ML23145A255 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | University of Missouri-Rolla |
Issue date: | 05/23/2023 |
From: | Missouri Univ of Science & Technology |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
Shared Package | |
ML23145A253 | List: |
References | |
Download: ML23145A255 (1) | |
PROGRESS REPORT FOR THE MISSOURI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY NUCLEAR REACTOR FACILITY April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023 Submitted to The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission And Missouri University of Science and Technology
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 i
.............................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Background Information.................................................................................................. 1 1.2 General Facility Status..................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Facility Modifications...................................................................................................... 2 1.4 Facility Documentation Updates...................................................................................... 3 2.0 REACTOR STAFF AND PERSONNEL......................................................................... 5 2.1 Reactor Staff..................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Licensed Operators........................................................................................................... 6 2.3 Health Physics.................................................................................................................. 7 2.4 Radiation Safety Committee............................................................................................ 8 3.0 REACTOR OPERATIONS.............................................................................................. 9 4.0 EDUCATIONAL UTILIZATION................................................................................. 16 5.0 REACTOR HEALTH PHYSICS ACTIVITIES.......................................................... 19 5.1 Routine Surveys............................................................................................................. 19 5.2 By-Product Material Release Surveys............................................................................ 19 5.3 Routine Monitoring........................................................................................................ 19 5.4 Waste Disposal............................................................................................................... 20 5.5 Instrument Calibration.................................................................................................... 20 6.0 PLANS.............................................................................................................................. 22 6.1 Timing and Synchronization System Installation.......................................................... 22 6.2 Data Historian and Data Diode Installation................................................................... 22 6.3 Reactor Operator Training............................................................................................. 22 6.4 Staffing........................................................................................................................... 23 6.5 Revenue-Generating Activities...................................................................................... 23
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 ii LIST OF TABLES Table 1-1 List of Revised MSTR SAR Chapters............................................................................ 3 Table 1-2 List of Revised MSTR SOPs.......................................................................................... 4 Table 2-1 MSTR Staff.................................................................................................................... 5 Table 2-2 MSTR Operators............................................................................................................ 6 Table 2-3 Health Physics and EHS Staff........................................................................................ 7 Table 2-4 Radiation Safety Committee Members.......................................................................... 8 Table 3-1 MSTR Core Technical Data........................................................................................... 9 Table 3-2 Reactor Utilization........................................................................................................ 11 Table 3-3 Experimental Facility Usage........................................................................................ 11 Table 3-4 Unplanned Shutdowns (Scrams).................................................................................. 12 Table 3-5 Unplanned Shutdowns (Rundowns)............................................................................. 12 Table 3-6 Maintenance................................................................................................................. 13 Table 4-1 S&T Classes at MSTR.................................................................................................. 16 Table 4-2 Reactor Sharing Program and Tours............................................................................ 17 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1 MSTR Core 130 Configuration................................................................................... 10 Figure 3-2 MSTR Core 132 Configuration................................................................................... 10
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 iii REVISION HISTORY Revision Date Notes 0
May 22, 2023 Initial issuance
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to recognize current and former members of the Missouri S&T Reactor staff who contributed heavily to the development and data collection in support of this document:
Alice Skye, Narrie Loftus, Ethan Mullane, Colin Zerfass, and Alex Laschinger. They have my sincerest thanks.
Ethan Taber Reactor Manager, MSTR
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 v
During the 2022-2023 reporting period, the Missouri University of Science and Technology Reactor (MSTR) was in use for 324.9 hours1.041667e-4 days <br />0.0025 hours <br />1.488095e-5 weeks <br />3.4245e-6 months <br />, including 203.0 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> while operating.
The majority of this time was used for class instruction, research, and training purposes.
The MSTR operated safely and efficiently over the past year. No significant safety-related incidents or personnel exposures occurred.
The reactor facility supported several Missouri University of Science and Technology (S&T) courses and operator training over the year for a total of 964.7 student-hours. The reactor was visited by 951 visitors during the past year.
The reactor produced 11073.8 kilowatt-hours of thermal energy using approximately 0.572 grams of uranium. A total of 74 samples were neutron irradiated in the reactor with the majority being analyzed in the reactor counting laboratory.
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 1
This progress report covers activities at the Missouri University of Science and Technology Reactor (MSTR) Facility for the period April 1, 2022, to March 31, 2023.
The reactor operates as a Missouri University of Science and Technology (S&T) facility under the Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science (NERS) Department and College of Engineering and Computing (CEC). It is available to the faculty and students from various departments of the University for their educational and research programs. Several other college and pre-college institutions also make use of the facility. The reactor is also available for use by and the training of personnel from commercial organizations.
1.1 Background Information The MSTR attained initial criticality on December 9, 1961, and was the first operating nuclear reactor in the State of Missouri. The Bulk Shielding Reactor at Oak Ridge National Laboratory is the basis for the reactors design, as the MSTR is a light water, open pool reactor cooled by natural convective flow. The initial licensed power was 10 kW, which was up-rated to 200 kW in 1967. The MSTR utilizes Materials Testing Reactor (MTR) plate-type fuel and was converted from an original high-enriched uranium to low-enriched uranium fuel loading during the summer of 1992. The MSTR license was renewed for another 20 years in March of 2009.
The facility is equipped with several experimental facilities including a beam port, thermal column, three pneumatic transfer (rabbit) systems, and several manual sample irradiation containers and systems. The facility also contains a counting laboratory that has gamma spectroscopy capabilities. The gamma spectroscopy systems include germanium and sodium-iodide detectors, associated electronics, and state-of-the-art data acquisition and spectrum analysis equipment. Additionally, there is a liquid scintillation counter, thermoluminescent dosimeter reader, and x-ray and neutron imaging equipment for student and faculty use.
1.2 General Facility Status The MSTR operated safely and efficiently over the past year. No significant safety related incidents or personnel exposures occurred. While staffing levels continue to be less than nominal with a single full-time employee, operating cadence has been restored and maintained to pre-COVID-19 levels.
From June 6-9, 2022, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) conducted a routine, announced inspection of MSTR. The inspection included review of the following areas:
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 2
operations logs and records; requalification training; surveillance and limiting conditions of operation; maintenance logs and records; and fuel handling logs and records. Two Severity Level IV violations were identified: a failure to ensure that all operators had received a medical examination within the last two years, and a failure to perform excess reactivity, rod worth, and shutdown margin measurements for repeated core configuration changes. Both items were entered into MSTRs Corrective Action Program, and corrective actions have been implemented.
Except for the identified violations, the MSTRs operations program was acceptably directed toward the protection of public health and safety, and in compliance with NRC requirements.
Independent auditors from the University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR) audited the reactor facility on November 16, 2022. The auditors recommended logging requalification program entries at the earliest opportunities to better reflect requalification progress. The auditors also recommended taking alternate approaches for the Training Coordinator and Health Physicist, as both positions are currently designated to personnel in what are intended to be adjacent or supervisory roles (the Reactor Manager and Radiation Safety Officer, respectively).
A suggestion was also made to update letters of agreement between the MSTR and local emergency support organizations.
In April 2022, eight students underwent licensing as initial RO candidates. As of July 2022, five of these individuals were licensed. In March 2023, three students underwent their licensing examinations (one SRO-upgrade, one RO-retake, one RO-instant).
1.3 Facility Modifications During the reporting period, several major changes were made to the reactor facility under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59, Changes, Tests, and Experiments. Changes were screened and evaluated as necessary, and no implemented changes were determined to require prior NRC approval.
A substantive modification was undertaken under modification 2022-01, whereby the linear channel picoammeter, power supply, and the two remaining strip chart recorders were replaced. The replacements consisted of a Gamma-Metrics Wide Range Linear drawer and two Yokogawa DX2004 digital recorders. The Reactor Control System (RCS) was also modified to address these changes, by way of installing denser input/output terminal blocks and corresponding adjustments to the control program/ladder logic. Significant pre-installation and startup testing was employed. The modifications were completed by October 20, 2022.
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 3
On March 16, 2023, the primary frisking station for use following handling radioactive materials in the bay was replaced (modification 2023-01). A digital Ludlum Measurements M3276 and new pancake probe replaced a failed Eberline RM-14.
Minor changes made include replacing emergency lights with modern LED models (2022-03), installing a circuit breaker into the startup channel drawer to be able safely isolate the system (2022-02), and minor alterations made in replacing the rabbit system tubing (2022-04).
1.4 Facility Documentation Updates Several chapters of the facility Safety Analysis Report (SAR) have been revised in accordance with MSTR License Amendment 23 and changes made under 10 CFR 50.59. These chapters are identified in Table 1-1 and will be transmitted to the Commission following final review and approval by the reactor oversight committee (Radiation Safety Committee).
Table 1-1 List of Revised MSTR SAR Chapters Chapter Title Rev.
Notes 0
Front Matter B
General updates, revision tracking 1
The Facility B
General updates, facility modifications, License Amendment 23 5
Auxiliary chiller, formatting 7
Instrumentation and Controls Systems B
General updates, digital recorders, linear channel installation, AMS-4, PLC/RCS changes 8
Electrical Power System B
Auxiliary chiller, overhead crane 9
Auxiliary Facilities B
General updates and overhead crane 11 Radiation Protection Program and Waste Management B
General updates and formatting 12 Conduct of Operations B
Amendment 23
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 4
Table 1-2 lists Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) revised during the reporting period.
In-line with facility Technical Specifications and SOP 100 (Preamble), minor procedure changes are made by the facility director or designee (reactor manager), while major or safety-significant procedure changes are reviewed and approved by the Radiation Safety Committee.
Table 1-2 List of Revised MSTR SOPs SOP Title Date Notes Index Index 05/25/2022 Updated 102 Pre-Startup Checklist Procedure 09/26/2022 Updated 102 Pre-Startup Checklist Procedure 10/20/2022 Pen and Ink Rev.
103 Reactor Startup to Low Power 10/20/2022 Pen and Ink Rev.
103 Reactor Startup to Low Power 12/09/2022 Complete Revision 104 Reactor Power Changes and Stable Operations 09/30/2022 Updated 105 Reactor Shutdown and Shutdown Checklist 09/26/2022 Updated 106 Restart of Reactor 09/26/2022 Updated 107 Permanent Log, Hourly Log, and Operational Data 09/26/2022 Updated 108 Weekly Check 09/26/2022 Updated 207 Fuel Handling 09/30/2022 Complete Revision 501 Emergency Procedures for Reactor Building Evacuation-Call List 06/13/2022 Updated 501 Emergency Procedures for Reactor Building Evacuation-Call List 12/07/2022 Updated 800 Annual Checklist 05/25/2022 Updated 811 Fire and Smoke Alarm System 06/17/2022 Complete Revision 812 Confinement and Ventilation System Check 05/25/2022 Complete Revision 814 AMS-4 Calibrations 05/25/2022 Created Index (800) Index - Reactor Instrumentation 05/25/2022 Updated
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 5
2.0 REACTOR STAFF AND PERSONNEL 2.1 Reactor Staff MSTR Staff are identified in Table 2-1. It is noted that the Reactor Manager is also designated the facility Training Coordinator, and Ms. Skye, Mr. Zerfass, and Mr. Brohman also serve as Assistant Training Coordinators.
Table 2-1 MSTR Staff Name Title Dr. Joseph Graham Reactor Director Mr. Ethan Taber Reactor Manager Mr. Cole Kostelac Senior Reactor Operator (Part-Time)
Ms. Alice Skye Senior Reactor Operator (Part-Time)
Mr. Eli Boland Reactor Operator (Part-Time)
Mr. Teagan Brohman Reactor Operator (Part-Time)
Mr. Zachary Drake Reactor Operator (Part-Time)
Mr. Michael Halpryn Reactor Operator (Part-Time)
Mr. Alex Laschinger Reactor Operator (Part-Time)
Ms. Narrie Loftus Reactor Operator (Part-Time)
Mr. Caleb Porter Reactor Operator (Part-Time)
Mr. Kelsey Shannon Reactor Operator (Part-Time)
Mr. John Talley Reactor Operator (Part-Time)
Mr. Colin Zerfass Reactor Operator (Part-Time)
Mr. Samuel Bowers Student Assistant (Part-Time)
Mr. Alejandro Mier-Calva Student Assistant (Part-Time)
Mr. Ethan Mullane Student Assistant (Part-Time)
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 6
2.2 Licensed Operators Table 2-2 MSTR Operators Name License Type Ethan Taber Senior Reactor Operator Cole Kostelac Senior Reactor Operator Alice Skye Senior Reactor Operator Eli Boland1 Reactor Operator Teagan Brohman2 Reactor Operator Zachary Drake2 Reactor Operator Joseph Graham Reactor Operator Michael Halpryn2 Reactor Operator Nathan Jackson Reactor Operator Alex Laschinger2 Reactor Operator Alexandra Lindsay3 Reactor Operator Narrie Loftus Reactor Operator Caleb Porter3 Reactor Operator Kelsey Shannon3 Reactor Operator John Talley1 Reactor Operator Colin Zerfass Reactor Operator Edward Zorek2 Reactor Operator 1 License terminated August 29. 2022 2 Licensed July 20, 2022 3 License terminated May 18, 2022
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 7
2.3 Health Physics The Missouri S&T Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) provides the health physics support for the Missouri S&T Reactor, with EHS being organizationally independent of the MSTR. Health Physics personnel are listed in Table 2-4, and it is noted that the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) continues to serve in a dual capacity as the Health Physicist.
Table 2-3 Health Physics and EHS Staff Name Title Ms. Michelle Bresnahan Director of EHS, Radiation Safety Officer Mr. Tony Hunt Assistant Director of EHS Ms. Donna Kreisler Environmental Health Professional (Part-time)
Mr. Samuel Hook Health Physics Technician (Part-time)
Ms. Kassandra Hayes Health Physics Technician (Part-time)
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 8
2.4 Radiation Safety Committee The Missouri S&T Radiation Safety Committee performs on-campus oversight of the MSTR operations and meets quarterly. The committee met on 6/13/2022, 9/14/2022, 12/7/2022, and 3/22/2023. The committee members are listed on Table 2-3.
Table 2-4 Radiation Safety Committee Members Name Department Dr. Mark Fitch Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering Ms. Michelle Bresnahan Environment Health and Safety Dr. David Wronkiewicz4 Geosciences and Geological Engineering Dr. Shoaib Usman Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science Dr. Yue-Wern Huang Biological Sciences Dr. Carlos Castano Giraldo Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science Dr. Amitava Choudhury Chemistry Mr. Tony Hunt Environmental Health and Safety Dr. Muthanna Al-Dahhan Chemical and Biological Engineering Dr. Joseph Graham Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science Mr. Ethan Taber Missouri S&T Reactor Ms. Lisa Cerney Fiscal Services 4 Retired June 2022
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 9
3.0 REACTOR OPERATIONS Core configuration 132 is presently in use at the facility. The W mode core is completely water reflected and used for normal operations and beam port operations. The T mode (core positioned near graphite thermal column) may be used for various experiments and thermal column usage.
Core 132 has been in use since August 10, 2022. The Core 130 configuration was also utilized prior to the 132 loading. Table 3-1 presents pertinent core data for these two designations, both in W-and T-mode. The excess reactivity, shutdown margins, and rod worths were measured as required by TS 4.1.1 and under reference core conditions. Figure 3-1 and Figure 3-2 depict the core maps for designations 130 and 132 respectively.
Table 3-1 MSTR Core Technical Data Core Mode Rod Worth (%k/k)
Excess Reactivity
Rod #1 Rod #2 Rod #3 Reg. Rod 130 W
2.280 2.567 2.139 0.544 4.521 0.184 T
2.237 2.586 2.164 0.528 4.408 0.342 132 W
2.378 2.371 2.068 0.506 3.760 0.678 T
2.423 2.396 2.163 0.507 3.758 0.789
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 10 Key to Prefixes and Identifiers for Core Configuration F
Full Element C
Control Element HF Half Front Element HR Half Rear Element IF Irradiation Fuel Element BRT Bare Rabbit CRT Cadmium Rabbit HC Hot Cell Rabbit S
Source CA Core Access Figure 3-1 MSTR Core 130 Configuration Figure 3-2 MSTR Core 132 Configuration A
F2 C5 F18 C3 F13 D
F14 F16 IF1 F11 F15 E
F8 C2 F17 C1 F12 F
2 3
4 5
6 7
8 9
S F1 F9 C
F2 C5 F18 C3 F13 D
F14 F16 IF1 F11 F15 E
F3 C2 F17 C1 F12 F
2 3
4 5
6 7
8 9
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 11 Table 3-2 shows reactor utilization, while Table 3-3 shows specific irradiation facility usage.
Table 3-2 Reactor Utilization Reactor Use 324.9 hr.
Time at Power 203.0 hr.
Energy Generated 11073.8 kW-hr.
Total Number of Samples, Neutron Irradiated 74 U-235 Burned 0.484 g U-235 Burned and Converted 0.572 g Table 3-3 Experimental Facility Usage Facility Minutes Neutron Irradiation Bare Rabbit Tube 80.2 Cadmium Rabbit Tube 0.0 Beam Port 241.0 Thermal Column 0.0 Core Access Element 300.0 Isotope Production Element 0.0 Irradiation Fuel Element 20.0 Hot Cell 0.0 Other Facility 0.0 Total 621.2 Gamma Irradiation Void Tube 4341.0 Total 4341.0
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 12 Six unscheduled shutdowns (scrams, rundowns, and unplanned normal shutdowns) occurred during the reporting period, which are documented in Table 3-4 and Table 3-5. Note that the June 27, 2022, unplanned shutdown was triggered by a single relay actuating both shutdown means. Maintenance activities are listed in Table 3-6.
Table 3-4 Unplanned Shutdowns (Scrams)
Date/Time Type Cause Corrective Action SRO on Duty Permission to Restart 06/27/22-1009 Log N and Period Non-Op Indeterminate, likely noise (thorough diagnostics performed, but no cause identified).
No corrective action Yes Table 3-5 Unplanned Shutdowns (Rundowns)
Date/Time Type Cause Corrective Action SRO on Duty Permission to Restart 04/05/22-1449 120%
Demand Picoammeter button not fully depressed.
Instructed student to press in button fully.
Yes 06/27/22-1009 Low CIC Voltage Indeterminate, likely noise.
No corrective action Yes 07/05/22 -
<15 sec Fuel element was positioned too close to log and linear detector during fuel move Informed fuel handler to be mindful of detector position Yes 11/10/22 -
1346 120%
Demand Operator missed indication to direct trainee to upscale Operator reminded to direct trainee to use autoscaling as soon as practical Yes 02/16/23-1119 120%
Demand Trainee attempting to adjust linear compensating voltage with rods at shim range (Note, subcritical by
> $1, meeting TS definition of Shutdown)
Directed trainee to more carefully monitor startup conditions and to adjust CV in a more controlled manner Yes 03/10/23-1426 120%
Demand During startup, linear channel as not upscaled or set to autoscaling following instrument turnaround Reminded operator and trainee to upscale or set scaling to auto as needed Yes
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 13 Table 3-6 Maintenance Date/Time Issue or Basis Action or Corrective Action 4/01/22 ~1700 to 4/04/22 Startup channel internal arcing while installing circuit breaker Circuit breaker installed, new power connector and adapter plate installed. Power connector wired to be in-line with circuit breaker. Line output of circuit breaker put in-line with remainder of drawer. Pulse isolator noted to be damaged and removed from drawer. Weekly checklist completed to ensure operability of startup channel prior to operations.
04/01/22 ~1700 to 8/10/22 0845 Pulse isolator replacement Startup channel pulse isolator replaced following damage and returned to service 6/02/22 1535 Noble Gas Monitor calibration Noble gas monitor calibrated per SOP 814 and returned to service.
6/03/22 0837 to 1150 CAM Calibration CAM calibrated per SOP 814 and returned to service.
6/23/22 1007 Log and linear calibration Log and linear channel calibrated per SOP 801 06/23/22 1007 to 7/26/22 1126 Log and linear channel digital display inaccurate Digital display removed from service; bar graph used for coarse evaluation of linear behavior. Log and linear channel linear digital display calibrated per SOP 801 and returned to service 6/30/22 1512 Safety channel 1 and 2 calibrations Safety channel 1 and 2 calibrated per SOP 804.
7/05/22 1259 to 7/08/22 1419 Control rod inspections and fuel movement Core unloaded. TC2 uninstalled.
Rods disassembled and removed.
Upon inspection, returned to control elements. Magnets, shrouds, and rods reassembled. Rod drop times determined to be acceptable.
7/05/22 1421 Element F8 binding in gridplate Element removed from gridplate.
To be reinspected by E. Taber before reuse.
7/12/22 0914 to 7/13/22 Samples sticking in rabbit lines Bare and cadmium rabbit tubes removed from the core, sample lines replaced, and reinstalled in core and returned to service 8/12/22 1136 Linear channel calibration Linear channel calibrated per SOP 802 8/12/2022 1136 Startup channel calibration Startup channel calibrated per SOP 803 8/23/22 to 10/20/22 Wide range linear channel and linear and period recorder installation Linear channel picoammeter and linear strip chart recorder replaced with Gamma-Metrics Wide Range Linear Monitor and Yokagawa digital recorder, respectively. Log and linear channel strip chart recorder to be replaced with
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 14 Yokagawa digital recorder for period monitoring and log monitoring functions directed to previously installed log recorder.
10/20/22 1455 Linear channel installation at dynamic testing state Linear channel to undergo dynamic testing with initial startup to 10 watts per Wide Range Linear Installation and Test Plan.
10/20/22 1823 Linear channel gain low Linear channel gain adjusted 1.000 to 1.110 (50% to 55%) to match remaining instruments 10/21/22 1229 Rod 3 moving slower than 6 per minute Rod 3 speed adjusted to 6 per minute 10/24/22 1216 Startup Channel <2 cps alarm leaving RWP active due to long delay to reset
<2 cps timer in RCS logic updated to correct long duration RWP behavior.
10/28/22 0946 to 11/28/22 1717 TC 1 and TC 3 Calibration TC 1 and TC 3 calibrated and reinstalled 11/02/22 1035 SC1 reading lower than SC2 SC1 Gain adjusted from 86.2% to 89.8%
11/03/22 1604 Fission chamber stuck when inserted too far toward the core Fission chamber limit switch adjusted 11/08/22 1004 SC 2 reading lower than SC1 SC2 gain adjusted 67.2% to 70.2%
11/09/22 0951 to 11/09/22 1335 TC 2 calibration TC 2 calibrated and reinstalled.
11/10/22 to 12/19/22 1428 Vent Fan 3 not opening when turned on.
Vent fan louver belt aligned; support bolts added to prevent further slipping. Fan determined to be operable by confinement check and returned to service.
11/18/22 1352 AMS-4 noble gas monitor flow sensor calibration Noble gas monitor calibrated and unit returned to service.
11/21/22 1224 Fission chamber stuck when inserted too far toward core Fission chamber insert limit switch repositioned.
12/02/22 1313 Startup channel noisy operation Fission chamber signal cable repositioned, showing less signal noise. Detector was source spiked and completed entire travel (insert limit to withdrawal limit) multiple times with no reintroduction of noise. Startup channel deemed operable and returned to service 01/05/23 1106 Rod Drop Time Test Rod drop time test completed per SOP 813 01/03/23 to 01/18/23 0914 Linear Channel HV Card Inducing Noise on System Signal wire integrity verified by replacing connector, oscilloscope showed fluctuations on HV card during noise spikes. HV Card from log and linear channel installed in linear channel, noise removed.
Linear HV card repaired and reinstalled Signal cable BNC connector replaced, and system determined operable by low CIC voltage test.
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 15 02/11/23 1255 SC2 Reading Higher than SC1 due to CA in B8 SC2 gain adjusted 34.5% to 26.2%
03/03/23 1449 SC2 Reading Low SC2 gain adjusted 7.1% to 10.0%
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 16 4.0 EDUCATIONAL UTILIZATION The reactor facility supported 12 Nuclear Engineering courses in the past year for 212 students and 416.2 student-hours. The reactor supported 1 graduate student for 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> and Reactor Operator Training for 13-28 students (6 exam-track senior trainees, 1 SRO exam-track operator, and 6 (min) to 21 (max) junior trainees) for 394 student-hours. Approximately 154 hours0.00178 days <br />0.0428 hours <br />2.546296e-4 weeks <br />5.8597e-5 months <br /> of supporting operations (including experiment preparation and spectroscopy) were involved for these educational (non-training) uses.
Table 4-1 lists Missouri S&T classes taught at the facility along with associated reactor usage for this reporting period.
Table 4-1 S&T Classes at MSTR Semester Class Number/Title
- of Students Time at Reactor (hrs.)
Student Hours SP 2022 NE 1105: Nuclear Technology Applications 4
0.90 3.60 SP 2022 NE 2406: Reactor Operations I 15 13.54 27.32 SP 2022 NE 4312: Nuclear Radiation Measurements and Spectroscopy 30 5.34 33.21 SP 2022 NE 4438: Reactor Laboratory II 16 19.66 23.58 FS 2022 NE 1105: Nuclear Technology Applications 31 14.56 49.64 FS 2022 NE 2406: Reactor Operations I 21 34.94 88.22 FS 2022 NE 4428: Reactor Laboratory I 27 6.12 19.28 SP 2023 NE 1105: Nuclear Technology Applications 5
2.48 11.44 SP 2023 NE 2406: Reactor Operations I 21 43.76 96.19 SP 2023 NE 4312: Nuclear Radiation Measurements and Spectroscopy 15 0.005 0.00 SP 2023 NE 4438: Reactor Laboratory II 25 1.83 3.66 5 Class and facility schedule needs did not allow for normal laboratory experiments at the reactor for this semester.
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 17 The Reactor Sharing Program was a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) project intended to establish awareness and share education about the nuclear field beyond the campus. The MSTR established a corresponding program in 1990 and, while no longer DOE funded, is still active at the MSTR. As a related component, future nuclear engineering students are also brought to the facility for departmental tours.
MSTR still provides outreach opportunities for local schools. During the reporting period, 951 students, instructors, and public guests visited the MSTR facility for a total of 644.3 visitor-hours. Table 4-2 lists groups of at least 5 individuals that were involved that are not a part of the S&T Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science Department. MSTR serves as a strong campus-wide recruiting tool by attracting students to the university and generating interest in nuclear engineering, science, and technology.
Table 4-2 Reactor Sharing Program and Tours Date Event/Group
- of Visitors Time at Reactor (hrs.)
Visitor-Hours 4/11/2022 Tour 22 0.50 11.00 4/15/2022 Energy Economics Course 28 0.50 14.00 4/15/2022 NERS Open House 8
0.33 2.64 4/18/2022 Tour 8
0.73 5.84 4/18/2022 Tour 10 0.32 3.20 5/13/2022 Tour 5
0.63 3.15 5/13/2022 Tour 7
0.33 2.31 5/13/2022 Tour 8
0.42 3.36 5/13/2022 Miller Tour 8
0.43 3.44 5/20/2022 Tour 7
0.43 3.03 6/15/2022 Jackling 16 0.73 11.68 6/15/2022 Jackling 18 1.00 18.00 6/16/2022 Jackling 21 0.87 18.20 6/27/2022 NE Summer Camp 21 1.00 21.00 6/27/2022 NE Summer Camp 20 0.62 12.33 6/28/2022 NE Summer Camp 23 2.08 47.92 6/28/2022 NE Summer Camp 21 2.00 42.00 7/1/2022 Tour 6
0.80 4.80 7/26/2022 Energy Econ Tour 8
0.70 5.60 8/15/2022 O-week Tour 11 0.25 2.75 8/16/2022 O-week Tour 13 0.42 5.42 8/18/2023 Tour 7
0.87 6.07 8/18/2023 Tour 6
0.85 5.10
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 18 9/8/2022 Onboarding 6
0.88 5.30 10/17/2022 Renewable Energy 6
0.70 4.20 10/21/2022 Blue Glow Tour 17 0.42 7.08 10/21/2002 Blue Glow Tour 18 0.37 6.60 10/21/1982 Blue Glow Tour 9
0.42 3.75 10/21/1962 Blue Glow Tour 10 0.28 2.83 10/21/1942 Blue Glow Tour 8
0.50 4.00 10/31/2022 Tour 5
0.67 3.35 11/2/2022 Tour 24 0.70 16.80 11/8/2022 Dixon High 19 0.40 7.60 11/8/2022 Rx Tour 12 0.25 3.00 11/8/2022 Rx Tour 15 0.30 4.50 11/8/2022 Rx Tour 19 0.42 7.92 11/8/2022 Tour 15 0.17 2.50 11/8/2022 Tour 37 0.53 19.73 11/8/2022 Tour 17 0.43 7.37 11/15/2022 Tour 5
0.17 0.83 12/9/2022 Tour 8
1.05 8.40 1/27/2023 Tour 5
0.77 3.85 2/2/2023 Onboarding 5
0.47 2.35 2/11/2023 BSA Tour 11 0.53 5.83 2/11/2023 BSA Tour 19 0.52 9.88 2/11/2023 BSA Tour 19 0.67 12.73 2/20/2023 Tour 17 0.43 7.31 2/20/2023 Tour 19 0.87 16.53 2/20/2023 Tour 7
0.77 5.39 3/9/2023 Tour 5
0.82 4.10 3/10/2023 Tour 7
0.85 5.95 3/13/2023 Tour 12 0.40 4.80 3/20/2023 Tour 10 0.53 5.30
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 19 5.0 REACTOR HEALTH PHYSICS ACTIVITIES The health physics activities at the Missouri S&T Reactor facility consist primarily of radiation and contamination surveys, monitoring of personnel exposures, airborne activity, pool water activity, and waste disposal. Releases of all by-product material to authorized, licensed recipients are surveyed and recorded. In addition, health physics activities include calibrations of portable and stationary radiation detection instruments, personnel training, special surveys and monitoring of non-routine procedures.
5.1 Routine Surveys Monthly radiation exposure surveys of the facility consist of direct gamma and neutron measurements. No unusual exposure rates were identified. Monthly surface contamination surveys consist of 20 to 40 swipes counted separately for alpha and beta/gamma activity. No significant contamination outside of contained work areas were found.
5.2 By-Product Material Release Surveys There were no shipments of by-product material released off campus under the MSTR license (R-79). A total of 7.05 µCi of by-product materials were transferred on-campus to S&Ts Broad-Scope Materials License (24-00513-40) in accordance with SOP 603, Release of By-Product Materials on Campus, and the Missouri S&Ts Handbook of Radiological Operations.
5.3 Routine Monitoring Approximately 30-50 reactor facility personnel and students involved with the operations or regular experiments in the reactor facility are assigned Landauer Luxel+ optically stimulated luminescence dosimeters (OSLDs). Previously, Mirion Technologies Genesis Ultra Thermoluminescent Dosimeters (TLDs) were used. The quantity of OSLDs issued varies throughout the year due to class enrollment and personnel turnover, with reactor staff and operator trainees issued OSLDs as soon as practical after their start. The reactor staff have beta, gamma, and neutron whole-body dosimeters along with individual dosimetry rings and five area dosimeters. Staff dosimetry is read either semi-monthly for full time staff or monthly for part time staff. There have been no significant personnel exposures during this reporting period.
There are three environmental dosimeters outside the reactor building which are read quarterly. There are also five other beta, gamma, neutron dosimeters used by the health physics personnel and four other area beta, gamma neutron dosimeters that are read monthly. All
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 20 remaining dosimeters are also read monthly. In addition, 10 digital, direct-reading dosimeters are used for non-TLD-issued students and visitors. These digital dosimeters are also used for high radiation work along with audible dosimeters. No students or visitors received any reportable or significant exposure.
Airborne activity in the reactor bay is monitored by a fixed filter, particulate continuous air monitor (CAM), as well as a noble gas monitor. Low levels of Argon-41 are routinely produced during operations.
Pool water activity is monitored monthly to ensure that no gross pool contamination or fuel cladding rupture has occurred. Gross counts and spectra of long-lived gamma activity are compared to previous monthly counts. From April 2022 through March 2023 monthly sample concentrations averaged 4.087x10-5 µCi/mL.
Release of gaseous Ar-41 activity through the building exhausts is determined by relating the operating times of the exhaust fans and reactor power during fan operation to previously measured air activity at maximum reactor power. Based upon a bounding release calculation, a yearly administrative limit of 50 MW-hr of operations has been established to ensure compliance with 10 CFR 20.1101 (d). During this period, an estimated 148 mCi of Ar-41 was released.
5.4 Waste Disposal The MSTR does not usually ship solid wastes directly from the facility to final disposal.
Instead, solid waste, including water filters, used resins, and contaminated paper/gloves is stored and/or transferred to the campus waste storage area (and license) for later shipment to a commercial burial site. Solid waste in the forms of demineralizer resins and wound cotton filters were released to the Missouri S&T materials license (24-00513-40) on February 10, 2023. This waste had a total activity of 7.05 µCi and was later be shipped off-site for disposal.
Liquid waste totaling an activity of 8.17 µCi was released to the sanitary sewer during this period.
5.5 Instrument Calibration Portable survey instruments and meters are calibrated annually. Four portable survey meters were calibrated on 9/16/2022 by Missouri S&T Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) and Reactor Staff, with the next calibration due in September 2023. For higher range instruments, four portable ion chambers and three 9DP detectors were calibrated by an offsite vendor (Ludlum Instruments) between 6/8/2022 and 3/27/2023. The Ludlum portable neutron
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 21 monitor was calibrated on 8/30/2022 and the PRESCILA portable neutron monitors were calibrated on 6/14/2022 and 6/29/2022. The Victoreen 488A was determined to be inoperable when sent out for calibration and has been removed from service.
The personal digital dosimeters are calibrated by Mirion Technologies. Five of the digital dosimeters were calibrated on 5/23/2022 and will be due for calibration May 2023. The remaining five calibrated on 10/4/2023 and will be due for calibration October 2023.
The radiation area monitors (RAMs) were calibrated during July 2022, with the gamma RAMs calibrated on 7/18/2022 and the neutron RAM calibrated 7/30/2022. The next full calibration is due July 2023.
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 22 6.0 PLANS The reactor staff will continue to be involved in four major undertakings during the next reporting period: 1) installation of the synchronization system, 2) installation of a data historian,
- 3) continuation of the reactor operator training program, 4) further approaches on staffing, and 5) revenue-generating activities.
6.1 Timing and Synchronization System Installation A MasterClock GMR5000 system has been procured for use in the MSTR control system. The GMR5000 will be used to generate precise timing and synchronization to eliminate time differences on the digital recorders and programmable logic controllers. The unit can also be used for precision timing applications in experiments and as a pulse generator.
The console clock will also be replaced and synchronized to the new system. Networking improvements will be concurrently performed between the digital control system components.
6.2 Data Historian and Data Diode Installation As part of an effort to modernize the MSTR control system, substantial upgrades have taken place in the last decade, including a migration to programmable logic controllers and digital data recorders. While the digital data recorders provide adequate data for historical review, on-line data monitoring for the facility is currently limited.
A new data historian is planned for installation and integration with the reactor control system. The historian and data diode(s) will support unidirectional and secure communications to broadcast data outside of the control room. These data streams can then be utilized for off-site monitoring and laboratory class remote usage.
6.3 Reactor Operator Training The training program has proven to be effective in maintaining a pipeline of operators for the facility. The students who remain in the program are dedicated and remain focused on succeeding in the program. At the end of the reporting period, 10 students were training to undergo operator licensing in fall 2023.
2022-2023 MSTR Annual Report, Revision 0 23 6.4 Staffing To help address the severe staffing shortage at the MSTR, a broad-responsibility position of Reactor Engineer has been reinstated. An employee has been hired for this position as of October 2022, however their start is predicated on export control and visa reviews.
Student reactor operators and Federal and Institutional Work-Study Program students were utilized where prudent to try and overcome the staffing shortage.
6.5 Revenue-Generating Activities With significant strides made in preventative and outstanding maintenance, the facility can now maintain acceptable levels of uptime. Thus, the facility should be able to provide additional focus on, and support to, revenue-generating activities via research and isotope production.