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Nrep Session 40 - Federal Updates U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/14/2022
From: Rachel Johnson
Smith T
Download: ML22104A192 (10)


Federal Update U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Clay Johnson, Acting Director Division of Preparedness and Response Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response

NRC Commissioners The Commission Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Christopher T. Hanson Jeff Baran David A. Wright

NRC Strategic Plan 2022-2026 Strategic Goals:

Goal 1: Ensure the safe and secure use of radioactive materials Goal 2: Continue to foster a healthy organization Goal 3: Inspire stakeholder confidence in the NRC

Licensing Activities

  • Decommissioning

- Indian Point Energy Center

- Diablo Canyon Power Plant

- Palisades Nuclear Plant

  • New Reactors and Medical Isotope Production Facilities

- NuScale Topical Report on emergency planning zone (EPZ) sizing

- Preparing for future applications:

  • advanced reactors
  • non-power production or utilization facilities (NPUF)
  • small modular reactors (SMR)

Licensing Activities

  • Review of emergency plan changes based on implementation of Revision 2 to NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1

- fleet plan standardizations

- plan rebaselining

- changes to emergency response organization (ERO) staffing and augmentation times

  • Completeness reviews for evacuation time estimate (ETE) updates
  • NEI 99-01 Rev. 7 - Development of Emergency Action Levels for Non-Passive Reactors

Rulemaking Activities

  • Power Reactors Transition to Decommissioning Rulemaking

- Proposed Rule issued for public comment through May 17, 2022

  • EP for Small Modular Reactors and Other New Technologies

- Final rule with the Commission; projected publication July 2022

  • Part 53 Advanced Reactor Rulemaking
  • Other rulemaking activities:

- Part 50/52 licensing process alignment; publish proposed rule August 2022

- PRM-50-116 reporting requirements for nonemergency events

- PRM-50-123 public protective actions during a General Emergency

Oversight Activities

  • Development of performance indicator guidance for performance-based EP
  • Integrated Public Alert & Warning System (IPAWS) implementation and Alert and Notification System Performance Indicator (ANS-PI)
  • Second round of eight-year exercise cycle

- HAB lessons learned


  • Generic Communications being considered

- non-licensee-controlled business within the site-boundary

- potassium iodide (KI) supply

Incident Response & Operations

  • Incident Response Mission

- Independent assessment

- Response coordination

- Public information

  • Implemented Improvements

- Streamlined internal processes (e.g., hybrid response)

- Incorporated Incident Command System (ICS) concepts

- Improving communications with Federal and International partners

- Licensee self-service web-based portal for submitting event notifications

Partnership Activities


- Interagency Detail Program

- Environmental Justice

  • Tri-lateral initiative with UK/Canada
  • IAEA Technical Meetings and Standards Committee (EPReSC)
  • US-Japan Emergency Management Working Group
  • Participation in OECD/NEA expert groups
  • NRC EP Training Courses:

- restructured H-107/H-203 core course material

- new 300 series advanced courses on emergency action levels (EALs), protective action recommendations (PARs), reactor oversight program (ROP)

For More Information Jessie Quichocho, Reactor Licensing Branch Chief Mike McCoppin, Policy and Oversight Branch Chief Bill Gott, Coordination Branch Chief Silas Kennedy, Operations Branch Chief Todd Smith, NSIR/DPR Senior Level Advisor