in some of those exercises so that RSO is aware of the possible CFH actions.

Respectfully, Mike On Tue, Apr 23, 2024, at 12:01PM Greg Warnick <> wrote:

Hello Dr. Slaughter, Your February 27 letter to the NRC Director, Office of Enforcement was shared with me recently. I would like to discuss with you the additional information referenced in the letter related to the completion of CFH and CFH Supervisor training. Would you have some time this week for a Microsoft Teams call to discuss what appears to be new information?

Thanks, Greg Greg Warnick Chief, DIOR Branch NRC Region IV Ofc 817 200-1249 Cell 623-826-6452 David M. Slaughter, PhD Nuclear and Chemical Engineer Nuclear Labyrinth 801 631-5919