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Regulatory Information Conference (RIC) Session W10 RIC 2023 - Khalenko
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/14/2023
Download: ML23052A179 (13)


Establishment of communication with the public and authorities at the war time

Independent nuclear regulatory authority of Ukraine was established according to Decree of the President of Ukraine 1303 of 5 December 2000.

The State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU) operates under Statute approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 363 of 20 August 2014.

SNRIU reports directly to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (Prime-Minister).

SNRIU is independent from the State agencies, establishments and officials whose activity is associated with the use of nuclear energy.

SNRIU Main Facts 2

Law of Ukraine <<On the use of nuclear energy and radiation safety>>

Article 24. Competence of state nuclear and radiation safety regulatory bodies

  • Prompt notification via mass media of radiation accidents on the territory of Ukraine and beyond its boundaries in case of transboundary release SNRIU public communications main function 3
  • Chornorbyl NPP and the Exclusion zone
  • Zaporizhzhya NPP
  • The research nuclear installation NSA "Neutron Source Based on a Subcritical Assembly Driven by a Linear Electron Accelerator" (NSA Neutron Source) of National Science Center Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology
  • All the nuclear sources in the territory of Ukraine are under bombing or under threat of bombing From the February, 24, 2022 till present day Ukraine is under aggression of russian federation 4

New threats Military invasion to the NPP site and contaminated territory Bombing and shelling the radwaste facilities and Neutron source installation Missiles and military plane flights over the NPP sites Loss or lack of communication Inability of relocation (to move) (including the IEC staff)

The impossibility of restoring the destroyed infrastructure and logistics Fakes and lies Challenges for the staff Self-organization Courage Unprecedented and unexpected challenges 5

Target groups General public Executive bodies Professional societies

Nuclear society

Scientific society

Medical society

First responders International community NGO SNRIU: Keep public informed Tools Internet (websites, social media)

Interview Open letters Emails Meetings, consultations and discussions (in-person and online)

Online conferences/discussions Personal explanation 6

Main topics Verifying and Providing REAL information on:

status of NPPs situation at Chornobyl NPP and Exclusion Zone all damage of nuclear infrastructure Radiation monitoring (in the area where the rad monitoring equipment was not damaged)

Iodine prophylaxis, sheltering and evacuation clarification and recommendations Prognosis of the possible spreading of the plume in case of nuclear accident at NPP Assessment of the radiological impact of fires on the ecosystems of the Chornobyl NPP Exclusion Zone Information on SNRIU activity (appeals to nuclear international community, discussions and meetings with international partners in order to cease invasion to the nuclear facilities, NPPs and Exclusion Zone and remove threats that may lead to the possibility of a nuclear accident)

Information of the providing assistance to Ukraine IAEA activities SNRIU: Keep public informed 7

website - Ukrainian and English version 300 plus publications in Ukrainian (from February, 24,2022) 79 publications in English during the first 100 days From February, 24, 2022 - March - approx 1200 views of publications per day During April approx 1000 views of publications per day During May approx 500 views of publications per day Facebook - Ukrainian/English language 300 publications (from February, 24)

Up to 8 publications per day during the first days, later 2-5 publications per day Amount of readers grow from 2000 up to approx 7000 At the present time 6500 readers Telegram - Ukrainian language Starting on March,1, 2022 up to 1000 followers SNRIU: Keep public informed 8

Acting Chairman of the SNRIU Oleh KORIKOV conducted an interview with Czech journalists of Nový Deník on the state of Ukraines nuclear security in the context of russias military aggression: m-hIhSMVo Ukrainian journalists SNRIU: Keep public informed 9

Interview TV programme Public Council meeting on May, 27, 2022 topic - Zaporizhzhya NPP under occupation conditions: nuclear and radiation safety issues

Ukrainian Nuclear Society Publish a daily information digest on the state of the nuclear industry and the situation in Ukraine from March, 31, 2022 On April, 27-28, 2022 INUDECO open online marathon <<Challenges of Nuclear Power of Ukraine in wartime>> Under the framework Seventh International Conference "Problems of Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities and Environment Restoration" The State Emergency service of Ukraine Publications extinguishing fires at nuclear infrastructure facilities after shelling and bombing demining of Exclusion Zone of the Chornobyl NPP SNRIU together with others players:

Keep public informed 10

web-site Facebook page web-site On nuclear and radiation safety and non-proliferation SSTC (TSO):

Keep public informed 11

Nuclear and radiological issues

  • Possibility of disaster the same or even bigger than Chornobyl NPP accident: sheltering, evacuation, Iodine prophylaxis Non-radiological issues Necessity of leaving home again for the persons that have been affected by Chornobyl NPP accident and evacuated in 1986 Public fears/concerns/needs 12

Thank you for your attention!