MONTHYEARML24361A1502024-12-11011 December 2024 E-mail Transmitting Comments on Advance Act Section 507 ML24123A2412024-04-25025 April 2024 Aerotest Email - Letter Dated February 27 2024 Regarding EA-23-118 Violation 050-00228203-001-001A ML24071A0742024-03-0606 March 2024 E-mail Response to Aerotest e-mail on Concerns Related to NRCs Review of the Arrr Decommissioning Plan and Associated License Amendment Request (License R-98, Docket 50-228) ML24039A1712024-02-0101 February 2024 Licensee Response E-mail to Aerotest RCI and Draft License Amendment (License R-98, Docket 50-228) ML24053A0412024-02-0101 February 2024 EA-23-118 Missing NRCs 90-day Written Response NRC BC Reply ML24039A1562024-01-22022 January 2024 E-mail to Licensee - Aerotest RCI and Draft License Amendment (License R-98, Docket 50-228) ML22010A0412022-01-10010 January 2022 E-mail Response to December 21, 2021, Letter from Aerotest Regarding Possession-Only License Amendment ML21337A3302021-12-0202 December 2021 Emails Related to Proposed Partial Approval and Partial Denial of Possession-Only License Amendment Request ML21328A1952021-11-23023 November 2021 (External_Sender) Re_ Aerotest Draft Possession-only License Amendment License Conditions and Technical Specifications, and Opportunity for Conference Call ML21201A3622021-06-0303 June 2021 (External Sender) E-mail NRC RAI follow-up Letter Opportunity to Review the Draft Enclosure 6.3.21 ML21201A3632021-06-0303 June 2021 NRC RAI follow-up Letter Opportunity to Review the Draft Enclosure ML21132A0772021-05-11011 May 2021 Electronic Mail Regarding Possession-Only License Amendment RAI Responses ML20177A5262020-06-23023 June 2020 (External_Sender) Re_ Proprietary Markings on Arrr Drawings Submitted Dated March 26, and June 8, 2020 ML18088A7542018-03-29029 March 2018 Electronic Mail Transmitting Draft Aerotest License Renewal Request for Additional Information ML17198A1832017-07-14014 July 2017 Email Confirming That Aerotest Closing Will Occur July 17 ML17164A2942017-06-13013 June 2017 E-mail Update on Aerotest License Transfer Closing ML17150A0672017-05-30030 May 2017 Aerotest License Transfer - Closing Update Email ML17037C6422017-02-0606 February 2017 Aerotest License Transfer- Review of Draft Safety Evaluation for Proprietary Information ML16312A3452016-11-0202 November 2016 E-Mail Aerotest Operations, Inc. and Nuclear Labyrinth LLC, Providing Clarification on Non-Proprietary Treatment of Certain Financial Information, and a Correction to License Transfer Proposed Technical Specifications ML16294A5492016-10-19019 October 2016 Aerotest and Nuclear Labyrinth - E-mail Clarification on License Transfer Proposed Technical Specifications ML16193A0202016-05-0909 May 2016 E-mails follow-up on May 5, 2016 Conference Call to Discuss Aerotest Financial Protection Documents ML13210A4452013-07-25025 July 2013 LTR-13-0640 Richard Mcpherson E-mail NRC Orders Permanent Shutdown of Aerotest Research Reactor ML1135304542011-12-15015 December 2011 E-mail from Mike Anderson, Autoliv to S. Traiforos, NRC Project Manager Confirmation of Public Meeting Date of January 18, 2012 ML1031402892010-10-15015 October 2010 Inc. - E-mail Regarding Cease of Operations ML1007703542010-03-17017 March 2010 X-Ray Industries, Inc., Statement That X-Ray Industries, Inc., Is Not Foreign Owned, Controlled, or Dominated for Indirect Transfer Application ML0932902922009-11-23023 November 2009 November 18, 2009 Status of Divestiture ML0629800772006-10-23023 October 2006 E-mail to Research and Test Reactor from M. Mendonca Draft Directors Decision on Uncontrolled/Unmonitored Releases ML0233703162002-11-26026 November 2002 Citizenships of Directors & Executive Officers ML0404304902002-03-0707 March 2002 Note F. Meren to M. Mendonca, NRR, N-Ray Applications 2024-04-25
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Helvenston, Edward To:
DM S Cc:
Borromeo, Joshua; Shams, Mohamed; Anderson, Shaun; Bowen, Jeremy; Wertz, Geoffrey; Cruz Perez, Zahira; Watson, Bruce; Hannigan, Denise; RidsOigMailCenter Resource
Response to 12/21/21 letter from Aerotest regarding possession-only license amendment Date:
Monday, January 10, 2022 8:58:00 AM Hello Dr. Slaughter,
This e-mail is in response to your letter dated December 21, 2021 (ADAMS Accession No. ML21361A047), which you stated was in response to the NRCs letter dated December 6, 2021 (ADAMS Accession No. ML21242A463), issuing License Amendment No. 6 to Facility Operating License No. R-98 for the Aerotest Radiography and Research Reactor in response to Aerotests possession-only license amendment request. In your letter, you state that [a] final review by Aerotest administrative staff and by my Reactor Safeguards Committee was not given and you request a reasonable opportunity to review and address short comings of the draft License[] and Technical Specifications along with the Draft Safety Evaluation before issuance of the [possession-only] license.
Your request is premised on a mischaracterization of NRC processes and, accordingly, the NRC is taking no action on it. Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations 2.103, the NRC promptly issues its approval or denial of applications, including possession-only license amendment requests, once its application review is complete; there is no process for review and comment by an applicant on any approval or denial, including on license, technical specifications, or safety evaluation language, before the NRC makes the approval or denial. As stated by this regulation, and as explained in the NRCs December 6, 2021, letter, an applicants recourse in response to an NRC action on its application is, instead, to demand a hearing. The NRCs December 6, 2021, letter included instructions on how to demand a hearing. Also, as stated in the license amendment, License Amendment No. 6 was effective as of the date of its issuance. Therefore, Facility Operating License No. R-98, including its technical specifications, as amended by License Amendment No. 6, is now the ARRRs license. Any further changes to this license that Aerotest may desire must be made through the license amendment process.
Thank you for your letter, and if you have any further questions regarding the hearing or license amendment processes, please let me know.
Ed Helvenston, U.S. NRC Non-Power Production and Utilization Facility Licensing Branch (UNPL)
Division of Advanced Reactors and Non-Power Production and Utilization Facilities (DANU)
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)
O-12C07 (301) 415-4067