ML23342A150 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 12/08/2023 |
From: | NRC/OCM |
To: | |
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ML23307A079 | List: |
References | |
M231214 | |
Download: ML23342A150 (1) | |
Daniel H. Dorman Executive Director for Operations 2
- Daniel H. Dorman, Executive Director for Operations
- Vonna L. Ordaz, Director Office of Small Business & Civil Rights
- Larniece McKoy Moore, Program Manager Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Outreach Program
- Laura Dudes, Regional Administrator Region II
- Mary Lamary, Chief Human Capital Officer Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer
- Celimar Valentin-Rodriguez, Chair Hispanic Employment Program Advisory Committee 3
Vonna L. Ordaz, Director Office of Small Business and Civil Rights Leadership Partnership Innovation Results 4
Defining the Theme...
Doing Business Differently to Foster a Healthy Organization 5
Demonstrating Senior Leadership and Staff Commitment 6
All Complaints (Informal and Formal)
Filed FY2019-2023 19 25 15 14 15 31 33 22 22 21 12 13 34 31 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Contacts Informal Formal 7
EEO Complaint Allegations - TOP 5 BASES Of the 15 formal complaints filed in FY23 as of September 30, 2023, the BASES most frequently alleged were reprisal (retaliation), race, sex, disability, and age.
The information presented is based on the bases raised in the formal complaints. The bases alleged may or may not have been accepted or dismissed. That is a legal determination made based on a review of relevant regulations and EEOC decisions.
Age 7
Reprisal (retaliation) 11 Sex 10 Disability 8
Race 10 8
EEO Complaint Allegations - TOP 5 ISSUES The information presented is based on the issues raised in the formal complaints. The issues alleged may or may not have been accepted or dismissed. That is a legal determination made based on a review of relevant regulations and EEOC decisions.
- Harassment (non-sexual) 5
- Terms/Conditions of Employment 3
- Performance Evaluation/Appraisal 2
- Promotion/Non-Selection 2
- Reasonable Accommodation 9
Of the 15 formal complaints filed in FY23 as of September 30, 2023, the ISSUES most frequently alleged were harassment (non-sexual),
terms & conditions of employment, performance appraisal, promotion/non-selection, and reasonable accommodations.
Doing Business Differently through Innovation New Management Communications Plan for EEO Complaints Revitalized Collateral Duty EEO Counselors Program Virtual Chip & Chat 10 Small Business Warranty
Doing Business Differently through Partnerships Internal Agency Partners 11 Government Agencies Small Business Organizations
Results of Doing Business Differently Strategic Limited English Proficiency Plan Inclusive Language for Acquisition Guidance Best-in-Class 12
NRCs Small Business Return on Investments 13
Larniece McKoy Moore, Program Manager Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Program (DEIO) 14
15 Defining the Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Program
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Federal Agency Annual EEO Program Status Report (MD715) and other NRC data sources reveal DEIA disparities related to women, minorities, and individuals with disabilities.
2022 DEIA Composite 2023 DEIA Composite Governmentwide 69%
Medium-sized Agencies (1,000-9,999 employees) 75%
Nuclear Regulatory Commission 76%
Looking at the Broader Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Accessibility Picture through FEVS and Other Data 16
17 77%
Agency promotes culture of diversity and inclusion All employees treated with fairness in my office Members are treated with respect and dignity My office encourages free and open expression of diverse ideas People are treated well - regardless of ethnicity, sex, or age People I work with are respectful to one another People of all backgrounds valued and respected Supplemental Questions: DEIA Agree Neutral Disagree 2023 Organizational Culture Inventory NRC (All Respondents)
Reaching Out...
Reaching Out...
Government Initiatives & Communities of Practice Educational Institutions 18
Produces Learning Within...
Doing Business Differently Expectations and Outcomes 20
Meet the presenter Mission Focused Values Centered People Driven Laura Dudes, Regional Administrator 21 Region II
RII remains focused on our mission, values, and people while being an incubator for innovative and modernized initiatives to improve the way we communicate and conduct business.
Communicating Strategically Workshop Facilities Management System Regional Awards Process Regional Leaders Partnership Program Admin Workflow Tool Fuel Facility Risk Ranking Tool Diversity Technology 22 Inclusion Creativity Staff Empowerment
Region II collaborates with the other regions to share the products of our value-added initiatives.
Senior resident retention for training and rehired annuitants for site coverage Inspector Opportunity Portal Friday inspector training seminars Cross-Regional DRMA Benchmarking 23
Doing business differently in Region II has an agencywide impact:
Regional New Hire Trips Competency Based Qualifications Operator Licensing Tablets NITA Communication Tool Be riskSMART Framework Tool 24
Consistently Leveraging Diversity to Fuel Innovation 25
Mary Lamary, Chief Human Capital Officer Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer 26
Doing Business Differently in Recruitment and Hiring Strategically broadened recruitment outreach:
Reinvigorated University Champion Program Developed inclusive comprehensive recruitment strategy Introduced efforts to create a more diverse workforce:
Vacancy announcements for Schedule A (Disability) and Veterans 27
Statistics on New Hires:
Average age of new hire is 37 FY 2023 new hires age 50+ are the smallest % at 18%
FY 2023 new hires with a disability are 24.5%
FY 2023 minority new hires are 43.4%
FY 2023 veteran new hires are 19.3%
New hire statistics demonstrate a positive shift toward a more inclusive workforce 28
Doing Business Differently to Support a Healthy Organization Implemented the NRC Connect Program:
Connect employees on HOW Provide information on WHAT Empower employees to understand WHY 29
Program Statistics NRC onboarded 279 employees in FY 2023 and hired an additional 46 that we are expecting to onboard by the end of December, for a total of 325 hires.
170 Program Participants Cohorts comprised of 70 different positions in GG-5 to SES Data for:
July 31 -
November 6 Employees connected across 16 offices
4.4 of 5 5
cohorts launched 30
NRAN Program Nuclear Regulator Apprenticeship Program (NRAN) is a full-time training program to develop a small group of recently graduated engineers and scientists into well-rounded regulators in areas of the agencys projected skill needs.
Technical Training Center Collaboration with the Navajo Nation Technical University to enhance the Tribal Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Program 32
Meet the presenter Celimar Valentin-Rodriguez, Chair Hispanic Employment Advisory Program Committee DMAC 33
Energizing Workforce Engagement Intensify energy surrounding advisory committee and resource group activities Partner with Offices and Regions on recruitment and to communicate successes 34
Supporting Each Other By Doing Business Differently
- Addressing common challenges
- Focusing on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 35
Increasing Visibility and Cultural Awareness Celebrating strong progress in maintaining a diverse workforce Looking forward to a more diverse representation as our national STEM workforce diversifies 36
Partnering for the Future
- Participating in more recruitment activities
- Seeking partnerships 37 37
Leveraging Our Potential
- Increasing recruitment of minorities
- Leveraging relationships with outside organizations
- Expanding offerings of awareness and diversity, equity, and inclusion training 38
Closing Remarks Daniel H. Dorman Executive Director for Operations 39
Acronyms ACAA - Advisory Committee for African Americans ACED - Advisory Committee for Employees with Disabilities ADR - Alternative Dispute Resolution APAAC - Asian Pacific American Advisory Committee DACA - Diversity Advisory Committee on Ageism DIALOGUE - Diversity Inclusion Awareness Leading Organizational Growth, Understanding, and Engagement DEIA-Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Accessibility DMAC - Diversity Management Advisory Committee DMIC - Diversity Management &
Inclusion Council DRMA - Division of Resource Management and Administration EO - Equal Opportunity EEO - Equal Employment Opportunity EEOC - Equal Employment Opportunity Commission FEVS - Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey FWPAC - Federal Womens Program Advisory Committee FY - Fiscal Year HEPAC - Hispanic Employment Program Advisory Committee iCARE - Initiative on Civility, Awareness, Respect and Engagement IDSP - Inclusive Diversity Strategic Plan IPA - Intergovernmental Personnel Act 40
Acronyms HEPAC - Hispanic Employment Program Advisory Committee NAAC - Native American Advisory Committee NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration Navajo Training College NMSS - Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards NITA - NRC Issue Tracking Application NPAAC - NRC Pride Alliance Advisory Committee NRAN - Nuclear Regulator Apprentice Network NTWN - NRC Technical Womens Network OCFO - Office of the Chief Financial Officer OCHCO - Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer OGC - Office of the General Counsel OMB - Office of Management and Budget OPM - Office of Personnel Management RII - Region II SBCR - Office of Small Business and Civil Rights SLEPP - Strategic Limited English Proficiency Plan STEM - Science Technology Engineering and Math TTC - Technical Training Center VERG - Veterans Employee Resource Group 41