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NRC Public Meeting Presentation on Risk Insights and Severe Accident Vulnerability Staff White Paper Guidance for LWR CP Applications
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/31/2024
From: James Shea
Download: ML24019A084 (1)


Development of Guidelines for Risk Assessment and Severe Accident Information in a Light-Water Reactor Construction Permit Application

January 31, 2024

1 Purpose

  • Provide over view of completed, publicly available, draft white paper, Guidelines for Risk Assessment and Severe Accident Information in a Light Water Reactor Construction Permit Application ( ML23326A185)
  • Provide an opportunity to external stakeholders to ask questions or comment on the white paper
  • Communicate the staff s next steps

2 Participants

  • Stacey Rosenberg (co-lead)
  • Marty Stutzke
  • Jim Shea (project manager)

3 Agenda

  • Background and Objectives
  • Internal and External Outreach
  • Content Over view
  • Next Steps

4 Need for the Effort

  • Staff identified a gap in available regulatory guidance for risk insights and severe accident information in LWR CP applications
  • No construction permit applications for nearly 40 years
  • Past construction permit applications pre-dated agency s key PRA -

related actions

  • Three Mile Island Action Plan
  • Commissions Policy Statements on Severe Accidents and PRA
  • Use of PRA at design-sta ge

5 Objectives of Guidelines in White Paper

  • Scope of information for risk insights and severe accident information in a LWR CPA commensurate with:

- Design readiness at time of CPA submission

- Use of risk insights and information in CPA (e. g., identifying licensing basis events)

  • Increase consistency in content for LWR CPAs and predictability o f staff rev i ew
  • Overcome misconception that construction permit applicants must meet endorsed PRA standards

6 Development Approach

Staff initiated public Design-specific meetings p re-application meetings

Information sources such as: Internal

  • Regulatory Guide 1.70deliberations Determine scope of
  • Standard Review Plan for Chapter 19Collaboration support staff review document
  • DC/COL-ISG-028with non-and findings
  • DNRL-ISG 001LWR efforts

7 Internal Collaboration and External Outreach

  • Conducted three public meetings (March 2023, July 2023, January 2024)

- About 40 people attended each meeting, including new LWR designers.

- External stakeholders supported our effort at March 2023 meeting.

- We addressed feedback on topics for the white paper

  • Advanced reactor staff and new reactor licensing staff contributed to the development of white paper

- Open communication and sharing of similarities or differences in effo r t s

- Leveraged work on DG 1404, Rev. 1*

  • DG-1404, Revision 1 (proposed new RG 1.253), Guidance for a Technology-Inclusive Content-of-Application Methodology to Inform the Licensing Basis and Content of 8 Applications for Licenses, Certifications, and Approvals for Non-Light-Water Reactors.

Feedback Received from External Stakeholders

  • Provide clarity on PSAR content compared to information available in audit
  • Consider Advanced Reactor's parallel efforts
  • Provide guidance for information in PSAR on different approaches to address external hazards
  • Provide guidance on content related to data analysis
  • Clarify need for self-assessment compared to peer-review
  • Provide guidance on information in PSAR on configuration control program

9 Guidance Content - Minimum Scope

Minimally Acceptable* Elements fo r Internal Events PRA Minimally Acceptable Non-PRA Evaluations Additional Elements Initiating event analysis Plant operating state analysis Internal flood PRA Accident sequence analysis Internal flood assessment Internal fire PRA Success criteria development Internal fire assessment Seismic PRA

Systems analysis PRA-based seismic margins High winds PRA Human reliability analysis Non-seismic hazard assessment (includes hazard screening) External flooding PRA Data analysis Low power and shutdown evaluation Other hazards PRA

Level 2 analysis Low power and shutdown PRA

Quantification Source term analysis

Uncertainty analysis Radiological consequence analysis

  • Capability Category I is acceptable.

Applicant can choose and is encouraged to perform an additional element instead of a non -PRA evaluation 10 Guidance Content - Non-Seismic Hazards

Can hazard be YES Screen hazard screened on site-from specific basis*? assessment NO

Conservative OR PRA Estimate of Risk

  • Re -evaluate at OL stage to account for design changes during construction. 11 White Paper Content - PSAR Information
  • Scope of guidance is focused on PSAR content and not technical acceptability of CP-stage PRA
  • Scope of information is scaled down compared to DC or COL applications

- Considers design description requirements in 10 CFR 50.34

  • Guidelines are presented as bulleted list for each topic

- To assist PSAR preparation, it can be used as a checklist

  • Information identified for inclusion in PSAR is primarily

- descriptions, including justifications

- identification of assumptions and limitations

- summary of results and risk insights

  • Configuration control program information provides confidence in the applicant s ability to track assumptions and changes
  • Level of detail is not prescribed to accommodate variation in design maturity 12 Next Steps
  • Pursue formalizing guidelines as an appendix to DNRL-ISG-2022- 001

- Content is consistent with purpose of ISG

- ISG will provide regulatory stability for staff and applicants

- Public comments will be requested on appendix only because other content remains unchanged

  • Staff continues to encourage design-specific pre-application engagements

13 14 List of Abbreviations ADAMS Agencywide Documents Access and Management System CFR Code of Federal Regulations CO L combined license CP construction permit C PA construction permit application DC design certification DG draft guidance DNRL Division of New and Renewed Licenses ISG interim staff guidance LW R light-water reactor OL operating license PSAR preliminary safety analysis report SSC structure, system, and component 15 List of References

SRM-Applications,SECY-2015 - ADAMS ML15266A0230002 Proposed Updates of Licensing. Policies, Rules and Guidance for Future New. Reactor NUREG-0660, NRC Action Plan Developed as a Result of the TMI -2 Accident, May 1980.

Individual Plant Examination for Severe Accident Vulnerabilities - 10 CFR 50.54(f ) (Generic Letter No. 88-20), November 23, 1988 Severe Reactor Accidents Regarding Future Designs and Existing Plants ; 50 FR 32138, August 8, 1985 Safety Goals for the Operations of Nuclear Power Plants; 51 FR 28044, August 4, 1986 Use of Probabilistic Risk Assessment Methods in Nuclear Regulatory Activities ; 60 FR 42622, August 16, 1995 Regulatory Guide 1.70, Standard Format and Content of. Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants, Revision 3, November, 1978 Regulatory Guide 1.200, Acceptability of Probabilistic Risk Assessment Results for Risk -Informed Activities, Revision 3, December, 2020 NUREG-0800, Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants:

LWR Edition - Severe Accidents.

DC/COL-ISG -028, Assessing the Technical Adequacy of the Advanced Light-Water Reactor Probabilistic Risk Assessment for the Design Certification Application and Combined License Application, December 2016 DNRL-ISG -22 -001, Safety Review of Light-Water Power Reactor Construction Permit Applications, Interim S taff Guidance, October 2022, ML22189A099