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Document No. 1 - Japanese Certificate of the Competent Authority No. J/2043/B(U)F, Model No. JRF-90Y-950K (English Version) Issued on May 23, 2022
Person / Time
Site: 07103036
Issue date: 07/29/2022
From: Kiyomitsu H
Govt of Japan, Nuclear Regulation Authority
To: Boyle R, Garcia-Santos N, Bernie White
Division of Fuel Management, US Dept of Transportation (DOT), Office of Hazardous Materials Safety
Garcia-Santos N
Shared Package
ML23006A051 List:
Download: ML23006A094 (10)


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CERTIFICATE FOR APPROVAL OF PACKAGE DESIGN FOR THE TRANSPORT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS This is to certify, in response to the application by Japan Atomic Energy Agency, that the package design described herein complies with the design requirements for a package containing Uranium Silicon Aluminum Dispersion Alloy, Uranium Aluminum Alloy and Uranium Aluminum Dispersion Alloy, specified in the 2018 Edition of the Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (International Atomic Energy Agency, Safety Standards Series No.SSR-6) and the Japanese rules based on the Act on Regulation of Nuclear Source Material, Nuclear Fuel Material and Reactors.

This certificate does not relieve the consignor from compliance with any requirement of the government of any country through or into which the package will be transported.

COMPETENT AUTHORITY IDENTIFICATION MARK: J/2043/B(U)F Ju /, 2 { )/17 ), v Date Hasegaw~su


Director, Division of Licensing for Nuclear Fuel Facilities Secretariat of Nuclear Regulation Authority Competent Authority of JAPAN for Package Design Approval

Reference of J/2043/B(U)F Page 1 of 6 Pages

1. The Competent Authority Identification Mark : J/2043/B(U)F
2. Name of Package  : JRF-90Y-950K
3. Type of Package  : Type B(U) package for fissile material
4. Specification of Package (1) Materials of Packaging (a) Main Body  : Stainless steel, Balsa wood and Hard polyurethane foam (b) Outer Lid  : Stainless steel, Balsa wood and Hard polyurethane foam (c) Inner Lid  : Stainless steel and Silicone rubber (d) Fuel Basket  : Stainless steel and Silicone rubber (2) Total Weight of Packaging  : Approximately 860 kg (3) Outer Dimensions of Packaging (i) Outer Diameter  : Approximately 840 mm (ii) Length  : Approximately 1,800 mm (4) Total Weight of Package  : 950 kg or less (5) Illustration of Package  : See Figure- I (Bird's-eye view)
  • Specification of Radioactive Contents  : See Table-I and Table-2
6. Description of Containment System Containment system consists of an inner shell and an inner lid (made of stainless steel). O-ring made of silicone rubber is used for the contact surface between the inner shell and the inner lid.
7. For Package Containing Fissile Materials,

' (1) Restrictions on Package (i) Restriction Number "N  : No restriction (ii) Array of Package  : No restriction (iii) Criticality Safety Index (CSI) :0 (2) Description of Confinement System

Reference of J/2043/B(U)F Page 2 of 6 Pages Confinement system consists of the basket which maintains the fuel elements contained in the package.

(3) Assumptions of Leakage of Water into Package It is assumed in criticality analysis that water will leak into void space of the inner shell.

(4) Special Features in Criticality Assessment Not applicable

8. For Type B (M) Packages, a Statement Regarding Prescriptions of Type B (U)

Package that do not apply to this Package Not applicable (This package is Type B(U))

9. Assumed Ambient Conditions (i) . A.mbient Temperature Range  : *40°C~38°C (ii) Insolation Data  : Table 12 of IAEA Regulation
10. Handling, Inspection and Maintenance (1) Handling Instructions (i) Package should be handled carefully in accordance with the schedule and procedures established properly taking all possible safety measures .

. (ii) Package should be handled using appropriate lifting devices and cranes.

(iii) When packaging is stored outdoors, it shoul,;l be covered with an appropriate waterproof sheet, avoiding the situation where it is placed directly on.the ground.

(2) Inspections and Maintenance of Packaging The following inspections should be performed not less than once a year (once for every ten times in a case where the packaging is used more than ten times a year) and defect of packaging should be repaired, if any, in order to maintain the integrity of packaging.

(i) Visual Appearance Inspection (ii) Pressure Durability Inspection (iii) Maintenance of O*ring Used for Containment System (iv) Leakage Rate Measurement Inspection

, (v) Subcriticality Inspection (vi) Lifting Inspection (3) Actions Prior to Shipment The following inspections should be performed prior to shipment.

(i) Visual Appearance Inspection

Reference of J/2043/B(U)F Page 3 of 6 Pages (ii) Lifting Inspection (iii) Weight Measurement Inspection (iv) Surface Contamination Measurement Inspection (v) Radiation Dose Rate Inspection (vi) Subcriticality Inspection (vii) Contents Specification Check Inspection (viii) Leakage Rate Measurement Inspection (4) Precautions for Loading of Package for Shipment Package should be securely loaded to the conveyance at the designated tie-down portion of the package so as not to move; roll down or fall down from the loading position during transport.

11. Issue Date and Expiry Date (i) Issue Date  : May 23, 2022 (ii) Expiry Date  : May 22, 2082

Reference of J/2043/B(U)F Page 4 of 6 Pages c/>840 Inner Lid Outer Lid Eye Plate Outer Shell Inner Shell 0

0 Fuel Basket 00 *' *'

Fuel Element Main Body (Unit: mm)

Figure-I Illustration of JRF-90Y-950K Package (Bird's-eye view)

Table* 1 Specification of Contents (Fresh Fuel Eiement)

Reactor JRR*3 JMTR Type JRR*3 JRR*3 JMTR JMTR Fuel Element Follower Standard Follower Standard Number of Fuel Elements 10 or less (element/Packae:e)

Fuel Type LEU fuel LEU fuel Material of Nuclear Fuel Uranium .Silicon Aluminum Disuersion Allov Uranium Silicon Aluminum Disuersion Allov Physical State Solid 235 U weight 4,850 3,100 4,250 2,800 (e: or less/packae:e)

Uweight 24,810 15,860 21,740 14,330 (e: or less/uackae:e)

Weight 235 U weight 485 310 425 280 (e: or less /element)

Uweight 2,481 1,586 2,174 1,433 (e: or less /element)

Enrichment(wt% or less) 19.95 19.95

. Total 29.8 (GBq or less/uackae:e)

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