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Document No. 3 - Non-proprietary Version, Type JRF-90Y-950K, Application of Design Approval for Nuclear Fuel Transport Package, December 23, 2023
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Site: 07103036
Issue date: 12/23/2022
Govt of Japan, Atomic Energy Agency
To: Boyle R, Garcia-Santos N, Bernie White
Division of Fuel Management, US Dept of Transportation (DOT), Office of Hazardous Materials Safety
Garcia-Santos N
Shared Package
ML23006A051 List:
Download: ML23006A096 (643)


Type JRF 90Y 950K App icatiOn Of Design Approva for Nuc ear Fue Transport Package NatiOnal lnstitute Of Japan Atomic Energy Agency

CONTENTS (I) Description of nuclear fuel package (I) A1 (I) A. Purpose and conditions (I) A1 (I) B. Kinds of package (1) B1 (I) C. Packaging (I) C1 (I) D. Contents of packaging (I) D1

( ) Safety analysis of nuclear fuel package ( ) A1

( ) A.Structural analysis ( ) A1 A l Structural design ( ) A1 A.1.l General description ( ) A1

.1.2 Design standards ( ) A2 A.2 Weight and center of gravity ( ) A33 A 3 Mechanical properties of materials ( ) A33 A.4 Requlrements of the package ( ) A50 A.4.l Chemical and electrical reactions ( ) A50 A.4.2 Low temperature strength ( ) A51 A,4.3 Sealing device ( ) A52 A.4.4 Holsting accessory ( ) A53 A.4.5 Tightening device ( ) A59 A.4.6 Pressure ( ) A67 A.4.7 Vibration ( ) A69 A.5 Normal test conditions ( ) A73 A 5 l Thermal test, ( ) A73 A.5 1 1 0utline of temperature and pressure ( ) A73 A.5.1.2 Thermal expansion ( ) A76 A.5.1,3 Stress calculatiOn ' ( ) A77 1

A.5 1.4 Comparison of allowable stress ( ) A85 A.5.2 Water spray ( ) A88 A.5,3 Free drop ( ) A88 A.5.4 Stacking test ( ) A187 A.5.5 Penetration ( ) A193 A.5,6 Corner or edge drop ( ) A195 A.5,7 Summarisation of the result and the evaluatiOn ( ) A195 A.6 Accident test conditions ( ) A196 A.6 l Mechanical test Drop testI(9m drOp) ( ) A196 or mechanical test Drop testIII(dynamic pressure pickles)

A.6.1.l Vertical drop ( ) A202 A.6.1.2 Horizontal drop ( ) A211 A.6.1.3 Corner drop ( ) A216 A.6.1.4 1nclined drop ( ) A219

.6.1.5 Su lmary of the results ( ) A223 A.6.2 Mechanical test Drop test (lm drOp) ( ) A225 A.6.2.l Summary of the results ( ) A231 A.6.3 Thermal test ( ) A232 A.6,3,l Summary of temperatures and pressure ( ) A232 A.6.3.2 Thermal expansiOn ( ) A232 A.6.3.3 Comparison of allowable stresses ( ) A233 A.6,4 Water lmmerslon ( ) A235 A.6.5 Summarisation of the result and the evaluation ( ) A245 A.7 Relnforced immerslon test ( ) A246 A.8 Radioactive content ( ) A246 A.9 Fissile package ( ) A247 A.9 l Normal test conditions for fissionable transported articles ( ) A247 A.9.2 special test cOnditions for fissionable transported articles ( ) A249 A.10 Appendix ( ) A254 2

( ) B. Thermal analysis ( ) B1 B l General description ( ) B1 B 1.l Thermal design ( ) B1 B 1.2 Conditions and methods of thermal analyses ( ) B5 B.2 Thermal properties of the materials ( ) B6 B.3 Speclfications of components ( ) B10 B.4 Normal test conditions ( ) B11 B 4 l Thermal analytical model ( ) B11 B.4.1.l Analytical model ( ) B11 B.4.1.2 Test model ( ) B13 B.4.2 Maxlmum temperatures ( ) B13 B.4.3 Minimum temperatures ( ) B14 B.4.4 Maximum internal pressure ( ) B14 B.4.5 Maximum thermal stress ( ) B14 B.4.6 Summarisation of the result and the evaluation ( ) B15 B.5 Accldent test conditions ( ) B16 B.5 l Thermal analytical model ( ) B16 B.5 1.l Analytical model ( ) B16 B.5.1.2 Test model ( ) B20 B 5.2 Evaluation conditions for packages ( ) B21 B.5 3 Temperatures of packages ( ) B21 B.5.4 Maximum internal pressure ( ) B23 B.5.5 Maximum thermal stresses ( ) B23 B,5,6 Summarisation of the result and the evaluation ( ) B24 B 6 Appendix ( ) B26 3

( ) C, Containment analysis ( ) C1 C.l General ( ) C1 C.2 Containment system ( ) C1 C.2.l Containment system ( ) C1 C.2.2 Penetration of the containment system ( ) C4 C.2.3 Gasket and weldings Of the containment system ( ) C4 C,2.4 Lid ( ) C5 C.3 Normal test conditions ( )TC6 C,3,l Leakage of radioactive materials ( ) C6 C.3.1.l Volume of Leakage from the lnner Shell ( ) C6 C.3.1.2 EvaluatiOn Of the volume of leakage radioactive substances ( ) C12 C,3,2 Pressurlzation of the contalnment system ( ) C19 C,3.3 Coolant contamination ( ) C19 C.3.4 Loss of coolant ( ) C19 C.4 Accldent test conditions ( ) C20 C 4,l Fissile gas ( ) C20 C 4.2 Leakage of radioactive materials ( ) C21 C.4.2.l Leakage from the inner shell ( ) C21 C,4.2.2 Evaluation of the volume of leakage of radioactive materials ( ) C21 C.5 Summarisation of the result and the evaluation ( ) C24 C.6 Appendix ( ) C25

( ) D. Shield analysis, ( ) D1 D.1 Outline ( ) D1 D 2 Radiation source speclfication ( ) D1 D.2. l Gamma radiatiOn source ( ) D2 D. 2,2 Neutron source ( ) D11 D.3 Model specification ( ) D14 D. 3.l Analysis model ( ) D14 D. 3.2 Numerlc denslty of atoms ln each area of analysis model ( ) D20 4

D.4 Shield evaluation ( ) D22 D.5 Summarisation of the result and the evaluation ( ) D27 D 6 Appendix ( ) D29

( ) Eo Criticality analysis ( ) E1 E l General ( ) E1 E 2 Parts to be analyzed ( ) E2 E.2,l Content ( ) E2 E.2.2 Packaging ( ) E2 E.2,3 Neutron absorbing materials, ( ) E6 E.3 Model specification ( ) E7 E.3,l Calculation model ( ) E7 E 3.2 Regional densities for each analyzed model region ( ) E9 E.4 Evaluation for subcriticality ( ) E18 E.4.l Calculation conditions ( ) E18 E.4.2 Water lmmersion into package ( ) E19 E.4.3 Calculation method ( ) E19 E.4.4 Results ( ) E21 E.5 Benchmark test ( ) E23 E.6 Summarisation of the result and the evaluation ( ) E33 E.7 Appendix ( ) E34

( ) F Consideration of Aging of Nuclear Fuel Package ( ) F1 F.1 Aging Factors to be COnsidered ( ) F1 F 2 EvaluatiOn of Necessity of Considering Aging in Safety Analysis ( ) F2 F 3 Aging Considerations in Safety Analysis ( ) F7

( ) G Assessment of the comphance with the regulatiOn and the notification '( ) G1

( ) H Report on the Test Results of a prOtOtype container fOr Type RF90Y950 Transport Container( ) H 5

( ) Handling methods and maintenance of nuclear fuel package ( ) A1

( ) A Package handling methods ( ) A1 A.1 Method of loading ( ) A1 A.2 Package inspection prior to shipment ( ) A2 A.3 Method of removal ( ) A2 A.4 Preparation of empty packaging ( ) A2

( ) B. Malntenance requlrements ( ) B1 B 1 Visual appearance inspection ( ) B1 B 2 Pressure durability lnspection ( ) B1 B 3 Airtight leakage inspection ( ) B1 B.4 Shielding lnspection ( ) B1 B.5 Subcriticality lnspection ( ) B1 B.6 Thermal lnspection ( ) B1 B.7 Lifting lnspection ( ) B1 B.8 Actuation check/inspection ( ) B1 B.9 Maintenance of auxiliary System ( ) B2 B.10 Maintenance of valves,Gaskets,etc of sealing devlces ( ) B2 B.11 Storage of the transport packaging ( ) B2 B.12 Retention of records ( ) B2 B.13 Others ( ) B2 (IV) ImpOrtant Notice about a safe design and the safe transportation (IV)1 6

List of dravlngs (I) Fig.A.1 Rough drawing of package (I) A6 (I) Fig.C,1 Rough drawing of package (I) C2 (I) Figo C,2 Package tie down condition (I) C3 (I) Figo C.3 Package under transport condition (I) C4 (I) Figo C.4 Seal boundary of package (I) C5 (I) Fig,C.5 General drawing of package (I) C9 (I) Fig,C.6 Main body (I) C10 (I) Figo C,7 Inner shell lid (I) C11 (I) Figo C.8 Basket for box type fuel (I) C12 (I) Figo C,9 Outer shell lid (I) C13 (I) Fig.D.1 RR3 standard type fuel element (uranium silicon aluminum dispersion alloy)(I) D5 (I) Fig.D.2 RR3 follower type fuel element (uranium silicon aluminum dispersion alloy) (I) D6 (I) Fig.D,3 MTR standard fuel element (I) D7 (I) Fig.D.4 MTR follower type fuel element (I) D8 (I) Fig,D.5 MTRC special fuel element (special type) (I) D9 (I) Fig.D 6 MTRC standard fuel element (MA, MB, MC type) (I) D10 (I) Fig.D.7 MTRC standard fuel element (special MB type, special MC type) (I) D11 (I) Fig.D.8 MTRC fuel follower (MF type) (I) D12

( ) Fig.A.1 Position of center of grhvity ( ) A33

( ) Fig.A.2 Variations in mechanical properties of SUSIIl accOrding to changes in temperature(1/5) ( ) A37

( ) Figo A.2 Variations in mechanical properties of SUS accOrding to changes in temperature(2/5) ( ) A38

( ) Fig.A.2 Variations in mechanical properties of SUSIIl accOrding to changes 1

List of drawings in temperature(3/5) ( ) A39

( ) Fig.A.2 VariatiOns in mechanical properties Of SUS accOrding to changes in temperature(4/5) ( ) A40

( ) Figo A.2 Variations in mechanical properties of SUS accOrding to changes in temperature(5/5) ( ) A41

( ) Fig.A,3 Variations in mechanical properties of SUSIBl accOrding to changes in temperature(bolt material)(1/4) ( ) A42

( ) Fig.A.8 Variations in mechanical properties of SUS accOrding to changes in temperature(bolt material)(2/4) ( ) A43

( ) Fig.A.3 Variations in mechanical properties of SUS accOrding to changes in temperature(bolt material)(3/4) """" ( ) A44

( ) Fig.A.8 Variations in mechanical properties of SUS accOrding to changes in temperature(bolt material)(4/4) ( ) A45

( ) Fig.A.4 Variations in mechanical properties of SUS accOrding to changes in temperature(1/1) ( ) A46

( ) Figo A.5 Variations in mechanical properties of according to changes in temperature(1/1) ( ) A47

( ) Fig.A,6 Design fatigue curve


( ) A48

( ) Fig.A.7 Design fatigue curve (high tensile strength bolt)[2] ( ) A48

( ) Fig.A.8 Stress strain curve of shock absorber[4] ( ) A49

( ) Fig.A.9 Analytical model for eye plate ( ) A53

( ) Figo A.10 Analytical model of welded part on eye plate. ( ) A56

( ) Fig.A.11 Acceleration during transportation ( ) A59

( ) Fig.A.12 Analytical model for eye plate ( ) A61

( ) Fig.A.13 Analytical model for welded part of eye plate ( ) A64

( ) Fig.A.14 Vibration analytical model of packaging ( ) A69

( ) Fig.A.15 Analytical model of thermal expansion ( ) A76

( ) Fig.A.16 Stress evaluation position under normal test conditions ( ) A78 2

List of drawings

( ) Fig.A.17 Stress analysis model of inner shell center portion ( ) A79

( ) Fig.A.18 Stress analysis model of inner shell bottom plate ( ) A80

( ) Fig.A.19 Stress analysis model of inner lid center portion ( ) A81

( ) Fig.A,20 Analytical model of inner lid O ring displacement ( ) A82

( ) Fig.A.21 Stress analysis model of bolt of inner lid (initial clamping stress) ( ) A83

( ) Fig.A.22 Stress analysis model of bolt of inner lid (stress due to internal pressure) ( ) A84

( ) Fig. .23 Stress analysis model of bolt of inner lid (stress due to thermal expansion) ( ) A85

( ) Fig.A.24 Acceleration evaluation position of steel plate for horizontal drop ( ) A98

( ) Fig.A.25 cceleration analysis model of outer shell plate for horizontal drop ( ) A94

( ) Fig.A.26 Cross section of outer shell lid flange ( ) A97

( ) Fig.A.27 Acceleration analysis model of outer shell head plate for horizontal drop ( ) A101

( ) Fig.A.28 Cross section of partition plate ( ) A103

( ) Figo A 29 Deformation analysis model of eye plate ( ) A105

( ) Fig.A.30 Analytical model of eye plate fi ng plate ( ) A106

( ) Fig.A.81 Analytical model of flange of outer shell ( ) A108

( ) Fig.A.32 Analytical model of eye plate fi ng lug ( ) A110

( ) Fig.A.33 cceleration analysis model of steel plate for vertical drop ( ) A112

( ) Fig.A,34 Acceleration analysis model of steel plate for corner drop ( ) A115

( ) Figo A.35 Stress evaluation position for l.2m horizontal drop (main body Of inner she11) ( ) A118

( ) Fig.A.36 Analytical model of interference to inner sheH due to shock absorber 3

List of drawlngs deformatiOn for l.2 m horizontal drop ( ) A119

( ) Fig.A.37 Stress analysis model of inner shell for l.2m horizontal drop ( ) A120

( ) Fig.A,38 Stress analysis model of inner shell bottom plate for l.2m horizontal drop ( ) A121

( ) Fig.A.39 Stress analysis model of inner shell upper part of l,2m horizontal drop ( ) A122

( ) Fig.A.40 Stress analysis model for inner lid clamping bolt for l,2m horizontal drop ( ) A124

( ) Figo A.41 Analytical model of section modulus of rectangular fuel basket ( ) A125

( ) Fig.A.42 EvaluatiOn Of fuel elements fOr l.2 m horizontal drop ( ) A129

( ) Fig.A.48 drop perpendicular to fuel plate ( ) A130

( ) Fig.A.44 Analytical model of rectangular fuel element for l,2m horizontal drop parallel to fuel plate ( ) A181

( ) Fig.A.45 Analytical model of holder ( ) A132

( ) Fig .46 Stress evaluation position for l,2m lower side vertical drop (main body Of packaging) ( ) A188

( ) Fig.A.47 Analytical model of interference to inner shell due to shock absorber deformation for l.2 m lower side vertical drop ( ) A139

( ) Figo A,48 Stress analysis model of inner shell for l,2m lower side vertical drop ( ) A140

( ) Fig.A.49 Stress analysis model of inner shell bottom plate for l,2m lower side vertical drop ( ) A141

( ) Fig,A.50 Stress analysis model of inner lid for l.2m lover side vertical drop ( ) A143

( ) Fig.A.51 Stress analysis model of rectangular fuel element fOr l,2m lower side vertical drop ( ) A145 4

List of drawings

( ) Fig.A.52 Analytical mOdel of l.2m lower portion vertical drop of lowly irradiated fuel element ,( ) A147

( ) Fig.A.53 Analytical model of l,2m lower portion vertical drop of lowly irradiated fuel element ( ) A149

( ) Fig.A.54 Analytical model of hold down part ( ) A150

( ) Fig.A.55 Stress evaluation position for l.2m lid side vertical drop (main body Of a packaging) ( ) A156

( ) Fig 56 Analytical model of interference to inner shell due to shock absorber deformation for l,2m lid side vertical drop ( ) A157 (I) Fig.A.57 Stress analysis model of inner shell for l.2m lid side vertical drop ( ) A158

( ) Fig.A.58 Stress analysis model of inner shell bottom plate for l,2m lid side vertical drop ( ) A159

( ) Fig.A.59 Stress analysis model of inner lid for l,2m lid side vertical drop ( ) A161

( ) Fig.A.60 Stress analysis model of rectangular fuel element for l.2m lid side vertical drop ( ) A167

( ) Fig. 61 Analytical model of l.2m upper portion vertical drop of lowly irradiated fuel element ( ) A169

( ) Fig.A.62 Analytical model of hold down part ( ) A170

( ) Fig.A.63 deformation for l.2m corner drop ( ) A177

( ) Fig.A.64 corner drop ( ) A179

( ) Figo A.65 deformation for l.2m lower side inclined drop ( ) A183

( ) Fig.A.66 Relationship between acceleration and drop angle for l.2 m 5

List of drawings lower side inclined drop ( ) A184

( ) Fig.A.67 Analytical model of interference with inner shell due to shock absorber deformation for l.2m upper side inclined drop ( ) A185

( ) Figo A.68 Relationship between acceleration and drop angle for l.2 m upper side inclined drop ( ) A186

( ) Fig.A.69 Stress evaluation positiOn for cOmpress o load ( ) A188

( ) Fig.A.70 Analytical model of inner lid under compressive load ( ) A188

( ) Fig.A.71 Analytical model of inner shell under compressive load ( ) A190

( ) Fig.A.72 Penetration model ( ) A198

( ) Figo A 78 Shearing model ( ) A194

( ) Fig.A.74 Analytical model of interference to inner shell due to shock absorber deformation for 9m lower side vertical drop ( ) A202

( ) Figo A.75 Analytical model Of interference to inner shell deformatiOn for 9m upper side vertical drop ( ) A206

( ) Fig.A.76 Analytical model of interference tO inner shell deformation fOr 9m horizontal drop ( ) A211

( ) Figo A.77 Analytical model of interference to inner shell deformation for 9m cOrner drop . ( ) A216

( ) Fig.A.78 Analytical mOdel of interference to inner shell deformation for 9m lower side inclined drop . ( ) A219

( ) Fig.A.79 RelatiOnship between acceleration and drop angle for 9m lower side inclined drop! ( ) A220

( ) Figo A.80 Analytical model of interference to inner shell deformation for 9 m upper side inclined drop 1 ( ) A221

( ) Fig.A.81 Relationship between acceleration and drop angle for 9 m upper side inclined drop ( ) A222 6

List of dravlngs

( ) Fig.A.82 Analytical model for drop test ( ) A225

( ) Fig.A.88 Analytical model for penetration strength under conditions of drop test ( ) A227

( ) Fig A.84 Stress evaluation position of inner shell for 15m inlmersion test ( ) A235

( ) Fig.A.85 Analytical model of allowable buckling pressure for inner shell, ( ) A236

( ) Fig.A.86 Curve representing buckling behavior factor of inner shell under external pressure ( ) A238

( ) Figo A.87 Stress analysis model of center of inner shell' ( ) A239 (I) Fig.A.88 Stress analysis model of bottom plate of inner shell ( ) A240

( ) Fig.A.89 Stress analysis model of center of inner lid ( ) A241

( ) Fig.A.90 Displacement analysis model of O rings of inner lid under external pressure ( ) A242

( ) Fig.A.91 Normal test conditions ( ) A247

( ) Fig.A.92 Accident test condition ( ) A249

( ) Fig.A.93 Drop attitude and test order ( ) A251

( ) Fig.A.94 Analytical model of shock absorber ( ) A255

( ) Fig.A.95 Analytical model by uniaxial displacement method ( ) A256

( ) Fig.A.96 Compressive stress/strain relationship of material ( ) A257

( ) Fig A.97 Proportion of shock absorbers, ( ) A260

( ) Fig.A.98 Analytical model of inner lid for l.2m lid side vertical drop ( ) A262

( ) Fig.A.99 Stress/straln characterlstics curves for shock absOrber at low temperatures[4] ( ) A267

( ) Fig,A.100 Stress/strain curves for [4]

( ) A268

( ) Fig.A.101 Low temperature strength of SUS III [16] ( ) A269 7

( ) Figo A.102 Low temperature pact vnue of sUS ( ) A270

( ) Fig.A.103 Low temperature pact v ue of SUS ( ) A271

( ) Fig.A.104 Analytical model for initial clamping force of inner lid clamping bolts ( ) A272

( ) Fig.A.105 Triangle diagram for inner lid clamping bolt ( ) A277

( ) Fig.B 1 Component of packaging ( ) B3

( ) Fig.B.2 Concept of thermal transmission ( ) B4

( ) Fig.B 3 Two dimensional axis symmetrical model ( ) B17

( ) Fig.B.4 Temperature time history under accldent test conditions ( ) B22

( ) Fig.B.5 TRUMP"flowchart(1/3) ( ) B32

( ) Figo B 5 TRUMP"flowchart(2/3) ( ) B33

( ) Fig.B.5 TRUMP"flowchart(3/3) ( ) B34

( ) Fig.B.6 Fuel basket model ( ) B35

( ) Figo B.7 Comparison of prototype packaging test results with analysis results ( ) B43

( ) Fig.C.1 Containment boundary of packaging ( ) C3

( ) Figo D 1 Neutron fission energy spectrum ( ) D12

( ) Fig.D.2 Ganlma radiation shield calculation model ( ) D16

( ) Fig,D 3 Relationship between packaging surface angles flux and calculation point of packaging surface ( ) D17

( ) Fig.D.4 Neutron shield calculation model ( ) D19

( ) Fig,D.5 Mesh distribution drawing ( ) D31

( ) Fig,E 1 CalculatiOn model of arrayed packages for criticality with 10 box type fuel elements ( ) E10

( ) Fig.E.2 CalculatiOn model of package for criticality with 10 box type fuel elements ( ) E11

( ) Fig.E 3 Calculation model of package for criticality with HEU and MEU ( ) E12 8

List of drawlngs

( ) Figo E.4 Criticality calculation model of RR3 standard fuel element ( ) E13

( ) Fig.E.5 Criticality calculation model of MTR standard type fuel element ( ) E14

( ) Fig.E.6 Criticality calculation model of MTRC standard type fuel element(MEU) ( ) E15

( ) Figo E.7 Schematic flow of criticality analysis ( ) E20

( ) Figo E.8 Configuration of TCA criticality experiments' (I) E27

( ) Fig.E.9 SPERT D fuel ( ) E28

( ) Figo E.9 SPERT D fuel(continued) ( ) E29

( ) Figo E.10 Core arrangement ( ) E30

( ) Figo E 11 Fuel element ( ) E31

( ) Fig.E 12 Core arrangement ( ) E32

( ) Fig.E.13 Relationship between effective multiplication factor (keff+/- 3o) and water density(contained ten RR3 standard type fuel elements (uranium silicon Aluminum dispersion type alloy)) ( ) E37 9

List of tables (I) Table A 1 Specifications of nuclear fuel material contained in shipping container(1/2)(new fuel) (I) A4 (I) Table A.1 Specifications of nuclear fuel material contained in shipping container(2/2)(Low irradiated fuel) (I) A5 (I) Table c 1 Material of packaging (I) C15 (I) Table c 2 Dimension of packaging (I) C16 (I) Table c.3 Weight of packaging (I) C17 (I) Table D.1 Specification of fuel element (fresh fuel element) (I) D3 (I) Table D 2 Specification of fuel element (lowly irradiated fuel element) (I) D4

( ) Table A.1 Design standard for structural analysis ( ) A4

( ) Table A.2 Design load,cOmbination of load(1/2) ( ) A5

( ) Table A.2 Design load,combination of load(2/2) ( ) A6

( ) Table A,3 Load conditions(1/2) ( ) A7

( ) Table A.3 Load conditions(2/2) ( ) A8

( ) Table A.4 Design conditions, analytical methods of structural analysis(1/24) ( ) A9

( ) Table A.4 Design conditions, analytical methods of structural analysis(2/24) ( ) A10

( ) Table A.4 Design conditions, analytical methods of structural analysis(3/24) ( ) A11

( ) Table A.4 Design conditions, analytical methods of structural analysis(4/24) ( ) A12

( ) Table A.4 Design conditions, analytical methods of structural analysis(5/24) ( ) A13

( ) Table A.4 Design conditions, analytical methods of structural analysis(6/24) ( ) A14 1

List of tables

( ) Table .4 Design conditions, analytical methods of structural analysis(7/24) ( ) A15

( ) Table A.4 Design conditions, analytical methods of structural analysis(8/24) ( ) A16

( )

Table A.4 Design conditions, analytical methods of structural analysis(9/24) ( ) A17

( )

Table A,4 Design conditions, analytical methods of structural analysis(10/24) ( ) A18

( )

Table A.4 Design conditions, analytical methods of structural analysis(11/24) ( ) A19

( ) Table A.4 Design conditions, analytical methods of structural analysis(12/24) ( ) A20

( ) Table A.4 Design conditions, analytical methods of structural analysis(13/24) ( ) A21

( ) Table A.4 Design conditions, analytical methods of structural analysis(14/24) ( ) A22

( ) Table A.4 Design conditions, analytical methods of structural analysis(15/24) ( ) A23

( ) Table A.4 Design conditions, analytical methods of structural analysis(16/24) ( ) A24

( ) Table A.4 Design conditions, analytical methods of structural analysis (17/24) ( ) A25

( ) Table A.4 Design conditions, analytical methods of structural analysis(18/24) ( ) A26

( ) Table A.4 Design conditions, analytical methods of structural analysis(19/24) ( ) A27

( )

Table A.4 Design conditions, analytical methods of structural analysis(20/24) ( ) A28 2

List of tables

( ) Table A.4 Design conditions, analytical methods of structural analysis(21/24) ( ) A29

( ) Table A.4 Design conditions, analytical methods of structural analysis(22/24) ( ) A30

( ) Table A.4 Design conditions, analytical methods of structural analysis(23/24) ( ) A31

( ) Table A.4 Design conditions, analytical methods of structural analysis(24/24) ( ) A32

( ) Table..5 Mechanical properties of materials ( ) A35

( ) Table.A.6 Mechanical properties of materials to be used as design standards ( ) A 36

( ) Table A.7 List of different materials contacted ( ) A50

( ) Table A.8 Minimum temperatures of parts of package ( ) A51

( ) Table 9 Su lmary of analyses under routine transport ( ) A66

( ) Table A.10 Stresses evaluation under changed pressure (II) A68

( ) Table A.11 Design temperature under normal test conditions ( ) A74

( ) Table A.12 Design pressure under normal test conditions ( ) A75

( ) Table A.13 Stress evaluation under normal test conditions (thermal test) ( ) A87

( ) Table A.14 Deformation and acceleration of shock absorber under normal test conditions ( ) A92

( ) Table A.15 Design acceleration under normal test conditions ( ) A117

( ) Table A.16 Stress evaluation for l.2 m horizontal drop(1/4) ( ) A134

( ) Table A.16 Stress evaluation for l.2 m horizontal drop(2/4) ( ) A135

( ) Table A.16 Stress evaluation for l.2 m horizontal drop(3/4) ( ) A136

( ) Table A.16 Stress evaluation for l.2 m horizontal drop(4/4) ( ) A137

( ) Table A.17 Stress evaluation for l,2 m bottom side vertical drop(1/3) ' , ( ) A153

( ) Table A.17 Stress evaluation for l.2 m bottom side vertical 3

List of tabl( ,S drop(2/3) ( ) A154

( ) Table A.17 Str( ss evaluation for l.2 m bottom side vertical drop(3/3) ( ) A155

( ) Table A.18 Stress evaluation for l.2 m lid side vertical drop (1/4) ( ) A173

( ) Table A.18 Stress evaluation for l,2 m lid side vertical drop (2/4) ( ) A174

( ) Table A.18 Stress evaluation for l.2 m lid side vertical drop (3/4) ( ) A175

( ) Table A.18 Stress evaluation for l.2 m lid side vertical drop (4/4) ( ) A176

( ) Table .19 Design acceleration for corner drops ( ) A178

( ) Table A.20 Stress evaluation for l.2 m lid side corner drop ( ) A182

( ) Table .21 Relationship betveen drop angle and acceleration ( ) A184

( ) Table A.22 Relationship between drop angle and acceleration ( ) A186

( ) Table A.23 Stress evaluation for stacking test ( ) A192

( ) Table A 24 Deformation and acceleration of shock absorber under accident test conditions, ( ) A200

( ) Table ,25 Design acceleration under accident test conditions (II) A201

( ) Table A.26 Stress evaluation for 9 m lower side vertical drop (1/3) ( ) A203

( ) Table A. 26 Stress evaluation for 9 m lower side vertical drop (2/3) ( ) A204

( ) Table A. 26 Stress evaluation for 9 m lower side vertical drop (3/3) ( ) A205

( ) Table A. 27 Stress evaluation for 9 m upper slde vertical drop (1/4) ( ) A207

( ) Table A. 27 Stress evaluation for 9 m upper slde 4

List of tables vertical drop(2/4) ( ) A208

( ) Table A.27 Stress evaluation for 9 m upper side vertical drop (3/4) ( ) A209

( ) Table A.27 Stress evaluation for 9 m upper side vertical drop(4/4) ( ) A210

( ) Table A,28 Stress evaluation for 9 m horizontal drop (1/4) ( ) A212

( ) Table A.28 Stress evaluatiOn for 9 m horizOntal drop (2/4) ( ) A218

( ) Table A,28 Stress evaluation for 9 m hOrizontal drop (3/4) ( ) A214

( ) Table A.28 Stress evaluatiOn for 9 m horizOntal drop (4/4) ( ) A215

( ) Table A.29 Design acceleration for corner drop ( ) A217

( ) Table A.30 Stress evaluatiOn for 9 m upper corner drop ( ) A218

( ) Table A.31 RelatiOn betveen angle of drop and acceleratiOn of shock absorber ln 9m drop for bottom side inclined drOp ( ) A220

( ) Table A.32 Relation betveen angle of drop and acceleration of shock absorber ln 9m drop for upper side inclined drop ( ) A222

( ) Table A.38 Relationship between drop angle and acceleration for drop test I ( ) A231

( ) Table A.34 Evaluation of penetration for drop test ( ) A230

( ) Table A.35 Design temperatures used for accident test condition ( ) A232

( ) Table A.36 Design pressure of package under accident cOndition (II) A232

( ) Table A.37 Stress analysis and evaluation under accident test conditions(thermal test) ( ) A234

( ) Table A.88 Stresses evaluated for 15 m water i lmersion test ( ) A244

( ) Table A.89 Damages of the fissile package under the normal test conditions' ( ) A248

( ) Table A,40 Compliance with requirements for fissile package under normal test conditions ( ) A252 5

List of tables

( ) Table A,41 Deformations and design accelerations of shock absorber Under accident test conditions(combined evaluation) ( ) A252

( ) Table A.42 Damage of the fissile package under special test condition ( ) A253

( ) Table A.43 Comparisons of analytical values by C SH " and experimental values, ( ) A260

( ) Table A.44 Comparison of analytical and experimental results ( ) A261

( ) Table A.45 Analysis results of displacement of inner O rings of inner nd ( ) A266

( ) Table B.1 Conditions of thermal analyses ( ) B5

( ) Table B.2 Methods of thermal analyses ( ) B6

( ) Table B.3 Thermal properties of stainless steel ( ) B7

( ) Table B 4 Thermal properties of air ( ) B7

( ) Table B.5 Thermal properties of shock absorber( ) ( ) B8

( ) Table B.6 Thermal properties of heat insulator

( ) B9

( ) Table B 7 Specifications of 0ring ( ) B10

( ) Table B.8 Specifications of fusible plug ( ) B10

( ) Table B 9 Thermal conditions under normal test conditions . ( ) B12

( ) Table B 10 Maxlmum temperatures of each part of package ( ) B13

( ) Table B 11 Thermal conditions under accident test conditions ( ) B19

( ) Table B.12 Deformation considering superposition of drops as a Fissile Transport Package ( ) B20

( ) Table B.13 Maxlmum temperatures of package under accident test conditions ( ) B21

( ) Table B 14 Maximum pressure packaging under accident test conditions ( ) B25

( )

Table B.15 Convection heat transfer coefficient between package 6

List of tables surface and ambient environment ( ) B37

( ) Table B 16 RadiatiOn factor and radiation morphological coefficient ( ) B87

( ) Table B.17 Calculation result for packaging internal pressure ( ) B40

( ) Table B 18 Design pressures for specific test conditions (II) 341

( ) Table B.19 Comparison of prototype packaging test results with analysis results ( ) B42

( ) Table c.1 Design pressure and design temperature of containment system ( ) C2

( ) Table c,2 The dimensions and material of the gasket ( ) C5

( ) Table c,3 Inner shell clamping bolt ( ) C5

( ) Table c,4 Maximum permissible leakage rate of the air ( ) C7

( ) Table c.5 The maximum radius of leak hole on leakage rate test (II) C10

( ) Table c,6 The maximum gas leakage rate under normal test conditions ( ) C11

( ) Table c.7 Weight proportions of 234U and 236U used for calculations ( ) C13

( ) Table c 8 Surface contamination level per fuel element ( ) C14

( ) Table c.9 Leakage rate of radioactive substances under normal test conditions ( ) C15

( ) Table c 10 Nuclide of MTRC fuel surface water and radioactive concentration ( ) C16

( ) Table c.11 Surface activity per one fuel element of lowly irradiated fuel element ( ) C17

( ) Table c 12 Leak rate of the radioactivlty under normal test cOndition ( ) C18

( ) Table c.18 The maximum gas leakage rate under the accident test conditions ( ) C21

( ) Table c 14 Leakage rate of radioactive substances under 7

List of tables accident test conditions (Fresh fuel element) ( ) C23

( ) Tal)le C. 15 Leak rate of radioactive substances under accident test condition(Lowly irradiated fuel element)° ( ) C23

( ) Table D.1 GaHlma radiation emission rate of uranium isotope' '( ) D3

( ) Table D 2 Gamma radiation source lntenslty for one fuel element , ( ) D3

( ) Table D.3 Specific activity used for calculation ( ) D4 234u and 236u weight rate used for calculation

( )

Table D.4 ( ) D4

( ) Table D.5 Radioactive nuclide weight per one element used in calculation ( ) D4

( )

Table D.6 CaHlma radiation emission rate of uranium isotope ( ) D7

( ) Table D,7 Camma radiation source intensity due to uranium isotopes per lowly irradiated fuel element ( ) D7

( ) Table D.8 Specific activity used for calculation ( ) D8 234u and 236u weight rate used for calculation

( ) Table D.9 ( ) D8

( ) Table D.10 Radioactive nuclide weight per one element used in calculation ( ) D8

( )

Table D 11 Radioactivlty rate of the fisslon products obtained by ORIGEN ( ) D10

( )

Table D.12 Uranium isotope spontaneous fission speed'( ) D11

( )

Table D.13 Emlsslon rate of spontaneous fisslon of uranium isotope ( ) D13

( )

Table D.14 Material and density ( ) D20

( ) Table D.15 Volumetric rate of shield material for each area used in shield calculation ( ) D20

( ) Table D.16 Atom density for each material ( ) D21

( )

Table D.17 Gamma radiation energy group structure and dose equivalent 8

List of tables rate calculation factor ( ) D23

( ) Table D.18 Dose equivalent rate by gamma radiation (fresh fuel elements loading) ( ) D24

( ) Table D.19 Dose equivalent rate by gamma radiation (lowly irradiated fuel elements loading) ( ) D24

( ) Table D 20 Neutron dose equivalent rate ( ) D25

( ) Table D 21 Dose equivalent rate of neutron irradiation (lowly irradiated fuel elements loading) ( ) D26

( ) Table D 22 Package dose equivalent rate (fresh fuel element loading) ( ) D27

( ) Table D.23 Package Dose equivalent Rate (lowly irradiated fuel element loading) ( ) D28

( ) Table E 1 Specification of fuel element ( ) E3

( ) Table E.2 Specification of fuel plate (1/2) ( ) E4

( ) Table E 2 Specification of fuel plate (2/2) ( ) E5

( ) Table E.3 Distance from the surface of the inner shell to the surface of the packaging ( ) E6

( ) Table E.4 Requirements defined in the regulation and Analysis conditions ( ) E16

( ) Table E.5 Aton density of regions used in criticality calculation ( ) E17

( ) Table E.6 Atom density of fuel element used in criticality calculation ( ) E17

( ) Table E.7 Fuel elements to be analyzed ( ) E18

( ) Table E.8 Results of criticality analysis when immersed ( ) E22

( ) Table E.9 Analysis result of benchmark criticality test ( ) E26

( ) Table E 10 Effective multiplication factor for various water density ( ) E86 9

List of tables

( ) Table F.1 Conditions of use anticipated during the planned period of use

,( ) F1

( ) Table F.2 Evaluation of necessity of considering aging in safety analysis (1/4) ,( ) F3

( ) Table F,2 Evaluation of necessity of considering aging in safety analysis (2/4) ( ) F4

( ) Table F 2 (3/4) ( ) F5

( ) Table F 2 (4/4) ( ) F6

( ) Table G.1 regulations and notifications ( ) G2

( ) Table A.1 Procedures for pre shipment inspection of the package ( ) A3 10

(I) Description of nuclear fuel package (I)

A Purpose and conditions (I) A

(I) Description of nuclear fuel package (I) A. Purpose and conditions This packaging is intended for carrying fresh fuel elements to be charged into RR3 installed at the Tokai Research lnstitute of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency( AEA)and into JMTR and JMTRC installed at the Oarai Research lnstitute, from fabrication plants, domestic and overseas, to RR3 etc.

In addition, this is also intended to transport RR3 installed at the Nuclear Science Research lnstitute and the MTR's new fuel elements installed at the Oarai Research and Development Center, as well as fuc s low irradiated in the MTRC of the Oarai Research and Development Center to overseas counties or regions.

The conceptual drawing of this packaging is shown in (I) Fig.A.1.

Name of packaging RF90Y950K (2) Type BU type fissile package (3) Allovable number of packages Unlimited (4) Allowable arrangement of packages Not specified (5) Transport index 1.9 or less (6) Criticality safety index 0 (7) Weight of package 950kg or less (8) Size of packaging (a) Diameter (b) Height (9) Maximum weight of packaging (Rectangular fuel element loaded)


(10) Main materials for packaging (a) Main bOdy  : Stainless steel, (b) Outer lid i Stainless steel, (c) Inner lid i Stainless steel, (d) Fuel basket i Stainless steel, (11) Nuclear fuels contained in packaging The packaging may contain low enriched uranium (called LEU fuel" here in after), medium enriched uranium and high enriched uranium (referred to HEU fuel" hereafter) These fuels are divided into three types fuel on the using purpose, the standard fuel element, the special fuel element and the fuel follower The types and the quantities are following.

(a) Fresh fuels : 10 or less The fresh fuels having the equal nominal enrichment only are contained (b) Lowly irradiated fuels i 10 or less The lowly irradiated fuels, HEU and MEU, are contained together.

(12) SpecificatiOns for nuclear fuels contained in packaging The spe cification for fuel is shown in (I) Table A.1 (13)Form of shipment (a) Transport method Sea transport is done by seagoing vessels and transport over land is done by carrier, Each is exclusively loaded.

(b) Loading method The packaging is tightly fastened with specially designed tools, (14)Planned years of use (a)Planned years of use: 60 years (I) A2

(b) Number of times used for transport per year: 3 times or less (c) Number of days required per transporti 100 days or less (I) A3

ions nta in fu Reactor RR3 MTR Fuel element RR3 standard fuel element RR3 foliowertype fuet element MTR standard fuet element MTR fuelfo owers Number of spentfuel elements(elemenVpackaqe) 1 0 orless Tvpe LEU fuel LEU fuel Fuei Core Uranium silicon Uranium silicon aluminum dispersion type a ov aluminum dispersion type a oy cOndniOn Solid Z U weight (g ntainer maximum)

U weight (g COntainer, maximum)

Weight 235u weight (g/aSSembly, maximum)

U weight (g aSSembly, maximum)

Enrichment(M° /o Oriess)

Total(GBq Or iess/container)

Act"ity Principal Of radionuclide contents (GBq or iess/containerl Burn up(0/O oriess)

Total heat generation rate 0(neW fue sAr oriess cOntainerl Coolin9 ume(davs)

Loading a transport package with direrenttypes of nuclear r each reactor only when a the fuel elements contained are the same type having the same enrichmentleveI Forthe nuctear fuel rnaterialfrom MTR(),however,RllXed toading offuel elements of itterent types and difFerent enrichmentieveis is a owed The values of weight and heat generation are caiculated propottiOna y from the maximum weight and heat generation for each type of uel element accoRJing to the number of assemblies contained (I) A4

(a Iable A= SpecttcadOns Of nuclear fuei matettal contained in shippina Containe[(2/2)(LQw irradia ed fuel)

Reactor MTRC Fuel Element Special Standard Special Fo ower Number of spentfuel elements 10 oriess (element,package)

Type HEU fuel MEU fuel Fuei Core Uranium aluminum alioy Uranium aluminum dispersion type alloy 235u weight (g/COntaineri maximum)

U weight (g/COntaineri maximum)

Weight Z33u weight (g aSSem y,maximum)

U weight (g/aSSembly,maximum)


Total(GBq or less containerl Act"ly of contents Principai radionuclide (GBq Oriess ontainerl Burnup(%oriess)

Totat heat generation rate 430X105 329X10 OrieSS/COntainerl Cooli ume Loading a transpott package n IS en are same same enrichmentievel For the nuclear fuei rnaterial fronl MTRC,however,nlixed ioading offuel elements of direrenttypes and difFerent enrichmentieveis is a owed The values of weight and heat generation are calculated proportiona y from the maximum weight and heat generation for each type of uel element according to the number of assemblies contained Air dose rate at a distance ofl m from the surface ofthe contents is tess than l Gy h (I) A5

(I) Fig.A.l Rough drawing of package (I) A6

B Kinds of package (I) B

(I) B. Kinds of package (1) Requirements for different kinds of package Since the radioactive substances stored are fresh fuel plates of uranium fuel and the radioactivity level exceeds the value of A2, thiS package must satisfy requlrements for type BU package.

(2) Requirements for a fissile package Since this package contains fuel with an enrichment level and more than 15g of 235u, it must satisfy requirements for fissile package.

Accordingly, this package corresponds to a type BU fissile package".

(I) B1

C Packaging (I) C

(I) C, Packaging l, Outline of packaging This packaging is a cylindrical type in the form, which is maintained in vertical posture during both transport and handling.

The package outline is shown in (I) Fig,C.1.

The package tie down condition is shown in (I) Fig.C.2.

The package under transport condition is shown in (I) Figo C.3 The general feature of the packaging is as follows, (1) The fuel basket of this packaging is designed to be rectangular type so that the rectangular fuel can be loaded (2) The inner shell is designed as a pressure vessel against the design pressure Of (3) This packaging is handled by a crane using the eye plate installed on the maln body.

(4) To absorb impact energy caused by drop, there are the shock absorbers at the upper and lower parts of the packaging (5) To reduce the heat gain caused by fire, there are the heat insulators at the upper and lover parts of the packaging and shell.

(6) The containment boundary of this packaging is shown in (I) Fig,C,4 (I) C1

(I) Figo C.l Rough drawing of package (I) C2

(I) Fi .C.2 Packatte under trans port conditlon (I) C3

(I) Fig.C.3 P9ckage under transport condition (I) C4

(I) Fig.C.4 Seal boundary of package (I) C5

2. Structure of packaging (Refer to (I) Fig.C.5)

This packaging consists Of 4 main parts:

(1) Main bOdy (2) Inner lid (3) Fuel basket (4) Outer lid Following is the description of each part.

2.l Main body (Refer to (I) Figo C.6)

Themainbody is in the cylindrical shape ofIIIIIIl inheight and ln outer diameter and consists of the outer shell and inner shell.

TheoutershellconsistsofIII thick stainless steel and thick stainless steel at the bottom. The inner shell consists of thick stainless steel and thick stalnless steel at the bottom.

The shell and bottom plate is velded completely.

The space betveen the outer and inner shells, heat insulators and shock absorbers are applied to reduce the heat gain caused by fire and to absorb impact energy caused by drop.

At the upper slde of the maln body, the eye plates are welded at to lift the packaging.

IIIIIfusibleplugsisprovidedontheoutershell. These plugs are provided to avoid the pressure raise by steam or gas generated from the heat insulator and shock absorber due to heat durlng fire.

The inner shell isprovidedwithIIIIIbOsses at the upper side of the inner surface and the convex section at the bottom, in order to fix the fuel basket (I) C6

The boss and fuel basket upper part are fixed with bolts, and the fuel basket lower part is inserted into the convex section.

When fixing, to avoid metal contact of the inner shell and fuel basket, the cushion rubber ls provlded.

2.2 1nner lid (Refer to (I) Fig.C.7)

The inner lid is in the cylindrical shape, IIIIl inouter diameterandIIII ln thickness, The inner lid is tied dOwn with the main body, usingll inner lid tightening bolts, and the contact section of the inner lid and inner shell is constructed so that leaktightness is maintained with O ring. This O ring is doubly provided to assure leaktightness, and a leak test hole between the double O ring is provided to make it possible to perform a leak test.

2.3 Fuel basket (Refer to ((I) Fig C.8)

The fuel basket is manufactured to locate each fuel element in the specified position of the packaging and maintain its relative position, and 10 fuel elements can be contained. The fuel basket is shown in (I) Fig.C.8 rectangular pipes to enclose the fuel elements, are assembled by welding, and the upper and the lower portions of the rectangular pipes, are welded to the flanges and basket bottom is attached to the flange bottom by the bolts, The inside dimension of the rectangular pipe is the outside diameter of the fuel basket lS IIIIIIIIIIIll, and the height is And also, the fuel basket is fixed to the IIIIIbOsses locatedat the upper inside portion of the inner shell by bolt, the movements to the vertical and circumferential direction are restricted, and the vibration is also restricted.

(1) C7

2.4 0uter lid (Refer to (I) Figo C.9)

The outer lid is in Of the cylindrical shape IIIIl in height and IIIII in outer diameter.

The outer cover plate consists of III thick stainless steel shell and thick stainless steel upper plate. The inner cover plate consists of thick stainless steels, The space between the outer and inner cOver plates, the heat insulators and shock absorbers are applied to reduce the heat gain caused by fire and to absOrb impact energy caused by drop.

leye b01t bosses for lifting are welded to the outer lid. Ifusibleplugs are provided on the outer cover plate. These plugs are used to avoid the pressure raise by steam or gas generated from the heat insulator and shock absorber due to heat during fire.

The outer lid is tied dOwn with the outer lid tightening bolts through the rubber packing to the upper part of the main bOdy in such a manner that it covers the inner lid. Such a structure prevents water from intruding into the clearance between the main body and the outer lid.

Also, (I) C8

(I) Figo C,5General drawing of package (I) C9

(I) Fi ,C,6 Main body (I) C10

(I) Fig,C,7 1nner shell lid (I) C11

(I) Fi .C,8 Basket for box type fuel (I) C12

(I) Fig.C.9 0uter shell lid (I) C13

3, Material of packaging (I) Table c.l shows the material of the packaging.

4. Dimension of packaging (I) Table c.2 shows the dimension of the packaging.

5 Weight of packaging (I) Table c,3 shows the wei ght of the packaging.

(I) C14

(I) Table c,l Material of ackaging Name of Part Material Number Notes (1)Main bOdy Outer shell Stainless steel Inner shell Stainless steel Eye plate Boss Heat insulator Shock absorber 0ring Fusible plug Gasket (2) Inner Lid Inner Lid Stainless steel (3)Fuel Basket Rectangular pipe Stainless steel Upper flange Lower flange Cushion rubber (4) Outer Lid Outer cover plate Stainless steel Inner cover plate Heat insulator Shock absorber Fusible plug (1) C15

(I) Table c.2 Dimension of packatting Name of Part Item DimensiOn(nominal) Notes (1)Main bOdy Outer Diameter lnner Diameter Height (2) Inner Lid Outer Diameter Thickness Size of Bolt (3)Fuel Basket Outer Diameter Height lnner width (4)Outer Lid Outer Diameter lnner Diameter Height Size of Bolt (I) C16

(I) Table c,3 Weight of packaging No. Name Weight (kg) Notes 1 Inner shell main body 2 Inner shell lid 3 Fuel basket 4 Outer shell lid 5 Total The weights of the cOntents are shown in (I) Table D,l and(I) Table D.2, the weight becomes maximumofIIkgwhen the ten RR3 standard fuel elements are contained and the maximum weight Of a transport package (tOtal veight Of the transport container and the contents in it) is 950 kg.

(I) C17

D Contents of packaging (I) D

(I) Do Contents of packaging D l Fresh fuel The contents of packaging are fresh fuel plate to be charged in RR3 and MTRo lt is low enriched uranium fuel (LEU fuel).

The fuel meat is uranium silicon aluminun dispersion type alloy.

The fuel meat is uranium aluminum alloy for HEU fuel, uranium aluminum dispersion type alloy for MEU fuel, and uranium aluminum dispersion type alloy or uranium silicon aluminum dispersion type alloy for LEU fuel.

Fuel plates are processed as follows l a fuel meat sandwiched by a frame and cover (cladding material)of aluminum alloy is hot rolled. After being cold rolled to the required thickness, it is cut longitudinally and transversely while being monitored by fluoroscopy so that the fuel meat can be located within the requlred zone.

On side plate or mounting plate of the aluminum alloy, the required number of grooves are provided for mounting the fuel plates. The width of a groove is equal to the thickness of the plate. Fuel plates are inserted into these grooves and mechanically fixed so that the fuel plates can resist a tensile stress of 265N/cm.

Required mounting parts are fixed by welding and other methods to complete a standard type fuel elements and follower type fuel elements (referred to as fuel elements" hereinafter).

The fuel element is wrapped by some buffer, such a then put into an organic high molecular compound bag such as (Protec tive sheets), and loaded into the fuel basket of packaging.

When the fuel element are loaded, spacers are used to the upper and lower sides of the fuel element in order to absorb possible impact energy during transport, and also to fix the fuel element.

(I) D1

The specificatiOns Of fuel elements loaded in the packaging are shown in (I) Table D 1.

D 2 Lowly irradiated fuel Among the contained fuels in the packaging, the lowly irradiated fuels are the plate type fuels ioaded in the MTRC, consisting of 61 HEU fuels and 31 MEU fuels. The core material of the fuel is the uranium aluminum alloy for HEU fuel and is the uranium aluminum dispersion type alloy for MEU. On the side plate or attachment plate made of aluminum alloy, are provided for the required number of the grooves corresponding to the thickness of the fuel plate. The fuel plate inserted is mechanically fixed by roll swage or fixed by the aluminum alloy pin to withstand the tensile force of more than 265N/cm The required parts are welded to the fuel plates to complete the standard fuel element, the special fuel element and the fuel follower (referred to as fuel elements etc." hereinafter).

The special fuel element has the structure where a part of the fuel plates are not mechanically fixed and can be removed. The fuel elements etc, are charged after cutting the unnecessary upper and lower portions to reduce the weight. For the special fuel elements, they are provide with a hold down for fuel plate as shown in (I) Fig,D.10 through (I) Fig.D.12 and in (I) Fig.D 15 The fuel elements etc. are packed with the shock absorber such as etc. and is put in the bag made of organic high molecular compound such as (protectiOn sheet), and is enclosed in the fuel basket of the packaging. In case the fuel element etc. are loaded, the spacers of are used at the top and bottom of the fuel element etc. in order to absorb the impact in the transportation and to fix the fuel element etc, by adjusting the position. The specification of the fuel element etc., used for the safety analysis of packaging is shown in (I) Table D.2.

(I) D2

(I) Table D l SpecificatiOn of fuel el ement (fresh fuel element)

Fuel Basket Type Box Reactor RR3 MTR Type RR3 RR3 Fuel Element MTR MTR Standard FollOwer Standard Follower Type Plate fuel Number of fuel elements 10 or less (element/Package)

Kind LEU fuel U235 enrlchment a (wt%)

U235 contained (D (g/element)

U contalned Z=3 (g/element)

Burnup (%)

Total heat generation 0 (Fresh fuel)


Cooling time (Day)

Activity of Total activity contents of contents (GBq/Package)

Principal radionuclide (GBq/Package)

(MBq/ )

Uranium silicon Fuel Core aluminum dispersion type alloy J

Clad material Alminum alloy Side plate, Alminum alloy Attached plate Burnable absorber Cadmlum wlre (D Fuel cross section a Rectangular type shape Ref. drawing (I) Fig.D.1 (I) Fig.D.2 (I) FiFr.D.3 (I) Fig,D.4 Fuel weight(kg/element)

(I) Table D.2 Specifi,atiOn of fuel element (10wlv irradiated fuel el ement)

Fuel Basket Type Box Reactor MTRC MTRC MTRC MTRC MTRC Fuel Element Special Standard Special Follower Plate fuel Number of fuel elements 10 or less (element/Package)

Kind HEU fuel MEU fuel U235 enrlchment (wt%)

U235 contained (g/element)

U contalned element)

Total heat generation 4.30)(10 5 r leSS 3.29)(10 5 r leSS (W/Package)

Cool time Activity of Total activity contents of contents (GBq/Package)

Principal radionuclide (GBq/Package)

Activit of contents( lBq/ )

Fuel COre Uranium Alminum allOy uranium alminun dispersion type alloy Clad material Alminum alloy Side plate, Alminum alloy Attached late Burnable absorber Fuel cross section shape Rectangular type Ref. drawl Fuel veight(kg/element)

Ref. drawlng (I) Fig.D.5 (I) Fig.D.7 Weight (kg/element)

(I) Fig.D 1 RR3 standard tv*

e fuel element (uranium silicon alminun dispersion allov)

(I) Fig,D.2 RR3 follower type fuel element (urani lm silicon alminun dispersion allov)

(I) F .D 3 TMTR standard fuel element

(I) Figo D 4 TMTR follower tv le fuel element

(I) F .D 5 . MTRC special fuel element (special A type)

(I) Fi .D.6 MTRC standard fuel element

(" , MB, MC type)

(I) F .D.7 MTRC special fuel element (special MB tvDe, soecial MC tvOe)

(I) Fi .D 8 TMTRC fuel follower (MF tv e)

( ) Safety analysis of nuclear fuel package

( )

( ) Safety analysis of nuclear fuel packages The safety analysis for this transported article will be conducted in order to show that the transported article complies with the technical standards as a BU type fissionable transported article in accordance with the Rules On Transporting Nuclear Fuel Materials outside the Plant or Place of Business" (Prime Minister' s Office Order NO. 57 of 1978) (hereafter called the Rules" )and the science and Technology Agency' s Notice No. 5 of 1990[Notice on the Details of Technical Standards for Transport of Nuclear Fuel Materials Etc. Outside Plants]" (hereafter called the Notice" )

The safety analysis on the present package is performed to demonstrate compliance of the package with the technical standards in accordance with the following Regulations:

1. Structural analysis ln the structural analysis, besides the confirmation of the fact that any particular anomalies such as cracks, fissures etc. Would not be produced on the packages during the normal transportation, verification shall be conducted of the lntegrlty of contalnment devlces, which is to be the prerequlslte for containment analysis, both under normal and accident test conditions, And also to obtain the conditiOns for evaluation of the thermal and shielding analysis, the features and integrity of the packages under the normal and accident test conditions were evaluated. Further considering the fact that this packages are the particular BU type fissile packages, the status and integrity of packages under the normal and accident test conditions regarding the fissile packages, vere evaluated in order to verify the subcritical assurance.

2 Thermal analysis ln the thermal analysis, considering the results of structural analysis above

( )1

mentioned, the temperature and pressure of each part of packages under the normal conditiOn of transport and under, the normal and accident test conditions, are evaluated to provide for the conditions for evaluating the structural integrity, containment, shielding and criticality analysis, And also the compatibility of the packages was confirmed with the accessible surface temperature standards (85k3) of the packages under the normal test conditions.

3, Containment analysis ln the containment analysis, on the basis of the conditions of l. Structural analysis and 2. Thermal analysis and also On the basis of allowable release rate of leakage tests before shipment, the leak rate of radioactive materials under the normal and accident test conditions was evaluated to show that the standard values were duly satisfied.

4. Shield analysis ln the shielding analysis, considering the above mentioned conditions l and 2, the dose equivalent rate at the surface of packages, or at the locations l meter apart from the surface of the packages during the normal condition Of transport, under the normal and accident test conditions, was evaluated to shOw that the standard values were duly satisfied.

5 Criticality analysis ln the criticality analysis, it is indicated that no structural change or the like that may affect the criticality assessment will occur under the general test conditions for fissionable transported articles based on the result of l cited above, and that subcriticality will be ensured in cases of both isolated system and arranged system transported articles, under the general test conditions and special test conditions for transported articles during normal transport, transported

( )2

articles in an isOlated system, and fissionable transported articles.

6. ConsideratiOn of Aging of Nuclear Fuel Package ConsideratiOn of aging of nuclear fuel packages shows that the aging of the main materials of thOse packages do not affect the abOve analysis
7. Evaluation of the compliance with the regulation and the notification Based on the above cited results and descriptions regarding the nuclear fuel packages given in chapter A, it was duly ensured that the design of this packages were compliance with the technical standards which was established by the regulation and the notification. In the fol10wing, chapter ( )A through ( ) G will show particulars for each of analyses and evaluations.

( )3

( ) A Structural analysis

( ) A

( ) A. Structural analysis A.l Structural design A.1.l General description A Type B(U)packaging consists of an inner shell, an outer shell, and a fuel basket as shown in (I) Figo C.1.

The inner shell cOnsists of a shell containing a fuel basket and a lid.

Fuel baskets are the rectangular type as shown in (I) Figo C.8, A basket fOr rectangular elements can contain up to ten elements, After being placed in the fuel basket, the fuel elements are fixed by a spacer made of Inner shell combined with its lid fOrms containment boundary as shown in (I) Figo C.7 and also works as a pressure vessel against inner pressure. Inner lid attached to inner shell by inner lid b01ts keep containment of its joint using IIIIII o rlng SyStem.

Outer shell with its lid forms containment boundary as shown in (I) Figo C.5, Heat insulator and shock absorber are filled between inner shell and outer shell.

Outer lid attached to outer shell with outer lid bolts keep containment of its joint using Gasket.

Inner lid would never be opened by any possible contingency since it is covered by outer lid during transport This packaging is lifted and tied down with eye plates shown in (I) Figo C.6.

The package is tiedown to tie down device shown in(I) Figo C.2 with eye plates durlng transport.

( ) A1

A.1.2 Design standards The design standards for the packaging are based on the Public Notification and Section III Subsec, NB of ASME. The design standard value are determined for each set of test conditions.

(1) The design standard value

( ) Table A.l shows the various test conditions for the desi gn standards corresponding to the items being analyzedo The design standard value will be determined on the basis of the mechanical properties of the materials shown in section ( ) A,3 and the temperatures shown in section ( ) B.

The design standard value in which distortion level has no influence On the packaging's containment under accident test conditions is used for the inner lid clamping bolts, which are essential for the containment boundary.

Yield stress is used as the design standard value for the hoisting and clamping device in accordance with the Public Notification, Penetration resistance is chosen as the design standard value for the collision during the penetration test.

antteJgii:fiii::CI!li  :::t :lding partS lnspeCted by radiation methOd Symbols of the design standard value in Tables are as followsi Sm  ; Design stress intensity value Sy  ; Yield point of the design Su  ; Design tensile strength Sa  ; Alternative peak stress N  ; Number of cycles Na  ; Allowable number of cycles DF  ; Accumulative usage factor (= N/Na)

( ) A2

(2)Combinations of design load Combinations of design load are determined on conditions (structure temperature, material, safety factor, etc.)of each components shown in

( ) Table.A.2 and( ) Table.A.3 (3)Margin fOr safety Margin of safety(MS) is obtained as follows 9

9 tan ,r 91 Margin for safety(MS)=

, 9 According to the design standards descrlbed above, ( ) Table A.4(1/24)

(24/24)shows conditions of structural analysis, analytical item and method, etc.

( ) A3

H Table A.l Desi standard for structural analvsis Pm; General primary membrane stress Q ; Secondary stress PLi Local primary membrane stress F ; Peak stress Pb; Prlmary bending stress DF, Accumulative usage factor Component PrlmaryttsecOn Prlmary+secon Prlmary stress dary+peak Condition dary Stress Item stress Posltion to be eval Pm(PL) PLttPb PL+Pb+Q PLttPbttQ+F Lifting device Eye plate Sy Sy Routlne Tie down devlce Eye plate Sy Sy transport Pressure Package Withstanding the effect of changing ambient pressure Vibration Package Withstanding the effect of vlbration durlng transport.

Inner shell Sm 1.5Sm 3Sm Fatigue Thermal test Inner lid evaluation Sy Sy Inner lid bolt  : (DF 1)

Water spray test Package Withstanding the water spray test.

Inner shell Normal Sm 1,5Sm (3Sm conditions Fuel basket Free drop test Of Inner lid (1,2m height) 2 transpOrt Inner lid bolt Sy Sy 3

Fue1 91ement Inner shell Sm 1.5Sm 3Sm Stacking test 2

Inner lid Sy Sy 3

Penetrating test Outer shell Design Tension Strength Inner shell su Su Fuel basket 3 Drop test I Inner lid (9m height)

Inner lid bolt Sy

S Fuel element Outer shell Design Tension Strength Drop test Accldent Inner shell su Su conditions (lm height 3 penetration) 2 Of Inner lid Sy 3

transport Inner shell su Su 3

Thermal test Inner lid 2

Sy Inner lid bolt 3 Inner shell su Su Immersion 3 (15n depth)

Inner lid Sy Note: The same criteria for stress evaluation are used for both Type B(U)packages and fissile packages.

( ) A4

( ) Table A.2 Design lo o, COmbination of load (1/2)

Component Load Requlre Condition Item Positi Internal External Thermal ment Mass* Other to be pressure pressure expanslon Lifting device Eye plate Routlne Tie down device Eye plate transport Pressure Package O O O Vibratlon Package Inner shell Thermal test Inner lid Inner lid bolt Water spray test Package Normal Inner shell O conditions Fuel basket Of Free Drop test Inner lid transpOrt (1.2m height)

Inner lid bolt O O Fuel element B(U) Penetrating test Outer shell package Stacking test Inner shell O Inner shell O Fuel basket Drop test I Inner lld O (9m height)

Inner lid bolt O Fuel element Accident Drop test Outer shell conditions (lm height Inner shell Of penetration) Inner lid transport Inner shell Thermal test Inner lid Inner lid bolt Immersion Inner shell (15m depth) Inner lid O: Analyzed under combination of load.  : Analyzed under single load.

  • : Mass does not mean veight simply but means mass (force) cOnsidering impact fOrce such as given (mass) x (acceleration).

( ) A5

( ) Table A.2 Design load, combination of 10ad (2/2)

Component Load Requlre Condition Item Positi Internal External Thermal ment Mass* Other to be eval pressure pressure expanslon Water spray test Package Inner shell Normal Fuel basket Free drop test conditions Inner lid O (1.2m height)

Of Inner lid bolt O O O O transpOrt Fuel element Stacking test Inner shell O Penetratlng test Outer shell Inner shell O Fuel basket Fissile Drop test I Inner lid O packages (9m height)

Inner lid bolt O O Fuel element Accldent Drop test Outer shell conditions (lm height Inner shell O Of penetration) Inner lid O O transport Inner shell Thermal test Inner lid Inner lid bolt O O Immersion Inner shell (0.9m depth) Inner lid O: Analyzed under combination of load.  : Analyzed under single load.

  • : Mass does nOt mean veight simply but means mass (force) cOnsidering impact force such as given (mass) X (acceleration).

( ) A6

Table A.3 Load conditions Component Load Requlre me Therm Condition Item Internal External Posit Mass Other to be eval pressure pressure expan SlOn X3times Lifting device Eye plate X2Lg (up,down,front, Tie down devlce Eye plate back)

Routlne x1[g]

(Leftt rittht) transport Initial clamping Pressure Package Ta 60kPa force Vibration Package 4N Inner shell Inner lid Thermal test Initial Inner lld bolt Ta ( clamping

) force Water spray test Package Normal Inner shell xAcceleration conditions Of Fuel basket H(for horizOntal drop)

Inner lid transpOrt Free drop test H Initial (1.2m height)

Inner lid bolt (for vertical drop) a ( clamping force (for corner drop)


B(Ul Package Fuel element Stacking test Inner shell x5 timesttSelf weight Penetrating test Outer shell 6kttBar drop Inner shell xAcceleratlon Fuel basket H (for horizOntal drop)

Inner lid Drop test I (9m height)

H (for vertical drop)

Initial clamping Inner lid bolt H

(for corner drop) a force Fuel element Self weight Accldent Outer shell X lm drop on mild Drop test conditlons steel bar (lm height Of Inner shell xAcceleration penetration) transpOrt Inner lid a Inner shell Inner lid Thermal test Initial clamping Inner lid bolt Pa force Immersion Inner shell H (15m depth) Inner lid

  • Mass does not mean weight simply but means mass orce consid impact force such as given (mass) x (acceleration)

( ) A7

( ) Table A.3 Load conditions(2/2)

Component Load Requlre The lnal ment Condition Item Internal External Positi Miss expan s Other to be eval ua pressure pressure lOn Water spray test Package Water spray Inner shell xAcceleration Fuel basket H(for horizOntal drop)

Inner lid rmal conditiOns Free drop test H(for vertical drop)

Initial (1.2m height) clamping Of Inner lid bolt Pa ( )

transpOrt force (for corner drop)

Fuel element Stacking test Inner shell x5 times+Self weight Penetrating test Outer shell 6kg bar drop Inner shell xAcceleration Fuel basket Inner lid H(for horizOntal drop)

Fissile Drop test I (9m height)

Inner lid bolt H(for vertical drop)

Initial clamping package H force Fuel element (for corner drop) 4N Outer shell Self weight lm drop on mild Accident Drop test steel bar conditions (lm height Inner shell xAcceleration Of penetration) transpOrt Inner lid a Inner shell Inner lid Initial Thermal test clamping Inner lid bOlt IIIIIIIIII Pa force N

Immersion Inner shell (0.9m depth) Inner lid

  • Mass does not mean veight simply but means mass (force) considering impact fOrce such as given (mass) x (acceleration).

( ) A8

Symbols; Principal stress Torsional stress Bending stress oad

( ) Table A.4 Desittn conditions analvtical meth of structural analvsis (1/24 Compressive stress Pressure Shear stress Cross section Design condition Analytical methOs Requirement Condition Item Reference Design lcad Design Remark Material Temp Applied formula or element figure Type Loading factor Element standard B(U) pactage Routine 1. Chemical and FralVanic transport reaction Activation difference of (1) Chenical reaction Corrosion electric no chemical reaction Nll (2) Calvanic reaction CorrOsiOn position no galvanic reaction Nll

2. Strength at low temperature No (1)Body 40R Material Degradation Allowable lowest temperature (2)Bolt 40R3 Material Degradation Allowable lowest temperature l ::: e (3)0ring 40 Material Degradation Allowable 10vest temperature 40kD
3. COntainment svstem (1) Inner lid (I) Figo C.3 SUS Opening duc tO Possibility of Nil contingency contingency
4. Liftintt device M:Bending moment t:Plate thickness b:Width of eye plate (1) Eye plate ( ) Fig.A,9 SUS Mass of package 3 Bending stress b=tb2 Sy F

3 Shear stress 0 6Sy A

Combined stress = b2+4 2 S

5 Tie down device 6M (1) Eye plate ( ) Fig.A ll SUS Mass of package 2 Bending stress °b=tb2 Sy F

( ) Fig.A.12 2 Shear stress 0,6Sy A

Colllbined stress iv b2+4 2 S

Symbols; Principal stress Torsional stress Bending stress Load

( ) Table A.4 Design cOnditions, analytical methOds Of structural analysis (2/24) Compressive stress Pressure Shear stress Cross section Design conditiOn Analytical methos Requirement Condition Item Reference Design load Remark Material Temp Design figure Applied formula or element Type Loading factor Element standard B(U) package Routine 6. Pressure transpOrt Note l:

(1) Inner shell Combined stress P Dm

°= 2t Design standard of P Dm Formula for each stress Z= 4t thin cylinder component is P determlned r

1 using Sm.

ReductiOn of Note 2:

(2) Inner bottOm plate ambient pressure 60kPa Combined stress oO+

Formula Analysis standard of for each stress fixed disc component is z= P determined using Sy Formula (3)Inner lid Combined stress Note 3:

( Initial ttlargin of tightening Note 2 is about (4) Inner lid bolt Initial bolt Tensile stress F

°t=Ar load lnternal Tensile stress F t=n Ar pressure P a4 (5)Displacement of inner Internel Displacement = Formula 64 O ring part of inner pressure for lid displace X(1 ment of O ring te 3 5+v r2 part 1+v a2

7. Vibration No (1) Package ( ) Fig.A14 SU Vibration 1 Resonance


(2)Fuel basket fu :characteristic frequency

Symbolsi Principal stress Torsional stress Bending stress Load

( ) Table A 4 Desittn conditiOns. ytical methOds of structural analysis (3/24) Compresslve stress Pressure Shear stress Cross section Design condition Analytical methos Requirement Condition Item Reference Design load Material Temp. Design Remark figure Applied fOrmutta or element Type Loading factor Element standard B(U) package Normal l Therlllal condition test 1 l Thermal expansion conditions approx. Thermal (1) Gap betveen basket ( ) Figo A.15 SUiIIII expansion Compression Presense of gap betveen inner Free and inner shell shell and basket.

1.2 Stress CalculatiOn Note l:

(1) Inner shell (H) Fig.A.16 Internal Combined Stress Formula for thin cylinder Design cylinder ( ) Fig.A.17 pressure standard of each stress (2) Inner bottom plate (H) Fig.A.18 Internal Combined Stress Formula fOr fixed disc INote l component is pressure determined using Sm (3) Inner ttid ( ) Fig A.19 Internal 1 Combined Stress ForHlula for simply supported pressure disc Note 2:

Analysis F

(4) Inner lid bOlt ( ) Fig.A.21 Initial bolt Tensile stress Ot= standard of load Note 2 each stress lnternal Tensile stress F component is t=n Al pressure determined Thermal Tensile stress Negrigible using Sy.

expanslon Note 3:

Initial lllargin of tightening (5) Displacement of ( ) Figo A.20 Internal Displacement Formula fOr displacement of is about O ring part of inner pressure O ring part

} Note 3 lid 2, Water spray test Water spray 1 Absorption Absorption Nil Water repellent Water repellent Good


Principal stress i : Torsional stress ob : Bending stress F : Load

( ) Table A,4 Design conditions, analvtical of structural analvsis (4/24) oc i Compressive stress P I Pressure Shear stress A : Cross section Design conditiOn Analytical methOs Requirement ConditiOn Item Reference Design load Material Temp. Design Remark figure Applied fOrmula Or element Type Loading factor Element standard B(U) package Normal 3. Free drop test 3.l Horizontal drop Note l:

conditions (1) Deforlllation of shock (H) Fig.A.35 Effect of absorber (H) Fig.A.36 Horizontal drOp Deformation = H deformation from l.2m height  : Minimum thickness before vill be udged drOp 1 in thermal test.

H DeformatiOn

Thickness after drop Note 2:

(2) Inner shell cylinder Analytical M

( ) Fig.A.37 dittO Bending stress b=7 Note 2 standard of each stress component is (3) Inner bottOm plate F determined

( ) Fig.A.38 dittO Shear stress A using Sm.

(4) Upper part of inner Note 3:

shell (Inner lid) ( ) Fig.A.39 ditto Shear stress F Analysis A

standard of (5) Inner lid bolt each stress

( ) Fig.A40 ditto Bending stress component is


determined using Sy.

(6) Fuel basket M

( ) Fig A 41 ditto 1 Bending stress b=

Note 3 (7) Fuel element A M

( ) Fig.A,42 ditto 1 Bending stress °b=

44 W

1 Compression C=a stress 2 h)

(8) Fuel element hold M down part ( ) Fig.A.45 A ditto 1 Bending stress b=

Note: Bolt stress due to internal pressure and initial bolt load is obtained from the slgn tion and formu descrlbed in 1.2 Stress calculation

Symbolsi Principal stress Torsional stress Bending stress Load

( ) Table A.4 Design conditions, analvtical methods Of structural analvsis (5/24) Compressive stress Pressure Shear stress Cross section Design condition Analytical methos Requlrement Condition Item Reference Design load Design Remark Material Temp. Applied fOralula or element figure Type Loading factor Element standard B(U) package Normal 3.2 Vertical drop ( ) Figo A.46 test (Bottom side) Note l:

conditiOns Effect of (1) DefOrmation of shOck ( ) Fig.A47 Vertical drOp Deformation = O v deformation absorber (Bottom side)  : Minimum thickness before will be udged from l.2m height drOp in thermal v, DefOrmation test.

Thickness after drop Note 2:

Analytical standard of F each stress (2) Inner shell cylinder ( ) Fig.A.48 dittO Compression C=

component is stress determined us ng Sm.

(3) Inner bottom plate ( ) Fig.A.49 ditto Combined stress Formula for fixed disc Note 3:

Analysis standard of each stress (4) Inner lid (H) Fig A 50 ditto 1 Combined stress Formula for simply supported component is disc determined using Sy.

(5) Inner lid bolt ditto 1 INote 3 F

(6) Fuel basket ( ) Fig.A51 A ditto 1 Shear stress 2(h2 hl)b 53 Ot Tensile stress A W

Compresslon Note 3 A

stress W

(7) Fuel element hold (H) Fig.A54 A ditto Compression

°C=A dowm part stress

Symbols; o  : Principal stress t : Torsional stress b : Bending stress F : Load

( ) Table A.4 Desittn conditions. analvtical met of structural analvsis (6/24) o c i Compressive stress P : Pressure Shear stress A : Cross section Design conditiOn Analytical methOs Requirement Condition Item Reference Design load Material Temp. Design Remark figure Applied fornlula or element Type Loading factor Element standard B(U) package Normal 3.3 Vertical drop ( ) Fig.A.55 test (Lid side) Note l:

condition (1) Deformation of shOck ( ) Fig A.56 Vertical drop Deformation = O v Effect of absOrber (Lid side) from  : Minimum thickness before deformation l.2m height drop 1 vill be judged v Deformation in thermal

Thickness after drop test.

F Note 2:

(2) Inner shell cylinder (H) Fig.A57 ditto Compresslon C A Analytical stress standard of each stress (3) Inner bottom plate (H) Fig.A.58 ditto Combined stress Formula fOr fixed disc INote 2 component is determined (4) Inner lid (H) Fig.A.59 dittO Combined stress Formula fOr simply supported using Sm disc Note 3 (5) Inner lid bOlt dittO Tensile stress R Note 3:

n Ai Analysis standard Of F each stress (6) Fuel Element ( ) Fig.A.60 A ditto Shear stress 2(h2 1)b component is 62 determined Tensile stress using Sy.

°t=A 3

Compression W stress °C=

(7) Fuel element hold ( ) Fig.A.63 A ditto Compression W down part °C=A stress 3 4 Corner drop ( ) Fig.A.63 Corner drop from nalyzed for each item of para.5.15 3 above from l.2m drop horizontal and vertical component of impact (1) Inner lid bolt ( ) Fig A.64 SUSIII (Lid side) 1 Bending stress 0 ax v+ H N WL VNIAX 2 Ar H lAX H=NH W LH 3.5 1nclined drop ( ) Fig.A,65 Inclined drOp Analyzed for each item of para.5.15.3 above from 68 from l.2m height horizontal and vertical component of impact


Principal stress Torsional stress b : Bending stress Load

( ) Tab 4 Design connt ntt an ytical methOds Of structurn an ysis o/20 c . Compresslve stress Pressure T Shear stress Cross section Design conditiOn Analytical methOs Requirement Condition Item Reference Design load Material Temp. Design Remark figure Applied fOrmula Or element Type Loading factor Element standard B(U) package Normal 4. Stacking test test F tt m g Note l:

(1) Inner shell ( ) Fig.A.72 Mass of package x 5+Self veight Bending stress conditiOn z A )Ote l Design standard of each stress component is determined using Su.

(2) Inner lid (II) Fig A.71 Mass of package x 5+Self veight Combined stress Formula fOr simply supported disc }Note 2 Note 2:

Analysis standard of each stress component is determined using Sy 5, Penetration test (1) Outer shell ( ) Fig.A.72, 73 SUS Ic Impact of mild steel bar x 1 Absorbed energy E2=

Td No penetra

( cri Shear strength)=0.6Su tion

6. Free drop on each Not applicable corner or each rim


Principal stress Torsional stress b . Bending stress Load

( ) Table A.4 Design conditiontt analytical methOds Of structural analysis /20 c . Compress ve stress Pressure Shear stress Cross section Design condition Analytical methOs Requirement Condition Item Reference Design load Design Remark Material Temp. Applied fOrmula or element figure Type Loading factOr Element standard B(U) package Accident 1. DroD teSt I test 1.l Vertical drop Note l:

conditiOns (Bottom side) Effect of deformation (1)Deformation of shock ( ) Fig.A.75 Vertical drop 1 Deformation = O v will be judged absorber (Bottom side) O: Minimum thickness before in thermal from 9m height drop Note l test.

v: Deformation

Thickness after drop Note 2:

Analytical standard of W each stress (2) Inner shell ditto Compression C=

component is stress Note 3 determlned using Su (3) Inner bottom plate ditto Combined stress Formula fOr fixed disc Note 3:

Analysis standard of (4)Inner lid ditto Combined stress Formula for simply supported each stress disc Note 2 component is (5)Inner lid bolt ditto determined using Sy.

F (6) Fuel element A ditto Shear stress 2(h2 1)b W

Tensile stress t=A W

C= Note 2 Compression stress (7)Fuel element hoXd down A dittO Compression e=A W

part stress

Symbols; Principal stress t : Torsional stress Bending stress F : Load (H) Table A.4 Design conditions, analytical methods Of s tructural analysis (9/24) Compresslve stress P I Pressure Shear stress A : Cross section Design cOndition Analytical methOs Requirement Condition Item Reference Design load Remark Material Temp. Design figure Applied fOrmula or element Type Loading factor Element standard B(U) package Accident 1.2 Vertical drop test (Lid side) Note l:

conditiOns Effect of (1) Deformation of shOck ( ) Fig.A.76 Vertical drop Deformation = O v deformation absorber (Lid side) from O: Minimun thickness before will be udged 9m height drOp Note l in thermal

v. Deformatio test
Thickness after drop Note 2:

Analytical F standard Of (2) Inner shell ditto Compresslon C=

each stress stress component is determined (3) Inner bottom plate ditto Combined stress Formula for fixed disc INote 2 using Su.

Note 3:

Analysis (4) Inner lid ditto Combined stress Formula for simply supported standard of disc each stress F component is (5) Inner lid bolt ditto Tensile stress t=n Ai determined using Sy.

(6) Fuel element A ditto Shear stress 2(h2 hl)b F

Note 3 W

Tensile stress t=A Compresslo W

C=A stress (7)Fuel element hold dOwn A ditto Compression C=A W

part stress


Principal stress Torsional stress b : Bending stress Load

( ) Table A.4 Desittn conditions analvtic21 moth R of structural analvsis (10/24) o c i Compressive stress Pressure

Shear stress Cross section Design condition Analytical methOs Requirement Condition Item Reference Design load Remark Material Temp. Design figure Applied formula or element Type Lcading factor Element standard B(U) package Accident 1.3 Horizontal drop test Note l:

conditiOns Effect of (1) DeformatiOn of shock ( ) Fig.A.77 HorizOntal drop Deformation = O H defOrmation absorber from 9m height O: Minimum thickness befOre vill be judged drop in thermal

Thickness after drop test, H Deformation Note 2:

Analytical M standard of (2) Inner shell ditto 1 Bending stress Ob=z each stress component is determined (3) Inner bottom plate ditto Combined stress Formula for fixed disc INote 3 using Su.

Note 3:

F Analytical (4) Upper part of inner ditto Shear stress =

shell (Inner lid) A standard of each stress component is (5) Inner lid bolt ditto 1 Bending stress b= determlned using Sy.

M (6) Fuel basket ditto Bending stress b=7 Note 2 (7) Fuel element A ditto Bending stress M

b=z W

Compression C=a stress 2h)

M (8)Fuel element hold down part A ditto Bending stress Ob=7

Symbols; Principal stress t : Torsional stress Bending stress F  : Load

( ) Table A.4 DesiRn conditions, analvtical methOds of structural analvsis (11/24) Compresslve stress P  : Pressure Shear stress A  : Cross section Design conditiOn Analytical methOs Requlrement Condition Item Reference Design load Material Temp. Design Remark figure Applied formula Or element Type Loading factor Element standard B(U) package Accident 1.4 Corner drop ( ) Fig.A.78 Corner drop Analyzed for each item Of para.8 18.3 above from test from 9m height horizontal and vertical compOnent of impact Note l:

conditions Analytical (1) Inner lid b lt SUSI Corner drop Bending stress max= v+ H standard Of from 9m height Nv V Lv v lAX each stress (Lid side) 2.Ar 2 component is Note l deterillined W LH H"AX H=NH using Sy.

1.5 1nclined drop ( ) Fig.A.79 Inclined drop Analyzed for each tem of para 8.13.3 above from

( ) Fig,A.82 from 9m height horizontal and vertical compOnent of impact

Symbols; Principal stress Torsional stress Bending stress Load (H)Table h 4 Design cOndltion 4alytical methOds Of structurn analySis( /2 Compressive stress Pressure Shear stress Cross section Design condition Analytical methOs Requirement Condition Item Reference Design load Design Remark Material Temp. Applied fOrmula or element figure Type Loading factor Element standard B(U) package Accident 2 Drop test test 2.l Penetration ( ) Fig.A.83 conditions (1) Outer lid (H) Fig.A.84 Drop onto a mild Penetration No bar from lm energy Penetra height tion (2) Outer bottom plate ditto Penetration energy (3) Outer shell ditto Penetration energy

3. Thermal test 3.l Thermal expansion Note l:

Analytical (1) Gap betveen inner Thermal Compression Presense of gap betveen inner free standard Of shell and fuel basket expanslon shell and basket each stress component is 3.2 Stress by pressure determined using Su.

(1) Inner shell Internal pressure Combined Stress Formula for thin cylinder Note 2:

(2) Inner bottom plate lnternal pressure Combined Stress Formula for fixed disc Analytical standard of (3) Inner lid lnternal pressure Combined Stress Formula for simp e support disc each stress component is (4) Inner lid bolt lnitial torque Tensile stress F determined t=Al using Sy.

F lnternal pressure Tensile stress t=n Ai INote 2 Note 3:

Initial margin Formula for displacement of of tightening (5) Displacement of lnternal pressure Displacement O ring part is about ring part of inner O } Note 3 lid

Symbolsi Principal stress t i Torsional stress Bending stress F : Load (H) Table A.4 DesiF n ConditiOns. analvtical methods of structural analvsis (13/24) Compresslve stress P : Pressure Shear stress A : Cross section Design condition Analytical methos Requirement ConditiOn Item Reference Design load Material Temp. Design Remark figure Applied fOrmula or element Type Loading factor Element standard B(U) package Accident 4. Water immersion test ( ) Fig.A.85 test 4.l Water immersion Note l:

conditiOns (15m depth) Analytical standard of (1) Inner shell ( ) Fig.A.88 External pressure Combined Stress Formula for thin cylinder each stress component is (2) Inner bottom plate ( ) Fig.A.89 External pressure Combined Stress Formula for fixed disc } Note l determlned uslng Su.

(3) Inner lid (H) Fig.A.90 External pressure Combined Stress Formula for simply supported } Note 2 disc Note 2:

4B t Analytical (4)Buckling of inner ( ) Fig.A.86 External pressure Buckling stress Pe=2D standard of shell } Note l each stress B : Buckling factor component is D  : Outer diameter of inner determined shell using Su Note 3:

(5) Displacement of ( ) Fig A.91 External pressure 1 Displacement Formula for displacenlent of Initial alargin O ring part of inner } Note 3 of tightening O ring part lid is about

Symbols; Principal stress Torsional stress Bending stress Load llll Table A.4 Design conditions, analytical methOds Of structural analysis (14/24) Compressive stress Pressure Shear stress Cross section Design conditiOn Analytical methOs Requ relnent ConditiOn Item Reference Design load Material Temp. Design Remark figure Applied fOrmula or element Type Loading factor Element standard Fissile Normal l Water spray test Water spray AbsorptiOn AbsorptiOn Nil package test Water repellent Water repellent Cood conditiOns


Principal stress Torsional stress b . Bending stress Load

( ) Table A.4 Desi:n conditions anal viic 1l mothr AR of structural analvsis (15/ c : Compressive stress 4

Pressure Shear stress Cross section Design conditiOn Analytical methOs Requirement Condition Item Reference Design load Design Remark Material Temp Applied formula Or elenlent figure Type Loading factor Element standard Fissile Norlnal 2. Free drop package test 2.l Horizontal drop Note l:

conditions Effect of (1) Deformation of shock (H) Fig.A.95 Horizontal drop Deformation = H deformation absorber from l.2m height will be judged O: Minimum thickness before drop in thermal test.

H: DeformatiOn

Thickness after drop Note 2:

Analytical M

(2) Inner shell ditto 1 Bending stress b=7 standard of each stress

}Note 2 component is F

(3) Inn r bottom plate ditto Shear stress determined A

uslng Sm.

F (4) Upper part of inner ditto Shear stress Note 3:

shell (Inner lid) A Analysis standard of (5) Inner lid bolt ditto Bending stress = each stress component is determined M

(6) Fuel basket ditto Bending stress b=7 using Sy, Note 3 (7) Fuel element A ditto Bending stress M


Compression W

C=a stress 2 )

(8) Fuel element hold A ditto Bending stress b=7 M

dOwn part

Symbolsi I Principal stress t : Torsional stress b : Bending stress F  : Load

( ) Table A.4 Desittn conditions analvtical mothr AR of structural analvsis (16/24) c i Compressive stress P  : Pressure Shear stress A  : Cross section Design conditiOn Analytical methos Requirement ConditiOn Item Reference Design load Design Remark Material Temp. Applied fOrmula or element figure Type Loading factor Element standard Fissile Normal 2.2 Vertical drop package test 2 2.l Vertical drop Note l:

conditiOns (Bottom side) Effect of deformation (1) Deforttlation of shock ( ) Fig.A.96 Vertical drop Deformation = O v vill be udged absorber (Bottom side) O: Minimum thickness before in thermal from l.2m height drop test.

v: Deformation

Thickness after drop Note 2:

Analytical standard of each stress F

(2) Inner shell ditto 1 Compression °C=A component is stress determined using Sm (3) Inner bottom plate ditto 1 Combined stress Formula for fixed disc Note 3:

Analysis standard of each stress (4) Inner lid ditto 1 CoHlbined stress Formula for simply supported cottponent is disc determined using Sy.

(5) Inner lid bolt ditto 1 INote 3 F

(6) Fuel element A ditto Shear stress 2(h2 hl)b W

Tensile stress A

Note 3 1 Compression W

°C A stress (7) Fuel element hold A ditto Compression

°C=A W

down part stress

Symbols; Principal stress Torsional stress Bending stress Load (II) Table A.4 Desittn conditions. analvtical methOds of structural analvsis (17/24) Compressive stress Pressure Shear stress Cross section Design conditiOn Analytical lllethos Requirenlent Condition Item Reference Design load Design Remark Material Temp Applied fOrmula or element figure Type Loading factor Element standard Fissile Norlllal 2.2.2 Vertical drop package test (Lid side) Note l:

condition Effect of (1) Deformation of shock Vertical drop Deformation = v defOrmation absorber (Lid side) frOm O: Minimun thickness before vill be judged l.2m height drop in thermal v: Deformation test.

Thickness after drop Note 2:

F Analytical (2) Inner shell ditto Compression C=

standard of stress Note 2 each stress component is (3) Inner bottom plate dittO Combined stress Formula fOr fixed disc determined uS ng S .

(4) Inner lid ditto Combined stress Formula for simply supported Note 3:

disc Analysis (5) Inner lid bolt ditto Tensile stress R standard of ti n Ar INote 3 each stress conponent is F determined (6) Fuel Element A ditto Shear stress 2(12 hi)b using Sy.

1 Tensile stress


1 Compresslon W Note 3

°C=A stress (7) Fuel element hold A ditto 1 Compression C=

W down part stress 2.3 Corner drop Corner drop from nalyzed for each item of para.3 13 3 above from l.2m drop aorizontal and vertical component of impact (1) Inner lid bolt SUSIII Corner drop from 1 Bending stress max v+ H l.2m drop Nv W Lv vNIAX Ov=

(Lid side) 2 A NH W LH H AX OH=

2 Ar


Principal stress t : Torsional stress b : Bending stress F  : Load (H Table A4 1)F i gn conditi nn l vttir l mr O f ( iri lctural anal v rl R/,4 c Compresslve stress P  : Pressure


r r r Shear stress A  : Cross section Design conditiOn Analytical methOs Requlrement Condition Item Reference Design load Remark Material Temp Design figure Applied fOrmula or element Type Loading factor Element standard Fissile Normal 3. Stacking test package test condition (1) Inner shell Mass of package x5+Self veight Bending stress Ote l Note l:

Analysis standard of each stress component is determined using Su.

(2) Inner lid Mass of package x 5+Self veigh Combined stress Fornlula for simply supported Note 2 Note 2:

disc Analysis standard of each stress component is determined using Sy.

4 P n ttr ir n t (=

(1) Outer shell SUSI Impact on mild steel bar Absorbed energy E2=

d No penetra

( cri Shear strength)=0.6Su tion

Symbols; Principal stress Torsional stress Bending stress Load

( ) Table A.4 DesiFIn COnditions. analvtical methOds of structural analvsis (19/24) Compressive stress Pressure Shear stress Cross section Design condition Analytical methOs Requirement ConditiOn Ite Reference Design load l

Material Temp. Design Remark figure Applied fOrmula or element Type Loading factor Element standard Fissile Accident 1. Drop test I package test 1.l Vertical drop Note l:

conditions l.1.l Vertical drop Effect of (Bottom side) deformation vill be judged (1) Deformation of shock Vertical drop 1 Deformation = O v in thermal absorber (Bottom side) O: Minimum thickness before test.

from 9m height drop Note l v: Deformation Note 2:

Thickness after drop Analytical standard of each stress W component is (2) Inner shell ditto Compression C=A determined stress Note 3 using Su (3) Inner bottom plate ditto Combined stress Formula for fixed disc Note 3:

Analysis standard of each stress (4) Inner lid ditto 1 Combined stress Formula for simply supported component is disc Note 2 determined (5) Inner lid bolt dittO using Sy, F

(6) Fuel eletnent A ditto Shear stress 2(h2 hl)b W

Tensile stress ( t=A Compression W 1

°C=A 2 stress (7)Fuel element hold down A dittO Compression W part C=A stress

Symbols; Principal stress t i Torsional stress Bending stress F : Load

( ) Table A.4 DesiFIn COnditions, analvtical methods of structural analysis (20/24) Compresslve stress P : Pressure Shear stress A i Cross section Design condition Analytical methOs Requ rement ConditiOn Item Reference Design load Design Remark Material Temp. Applied formlula Or element figure Type Loading factor Element standard Fissile Accident 1,1.2 Vertical drop package test (Lid side) Note l:

conditions Effect of (1) Deformation of shock Vertical drop Deformation = v deformation absorber (Lid side) from  : Minimun thickness before will be udged 9m height drop Note l in thernlal v: Deformation test.

Thickness after drop Note 2:

Analytical F standard of (2) Inner shell ditto l Compression °C= each stress stress Note 2 component is determined (3) Inner bottom plate ditto Combined stress Formula for fixed disc using Su.

Note 3:

Analysis (4) Inner lid ditto 1 Combined stress ForHlula for simply supported standard of disc each stress F component is (5) Inner lid bolt ditto Tensile stress °1=

Ar determined using Sy.

F (6) Fuel element A ditto 1 Shear stress 2(h2 hl)b Note 3 W

Tensile stress °t=A Compression W

°C=A stress (7)Fuel element hold down A ditto 1 Compression C=A W

part stress

Symbolsi Principal stress t : Torsional stress Bending stress F : Load (H) Table A.4 Desittn conditions. analvtical methods of structural analvsis (21/24) Compressive stress P : Pressure Shear stress A : Cross section Design conditiOn Analytical methOs Requirement ConditiOn Item Reference Design load Design Remark Material Temp. Applied formula or element figure Type Loading factor Element standard Fissile Accident 1.2 Horizontal drop package test Note l:

conditions Effect of (1) Deformation of shOck Horizontal drop Deformation = H deformatiOn absorber from 9m height O: Minimum thickness before will be udged drop in thermal

Thickness after drop test.

H. Deformation Note 2:

Analytical (2) Inner shell ditto Bending stress M standard of b=z each stress component is determined (3) Inner bottom plate ditto Combined stress Formula for fixed disc INote 2 using Su Note 3:

(4) Upper part of inner F Analytical dittO Shear stress T=

shell (Inner lid) A standard of each stress component is (5) Inner lid bolt ditto Bending stress b= determined using Sy.

M (6)Fuel basket ditto Bending stress b=

3 A M (7) Fuel element dittO Bending stress b=

W Compression C=a stress 2 )

(8)Fuel element hold down part A ditto Bending stress b=z M


Principal stress Torsional stress b : Bending stress Load

( ) Table A.4 DesiFIn COnditions. analvtical meth Of structural in 1l v r,,/,4 c Compresslve stress Pressure

, Shear stress Cross section Design cOndition Analytical methos Requirement Condition Item Reference Design load Design Remark Material Tenlp. Applied formula or element figure Type Loading factor Element standard Fissile Accident 1.3 Corner drop Corner drop 1 Analyzed fOr each item of para l l and 1 2 above package test from 9m height from horizontal and vertical component of impact Note l:

conditions Analytical standard of each stress component is determlned using Sy.

(1)Inner lid b lt SUS 1 Corner drop 1 Bending stress max=v+ H from 9m height Nv V Lv v lAX (Lid side) 2 2.Ai NH W LH HMAX 2 ' Ai

Symbolsi Principal stress Torsional stress Bending stress Load

( ) Table A.4 Design conditions. analvtical methOds of structural analvsis (23/24) Compresslve stress Pressure Shear stress Cross section Design conditiOn Analytical methos Requirement ConditiOn Item Reference Design oad Design Remark Material Temp Applied formula or element figure Type Loading factor Element standard Fissile Accident 2. Drop test H package teset 2.l Penetration conditions (1) Outer lid Drop onto a mlld Penetration No bar from lm energy Penetra height tion (2) Outer bottom plate ditto Penetration No energy Pcnetra tion (3) Outer shell dittO Penetration No energy Penetra tion

3. Thermal test 3.l ThermaX expansion Note l:

Analytical (1) Gap betveen inner shell and fuel basket 4 Thermal expans on Compression Presence of gap between shell and basket free standard of each stress component is 3.2 Stress by pressure determined using Su.

(1) Inner shell Internal pressure Combined Stress Formula for thin cylinder Note 2:

(2) Inner bottom plate lnternal pressure Combined Stress Formula for fixed disc Note l Analytical standard of (3) Inner lid lnternal pressure Combined Stress Formula for simply supported each stress disc CO lpOnent ls determined (4) Inner lid bolt Initial torque Tensile stress F using Sy.

t=Al Note 2 F Note 3:

Internal pressure Tensile stress t=n Ai Initial margin of tightening Formula for displacement of h about .

(5) Displacement of Internal pressure Displacement O ring part of inner O ring part } Note 3 lid


Principal stress t : Torsional stress b : Bending stress F  : Load (H) Table A.4 Design conditions anal vti l mnthr of structural analvsis (24/24


c : Compressive stress P I Pressure

Shear stress A i Cross section Design conditiOn Analytical methos Requirement Condition Item Reference Design load Design Remark Material Applied formula Or elenlent figure Type Loading factor Element standard Fissile Acc dent 4. Water ittHlersion test package test 4.l Water immersion Note l:

conditions (0,9m depth) Analytical standard of (1) Inner shell External pressure 1 Combined stress Formula for thin cylinder each stress component is (2) Inner bottom plate External pressure 1 Combined stress Forlnula for fixed disc } Note l determlned using Su.

(3) Inner lid External pressure 1 Combined stress Formula for simply supported } Note 2 disc Note 2:

4B t Analytical (4) Buckling Of inner External pressure 1 Buckling stress PC=2D standard of shell }Note l each stress B : Buckling factor component is D  : Outer dianeter of inner determined shell using Su.

Note 3:

(5) Displacement of External pressure 1 Displacement Formula for displacenent of Initial margin O ring part of inner }Note 3 of tightening O ring part lid is about .

2 Weight and center of gravity As indicated in (I) Table C,3, the package weighs 950 kg in maximum. Its center of gravlty is shown in( ) Fi .A.1

( ) Fi . .l Position of center of ttravity A.3 Mechanical properties of materials

( ) Table.A.5 is a list of the mechanical properties of the materials used in the analysis

( ) Table.A.6 shows the mechanical properties of the materials to be used as analytic references.

In addition, the value based on the current appropriate source is indicated in

(). Even in a case where values based on these current, appropriate sources are used for mechanical property of major members etc, of this shipping cask, it is confirmed that the impact on the analysis result will be minimal, and there will be no problem for safety.

Mechanical properties of stainless steel and aluminum alloy versus temperature is indicated in( ) Fig.A.2,( ) Figo A.3,( ) Figo A.4, and

( ) A33

( ) Fi .A.5,

( ) Fi .A.6 and ( ) Fig.A.7 show a design fatigue curve for the analysist stress stFaln Curve of used as a shock absorber ls indicated in

( ) Fi g.A.8. The fi gures are quoted from reforences shown lateF.

( ) A34

( ) Table.A.5 Mechanical ies of materials Modulus of Linear Design Yield point Design stress longitudinal expanslon tensile of the design intensity Polsson s Stress stral Material Code Main applicatiOn parts elasticity E factor strength Su Sy Sm ratio n diagram

[N/mm2] [1/ ] [N/mm2] [N/mm2] [N/mm2]

Main body of inner shell


Main body of outer shell ( ) Fig.A.2 ( ) Fig.A.2 ( ) Figo A.2 ( ) Fig.A.2 ( ) Fig.A.2 Stainless steel SUSIII and outer lid (4/5) (5/5) (1/5) (2/5) (3/5)

( )

Fuel basket


Inner lid Stainless steel ( ) Fig.A.3 ( ) Fig.A.3 ( ) Fig.A.3

( ) Figo A,3 ( ) Fig.A.4 lnner lid clamping bolt (3/4) (4/4) (1/4) (2/4) (1/1)

Outer lid clamping bolt


Aluminum alloy A Fuel element (A)

( ) Figo A.5 (1/1)


Shock absorber ( ) Fig.A.8 Stainless steel: see Literature [2] Numbers shown in brackets ( )

Aluminum alloy : see Literature [14] lndicate the number of the sheets

see Literature [4] for the Figure No.

( ) Table.A.6 Mechanlcal properties of materl als tO be used as design standards Normal conditions Normal test conditiOns Accldent test cOnditiOns Accident test cOnditions (excluding thermal NO. Evaluated positiOn Material (only for thermal tests) tests)

T Sm Sy Su E T Sm Sy Su E Maln body of the lnner 1 SUSIIII shell 2 Inner lid SUSIIII SUSIIII 3 Fuel basket Maln body of the outer 4 SUSIIII shell 5 Outer lid SUSIIII Inner lid clamping bolt SUSIIII 6

7 Outer lid clamping bolt susIIII 8 Fuel element A 9

Fuel element hold down part A

T: Temperature [R3] Su: Design tensile strength [N/mm2] sm: Design stress intensity [N/mm2] sy: Design yield point [N/mm2]

E: Modulus of longitudinal elasticity[x 105N/ 2]  : Linear expansion factor[x 10Cl]

( ): Codes fOr Nuclear Power generation Facilities: Rules On f Materials Nuclear Power Plants(2012 edition)of the apan sOciety of mechanicalEngineers

) Fi .A.2 Variations in mechanical DrO erties of SUSIIl accordintt to chanttes in temDerature (1/5)

) A38


) A39


) A40


) A41


) A42


Fi A.3 Varlatlons ln mechan rties of accordi to c s in t rature olt material

) A44


Fi A 3 Variations in mechanical les of accordin t erature lt material

Fi A.4 Variations in me al rtles of accordi to c s ln t rature 1

Fi A.5 Variations in mechanical r ties of accordi to c s in t rature 1 1

( ) Fig.A.6 Desi gn fati r TT F i A .7 Desi n fati le curve

( ) A48

(I) Fi .A.8 Stress strain curve of shock absorber[4]

( ) A49

A.4 Requlrements of the package A.4.l Chemical and electrical reactions

( ) Table A.7 is a list of the different materials that come in contact vith each other in this package. The materials used in this package, being chemically stable in air, will not trigger any chemical or electrical reaction when coming in contact with one another.

( ) Table A.7 List of different materials contacted Posltions Materials Shock absorber Stainless steel Timber il;:: :I:: }

Inner shell Heat insulator Stainless steel Outer shell Inner shell main 0ring Stainless steel lnner lid Spacer Stainless steel

!r ::tet }

Protective sheets Spacer Protective sheets Fuel basket Protective sheets Peripheral shock absorber Protective sheets Fuel element Peripheral shock Fuel element Aluminum alloy absorber Cushion rubber Lower part of Stainless steel the fuel basket Gasket Stainless steel iii:: ::: }

Fitting bracket Fusible plug

( ) A50

A.4.2 Low temperature strength This package is a BU type package, as is indicated in (I) B. This sectiOn will demonstrate the reliability of the packaging in ambient conditions of 40R3.

The minimum temperatures of each part of the package and the materials involved are shown in( ) Table A.8.

( ) Table A.8 Minimum temDeratures of parts of package Minlmum Brittleness transition Citation, Evaluated position Material temperature temp./min, service literatures and

( ) temperature( ) references Aluminum 1 Content Aluminum alloy 40 No brittle fracture Hand Book[20]

2 Inner shell 40 No brittle fracture IS B 8270 stainless steel Stainless Steel 3 Outer shell 40 No brittle fracture Manual[16]

stainless steel Stainless steel 4 Inner lid stainless 40 Below 40 Heat steel Treatment[18]

5 Outer lid 40 No brittle fracture IS B 8270 stainless steel Stainless Steel 6 Fuel basket 40 No brittle fracture Manual[16]

stainless steel Inner lid clamping 7 stainless 40 Below 40 bolt Stainless steel steel Heat Outer lid clamping Treatment[18]

8 stainless 40 Below 40 bolt steel Summary of technology for 9 Inner lid O ring 40 Below 40 hybrid materials[21]

10 Shock absorber 40 Below 40 Appendices A.10.4 Internal data of 11 Heat insulator 40 Below 40 manufacturers E22]

stainless steels of the inner and outer shells, as shown in

( ) Figo A.103 and stainless steels of the inner lid and bolts as shown in ( ) Figo A.104 can maintain adequate value of strength

( ) A51

endurable to impulse at the temperature40qc, and also the Aluminum alloy used for fuel elements is free from any brittle fracture at the temperature 40R3, as show in ( ) Table.A.8.

The tolerable temperature for used for the O ring is lower then The 0ring preserves full sealing performance at 40R3.

used fOr the shock absorber, as shown in( ) Fig.A.100, can maintain the function as the shock absorber sufficiently at the temperature 40R3, since the material properties are free of any significant error at each temperatures, at room temperature, 20R3 and 40R3.

Therefore, at 40k3, this package is completely functional.

A.4.3 Sealing device After the fuel elements are stored in the main body of the inner shell, the inner lid is clamped with bolts and then secured with the outer lid. Thus, the inner lid cannot be opened inadvertently,

( ) A52

A.4.4 Holsting accessory The hoisting accessory described in this section is a hoisting eye plate fixed to the side of the main body of the outer shell. For design standard of the stress generated at the hoisting accessory, theyieldstressSy atthetemperatureofIIka is employed with safety margin, in consideration of 65X3, the maximum temperature at the point Of eye plate On the outer surface of the packaging on normal transportation, obtained by (II) B Thermal Analysis.

( ) Fig.A.9 shows an anal ytical model of an eye plate of the hoisting accessory for the maln body.

( ) Fig.A.9 nalytical model for eye plate The gross weight of a package lifted (mo)on a hOisting eye plate of the main body is 950 kg at the maximum, as indicated in ( ) Table c.3.

A maximum load F(N)appliedOnoneofIIIleyeplates when lifting a package is given by the following equation, with the load factor of 3.


( ) A53

where g: gravitational acceleration; g=9,81 [m/sec Therefore, when the upward vertical load , [N] as shown in

( ) Fig.A.9 works on the eye plate, stress on each cross section is analysed as follows.

(1) Section A A The shearing stress [N/mm2]generated in the shaded portion (section A A) of the eye plate shown in ( ) Fig.A.9 is given by the following equation.


A t,h where

Shearing stress [N/mm2]

F: Maximum load, [N]

[ lm]

t ]


[N/ lm2]

So it is less than the design standard value allowable correspond to shearing stress on the eye plate material(SUS

)0IN/mm d the margin of safety (MS) is Ms=0.6Sy (2) Section B B The bending stress b [N/mm2] generated at the fixing point of the eye plate as indicated in ( ) Fig.A.9 is given by the folloving equation.

M F b=7= 2/6 1

where M: Bending moment [N/mm2]

( ) A54

Zi Section modulus[ lm3]

1: Moment arm, [ lm]

b: Width of eye plat

[1 ]

ti Plate thickness, Therefore, b [N/11m2]

and it is less than the yield point of the design (S y /mm2)of the eye plate material 6us )

The margin of safety (MS) turns out MS=Sy1 b

And the shearing stress generated in the section B B is given by the following equation.


= = [N/Hlm2]

A txb It is therefore less than the design standard value allowable correspond to shearing stress on the eye plate material 6us )

The margin of safety (MS) is Ms=0.6Sy1 The composite stress [N/mm2] f the abOve mentioned bending stress b and shearing stress is given by the following equation.


= b+4 [N/mm2]

It is less than the yield point of the design of the eye plate material us )

The margin of safety (MS) is Ms= 41

( ) A55

(3) Welded part on the section BB

( ) Fig.A.10 Analvtical model of velded part on eye plate.

The bending stress b[N/mm2]generated on the welded fixing part of the eye plate shown in ( ) Fig.A.10 is given by the following equation I F,1 b= =

Z Z Where, b, bending stress N/11m2 M; bending moment N lm Z; Section modulus of the welded part Hlm3 F, maximum load N

moment arm ==50 Ilm where Z
Section modulus of the welded part [mm3]

z= 2a b2 6

a: Weld throat thickness, [ lm]

bi Width of a plate, [Hlm]

Therefore, b will be

( ) A56

b [N/11m2]

This is less than the design standard value on the welded part 2)

(0,45 sy=IIII /

The margin of safety (MS) is Ms=0,45Sy1 b

The shearing stress generated on the welded part of the section B B is given by the following equation F F

= = [N/ lm2]

A 2a b This is less than the design standard value allowable correspond to shearing strength on the welded part (0.45 0,6)(Sy=IIII N/mm2)

The margin of safety (MS) is 0.45x O.6x Sy 1 MS=

The composite stress [N/mm2]of the bending stress mentioned above b and the sheariRg stress is given by the following equation 2

b+4 [N/ lm2]

It is less than the design standard value on the welded part (0.4 The margin of safety (MS) is, Ms=0.45Sy1 The results of the analys is mentioned above is outlined in ( ) Table A.9.

As indicated in ( ) Table A.9, the margin of safety (MS) in every analysis is positive and the eye plate is sound during hoisting. When assuming that the number of years of use ls 60 years, the frequency of use is three times per year, and the number of handling processes per

( ) A57

transportation is 100 times, the repeat count of lifting will be 18,000 times. The maximum stress in the evaluation in (1) through (3)above is 21.6 [N/mm2], and the cyclic stress is 10,8 [N/mm2], vhich is lower than the peak stress intensity of 3.8x 102[N/mm2]at the repeat count of 18,000 in the design fatigue curve in (II) Fig. A.6, so the allowable repeat count is more than the repeat count during the planned period of use.

( ) A58

A,4.5 Tightening device This packaging is transported after being tightened by a device, shown in

( ) Fig.A.11.

The packaging and the tightening device are secured with an eye plate and a turnbuckle,

( ) Fig.A.1l Acceleration during transportation

( ) A59

The acceleration which occurs during transportation is 2G frOm front to rear, lG from left tO right, lG towards the top and 3G towards the bottom, as indicated in( ) Fig.A.11.

After taking the combined fOrce Of these factors into conslderation, the tensile strength applied to the turnbuckle due to the overturning moment around the supporting points and as indicated in ( ) Fig.A.1l is as follows:

2 HG tt R TA= x m x g[N]

2HT sin O,sec +2 cos 0 (1+COS ) E cos xmox g where TA : TenSile force of the turnbuckle taking as the supporting point TB : Tensile force of the turnbuckle taking as the supporting point HG : Gravity height, [ l ]

HT : Height to the center of the eye plate, [Hlm]

R: Outer radius of the packaging, E: Length where the eyeplate is fixed

Angle of the turnbuckle,
Direction angle of the eye plate, m : Mass of transportation packaging, mo= 950 [kg]

g: Gravitational acceleratiOn, g = 9.81 [m/s2]

The fol10wing equations are given, TA=


TherefOre, the tensile force is greater when point is taken as the supporting polnt


Thus, the stress analysis is conducted at this load level.

( ) A60

The f01lowing equations demonstrate the horizontal arld the vertical components of force (F and V)when the eye plate of the packaging receives the maximum tensile force T from the tie down turnbuckle during transport, T=

F= T sin [N]

V= T cos [N]

The analytical model for this case is displayed in ( ) Fig. 12

( ) Fi .A.12 Analvtical model for eye plate

( ) A61

The following is an analysis of the stress generated in each cross section when the directional load of the turnbuckle T [N]is applied to the eye plate as indicated in ( ) Figo A.12.

(1) A A cross section The following equation demonstrates the shearing stress (N/mm2) generated in the shaded portion (A A cross section)of the eye plate shown in( ) Fig.A 12.


A t h where shearing stress [N/mm2]

T: maximum load, [N]

t: board thickness, [Hlm]

Therefore i ]


It is less than the design standard value allowable correspond to shearing strength (0.6Sy =III1/mm2 f the eye plate material (SUS III).

The margin of safety MS is Ms=0.6Sy1 (2) B B cross section The following equation demonstrates the bending stress b(N/mm2) generated in the fixed part (B B crOss section)of the eye plate shown in

( ) Figo A.12.

M V b = =tb2/6 where Mi bending moment [N mm]

( ) A62

zi section modulus [mm3]

Vi vertical component force, [N]

ti eye plate board thickness, [ lm]

Therefore, b [N/mm2]

is obtained, and it is less than Yield point of the design 6y /mm2) of the eye plate material (SUS III)

The margin of safety MS is MS=Sy1 b

The shearing stress generated in the B B cross section is given by the following equation V V

= = [N/ lm2]

A txb It is less than the design standard value allowable correspond to shearing stress (0,6Sy=III /mm2) f the eye plate material (SUS III)

The margin of safety (MS) is Ms=0.6Sy1 The composite stress (N/mm2) f the bending stress ( b(N/mm2) mentioned above and the shearing stress is given by the following equation 2

= b2+4 [N/mm2]

It is less than Yield point of the design (Sy =III /mm2) f the eye plate maten ttUS )

The margin of safety (MS) is MS=Sy1

( ) A68

(3) Welded part Of B B cross section

( ) Fig.A. 3 Analytical model for velded part of eye plate The following equation demonstrates the bending stress b(N/mm2) generated in the welded part of the fixed part of the eye plate shown in

( ) Figo A.13.

M V 1 b= =

Z Z where Z: Section mOdulus of the welded part, 2a

a. Throat depth, b: Board width, Therefore, b is b [N/mm2]

This is less than the design standard value(0,45Sy= he


welded part,

( ) A64

The margin of safety (MS) is Ms=0.45Sy1 b

The shearing stress generated at the welded part of the B B cross section is given by the following equation V V

= = [N/mm2]

A 2a b This is less than the design standard value allovable correspond to shearing stress (0,45 0.6) Sy=IIII /mm2) f the welded part, The margin of safety (MS) is 0.6x sy1 Ms=0.45x The composite stress (N/mm2) f the bending stress b and the shearing stress is given by the following equation 2

= b+4 [N/ lln2]

This is less than the design standard value (0,45S y=IIII / .lm2) f the welded part.

The margin of safety (MS) is Ms=0.45Sy1 A summary of the results Of the above mentioned analyses is given in

( ) Table A.9.

As shown in ( ) Table A.9, the margin of safety (MS)Of the results of the analyses being positive in each case, the eye plate is sound when tied down.

( ) A65

( ) Table.A.9 Summary of analyses under rOutine transport The design Analysis Conditions Analysis item Type of 10ad Design standard standard value result Margin of safety MS

[N/mm2] [N/mm2]

Holstintt accessorv 1.Eye plate during hoisting Weight Of the package)(3 A A cross section (1)Shearing stress 0.6Sy B B 1) Bending stress Sy cross section 2) Shearlntt stress O.6Sy

3) Composlte stress Sy B B (1)Bending stress 0 45Sy cross section (2)Shearing stress 0 27Sy (welded part) (3)Composite stress 0 45Sy Routine transport TiFrhtenintt device Acceleration 2.Eye plate in tie down position Left right:lG Front rear:2G A A Top :lG Cross section (1)Shearing stress Bottom :3G 0.6Sy B B (1)Bending stress Sy cross section (2)Shearing stress O.6Sy (3)Composite stress Sy B B 1)Bending stress 0 45Sy cross section 2)Shearing stress 0 27S (welded part) 3)Composite stress 0 45Sy

A.4.6 Pressure We shall analyze the sOundness and sealing performance of the packaging in the case where external pressure would decrease to 60 kPa When external pressure decreases to 60 kPa, the pressure in the inner shell is P2 = PO Pa = 0,1013 0.060 = 0.048 [MPa]

vhere PO:I111ler shell initial internal pressure(atmOspheric presst re),P00.1013[MPa]

Pa  : External pressure after pressure decrease, Pa= 0,060 [MPa]

For purposes of stress evaluation, in A.5 1,3 Stress Calculation, the internal pressure utilized in the packaging is In this section, ve will analyze the internal pressure, utilizing the total of differential pressure P=Pl+P2= [MPa]

The stress evaluation parts and the analysis method are the same as in section A.5,1.3 and the results of the stress evaluation are shown in ( ) Table A.10

( ) A67

Stress units

( ) Table A.10 Stresses evaluatir n ilnAf r r hinf,F rl nr N/mm2 Stress Stress Primary+secondary Stress due Primary stress Fatigue Stress at due tO stress to internal initial thermal Pm(PL) Sm MS 1 5Sm MS pressure PLttPb PLttPb 3Sm MS PL+Pb Sa N Na DF MS clamping expansion Q Q+F 1 Inner shell 500 Bottom plate 2 of the inner 500 shell 3 Inner lid 500 Inner lid 4

clamping bolt Displacement of the (3) Residual margin of tightening of O ring 5

inner lid O ring 4¶ e t= lbm Pm ;General primary membrane stress, PL :Local primary membrane stress, Pb ;Primary bending stressi Q ,Secondary stressi F ,Peak stress; Sa;Repeated peak stress; N :Number of uses; ot ,Ability of bolt stress Na ;Permissible number of repetitioni DF i Cumulative fatigue coefficienti Sm:Design stress intensity value; Sy ;Yield point of the design; MS i Margin of safety; * ;Stress concentration factor 4 ri Diameter direction stress ;Periphery dire tion stress 2 ;Axial stress

( ) A68

A.4.7 VibratiOn This package is secured with a turnbuckle on a tightening device, as indicated in (I)Fig,C.2. The turnbuckle is safely secured in order to avoid loosening due to vibration from the transport vehicle. Hence, ve shall assume that no vibrations will be caused by this. Below, ve shall calculate the natural frequency of the package itself, which will be compared to the vibration caused by the vehicle or ship of transport, and demonstrate that this will not cause the package to resonate durlng transport.

(1)Vibrations of the packaging

( ) Fig.A.14 shows an anal ytical model for the vibration of the packaging.

( ) Fig.A.14 Vibration analytical model of packagingl

( ) A69

As is indicated in ( ) Figo A.14, by assuming that the packaging is a mass system supported by four types of parallel springs, the natural frequency at that time can be given by the following equation [8]:

o= x103 [rad/sec]

m Therefore, K x103 fO= = [Hz]

m where O I Natural angular frequency of the packaging [rad/sec]

fO  : Natural frequency of the packaging [Hz]

m I Package mass, m=950 [kg]

K  : Parallel spring constant[kg/mm]

K= 4 = ki = Kl + K2 + K3 + K4 i=1 4 A2E2+A3E3+A4E4

= =AIE i=1 11 11 12 13 14 Al . Cross section of the relnfOrcement, [ lm2]

A2 : Cross section of [ lm2]

A3 : Cross section of the outer shell board, [Hlm2]

A4 : Cross section of the turnbuckle, [Hlm2]

El : Modulus of longitudinal elasticity of the reinforcement;


E2 : Modulus of l ongitudinal elasticity of


E3 : Modulus of l ongitudinal elasticity of the outer shell board,


E4 : Modulus of longitudinal elasticity of the turnbuckle,


11 : Length of the reinforcement, [ lm]

( ) A70

12 : Length of the balsa, IIIIIII [mm]

13 : Length of the Outer shell board, [ lm]

14 : Length Of turnbuckle, [ lm]

Therefore, kl , Sprlng constant of the relnforcement, [N/11m]

k2 : Sprlng constant of [N/mm]

k3 : Spring constant of the inner shell board, [N/mm]

k4 : Sprlng constant of the turnbuckle, [N/Hlm] Thus, K

Therefore, the natural frequency is f [Hz]

Thisnatural frequencyofIIIHz lsOutslde thevlbrationrangeofOto 50 Hz, which is the range of the vibration that the vehicle or ship is subject to during transport.

Therefore, there is no possibility of coincidental vibration.

In addition, the expected frequency during transportation is about O tO 50 [Hz], which is cOnsiderably different from the natural frequency, so the input excitation force may not be amplified.

Therefore, because the acceleration expected to be generated in the body during transportation is well within the free fall or others under general test conditions, cracks or failures will not occur in the transport package.

(2)Fuel basket The fuel basket is supported by a spacer in the inner shell, and will not receive directly any external vibration.

( ) A71

The fuel element is also protected at top and bottom by spacer, and will nOt receive any vibrations, (3) Evaluation The natural frequenCy of this packaging is higher than the vibration generated by the transport vehicle, and so, coincidental resonance will not occur.

Therefore, the inner lid clamping bolt and other clamping devices will not loosen during transport, and sealing performance will be fully preserved In addition, the fuel basket and the fuel element are supported by rubber inside the inner shell, and soundness will be fully preserved despite the vlbrations durlng transport.

( ) A72

A.5 Normal test conditions This package is a BU type package. Therefore, the normal test conditions defined on the regulation are as follows, (1)Water spray test The following tests shall be performed after test (1).

(2) Free drop test (3) Stacking teSt (4) Penetration test The following test shall be performed after tests (1) to (4)

(5) One week period placed in an environment of 40R3 to 38kD.

The following section will analyze the effect to the package caused by the tests mentioned above, The results of this analysis shall demonstrate that the design standards for normal test conditions are satisfied.

A.5,l Thermal test A.5.1.1 0utline of temperature and pressure This section is a summary of the pressure and temperature used for design analysis under normal test conditions.

(1) Design temperature As determined in ( ) B,4 2 Maximum Temperature, the package temperature may rise to a maximum of 65R3. Therefore, the design temperature under normal test conditions shall be conservatively determlned to be , adopting a margin of safety, as indicated in

( ) Table A.11, for both the inner and outer shells

( ) A73

( ) Table A.1l Design temDerature under normal test conditiorls Part Design temperature( )

1 Fuel element 2 Fuel basket 3 Main body of the inner shell 4 Inner lid 5 Outer shell

( ) A74

(2)Design pressure As determined in ( ) B,4.4 Maximum lnternal Pressure, the internal pressureoftheinnershellmayincreaseuptolIIIIMPaingaugepressure Therefore, the design pressure in normal test conditions shall be conservatively determined as MPa, adopting a margin of safety, as indicated in ( ) Table A.12.

( ) Table A.12 Desittn oressure under normal test conditions No. Portion Design pressure 1 In the inner shell G

( ) A75

A.5,1,2 Thermal expansion This section will assess the stress generated when differential thermal expansion causes the inner shell and fuel basket to come into contact, The analy tical model is shown in( ) Fi .A.15

( ) Fig.A.15 Analytical model of thermal expanSlon The increase intemperature inthefuel basketandthe inner shell isIIR3, as indicated in ( ) B Thermal Analysis. There is no temperature difference, where thermal expansion does not occur, since the two parts are made of the same material (SUS III)

There is also practically no temperature difference between the outer and

( ) A76

inner shells. The inner shell will not be influenced by thermal expansion of the outer shell.

Therefore, no stress will be generated by thermal expansion in the fuel basket and inner shell.

A.5,1.3 Stress calculation Stress calculation shall be conducted in this section.

Temperature gradient, loads from the outside and pressure may generate stress ln each part of the package.

The ratio of the inner shell's inner radius to the board thickness is higher than II and can be considered as a thin cylinder, Therefore, temperature differences will little occurre inside the board thickness of the shell. Also, although the inner lid and the bottom plate of the inner shell are thicker than the other parts, temperature differences will have little possibity of occurring since these parts are protected by heat insulators and shock absorbers, as in the outer lid.

The same applies to the fuel basket, where the board thickness is This thinness will make it improbable for temperature differences to occur.

Therefore, since the thermal stress due to temperature differences in the plate thickness of the parts of the packaging is minimal, this stress is not calculated in this section.

Next, ve shall analyze the stress generated in each part by internal pressure, keeping in mind the fact that the internal pressure of the inner shell is the pressure used in the package.

We shall also analyze the inner lid clamping bolt, which is a crucial part in the sealing boundary, after taking into consideration the initial clamping strength and thermal expansion.

( ) A77

(1) Stress evaluation positions The stress evaluation position of the inner shell under normal test conditions is shown in( ) Fig.A.16. In this section, the main stress shall be determined, the different types of stress being shown in ( ) Table A.13 A stress evaluation will be conducted in section A.5,1.4 Code Evaluation position Side of inner shell Bottom plate of inner shell Inner lid Inner lid O ring displacement Inner lid clamping bolt

( ) Figo A.16 Stress evaluation position under normal test conditions

( ) A78

lnner shell ln the center of the inner shell, pressure inside the inner shell shall be utilized as internal pressure.

The analytical model of the stress generated in the center of the inner shell which subjected to internal pre ssure is showxl in( ) Fi .A.17. The stress

( , z,( r)generated in the center of the shell is given as a thin cylinder by the following equations [7]:

( ) FiFr.A.17 Stress analysis model of inner shell center portion

=L 2t z=PDm 4t P

r 2

where i Circumferential stress [N/ lm2]

z  : Axial stress [N/11m2]

r  : Radial stress [N/11m2]

P: Design pressure inside the inner shell, [MPa[gauge]

Dm l I Inner shell mean diameter, Dm =D + t [Hl ]

ti Inner shell board thickness, t [ lm]

D: Inner shell bore, D [ lm]

Thus, the stresses are


z= [N/mm2]


( ) A79

Bottom plate Of the inner shell

( ) Fig.A.18 shows an anal ytical model fOr the stress on the bottom plate of the inner shell when receiving internal pressure.

The stress generated in the fixed part of the peripherally supported disc lS, a 5


l ) Fig.A.18 Stress analysis model of inner P (Inner surface) shell bottom plate w

i Circumferential stress [N/ lm2]

z  : Axial stress [N/ lm2]


r i Radial stress [N/

P: Design pressure inside the inner shell,


a: Radius of inner shell bottom plate, [ lm]

hi Wall thickness of inner shell bottom plate,

[ lm]

Therefore, the stresses are

[N/ lm2]


[N/ lm2]

The double signs of the stress values correspond to the inner and outer surface respectively.

( ) A 0

Inner lid

( ) Fig.A.19 shows an anal ytical model of the stress on the inner lid when receiving internal pressure.

The stress ( , r, z )generated in the peripherally simply supported disc ls maxlmum at the center 4

z= P (Inner surface) where

Circumferential stress [N/mm2]

r : Radial stress [N/mm2]

z : Axial stress [N/mm2]

P: Design pressure inside the inner shell,


a: Radius of inner shell bottom plate,


h: Wall thickness of inner shell bottom plate,

[ lm]

Therefore, the following values are obtained,

= [N/mm2]

[N/ lm2]

The double sign indicates the inside for the top, the outside for the bottom.

( ) Fig.A.19 Stress analysis model of inner lid center portion

( ) A 1

Inner lid O ring displacement An analytical model of the inner lid O ring displacement is shown in

( ) Fig.A.20, An displacement ( lm)Of the simply supported disc shown in( ) Fig. .20 can be determined by the following equations [7]:

4 P

a 64D (1 (


where P: Design pressure in the lnner shell, [MPa[gauge))

. Polsson s ratio, a: Radius of the support points circle of the inner lid, [ lm]

r. Distance from the center to the evaluation int, rl . radius of inner O rlng groove, [Hlm]

D: Inner lid bending stiffness, D= [N mml EI Modulus of longitudinal elasticity E [N/mm2]

hi Minimum plate thickness of the inner lid, [ lm]

Therefore, the displacement i of the groove portion of the inner O ring is


i is sufficiently smaller than the initial clamping value

( ) Fig.A.20 Analytical model of inner lid O ring displacement

( ) A 2

Inner lid clamping bolt The stress generated by initial clamping stress, internal pressure and thermal expansion shall be analyzed regarding the inner lid clamping bolt (hereinafter referred to as bOlt").

(a) Initial clamping stress The analytical model figure of the stress generated by the initial clamping force in the bolt is shown in( ) Fig.A.21.

The tensile stress t generated in the bolt as shOwn in( ) Fig.A.21 is given by the equation F


Ai Fi A.21 Stress anal is model of bo inner lid initial cl 1 stres Where F : Initial clamping force of the bolt, T

F= [N]

k d T I Initial clamping torque, [N lm]

k i Torque coefficlent,IIIIII d : Nominal diameter of the bolt, [ lm]

Ai: Cross section of the trough radius of the bolt Ai= di2= [.lm2]

4 di: Minimum diameter of the bolt, di =IIIIIII [Ilm]

Therefore, the following value is obtained t= [N/mm2]

( ) A 3

(b) Stress due to internal pressure The analytical model of the stress generated by the internal pressure in the bolt is shown in( ) Fig A.22.

The tensile stress t generated in the bolt as shown in ( ) Fig.A.22 is given by the following equation where ri Radius of the surface recelvlng pressure, [Ilm]

P  : Design pressure in the inner shell, [MPa[gauge))

Ar Cross section of the minimum diameter of the bolt

[ lm2]

n Number of bolts, Theref the tensile stress is t [N/mm2]

( ) Fi .A.22 Stress analysis model of bolt of inner lid (stress due to internal pressure)

( ) A 4

(c) Stress due to thermal expansiOn The analytical model of the stress generated by thermal expansion in the bolt is shown in( ) Fig. .23.

The temperature Of the bolt and of the inner lid isIIIr), in accordance with

( ) B Thermal Analysis, and there is no temperature difference. The material also is the same, the SUJ Stress due to thermal expansion is negligible.

( ) Fi .A.23 Stress analvsis mode1 0f bolt of inner lid (stress due to thermal expansion)

A.5,1,4 Comparison of allowable stress The results of stress evaluation related to each of the analyses conducted in section( ) A.5.1.3 are sunlmarized in(I) Table A.13.

As is shown in this table, the margin of safety against the design standard value allocated to each case, whether they are simple or multiple loads, is positive.

Even if the ambient temperature changes from40° C to 38° C, there will be no consequences on thermal expansiOn and thermal stress.

Therefore, under normal test conditions (thermal test), the sOundness of the package can be malntalned.

In addition, in the case where the number of usage of the package is set at 500 , the margin of safety in regard to allowable cycles is, as shown in( ) Table A.13, positive. Therefore, the soundness of the packaging will not be lost

( ) A 5

through repeated loads.

Times of use N = 3/year)(60 years)(tolerance ratio 500 times

( ) A86

Stress units (H) Table A.13 Stress evaluatiOn under normal test conditions (thermal test) N/mm2 Stress Stress Stress Primaryttsecondary Primary stress Fatigue Stress at due tO due tO stress initial internal thermal Pm(PL) Sm MS PL+Pb 1.5Sm MS 3Sm PLttPb MS PLttPb Sa N Na DF MS clamping pressure expanslon Q QttF 1 Inner shell 500 Bottom plate 2 of the inner 500 shell 3 Inner lid 500 4 Inner lid clamping bolt 500 (1)Displacement (3)R llar ring Displacement of the (2) Initial c 5 1 inner lid O ring llII:llightening of O Pm i Ceneral primary membrane stressI PL ;Local primary membrane stressI Pb ;Prinlary bending stross; Q ;Secondary stress; F  ; Peak stress, Sa;Repeated peak stressi N ,Number of uses; ;Ability of bolt stress Na ; Permissible number of repetition, DF i Cumulative fatigue coefficient; Sm i Design stress intensity value; Sy ;Yield point Of the design; MS i Margin of safety:

  • i Stress concentration factor = 4 r; Diameter direction stress o oIPeriphery direction stress 2 'Axial stress

A.5.2 Water spray The outside surface of this packaging is made of stainless steel, and there ls no water absorption. Therefore, there ls no posslbility of degradation of the material due to the spraying of water.

In addition, This i rlsks of water entering inside the packaging.

A.5,3 Free drop The weight of this package is maximum 950 kg, Since it is below 5000 kg, the free drop height under normal test conditions is determined by regulation standards as l.2 m.

The free drop posture is analyzed for the following four cases:

1) Horizontal drop
2) Vertical drop (lid side and bottom side)
3) Corner drOp (lid side and bottom side)
4) Inclined drop (lid side and bottom side)

The purposes of this analysis are,

1) To demOnstrate that the sealing performance of the inner shell is preserved by demonstrating that the deformation wrought by a free drop do not extend to the inner shell which is the sealing boundary, 2)The inner shell will not be damaged by the shock caused by the free drop, and will preserve full leak tightness.
3) There is nO damage of the contained material.

(1)Analysis method The following are the analysis conditions for the stress generated in the contained material, the fuel basket, the main body of the packaging and for the deformation of the transport packaging in the case where the 88( ) A

package would be subjected tO a free drop test of l 2m.

(a)Deformation l)The drOp energy of the package will be completely absorbed by the shock absorber in the case where the shock surface is a rigid body.

Therefore, the deformation of the outer shell will be the deformation of the shock absorber.

This is conservative assumption ignoring absorption by the steel plate or the heat insulator.

2) The deformation and acceleration caused by the shock absorber shall be calculated on the basis of the shock absorbing function analysis program CASH " indicated in A.10.1.

(b)Stress l)The drOp energy of the package shall be absorbed by the deformation of the steel plate utilized in the shock absorber, the main body of the outer shell and the outer lid.

2) The acceleration utilized in the stress analysis (hereafter referred to as design acceleration) shall be l.2 times the calculation value (acceleration generated in the shock absorber)of CASH (this value was determined through comparison with test results as indicated in section A.10 1)plus the acceleration of the steel plate.

This is a safety evaluation since the shock strength present in the package will be combined to the acceleration of the shock absorber and the acceleration of the steel plate.

Design acceleration = calculation results of CASH x 1.2

+acceleration due to steel plate.

3)Generated acceleration of the steel plate will be determined using

( ) A89

simplified calculations

( ) A90

(2) Drop energy The weight of the package utilized in the analysis is 960 kg as indicated in A.2 Weight and Center of Gravity." The drop energy is Ea = Ev = m g h where Ea: Energy absorption of the shock absorber [ ]

Ev: Drop energy of the package [ ]

mI Package mass, m=950 [kg]

h: Drop height, h=1 20 [m]

gi Gravitational acceleration, g =9.81 [m/s2]

Therefore, the follOwing value is obtained Ea=Ev=960x 9.81x 1.2=1,12x 104 [ ]

=1.12x 107 [N n]

(3) Performance of the shock absorbers obtained by means of the CASH analysis program The results of the deformation in the shock absorber and of the acceleration through the shock absorbers performance analysis program CASH II are shown in ( ) Table A.14.

The acceleration which is l.2 times the results of the C SH II program utilized in the analysis is also shown in the above table.

( ) A91

( ) Table A.14 Deformation and acceleration of shock absorber under normal test conditions cceleration(x g)

Deformation Drop posture Calculation

( lm) x 1,2 value Horizontal Lid side Vertical Bottom slde Lid side Corner Bottom side 5° 15° 30° Lid side 45° 60° 75° 85° Inclined 5° 15° 30° Bottom side 45° 60° 75° 85°

  • This is the angle of the center line of the package to the drop direction.

(same be10w) where g: Gravitational acceleration, g = 9,81 [m/s2]

( ) A92

(4) Increase in acceleration caused by steel plate (1)HorizOntal drop We will obtain the increase in acceleration caused by the steel plate during a horizontal drop.

The po sition of evaluation is shown in( ) Fig.A.24.

Code Position of evaluation Outside cylinder steel plate Outer lid flange Stiffening ring Outer shell panel Partition Eye plate Eye plate fixation plate Flange of the main body of the outer shell Eye plate fixation leg

( ) Fi .A.24 Acceleration evaluation position of steel plate for horizontal drop

( ) A93

OutSlde cylinder steel plate An analytical model of the Outside cylinder steel plate as an annulus ring on which the whole veight of the package rests uniformly is shown in

( ) Fig.A.25.

( ) Fig.A.25 Acceleration analysis model of outer shell plate for horizontal drop As is indicated in ( ) Fig.A.25, the bending moment of the annulus ring on which the uniform load w rests, can be given by the following equation.

M= wR2(cos ot+ Sin +cos osin2 )Sin O}

COS O+(0 In the above equation, M is maximum at = , and the following is
obtalned, 3 . 2 M= wR2 +Sin cos +(2 )sin

( 2 ) }

When the stress generated by the bending moment becomes equal to the deformation stress s, the maxlmum reslstance force F may be generated.

wR2((: Sin2 )Sin M )cos Ot+(2( l s= =

Zp Zp Therefore, the uniform load w at this time is given by the following

( ) A94

S Zp W=

3 .


+Sin (X COS (2 )sin 2 )

Therefore, the maximum resistance force is the following 27[ S Zp F= 2 wR=

+sln2 COS (2 )sin 2 )

vhere M: Bending mOment of the annulus ring [N mm]

w: Uniform load [N/mm]

F: Maximum resistance force [N]

R Radius of the annulus ring, [mm]

s: Deformation stress (at ordinary temperatures),


Arbitrary angle based on OC [rad]

. Radius of the deformed part, 1 R 42020.9

( =COS CO S =18.15° =0.317 [rad]

( R ) ( 420

Deformation, [Ilm]

Zp: Plasticity section modulus, b: Annulus ring widt h: Annulus ring thicknes SIIIIIIII Therefore, the maximum resistance force is,

( ) A95

The equation of the increase in acceleration NHl caused by the outside cylindrical steel plate is, N = [m/s2]

m vhere m: Mass of transportation packaging, m=950 [kg]

( ) A96

O Flange of the outer lid The analytical model is shown in ( ) Figo A.25, as with section A.5 3 (4)(1)(3) But, Since the defOrmation has not reached the annulus ring, the in the moment equation is given as O.

The cross section of the flange of the outer lid is g iven in( ) Fi .A.26

( ) Fig.A.26 Cross section of outer shell lid flange The maximum resistance force is given by the following [10]

F= s Zp=

where F: Maximum resistance force [N]

RI Radius of the annulus ring, [Hlm]

S Deformation stress (at ordinary temperatures), S


Zp Section ity, zp = lbh2= [Him3]

( ) A97

b: Annulus ring wid [ lm]

h: Annulus ring thickness, [ lm]

Therefore, the increase in acceleration NH2 CauSed by the flange of the outer lid is, NH2= [m/s2]

( ) A98

O Stiffenlng ring The analytical model is shown in ( ) Fig.A.25, as with section A.5 3(4)(1) The maximum resistance force is given by the following equation [10]

2 s F=

3 .

R +Sin (2 )sin 2 )COS where FI Maxlmum reslstance force [N]

R: Radius of the annulus ring, [ lm]

s: Deformation stress(ordinary temperature), ( s I

Deformation amount,
Half angle of the deformed part, 1


(¥) [rad]

Zp section modulus of plasticity [mm3],

Zp= ((bh)2+h2 )

h h:Ring thickness,


Therefore, F is Therefore, the increase in acceleration NH3 due tO the stiffening ring is

( ) A99

NH3= [m/s2]

( ) A100

Panel of the outer lid The analytical model is shown in A 27.

( ) Fig.A.27 Acceleration analysis model of outer shell head plate for horizontal drop As indicated in( ) Fig.A.27, bending moment is generated by the reaction force of the drop in the outer lid panel at the curved point of the head.

When the stress produced by this bending moment becomes equal to the deformation stress s, the maxlmum reslstance force F, assumlng that it is generated, is given by the equation F= Zp=

where F: Maximum resistance force [N]

s: Deformation stress (room temperature), [N/ ln12]

Zpi Section modulus of plasticity,


Ci Shock absorber deformation wldth, [ lm]

( ) A101

h: Panel thickness, [ lm]

r: Radius of the corner, [ lm]

Therefore, the following equation is given.

F= [N]

Two panels are provided in the packaging, and the increase in acceleration NH4 CauSed by the outer lid panel is 2 F NH4= [m/s2]


( ) A102

Partition The analytical model is shown in ( ) Fig.A.25, as with section A.5,3(4)(i) But, since the deformation has not reached the annulus ring, in the moment equation is given as O.

The cross section of the par tition is given in( ) Fig.A.28

( ) Figo A.28 Cross section of partition plate The maximum resistance force is given by the following equation F= z where F: Maximum resistance force [N]

RI Radius of the annulus ring, [Ilm]

z : Deformation stress (at ordinary temperatures), z


Zp: Plasticity section modulus,

( ) A103

Zp= lb h2 [.lm3]

b: Annulus ring width,

[Hl ]

h: Annulus ring thickness,

[ lm]

Therefore, the increase in acceleration NH5 CauSed by the partition is obtained by the following.

NH5= [m/s2]

( ) A104

o Eye plate The analytical model is shown in ( ) Fig.A.29

( ) Fig.A.29 Deformation analysis model of eye plate As is indicated in ( ) Fig.A.29, when the eye plate is hit by a direct force, maxlmum compresslon stress ls generated at the cross section X X.

When this stress is equal to the deformation stress ( s, maximum resistance force F is generated, shown by the following equation F= s A = s (b d) t where FI Maximum resistance force [N]

s: Deformation stress (at room temperatures), s IIIIII[N/mm2]

A: Evaluated cross sectional area [ lm2]

b: Eye plate width,IIIIIII [mm]

ti Eve plate board thicknessIIIIIII [mm]

d: Eye plate hole radius,IIIIIIl [mm]



The increase in acceleratiOn NH6 due tO the eye plate is obtained by the following equation.

NH6= [m/s2]

( ) A105

Eye plate fixation plate The analyt ical model is shown in ( ) Fig.A 30

( ) Fi .A.30 Analytical model of eye plate fixing late As is indicated in ( ) Fig.A.30, the fixed bridge beams which receive the concentrated load in their center generate maximum bending moments on both extremlties, When this stress is equal to the deformation stress s, maximum resistance force F is generated, shown by the following equation [7]

F= s Zp

÷ where F: Maximum resistance force [N]

s: Deformation stress (at ordinary temperatures), s


ZpI Plasticity section modulus, Zp= lb h2 b: Eye plate width, hi Eye plate board thickness, 1: Distance between fixed points, [ lm]

Therefore, F= [N]

The lncrease ln acceleration NH7 due tO the eye plate

( ) A106

fixation plate is obtained by the following equation NH7=

( ) A107

Flange Of the outer shell The analytical model is shown in( ) Fig.A.31

( ) Fi . 31 Analytical model of flange of outer shell As indicated in ( ) Fig.A.31, the fixed beam, having a long thin rectangular cross section, suffers side buckling when receiving the concentrated load on its center. If this buckling load is equal to the maximum resistance force F, it is given by the following equation[19]


where iei h ]

By : Bending rigidity on Y axis, By= Ebh3 [N n2]

E: Modulus of longitudinal elasticity (at ordinary temperatures);


h: Flange board thickness,IIIIIIB [ lm]

b: Flange point width, [ lm]

( ) A108

C: Twisting rigidity, C= 630÷ (10 )G


G: Modulus of transverse elasticity (at ordinary temperatures);


Therefore, F is F= [N]

The increase in acceleration Nl18 CauSed by the flange in the main body of the outer shell is


( ) A109

Eye plate fixation lug The analyt ical model is shown in( ) Figo A.32.

As indicated in( ) Fig.A.32, when the compression stress at the X X cross section is equal to the defOrmation stress ()s, maXimum resistance force F is generated and given by F= s A = s 2h (bl + b2) where F: Maximum resistance force [N]

s: Deformation stress (at room temperatures); [N/ lm2]

A: Evaluated cross sectional area [.lm2]

Plate nh b2 1 Plate width, IIIIIIII [ lm]

h: Plate thickness, IIIIII [nlm]



The increase in acceleration NI19 due the eye plate fixation leg is, NH9= [m/s2]

( ) A 0

Based on the results mentioned so far, the equation for the total increase in acceleration caused by the steel plate during the horizontal drop is NH = NHl+ NH2+ NH3+ NH4+ NH5+ N.6+ NH7+ NH8+ NH9


( ) A111

(li)Vertical drop We shal1 0btain the increase in acceleration caused by the steel plate during a vertical drOp. An analytical model is given in

( ) Fig.A.33.

A.33 Acceleration anal is model of steel late for vertical drop As indicated in ( ) Fig.A 33, the resistance force is the addition of the strength FI which compresses the outside cylinder corner and the strength F2 WhiCh compresses the conical reinforcement plate.

The deformation of the steel plate is equal to the deformation of the shock absorber indicated in ( ) Table A.14. The resistance forces Fl and F2, WhiCh arise when the stress is equal to the deformation stress, can be obtained by the following equations.[17]

Fl2 hrsln2 s F2=2 h(R2+ tan )cos s where Fl : Outside cylinder corner resistance force [N]

( ) A112

F2 : Conical reinforcement plate resistance force [N]

h i Board thickness, lln]


r : Radius of the outside cylinder corner,

Angle for deformation ,

[ lm]

=COS l(1


deformation, Lid side vertical drop : lm]




Bottom side vertical drop : 2 [Hlm]

l 2

R2 Radius of the upper part of cone,

iitiid:il:ri!:iic!i° irip : : :IIIIIIIII
!ICi:iiaiti::!eia: !!iliemperatureS), S =SuIIIII[N/mm2]

Therefore, Fl and F2 in a lid side vertical drop are as follows, Fl=


and in a bottom side vertical drop, Fl=


Hence, the acceleration generated by these can be determined by the followi uation, Nv =

In a lid side vertical Nv =

In a bottom side vertical drop,

( ) A113

Nv = [m/s2]

where gi Gravitational acceleration, g=9.81 [m/s2]

( ) A114

(iii) Corner drop We shall determine the increase in acceleratiOn caused by the steel plate durlng a corner drop.

The analytical model is shown in ( ) Fig.A.34.

( ) Fi .A.34 Acceleration anal V sis model of steel olate for corner dro .

( ) A115

As indicated in ( ) Fig.A.34, the maximum resistance force caused by the outer steel plate during a corner drOp is given by the f01lowing[15]

3R 3)x tan x( sin B cos B)

(R F= x s Ro x sin where I Maximum resistance force [N]

Cylindrical steel plate outer radius, R [ l ]

i Cylindrical steel plate inner radius, Ri [ lm]

i Cylindrical steel plate board thickness, [ lm]

Drop angle Lid slde corner drop. [rad]

Bottom slde corner drop. [rad]

Deformation Lid slde corner drop Bottom side corner drop B  : Angle Bcos t 1

( Rosin )

Lid slde corner drop, B [rad]

Bot B [rad]

s: Deformation stress (at room temperatures), s [N/1lm2]

Therefore, F is ln F

and in the bottom slde corner F

Therefore, the acceleration generated by these is given by the following equation.


m In the lid side corner dro Nc= [m/s2]

and in Nc= [m/s2]

( ) A116

(5)Design acceleration As with the corner drop, we shall determine the acceleration during an inclined drop. This is shown in ( ) Table A.15 In addition, we shall calculate the design acceleration utilized in the drop stress analysis which vill be summarized in the same table.

Design acceleration=CalculatiOn results of CASH II 1.2+Acceleration due to steel plate

( ) Table A.15 Design accel eration under normal test conditions Acceleration Design CASH Drop posture due to steel acceleration x 1,2 plate(x g) (x g)

Horizontal Lid side Vertical Bottom side Lid side Corner Bottom side 5° 15° 30° Lid side 45° 60° 75° 85° Inclined 5° 15° 30° Bottom side 45° 60° 75° 85° where g: Gravitational acceleration, g = 9.81 [m/s2]

( ) A117

(6) Stress analysis Of l.2m horizontal drop The stress analysis of the l.2 m horizOntal drop are conducted separately with the main body, the fuel basket and the fuel element, In addition, as for the stress analysis in each of these sections, the only principal stress will be determined, the evaluation of the stress intensity and the stress classification shall be conducted in section A.5.3(6)(d).

(a)Main bOdy of the packaging The stress evaluation positions of the main body of the packaging during the l.2 m horizontal drop are determined as shown in ( ) Fi .A,35 from a sealing performance preservation.

Symbol Evaluation position Shock absorber (deformation quantity)

Inner shell Bottom plate of the inner shell Top part of the inner shell (Inner lid)

Inner lid clamping bolt

( ) Fig.A.35 Stress evaluation position for l.2m horizontal drop (main body of inner shell)

( ) A118

C Deformation Of the shock absorber We shall determine that even if the shock absorber is deformed by the l.2 m horizontal drop, this deformation will not reach the inner shell nor to the inner lid.

The analytical model is shOwn in( ) Fig.A.36.

( ) Fi .A.36 Analvtical model of interference to inner shell due to shock absorber deformation for l.2 m horizontal drop As is indicated in ( ) Figo A.86, the remaining thickness (mm)of the shOck absOrber after the l.2 m horizontal drop can be given by the following equation

= H where oI Minimum thickness of the shock absorber before the test,

.Deformation of the shock absorber, [ lm]

the remaln thickness ls


This determines that the deformation caused by the l.2 m horizontal drop will concern the shock absorber only, and will not reach the main body of the inner shell nor tO the inner lid.

( ) A119

lnner shell

( ) Fig.A.37 shows an analytical model of the stress on the inner shell for the l,2 horizontal drop.

( ) Fi .A.37 Stress analysis model of inner shell for l.2m horizontal dro As is indicated in ( ) Fig.A,37, the inner shell is supported at both ends, the beam is assumed to support the uniform load, the bending stress b is at its maximum in the center of the supporting points and can be given by the follOwing equation M


Z where M=¥=; m.N F: Impact 10ad, F=m N [N]

m: Load between the supporting points of the package, m



Design acceleration, N Length between the sup [1lm]

M= [N lm]

Z Se lon mo us, z= x d24 14 [.lm3]

32 d2

( ) A120

d21 0utSide diameter of the inner shell, d2 dl of the inner she 11, dl Z= [.lm3]

Therefore, the bending stress is given by the following equation.

b [N/nim2]

) Bottom plate of the inner shell An analytical mode1 0f the stress on the bottom plate of the inner shell fOr the l.2 horizontal drop is shOwn in( ) Fig.A.38.

( ) Fig.A.38 Stress alysis model of inner shell bottom plate for l.2m horizontal drop As is indicated in ( ) Fig.A.38, the A A cross section of the inner shell's bottom plate receives the drop force of the fuel basket for horizontal drop. The stress generated at this time ls, F

A where F: Impact force, F= lmll x N

( ) A121

e [kg]

li 4 J N: Design acceleration, N [m/s2]

F= [N]

A: Cross sectional area of the inner shell's bottom plate (shaded portion in( ) Fig.A.38)

A=R12 R22 tan (2 ) (2 )

Rl: Outside radius of inner shell's bOttOm plate outside the protruding section, R R2: InSide radius Of inner shell's bottom plate inside the protrudi ng section, R2

Angle, A

Therefore arln stress is,


Upper part of the inner shell An analytical model of the stress on the upper part of the inner shell for the l.2 horizontal drop is shOwn in ( ) Fig.A.39.

( ) Fig.A.39 Stress anal V sis model of inner shell uooer oart of l,2m horizontal drop

( ) A122

As indicated in ( ) Fig.A.39, the inner lid slides to the drop direction and comes in contact with the upper part of the inner shell at point CD.

Shearing stress is generated in the inner lid, F


A where, F: Impact strength, F=N m [N]

m: Weight of the inner lid, m= [kg]

N: Design acceleration, N [m/s2]

F [N]

A: Cross sectional area of the inner shell's upper part (shaded portiOn in( ) Figo A.39),

A=R12 R22 tan (2 ) (2 )

Rl: Outside radius of the inner shell flange, 4 R2: InSide radius Of the inner shell, R2=IIIII [ lm]


=cos 1 [rad]

Rl A

[.lm 2]

Therefore, the shearlng stress ls,

= [N/mm2]

( ) A123

O Inner lid clamping bolt An analytical mode1 0f the stress on the inner lid clamping bolt for the l,2 m horizontal drop is shOwn in ( ) Figo A.40,

( ) Fig.A. 40 Stress analvsis model fOr inner lid C 1 ampintt bolt for l.2m horizOntal drop As indicated in ( ) Fig.A.40, the mOmentum of the inner lid acts on the clamping bolts Of the inner lid fOr the l,2m horizOntal drop.

Bending stress b[N/mm2]is thus generated in the clamping bolt, and this is given by the f0110wing equation

where M: Angular momentum M=N m L[N Im]

NI Design acceleration, N [m/s2]


to the Overturning point O [mm]

Ll L5 L2 L6 L3 L7 L4

( ) A124

Lmax: Dis t Lmax=L7 liilirom the overturnlng polnt to the farthest bolt, Ai: Cross section of the groove of th e ini mping bolt di;Valley diameter of the bolt IiII:I Ai= [alm2]

Therefore, the stress ls, b

(b) Fuel basket ln this section, ve shall analyze the stress generated in the fuel basket at the l,2 horizontal drop. The fuel basket is the rectangular typeo We shall determine the section mOdulus for this type.

The stress shall be evaluated according to the axial strength of the pipe.

(1) Section mOdulus of square fuel basket We shall determine the section modulus of the square fuel basket.

The analytical model is shown in( ) Figo A.41.

( ) Fig.A.41 Analvtical model of section modulus of rectangular fuel basket

( ) A125

(1) Section modulus regarding X X axis As indicated in ( ) Fig.A,41, the sectiOn modulus regarding the X X axis is given by the following equation, I +6A y12 zx =10 ey where Zx: Section modulus regarding the X X axis [mm3]

I  : S square plpe, I

hl : Outside dimension of the square pipe, hl h2 : InSide dimension of the square pipe, h2 [ lm]

A : Cross sectional area of the e lpe,

=h12 h22 [Hlm2]

yl : Distance to the center of the square pipe, y ey : Distance to the top surface of the fuel basket, ey [ lm]

Therefore, the section mOdulus is Zx = [.lm3]

(ii) SectiOn modulus regarding Y Y axis As indicated in ( ) Fig.A.41, the section modulus regarding the Y Y axis is given by the following equation I +2A (x12+2x22+x32) zy= 10 ex where Zy : Section modulus regarding the Y Y axis [mm3]

Io : Secondary moment of the cross section of a single square pipe, I [.lm4]

Ai Cross sectional area of the square pipe, A= [.lm2]

Xl : Distance to the center of the pipe, xl [ lm]

X2 : Distance to the center of the pipe, x2 [Hlm]

( ) A126

X3 : Distance to the center or the pipe, x3 =lIII [ lm]

ex : Distance to the top part of the fuel basket, ex [ lm]

Therefore, the follOwing equation is obtained.

Zy (iii) Section modulus regarding U U axis As indicated in ( ) Fig.A,41, the section modulus regarding the U U axis is given by the fol10wing equation.

+2A (v12+v22+v32+v42)

Zu 10 I

ev where Zu : Section modulus regarding the U U axis [mm3]

Io : Second moment of area for a s ingle square pipe, I [mm4]

A : Cross sectional area of the square pipe, A [.lm2]

Vl : Distance to the center of the pipe, vl V2 : Distance to the center of the pipe, v2 V3 : Distance to the center of the pipe, v3 V4 : Distance to the center of the pipe, v4 ev : Distance to the top of the fuel basket, Therefore, the sectional modulus is Zu Of the values mentioned above, the smallest shall be adopted Z=min{Zx,Zy,Zu)= [ lm3]

(2)Axial strength of square fuel basket The analytical model is the same as in ( ) Fig.A.41.

The bending stress generated in the fuel basket reaches its maximum in the center and is given by the following equation.

( ) A127

(WfttWp) N o L2 8Z where b : Bending stress [N/mm2]

MI Maximum bending moment [N mm]

(Wf+W ) N L2 M=

8 Wf : Uniform weight due to the fuel element (This unifOrm load should be of the maximum weight per unit length among el elements ( RR3 Standard type))

Wf= [kg/ lm]

Mf i Mass of fuel element, mf J [kg]

1: Length of the fuel element, 1=IIIII [mm]

Wp : Uniform weight due to the individual weight of the fuel basket, Wp= [kg/mm]

mp : Mass of fuel basket, mp J [kg]

L: Length of the supporting polnt, L

[ l ]

N: Acceleration, N ttm/s2]

Zi Section modulus of the fuel basket, Z [.lm3]

Therefore, the bending stress ls, b = [N/mm2]

( ) A128

(c)Fuel elements ln this paragraph, an analysis of stress is performed on fuel elements for the l.2 m horizOntal drop. s indicated in (I) D, specifications of the rectangular fuel elements.

(1) Evaluation of the fuel elements for a drop case Fuel elements are evaluated for twO cases of horizontal drop as shown in

( ) Fi .A.42.

Horizontal drop to the direction perpendicular to the fuel plate

)Horizontal drop tO the direction parallel to the fuel plate

( ) Fig.A.42 Evaluation of fuel elements for l.2 m horizontal drop

( ) A129

(2)Fuel elements (i)Fuel plate As shown in (I) D with regard to the rectangular fuel element, there are 7 types of fresh fuel elements including follower types and there are 9 types of lowly irradiated fuel elements. In this section, the analysis method for RR3 standard type is shown and the analysis result for the other 15 types, using the same analysis method, is shown in( ) Table A.16 However, it is assumed that uranium aluminum alloy has the same strength as the covering material.

)Horizontal drop to the direction perpendicular to fuel plate The analytical model is shown in ( ) Fig.A.43.

( ) Fi 43

. Anal V tical model of rectanttular fuel elements for l,2 m horizontal drop perpendicular to fuel plate.

As indicated in ( ) Fig.A.43, a beam with both ends fixed and receiving uniform load due to dead load will receive maximum bending moment at its fixed end. The bending stress b is, M

b=7 where MI Bending moment per unit [N mm/mm]

M=w.12 12 w: Uniform load w= m N b a Mass of fuel plate, m==

Design acceleration, N [m/s2]

a: Length of the fuel plate, [Hlm]


( ) A130

Distance between fixed points, 1 [Ilm]

Cross sectional area per unit width, z= .h23h13 [.lm3/Hlm]

6 h2 h2 : Fuel plate thickness, h2 hl . Fuel plate core thickness, [ lm]

Therefore, the bendi stress ls, b== [N/mm2]

Horizontal drop to the direction parallel to the fuel plate The analyt ical model is shown in ( ) Fi .A.44.

( ) Fi .A.44 Analvtical model of rec tangular fuel element 41Ql drOp parallel to fuel plate As indicated in ( ) Fig.A.44, the rectangular plate which receives its dead load and the partial weight of the side plate generates compressive stress c

= [N/mm2]

vhere N: Design acceleration, N= [m/s2]

mF: Weight of the fuel plat e, m msI Partial weight of the side [kg]

a: Length of the fuel plate, a h2: Fuel plate thickness, h2==

hl: Fuel plate core thickness, hl [Hlm]

Therefore, the c sslve stress is c [N/mm2]

( ) A131

(li)Fuel element hold down part The lowly irradiated fuel element, as shown in section I D, is cut at the portion of the lower adapter and the upper holder in order to reduce the veight, Therefore, since the tOtal length becomes short, a hold down part is provided to adjust the length. In this section, the stress analysis method and the stress generated at the hold down, part are shown, the result is described in ( ) Table A.16, and the stress analy sis model is described in( ) Fi .A.45, As shown ( ) Fig.A.45, the hold down part is considered to be a beam supported at the both end, subjected to the uniform load of its own weight, the maximum bending moment occurs at the center of the beam, and the stress is given as follows.

M b=7 where M: Bending moment per unit length [N mm]

M=w.12 8

v: Uniform load [N/mm2]

w= xN M=

SS O [kg]

Design acceleration,

Length of hold down par
Modulus of elasticity z= .ho4 h4


ho ameter of hold down part ;ho [Hlm]

hi Inside diameter of hold down part, hi= [ l ]

Theref ore, b [N/mm2]

( ) A132

(d) Comparison of the allowable stress A summary of the stress evaluation results obtained for each analysis in section (I) A.5,3(6)is given in( ) Table A.16.

As demonstrated in this table, the margin of safety in regard to the design standard value is pOsit ive for individual or multiplo loads.

TherefoFe, the soundness of this package is maintained under test conditions of the l.2m horizontal drop.

( ) A133

Stress unlts

( ) Table A,16 Stress evaluation for 1 2 m horizOntal droo (1/4)

N/mm2 Stress Stress Stress Primary+secondary Impact Primary stress Fatigue Stress at due to due tO stress initial internal thermal Pm(PL) Sm MS PLttPb 1.5Sm MS PL+Pb 3Sm MS stress PLttPb Sa N Na DF MS clamping pressure expansion Q +Q+F 1 Inner shell Bottom plate of 2

the inner shell 0

Upper part of 3 the inner shell (Inner lid)

Inner lid 4

clamping bolt 5 Square fuel basket Pm;Ceneral primary membrane stressi PL i Local primary membrane stressi Pb ;Primary bending stress; Q ;Secondary stress; F ; Peak stress, Sa ;Repeated peak stress, N ;Number of usesi Na i Permissible number Of repetition; DF,Cumulative fatigue coefficient; Sm;Design stress intensity valuei Sy , Vield point of the design; MS I Margin of safety r; Diameter direction stress ;Periphery direction stress 2'Axial stress b i Bending stress ;Shear stress t i Ability of bolt stress 134 ( ) A

Stress units

( ) Table A16 RtrnAR evalua inn l2 m hr zontal Arr n r /4 N/mm2 Stress Stress Stress Stress PrlmaryttsecOndary Impact Primary stress Fatigue at due tO due tO stress Position initial internal thermal stress Pm(PL) 2/3 Sy MS PLttPb MS PLttPb PLttPb to be evaluated clamping pressure expanslon +Q MS QttF Sa N Na DF MS Surface element direction 1 (Uranium silicOn aluninum Axial al directiOn Surface element directiOn 2 (Uranium silicon aluminum Axial on all direction Surface MTR directi On 3 standard Axial elenent direction Surface ITR follower direction 4

Axial element directiOn Pm;Ceneral primary membrane stress; PL :Local primary membrane stressi Pb ,Primary bending stress; Q ;Secondary stress, F ;Peak stressi Sa;Repeated peak stressi N ;Number of uses; Na ;Permissible number of repetitioni DF i Cunulative fatigue cOefficient; Sm:Design stress intensity valuei Sy i Yield point of the design, MS ,Margin of safety b;Bending stress c ;COmpression stress 185 ( ) A

Stress units

( ) Table A.16 Stress evaluation for l.2 m horizontal droo(3/4) N/mm2 Stress Stress Stress Stress Prlmaryttsecondary Impact Prlmary stress Fatiguc at due tO due tO stress Position initial internal thermal PLttPb PLttPb stress Pm(PL) 2/3 Sy MS PLttPb Sy MS Q Sy MS Q+F Sa N Na DF MS to be evaluated clamping pressure expanslon MTRC Surface Special fuel directi on 1

element Axial (Special A type) direction MTRC Surface Standard fuel direction 2

element Axial (MA,MB,MC type) direction MTRC Surface Special fuel direction 3 element (Special MB, Axial S lecial lTC tvDe di recti On Surface MTRC direction 4 fuel follover (MF type) Axial direction

General primary membrane stressi PL ;Local primary membrane stress, Pb ;Primary bending stress F ;Peak stress,
Repeated peak stressi N ;Number of uses, Na ;Permissible number of repetitioni DF,Cumulative fatigue coefficient;
Yield point of the design; MS i Margin of safety b i Bending stress c i Compression stress 186 ( ) A

Stress units (H) Table A.16 Stress evaluatiOn fOr 1.2 m hOrizOntal droD (4/4) N/mm2 Stress Stress Stress Stress Prlmary+secondary Impact Prlmary stress Fatigue at due tO due tO stress PositiOn initial internal thermal stress Pm(PL) 2/3 Sy MS PL+Pb Sy MS PLttPb PLttPb to be evaluated clampin pressure expanslOn +Q Sy MS Q+F Sa N Na DF MS MTRC Special fuel element hOld 1

dOwn part (Special A type)

MTRC Special fuel element h ld 2

down part (Special MB,Special MC type)

P ;Ceneral primary membrane stress; PL ;Local primary membrane stressI Pb ,Primary bending stress; Q i Secondary stress; F i Peak stress Sa;Repeated peak stressi N ;Number Of uses; Na ,Permissible number of repetitiOn; DF;Fatigue accumulatiOn coefficienti Sy;Yield point of the designi MS i Margin of safety o b i Bending stress oc ;COmpression stress 137 ( ) A

(7) Analysis Of stress for l.2 m bottom side vertical drop Analysis of stress for l.2 m bottOm side vertical drop is separately performed for the main body of the packaging and fuel elements, Stress analysis in each portion should be perfOrmed in order to determine the principal stress. Classification Of stress and evaluation of stress intensity are conducted in A.5,3 (7)(c).

(a)Main bOdy of the packaging The positions for stress evaluation of the main body of the packaging for l.2 m bottom side vertical drop are g iven as in( ) Fig.A.46 from the s tandpolnt of maintaining sealing performance.

Symbol Evaluation position Shock absOrber (for quantity of deformation)

Barrel of the inner shell Bottom plate of the inner shell Inner lid Inner lid clamping bolt

( ) Fig.A.46 Stress eva luatiOn 00S ition for l.2m lower side vertical droD (main body Of packattin )

( ) A138

) DeformatiOn of the shOck absorber Even if the shock absorber is deformed for l.2 m bottOm side vertical drop, the deformatiOn should not reach the bottom of the inner shell.

( ) Fi .A.47 Analytical model of interference to inner shell due to shock absOrber defOrmation for l.2 m lover side vertical drop As is indicated in ( ) Fig.A.47, residual quantity (mm)of the shOck absOrber for l.2 m bottom side vertical drop is,

= O v where O,Minlmum thickness Of the shOck absorber before deformation, OJ [ lm]

v.Deformation Of the shock absOrber,

[ lm]

Therefore, the deformation is

[ lm]

Thus, for l.2 m bottom side vertical drop, defOrmation suffered by the shOck absOrber does not reach the bottom of the inner shell.

( ) A139

lnner shell cylinder

( ) Fi g.A,48 shows an anal ytical model for the stress On the inner shell for 1.2 m bottom side vertical drop.

( ) Fig.A.48 Stress analyeis mOde1 0f inner shell for l.2m lower side vertical drop As shown in ( ) Fig.A.48, compression force, due to dead weight and the weight of the peripheral part of the inner lid, acts on the inner shell.

The stress resulting from the compression is, F


where Fi Compressive force acting on the side of inner shell, F= (m m2+m3+m4+m5) N [N]

ml : Mass of inner container(side and flange), ml m2 : MaSS of inner container lid m3 : MaSS of fuel basket m4 MaSS of contents m5 : MaSS of outer container lid N  : Design acceleration, [m/s2]

F [N]

Ai Cross sectional area of the inner shell

( ) A140

A [nlm2]

d2 : Outer diameter of the inner shell, dl : Inner diameter of the inner shell, A [Hlm2]

Therefore, c due to compresslon ls, C /mm2]

) Bottom plate of the inner shell

( ) Fi g.A.49 shows the stress anal ysis model of the inner shell's bottom plate for l,2 m bottOm side vertical drop.

( ) Fig.A.49 Stress analysis Jode1 0f inner shell bottom plate for l.2m lower side vertical drop As indicated in ( ) Fig.A.49, the weight of the fuel baskets contents and the dead weight of the inner shell's bottom plate act uniformly on the bottom of the inner shell. The stress, generated on the disc which receives uniform load, reaches its maximum at the fixing point Of the circumferentially fixed disc.

( ) A141

The stress ls a2

=+/- 0.225 h2


2 z= W (inner surface) where

Circumferential stress [N/mm2]

r: Radial stress [N/mm2]

Z: Axial stress [N/mm2]

a: Inner radius of inner shell's bottom plate, a Thickness of the inner shell's bottom plate, h Uniform load, (m3+ N

[a2 Mass of fuel basket, m3 [kg]

Mass of contents n4 === [kg]

m7 : Mass of inner container soleplate m7 = [kg]

N: Design acceleration, N [m/s2]

W [N/ lm2]

Therefore r

z [N/mm2]

For the double signs of the stress values, the upper sign ( ) corresponds to the inner surface and the lover sign ( ) to the Outer surface

( ) A142

O Inner lid

( ) Fi .A.50 shows the stress analytical mOdel of the inner lid for l.2 m bottom side vertical drop.

( ) Fig.A.50 Stress analysls model of inner lid for l.2m lower side vertical drop As indicated in ( ) Fig.A.50, the dead weight acts uniformly on the inner lid.

The stress, generated in the disc which receives uniform load, reaches its maximum ln the center of the disc, The stress ls,

z= W(Outer surface) where r : Radial stress [N/mm2]

Circumferential stress [N/mm2]

z :Axial stress [N/mm2]

a: Radius of the circle of the inner lid supporting points, a

J [ lm]

h: Thickness of the inner lid, h J [Ilm]

w: Uniform load resulting fron dead weight of the lid, w= hoN /mm2]

( ) A143

N: Design acceleration, N [m/s2]

Density of the inner lid, [kg/mm3]

Hence, r = [N/mm2]

z [N/mm2]

For the double signs of the stress values, the upper sign ( ) corresponds to the outer surface and the lower sign ( ) to the inner surface.

O Inner lid clamping bolt ln a bottom side vertical drop, no load is received by the inner lid clamping bolt.

Therefore, no stress ls generated.

( ) A144

(b)Fuel elements (1) Fuel plate This section analyzes the stress generated on the rectangular fuel element for l.2 m bottom side vertical drOp.

(i) In case Of calking both ends of fuel plate With regard to the rectangular fuel element, there are 7 types of fresh fuel elements including the follower type, and there are 9 types of lowly irradiated fuel elements. In this section the analysis method is described for the RR3 standard, the same analysis was conducted for the other 8 types, and the result is showll in the( ) Table A.17.

How ver, analysis is performed on the assumption that uranium aluminum alloy has the same strength as the cOvering material.

( ) Fi . .51 shows an anal ytical model.

( ) Fi .A.51 Stress analysis model of rectanFrular fuel element for l.2m lower side vertical drop.

As indicated in ( ) Fig.A.51, the fuel plate is caulked and fixed at both extremities. Its sustaining force is, FH==f 2b where FH i Strength to sustain the fuel plate [N]

f: Sustaining force per unit length; f = [N/mm]

b: Length of the fuel platei b


) A145

[ lm]

Therefore, FH [N]

Thus, the force for dropping of the fuel plate is F=moN where F: Force for dropping [N]

m: Mass of fuel plate, m N: Design acceleration, N [m/s2]

Therefore, F [N]

Thus, the fuel plate does not slip down since the force to sustain the fuel plate exceeds the force for dropping of the plate.

As shown above, when a force for dropping due to the dead weight of the fuel plate which is fixed on its extremities acts on it, the shearing stress occurs, This stress ls, F

2(h2 hl)b where o Shearlng stress [N/mm2]

Force for dropping of the fuel plate, F= [N]

h2: Thickness of the fuel plate, h2 hl: Thickness of fuel plate core, hl b Length of the fuel plate, b J [Hlm]

Thus, the shearing stress ls


( ) A146

( ) In case of fuel plate fixed by pin The stress of the pin fixing of the fuel plate of the lowly irradiated fuel element, generated at l.2m vertical drop, is analyzed. There are 6 types of lowly irradiated fuel elements including follOwer types, in this section, the stress analysis method for the pin fixing type fuel element is described and its result is shown in the ( ) Table A.17.

The uranium aluminum alloy is treated to have the same strength as the clad material in the analysis.

The analyt ical model is shown in( ) Fig.A.52.

A.52 Anal ical model of l.2m lower ortion vertical of lowly irradiated fuel element As shown ln ( ) Fig.A.52, the fuel plate is fixed with pin at the side plate.

This retaining force is given as follows.

FH= ax A[N]

Where, FH  : Force for retaining fuel plate [N]

a : Allowable shear stress of pin =IIIIII[N/mm2]

A  : Sectional area of pin [mm2]

= x d2x n 4

d I Pin diameter

[ lm]

n I N ofph=

= x x x n

( ) A147


The force acting on the fuel plate due to the acceleration is given as

follows, F=m N Where, F : Force acts on fuel plate when dropping [N]

m : Mass of fuel plate =

N : Design acceleration [m/s2]

Therefore the following value is obtained F= [N]

From the above, the retaining force of the pin is larger than the dropping force of the fuel plate by the acceleration. The fuel plate does not slide from fixlng.

When the fuel plate, fixed with pin at the both ends, is freely dropped, the tensile force occurs at the pin portion of the fuel plate and is given as follows, t=

Where, x

W =

/2 W

t i Stress of fuel plate pin [N/mm2]

Wo i Load acting on fuel pin portion [kg]

n:N of tt n=

N : Design acceleration, N = IIIIIII[m/S ec2]

A : Effective sectional area of pin [ lm2]

A=((Ll L2)/2d)x tl Ll:Width of fuel plate,Ll [


L2 : Width of fuel plate core, L2

[ lm]

( ) A148

tl : Thickness of fuel plate, t d I Pi n diameter, d A [Hlm2]

Therefor the following value of stress is obtained.

t= [N/ lm2]

( ) In case Of fuel plate not fixed by the side plate The stress of the lowly irradiated fuel element, when dropped vertically from l.2m height, is analyzed. There are five types of lowly irradiated fuel elements including follower types, in this section. The fuel element not fixed by the side plate is analyzed and the result is shown in ( ) Table A.17.

The uranium aluminum alloy is treated to have the same strength as the clad material in this analysis. The analyt ical model is shown in ( ) Fig.A.53 ytical model of l.2m lower portion vertical drop of lowly irradiated fuel element As shown in ( ) Fig.A.53, the compressive stress is generated in the rectangular plate subjected to its own veight of the fuel element, and is given as follows, W mFx N c

A l(h2 hD


Where, mF : Fuel plate mass, mF = [kg]

( ) A149

1  : Width of fuel plate, 1 IIIIIImm]


Therefor, the following value of stress is obtained.


c= [N/

(2) Fuel element hold down part As showil in (I) D section, the lowly irradiated fuel elements are cut at the lover adapter portion and the upper holder portion in order to reduce the weight, therefore the total length becomes short, A hold down part is provided to adjust the length. In this section, the stress analysis method for the stress Occurs in the hold down part is shown and the result is summarized in ( ) Table A.17.

The analysis model is shown in( ) Fig.A.54.

( ) F

=:A=54 Analytical model of hold down part As shown in ( ) Fig.A.54, the hold down part is subjected to the own veight and the fuel element weight, and the compressive stress c is generated as follows, c



(mztt mf)x N A 2hi2)

(h Where,

( ) A150

mz : Mass of hold down part, mz = [kg]

mf : Mass of hold element, mf = [HIIl]

N  : Design acceleration, N [m/s2]

ho : Outside diameter of hold down part, ho ttII [mm]

hi : Inside diameter of hold down part, hi J [mm]

Therefor, f c= [N/ lm2]

( ) A151

(c) Comparison of allowable stress Results Of the stress evaluation in each analysis item in ( )5 3 (7)are shown together in( ) Table A.17.

As shown in this table, the margin of safety in regard to analysis reference is positive even if each or combined load is applied.

Therefore, the lntegrity of this package ls malntalned under the condition of the l.2 m bottom side vertical drop test.

( ) A152

Stress units

( ) Table A.17 Stress evaluatiOn for 1 2 m bottom side vertical dro (1/3)

N/mm2 Stress Stress Stress Prlmary+secondary Impact Primary stress Fatigue Stress at due tO due tO stress PositiOn initial internal thermal stress Pm(PL) Sm MS PLttPb 1.5Sm MS PL+Pb 3Sm MS PL+Pb to be evaluated clamping pressure expanslon Q QttF Sa N Na DF MS 1 Inner shell Bottom plate of 2

the inner shell Upper part of the inner shell 3

(Inner lid)

Inner lid 4

clamping bolt Pm;General primary membrane stress; PL ;Local primary membrane stress, Pb ,Primary bending stressi Q ,Secondary stress; F I Peak stress, Sa;Repeated peak stress; N ;Number of usesi Na I Permissible number of repetitioni DF i Cumulative fatigue coefficient; Sm;Design stress intensity valuei Sy;Yield point of the design, MS ;Margin of safetr r; Diameter direction stress ;Periphery direction stress 02;Axial stress b;Bending stress ,Shear stress t i Ability of bOlt stress

Stress units

( ) Table A 17 Stress evaluation for l.2 m bottom side vertical drO (2/3)

N/ 12 Stress Stress Stress Pr maryttsecondary Stress Impact Primary stress Fatigue at due to due tO stress No Position initial internal thermal stress Pm(PL) 2/3 Sy MS PLttPb Sy MS PLttPb MS PL+Pb Sa N to be evaluated clamping pressure expanslon Q QttF Na DF RR3 standard 1 (Uraniun silicon alulninum dispersion alloy)

RR3 follover element 2 (Uranium silicon aluminum dispersion alloy)


standard element MTR 4

follover element Pm i Ceneral primary membrane stress, PL;Local primary membrane stressi Pb ;Primary bending stress; Q ;Secondary stressi F ;Peak stress Sa ;Repeated peak stressi N :Number of uses; Na i Permissible number of repetitioni DF i Cumulative fatigue coefficient; Sy;Yield point Of the designi MS i Margin of safety ;Shear stress

(H) Table A 17 Stress evaluation for l.2 m side vertical droD (3/3) Stress units

N/HIH12 Stress Stress Stress Impact Pr Hlaryttsecondary Stress at Primary stress Fatigue due tO due tO stress Position initial internal thermal stress Pm(PL) 2/3 Sy MS PLttPb MS PLttPb Sy MS PL+Pb Sa N to be evaluated clamping pressure expanslon Q +Q+F Na DF MS MTRC 1 Special fuel element (Special A type)

MTRC 2 Standard fuel element (MA,MB,MC type)

MTRC Special fuel element 3

,ial MB,Special MC MTRC 4 fuel fol10ver (MF type)

Pm i Ceneral primary membrane stress, PL;Local primary membrane stress, Pb i Primary bending stress; Q i Secondary stressi F ;Peak stress; Sa i Repeated peak stress, N ;Number of uses, Na ;Perlnissible number of repetition; DF;Cumulative fatigue coefficienti Sy ;Yield point Of the designi MS i Margin of safety o c i COmpression stress T ;Shear stress i;Stress of the part of fuel plate pin

(8) Stress analysis for l,2m lid side vertical drop This section analyzes the stress fOr l.2 m lid side vertical drop separately for the main body of the packaging and fuel basket. Stress analysis in each item is performed for the purpose of determining the principal stress, Classification of stress and evaluation of stress intensity are conducted in A.5 3(8)(c).

(a)Main bOdy of the packaging Stress evaluation positions of the main body of the packaging for l.2m lid side vertical drop are determined as shown in ( ) Fig.A.55 from the viewpoint of maintaining the containment.

Symbol Evaluation position Shock absorber (Quantity of deformation)

Barrel of an inner shell Bottom plate of an inner shell Inner lid Inner lid clamping bolt

( ) Fig.A.55 Stress evaluation position for l.2m lid side vertical drop (main body Of a packaging)

( ) A156

Deformation of the shock absorber Even if the shock absorber is deformed for l.2 m lid side vertical drop, the deformation should not reach the bottom of the inner shell.

An analyt ical model is shown in( ) Fig.A.56.

( ) Fig.A.56 Analytical model of interference to inner shell due to shock absorber deformation for l.2m lid side vertical drop As is indicated in( ) Fig.A.56, the remaining quantity (m)of the shock absorber in the l.2 m lid side vertical drop is,

= O v where O. Minlmum thickness of shock absorber before deformation, o [Hlm]

v: Deformation of the shock absorber, v=IIIII [mm]

Hence, the remalnln thickness is,

[ lm]

Therefore, for l.2 m lid side vertical drop, it is only the shock absorber that suffers deformation and the deformation does nOt attain the inner lid.

( ) A157

lnner shell cylinder

( ) Figo A.57 is a stress anal ysis mode1 0f the inner shell for l.2 m lid side vertical drop

( ) Fig.A.57 Stress analysis model of inner shell for l.2m lid side vertical drop s shown in ( ) Fig.A.57, compression, due to dead weight and the weight of the peripheral part of the inner lid, acts on the inner shell The stress generated from the compression is given by the following equation F


where F: Compression force acting on the inner shell F= (ml+m3+m6) N [N]

ml : Mass of inner container(a trunk and bottom), ml


m3 : Mass of fuel basket, m3


m6 : Mass of maln body of outer contalner, m6


N : Acceleration, N [m/s2]

F [N]

A: Cross sectional area of the inner shell, A= (d22d12)[.lm2]

( ) A158

d2 Outer diameter of the inner shell, d2 =

dl diameter of the inner shell ,dl=

A [.lm2]

Therefore, c [N/mm2]

) Bottom plate of the inner shell

( ) Fig.A.58 shows the stress anal ysis model of the inner shell's bottom plate for l,2 m lid side vertical drop.

( ) Figo A.58Stress analySis model of inner shell bottom plate for l,2m lid side vertical drop As indicated in ( ) Fig.A.58, the dead veight of both the bottom of the outer shell and the bottom plate of the inner shell act uniformly on the bottom of the inner shell, Stress generated in the disc which receives the uniform load reaches lts maxlmum at the fixed end.

The stress ls

=+/- 0.225

( ) A159

2 W a r== 0,75 h2 z= V(Outer surface) where

Circumferential stress [N/mm2]

r : Radial stress [N/mm2]

z : Axial stress [N/mm2]

a: Inner radius of the inner shell's bottom plate, a==

h: Plate thickness of the inner shell's bottom plate, w: Uniform load, W=

m7 : MaSS of inner container soleplate, m7 [kg]

m8 : MaSS of outer container bottom, m8 [kg]

N: Acceleration, N [m/s2]

[N/ lm2]



( r [N/mm2]

For the double signs of the stress values, the plu sign cOrresponds tO the outer surface and the minus sign to the inner surface.

( ) A160

Inner lid

( ) Fig.A.59 shows a stress anal ysis model of the inner lid for l.2 m lid side vertical drop.

( ) Fig.A.59 Stress analysis model of inner lid for l.2m lid side vertical drop

( ) A161

As indicated in ( ) Fig. .59, the weight of the contents and the fuel basket act uniformly on the center of the inner lid, and the dead weight of the inner lid also acts uniformly, while the latter is being supported by the circular reaction of the shock absorber and the inner lid clamping bolt.

The stress, generated on the circumferentially supported disc under these loads, reaches its maximum in the disc centero lt can be given by superposing the analysis results of each of the models(1),(2),(3)and(4)shown in( ) Fig.A.59.

D Contents and fuel basket As shown in ( Fig.A.59(1), the stress, generated within the concentric


circle of the circumferentially supported disc under uniform load, reaches its maximum in the disc center, It is given by the following equation[7]



3Pl b2(4(1+v)in;+4 11v)÷

= PI(inner surface) where ri Radial stress [N/mm2]

Circumferential stress [N/mm2]

z : Axial stress [N/mm2]

a: Radius of supporting points circle on inner lid, a=lIII [mm]

b:Radius of load,b [


h: Plate thickness of the inner lid, h=1 HIImm]

Pl : Uniform load resulting from content and fuel basket, h=

m3 MaSS of fuel basket, m3= IIII[kg]

m4 MaSS of contents, m4 [kg]

N: Acceleration, N [m/s2]

PI= [N/11m2]

1 . Polsson s ratio, 1 Therefore, r

( ) A162


For the dOuble sign of the stress value, the upper sign ( ) corresponds to the inner surface and the lower sign ( ) to the outer surface.

The supporting point reaction Rl in this case is, RI=(m3+m4)° N


) Dead weight of inner lid As indicated in( ) Figo A.59(2), the stress, generated on the circumferentially supported disc under the uniform load resulting from the disc's dead weight, reaches its maximum at the disc center. It is given by the following equation



z= P2(inner surface) where r i Radial stress [N/mm2]

Circumferential stress [N/mm2]

z :Axial stress [N/mm2]

a: Radius of supporting points circle on inner lid, a


hi Plate thickness lid,h [Ilm]

N: Acceleration, N [m/s2]

Density of the inner lid, [kg/ lm3]

P2 : Uniform load resulting from the lid's dead weight, P2= hoN= [N/ lm2]

Hence, the stress on the lid is r [N/mm2]

z The upper sign ( )of the stress value cOrresponds to the inner surface and

( ) A163

the lower sign ( ) tO the outer surface.

The supporting points' reaction force R2 in this case is as f0110ws R2=P2 a2 [N]

()Deduction of the shock absOrber s reaction As shown in ( ) Fig.A.59(3), the stress, generated within the concentric circle of the circumferentially supported disc under uniform load, reaches its maximum at the disc center. It is given by the f0110wing equation[7]

o h

z= P3(inner surface) where r : Radial stress [N/mm2]

i Circumferential stress [N/mm2]

z : Axial stress [N/mm2]

a: Radius Of suppOrting points circle On inner lid, a


c: Radius of 10ad; c=cO+ tan [ lm]

cO: Upper radius of the circular cone, cO = [ lm]

i Circular cone angle,

Deformation thickness ln the shock absOrber, = [ lm]

hi Plate thickness Of the inner lid, h [mm]

. Polsson s ratio, =

P3 i COmpresslve stress on the shock absorber, P3 =IIll[N/ lm2]

Therefore, r


z [N/mm2]

For the double sign of the stress value, the upper sign ( ) corresponds to the inner surface and the lower sign (+) tO the Outer surface.

The supporting polnts reaction ln this case ls R3=P3 C2 [N]

( ) A164

Reaction of the shock absorber As shown in ( ) Fig.A.59(4), the stress, generated in the circumferentially supported disc under unifOrm load of the shock absorber's reaction, reaches its maximum at the disc center, and it is given by the following equation.

= %


z= P4(Outer surface) where r Radial stress [N/mm2]

Circumferential stress [N/mm2]

Z  : Axial stress [N/mm2]

Stiicil:::r:inih:° er lid, a=I[ lm]

i: ::!i il::rCiii:eh [ lm]

iliin P4 i Compresslve stress on the shock absorber, P4 Hence, the stress on the lid is J [N/mm2]

r [N/11m2]

z [N/mm2]

For the double sign Of the stress value, the upper sign ( )cOrresponds to the inner surface and the lower sign ( ) to the Outer surface.

The supporting points' reaction force R4 in this case is, R4=P4 a2 N]

On the basis of the results mentioned above, the superposed reaction is, r==

z== [N/11m2]

The upper signs of these terms correspond to the inner surface and the 10wer signs to the outer surface.

The combined reactiOn of the supporting polnts ls, R= [N]

( ) A165

Inner lid clamping bolt As indicated in A.5.3(8)(a)(D), the dead weight of the contents, thefuel basket and the inner lid act on the inner lid. On the other hand,the inner lid is supported by the reaction of the shock absorber, thereaction of the conical reinforcing plate and the inner lid clamping bolt.

The supporting point reaction R works on the inner lid clamping bolts.

Therefore, the tensile stress arising in these bolts is, R

t=n Ar where t : Tensile stress [N/mm2]

RI Supporting polnts reaction, R n: Number of inner lid clamping bolts, n Ar: Root thread area of the clamping bolt h=


dr: Minimum diameter of the clamping bolt, dr


Therefore, t [N/ lm2]

( ) A166

(b)Fuel elements (I)Fuel plate ln this section, the stresses of the rectangular fuel elements are analyzed for l.2 m lid side vertical drop.

(1) In case Of calking both ends of fuel plate With regard to the rectangular fuel element, there are 7 types of fresh fuel elements including the follower type, and there are 9 types of lowly irradiated fuel elements. In this section, the analysis method is described for the RR3 standard, the same analysis was conducted for the Other 8 types and the result is shown in the

( ) Table A.18.

However, the analysis is performed on the assumption that uranium aluminum alloy has the same strength as the covering material.

( ) Fi .A.60 shows an anal ytical model ress ar fuel element for l.2m lid side vertical drop As indicated in ( ) Figo A.60, the fuel plate is caulked and fixed at both ends and its retalnlng strength is, FH=f 2b where FH i Strength to sustain the fuel plate [N]

( ) A167

f: Sustaining strength per unit length, b: Length of the fuel plate, b f

IIIII [mm]

Therefore, FH [N]

On the other hand, the force for dropping of the fuel plate is F=m N where F: Dropping force of the fuel plate [N]

m: Mass of fuel plate, m


N: Design acceleration, N [m/s2]

Therefore, F [N]

Thus, the fuel plate does not slip down since the strength to sustain the fuel plate exceeds the dropping force.

As shown above, when the fuel plate which is fixed at its both ends suffers a dropping force due to its own dead weight, a shearing stress arises.

F 2(h2 hl)b where

Shearing stress [N/mm2]

F: Dropping force of the fuel plate,


h2: Thickness of the fuel plate, h2 [ lm]

hl: Thickness of the core of the fuel plate, hl

[ lm]

b: Length of the fuel plate, b=IIIII [mm]

Therefore, the shearlng stress ls,

== [N/mm2]

( ) In case Of fuel plate not fixed by the side plate The stress of the lowly irradiated fuel element, when dropped

( ) A168

vertically from l.2m height, is analyzed. Among five types of lowly irradiated fuel element including follower types, in this section, the fuel element not fixed by the side plate is analyzed and the result is shown in( ) Table A.18.

The uranium aluminum alloy is treated to have the same strength as the clad material in this analysis, The analytical model is shOwn in

( ) Fi .A.61.

( ) Fi .A.61 Analvtical model for l.2m upper portion vertical drop Of10Wly irradiated fuel element

( ) A169

As showll in( ) Fig.A.61, the compressive stress is generated in the rectangular plate subjected to the fuel element own weight, and is shown as follows, c= =

ir;uel plate masS, mF I [kg]

l i Width of fuel plate,1 [


h2 : Thickness of fuel plate, h2 1 [mm]

hl : Thickness of fuel plate core, hl l HttHI[mm]

N  : Design acceleration, N


Therefor, the following value of stress is obtained.

c [N/mm2]

( )Fuel element hold down part As shown in (I) D section, the lowly irradiated fuel elements are cut at the lower adapter portion and the upper holder portion in order to reduce the weight, Therefore the total length becomes short. A hold down part is provided to adjust the lengtho ln this section, the stress analysis method for the stress occurS in the hold down part is shown and the result is summarized in ( ) Table A.18.

The analysis model is shown in ( ) Fig.A.62.

( ) Fi .A.62 Analvtical model of hold down part

( ) A170

As shown in ( ) Fig.A.62, the hold down part is subjected to the own weight and the fuel element weight, and the following compressive stress ls generated.

W C= = (mz+mf)XN 2hi2)

(h Where, mz : Weight of the hold down part


mf I Weight of the fuel element J [kg]

N : Design acceleration =IIIIIII [m/s ec2]

ho : Outer diameter of the hold down part [Hlm]

hi : Inner diameter of the hold down part [ lm]

Theref c [N/mm2]

( ) A171

(c) Comparison of the a1lowable stresses The results Of the stress evaluation concerning each analyzed item in( )5.3(8)are shown together in( ) Table A.18.

As shown in this table, the margin of safety in regard to the analysisreference is positive for individual and combined loads, Therefore, the integrity of this package is maintained under the l,2 m lid side vertical drop test conditions

( ) A172

Stress units

( ) Table A.18 Stress evaluatiOn for l.2 m lid side vertical drop (1/4)

Stress Stress Stress Prlmaryttsecondary Stress Impact Primary stress Fatigue at due to due tO stress NO Position initial internal thermal PL+Pb PL+Pb stress Pm(PL) Sm MS PLttPb 1 5Sm MS 3Sm MS Sa N Na DF MS to be evaluated clamping pressure expansion Q +Q+F 1 Inner shell Bottom plate of 2

inner shell 3 Inner lid Clamping bolt of 4

inner lid Pm i General prinary membrane stress, PL ;Local primary membrane stress, Pb i Primary bending stress; Q i Secondary stress; F ;Peak stressi Sa;Repeated peak stress; N ;Number of uses, Na ,Permissible number of repetition, DF i Cumulative fatigue coefficienti Sm:Design stress intensity value, Sy ;Yield point of the design; MS I Margin of safety t i Ability of bolt stress r; Dlameter direction stress ;Periphery direction stress 2 :Axial stress b ;Bending stress  ; Shear stress 173 ( ) A

(II) Table A 18 Stress eva11lation frir 1.2 m lid side vertical droo (2/4 Stress units Stress Stress Stress Primary+secondary Stress Impact Primary stress Fatigue at due t due tO stress initial internal thermal PLttPb PLttPb stress Pm(PL) 2/3 Sy MS PLttPb Sy MS Sy MS Sa Na DF MS clamping pressure expans on Q +QttF RR3 standard element 1 (Uraniun silicOn aluminum dispersiOn alloy)

RR3 follover element 2 (Uranium silicon aluminum dispersion alloy)


standard element MTR 4

follover element Pm i Ceneral primary membrane stress; PL:Local primary membrane Primary bending F ;Pcak stress, Sa;Repeated peak stress; N I Number of usesi Na i Permissible number of repetition; DF i Cumulative fatigue coefficienti Sy;Yield point of the designi MS:Margin of safety i Shear stress 174 ( ) A

Stress unlts

( ) Table A 18 Stress uation for 1 2 m lid side ical drop (3/4)

N/mm2 Stress Stress Stress Impact Prlmaryttsecondary Stress Primary stress Fatigue at due tO due tO stress Position initial internal thermal stress Pm(PL) 2/3 Sy MS PLttPb MS PLttPb Sy MS PL+Pb to be evaluated clamping pressure expanslon Q Q+F Sa N Na DF MS MTRC 1 Special fuel element (Special A type)

MTRC 2 Standard fuel element (MA,MB,MC type)

MTRC Special fuel element 0 3 (Special MB,Special MC type)

MTRC 4 fuel f0110ver (ilF type)

Pm;Ceneral primary membrane stress; PL :Local primary membrane stress; Pb :Primary bending stressi Q ;Secondary stress; F ;Peak stress; Sa;Repeated peak stress; N I Number of uses, Na I Permissible number of repetitiOn; DF i Cumulative fatigue coefficient; Sy;Yield point Of the designi MS ;Margin of safety ;Shear stress c i Compression stress t i Stress of the part of fuel plate pin 175 ( ) A

Stress units

( ) Table A.18 Stress evaluation for 1 2 m lid side vertical droo (4/4) N/mm2 Stress Impac Primaryttsecondary Stress Stress Stress Primary stress Fatigue due to t stress at due tO interna N initial thermal Pla(PL 2/3 MS PLttPb Sy Sy Sa N Na DF MS l stres PLttPb PLttPb clampin expanslo Position pressur ) Sy Q Q+F g

to be evaluated MTRC Special fuel element hOld 1 down part (Special A type)

MTRC Special fuel element hold 2 down part (Special MB,Special MC type)

Pm i Ceneral primary membrane stress, PL:Local primary membrane stressi Pb i Primary bending stressi Q i Secondary stressi F i Peak stress; Sa;Repeated peak stressi N ;Number of uses; Na I Permissible number of repetitiOn; DF i Fatigue accunlulation coefficient Sy;Vield point Of the designi MS ;Margin of safety c i Compression stress 176 ( ) A

(9) Corner drop A corner drop is a special case of inclining drops The package is made to drop with its corner directed downwards, as shown in ( ) Fig.A.63, where the line drawn from the center of gravity to the point which first touches the ground meets at a right angle to the solid plane.

(a) Deformation of shock absorber

( ) Figo A.63 shows the relatiOnship between the deformation of the shock absorber and lts remalnlng thickness.

This figure shows that deformation Only occurs in parts of the shock absorber and does not reach the inner shell.

( ) FiFr.A.63 Analvtical model of interference to inner shell due to shOck absorber deformation for l.2 m corner drop

( ) A177

(b) Stresses on the packaging and content

( ) Table A.19 shows the horizontal and vertical c omponents of the design acceleration for the corner drops(see( ) Table A.15)

( ) Table A.19 Design acceleration for corner drops (x g)

Drop type Total acceleration Vertical component Horizontal component for speclmen (N) (Nv=Ncos ) (NH = Nsin )

Lid side Corner Bottom side

( ) Table A.19 shows that each accelerating component is smaller than the acceleration recorded in the vertical and horizontal drop. Hence, stress is not analyzed here.

The analyses of the inner lid clamping bolts of different kinds other than those shown in section A.5,3(6) to (8) are described in the following paragraphs

( ) A178

(c) Stress On the inner lid clamping bOlts for corner drop During the drOp of the bottom side corner, the acceleration of the vertical component is far greater than that of the horizontal component. For this reason, the stress due to momen on the bolts of the lid can be neglected.

During the drop of the upper corner, stress occurs on the bolts due to moment of the inner lid. The stress is analyzed in this sectiOn.

( ) Figo A.64 shows an anal ytical mode1 0f the stress,

( ) Fig.A.64 Analvtical model of stress On inner lid cl amplng bolts fOr lid side cOrner drop

( ) A179

Bending stress occurs on the inner lid clamping bolts due to the moment of the inner lid when the package is made to fall with its lid side corner facing downwards (see

( ) Figo A.64).

The maximum bending stress that occurs on the bolt during this drop is Obtained as followsi max vtt H v=

II =

where max : MaXimum bending stress on [N/11m2]

V  : Stress due to vertical acceleratiOn component [N/mm2]

II  : Stress due to horizontal acceleration component [N/mm2]

NV  : Vertical acceleration component Nv = [m/s2]

NH  : Horizontal acceleration component NH [m/s2]

m Load applied on the mass of inner cOntainer lid m = [kg]

L Vertical momentum arm Lv =llII [mm]

LH Horizontal momentum arm LH = IIII [mm]

li Distance from pivotting point V tO a bolt [mm]

1 Distance from pivotting pOint H to a bolt [mm]

Ar: Area of core section of bol Ar dr2 [Hlm2]


= 67.6 [N/mm2]

41.7x9.81x 350x 18.6x 559.0

( H=

2x (42.52+121.22+223.92+335.12+437.82+516.52+5592)x 338.2

= 2.32 [N/mm2]

( ) Table A.20 shows an evaluation of the stresses on the inner lid c lamping bolts for lid side corner drop

( ) A181

Stress units

( ) Table A.20 Stress evaluatiOn fOr l m lid side corner rr n N/mm2 Stress Stress Stress Impact Prinary+secondary Stress Pr mary stress Fatigue at due to due to stress stress initial Position internal thermal to be evaluat clamping pressure expansion Horizontal Vertical Pm(PDI MS PLttPb 1 5Sm MS PL+Pb Q

3Sm MS PLttPb Q+F Sa N Na DF MS COmpOnent Component Inner lid 1

clamping bolt Pm;General primary membrane stressi PL i Local primary nembrane stressi Pb i Prinary bending stress; Q i Secondary stress; F ;Peak stressi Sa ;Repeated peak stress, N ;Number of uses; Na ;Permissible number of repetitioni DF;Fatigue accumulation coefficient Sm i Design stress intensity valuei Sy;Yield point of the designi c i Compression stress MS i Margin of safety t ;Ability Of bOlt stress ;Bending stress ;Shear stress 182 ( ) A

(10) Bottom side inclined drop (a) DefOrmation in shOck absorber

( ) Fi g.A.65 shows the relationshi p between the angle of dropping and the defOrmation for various types of bottom side inclined drOp.

No, Angle of Minimum thickness Deformation of Remaining thickness dropplng of shock absorber shock absorber of shock absorber befOre deformation 5° 15° 30° 45° 60° 75° 85°

( ) Fig,A.65 Analytical model of interference with inner shell due tO shock absorber deformation fOr l.2 m lower side inclined drop

( ) Fig.A.65 shows that at the drop, deformation only occurs in parts Of the shock absorber and dOes not reach the inner shell.

( ) A183

(b) Stresses on packaging and content

( ) Table A.21 shows the horizontal and vertical c omponents of the design acceleration at the bottOm side inclined drop(( ) Table A.15).

( ) Fig.A.66 shows the relationshi ps between the angle of dropping and the acceleration.

( ) Table A.21 RelationshiD betWeen drop angle and acceleration Angle at cceleration (G) dropplng Acceleration Vertical component Horizontal component (degrees) (N) (N cos ) (N sin )

5 15 30 45 60 75 85

( ) Fi .A.66 RelationshiD betveen accelerati on and drop anttle for l.2 m lower side inclined drop

( ) Table 21 shows that each acceleration component is smaller than the acceleration recorded in the horizontal and vertical drop.

Hence, stress is not analyzed here.

( ) A184

(11)Lid side inclined drop (a)Deformation of the shock absorber

( ) Fig.A.67 shows the relationshi p between the dropping angle and thedeformatiOn.

Angle at Minlmum thickness Deformation ln Remalnlng thickness dropplng of shock absorber shock absorber of shock absorber

( ) before deformation 5° 15° 30° 45° 60° 75° 85° Fi A.67 Anal ical model of interference with i due to shock a Or r ormat Or m Sl e lnc ln

( ) Fig.A.67 shows that defOrmation only occurs in parts of the shock absorber and dOes not reach the inner shell.

( ) A185

(b) Stresses on the packaging and content

( ) Table A.22 shows the vertical and horizontal components of the design acceleration fOr lid side inclined drop(see( ) Table A.15)

( ) Fi .A.68 shows the relationshi ps between the angle of drop and the acceleration

( ) Table A. PF 1 ir n hiV between drop angle and acceleration Angle at Acceleration (G) dropplng Acceleration Vertical component Horizontal component (degrees) (N) (Nocos ) (N sin )

5 15 30 45 60 75 85

Fall direction acceleration v , VertiCal direction acceleration izontal rpendi H ; HOriZOntal direction acceleration all all

( ) Fig.A.68 Relat p4Ship between acceleration and drop angle for l,2 m upper side inclined drop

( ) Table A.22 shows that each acceleration component is smaller than the acceleration recorded in the horizontal and vertical drop. Hence, stress is not analyzed here.

( ) A186

A.5.4 Stacking test We will analyze here the stresses that may occur on the package when a compressive load on technical standards is applied on it.

In the analysis of the stresses, the principal stress is obtained. The stress classifications and stress intensity evaluations are shown in section A.5,4(3).

(1)Compressive load The specified load to be applied to the specimen under the test condition is ;

the greater of the two, the compressive load WI five times as high as the weight of the package, or the load W2 0btained by multiplying the projected area A of the package by the pressure of O,013 [MPa] (any which is larger).

For the package in question, these loads are respectively Wl = 5 mo g [N]

W2 = 0,013 A [N]

Where, m :Mass of transportation packaging, mo=950[kg]

AI Projected area of the package, A= D2= [.lm2]

4 D: Outer diameter of the package, D = [ lm]

g: Gravitational acceleration, g = 9.81 [m/s2]

Thus, Wl=5x 950x 9,81=4.66x 104 [N]

W2 [N]

and Wl W2 The compressive load F is defined.

F=Wl=4.66x 104 [N]

(2)Analysis of the stresses We will analyze stresses that may be generated when a compressive load is applied for a period of twenty four hours to different parts of the packaging.

( ) Fig.A.69 shows the positions where stresses under the compressive load are to be evaluated.

( ) A 87

( ) Fi .A.69 Stress evaluation position for compressive load (A) Inner lid

( ) Fig.A.70 shows an analytical model of the inner lid

( ) Fig.A,70 Analvtical model of inner l id under compressive load

( ) A188

( ) Fig.A.71 shows that bOth its own weight and the compressive load act uniformly on the inner lid which, supported on its circumference, suffers the maximum stress at the center. The stress results are as follows,


z = W (Outer surface) where r i Radial stress [N/mm2]

i Circumferential stress [N/mm2]

z  : Axial stress [N/mm2]

a: Diameter of inner lid supporting points, a h: Thickness of inner lid, h lm]


J w: Uniform load, V

(m2+m5) g tt F


a2 m2: MaSS of inner container lid,


m5: MaSS of outer container lid,


F : Compressive load, F = 4.66 x 104[N/ lm2]

W= [N/mm2]

Thus, the stress to be obtalned is, r [N/mm2]

z The upper and lower parts of the double sign correspond to the outer and inner surfaces respectively.

( ) A189

(B) Inner shell

( ) Fi .A.71 shows an anal ytical model of the inner shell

( ) Figo A.71 Analytical model of inner shell under compressive load

( ) Figo A.72 shows that both the weight of the inner shell and compressive load act on the inner shell. The stress z which is generated by this compresslve force ls, z

where z : Compressive load [N/mm2]

F i Compressive force[N] F=4.66x 104[N]

m  : Mass of transportation packaging m = ml +m2 +m3 +m4 +m5 +m6 ml : Mass of inner container (a trunk and bottom), ml=III[kg]


Matt of fu ket = [kgl Mass of content = [kgl

( ) A190

m5 : MaSS of outer container lid, m5


m6 MaSS of outer contalner, m6 = [kg]

m = 200 + 120 + 138 + 92 + 120 + 225 = [kg]

g : Gravitational acceleration, g = 9.81 [m/s2]

A i Cross section of inner shell, A=

d2 Outer diameter of inner shell, d2 = [ lm]


dl Inner diameter of inner shell, dl =


E [ lm]

Thus, S, z= [N/mm2]

(3)ComparisOn of allowable stress The results of the stress evaluation from the analyzed items defined ln section A.5.4 are put toge ther in( ) Table A.23.

This table shows that in relation to the design standard values, a positive margin of safety can be achieved when single or superposed loads are generated.

Therefore, the soundness of the package can be maintained under normal test conditions (compression).

( ) A191

Stress units

( ) Table A 23 Stress evaluation for stackinII test N/mm2 Stress Stress Stress Primary+secondary Impact Primary stress Fatigue Stress at due to due to stress

Position initial internal thermal PL+Pb stress Pm(PL) Sm MS PLIPb 1 5Sm MS 3Sm MS PL+Pb Sa N Na DF MS to be evaluated clamping pressure expansion QttF Inner lid 1

2 Inner shell Pm:Ceneral primary membrane stress; PL :Local primary Pb ;Primary bending stress; Q i Secondary stressi F ; Peak stress; Sa ;Repeated peak stress, N ;Number of uses; Na ;Permissible number of repetition; DF;Cumulative fatigue coefficient; Sm:Design stress intensity value, Sy ;Yield point of the design; MS i Margin of safety ri Diameter direction stress o oiPeriphery direction stress o2 :Axial stress 192 ( ) A

A.5,5 Penetration The penetration test is carrled out to demonstrate that a bar of 32 mm ln diameter and 6kg in veight dropped vertically from a height of l meter with its hemispherical end downwards does not penetrate the weakest part of the package.

In the analyses, the contributions from the shock absorber and heat insulator under the outer shell is neglected on the assumption that the entire energy will be consumed in the deformation Of the outer steel plate of the outer shell. Thus, the evaluation will ensure the maximum in safety.

The inner shell and lid that form the main structure of the containment system is covered with an outer shell and lid. The thickness of the outer steel sheet isIl mm ( ) Fig.A.72 shows an analytical model of the package.

( ) Fig.A,72 Pettetration model We will describe below the case where the testing bar drops and reaChes the object in such an orientation that the outer steel sheet is penetrated with the greatest of ease(see( ) Fig.A.72).

The potential energy EI[N mm]of the bar before the drop is obtained as follows.

El = m g h vhere m: Mass of the stick, m = 6 [kg]

h: Drop height, h = 1000 [mm]

g: Gravitational acceleration, g = 9,81 [m/s2].

( ) A198

Thus, El=6x 9,81x 1000=5,89x 104[N Hlm]

The energyE2WhiCh isnecessarytopermit thebartopenetrate thelimmsteel sheet is obtained as follows, E2=  : dy Where, cr: Shearing strength of the outer steel sheet, cr O.6x Su= [N/11m2]

Su: Design tensile strength, Su


d: Diameter of the bar, d = 32 [mm]

t: Thickness of the outer steel sheet, t =IIE[mm].

When the equation is integrated with the above values, E2

'dx x l ]

El [N Ilm]

Therefore, the dropping bar does not penetrate the outer steel sheet.

( ) Fig .73 shows an anal ytical model for this test

( ) Fi .A.73 Shearing model This concludes that the dropping bar does not adversely affect the containment system or the soundness of the package.

( ) A 94

A.5,6 Corner or edge drop These requirements should be applied for the wooden or fiber plate made rectangular parallels piped shapes weighting less than 50kg and the cylindrical objects made of fiber plate weight less than 100kg. This packages, veighting 950kg, will be excluded from those requirements.

A.5.7 Summarisation of the result and the evaluation An outline of the test results for the package under normal test conditions is given below.

(1) 1.2 m drop As shown ln section A.5.3, deformations ln the shock absorber ln different cases of l.2 m drop come within the range from mm (vertical drop) to mm (corner drop). Hence, deformation in each orientation does not affect the inner shell.

The impact accelerations occurring come within the range from Stresses occurring are lower than the analytical reference values. Hence, the package retains its soundness and contalnment.

(2)Other analyses The tests concerning the pressures at drop, vibration, water spraying, stacking test, and the analyses for penetration, prove that the inner shell constituting the contalnment barrler retains lts sound contalnment and leaktightness.

(3)ComparisOn vith the al10wable stresses The analyses conducted in consideration of the composite effect of different loads described in section A.1.2(2)show that the package conforms with all the items of the design reference in section A 1.2(1).

The package retains its sound containment and leaktightness.

( ) A195

A.6 Accldent test conditions This package is classified as B(U)type, and has the following test conditions set out in the relevant technical standards.

(1) Drop test I After the drop test I, package must be exposed to the following conditions.

(2)Drop test (3)Thermal test (4) Immersion test After these tests (1)to (4)the package must be exposed to the following test conditions.

This section analyzes the effects that the preceding test conditions have on the package and shows how test results satisfy the design standards for the accldent test conditions.

A.6.l Mechanical test Drop test I (9 m drOp) or mechanical test Drop test (dynamic pressure pickles)

This section descrlbes the effects at 9 n drop that has on the package and covers the following four types of drop, which shows this package can maintain its soundness at 9m drops.

1) Vertical drop (lid side, bottom side)
2) Horizontal drop
3) Corner drOp (lid side, bottom side)
4) Inclined drop (lid side, bottom side)

(a)Analysis model Analysis illustrates the stresses generated in these drop tests, The energy generated by a 9 m drop is absorbed by the deformation of the shock absorber installed at the top and bottom sections of the outer shell.

This section evaluates the shock force applied to the package and analyzes its effects.

(b) Prototype test The is detailes are given in the accompanying document

( ) A 196

(c)Model test Not applicable.

This analysis is intended to ensure ;

1)The defOrmation in outer shell, caused by the 9 m drop, is not transmitted to the sealed inner shell, thus precluding breaking of the containment 2)The impact of the 9 m drop does not damage the inner shell and break the seal.

3)No damage to package content.

(1)Analysis methods The following characteristics of deformation and stress generated in the packaging, fuel baskets and content are analyzed when the 9 m drop tests performed on the package.

(a) Deformation l)It is assumed that impact is with a rigid surface and the drop energy of the package is absorbed only by the shock absorber. This means the volume of outer shell deformation is equivalent to the extent of shock absorber deformation. It ignores absorption by the metal plating and heat insulator, and leads to the higher deformation values, safety evaluation.

2) The acceleration and volume of deformation caused by the shock absorbing material are calculated using the CASH II absorption performance program described in section A.10.1.

(b)Stress l) The drOp energy of the package is absorbed by the deformation of the shock absorber and the metal plating that constitutes the outer shell body and outer lid.

2) The design acceleration used for analyzing stress is a summation of the acceleration of the metal plating and the CASH II value

( ) A 97

(acceleration generated in the external shock absorber)multiplied by l.2 (factor established through comparisons with test results shown in section A.10,1.)

s this acceleration cOmbines the acceleration factors of both the shock absorbing material and metal plating, it is used for safety evaluations of impact generated in the package.

Design accelerations = CASH II result (1.2 +metal plating acceleration

3) The acceleration generated in the metal plating is obtained by simple calculations.

(2) Drop force As indicated in section A.2 Weight and Center of Gravity , the veight of the package used for analysis is 950kg and drop force is calculated using the following equation:

Ua = Uv = m g h where Ua: Energy absorbed by shock absorber [ ]

Uv: Drop energy of the package [ ]

m: Mass of transportation packaging, m = 950 [kg]

h: Height of drop, h = 9 [m]

g: Gravitational acceleration g = 9.81 [m/s2]

nd drop energy is Ua=Uv=950x 9.81x 9=8.39x 104[ ]

=8.39x 107[N lm]

(3) Results of CASH II shock absorber analysis program

( ) Table A.24 shows the results of CASH program calculations of the values for acceleration and deformation generated in the shock absorbing material.

The table also lists the acceleration of the CASH II values multiplied by l.2, which are used in stress analysis.

( ) A198

(4) Design acceleration

( ) Table A 25 1ists the CASI II calculation code valuee multiplied by l.2, shown in ( ) Table A.24, and the acceleratiOn factors for identical metal plating described in section A.5 3(4) and calculated using identical procedures.

The design acceleratiOn factors, used for drop stress analysis, are calculated according to the fo1lowing equation and are also listed in the table.

DeSign acceleration = CASH resultx 1 2 + metal plating acceleration.

( ) A199

( ) Table A.24 Deformation and acceleration of shock absorber under accldent test conditlons Volume of Acceleration [ g]

Drop posture Deformation Calculated

[Ilm] x 1.2 value Horizontal Lid side Vertical Bottom side Lid side Corner Bottom side 5° 15° 30° Lid 45° side 60° 75° 85° Inclined 5° 15° 30° Bottom 45° side 60° 75° 85° where g: Gravitational acceleration, g=9.81 [m/s2]

( ) A 00

( ) Table A.25Deslgn acceleration under accident test conditions Acceleration Design CASH due to steel acceleration Drop posture plate x 1.2

[x g] [x g]

Horizontal Lid side Vertical Bottom slde Lid side Corner Bottom side 5° 15° 30° Lid 45° side 60° 75° 85° Inclined 5° 15° 30° Bottom 45° side 60° 75° 85° where g: Gravitational acceleration, g=9,81 [m/s2]

( ) A201

A.6.1,l Vertical drop (1) Bottom side vertical drop Shock absorber deformation is 106.3 mm as shown in ( ) Table A.24 and acceleratiOn is s shown in (H) Table A.25whenpackage is droppelllm vertically onto its bottom.

(a) Deformation in shock absorber This shows that deformation in the shock absorber caused by at 9 m vertical drop onto its bottom is not transmitted to the bottom of the inner shell.

( ) Fig.A.74 shows an analytical model.

( ) Fi .A.74 Analytical model of interference to inner shell due to shock absorber deformation for 9 m lower side v ertical droD As shown in ( ) Fig.A.75, the remaning mm of shock absorber after the package is dropped vertically 9 m onto its bottom is calculated using the following equation.

= v where

. Minlmum thickness of shock absorber prlor to deformation,

= ]

Y : Deformation of shock absorber, v =IIIIIII[mm]

The remained thickness is,


orma lon p by dropping the package vertically 9 m onto its bottom is limited to the shock absorber and is not transmitted to the bottom of the inner shell.

(b) Stress generated in various parts of package The analysis procedures and evaluation positions described in section( )

A.5,3 (7)are used and the analysis and evaluation results are both listed in( ) Table A.26.

( ) A 02

Stress units

( ) Table A.26 Stress evaluatjon for 9 m lov r side vertical rr r1/

N/mm2 Stress Stress Stress Impact at due tO Primary stress Position initial internal to be evaluated stress Pm(PL) 2/3 Su MS clamping pressure PL Pb Su MS 1 Inner shell Bottom plate of 2

inner shell 3 Inner lid Inner id 4

clamping bolt Pm:General primary membrane stressi PL ;Local primary membrane stress; Pb i Primary bending stress; Sy ;Yield point of the designi Su ;Design tensile strength; MS i Margin of safety r, Diameter direction stress ;Periphery direction stress 2 'Axial stress ob;Bending stress i Shear stress t ;Ability of bolt stress 203 ( ) A

Stress units

( ) Table A.26 Stress evaluatiOn for 9 m lower side vertical drop (2/3) ;N/mm2 Stress Stress Impact Stress at due tO Primary stress NO Position initial internal to be evaluated stress Pm(PL) 2/3 Sy MS clamping pressure PLPb Sy MS RR3 standard element (Uranium silicOn aluminum 1

dispersion alloy)

RR3 follover element 2 (Uranium silicon aluminum dispersiOn alloy)


standard element MTR 4

follover Pm i Ceneral primary membrane stress, PL ;Local primary membrane stress, Pb i Primary bending stress; Sy;Yield point of the design; MS ,Margin of safety  ; Shear stress 204 ( ) A

Stress units

( ) Table A 26 Stress evaluation for 9 m lower side vertical dro(l(3/3) ;N/mm2 Stress Stress Impact Stress at due to Primary stress NO initial internal stress Pm(PL) 2/3 Sy clamping pressure MS PL Pb Sy MS MTRC 1 Special fuel element (Special A type)

MTRC 2 Standard fuel element

( ,,MC type)

MTRC Special fuel element 3 (Special MB,Special MC type)

MTRC 4 fuel follOwer (MF type)

Pm;General primary membrane stress; PL i Local primary membrane stressi Pb ;Primary bending stress, Sy :Yield point of the designi MS ;Margin of safety t i Ability of bolt stress o c i Compression stress ;Shear stress 205 ( ) A

(2) Lid side vertical drOp ti n eliiitii:ll!'IIII IS:ib  :  : i:ci!

1 !::iI taii (a) DeformatiOn in shOck absOrber This shOws that defOrmatiOn in the shOck absOrber caused by a 9 m vertical drOp Onto its top is not transmitted tO the top area of the inner shell. ( ) Fi A.75 shOws an analytical mOdel.

( ) Fig.A.75 Anal ytical mode1 0f i nterference to lnner hell due tO shock abs orber deformation for 9 m uDoer sld e vertical drOD As shOwn in ( )Figo A.75, the remaining mm Of shook absOrber after the package is dropped vertically 9 m ontO its tOp is calculated using the f0110wing equation.

= o v where

, Minlmum thickness Of shOck absOrber pr10r tO deformation,

= ]

v . DeformatiOn Of shOck absOrber, The remalned thickness ls,


[ lm]

This shOws that defOrmatiOn in the shock absOrber caused by a 9 m vertical drop OntO its top is not transmitted tO the inner shell lid.

(b)Stress generated in various parts Of package The analysis procedures and evaluatiOn pOsitions described in sectiOn ( )A.5,3(8)are used and the analysis and evaluatiOn results are bOth listed in Table A.27

( ) A 206

Stress units

( )Table A.27 Stress evaluati on for 9 m upper side vertical drop (1/4) N/H 12 Stress Stress Stress Impact at due to Primary stress PositiOn initial internal to be evaluated stress Pm(PL) 2/3 Su clamping pressure MS PLPb Su MS 1 Inner shell Bottom plate Of 2

inner shell 3 Inner lid Inner lid 4

clamping bolt Pm i Ceneral primary membrane stressi PL ;Local primary membrane stress, Pb ;Primary bending stress, Sy , Yield point of the design, Su ;Design tensile strengthi MS :Margin of safety ri Eiameter direction stress ,Periphery direction stress 2 'Axial stress b i Bending stress o t ;Stress of the part of fuel plate pin 207 ( ) A

Stress units (H) Table A.27 Stress evaluation fOr 9 m upper side vert ical drop (2/4)

N/mm2 Stress Stress Stress Impact at due tO Primary stress NO Position initial internal to be evaluated stress Pm(PL) 2/3 Sy clamping pressure MS PL Pb Sy MS JRR3 standard element 1 (Uranium silicon aluminum dispersion alloy)

RR3 follower element 2 (Uranium silicon aluminum dispersion alloy)


standard element MTR 4

follower Pm;Ceneral primary membrane stress; PL ;Local primary membrane stress, Pb i Primary bending stress Sy;Yield point of the design; MS I Margin of safety ;Shear stress 208 ( ) A

Stress units (H) Table A.27 Stress evaluatiOn for 9 m upper side vertical droD (3/4) N/mm2 Stress Stress Impact Stress at due tO Prlmary stress initial internal str ss clamping pressure Pm(PL) 2/3 Sy MS PL Pb Sy MS MTRC l

Special fuel element (Special A type)

MTRC 2 Standard fuel element (lA, lB, IC type)

MTRC Special fuel element 3 (Specia lB,Special lC type)

MTRC 4 fuel follover (lF t ype)

Pm;General prinary membrane stress; PL ;Local primary membrane stressi Pb ;Primary bending stress; Sy ;Yield point of the design, MS ,Margin of safety t i Stress of the part cf fuel plate pin i Shear stress c ;Compression stress 209 ( ) A

Stress units (H) Table A.27 Stress evaluatiOn for 9 m upper side vertical droD (4/4) ;N/mm2 Stress Stress Impact Stress at due tO Primary stress initial internal stress Pm(PL) 2/3 Sy MS clampin pressure PL Pb Sy MS MTRC Special fuel element hOld 1 dovn part (Special A type)

MTRC Special fuel element hold 2 dOwn part (Special MB,Special MC type)

Pm;General primary membrane stressI PL i Local primary membrane stressi Pb ;Primary bending stress; Sy i Yield point of the design, rS i Margin of safety o c i COmpression stress 210 ( ) A

A.6.1.2 Horizontal drop The defOrmation Of 81.6 mm as shown in ( ) Table A.24 and acceleration of s shown in ( ) Table A.25 are generated in the shock absorber when horizontal drop is (1) Deformation in shock absorber This shows that the deformation generated in the shock absOrber by a 9 m horizontal drop is not transmitted to the inner shell (I) Fig.A.76 shows an analytical model.

( ) Fi .A.76 Analvtical mode l of interference to inner shell due to shock absorber defOrmation for 9 m horizontal drop As shown in ( ) Fig.A.76, the remaining mm of shock absorber after a 9 m horizontal drop is calculated by the following equation,

= H where

. Minlmum thickness of shock absorber pr10r to deformation,

= ]

H . DeformatiOn of shock absorber, H [llm]

The remalnl thickness l S,

[ lm]

The deformatiOn produced by a 9 m horizontal drop is limited to the shock absorber and is not transmitted to the inner shell.

(2) Stress generated in package and content The analysis procedures and evaluation positions described in section ( )A.5,3(6)are used and both the analysis and evaluation results are listed in ( ) Table A.28.

( ) A 211

Stress units (H) Table A.28 Stress evaluati for 9 m hOrizOntal drO (1/4)

N/mm2 Stress Stress Impact at due tO Primary stress Position initial internal to be evaluated stress Pm(PL) 2/3Su MS clamping pressure PLPb Su MS 1 Inner shell Bottom area of 2

inner shell Top area of 3

inner shell Inner lid 4

clamping bolt Rectangular 5

fuel basket Pm i Ceneral primary membrane stress; PL ,Local primary membrane stress, Pb ;Primary bending stress, Sy ;Yield point Of the designi Su ;Design tensile strength; MS , argin of safety r; Diam ter direction stress ;Periphery direction stress 2 'Axial stress b;Bending stress t i Stress of the part Of fuel plate pin i Shear stress 212 ( ) A

Stress units

( ) Table A 28 Stress evaluati for 9 m hOrizontal droD (2/4) N/mm2 Stress Stress Impact Stress at due tO Primary stress NO Position initial internal to be evaluated stress Pm(PL) 2/3 Sy MS clamping pressure PL Pb Sy MS RR3 standard element Surface (Uranium silicon directio 1

aluminum Axial dispersion alloy) directio RR3 follOwer element Surface (Uranium silicOn directiO 2 aluminum Axial dispersion alloy) directio Surface MTR directiO 3

standard element Axial directio Surface MTR di rF r ir 4

follower Axial i rf tif Pm i Ceneral primary membrane stress, PL ;Local primary membrane stressi Pb ,Primary bending stress; Sy ;Yield point of the design; MS ,Margin of safety b;Bending stress ,Compression stress 213 ( ) A

Stress units

( ) Table A.28 Stress evaluatiOn for 9 m horizontal drop (3/4) i/m2 Stress Stress Impact Stress at due to Prlmary stress Position initial internal stress to be evaluated clamping pressure Pm(PL) 2/3 Sy MS PL+Pb Sy MS Surface MTRC Special fuel element directiO 1

(Special A type) Axial directio Surface MTRC Standard fuel element directic 2

(MA,hlB,MC type) Axial directiO MTRC Surface Special fuel element ni rF tir 3 (Special MB, Axial Special MC type) di rer tir Surface MTRC directiO 4 fuel follover (MF type) Axial directif)

Pm;General primary membrane stress; PL ,Local primary membrane stress; Pb ;Primary bending stress; Sy;Yield point of the design; MS I Margin of safety ob;Bending stress c i Compression stress 214 ( ) A

Stress units

( ) Table A 28 Stress eval1lati for 9 m horizontal drolD (4/4) N/mm2 Stress Stress Impact Stress at due tO Prlmary stress Position initial internal to be evaluated stress Pm(PL) 2/3 Sy clamping pressure MS PL Pb Sy MS MTRC Special fuel element h ld dOwn 1 part (Special A type)

MTRC Special fuel element hold down 2 part (Special MB, Special MC type)

Pm i Ceneral primary membrane stress, PL i Local primary membrane stress; Pb ;Primary bending stress Sy;Yield pOint of the design; MS i Margin of safety b;Bending stress 215 ( ) A

A.6.1.3 Corner drop (1)Deformation of shock absorber

( ) Figo A.77 shows the deformation and the remaining thickness of the shOck absorber. Deformation affects only the external shock absorber and is not transmitted to the inner shell.

Lid slde corner drop Bottom slde corner drop

( ) Fig.A,77 Analytical model of interference to inner shell due to shock absorber deformation for 9m corner drop

( ) A216

(2) Stresses Of packaging and content

( ) Table A.29 shows the desi gn acceleration factors for the corner drop, listed in ( ) Table A.25, separated into vertical and horizontal elements,

( ) Table A.29 Desittn acceleration for corner drop (x g)

Vertical acceleration Horizontal acceleration Drop type Acceleration (N)

(Nv=Ncos ) (NH = Nsin )

Corner Lid side Bottom slde As ( ) Table A.29 shows, acceleration components for all directions are smaller than those for vertical and horizontal drop. For this reason stress analysis is omitted.

The procedures described in section ( )A.5,3 (9)are used for the inner lid clamping bolts and the analysis and evaluation results are both listed in

( ) Table A.30

( ) A217

(H) Table A.30 Stress eva ion fOr 9 m uDDer COrner dro Stress units Stress Stress Impact Stress Primary stress at due to stress o Position initial internal Horizontal Vertical h, Pm(PL) 2/3 Sy MS PL IPb Sy MS to be evaluated 1mh Component CompOnent Inner lid 1

clamping bolt Pm i Ceneral primary membrane stress; PL :Local primary membrane stress; Pb ;Primary bending stress; Sy:Yield point Of the design; MS ;Margin of safety t i Ability of bOlt stress b i Bending stress i Shear stress 218 ( ) A

A.6.1.4 1nclined drOp (1) Bottom side inclined drop (a) DeformatiOn Of shOck absOrber

( ) Fi .A.78 shows the relatiOnship between the angle at dropping and the defOrmati NO, Angle at Minimum thickness DeformatiOn of Remalnlng thickness dropplng of shOck absOrber shock absOrber of shock absOrber befOre defOrmation ( lm) ( lm)

( lm) 5° 15° 30° 45° 60° 75° 85°

( ) Fi A.78 Analvt ical model of interference to inner shell due tO shOck absOrber def ormation for 9m lover side lnc lined drop (I) A219

( ) Fig.A.78 shows that in the drop, deformation occurs only in parts of the shock absorber and dOes not reach the inner shell.

(b)Stresses of packaging and content

( ) Table A.31 shows the horizontal and vertical c omponents of the design acceleration for the bottom side corner drop ( ) Table A.25

( ) Fig.A.79 shows the relationshi ps between the angle of drop and the acceleration Table 31 Relation bottom side inclined drop Angle at Acceleration (G) drOpplng Acceleration (N) Vertical component Horizontal component sin )

(Nocos ) (N 5

15 30 45 60 75 85 (H)Fig.A,79 Relationship betveen acceleration and drop angle for 9m lower side inclined drop

( ) A220

( ) Table A.31 shows that each accelerating component is smaller than the acceleration recorded for the vertical and horizontal drop. Hence, stress is nOt analyzed here.

(2)Lid side inclined drop (a) Deformation of the shock absorber

( ) Fig.A.80 shows the relationshi p between the angle at dropping and the No, Angle at Minimum thickness Deformation ln Remalnlng thickness dropping of shock absOrber shock absorber of shock absorber before defOrmation (lll ) (Ilm)

( lm) 5° 15° 30° 45° 60° 75° 85°

( ) Fi .A.80 Analvtical model of in terference to inner shell due to shock absorber deformation fOr 9 m upper side inclined drop

( ) A221

( ) Fig.A.80 shows that deformation only occurs in parts of the shock absorber and does not reach the inner shell.

(b) Stresses on the packaging and content

( ) Table A.32 shows the horizOntal and vertical components of the design acceleration when dropped on the lid side corner ( ) Table A.25.

( ) Figo A.81 shows the relationshi ps between the angle of dropping and the acceleration.

( ) Table A,32 Relation betveen anIle of dron acceleration of shock absorber in 9m drop fOr upper side inclined drop Angle at Acceleration (G) drOpplng Acceleration (N) Vertical component Horizontal component cos )

(N (N sin )

5 15 30 45 60 75 85

( ) Fig,A.81 Relationship betveen acceleration and drOp angle for 9 m upper side inclined drop

( ) A222

( ) Table A,32 shows that each acceleration component is smaller than the acceleration recorded for the horizontal and vertical drop. Hence, stress is not analyzed here A.6,1.5 Summary of the results We will describe here what deformations occur on the package observed in the mechanical test(drOp I). The analysis will evaluate the possibility of the inner shell being damaged.

( ) Table A.33 shows the deformations in various drop tests lHl TablttA 33 Relationship between drop angle and acceleration for drop test I Analyzed part Of Minlmum Deformation Remalnlng Design Item shock absorber thickness ln shock thickness acceleration of shock absorber Of absorber shock before absorber deformation Drop type ( lm) ( lm) ( lm) xg(m/s2)

Lid side end Vertical drop Bottom slde end Cylindrical HorizOntal drop part Lid side end Corner drop Bottom slde end Lid side end 5° Bottom slde end Lid side end 15° Botton slde end Lid side end 30° Bottom slde end Inclined Lid side end 45° drop Bottom side end Lid side end 60° Bottom slde end Lid slde end 75° Bottom slde end Lid side end 85° Bottom side end

( ) A223

( ) Table A.33 shows that deformation occurs only in parts of the shock absorber and does not reach the inner shell in a bottom side corner drop.

( ) Tables A.26, A.27, A.28 and A.30 show that stress occurring on the packaging and content for each drop does not exceed the standard value, and therefOre does not cause any damage to them.

Thus, the package do not affect the containments and shielding performance of the packaging.

( ) A224

A.6.2 Mechanical test Drop test (l m drop)

In this section we will analyze the package on the assumption that drop test is carried out after drop test I.

We will examine here how the package is affected when it is dropped frOm the height of one meter onto a mild steel cylinder with a diameter of 150 mm.

( ) Fig.A.82 shows the package to be examlned in this section for three different drops, (a) Vertical lid side drop (direct hit on to the outer lid)

(b)Vertical bottom side drop (direct hit on to the outer shell bottom plate)

(c) HorizOntal drOp (direct hit on to the outer shell).

(c)HorizOntal drop (direct hit on to the outer shell)

( ) Fig.A.82 Analytical model for drop test

( ) A225

(1)Penetration We will demonstrate in this section that the evaluated portions shown in

( ) Figo A.82 are not penetrated.

In the analyses, the contributions from the shock absorber and heat insulator under the outer shell is neglected on the assumption that the entire energy will be consumed in the transformation of the outer steel plate of the outer shell. Thus, the evaluation will ensure the maximum of safety.

(a)Direct hit of outer lid onto test cylinder (vertical drop)with the lid slde end directed downwards.

( ) Fig.A,82(a)shows the case of a direct hit of the outer lid onto the mild steel test cylinder, the dropping energy Uo of the package is obtained by the equation.

Uo = mag H where m: Mass of transportation packaging, m = 950 [kg]

H: Height from which the package is dropped, H = 1000 [mm]

g: Gravitational acceleration, g = 9.81 [m/s2]

Thus, Uo ls, Uo=950x 9,81x 1000=9.32x 106[N nm]

The deformation (U)is obtained on the assumption that the dropping energy Uo is equal to the deforming energy U.

U= s,V where sI Stress on the panel, s

[N/ lln2]

Vi Volume of panel deformed, V=( (d+t)t} [ m8]

d: Diameter of mild steel cylinder, d = 150 [mm]

t: Thickness of the panel, t =III[mm]

Deformation [ lm]

On the assumption that Uo is equal to U, 9.32x 106=

( ) A226

li:iihe d: !!i!!I:llofttIIIIIttmcauSedindropteSt l iSaddedtOtheabove value, ve obtain As the mlnlmum thickness before deformation of the heat insulator is mm, its remaining thickness after deformation is mm. Therefore, deformation does not reach the inner shell The strength of the outer lid panel is evaluated on the assumption that the deformational strain is smaller than the specified elongation of the material, Drop test [ will not cause any penetration in the panel.

( ) Fig.A.83 shows an anal ytical model of the panel.

( ) Fi .A.83 Analvtical model for penetration strength under conditions of drop test As( ) Fig.A.84 shows, the elongation ( 1)of the Outer lid panel under the conditions of drop test is obtalned by the equation 1=1'1 where l' : Length of the panel after deformation, 2x +d [Hlm]

2 )

1: Length of the panel before deformation, 1 = 2 x + d [mm]

Deformation, Hlm]

d: Diameter of the mild steel bar, d = 150 [mm]

( ) A227

Therefore, 1= tt d) (2 + d) = 1,14 (2x 1 The straln lon is 1


1 The strain in head plate is (%). Because the outer lid head plate of type SUS has a specified elongation of more than %before penetration, no real penetration can occur.

(b) Direct hit of the outer shell bottom plate onto the mild steel bar (Vertical drop, bottom side down)

As shown in ( ) Fig.A.82 (b), the deformation produced when the bottom plate of the outer shell directly hits the mlld steel bar, is because the thickness and materials of the bottom plate and head plate are the same as those described in the preceding section.

When the above value is added to the deformation value of obtalned in drop test I, is obtained. As the minimum thickness of the heat ma i:::: :iioie:: i raJ!!  ! i; lill ;1 ::::iSih:f: ier shell.

Thestrain isII10/0, the same as that described in the preceding section, and likewise, the elongation before penetration i %. Therefore, no penetration occurs in the outer shell bottom plate.

(c) Direct hit of the outer shell on to mild steel bar (horizontal drop)

As ( ) Fig.A.82(c) shows, the deformation which occurs when the outer shell directly hits the mild steel bar is obtained by the equation Uo= s ( (d+t) t}

Where Uo : Dropping energy, Uo = 9.32) 106 [N/mm]

d: Diameter of the mild steel bar, d = 150 [mm]

ti Thickness of shell plate, t J [mm]

S Deforming stress on the shell, s = [N/mm2]

Hence, 9 32x 106=

( ) A228


When the above value is added to the value of deformation obta ned in drop test I, mm ls obtalned. As the remalnlng thickness of the heat insulator before deformation i

, lts remalnlng thickness after deformatiOn ls lm. Therefore, deformation does not reach the lnner shell.

s in the preceding cases, the strain is obtained by the following equation.

1 1.14 1 2 +d where 1 : ElongatiOn [mm]

1 Length before deformation [mm]

DeformatiOn, [ lm]

d: Diameter of the mild steel bar, d = 150 [ lm]

Hence, The strain in the shell sheet is  %. Because the outer lid head plate of type SU has an elongation of more than %before penetration, no real penetration can occur.

(2) Study of the packaging The packages acceleration which occurs at the lm drop vill be obtained ln this section.

(a) Lid side vertical drop The acceleration, N, of the package which occurs when the outer lid directly hits the mild steel bar (see ( ) Fig.A.82(a)) is obtained by using the analytical model(see( ) Fig.A.83)and the f01lowing equation, N= [m/s2]

m vhere F: Reaction force in the deformation of the panel,

( ) A229

F= s ° (d+t) t [N]

s: Deforming stress in the panel, s =IIIII[N/mm2]

d: Diameter of the mild steel bar, d = 150 [mm]

ti Thickness of the panel, t


mi Mass of transportation packaging, m = 950 [kg]

Theref N= [m/s2]

(b)Bottom side vertical drop The acceleration, N, of the package which occurs when the outer lids 8

ie::L#iI i.) tttte!iti:i:  !) ai:

lli li:::u!!ri::1 as those descrlbed in the preceding section.

(c) HorizOntal drop The acceleration, N, of the package which occurs when the outer shell directly hits the mild steel bar is obtained by using the analytical model (see ( ) Fig.A.83) and the f01lowing equation, N= [m/s2]

m where F: Reaction force in the deformation of the panel, F= s [ (d+t) t [N]

s: Deforming stress in the panel, S =lIIIl [N/mm2]

d: Diameter of the mild steel bar, d = 150 [mm]

ti Thickness of the panel, t [ lm]

m: Mass of transportation packaging, m = 950 [kg]

Hence, N is N= [m/s2]

This result of the analysis is smaller than the design acceleration obtained in drop test I (( ) Table A.33 shows horizontal:IIIIIIIII vertica1/1id side end: vertica1/bottom side end: . For this reason, stresses are not analyzed in this section.

( ) A230

A.6.2.l Summary of the results

( ) Table A.34 shows the results of the anal yses and evaluation of drop test

/mechanical test.

( ) Table A.34 Evaluation of penetration for drop test (1)Deformation Minimum insulator Deformation Evaluated Deformation Remalnlng position thickness ln drop test No. in drop test I thickness befOre deformation

( lm) ( lm)

( lm) ( lm) 1 Outer lid Outer shell 2

bottOm plate 3 Outer shell (2) Deformed strain Reference Evaluated Reference ln Margin of

pOsltiOn value Result analysis safety in analysis 1 Outer lid Rupture straln Outer shell 2 Rupture straln bottom plate 3 Outer shell Rupture straln 3 Acceleration Reference Result Evaluated Reference ln Margin of No. value pOsltiOn analysis safety in analvsis Acceleration 1 Outer lid in drop test I Outer shell Acceleration 2

bottom plate in drop test I Acceleration 3 Outer shell in drop test I

( ) of the packaging and contents are not damaged because the accelerati Table A.34 shows that the deformed straln of different parts observed in drop test is smaller than the reference elongation of SUS Therefore, no penetration occurs and the damage in this case does not reach the inner shell.

The acceleratiOn occurring at drop test is lower than that which occurs at drOp test I.

Thus, dropping conditions that may cause maximun damage to the package do not affect the containment and shielding performance of the packaging.

The main body on is lover than that at drop test I.

( ) A231

A.6.3 Thermal test A.6.3.l Summary of temperatures and pressure ln this section, we will describe the outline of the temperatures and pressures to be used in the designing and analysis of the behavior of the package under accldent test conditions.

(1)Design temperatures The evaluation of ( ) B.5,3 revealed that the temperature rises up t C ln the fuel basket, in the inner lid.

in the lnner shell andB Therefore, the design temperature under accident conditions is evaluated in the manner that contrlbutes to ensuring the maxlmum safety as shown in( ) Table A,35

( ) Table A 35 Design emperatures used for accident test condition No. Posltion Temperature( )

1 Fuel basket 2 Inner shell 3 Inner lid (2)Design pressure As was evaluated in the section ( ) B.5.4, the pressure in the inner shell can rlse up to MPa (measured at the gauge). Hence, the design pressure in the package under accident test conditions is evaluated to achieve maximum safety on the assumption that a pressure difference of MPa G occurs(see( ) Table A,36).

( ) Table .36 Desittn oressure of package under accldent condition Posltion Design pressure 1 Inner shell inside A.6.3,2 Thermal expansion Stress due to the difference of thermal expansion between the inner surface of the inner shell and the outer surface of the fuel basket will be described here.

The temperature of fuel basket and the inner shell may rise respectively(see( ) Table A.35).

However, stress is generated by difference of thermal expansion because the fuel basket is not fixed to the inner shell.

( ) A232

A.6.3.3 Comparison Of allowable stresses (1) Stress calculatiOn Stress generated on different parts of the package due to the design pressure will be analyzed for the same parts as those described in section A.5.1.3, using the same method.

In this analysis, the temperatures shown in ( ) Table A.35 will be used on the parts of the package.

(2)Displacement of the O rings of inner lid Displacement that can be generated at the O rings due to the design pressure will be analyzed for the same parts as those described in section A.5 1,3(1) ),

using the same method.

(3) Stress analysis and evaluation

( ) Table A.37 shows the results of the stress anal yses.

These results demonstrate that the integrity of the package can be maintained under accident test conditions (thermal test).

( ) A233

Stress units analysis and evaluatiOn under accident test conditiOns (thermal test) ;N/mm2 Stress Stress Stress Stress at due tO due tO Primary stress Position initial internal thermal to be evaluated clamping pressure expanslon Pm(P ) 2/3 Su PL Pb Su MS 1 Inner shell Bottom plate of 2

inner shell 3 Inner lid Inner lid 4

clamping bolt Displacement of the Interior:1)Displacement = mHl 5 2) Initial clamping value of the O ring =

inner lid O ring Remaining height of O rings t= Hul Pm;General primary membrane stress; PL ;Local primary membrane stressi Pb ;Primary bending stressi Sy;Yield pOint of the design Su ;Design tensile strength; MS ,Margin of safety or; Diameter directiOn stress ;Periphery direction stress 2:Axial stress t ;Ability Of bOlt stress 234 ( ) A

A.6.4 Water lmmerslon ln this section ve will demonstrate that when immersed 15 m under water, the package can sufficiently endure the external pressure ofIIIIkPa.

We supposed here that the inner shell is subjected tO this pressure. ( ) Fig A.84 shows the parts evaluated for stress.

Since the radioactivity of this package will not exceed 105 timeS A2, then water lmmerslon test ls not requlred.

Symbol Evaluated position Inner shell Bottom plate of inner shell Inner lid Displacement of O rings on inner lid

( ) Fig A.84 Stress evaluation oositi of inner shell for 15 m immersion test

( ) A235

lnner shell The inner shell suffering external pressure is evaluated for its buckling and for the stress that may Occur at its center.


( ) Fig.A.85 Anal ytical model shows the permissible buckling pressure for the inner shell under external ressure

( ) Fig.J.85 Analytical model of allowable buckling pressure for inner shell The allowable buckling pressure Pe (( ) Figo A.85) for the inner shell is obtained by the following equation [2]

The formula and figure for finding the respective allowable bucking stress Pe are applied also to the current, appropriate sources.

4 Pe =

3D where P : Allowable buckling pressure [kgf/cm2 G]

Do : Outer diameter of inner shell, Do= ]

t: Wall thickness of inner shell, t = [ lm]

BI Factor obtained from ( ) Fig.A.87, B 1: Length of the inner shell, 1 = [Ilm]


( ) A286

P [MPa]

Therefore, the margin of safety MS for the external pressure P=IIIIIIMPawhich the inner shell suffers is,

( ) A237

Ms = : 1 P


1. The intermediate value shall be obtained by proportional calculation.
2. The way of application Of this figure shall be given in the following, In case Of the cylinder shape subjected to a pressure on the outer surface (1) Take a value, 1/Do, on the axis of ordinates, (2) Calculate the value, Do/t, assuming the thickness, t, of the plate to be used.

(3)Draw a horizontal line from the point responding to 1/Do and obtain the crossing point of the horizontal line with the curve responding to Do/t.

(4)Draw a vertical line through the crossing point obtained in(c), and obtain the crossing point of the vertical line with the curve corresponding to the operating temperature.

(5)Draw a horizontal line from the crossing point obtain in (d), obtaining B which is the crossing point of the said horizontal line with the axis Of ordinates,

( ) Fig.A.86 Curve epresenting backling behavior factor of inner shell under external pressure

( ) A238

(b) Center Of inner shell

( ) Fig.A.87 shows an anal ytical model for the stresses occurring at the center of the inner shell under external pressure. The stress that may occur at the center of the inner shell is supposed to be a thin cylindrical wall and is obtained by the following equation.

( ) Fi .A.87 Stress analvsis mode l of center of inner shell P'Dm 2t P Dm z

4t P

r 2


Circumferential stress [N/mm2]

( Z  : Axial stress [N/mm2]

r  : Radial stress [N/

P: External pressure, P Dm : Average diameter of inner shell,


Dm = D + t =

[ lm]

t: Wall thickness of inner shell, t D: lnner diameter of inner shell, D Hence, the following values are obtained.

z r


Bottom plate of inner shell

( ) Fi A.88 Anal ytical model shows the stresses on the bottom plate of the inner shell under external pressure.

Assuming that the bottom plate of the inner shell is a disk fixed on its clrcumference, the stress on this fixed part is, a2

=+/- 0 225 h2 r =+/- 0,75 la2 h2 z = P (outer surface)

( ) Fi .A.88 Stress analysis model of bottOm plate of inner shell where i Circumferential stress [N/1lm2]

r i Radial stress [N/mm2]

z  : Axial stress [N/mm2]

P: External pressure, P = [MPa]

a Diameter of the bottom plate of inner shell, a [Ilm]

h: Wall thickness of the bottom plate of inner shell, h = [ lm]



r [N/mm2]

z = [N/mm2]

For the double sign of the stress value, the upper sign ( )corresponds to the inner surface and the lower sign (+) to the outer surface respectively.

( ) A240

O Inner lid

( ) Fi .A.89 Anal ytical model shows the stresses that may occur on the inner lid under external pressure.

The stress [N/mm2]that may occur on the disk supported on its circumference is at a maximum in the center (see ( ) Figo A.89)and is obtained as follows.

=01 z = P (outer surface)

( ) Fi .A.89 Stress analvsis model of center of inner lid where

Circumferential stress [N/mm2]

r i Radial stress [N/mm2]

z  : Axial stress [N/mm2]

PI External pressure, P = [MPa]

a: Diameter of the bottom plate of inner shell, a hi Wall thickness of the bottom plate of inner shell, h= [ lm]


= r [N/mm2]

z = [N/mm2]

For the double sign of the stress value, the upper sign ( )corresponds to the inner surface and lower sign (+) to the Outer surface respectively.

( ) A241

o Displacement of the O rings of inner lid

( ) Fig.A.90 Anal ytical model shOws the displacement of the O rings on the inner lid under external pressure.

( ) Fi .A.90 Displacement analysis model of O rings of inner lid under external pressure The outer O ring is at a distance of l from the supporting point of the disk suffering the uniform load. Its displacement is obtained as follows:


where Displacement of the outer O ring [mm]

Angle of deflection at supporting point [rad];

P, .a3 8D (1+v)

Pi External pressure, P = [MPa]

Factor of safety, =(R/a)2 Dist ance from the center of inner lid to the supporting point,


R : Radius of the inner lid, R =

D I Bending stiffness,


D= lN mml 12(1v E : Longitudinal elastic mOdulus of the inner lid, E = .lm2]

t i Minimum wall thickness of the inner lid, t =

. Polsson s ratio, =EEEII 1 : Distance from the supporting point to the outer O ring, 1


Hence, the displacement of the outer O ring is

( ) A242

= 0.0108 [mm]

This value is far smaller than the initial clamping value of the O ring (

= ). For this reason, the packaging cannot be adversely affected when exposed to external pressure.

( ) A243

( ) Table A.38 shOws the test results of items to

( ) Table A 38 Stresses evaluated for 15 m water immersion test Prlmary stress Stress Posltion Pm (PL) 2/3 Su Ms Pl+Pb Su Ms r

Center of inner shell Z

r Bottom plate Z Of inner r shell Z

r Inner Z lid r

Z MPa Buckling of

fi: ::i: ::::i;:i:p Pe =

the inner shell IIIII'Pa iiilii Displacement of Displacement of outer O ring =

O rlngs on lnner Initial clamping value of O rings lm lid Note. Stress and stress intensity unitsI N/mm2 These figures show that the package can maintain the integrity for its containment.

( ) A244

A.6.5 Summarisation of the result and the evaluatiOn The tests under accident conditions vere examined by analytical methods. The results of the mechanical test (drop test I)revealed that only the outer shell suffered deformation.

The results of the mechanical test (drOp test )revealed that only the outer shell suffered local deformation.

In addition, the stress that occurs on each part of the inner shell does not exceed the allowable value, so the containment interface, suffering no damage, is not adversely affected.

In the thermal test, the stress that occurs on each part of the inner shell does nOt exceed the allowable value, so the containment interface, suffering no damage, is not adversely affected.

In the water immersion test, the inner shell can endure an external pressure of KPa and maintain its soundness. Further, the fuel elements will never get fractured in the strength test, and the stress generated is not more than the allowable value.

The results of the evaluatiOn of the outer shell, inner shell and content will be used fOr (B) Thermal analysis, (C) Containment analysis, (D) Shielding analysis, and (E)Criticality analysis, In the(B)Thermal analysis,(C)Containment analysis,(D)Shielding analysis, and(E)Criticality analysis, the results of the(A)Structural analysis were taken into consideration as follows.

(1) Thermal analysis Those parts of the packatting WhiCh are essential to the thermal analysis are represented by the inner shell and inner lid.

The inner lid is covered with the outer lid.

In the structural analysis, the deformation of the lid side shock absorber lS at the horizontal drop, while lIIIIImm at the vertical drop and IIIIImm the thickness before deformation of the material is respectively IIII,m and mm. So the deformation does not occur ixl the inner shell.

No penetration occurs in the outer shell at drop test .

The outer lid does not come off, sufficiently maintaining its functions as a heat insulator.

( ) A245

We therefore suppose that in the thermal analysis, the inner shell is not damaged, and that the remaining thickness of the heat insulator and the shock absorber are determlned to ensure the maxlmum ln safety.

(2) Containment analysis ln the structural analysis, both the containment system of the packaging and the fuel elements suffer no damage and maintain their integrity, In the containment analysis, the results are used to evaluate the leakage of radioactive material.

(3) Shielding analysis ln the shielding analysis, damage of either the outer shell, inner shell or fuel elements will influence the results.

sh::kl!iSil i:


4111tti'tl Li!:::::ci: :h:IIllill148 !: ldi:ie Thus, deformation does not reach the inner shell and the packaging malntalns lts lntegrlty.

In drop test , the outer shell is locally deformed, but the inner shell ls not deformed.

Thus, in the shielding analysis we supposed that the inner shell would not be deformed, and, in order to ensure the maximum in safety, that the package has no outer shell, no heat insulator, and no shock absorbers.

(4) Criticality analysis As in the case of the shielding analysis, we supposed here that the inner shell would not be deformed, and, in order to ensure the maximum in safety, that the package has no outer shell, no heat insulator, and no shock absorbers.

A.7 Relnforced immerslon test The maximum quantity of radioactivity of these transported articles is less than 100,000 times of the A2 1evel, vhich is not considered relevant.

A.8 Radioactive content The fuel element, the radioactive content in the package consists of laminated fuel plates supported by the side plates on its ends(see(I) Fig.D.1). The fuel is located between aluminum alloy plates.

The specifications of the fuel element are shown in (I) Table D.

Structural analyses of the fuel elements are carried out under normal and accident test conditions on the assumption that they will suffer the same impact acceleration as that in the transport packaging. Therefore, the stress generated in any of the fuel elements is not more than the allowable stress under general and specific testing conditions, so that the fuel element are free from getting fractured.

( ) A246

A.9 Fissile package This package, under the category of the fissile package in the Regulations, is used at an ambient temperature of more than40R3. It is very unlikely that the package, as described in A.4 2, vill be damaged or cracked at operating temperatures between 40R3 and 38R3.

Therefore, here is analyzed the damage of the package under the following test conditions, vhich is assumed for criticality analysis in(II) E Criticality Analysis.

A.9 l Normal test conditions for fissionable transported articles ln consideration of (II)E Criticality Analysis, damage of the package is analyzed on the results of A 5 and A.9.2 as show in ( ) Fig.A.91.

1)water 2) 1,2m free 3) stacking 4)Penetration spraylng drop test Steel bar 1.Om Package Package Package ackage m

( ) Figo A 91 Normal test conditions A 9,1.l Continuous test (1)Water spray The same as A 5 2, there ls no damage to the package.

(2)1 2m free drop(1.2m drop)

The same as the normal test conditions for the BU type package, there is no danage to the inner cell of criticality system as described in A 5,3 A 9.1.2 Stacking test The same as A 5.4 there is no damage to the inner cell of criticality model.

A9.1.3 Penetration test The same as 5.5, there is no damage to the inner cell of criticality model.

With the results above, the damages of the package are summarized as shown in

( ) A247

(II) Table A.39, This package, as shown in (II) Table A40, meets the requirements for the fissile package under the normal tests conditions stipulated by the regulation and the notification.

(II) Tab le A 39 Dama re s of the fissile ckage under the normal test conditions Test conditions Damage to the package Note Water spray No damage 1.2m drop Deformation of outer shell, Outer shell, shock absorber and shock absorber and heat heat insulator are neglected in insulator criticality analysis. Eye plate has possibility to be deformed, but it is neglected in criticality analysis.

Acceleration, stress at each part of the package, etc. do not exceed the value of 9m drop test respectively, Stacking No damage Penetration No damage (II) TableA40Co liancewlth reqwirements for fissile package under normal test conditions Requirements for fissile package Evaluation The structure should not be made a dent The external di mensions of the inner which contains a cube of 10cm containe which is a system subject to criticality assessment,are 48 cln in outer diameter and 140 cm in length,and each side of the circumscribed rectangular sol lS 10 CEn Or aore.

( ) A248

A.9.2 Special test conditions for fissionable transported articles The accident test conditions for the fissile packages are given as the testing procedures shOwn in ( ) Fig.A.92 A The damage incurred under normal test conditions and composite effect caused by the different tests including 9 m drop, l m penetration, fire test (800R3 for 30 minutes) and O.9 m immersion, B The damage incurred under normal test conditions and 15 m immersion test.

Among the above given A and B, the safety evaluation is to be executed under the condition A, in which the composite effect is taken into account considering 9 m drop test which is presumed having significant effect on the critical system and the fire test where the shock absorber burns out and adjacent packages come to be placed closer to each other.


1) Normal test 2)Drop test 1 3)Drop test 4)Fire test 5)Water conditions lmmersion test (A.9.1)

Water 800H )(30min. O.9m Package Package Package lm Package 9m


1) Normal test conditions 2) Immersion test (A.9,1) 15rn I!Water Package

( ) Fig.A.92 Accident test condition

( ) A249

Here is emp10yed as normal test conditions a continuous test accompanying damage, as shown in (II) Table A 39.

In consideration of criticality analysis in ( ) E, damage affected package is evaluated as follOws,

1. Continuous test of normal test conditions Damage of the package under the mentiOned test conditions ls as shown ln

( ) Table 39

2. drop test(9m)

(1)Dropping attitude and the order of the drOp test Dropping attitude and the order of the drop test are given in( ) Fig.A.93.

In case the dropping directions of l.2m drop and 9m drop test are the same, deformation of the shock absorber will be considered the greatest, and thus here is consldered that case.

( ) A250

( ) Fig.A,98 Drop attitude and test order

( ) A251

(2)Deformations and design accelerations Deformations and design accelerations of the fissile package produced in the drop test I(1.2rn drop test and the consecutive 9m drop test)for fissile package are analyzed by the method described in section A.5,3.

( ) Table A.41 shows the results of the anal yses

( ) Table A.41 Deformations and desiFrn aCCelerations of shock absorber under accident test conditions (combined evaluation)

Acceleration and Acceleration (g) Rate of Deformation acceleration to Drop Deformation design CASH Steel plate Design height (mm) acceleration due x 1.2 acceleration acceleration Drop to drop test I attitude (9m drop only)

Horizontal Upper Portion Vertical Lower

  • 9m portion Upper Portion Corner Lower Portion
  • 1: 9 m drop is evaluated by considering the deformation by l.2 m drop.

(3)Evaluation of damages of the package Design acceleration of the drop test for the fissile package, as shown in (II) Table A.41, increases byII% at he maximum in comparison with that of the drop test l for the B(U)fissile package. Among the structural evaluation results of drop test l of the fissile package, the part of the smallest safety margin is an inner shell lid fastening bolt on the vertical drop, as shown in (II) Table A. 27. The safety margin i In structural evaluation of the package, the increasing rate of acceleration is the same as that of the generated stress. Even when the design acceleration andthegeneratedstressincreasesbyII , thesmallestsafetymarginisIIIIIII which shows that the structural integrity of the packaging and its contents ls malntalned.

( ) A252

3. lm penetration test ln the drop test Of A 9.2.l and A 9.2.2 above, the outer shell, shock absorber and heat insulator are deformed, but these are not related to evaluation of lm penetration test, as shown in A 6.2. Therefore, the damage of the package on the present test will be the same as the results in 6 2(See the summary A 6 2).
4. Thermal test ln the thermal test, deformation of outer shell, shock absorber and heat insulator is taken into account, but effect of their deformation is considered negligible. Thus, damage evaluation of the package under this test will be the same as A 6.3.3(3).
5. Immersion test(0,9m)

As proved by 15m immersion test, the package damage in O.9m immersion test will not expand.

6. Summary of the package damage Summary of damage to the package under special test conditions is described here.

(II) TableA.42Dama eof thefisslle package under special test conditions Conditions Damage of the package Notes drop(9m) Deformation of outer shell, shock Outer shell, shock absorber and absorber and heat insulator heat insulator are neglected in criticality analysis.

Penetration(lm) Deformation of outer shell, shock Outer shell, shock absorber and absorber and heat insulator heat insulator are neglected in criticality analysis.

Thermal Partly damaged by a fire In criticality analysis, heat test(fire) Rise in temperature for each part insulator is neglected and water density is set at cm3 Immersion(0,9m) No damage In criticality analysis, assessed for the package filled wlth water

( ) A253

A.10 Appendix A.10.l Analysis program for absorbing performance of shock Absorber i CASH " ( ) A249 A.10.2 Validity of the free drop analyses of RF90Y950K package ( ) 256 10 3 Displacement of inner lid O rings ( ) A257 A.10 4 Stress/strain characteristics of the shock absorber at low temperatures ( ) A262 A 10.5 Stress/straln characterlstics of ( ) A263 A.10.6 Low temperatures strength of SUS ( ) 264 A.10,7 Low temperature impact valuc of ( ) 265 A.10.8 Lov temperature impact value of SUS ( ) A266 A.10 9 Method for calculating the torque of inner lid clamping bolt ( ) A267 A.10,10 Literature ( ) A272

( ) A254

A.10 l Analysis program for the absorbing performance of shock absorber i CASH "

(1) General C SH "is a calculation code which is used to analyze the shock absorber by an uniaxial displacement method (U,Do M)when the package equipped with shock absorber on lts top and bottom is dropped.

The deformation, the energy absorbed, and the impact force (acceleration and g value) occurring irl the package when dropped with various postures (vertical, horizontal, and inclined)

As shown in ( ) Figo A.94, this code can be applied to shock absorbers consisting of areas (called ;material areas") of different mechanical characteristics (stress/strain relationships).

A, B, and C represent material areas.

( ) Fig,A.94 Analytical model of shock absorber (2)Analysis theory The FcASH "code is a program for analyzing the impact performance of the pu kdB(,s sh() k absol ber in various inclined drop es ts (inclination 0 degreesi vertical drop, inclination = 90 degrees: horizontal drop) in a uniaxial displacement method (U.Do M.) which is based on the following two basic principles.

a)Energy absorbing characteristics are analyzed by a U.Do M. ;

b)Uniaxial bars with inclined orientation is replaced with an equivalent (I) A255

couple of uniaxial bars of hOrizontal and vertical orientation.

The analysis theory of the CASH " code based on these principles is described below.

a)Uniaxial displacement method (U.D,M.)

This is a theory which assumes that each area subject to deformation absorbs the deforming energy in a uniform and uniaxtial manner. Areas subject to deformation such as shock absorber are replaced with a number of uniaxial bars. The energy absorbing characterlstics of the entire shock absorber ls evaluated on the basis of the energy absorbing characteristics of the uniaxial bars.

We will consider here a case where a mass which weighs W and has an energy Eo hits the structure shown in ( ) Figo A 95.

10 : Initial length l : Final Leigh 1 : Displacement A i Ccross section Unlform deformation A A Before deformation After deformation

( ) Fi .A.95 Analvtical model b y uniaxial displacement method

( ) A256

The compressive stress/strain relationship of the structure is supposed to app ear as shown in ( ) Figo A.96



( ) Figo A.96 Compressive stress/strain relationship of material The deformation l of the structure and the acceleration a which occurs in the mass are obtained as follows.

The strain c that is generated when a structure suffers a l deformation is,

= 1/10 (A.101)

The stress ls,

= f(c) = f( 1 / 10) (A.102)

Hence, the force F that occurs when the structure suffers a l defOrmation is, F=A =Ax f( 1 / 10) (A.103)

The energy E that is absorbed by the structure when it suffers a 1 deformation ls, E= F = E A ([)d .

When the energy EO that the structure has to absorb is given, the final deformation 1 is determined using formula A.104,


(8)d Vtt A When 1* is substituted in formula(A.103), we obtain as follows, F* = Af( 1* / 10) (A.106)

Therefore, the acceleration a* is, a* = F* / W (A.107)

( ) A257

b) Uniaxial bar with inclined Orientation We will describe in this section how to handle the uniaxial bars inclined orientation based on a uniaxial displacement method.

Calling the inclined drop angle, ve suppose that the following equation is valid among the stresses with inclined direction , vertical z and horizontal direction x for the same strain ,

( ) = z(c) cosm + x( ) sinm (A.108)

Where m is the constant for inclination of the material.

In this case, there is approximately the following relationship between E

, Ez, and Ex, E = Ez cosm 2 + Ex sinm 2 (A.109) also, approximately the relationship betveen F , Fz, and Fx, F = Fz cosml + Fx sinml (A.1010) where E and F are respectively the energy and force generated when the uniaxial bars oriented to the inclination suffer , while the energy and force generated in Ez and Fz when the uniaxial bars are vertically oriented suffer , and the energy and force generated in Ex and Fx when the uniaxial bars are horizontally oriented suffer c (see the following charts).

Z Z Uninaxial Uninaxial bar bar Uninaxial bar B

Uniaxial bars Uniaxial bars Uniaxial bars oriented to the inclination vertically oriented horizontally oriented

( ) A258

(3)Demonstration of CASH " code To demonstrate the validity of the CASH ", drop tests carried out for four kinds of casks were analyzed. The comparison of the analytical and exp erimental values are shown in ( ) Table A.48

( ) Table A.43 shows that, a) The defOrmation of the shock absorber was found to be greater in the analytical values based on theCASH "code than in the experimental values, thus ensurlng the maxlmum safety.

b) The design value of the acceleration based on the CASH " was found to be equal to, or greater than, the experimental value, thus ensuring valid results.

The weight of the package is 950 kg vhich remains within the weight range of the four different casks,

( ) Fig.A.97 shows that the shock absorber used in the package ls ln the same proportion as those of other packagings and caus no problems in applying the analysis code.

These results permit us to suppose that evaluation of the shock absorber performance based on the CASH " code will lead to justifiable results.

However, in the designing of the shock absorber, the following points are taken lnto account,

1) A design acceleration+20%of the value based on the Fc sH "code is adopted as the acceleration that can occur.

ii) Calculated values are adopted as the deformation of the shock absorber because the C SH " code leads to higher values.

( ) A259

( ) Table A.43 Comparisons of anal ytical values by CASH " and experimental values Type of cask TYPE l TYPE 2 TYPE 3 TYPE 4 Weight (kg)

Outer dimensions( lm)

Posture at droping Analytical value (g)

Design value (g)

Experimental value (g)

Analytical value

( lm)

Experimental value

( lm)

  • The design values which are equal to the values of the analytical value multiplied by a factOr of l.2 are used in the designing, taking possible variations of test results into account.

Shock absober The main body of shell

¨ D

TYPE l TYPE 2 TYPE 3 TYPE 4 Package L1/L2 D1/D2 Shock absorber

( ) Fig A.97 Proportion of shock absorbers

( ) A260

A.10 2 Validity of the free drop analyses of the JRF90Y950K package

( ) Table A.44 compares the results of a drop tests and the analytical results Obtained from a prototype packaging.

Generally, the analytical results were obtained so as to ensure the maximum ln safety.

( ) Table A.44 ComparisOn of analytical and experimental results Ratio of Analytical Item Test results analyses/ Remarks results test Acceleration Drop test I (G) Drop test Deformation Drop test (1lm) I

( ) A261

A.10 3 Displacement of inner lid O rings

( ) Figo A.98 shows an anal ytical model showing the displacement of the O rings in the l.2 m lid side vertical drop of the package

( ) Fig.A.98 Analytical model of inner lid for l.2 m lid side vertical drop

( ) A262

( ) Fig.A.98 shows that the uniform load consisting of the weight of the content and that of the fuel basket act at the center of the inner lid, and that the uniform load due to the dead weight of the inner lid acts on the lid.

On the other hand, the inner lid is supported by inner lid clamping bolt and the shock absorber which has a circular reactiOn force.

Displacement of the O rings fixed on the inner lid which suffer these loads can be calculated by combinlng the results of the analyses uslng the ttD, , and D models(see(

) Figo A.99).

D Contents + fuel basket The displacement that can occur in the disk suffering a uniform load on its concentric circle(see( ) Fig.A.99(D)is, Pl b4 .4 4a2(1v)b2

+lI l

16D { 4b4 2(1+v)a2 [2 4(3 where l  : Displacement of the inner O ring [mm]

ll . Polsson s ratio, inner lid, a = [ lm]

bi ::i: : :: :I: i;:i::tid=iiiilimi the r: Radius of the lnner O rlng groove, r = [ lm]

m3 1 Mass of fuel basket, m3 = [kg]

m4 : Mass of contents, m4 = kg]

N: Acceleration, N = [m/s2]

h: Minimum wall thickness of the inner lid, h E: Longitudinal modulus of elasticity, E = .lm2]

Pl : uniform load of the content/fuel basket, (m3+m4)

Pl= N 2]

T b2 D: Bending stiffness of the inner lid, D= [N lm]


Hence the displacement l due to the content + fuel basket is,

( ) A263

Weight Of the inner lid The displacement 2 (mm) that can occur in the disk suffering a uniform load(see( ) Figo A.98(2)is, P2a4 2 =

64D [1


sf a: Radius of the supported points of the inner lid, a = [ lm]

r: Radius of the lnner O rlng groove, r = [ lm]

h: Wall thickness of the inner O ring groove, h = [Hlm]

N Acceleration, N = II [m/s2]

Density of the inner lid, = [kg/ lm3]

D: Bending rigidity of the inner l id,D= [N lm]

P2 : Uniform load due to the dead wei t of the inner lid, P2 = hN = [N/ lm2]

Hence the displacement 2 due tO t weight of the inner lid is, 2 = [ lm]

)Reaction force of the shock absorber to be subtracted The displacement 3(mm) that can occur in the disk suffering a uniform load on its concentric circle(see( ) Fig.A.98( )is,



vhere 3 : Displacement of the inner O ring [mm]

Poisson's ratio, lIIIIII

( ) A264

a: Radius Of the supported points of the inner lid, a = [ lm]

C: Radius Of the load, C = CO + tan [Hl ]

CO: Upper radius of the circular cone, CO =IIIB[mm]

Circular cOne ang19, =IIIIIII [degrees]
Deformation of the shock absorber, =IIII [mm]

D: Bending rigidity of the inner lid, D [N lm]

P3 : Compresslve stress on the shock absorbe = /

r: Radius of the lnner Oring groove, r = lm]

Hence, 3iS, 3

D Reaction force of the shock absorber The displacement 4(mm)that can Occur in the disk which suffers a uniform load on its concentric circle(see( ) Fig.A.98( )is, 4= 1 64D


1  :

1 ]

where, 4 : Displacement in the inner O ring[ lm]

. Polsson s ratio, =

a: Radius of the supported points of the inner lid, a =

r. Radius of the lnner O ring groove, r =


D: Bending rigidity of the inner lid, D = [N lm]

P4 : COmpressive stress on the shock absorber, P4 =IIIIIII[N/mm2]

Hence the displacement 4 due tO the reaction force of the shock absorber lS,

( ) A265

4 = [Hlm]

Thus, the tOtal displacement is,

= l+ 2+ 3 4= [ lm]

Incidentally, as for the 9 1n lid side vertical drop test replacing the values of acceleration, ) , compresslve stress of shock absorber, lh/ lm2) and displacement,

) , with the corresponding value for l,2 m lid side vertical drop test, the same analysis is conducted and the results of evaluation are given in ( ) Table A.45.

( ) Table 45 Analysis results of displacement of inner 0rintts of inner lid Name of Total Analysis conditiorl Displacement Remaining height displacement displacement Normal condition (internal pressure) o l

1 1.2 m lid side 2 vertical drOp 3 4

Normal condition (internal pressure) o l

2 9 m lid side 2 vertical drop 3 4

  • Note: Residual tightening interference = Initial margin of tightening lm)

Total displacement As shown in ( ) Table A.45, remaining height of the inner O ring in each of the cases of l.2 m and 9 m lid side vertical drop tests is always positive so that it can be granted that the containment of packages will be duly maintained.

( ) A266

A.10.4 Stress/strain characteristics of the shock absorber at low temperatures

( ) Fi .A.99 shows the stress/straln characterlstics of the shock absorber at low temperatures

( ) Figo A.99 Stress/strain characteristics curves for shock absorber at low temDeratures[4

( ) A267

10.5 Stress/strain characteristics of

( ) Fi g.A.100 shows the stress/strain characteristics of foam.

A.100 Stress straln curves for

( ) A268

A.10.6 Low temperature strength of SUS l ) FiE. !101 Shows the mechanical characteristics of the material SUS at 10w temperatures.

Fi 101 Low t rature str th of SUS [16]

( ) A269

A.10,7 Low temperature impact values of SUSIIIII

( ) Fig.A.102 shows the low temperature impact values of the material SUS Fi A.102 Low t rature l act value of SUS [16]

( ) A270

A.10,8 Low temperature impact Value of SUS

( ) Fig.A.103 shows the low t emperature impact values of the material Fi A 103 Low t rature t value Of SUS [18]

( ) A271

A.10 9 Method for calculating torque of inner lid clamping bolts ln this section, ve will analyze the initial clamping force of the inner lid clamping bolt (called the bolt" below).

( ) FiII.A.104 Analvtical model for initial cl ampintt force of inner lid clamping bolts The minimum required clamping force for the bolt showll in ( ) Fig.A.104 is, Fmin=Fc+FG+FH vhere Fmin : Minimum force required for tightening the bolt [N]

FC : Loss of compressive force in the inner lid when external force is applied


FG : Clamping force assured by the O rings [N]

FH : Decrease of clamping force due to differential thermal expansion [N]

These three values will be analyzed below.

( ) A272

(1)Fc, the loss Of cOmpressive force in the inner lid when external force is applied is Fc = (1 )Wa = (1 )(Wl + W2)/n where Wa : Axial external force, Wa = (Wl + W2)/n


Wl : Load due to internal pressure,



vhere P: Maximum internal pressure, P = lMPal Gl : Inner O ring diameter, Gl =

W2 : Load occurring at 9 m lid side vertical drop, W2 [N]

n: Number of bolts, n =

Internal force factor of the bolt, K

K Kc

[ ]

where Kt : Tension spring constant of the bolt, Kt=Eb/ [N/mm]

( Ab As where la : Length of the bolt cylinder, la = [ lm]

ls : Length of the thin bolt cylinder, ls = [ lm]

Ab i Cross section of the bolt cylinder, Ab= d2= [Hlm2]

As , Effective cross section,


( ) A273

Where d2 i COre diameter of the bolt, d2 = lm]


Eb : Longitudinal modulus of elasticity of the bolt, Eb = [N/mm2]

l : Length equivalent to the elastic displacement in the fitting parts of the nut, l = [ lm]

KC i Compression spring constant of the inner lid, Kc=

. mm2d121= /mm2]

Where lK: Tightening length, lK =


dl : Diameter of bolt hole, dl =IIII[mm]

B: Diameter of the contact surface of the bolt head, B = [ lm]

dm : Diameter of equivalent cylinder, dm = B + = [ lm]

5 EC : Longitudinal modulus of elasticity of the inner lid, Ec =

Hence, Fc=(1 )Wa [N]

The tensile force Ft in the bolt due to external force is, Ft= Wa= [N]

(2) Clamping force for the O rings The clamping force FG fOr the O rings is, FG= (Gl+G2)x q/n vhere Gl . Diameter of the lnner O rlng, Gl

[ lm]

G2 ' Diameter of the outer O rlng, G2 [Hlm]

( ) A274

q: Linear load of the O rings, q =

Hence, FG= [N]

(3) Decrease of clamping force FH due to differential thermal extension FII is O because the material of the inner lid is the same as that used for the bolts.

Thus, the minimum required clamping force is, Fmin=Fc+FG+FII= [N]

(4)The initial clamping force for the bolt The initial clamping force FO of the bolt is a little more than the minimum requlred force FO= [kgf]

(5) Initial tOrque for the bolt The initial torque for the bolt is, T=k d FO= [N llm]

= 28,8 [kgf m]

where k is the torque coefficient (k =III ).

(6) Bolt clamping triangle The above analysis results are shown in the bolt clamping triangle (see

( ) Fig.A.105).

The following is the symbols used in ( ) Fig.A.119 FO : Initial clamping force of bolt, FO = [N]

Fmin : Minimum required force for clamping the bolt, Fmin= [N]

Wa : Axial external force, Wa = N]

Ft i lncrement of the bolts tensile force when external force is applied, Ft=

Fc i Loss in the lids compressive force when external force is applied, Fc = [N]

Fc'  : Residual compressive force in the inner lid, Fc' = [N]

( ) A275

FH : Decrease of clamping force due to differential thermal extension,


FH Fb : Bolt tensile force, FB = [N]

FG : 0 rings clamping force, FG= [N]

( ) Fig.A 105 shows that the residual compressive force Fc' on the inner lid is higher than the O ring's clamping force FG TherefOre, the contalnment of the O rings can be malntalned by the initial clamping force FO,

( ) A276

( ) Fig.A.105 Triangle diaFttram for inner lid clamping bolt Explanation Of( ) Fig.A.105 (1)This illustration shOws that even if axial external force Wa acts from the initial clamp force of bolt FO, the residual compressive force in the inner lid Fc would be larger than O ring clamping force FG (2)On the axial part of the bolts a tensile force Fo will be imposed by the initial clamping, and On the body to be clamped, (that is the lid part), a compressive force Fo will be generated, two forces being in balance with each other at point (Z: the status of which is showrl ln the lllustration.

(3)When axial external force Wa, acts on any of the bolts in axial direction, the status of the bolt and lid wlll be moved to polnt(D and polnt .

Point( vill be removed from P Ettt A by means of elongation being generated, by a tensile force Ft acting on the bolt axial a)t, and point C

( ) A277

will be re O)ed from p(i)t A to point C by means of clamping length being extended as much as according to the compressive force, Fc, being lost from the body to be clamped, (that is the lid part).

(4)That is to say, on the bolt a tensile force Ft is added, from the body to be clamped, (the lid part)a compressive force Fc being removed, and the clamping length will be extended as much as where the compressive force remaining on the body to be clamped (The lid part)

( ) A278

A. 10 1l Literature

[1]ASME Sec. Subsec.NB(1974).

[2]Technical Standards for Atomic Energy lnstallation for Power Generation lncluding Standards for Structure, ministerial Notice No.501, 1980

[3] Commentary on Standards for the Structure of Boilers and Pressure Vessels, apan Boiler Associati 1980.

[4] In house data

[5]Roark, .R., Formulas for Stress and Strain (4th edition), Mc'Graw Hlll lnternational Book Company, 1965.

[6]Timoshenko, S,P., Theory of Plate and Shell (I), apanese translation verslon by Hasegawa, T.

[7]Manual for Mechanical Engineering, 6th revised edition, apan SOciety of Mechanical Engineering, 1977.

[8]Den Hartog, .P,, Mechanical Vibrations, Mc'Graw Hill Book Co.

[9]Mizuhara, . et al., Handbook for Structural Calculation, Sangyo Tosho Publishing, 1965

[10]Formulas Used in Structural Dynamics, compiled by apan sOciety of Civil Engineering.

[11] Sekiyu, T. et al , Handbook for Flat Structure Strength, Asakura Shorten.

[12]Handbook for Elastic Stability, Long Column Research Committee, Corona.

[13]Report on Development and Arrangement of Structural Analysis of Transport Packaging for Used Nuclear Fuel , apan

[14] IAEA Guide Book Vol,2: Research Reactor Core Conversion Safety Analysis and Licensing lssues Fuels.

[15]On the Prediction of Deformation and Deceleration of a Composite Cylindrical Body for the Corner Drop Case, CONF710801 (Vol.2), 1971, pp.733776.

[16]Hasegawa, M., Manual for Stainless Steel, Nikkan Kogyo Shinbun.

[17]Data Book for Strength Designing, compiled by Editorial Committee for data book for strength designing

[18]Fujita, T., Thermal Processing for Stainless Steel, Nikkan Kogyo Shinbun.

[19]TimOshenko, S,P., Buckling Theory, apanese translation version by Naka, I. et al., Corona.

[20] luminum Hand Book (4th edition), Light Metal Society, (1990)

[21]Summary of Technology for Hybrid Materials, Industrial Technology Center, 1990

[22] In house data of Nichias Co.,Ltd

( ) A279

[23] Codes for Nuclear Pover Generation FacilitiesI Rules on of Materials Nuclear Power Plants (2012 edition)of Tho apan sOciety of Mechanical Engineers

[24] Codes for Nuclear Power Generation FacilitiesI Rules on Design and Construction for Nuclear Power Plants (2012 edition)of The apan sOciety of Mechanical Engineers (H) A280

( ) B Thermal analysis

( ) B

( ) B Thermal analysis B.l General description This analysis shOws that this package maintains the integrity and satisfies the thermal performance under normal and accident conditions specified in IAEA Regulation.

This packaging is dry type. The package is transported by vertically fixed on the tie down device, Consequently, the thermal analysis is carried out as the package is located as vertically, B.1.l Thermal design The configuration Of this packaging is shown in ( ) Fi .B 1. As shown in this figure, this packaging consists of the main body, inner lid, fuel basket, and outer lid.

The design features of this packaging are described below.

(1) There are 16 types of fuel elements as shown in the paragraph D of section(I). The heat generation from the radioactive contents is ignored in this analysis, since the decay heat generated from unirradiated fuel elements are negligibly small, (2) Heat transmittion(Refer to( ) Fi .B.2)

(a)Heat gain from the surface of package consist of solar insulation and heat durlng fire under accldent conditions.

(b) The heat On the external surface of package is transmitted into the internal surface of inner shell or inner lid by conduction.

(c) The heat on the internal surface of inner shell or inner lid is transmitted tO the external surface of fuel basket by natural convection and conduction.

(d)The interior of the basket is not taken into accOunt in the thermal analytical model, the temperature on the outer surface of the basket represents the temperature on the fuel elements and basket on the assumption that insulation is effective.

( ) B1

i) No temperature gradient occurs since minimal heat is generated in the basket under normal test conditions, ii) Only external heat affects the package under accident test conditions, rendering the external maximum temperature higher than the internal maximum temperature.

(3) used as shock absorber maintains its insulating characteristics even under accldent test conditions, (4)the outer shell and the external sheet have fusible plugs through which any vapor or gases emitted by the shock absorber and heat insulator under accldent test conditions are discharged, preventing the inner pressure from rising.

(5)The O ring provided on the inner lid to maintain the leaktightness of the packaging is protected from the heat resulting from fire under accident test conditions by the heat insulation effect of the heat insulator and shock absorber

( ) B2

( ) Fig.B.l ComDonent of packaging

( ) B3

( ) Fig.B.2 Concept of thermal transmission

( ) B4

B.1.2 Conditions and methOds of thermal analyses (1) Conditions of thermal analyses

( ) Table B.l shOws the thermal cOnditions used for the normal and accident test conditions.

( ) Table B,l Conditions of thermal analyses Condition Accldent test Normal test conditions conditions Before Durlng After Item fire fire fire Decay heat 0 0 0 0 0 0 Environmental Ambient 38kD 38 40R3 38 800k3 38R3 conditions temp. Stagnant Stagnant Stagnant Stagnant 30min Stagnant alr alr alr alr alr Solar rad.

No Yes No Yes Yes Yes heat Ambient rad. 1.0 1.0 1,0 1,0 0 9 1.0 factor Radiation factOr for 0,4 0,4 0.4 0.4a) 0.8b) 0,6C) packaging surface a): Surface radiation factor for steel not exposed to fire.

b): Surface radiation factor for steel belng exposed to fire.

c): Surface radiation factor for steel exposed to fire.

( ) B5

2)Methods of thermal analyses

( ) Table B.2 shows the methOds by which thermal analyses are performed.

( ) Table B.2 Methods of thermal analyses Item Description Speclfications of cOntents See Section D of Chapter (I)of fuel elements Maximun decay heat (W)

Calculation model Packaging Axially symmetric twodimensional model Contents Temperature calculation Simplified analyses*

TRUMP, non steady state thermal analysis code**(see B.6.2)

Physical properties used See Section B 2 Thermal Properties of the (thermal properties) Materials."

  • :Under normal test cOnditions.
    • Under accldent test conditions B,2 Thermal properties of the materials The materials used for the package are described in Chapter I.

Of these, the materials shown below were used in the thermal analyses Stainless steel Air Shock absorber Heat insulator This section will describe the thermal properties of these materials.

(1) Stainless steel The thermal properties of the stainless steel used are shown in

( ) Table B,3(1)

Stainless steel is used as the main structural material for the principal elements of the packaging.

( ) B6

B,3 Thermal prOperties of stainless steel Specific veight Temperature Specific heat Thermal conductivity

( ) (k /kg K) (mW/m K) 50 100 200 400 600 800 (2) Air

( ) Table B 4 (2)shows the thermal properties of the alr used.

( ) Table B.4 Thermal properties of air Specific weight 9,16x 104g/cm3 Temperature Specific heat Thermal conductivity

( ) (k /kg K) (mW/moK) 0 1.005 24.07 40 1.009 27.21 100 1 013 31.63 140 1 017 34.54 200 1.026 38,61 500 1.093 56.17 800 1,156 70.94

( ) B7

(3) Shock absorber

( ) Table B.5 61 shows the thermal properties of the shock absorber This material, which is used as the shock absorber in the upper and lower part of the packaging, has a heat insulation capability.

Table B 5 Thermal les of shock absorber Specific weight Cr Temperature Specific heat Thermal conductivity

( ) (kJ/kg K) (mW/m K) 0 50 100 150 200 250 275 320 350 500 900

( ) B8

(4) Heat insulator

( ) Table B.6(3)shows the thermal properties of the heat insulator

( ) Table B.6 Thermal properties of heat insulator Specific weight C

Temperature Specific heat Thermal conductivity

( ) (k /kg K) (W/m K) 20 50 100 250 300 400 800

( ) B9

B.3 Speclfications of components The follOwing components are taken into account in the thermal analyses (1) 0ring

( ) Table B.7 )shows the specifications of the 0ring Item Specifications Material Hardness Normal service temperature Servlce temperature and perlod under accldent conditions (2)Fusible plug

( ) Table B,8 shows the specifications of the fusible plugs

( ) Table B,8 SDecifications of fusible plu Item Speclfications Material Melting point

( ) B10

B.4 Normal test conditiOns The following sections will show how the package meets the IAEA regulation of the technical standards under normal test conditions.

B 4.l Thermal analytical model Since the decay heat of fuel elements is minimal, the heat emitted by the contents is not taken into account in the analyses, No heat is generated by the cOntents of the package and no solar radiation enters, ln the shade wlth a 38R3 ambient temperature, the temperature on the outer surface does not exceed 38R3.

Increase in temperature of the package under normal test conditions is caused by entry of solar radiation heat with a 38kD ambient temperature.

This analysis uses a vertically positioned package model.

Solar radiation heat enters it and is transmitted by natural convection and radiation.

In this analysis, simplified calculation methods are used (B.6.1, APPENDIX).

B.4.1,l Analytical model This section will describe the following items related to the calculations, Geometrical model Conditions for analyses Heat transfer ln the package.

(1) Geometrical model The geometrical model for thermal analyses under normal test conditions supposes that no deformation occurs in the cylindrical packaging that is mm ln diameter and mm in height.

( ) B11

(2) Conditions fOr analyses

( ) Table B.9 shOws the thermal conditions under normal test conditions

( ) Table B,9 Thermal conditions under normal test conditions Item Conditions Decay heat (W)

Environmental Ambient Stagnant Stagnant Stagnant conditions temp.( ) alr alr alr 38 38 40 Solar rad. 400*,

0 0 heat (W/m2) 800**

Ambient rad.

1,0 1.0 1.0 factor Radiation factor for packaging 0,4 0,4 0,4 surface

  • Although the radiant heat on the surface of an article that is vertically transported is 200 w/m2, 400W/m2shall be conservatively set as the value for other surfaces.
    • The surface of an article that is horizontally transported and the surface turned upward (3)Heat transfer in the package (see ( ) Fig.B 2)

With regard to heat transfer in the package, the following conditions apply, (a)Deformation is not taken into account since deformation under normal test conditions is minimal.

(b) Steady State thermal calculations are performed for the package surface of the model in vhich heat entry (solar radiation heat) and heat emission (natural cOnvection to the atmosphere and radiation) are in equilibrium.

(c)The maximum temperature on the package surface (paragraph b)represents the maxlmum temperature ln the package.

( ) B12

(d)Only solar radiation heat enters the package, This heat is transferred to the outer surface of the package by natural convection and radiation.

(e)Heat reaching the outer surface of the package is transferred to the inner surface of the inner shell by thermal cOnduction.

Based on these conditions, steady state thermal calculatiOns were performed by simplified methOds.

The details of the results are given in B.6 1, APPENDIX.

B,4.1.2 Test model An analytical model is used, and a test model is not used.

B 4.2 Maxlmum temperatures

( ) Table B,10 shows the maximum t emperatures on the maln parts of the package under normal test conditions.

( ) Table B.10 Maximum temperatures of each part of package Item Normal test conditions No solar rad. Solar rad. No solar rad.

heat heat heat Ambient Ambient Ambient Parts temp.: 38R3 temp. : 38R3 temp. :40R3 Ext, surface 38R3 65 40qc of basket Inner lid 38R3 65 40R3 O ring Inner surface 38R3 65R3 40qc of inner shell Outer surface of 38R3 65R3 40R3 maln body

( ) B13

The maximum temperature of the package under normal test conditions is uniformlyB at these parts as shown in sectionB.6.l Appendix. The value of 65kD is adOpted here as a conservative figure.

B 4.3 Minlmum temperatures Since the small amount of decay heat of the contents is not taken into account, temperatures at various parts of the package are uniformly 40 qc under the conditiOns of no solar radiation heat and40qc stagnant air. Under this thermal condition, the packaging maintains its capabilities, since the value40 C lies within the nOrmal service temperature range of the lng The structural material is stainless steel and does not embattle Hence, the packaging maintains its integrity.

B.4.4 Maximum internal pressure As described in Section B 4.2, the maximum temperature of the package is 65R3 under normal test conditions, In the evaluation of the maximum inner pressure under normal test conditions, pressures due to thermal expansion of the air contained in the packaging are taken into account on the supposition that the temperature of each part Of the package is uniformly 65R3, as shown in Section B.6.4., APPENDIX.

The inner pressure in the packaging is thus Since this value is far 10wer than the design pressure of the package malntalns lts integrity.

B.4.5 Maximum thermal stress Thermal stresses under normal test conditions do not adversely affect the structural strength of the package as shown in Section A.5,1, Chapter ( ).

( ) B14

B,4.6 Summarisation of the result and the evaluation We confirmed that the structural strength and containment of the package are not adversely affected by the normal test conditions, as shown by the following evaluations of the thermal analyses, (1) Surface temperature of package The surface temperature of the package is 65 3, lower than the allowable reference value 85kD.

(2) Structural strength The various parts of the package were analyzed for their maximum inner pressure, thermal stress and maximum temperature, which constitute the main factors for structural strength. For the maximum internal pressure, the internal pressure rises by in the packaging, far lower than the design pressure of does not adversely affect the structural strength.

Thermal stresses do not adversely affect the structural strength of the packaging, as described in Section A.5,1, Chapter( ).

(3) Containment The inner lid O ring, functioning as containment border and thus constituting the most important part for containment, was evaluated for its temperature, deformation and maximum internal pressure.

The temperatures of the O rlng, contalnment border, are within the range from40kC t0 65R3, Since this range is within its normal service temperature range ( ), the O ring does not deteriorate.

No deformation occurs that might adversely affect the containment border

( ) B15

B.5 Accldent test conditions This section will describe how the package meets the technical standards under accldent test conditions.

B.5,l Thermal analytical model Thermal evaluations were conducted for accident test conditions, using the three dinensiOnal, non steady state thermal analysis code TRUMP."

B.5 1,1 nalytical model The section concerns the following items used in the calculation by TRUMP".

Geometrical model ConditiOns fOr analyses

' Heat transfer in the package.

(1)Geometrical model As shown in Section A (Structural Analyses), Chapter ( ), the packaging maintains its integrity in spite of small local deformations in the drop tests under accident test conditions, as required for Type B(U)packages.

veri:::i i:ieii:in:ei:iigili litli l:::;: ::indil::i:inlai he thermal ln analysis under the specific testing cOnditions adopted the dimensions of shock absorber and heat insulating material reduced up to fore the deformation imposed in the former in axial direction and up to before the deformation imposed in the latter in radial direction respectively.

However, the drop test shoved the deformation rather localized and it seemed there were no significant effects considered thermally, so that no particular modeling was considered.

( ) Fi g.B.3 shows the geometrical model (axially symmetrical, two dimensional model)under the accident test conditions.

In this geometrical model, a circular section was adopted despite the actual angular section, as shown in B.6.3.

The following parts vere evaluated.

Fuel basket Inner surface of the inner shell Inner lid O ring Outer surface of the maln body.

( ) B16

( ) Fi .B.3 Two dimensional axis symmetrical model

( ) B17

(2) Conditions fOr analyses The follOwing thermal conditiOns were used in the analyses.

The decay heat Of the contents is minimal and is not considered. The thermal analyses for the accident test cOnditions suppose that the package is placed under fire accident conditions subsequently to the mechanical test conditions under accldent test conditions. The temperature distrlbution for the normal test conditions is used for the packaging which has not undergone the fire conditions, The thermal conditions during fire accident are, ambient temperature of 800 R3, perlod of 30 mlnutes, fire radiation factor of O,9, and radiation factor for the package surface of O.8. The package ls supposed to suffer solar radiatiOn heat. Both radiatiOn and convection are taken into account wlth regard to the heat transfer from the ambient envlronment to the packaging.

The thermal conditions after fire accident are, ambient temperature of 38 R3, radiation factor for outer surface of the main body as packaging surface of O.6, and radiation factor for ambient environment of l.0 Natural convection and radiation are taken into account with regard to the heat diffusiOn from the outer surface of the packaging. Solar radiation heat is also taken into accOunt.

( ) Table B.1l shows the above conditions for anal yses The evaluation takes into account any entry of heat due to a fire resulting from combustion of the heat decomposltion gas from

( ) B18

( ) Table B.1l Thermal conditions under accident test conditions Item Initial Durlng After conditions fire fire accldent accident Decay heat (W)

Environmental Ambient Stagnant 30 mlnutes Stagnant Conditions temp.( ) alr alr 38 800 38 Solar rad. 400(d), 400(d), 400(d),

heat (W/m2) 800(C) 800(C) 800(C)

Ambient rad.

1,0 0 9 1,0 factor Radiation factor for packaging 0,4(a) 0,8(b) 0.6(C) surface (a): Surface radiatiOn factor for steel not exposed to fire.

(b)i Surface radiation factor for steel belng exposed to fire.

(c)I Surface radiation factor for steel exposed to fire, (d): Although the radiant heat on the surface of an article that is vertically transported is 200 w/m2, 400W/m2shall be conservatively set as the value fOr other surfaces.

(e): The surface of an article that is horizontally transported and the surface turned upward (3)Heat transfer for package(see( ) Fig.B.2)

For the heat transfer for the package, the evaluation supposes that, (a)External heat is transferred to the outer surface of the package through natural convection and radiation.

(b)The heat on the outer surface of the package is transferred to the inner surface of the inner shell through thermal conduction.

(c)The heat on the inner surface of the package is transferred to the outer surface of the fuel basket by radiation and thermal conduction.

(d)The interior of the basket maintains its heat insulating capability as under the normal test conditions, The relatiOnal expressionS used in the analyses of these heat transfers are shown in Section B.6.3, APPENDIX.

( ) B19

(4)Thermal analyses Of fissile packages As shown below, the deformation of the fissile package which suffers composite effect of different drops under normal test conditions plus a 9 m drop is smaller than that obtained for this thermal analytical model(( ) Fig.B.3) except in the case of the vertical drop, in which deformation slightly exceeds l.6 mm.

( ) Table B 12 Deformation considering superposition of drQ s as a Fisslle Transport Package Item Vertical Horizontal Lid side Bottom side Minlmum thickness before deformatlon

( lm)

Deformation at 9m drop as BU package

( lm)

Deformation at 9m drop as Fissile package (combination) (mm)

Deformation of thermal analytical model

( lm)

Numbers given in brackets( )indicate remalnlng thickness.

In addition, a combination of drops test l and l causes no deformation in the inner shell, and deformations are local.

There supposed to be no significant difference between the thermal analytical model taking into account the composite effect of various conditions on fissile packages and the thermal analytical model, for this reason, the package is not analyzed here for thermal conditions under the accldent test conditions.

( ) B20

B.5,1.2 Test model An analytical model is used, and a test model is not used.

B.5,2 EvaluatiOn conditions for packages ln the evaluation, the conditions shown in ( ) Fig.B,3, which take into account deformations resulting frOm drop tests under accident test corlditions, were used.

B.5,3 Temperatures of packages

( ) Fig.B.4 shows the results of the calculations usin g the analytical model described in Section B.5.1,1. Temperature evolutions for various parts of the package under accident test conditions are plotted here in relatiOn to time ( ) Table B 13 shows the maximum temperature of each part and the period of time requlred from the occurrence of fire to the attalnment of the maxlmum temperature.

( ) Table B.13 Maxi mum temperatures of packatte under accldent test conditions Item Accldent test conditions Maxlmun temp. Time requlred from fire occurrence of fire to attainment Parts of maximum temp.

Fuel basket Inner lid O ring Inner surface of inner shell Outer surface of maln body Note. The fact that the maxlmum temperature of the outer surface of the maln body exceeds the ambient temperature of 800R3 is explained by the combustion of the gases generated from the heat insulator passing through fusible plugs.

( ) B21

( ) B22 B 5.4 Maximum internal pressure The evaluation of the maximum internal pFeSsure under accident test conditions takes intO account the pressure due to thermal expansion of the air contained in the packaging. The calculation methods shown in Section B.6.4, APPENDIX, were usedi The val obtained for the internal pressure in the packaging, Since this valuo is lower than the design value, the packaging malntalns its integrlty at its different parts.

B.5.5 Maximum thermal stresses Thermal stresses occurring in the package under accident test conditions do not adversely affect its structural strength, as shown in Section .6.3, Chapter( )

( ) B23

B.5 6 Summarisation of the result and the evaluation We confirmed that the structural strength and containment of the package are not adversely affected by the accident test conditions, as shown by the following evaluations of the thermal analyses.


( ) Table B.13 shows the maximum temperatures of various parts of the package under accident test conditions, and ( ) Fig.B 4 shows the recorded temperatures of varlous parts under accldent test conditions.

The fuel basket under accident test conditions reaches its maximum temperature of IIIIIkD III hOurs after the occurrence of fire, Since this evaluation supposes maintenance of heat insulation in the basket, the temperature of plate shaped fuel elements to be actually contained does not t

This value is lower than the temperature of occurrence of blistering

( allowable temperature for fuel")of 400R3 fOr plate shaped fuel elements used in the experlment and research reactors of the apan Atomlc Energy gency.

Therefore, the contents malntaln thelr soundness.

The inner lid O ring reaches its maximum temperature of

, hOurs after the occurrence of fire. This value is lower than the service temperature for 0rlngs under accldent, Thus, the O rlng malntalns its integrlty even under the accldent test conditions, and the packaging retains its containment.

(2)Pressure As descrlbed in the preceding section, the temperature of the parts of the package rlses under the accldent test conditions, This rlse ln temperature causes the air in the packaging to thermally expand, raising the internal pressure.

The packaging is evaluated for its internal pressure, supposing the maximum temperatureoftheoutersurfaceofthebaskettobelllll . ( ) Table B.14 shows the maximum pressure in the packaging under accident test conditions

( ) B24

( ) Table B.14 Maximum pressure in packaging under accident test conditions ConditiOns Maxlmum pressure under accldent Posltion test conditions (MPa [gauge])

Inside the packaging The pressure is lower than the design pressure for the packaging, Thus, the packaging maintains its integrity.

(3) Structural strength This section concerns the maximum inner pressure, thermal stresses and maximun temperature in the packaging, which are to be examined for structural strength of the packaging.

As far as the maxlmum inner pressure ls concerned, the pressure rlse ln the packaging is lower than the design pressure and does not adversely affect the structural strength of the packaging.

As shown in Section A.5, Chapter ( ), thermal stre ses dO not adversely affect the structural strength of the packaging.

(4) Containment The maximun temperature of the O ring provided on the inner lid, which constitutes the containment border, is This value is lower than the servlcetemperaturelllk3 of 0ring under accldent conditions, and the package thus malntalns lts contalnment.

( ) B25

B.6 Appendix B.6.l Maximum temperature of package under normal test conditions

( ) B27 B.6.2 0utline of TRUMP" General purpose program for heat transfer

( ) B30 B.6.3 1nput data for TRUMP" used for temperature calculations for accident test conditions ( ) B36 B.6.4 1nternal pressure of the package ( ) B41 B.6.5 Validity ustification of thermal analysis methods ( ) B42 B.6.6 Bibliography ( ) B45 B.6 l Maximum temperature of package under normal test conditions The maximum temperature is obtained, using the thermal balance for a steady state, as follows.

The quantity of entering heat Qin[kca1/h]only consists of solar radiation heat, and the quantity of emitted heat Qout[kca1/h] is the sum of radiation heat Ql

[kca1/h]and emitted heat due to natural convection Q2[kCa1/h]. The packaging reaches lts maxlmum temperature, when Qin Qout .

It is obtained with the outer surface temperature of the packaging t [RD],

supposing, t : Ambient temperature, t = 38 [R3]

Av : Vertical area to which heat is transferred,


Ah i Upper horizontal area to which heat is transferred,


( ) B26

(1) Radiation heat from solar heat Qin Qin=400[W/m2]x 8x Av+800[W/m2]x xAh (6.11) where  : radiation factor for the packaging outer surface,

=0.4 (2) Radiation heat from package Ql 4)

Ql=(Ay tt Ah)x x x (T4T (6,12)

T = t + 273 where T: Absolute temperature [K]

ti Outer surface temperature for the package [R3]

Stefan Boltzmann constant [kca1/m2 .h.k4]

(3) Emitted heat due to natural convection Q2 Heat transfer of natural convection of vertical cylindrical surface is biven by Mc Adam s formula as follows, Nuv= 0 13 (Gr /Pr)1/3(5)[109 Gr /Pr(1012] .... (6.13)

NuvI Nusselt number, Nuv = h v L/K .... (6.14) 2 ...

Gr: Grashof number, Gr = g L3. t/ (6.15)

Pr: Prandtl number, Pr = Cp /K ....(6.16) where hv : Hcat transfer coefficient for vertical, cylindrical surface [kca1/m2hR3]

L  : Representative length [m]

K  : Heat transfer coefficient for air [kca1/mhR3]

g  : Gravitational acceleration, 9,8[m/sec2]= 1.27x 108[m/h2]

( ) B27

i COefficient of cubical expansion for air [1/K]

t: Difference of temperatures(t t )[CC]

ll i Coefficient of kinematic viscosity for air [m2/h]

Viscosity of air [m2/h]

The Nusselt number Nu is obtained by Equations(6.13),(6.15), and(6.16),

and the heat transfer coefficient for vertical, cylindrical surface hv by Equation (6.14). The heat transfer coefficient for horizontal surface hh is similarly obtained by Equations (6.17) and (6.18).

Nuh=0 14 (Gr Pr)1/3[2x 107 Gr Pr 3x 1010] (6.17)

Nuh= hh L/k ........ (6.18)


The emitted Heat due to Natural Convection Q2 iS Q2 = (hv v + hv Av) (t t ) (6.19)

(4)Calculation of the maximum temperature tmax When the air temperature is 38R3, each value is, L=

g = 1.27x 108 [m/h2]

k = 0.0271 [kca1/mhkD]

=1/(273+38)=3.22x 103 [1/K]

t=tmax t [CC]

= 0.0623 [m2/h]

a = 0.0882 [m2/h]

Hence, by equations (6.16), (6.15), and (6.13),

Pr = /a = o.o623/0,0882 = 0,706 L3. t/

2 Gr = g

=1.27x 108x 3.22X103x xt/0.06232

=x t

( ) B28

= 13 lGr Py= x Thus, using equation (6.14),

=Y x ¶ and

= = 1.595x t1/3 [w/m2.K]

The thermal balance in the steady state is Qin = Qout. The convergence calculation for the difference of temperatures t, using Equations (6 11),

(6,12), (6.19) and the heat transfer coefficient h, leads to the maximum temperature tmax.

x=1 The value of 65qc is adopted here as a conservative figure.

B.6.2 0utline of TRUMP" General purpose program for heat transfer (1) General TRUMP"is a program developed in 1968 by the Lavrence, Radiation Laboratory for heat transfer calculations based on a node method.

(2) Functions The program TRUMP" is designed to handle heat generation, chemical reactions, phase changes, and heat transfer, This program can cover 3 dimensional objects by dividing them into elements by means of rectangular, cylindrical, rotating body or polar coordinates.

Material properties such as heat transfer coefficient and specific heat are given as functions of temperature or time.

The program can handle heat transfer between elements resulting from thermal conduction, natural convection, forced convection, and radiation as well as that resulting from natural or forced convection and radiation as boundary condition, In this progran, boundary temperatures can be expressed as functions of time. Initial temperature can vary with position in the space.

( ) B29

TRUMP"outputs can be obtained, such as temperature distribution for determined time points and thermal balance for each element.

(3)Calculation methods ( see( ) Fi .B.5)

The TRUMP" solves simultaneous partial differential equations that have four independent variables regarding space coordinates and time as well as a total of three dependent variables, temperature and two densities of reactant In case of normal three dimensions, the equations for heat generation, thermal conduction accompanied by chemical reactions and mass transfer are given in the form of normal vector operations:


v T Dt t

= .K T+G pC C t C t Da= +v. a Dt t

= a exp (Za


Db= +v. b Dt t

= b exp Zb

( )

Kl =


( ) ( )i hi = hi + hic [(T21 Tli)2]Pi/2 + .Fi(Tli + T2i)° (T211 T221)

The conductance hi for the boundary surface ls expressed in a common form that takes into account contact conductance, natural convection, forced convection, and radiation. is the Stefan Boltzmann constant and F is the overall radiation morphological coefficient, s=Usb (Tb Ts) where Tb l external temperature

( ) B30

Usb, surface conductance.

As in the case of mass phase, Usb is Usb=hs +hsc [(Tb Ts)2]Pi/2

+ Fb (Ts + Tb) (Ts2 + Tb2)

TheTRUMP"solves actual equations in relation tO minute periods of time. In fact, the time differential u/ t should be replaced by (u' u)/ t in the preceding equation. U' and U are the initial and final value of the period of time t.

(4)Utilization of TRUMP" TheTRUMP"program, developed by the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, has been and is being used in many laboratories in the United States.

( ) B31

Start Data lnput Physical properties Description of node shape (volume)

Description of interna1/external heat contact Description of initial conditions/boundary conditions(external temperature)

Initial setting Entered data prlntout Selection of period of time t Calculation of node attributes Data such as node such as heat transfer coefficlent, temperatures are mass, thermal capacity, quantity of heat, prlnted at speclfied latent heat, mean temperature, etc. times.

Internal Yes heat generation Generated heat is calculated, heat flow due to heat generation emitted from/applied to nodes is calculated Yes Chemical reactions Chemical reaction attributes such as chemical reaction heat are calculated, heat flow due to chemical reactions emitted from/

applied to nodes is calculated.

l ) Fig.B.5 TRUMP" flowchart (1/3)

( ) B32

Yes nternal heat contact Contact conductance for heat radiation, contact conductance between nodes wlth different heat transfer coefficlent, and heat flow through nodes in mutual contact are calculated.

Yes Mass flow Mass flow rate, quantity of heat transferred by mass flow, latent heat for diffuslon or absorption, and enthalpy are calculated, density evolution and density are also calculated.

Yes External contact Quantity of distributed heat flow caused by thermal contact, external temperature, heat transfer coefficlent, and quantity of heat flow caused by thermal contact are calculated.

Yes Phase change Latent heat for diffuslon or absorption ln nodes with changing phase

( ) Fi .B.5 TRUMP" flowchart (2/3)

( ) B33

Yes Special node In case special nodes are contained in external thermal contact, internal thermal contact, contact through mass flow, each quantity of heat flow is calculated, in case of contact between special nodes, calculation is performed repeatedly under the convergence condition for temperature changes.

Yes Phase change Quantity of phase change is calculated.

No Task end Yes

( ) Fig.B 5 TRUMP" flowchart (3/3)

( ) B34

B.6.3 1nput data for TRUMP" used for temperature calculations for accident test conditions (1)Modeling of fuel basket(see( ) Fig.B,6)

The fuel basket was modeled to a cylindrical shape the wall thickness of which is equal to the smallest gap between the inner shell and the fuel basket.

The heat capacity of the fuel basket was corrected to be equivalent by compensating the specific weight.

( ) Fig.B.6 Fuel baettet mOdel (a) The Outside radius RI of the cylindrical model Rl is, Rl=R G where RI Inside radius of inner shell, R =

G: Gap (minimum),


( ) B35

(2) Heat transfer between package outer surface and ambient environment (a) Convection heat transfer coefficient The heat transfer coefficient for natural convection on the outer surface of the package ls obtalned by McAdams equation5),

(I) Outer surface of vertical cylinder g L3.t Gr = ....(6.31) v2 Nuv= 0.13 (Gr Pr)1/3[109 Gr,Pr 1012] ... (6,32) k h = Nuv ... (6.33)

L (ii) Upper horizontal, flat surface g L3.t Gr =

v2 Nuh= 0,14 (Gr Pr)1/3[2) 107. Gr Pr(3x 1010] ... (6.34) k h = Nuh L

Where h i Convection heat transfer coefficient [ca1/cm2 skD]

k : Heat transfer coefficient of air [ca1/cm sR3]

During fire: 7.094x 104 (at 800CC)

After fire: 2.706x 105 (at 38CC)

L : Representative length [cm]

Vertical surface: [cm]

Horizontal surface [cm]

g : Gravitational acceleration; g = 980 [cm/s2]

COefficient of cubical expansion [1/K]

During fire: 1/(273+800)=9 23x 104 After fire: 1/(273+38) =3.22x 103 I Coefficient of kinematic viscosity [cm2/s]

During fire: 1,37

( ) B36

After fire: 0.173 Gr: Grashof number Pri Prandtl number, Pr = 0,706 Nu: Nusselt number

( ) Table B.15 shows the results of a calculation in which the preceding values vere substituted for the corresponding letters of Equations (6 31) to (6.34)

( ) Table B,15 Convection heat transfer coefficient betweenpackage surface and ambient envlronment Posltion Vertical cylindrical Upper horizontal Condition surface surface During fire 6.459x 105. t1/3 6.956x 105. t1/3 After fire 1,480x 104. t1/3 1.594x 104. t1/3 (b) Radiation heat transfer The radiation morphological coefficient is F12= 1 . . .3D 1/81+1/82 1 Where F12 : Radiation morphological coefficient cl  : Radiation factor for surface No. 1 2 Radiation factor for surface No. 2

( ) Table B.16 shows the radiation factors for both surfaces and the radiation morphological coefficient obtained using Equation (6,35).

( ) Table B.16 Radiation factor and radiation morphological coefficient Condition Durlng fire After fire Item Radiation Package Surface 0,8 0.6 factor Ambient envlronment 0 9 0,1 Radiation morphological coefficient 0,735 0.6

( ) B37

(3)Heat transfer betveen basket and inner cylinder (a) Convection heat transfer coefficient The heat transfer coefficient for the closed fluid layer betveen vertical, concentrical cylinders2)is obtained by means of the following equations.

Nu = 1.0 [Ra 103] ......... (6.36)

Nu = 0,28 Ra1/4 (L/D)1/4[103(Ra 107] ....... (6.37) g D3. t Ra = (6.38) a v Nu k h (6.39)

D where Nu : Nusselt number Ra : Raleigh number g  : Gravitational acceleration, g = 980 [cm/s2]

COefficient of cubical expansion,

=1/(273+250)=1,912x 10 3[1/K]

D  : Thickness of fluid layer,


t: Temperature difference between inner and outer cylinder [ ()]

a  : Thermal diffusivity, a=6 194x 101[cm2/s]

Coefficient of kinematic viscosity,

= 0.426 [cm2/s]

L  : Length of fuel basket [cm]

k  : Hcat transfer coefficlent, k=4.175x 104[ca1/cm s ]

h i Heat transfer coefficient for natural convection,

[ca1/cm s ]

912x10 Ra =80x t 6.194x10 lxO.426 x t

( ) B38

When 200 [R3] is substituted for t the Reynolds number Ra is, Ra = !IIIIx 200 = [103 Ra(107]

Nu is obtained by Equation (6 37)

Nu = 0 28 Ra1/4 (L/D)1/4

=0.28x x &

= 0 918 Thus, using Equation (6.39), the heat transfer coefficient for natural convection h is K O 918x 4.175x10 4 h


[ca1/cm2.s. ]

(b) Radiation heat transfer The radiation morphological coefficient for the gas layer between concentrical cylinders is obtained using the following equation:

1 F12= (6.310) 1/ l+(A1/A2X1/82 1)

A1 / A2 = r1 / r2 (6.311) where F12 : Radiation morphological coefficient l : Radiation factor for surface No 1, l = 0.4 82 : Radiation factor for surface No.2; 2 = Oo 4 rI I Inside radius of external cylinder; rl =

r2  : OutSide radius of internal cylinderi r2 = Wi


= 0 242 (4)Entry of Heat due to Fire Resulting from The package was analyzed on the assumption that the heat resulting from (23.45k /g)exists on the outer surface of the package ln the form of fire.

( ) B39

B,6.4 1nternal pressure of the package The internal pressures of the package under normal and accident test conditions are calculated.

(1)Operating pressures The operating pressure of the air in the packaging is obtained.

(a) Initial pressure The initial pressure in the packaging is equal to the atmospheric pressure

(=0.101 MPa abs).

(b)Pl The pressure resulting from air expansion Pl is obtained using the following equation based on the Boyle Charles law.

Pl=PO . .51)

T0 where PO: initial pressure (at 20R3);

PO = 0.101 [MPa]

TO : Initial temperature; TO = 273 + 20 = 293 [K]

Tl : Air temperature under specific conditions [K]

( ) Table B.17 shows the results of this calculation.

( ) Table B.17 Calculation result for packaging internal pressure Posltion Air in the packaging Test conditions Normal Accident Pressure (MPa 0.016


Temperature( ) 65

( ) B40

(2)Design pressures The conservative design pr essures shown in( ) Table B.18 are used for the various parts of the package evaluation l I Table B 18 Design pressures for specific test conditions Inside the packaging Normal test conditions Accldent test conditions B.6.5 Validity of thermal analysis methods This section describes the examination of the analyses simulating the fire test (herein referred to as tanalyses")on the basis of the results of the fire test on a prototype packaging, analyses carried out to verify the justifiability of the thermal analysis methods described in this section, (1)Prototype Packaging and Test Methods Prototype packaging: sec ( ) Figo H.1.

Test methodsl see( )H6

( ) B41

(2)Examination of analysis results

( ) Table B 19 and ( ) Fi .B.7 show the test and anal ysis results, Analyses were performed using the conditions described in Section B.6.3.

The measurements recorded in the tests of prototype packaging vere used as input data for the initial temperature and the temperatures in furnace in order to simulate actual test conditions. This indoor test does not take into account solar radiation heat.

As shown in( ) Table B.19 and( ) Fig.B.7, the analytical values are conservative and the thermal analysis methods shown in Sections B.5 and B.6 3 are valid.

( ) Table B.19 COmparison of prototype packaging test results vith analysis results Conditions Maxlmum Time requlred before temperature the maxlmum temperature

( ) hour(h)

Evaluation sltion Test Analysis Test Analysis Near O ring 88,6 161,0 2.0 1,0 Inner surface 396.2 464.1 0.6 0.5 of inner shell Outer surface 123.3 182.5 1.0 1.6 of fuel basket Outer surface of 1051.6 1229,7 0.1 0.1 packaging

( ) B42

( ) Fig.B.7 Comparison of prototype packaging test results with analysis results

B.6 6 Bibliography (1) Study on an application of inelastic structures analyzing methods (I),"a report at Section Meeting for Application of lnelastic Structures Analyzing Methods (EP10C), Mechanical Engineering society of apan, 1977.

(2) Material for Heat Transfer Engineering, I Edition,"Mechanical Engineering Society of apan, 1975.

(3) In house data of Ntthon Asbestos Co., Ltd.

(4) In house data of Nippon Valqua lndustries, Ltd.

(5) McAdams, Heat transmission."

(6) In house data of

( ) B44

( ) C Containment analysis

( ) C

( ) C. Containment analysis C l General The f01lowing part relates to the sealing performances of this packaging tested under normal and accident test conditions. The containment system is considered as the part which ensures the sealing of the packaging. The containment system of this packaging consistes of an inner shell comprising a main body and a lid, and the contact between the main body and the lid is sealed by O ring (inner shell lid O rihg).

The leakage rate of the containment system is checked by leak tightness test and must meet the reference value during the manufacturing process and the maintenance period. The leakage rate of the O ring of the inner shell lid is checked by a leak tightness test carried out befor shipment of the package and must be confirmed meet the reference value.

C.2 Containment system C.2.l Containment system (1) Structure The containment system of this packaging is composed, as shown in( ) Figo C.1, of an inner shell main body and an inner shell lid.

(2)Materials The material used for the fabrication of the main body and the lid of the inner shell is stainless steel, and the sealing part of the inner shell lid lS 0ring (3) Design pressure and design temperature As shown in the ( ) Table C.1, the l eakage rate is evaluated according to the design pressure and design temperature

( ) C1

( ) Table c l Desittn Dressure and design temperature of contalnment system Conditions Item Containment System Normal test Design pressure (MPa[gauge])

conditions Design temperature (CC) 65 Accldent test Design pressure (MPa[gauge])

conditions Design temperature (CC)

( ) C2

( ) Fi .C.l COntainment boundary of packaging

( ) C3

(4) Seal (5)Manufacture and checking Manufacture and checking of the structural parts of the containment system are conducted by a suitable method which ensures sealing performances.

C.2.2 Penetration of the containment system Since the only opening of this packaging is the inner shell lid, this item is not applicable.

C.2.3 Gasket and weldings Of the containment system (1) Containment system gasket For a gasket of the cOntalnment systen gasket 0ring is used.

With this O ring no chemical or electrical reaction should occur, as explained in ( ) A.4.1, Moreover, this ring shows excellent sealing performances under the pressures and temperatures in normal and accident test conditions.

(2) Specifications of the gasket (C4) (C3)

The dimensions and material of the gasket are shown in (II) Table C,2 0ring can maintain the sealing performance of the inner shell lid under the normal and special test conditions and at the lowest temperature of use, with its heat resistant property(See B.3 Specifications of components) and cold resistant property(See A.4.2 Low temperature strength).

( ) C4

(II) Table C.2 The dimensions and material of the gasket Posltions dimenslons material Note Inner shell Inner side 0ring lid Outer slde (3) Weldings The veldings Of the flange, of the barrel, and of the bottom plate are performed as explained in Chapter (I ) A. Weldings are subjected to a non destructive test during the fabrication process, as explained in Chapter

( I) B, the integrity of the weldings is checked and a pressure resistance test is carried out to check the absence of leakage.

C,2.4 Lid The inner shell lid is equipped with 2 drains for the 2 0rlngs, as shown in the ( ) Fig,C.1. MOreover, the inner shell lid has been designed to be resistant under normal and accident test conditions and to maintain its performances, To preserve the sealing performances of the packaging, the inner shell clamping bolts are tightened to an appropriate torque as shown in

( ) Table c,3.

( ) Table c.3 1nner shell clamping bolt Designation Size Number Tightening torque (N m)

Inner shell clamping bolts

( ) C5

C.3 Normal test conditions The lntegrlty of the contalnment system of this package remalns unchanged after an impact under normal test conditions as required for all type Bu packages, and as shown in the results of structural analyses in ( ) A. Moreover, the results of thermal analyses in ( ) B show that variations in pressure or temperature under normal test conditions do not affect the integrity of the containment system.

Therefore, as the sealing performances of the containment system remain unchanged under normal test conditions, in these analyses, the evaluation of the sealing performances based on the leak tightness test of the O ring of the inner shell lid which must meet the reference value, conducted before shipment of the package, shows that the leakage rate of radioactive substances under normal test conditions is lower than the IAEA regulation standard value.

C.3.l Leakage of radioactive materials C.3,1,l Volume of Leakage from the lnner Shell The containment system is checked against leakage by a leak tightness test carrled out durlng the manufacturing process and the malntenance perlod.

For sealing performance, it is confirmed, further, on each shipment that the leakage rate of the package is lower than the reference value.

The leakage rate of radioactive materials is analyzed, on the assumption that, regarding the air supplied to the seal of inner shell lid on a leak tightness test, the pressure change corresponding to the maximum permissible leakage rate ls detected in a certaln time.

Radioactive materials exist in the gas of containment system and its leakage rate is different from that obtained from the air leakage rate.

Therefore, leakage rate of the gas under normal test conditions is first determined from the maximum permissible air leakage rate and then the obtained

( ) C6

leakage rate is applied to acquire leakage rate of the radioactive materials from concentration of radioactive materials in the gas. It is finally confirmed that the leakage rate Of the radioactive materials is below the reference values specified by the regulation and the notification.

(1)Maximum permissible leakage rate of the air The maximum permissible leakage rate of the air La Specified in design criteria for containment analysis is given as the leakage rate of the air in (II) Table C.4 (II) Table C.4 Maximum permisslble leakage rate of the air Item Containment boundary (inner shell lid O ring)

La:maximum permissible leakage rate of the air(std cm3/s)

(2)Leakage rate at leak tightness test and the test conditions (a)Leakage rate at leak tightness test Leakage rate at leak tightness test by pressure drop is given by the following formula, 1)

LR=60 (C.31)

( )

where, LR:Leakage rate(std cm3/s)under nOrmal condition at 25R3, 0 101MPa(l atm abs.)

Vi Volume of the testing system ( )

H: Testing time TsIReference temperature 298(K)

Tl:Air temperature at the beginning of the test(K)

T2: Air temperature at the end of the test(K)

Psleference pressure(0,101MPa, (l atm abs,))

Pl:Air pressure at the beginning of the test(MPa)

( ) C7

P2:Air pressure at the end of the test(MPa)

The formula (C31)above will determine the air leakage rate with the following leak tightness test conditions, and the deduced value will be confirmed to be lower than the maximum permissible leakage rate, the reference value.

(b)Leak tightness test conditions (i)Air pressure at the beginnir

( )Air pressure at the end of l

( )Testing time is fixed at 30 min.

(iv)In calculation the temperature is set T T2=TS:= 298(K) (25k3).

These conditions are apolied tO the formula(C.31) to obtain the maximum permissible air leakage rate. The results of calculation is given in (II) Table C.4.

(v)In consideration of the conditions (1)to (iv)abOve and the volume of the testing system, the testing time H and pressure drop P(Pl P2)iS fixed to confirm that the air leakage rate LR(LR= LR i)at O ring of inner shell lid is lOwer than the maximum permissible air leakage rate (3) The maximum gas leakage rate under normal test conditions The maximum gas leakage rate under normal test conditions is obtained on the basis of the maximum permissible air leakage rate LR aS f01lows, (a)Diameter of leak The leak is assumed to be a round hole which crosses the sealing part along the shortest path. Fluid is considered to pass through the leak in the form of free molecular flow or continuous flow and its leakage rate is given by the following formula.

L=(Fc+Fa)(Pu Pd)2)......... (C.32) where, Li Volume leakage rate at pressure Pa(cm3/s at Pa, Ta)

( ) C8

=: +P ) C.33)

Ta: Average temperature of fluid PuI Pressure on upstream slde PdI Pressure on downstream slde FcI Flow heat conduction coefficient for continuous flow(cm3/MPa s)

Fm: Flow heat conduction coefficient for free molecular flow(cm3/MPao s)

=2,49x 102x . (C. 4)


=3.81x 103x (C,35) yr) 7 Where, D: Diameter of leak (cm) a: length of leak (cm)

Viscosity coefficient of the air(MPa.s)

T: Temperature of fluid(K)

MI Molecular veight(g/mol)

Diameter of leak hole is obtained by the following formula and the formula (C32)

L=LR, (C,36)

Where, LR i: Air leakage rate at containment boundary(std cm3/s)

Ta: Average temperature(=TS)(K)

The maximum diameter of leak of inner shell lid on leakage rate test is given in (II) Table c.5.

Notei the formula ANS1 4.5 is converted into SI unit

( ) C9

(II) Table C,5 The maximum radius of leak hole on leaka ge rate test Posltions 0ring parts Items LR i: Air leakage rate at containment boundary(std cm3/s)

Pu: Pressure on upstream side(M Pa)

Pd. Pressure on downstream slde (M Pa)

Pa: Average pressure of flow (M Pa)

Ta. T: Temperature of the air(K)

L: Air leakage rate on leak tightness test(cm3/s at Pa, Ta)

. Viscosity coefficlent Of the air(MPa,s) a: length of leak hole(cm)

M: Molecular veight(g/mol)

Fci Thermal conductivity coeffim3/MPa S)

Fm: Thermal conductivity cOefficient for free molecular flow D: Dianeter of leak (cm)

Note: Diameter of cross section of O ring is employed.

  • 1 : Since viscosity coefficient of the air increases with temperature, it is conservative to employ the low temperature.

( ) C10

(b)The maximum gas leakage rate under normal test conditions The maximum gas leakage rate under nOrmal test conditions is obtained by substituting the values of pressure, gas and the maximum diameter of leak under nOrmal test conditions into the formula (C,3.2) to (C.3.5).

Gas leakage rate Lx calculated from(C,3.2) is converted to leakage rate Ls, x under normal test conditions, at 25k3, 0,lolMP abs(l atm abs), by the following formula.


= (C,37) where, Subscript x: Normal test conditions but it is assumed that Ta,x=Tu,x Gas leakage rate under normal test conditions is provided in (II) Table C. 6. The maximun gas leakage rate at O ring is employed for calculation.

II Table C.6 The maximum 1 rate under normal test conditions Posltion Contalnment boundary Item (0ring Of inner shell lid)

D: Diameter of leak (cm) a: Length of leak (cm)

Viscosity coefficient of the gas(MPao s)

Pu,x: Pressure of containment system under normal test conditions(MPa abs)

Pd,x: External pressure under normal test 0.060 conditions(MPa abs)

Tu,x: Gas temperature under normal test conditions(K)

MI Molecular veight(g/mol)

Lx: Leakage rate under normal test conditions(cm3/s at Pa,x Ta,x)

Ls,x: Leakage rate under nOrmal test conditions(cm3/s at 25R3 0.10MPa) 1 : Since viscosity coefficient of the air increases with temperature, it is conservative to employ the low temperature

( ) C11

C.3.1.2 Evaluation of the volume Of leakage radioactive substances (1) In transporting the fresh fuel elements (a) Evaluation of the radioactive substances contained in the inner shell concerning the leakage.

Since there is no possibility of degradation of the fuel plates under normal test conditions, as described in part ( ) A, it is considered that there is no leakage of the enriched uranium contained in the fuel plates, It is supposed that the only radioactive substances that may have leaked are the uranium particles which adhere to the surface of the fuel elements during the manufacturing process, in other words, uranium surface contamination.

It is supposed that the level of contamination is for the whole surface of the fuel elements, which is the reference value of the surface contamination test during manufacturing process.

It is supposed that the contaminated surface uranium are enrlched uranlum, IIttenricheduranium, IIttenricheduraniumandII% enrlched uranlum of the degraded uranium for which the rate of 234u/235u is at its maximum level.

TheweightofradioactivenuclidesofIIttenricheduraniumadheringtoone fuel element is calculated according to the usual method as follows.

(1)Quantity of 235u: This quantity is calculated by using the level of and of the whole surface of the fuel element (l g 235u/100cm2).

( )Quantity of 238u: The quantity of 234u and 236u being considered as nil, the quantity of 238u is calculated by using the lower limit of the tolerance of the enrichment f 235u calCulated in (1).

( )Quantity of 234u and 236u: No weight limit has been fixed for 234u and 236u, because these are decided during the fuel manufacturing.

( ) C12

The quantity of 234u and 236u is calculated using the maximum weight proportion recorded in the past material record and in rounding off these figures (x

2) according to the usual method.

Moreover, the total veight of uranium needed for these calculations is obtained by adding the quantity of 235u calCulated in (i)and the quantity of 238u calCulated in ( ). The weight proportions of 234u and 236u uSed for the calculations are shown in the ( ) Table c.7.

The Surface contamination level is shown in ( ) Table C.8

( ) Table c.7 Weittht or oportions of 234u and 236u used for calculations Maximum weight Weight prOportions Enrlchment Isotope proportions ln the used for calculations (vt%)

mill sheets (wt%) (wt%)

234u 236u

( ) C13

( ) Table c.8 Surface contamination level per fuel element Radioactivity (Bq)

Fuel element 234u 235u 236u 238u Total JRR3 Standard Type (Uranium silicOn aluminum dis persion type alloy)

RR3 Follower Type (Uranium silicon aluminum dis persion type alloy)

MTR Standard MTR Follower Fuel

( ) C14

(b) Evaluation of the leakage volume of radioactive substances under normal test conditions, The uranium responsible fOr the surface contamination which adheres to the surface of the elements is assumed to be powder. For the evaluation of the leakage rate, this uranium is supposed to be completely separated and uniformly dispersed in the cavity of the inner shell.

The leakage rate under normal test conditions is calculated by multiplying the concentration of each radioactive nuclide existed in the cavity of the inner shell by the leakage rate calculated in C.3.1.13 (b). By using the RR3 standard fuel element,(Uranium silicon aluminum dispersion type alloy) which is highest surface uranium contamination fuel, and by calculating the leakage rate of radioactive substances, the results are obtained as shown in( ) Table C.9.

As shown in the( ) Table C.6, the level of the leakage rate of radioactive substances under normal test conditions is lower than the standard value.

( ) Table c.9 Leakage rate of radioactive substances under normal test conditions Standard Nuclide Radioactivity Leakage rate Value Rate (A2x 106)

(TBq/cm3) (TBq/h) (TBq/h) 234u 235u 236u 238u Total 1,00) 10 3

  • :Use for the inner air volume.

( ) C15

(2) In transporting Of 10wly irradiated fuel element (a)Evaluation of radioactive material in the inner container concerning leak.

As shown in ( ) A, the fuel plate does not failure under the normal test condition, the enriched uranium contained in the fuel plate does not leak.

The radioactive material concerning leak, the surface contaminated uranium, adheres when the fuel element is produced, is similarly assumed as the previous section of C.3.1.2(1), (a)

The water in the reactor is assumed to adhere in a thickness of l mm on the all surface of the lowly irradiated fuel element.

Therefore, the radioactive material to be considered in studying the seal function is the radioactive nuclide contained in the water of the reactor.

The leak of the radioactive material is evaluated by assuming that the radioactive concentration of the water in the reactor is 12Bq/cm3, which is two times of the maximum value of the measured data of the No.l canal water, obtalned for past twenty years, The radioactive concentration of the water adheres on the fuel element surface is 12Bq/cm3, the nuclide is 60co and shown in ( ) Table c,10, The surface radioactivity per one lowly irradiated fuel element is shown in( ) Table C.11.

( ) Table c 10 Nuclide of MTRC fuel surface water and radioactive concentration Radioactive concentration Nuclide (Bq/cm3) 60c 12

( ) C16

( ) Table c 1l Surface activity per One fuel element of lowly irradiated fuel element Activity (Bq) 234u 235u 236u 238u Total MTRC Special fuel element (Special A type)

(Uranium aluminum alloy)

MTRC Standard fuel element (M , MB, MC type)

(Uranium aluminum dispersion type alloy)

MTRC Special fuel element (Special MB, Special MC type)

(Uranium aluminum dispersion type alloy)

MTRC Fuel fol10wer (MF type)

(Uranium aluminum dispersion type alloy)

(b) Radioactive material leak evaluation under normal test condition lt is similarly assumed as the previous section of C.3.1.2(1),(a)that the all surface contaminated uranium adheres on the fuel surface is separated and uniformly dispersed in the air in the inner container.

The radioactive cOncentration of the water adheres On the fuel element surface is 12Bq/cm3, and the nuclide is 60c .

The leak rate of the radioactive material under the general test condition is obtained by multiplying the concentration of the nuclide existing in the air of the inner container by the leak rate obtained in the section of C.3.1.1(2).

For MTRC special fuel elements (Special MB and Special MC types), which have the largest surface area and the highest radioactivity concentration, the radioactivity concentration adhered on the fuel surface is as shown in

( ) C17

(II) Table c 12.

The leak rate Of the radioactive material is obtained by assuming that the radioactive material is uniformly dispersed in the air of the inner container of seal boundary, and is shown in( ) Table C 12.

As shown in ( ) Table c 12, the leak rate of the radioactive material is smaller than the a1lowable value under the normal test condition.

( ) Tabl e C,12 Leak rate of the radiOactivitv under normal test condition Radioactive Leak 1lowable Nuclide concentration rate Value(A2x 106) Rate (TBq/cm3) (TBq/h) (TBq/h) 60c 4,0x 107 234u 235u 236u 238u Total 1,05x 103 Use cm3 for the air volume in the inner container.

( ) C18

C.3 2 Pressurization of the containment system Since this package is transported in 'dry' condition, it does not contain any vater vhich becomes a cause of pressurization by the effects of radiation or heat.

TherefOre, the only cause of pressurization in the inside part of the package is expansion of the air caused by a temperature rise. This case is explained in( )Table B.16.

Concerning the analyses of the pressure resistance of the containment system, a safe margin has been taken from the results of internal pressure of the

( ) Table B 16 and these analyses have been conducted against the design pressure of the( ) Table B.17.

C.3.3 Coolant contamination Since coolant is not used for this package, this item is not applicable C.3.4 Loss of co lant Since coolant is not used for this package, this item is nOt applicable

( ) C19

C.4 Accldent test conditions The integrity of the containment system of this package remains unchanged after an impact under accident test conditions, as required for all types of B(u) packages and the results of structural analyses is shown in ( ) A.

Moreover, the results of thermal analyses in ( ) B show that variations in pressure or temperature under accldent test conditions have no effect on the lntegrity of the containment system.

Therefore, as the sealing performances of the containment system remain unchanged under accident test conditions, in these analyses, the evaluatiOn of the sealing performances based on the leak tightness test of the O ring of the inner shell lid which must meet the reference value, conducted before shipment of the package, shows that the leakage rate of radioactive substances under accident test conditions is lower than the legally established standard value C,4.l Fissile gas (1) In transporting fresh fuel element Since the contents are composed of non irradiated fuel elements, no fissile gas will appear.

(2) In transporting lowly irradiated fuel elements Under the accident test condition, as described in the section ( )A.6, since the failure of the fuel element does not occur and the fissile gas contained in the fuel plate does not leak, the enrichment of the fissile gas in the sealed container is the same value as for the normal test condition, shown in the

( ) Table c.10 and in the( ) Table C.11.

( ) C20

C.4.2 Leakage of radioactive materials C.4.2.l Leakage from the inner shell The maximum gas leakage rate under the accident test conditions The maximum gas leakage rate under the accident test conditions can be obtained by substituting the relevant values of pressure, gas and the maximum leak hole diameter under the same test conditions into the formula(C32) to (C.35) and (C. 37).

Gas leakage rate under the accident test conditions is shown in (II) Table C. 13. The maximum gas leakage rate is calculated concerning the inner shell lid.

ble C 13 The maximum leak rate under the accldent test conditions Posltion Contalnment boundary Item (0ring of inner shell lid)

D: Diameter of leak (cm) a: Length of leak (cm)

ViscOsity coefficient of the gas(MPao s)

Pu,x. Pressure of contalnment system under normal test conditions (MPa abs)

Pdi x: External pressure under normal test cOnditions 0.060 (MPa abs)

Tu,x:Gas temperature under normal test conditions(K)

M: Molecular veight(g/mol)

Lx: Leakage rate under normal test conditions (cm3/s at Pa,x Ta,x)

Ls,x: Leakage rate under normal test conditions (cm3/s at 25R3 0 10MPa)

  • 1: Since the viscosity coefficient of air increases as the temperature rises, it is conservative tO use the low temperature.

C.4.2.2 Evaluation of the volume of leakage of radioactive materials (1) In transporting the fresh fuel element As described in Chapter ( ) A, since no deterioration of the fuel Plates occurs under accident test cOnditions, it can be supposed, as in the case of normal test conditions, that the only radioactive substances affected by the leakage are the uranium particles which adhere to surface of the fuel elements

( ) C21

during the manufacturing process, i.e. uranium surface contamination.

Surface contamination level per fuel element is shown in the( ) Table C,8.

The leakage rate of radioactive substances under accident test conditions is calculated by multiplying the concentration of each nuclide present in the cavity of the inner shell by the leakage rate calculated in C.4.2.1.

( ) Table c.14 gives the leakage rate for radioactive substances for the RR3 standard fuel element (Uranium silicon aluminun dispersion type a1loy),

which is the highest uranium surface contamination element.

As shown in ( ) Table c 14, the leakage rate of radioactive substances under accident test conditions is lower than the standard value.

(2) In transporting the lowly irradiated fuel elements As described in the section ( ) A, under the accident condition, since the failure of the fuel plate does not occur, the leakage of the enriched uranium contained in the fuel plate is similarly assumed not to occur as for the normal test condition.

The surface radio activity per one fuel element is shown in ( ) Table c,10 and in( ) Table c 11.

The leakage rate of the radioactive substance under the accident condition is obtained by multiplying the enrichment of the nuclide existed in the container by the leakage rate obtained in the paragraph C.4.2.1.

The radioactive enrichment on the fuel element surface for the HEU special fuel element C, D type, having the maximum surface, is obtained by the same method in the paragraph C.3.1.2.(2)and is shown in the ( ) Table C 15. As shown in the ( ) Table c 15, the leakage rate of the radioactive substance under the accident condition is less than the reference value.

( ) C22

( ) Table c,14 Leakage rate of radioactive substances under accident test conditions (Fresh fuel element)

Nuclide Radioactive Leakage rate Standard Rate substance value concentration (TBq/cm3) (TBq/week) (TBq/week) 234u 235u 236u 238u Total 1.18x 107

( ) Table c,15 Leak rate of radioactive substances under accident test condition (lowly irradiated fuel element)

Nuclide Radioactive Leakage rate Allowable Rate concentration value (TBq/cm3) (TBq/week) (TBq/week) 60c 4.0x 101 234u 235u 236u 238u Total 1.24x 107

( ) C23

C.5 Summarisation of the result and the evaluation (1) In transporting the fresh fuel element Concerning the leakage of radioactive substances, it may be supposed to all the particles of uranium responsible for the surface contamination which adhere to the surface of the elements during the manufacturing process are completly separated, and that these particles are dispersed uniformly in the air in the inner shell. If the concentration of each radioactive substance is multiplied by the leakage rate to evaluate the leakage rate under normal and accidental test conditions, it can be seen, as shown in ( ) Table C.9 and in ( ) Table c.14, that the leakage rate for radioactive substances is lover than the standard value.

(2) In transporting lowly irradiated fuel element The leak rate is evaluated under general and special test conditions, by multiplying each radioactive concentration by leak rate, by assuming that the all surface contaminated uranium, adheres when the fuel element is produced, is separated and is uniformly dispersed in the air of the inner container and also by assuming that the all pool water adheres on the surface of the fuel element is evaporated and uniformly dispersed in the air of the inner container, the leak rates for both test conditions are smaller than the allowable value, as shown in( ) Table C.12 and( ) Table c.15.

( ) C24

C,6 Appendix C.6.l Design temperature for containment analyses The design temperature for the containment analyses is used for the calculation Of the internal pressure of the inner shell, and this pressure is calculated from the average temperature of the air contained in the inner shell.

The volume of the air contained in the fuel basket constitutes the largest proportionIIIIIOfthetotalalrvolumecontalnedinthe lnnershell, and since there is no emmission of heat from the fuel, the temperature of the air contained in the fuel basket is lower than the temperature of the fuel basket.

For greater safety, the temperature of the air contained in the fuel basket is regarded as equivalent to the average temperature of the fuel basket

  • and the temperature of the alr contalned in the space between the fuel basket and the main body of the inner shell is regarded as equivalent to the average of the average temperature of the fuel basket and the average temperature of the main body of the inner shell *, namely a temperature Of proceeding in this way, the average temperature of the air inside the inner shell can be calculated as which is lover than the maximum temperature of the fuel basket As explained above, if the maximum temperature of the fuel basket is used as the average temperature of the air contained in the inner shell, the internal pressure of the inner shell is overestimated. Therefore, the maximum temperature of the fuel basket is used as the design temperature for the containment analyses.
  • Value obtained by the calculation of the average of the TRUMP CODE

( ) C25

C.6.2 Reference documents (1) ANSI N 14.5 American National Standard for Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment of Radioactive Materials (1977)

American national Standards lnstitute, Inc.

American national Standards for radioactive materials Leakage test on packages for shipment (1997)

ANS N14.5 1997 (2) Document for Heat Transfer Engineering, III Edition" Mechanical Engineering Soclety of apan.

( ) C26

( ) D Shield analysis

( ) D

( ) D, Shield analysis D.1 0utline ln the case where the package contents consist of fresh fuel elements, 235u and 238u are Considered as a gamma radiation source, and neutrons emitted by the uranlum spontaneous fisslon ls consldered as a neutron source.

In case of the lowly irradiated fuel elements, 2351J, 238u and the radioactive nuclides are considered as a gamma radiation source, and the uranium spontaneous fisslon ls consldered as the neutron source.

Regarding the gamma radiation source calculation, ve have to consider that under normal test conditions and accident test conditions, the outer shell is subjected to a transformation and that, under normal transport conditions, with normal test conditions and accident test conditions, the dose equivalent rate is evaluated by assimilation of the inner shell surface to the package surface.

The neutron dose equivalent rate is calculated by assimilating the uranium content to the polnt radiation source. There, the content are distrlbuted inslde the cavity, but their position is calculated in such a way that the distance between the point radiation source and the inner shell surface is as small as possible. In the same way, the gamma radiation source calculation is evaluated by considering the inner shell surface to be equivalent to the package surface and for safety reasons, by ignoring the inner shell shield effect and considering only the distance attenuation effect.

D.2 Radiation source speclfication There are unirradiated fresh fuel element and lowly irradiated fuel element in the package.

For unirradiated uranium, the radioactive nuclide such as 235u and 238u etC are consldered as the gamma radiation source.

The neutron emitted by uranium spontaneous fission is considered as the neutron source.

( ) D1

In case of the lowly irradiated fuel element, the radioactive element such as the 235 J, 38u etC. are consldered as the gamma radiation source, and the neutrons emltted by spontaneous fisslon of uranlum etc. are consldered as the neutron source.

D 2,l Gamma radiation source (1) In loading the fresh fuel element The uranium isotope contained in the fuel packaged are 234u, 235u, 236u and 238u, and these gamma ray emltting rates are shown in(

) Table D 1.(1)

The gamma radiation source intensity per one fuel element of the RR3 standard type (Uranium silicon aluminum dispersion alloy) (Enrichment r which has highest radioactivity, is sown in ( ) Table D.2 The gamma radiation source intensity is obtained as follows.

SE=C° W° RE Where, SE : Gamma radiation source intensity (Photons/s) of energy E C i Specific activity (Bq/g), shown in ( ) Table D 3(2)

W  : Uranium isotope weight (g)

RE : Gamma ray emission rate of energy E (photons/decay)

The weight of the uranium isotope is conservatively obtained as follows, (a) 235u IMaXimum 235u contained quantity in the fuel element.

(b)238u :By assuming the quantities of 234u and 236u are to be zero, the quantity of 238u is obtalned by uslng the quantity of the 235u obtained above and the lover limit of the enrich tolerance.

(c)234u, 236u:As the quantities of 234u and 236u are determined when the fuel element is produced, the weight limit is not determined. Therefore the maximum weight rate is selected from the past material record sheet, by using the conservatively rounded up weight rate, the quantities of 235u and 236u are Obtained. In this case, the necessary total uranium quantity is the sum of the 235u obtained in (a) and 238u obtained in (b),

The weight rates of 234u and 236u uSed in the calculation are shown in

( ) Table D.4.

The uranium isotope weight for one element used in calculation is shown in( ) Table D.5,

( ) D2

( ) Table D.l Gamma radiation emission rate of uranium isotope Gamma radiation Gamma radiation Uranium energy emlsslon rate isotope (MeV) (photons/decay) 234u 235u 236u 238u

( ) Table D 2 Gamma radiation source intensity for one fuel element Gamma radiation Energy Source lntenslty (MeV)


( ) D3

( ) Table D.aSpeclfic activity used for calculation Uranlum lsotope Specific activity (Bq/g) 234u 235u 236u 238u

( ) Table D.4 234u and 236u weight rate used for calculation Isotope Weight rate (wt%)

Mill sheet Value used for maximum value calculation 234u 236u (H) Table D.5 Radioactive nuclide weight per one element used in calculation Uranium isotope Weight (g) 234u 235u 236u 238u

( ) D4

(2) In loading lowly irradiated fuel element (a) Gamma radiation source by the isotope from uranium The uranium isotOpe contained in the package fuel are mainly 234u, 235u, 236u and 238u etC., and these gamma ray emission rates are shown in ( ) Table (1)

D.6 Since it is possible that the lowly irradiated fuels, which are HEU fuel and MEU fuel, are loaded together, comparing the radioactivity between HEU fuel and MEU fuel, and considering the most conservative conditions, the radioactivity of MEU fuel is used for 235U, 236U, and 238U while that of HEU fuel is used for 234U.

The gamma source intensity equivalent to one lowly irradiated fuel element is shown in (II) Table D,7. The gamma radiation source intensity is obtained as followst SE=C W° RE Where, SE : Gamma radiation source intensity of energy E (Photons/s)

C Specific activity (Bq/g), shown in( ) Table D.8(2)

W i Weight of Uranium isotope (g)

RE : Gamma ray emission rate of energy E (Photons/decay)

The weight of the uranium isotope is conservatively obtained as follows.

(1) 235u :MaXimum contained quantity in the fuel element.

( ) 238u :The quantity of 238u is obtained, by assuming the quantities of 234u and 236u are to be zero, by uslng the quantity of 235u obtained in (1)and the lower limit of the enrichment tolerance.

( )234u, 236u:The quantities of 234u and 236u are determined when the fuel element is produced, the limit of the veight is not determined. Therefore the maximum veight rate is selected from the past material record sheet, and the

( ) D5

weights of 234u and 236u are Obtained by using the conservatively rounded up weight rate.

In this case, the necessary total uranium veight is the sum of the veight of 235u obtained in (1)and the weight of 238u obtained ( ). The veight rate of 234u and 236u uSed in the calculation are shown in ( ) Table D 9.

The weight of uranium isotope per one fuel element used in the calculation is shown in ( ) Table D.10.

( ) D6

( ) Table D.6 Gamma radiation emlsslon rate of uranlum lsotope Gamma radiation Gamma radiation Uranlum energy emlsslon rate isotope (MeV) (photons/decay) 234u 235u 236u 238u

( ) Table D.7 Gamma radiation source intensity per one mixed fuel element (actinOids)

Gamma radiation Energy source lntenslty (MeV)


( ) D7

( ) Table D 8 Specific activity used for calculation Uranium isotope Specific activity (Bq/g) 234u 235u 236u 238u

( ) Table D 9 234u and 236u weight rate used for calculation Weight rate (vt%)

Uranlum HEU fuel MEU fuel isotope element element 234u 236u

( ) Table D 10 Radioactive nuclide weight per one element used in calculation Uranium isotope Weight (g) Type 234u HEU fuel 235u MEU fuel 236u MEU fuel 238u MEU fuel

( ) D8

(b)Gamma ray from the fission product The irradiation time and the cooling time of the MTRC fuel element is as follows.

(i)HEU fueli 302h irradiation (100W equivalence)(0.0013MWd)Il years cooling

( ) MEU fuel: 100h irradiation (100W equivalence)(0.0005MWd)l years cooling The fission products are calculated by using ORIGEN for the above 2 types of fuel elements with the following condition.

D The peaking factor of the fuel element during operation is 2.00, D The effect of the radioactivity except the main nuclide is considered by scaling the radioactivity of the main nuclide to be 100%

Since HEU fuel element gave higher results than MEU fuel elements for the radioactivity intensity of fission products, it was assumed that there vere fission products equivalent to 10 HEU fuel elements inside the transport contalner.

From the above, the radioactivity and gamma ray intensity of the major nuclides as fission products equivalent to one low irradiated fuel element are shown in (II) Table D.11.

( ) D9

( ) Table D 1l Radioactivity rate of the fission products obtained by ORIGEN Gamma ray Emlsslon Radioactivity Main Scaling energy rate by ORIGEN Photons/s nuclide factor*

(MeV) (%) (Bq)

( ) D10

D.2.2 Neutron source (1) In loading fresh fuel element As the contents are non irradiated uranium, it is necessary to take into conslderation that, the neutron emlsslon, OCCurs by spontaneous fisslon of uranlum ls consldered as a neutron source.

The uranium isotope spontaneous fission speed is shown in( )TTable p.12(3).

( ) Table D 12 Uranium isotope spontaneous fission speed 234u 235u 236u 238u Isotope Since among uranlum lsotope, the spontaneous fisslon speed of 238u is the largest, the intensity of the neutron source for one RR3 fuel element(Uranium Silicon Aluminum Dispersion Type Alloy) in which uranium content is largest, reaches maximum. This value is IIII (n/s). The neutron source intensity by spontaneous fission is calculated by the following formula.

Sn= WiOfi n ln this formula Sn : Neutron source intensity for one fuel element (n/s)

Wi : Uranium isOtOpe weight for one element (g)

(( ) Table D.5) fi : Spontaneous fission speed of uranium isotope (unit/g s)

(( ) Table D.12) n i No. of neutrons emitted by one core fission(4)(2.5)

The energy spectrum of neutrons emitted by fission is shown in ( ) Fig.

D.1(4). The higher the neutron energy, the bigger the calculation factor becomes consequently, to evaluate a dose equivalent factor in a safe way, the neutron total energy emitted should be 10 MeV.

( ) D11

From the result of criticality analysis, the keff effective multiplication factor of one package containing 10 RR3 standard elements (Uranium silicon Aluminum Dispersion Type Alloy)of enrlchment wlthout water whose 235u content reaches a maxlmum, and is by conslderlng 3 . By the same calculation method, if for safety reasons the effective multiplication rate is fixed it is necessary to consider the multiplication effect of neutrons on the intenslty of neutrons radiation.

040 030 l J

0.10 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Nuclear fission neutron energy(MeV)

( ) Fig. D.l Neutron fission energy spectrum (2) In loading lowly irradiated fuel element lt is neutron emission by the spontaneous fission of uranium etc, that is necessary to be consldered as the neutron source.

The emlsslon rate of the spontaneous fisslon of these lsotopes ls shown in( ) Table D 13. )

( ) D12

( ) Table D 13 Emission rate of spontaneous fission of uranium isotope 234u 235u 236u 238u Uranlum lsotope The neutron source intensity per one mixed fuel element having the highest radioactivity is maximum of IIII(n/s)

The neutron source intensity by the spontaneous fission is calculated by the same method as the paragraph D.2.3(1)

( ) D13

D,3 Model specification D 3.l Analysis model (1) Gamma radiation dose equivalent rate The ANISN code(5)is uSed for calculation of the gamma radiation shield. The evaluation of the dose equivalent rate is performed by considering that both under normal test conditions and accident test conditions, the outer shell is subjected to a deformation, and that under routine transport conditions, both under normal and accident test conditions, the inner shell surface is assumed to be the content surface. The gamma radiation shield calculation model is shown( ) Fi .D.2.

The lntensityofgammaradiation is identical tollllllll%enriched RR3 standard fuel (Uraniun Silicon Aluminum Dispersion Type Alloy), but in order to reduce fuel self shielding, the data of RR4L type fuel for which aluminum veight is limited is used, and it is supposed that the source area, for one fuel element, is high rectangular solid.

For the lateral part of the radiation source area model, 10 cylindrical fuel elements with equivalent cross section are evenly distributed. At this time, the shielding effect of the basket is ignored, but as shown in ( ) Table B.6, the gap between the fuel basket and the inner shell barrel represents, for the lateral model, empty Space. In view of this space thickness, the model was realized in order that the source area surface could be as close as possible to the detection polnt Since the detection point is one meter from the packaging surface, and for safety reasons, the dose equivalent rate is evaluated by the ANISN calculation code, we have to proceed with empty space attenuation effect by the following formula.

( ) D14

Supposing that the angles flux of the packaging surface obtained by the ANISN code shield calculation is 4 ( ,E, ), it calculates the source flux (rp,E)and the source volume rate D at rp calculation point of space shown in( )Figo D 3 by the folloving fOrmula.


P, )=

, (fL',fL)cos?

L' s ( (D 31) r D= EK(E)o(4,E)dE (D.32)

In this formula, ds I Surface element of the packaging surface r  : Distance between surface element ds and calculation point r

K(E): Dose rate conversion factor

Angle between and n, normal vector Of ds
unit vector which indicates the angle betveen ds and calculation point

. : unlt vector which indicates the arbitrary angle direction from ds E I Energy

( ) D15

( ) Fi .D.2 Gamma radiation shield calculation model

( ) D16

P culation point r

rp n

S ds rs O

( ) Fig. D,3 Relationship between packatting surface angles flux and calculation polnt of packaglng surface

( ) D17

(2) Neutron dose equivalent rate Neutron dose equivalent rate, as it is shown in ( ) Fig.D 4, is calculated by conslderlng the content of uranlum as the polnt radiation source. The content is distributed in the cavity, but its position is evaluated so that the distance between the radiation source point and inner shell surface is as small as possible. For safety reasons, the evaluation of the neutron shield calculation is performed considering the surface of the inner shell to be equivalent to the surface of the package, Then, proceeding with the evaluation, for more safety, the shielding effect of the inner shell lid, bottom and barrel parts should be ignored, and only the distance attenuation effect should be taken lnto consideration.

( ) D18

( ) Fi . D.4 Neutron shield calculation model

( ) D19

D.3.2 Numeric density of atoms in each area of analysis model Density and material fOr each zone used for calculation of the gamma radiation shield are shOwn in ( ) Table D 14 and the volumetric rate of shield material for each area is shown in ( ) Table D.15, The numeric densit y of atoms for each shield material is shown in ( ) Table D.16.

For neutron doseequivalent rate, the material of the structure is not taken into consideration and then the following tables are not applicable.

( ) Table D.14 Material and density Part name Material Density (g/cm2)

Inner shell lid SU Inner shell barrel SU Inner shell bottom plate SUJ

( ) Table D.15 Volumetric rate of shield material for each area used in shield calculation Volumetric Area Shield material rate (%)

( ) D20

( ) Table D 16 Atom dQttsity for each material (atoms/barn o cm)

RadiatiOn source Radiation source area area Nuclide SUS III SUS I (lateral part (lid and bOttom evaluation) parts evaluation)

( ) D21

D,4 Shield evaluation (1)Dose equivalent rate by gamma radiatiOn (a) In loading fresh fuel element The ANISN code is used for the shield calculation for fresh fuel loading.

The cross section of the energy group structure (group 18) of the DLC23E/CASK library(6)is uSed as the cross section for the gamma ray.

This energy group structure is shown in ( ) Table D.17.

The dose equivalent rate calcuration factor for the gamma ray to obtain the dose equivalent rate° )is showrl in( ) Table D 17.

The calculation result is shown in ( ) Table D.18 As for the increasing rate of the does equivalent rate under the normal test condition, by considering the deformation of the outer shell, the surface of the inner shell is considered to be the package surface in the analysis under the usual transport condition, normal test condition and accident condition, so, the does equivalent rate does not increase and is within the allowable value.

( ) D22

( ) Table D.17 Gamma radiation energy group structure and dose equivalent rate calculation factor Dose equivalent rate Upper limit energy Energy groups calculation factor (eV)

((mSv/h)/( /cm2.s))

( ) D23

( ) Table D.18 Dose eouivalent rate b y ttamma radiation (fresh fuel elements loading)

Dose equivalent rate Evaluated position (mSv/h)

Package surface Lid 0.001 Side 0,083 Bottom 0.003 lm apart from package surface Lid 0,001 Side 0.004 Bottom 0.001 (2) In loading lowly irradiated fuel element The shield analysis of the gamma radiation for the case where the lowly irradiated fuels are loaded, is conducted by the same method described in the section of previous (1)(a). The result of the analys is is shown in( ) Table D 19.

As for the increase rate of the dose equivalent rate under the general test condition, the surface of the inner shell is evaluated as the surface of the package under the usual transport condition, the normal test condition and the accident test condition, by considering that the outer shell is deformed under the normal test condition, therefore the increase of the dose equivalent rate does not occur and satisfies the criterla.

( ) Table 19 Dose equivalent rate by gamma radiation (lovly irradiated fuel elements loading)

Dose equivalent (mSv/h) Total Evaluated position Actinldes FP (mSv/h)

Package Lid (0,001 0,025 0.026 surface Side 0,022 0,145 0 167 Bottom 0,002 0,069 0.071 lm apart Lid 0,001 0,005 0.006 from package Side 0.003 0.015 0.018 surface Bottom 0,001 0.013 0.014

( ) D24

(3) Neutron dose equivalent rate (a) In loading fresh fuel element Neutrons dose equivalent rate is calculated by following formula.

Dn=Ax xk ln this formula, Dn : Dose equivalent rate (mSv/h)

Sn . Neutron source lntensity for one fuel element (n/s) n  : Number of fuel elements for one packaging 10 r  : Distance from point radiation source to evaluation point (cm) k  : Neutron multiplication effect A i Conversion facter of Dose equivalent rate of 10 MeV energy neutron flux(7) 0,00159((mSv/h)/(n/cm2.s))

The calculation result of neutron dose equivalent rate is shown in

( ) Table D.20

( ) Table D,20 Neutron dose equivalent rate Calculation result Dose equivalent rate Evaluated position (mSv/h)

Package surface Lid part 0.002 Middle part 0.007 Bottom part 0.005 PositiOn at one meter Lid part (0.001 from contalner surface Middle part (0.001 Bottom part 0,001

( ) D25

(b) In loading the lowly irradiated fuel element The does equivalent rate of the lowly irradiated fuel element loading is calculated by the same method in the previous section of D.4(1)(a)

The analysis result of the does equivalent rate of the lowly irradiated fuel element loading is shown in ( ) Table D 21.

( ) Table D.21 Dose equivalent rate Of neutron irradiation (lowly irradiated fuel elements loadinII)

Dose equivalent rate Evaluated position (mSv/h)

Package surface Lid 0.001 Middle 0.002 Bottom 0,001 lm apart from Lid 0,001 package surface Middle 0,001 Bottom 0.001

( ) D26

D.5 Summarisation of the result and the evaluation Dose equivalent rate results obtained with the present package shield analysis for the fresh fuel element and the lowly irradiated fuel element are shown in ( ) Table D.22. and in ( ) Table D.23. Gamma radiation dose equivalent rate is calculated with the one dimensional discrete ordinates transport code ANISN, neutron dose equivalent rate is easily calculated by using the model of point radiation source As shown in ( ) Table D 22, and in ( ) Table D 23, the result of calculation always satisfies the standard values.

( ) Table D 22 Package dose equivalent rate (fresh fuel element loading) (uniti msv/h)

Evaluated position Posltion at one meter Package surface from the packaging surface Item Middle Lid Bottom Middle Lid Bottom Routine Gamma 0.033 0,001 0,003 0,004 0.001 (0.001 transport radiation condition Neutron 0,007 0.002 0.004 0.001 0.001 (0,001 Total 0.040 0.003 0.007 0.005 0,002 0,002 Standard 2 or less 0.l or less value Normal test Gamma 0.033 0,001 0.003 condition radiation Neutron 0,007 0,002 0.004 Total 0.040 0.003 0.007 Standard value 2 or less Accident Gamma 0.004 0.001 (0,001 test radiation condition Neutron

>< 0.001 0.001 (0.001 Total 0,005 0.002 0.002 Standard 10 or less value

( ) D27

( ) Table D,23 Package Dose equlvalent Rate (lowly irradiated fuel element loading) (uniti msv/h)

Evaluation point Posltion at one meter Package surface from the packaging surface Item Middle Lid Bottom Middle Lid Bottom Routine Gamma radiation 0 167 0.026 0,071 0,018 0.006 0.014 transport condition Neutron 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0,001 0,001 Total 0 169 0,027 0,072 0.019 0.007 0.015 Standard value 2 or less 0.l or less Normal test Gamma 0,167 0,026 0.071 condition radiation Neutron 0,002 0,001 0.001 Total 0 169 0.027 0.072 Standard value 2 or less Accident Gamma radiation 0,018 0.006 0,014 test condition Neutron

>< 0,001 0.001 0.001 Total 0,019 0.007 0.015 Standard value 10 or less

( ) D28

D 6 Appendix D.6.l Explanations of ANISN code ( ) D30 D 6.2 Reference literature ( ) D33

( ) D29

D.6.l Explanations of ANISN code The ANISN code developed by ORNL in the USA, is a numerical calculation of the one dimensional Boltzmann transport equation based upon Discrete Ordinates Sn.

The transport equation is a mathematical representation of the balance betveen formation and disintegration of particles inside a volume element phase space resulting from position, energy and the direction of pr6gression, the equation is given by the following formula.

(r,E, ) t(r,E) (r,E, )

) s(r,E E, (D 1)

= (r,E , ' )dE ,d ' S(r,E, )

where, (r,E, ) :Angle neutron flux (number Of particles passing per unit time through the surface perpendicular to the unit vector and per unit solid angle in the direction of unit vector at position r) t(r,E) :Total macro cross section s(r,E E, ) :Dispersion macro cross section or creation of a macro cross section of secondary gamma radiation from neutroris S(r,E, ) I External radiation source The Sn method is a numeric evaluation of the transport equation discretely dealing with position, energy and direction of progression. It is called the Sn method because of the special way evaluating the angle division point(Sn division point)

This technique uses the fundamental cell to express the transport equation for the direction of progression of each energy group, then calculates until convergence, by iterations of the difference equation.

( ) D30

To express the primary transport equation (ri, ri.1), ( n1/2, n+1/2) with the adjacent mesh that determines the fundamental cell ( see( ) Figr D.5 below)

W (Ai+lNi+1 AiNl) n+1/2 Nn+1/2 n1/2 Nn1/2

=V (S t) N W (D,62) n+1/2 +1/2 Ni N Ni+1 1/2 rI r ri+1

( ) Fig.D 5 Mesh distribution drawin

Where, N : Neutron fluk (including angles distribution)

(for each energy group)

, Cos ne A : Surface factor or flat plate shape: 1.0 or cylindrical shapei 2 r or circular shape: 4 7 r2 W : Weight coefficient of direction cosines W = 1.0

( ) D31

V : V01ume factor for flat plate shape ri+1ri for cylindrical shape (r2i+1r i2) for circular shape 4/8 (r3 1 ri3) ti Total cross section S  : Radiation source term (external radiation source + dispersion integral term)

Value given by the following formula n+1/2= n1/2 W (Ai Ai) 1/2 =0,0 The formula (D.62)is obtained by multiplying the phase space to (D 61) formula, integrating it and substituting the differential value to difference value.

The formula (D.62) includes 5 unknown variables (N, Ni, Ni+1, Nn1/2, Nn+1/2) TO reduce the number of unknown variables, diamond difference calculation method or approximation step function can be used.

Diamond difference calculation: Linear approximation at adjacent meshes lntermediate polnt.


Step function approximation  : N = Ni = N n+1/2 fOr ( 0 N = N = N n+1/2 fOr 0 For the diamond difference calculation, in case 0 2 AN NN +SV N= (D.63) 2 A tV

( ) D32


= 1/2( n+1/2 n1/2)

A =1/2(Ai+1 +Ai)

To calculate this difference equation, an initial value is assigned, then the equation calculated iteratively until it converges. This gives the basic solution.

D.6.2 Reference literature (1)Murakami Yukio: Radioactivity Data Book" Chijinshokan (1982).

(2) IAE Safety Guides I Advisory Material for the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Redioactive Material" (1985)IAEA Safety Series No.37(1985)

(3) Ethesington : Nuclear Engineering Handbook" (1965)

(4)Nuclear Handbook. Glaston (1965)

(5) ORNL/RSIC Computer Code Collection ANISN W A One Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport Code' CCC82 (6) RSIC Data Library Collection DLC23 Cask 40 Group Coupled Neutron and Gamma Ray Cross Section Data' (7) apan lsotope Association: Conversion factor for use in Radiological Protection against External Radiation " ICRP Publication 74 (1998)

( ) D38

( ) E Criticality analysis

( ) E

( ) E. Criticality analysis E.l General The criticality analysis on the present package is performed to demonstrate compliance of the package with the technical standards in accordance with the following Regulationsi (a)The Regulations Regarding the Transporting of the Nuclear Fuel Material etc. Outside of the Factory or Workshop(Ordinance No 57 dated on Dec. 28, 1978 of the Prime Minister' s Office, Ordinance No.l dated on une 15, 2001 of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Ministry of Economy, Trade and lndustry and Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport) (hereinafter referred to as Ordinance' )and (b)The Notification Stipulating the Particulars Concerning the Technical Standards for the Transportation of Nuclear Fuel Materials etc, Outside of the Factory or Workshop (Notification No. 1l dated on Dec 18, 1978 of Science and Technology Agency, Notification No.l dated on une 15, 2001 of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Ministry of Economy, Trade and lndustry and Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport)

(hereinafter referred to as Notification' )

16 types of fuel elements are contained in this package. The numbers of the fuel elements cOntained in one package is 10, In this analysis, the criticality analysis is conducted for the case where the eight types of fuel elements, excluding the fuel follower and the special fuel element, are contained. The veight of contained 235u per One fuel follover and the special fuel element is equal or less than the standard fuel element, therefore, the effective multiplication constant for the package becomes small, and the analysis is not conducted. As for the MTRC fuel elements, two types Of fuels of different enrichment(MEU, HEU fuels), are contained and transported. In this analysis, the subcriticality is also confirmed for containing MEU fuel elements and ten HEU fuel elements, and in addition, for containing five HEU fuel elements and five MEU fuel elements as the case of mixed sample.

( ) E1

E.2 Parts to be analyzed E.2.l Content The package is designed to contain ten box type fuel elements maximum as shown in (I) Table E.1. All fuel elements to be loaded have the same enrichment. The maximum mass of 235u loaded in a package is IIIIIII, which corresponds to the RR3 standard type fuel element (Uranium Silicon Aluminum Dispersion Type Alloy). The fuel element is composed of the fuel plate which has a fuel meat made of an uranium aluminum silicon dispersion alloy. The uranium aluminum dispersion alloy or the uranium aluminum silicon dispersion alloy is covered with the aluminum alloy cladding. The specifications of fuel pla te are shown in ( ) Table E.2.

E.2.2 Packaging As described in (I) A.9, a part of shock absorber and heat insulator Of outer shell is deformed under normal test conditions concerning fissile package, but there is no deformation of inner shell, affecting criticality analysis.

Fuel elements or inner shell is not damaged while a part of shock absorber and heat insulator is deformed, under the accident test conditions concerning fissile package Therefore, this analysis model, excluding conservatively shock absorber and heat insulator as mentioned in (II) E. 3,1, can be applied to the undamaged package during transport and the damaged package under the normal test conditions as well as the accident test conditions concerning the fissile package.

(II) Table E 3 shows the deformation and remaining thickness of the shock absorber under normal transport conditions as vell as under normal and accident test conditions of the fissile package.

( ) E2

( ) Table E.l Specification of fuel el ement Item Total Length 235u Cross SectiOn Mass of 235u Maximum Number of Fuel Enrlchment (g/one fuel Elements Loaded in Remark Fuel element ( lm) (H l) (wt%) element) a Package RR3 standard type (Uranium silicon aluminum 10 dispersion type alloy)

RR3 follover type (Uranium silicon aluminum 10 dispersion type alloy)

MTR standard fuel element 10 LEU MTR fuel follOwer 10 LEU A

MTRC B 10 MEU standard fuel element C

MTRC fuel follower 10 MEU A HEU MTRC 10 special fuel element B MEU C

II) Table E 2 Specification of fuel plate (1/2)

Fuel plate Fuel plate Fuel plate Clad Weight per total width thickness thickness one fuel Remark Name of fuel length plate elements ( lm) ( lm) ( lm) (llm) ( )

RR3 standard fuel element (Uranium silicon aluminum dispersion type alloy)

RR3 follower type fuel element(Uranium silicon aluminum dispersion alloy)

MTR standard fuel element LEU MTR fuel follover LEU MTRC standard fuel element A B MEU C

MTRC fuel follOwer MEU MTRC special fuel element A HEU B


( ) E4

(II) Table E.2 Specification Of fuel plate (2/2)

Weight of Fuel Fuel Fuel plate 235u per One plate plate core Fuel plate core fuel plate core core thickness Remark material Name of fuel (g) length width (In n) element (mml ( lm)

RR3 standard fuel Uranium silicon Element (Uranium silicOn aluminum dispersion aluminum dispersion alloy alloy)

RR3 follower type fuel Uranium silicon element (Uranium silicon aluminum dispersion aluminum dispersion alloy alloy)

MTR standard fuel Uranium sitticon element aluminun dispersion LEU alloy MTR fuel follower Uranlum si Icon aluminun dispersion LEU alloy MTRC standard fuel element A Uranium aluminum B dispersion alloy MEU C

MTl C ruel follower Uranium aluminum dispersion alloy MEU MTRC special fuel element A Uranium aluminum HEU alloy B

Uranium aluminum dispersion alloy MEU C

( ) E5

( ) Table E,3 Distance from the surface of the inner shell to the surface of the packaging (Unit i mm)

Conditions Normal transport Normal test Accldent test condition condition condition for fissile (undamaged package) for fissile packages packages Item Distance from the surface of the inner shell to that of the packaging Deformation Remalned thickness

  • l ln the damage system, it suppOse distance from the pestle surface to the transportation contalner surface to be zero.

E.2.3 Neutron absorbing materials The packaging is designed tO use no neutron absorbing materials

( ) E6

E 3 Model specification E.3.l Calculation model This packaging is designed to contain eight types of rectangular fuel elements, The fuel follover contains less U235 per fuel element, compared with the standard type fuel element, so that the effective multiplication factor of the packaging will become smaller, and consequently we will analyze, here, 3 kinds of fuel elements, excluding the fuel follover and the special fuel element, In the evaluation of subcriticality, under the assumption that all of the gap existing inside and outside of the packaging are filled with water, investigation will be conducted to select the package under severest condition among the damaged package and undamaged package in isolation and in arrays so that the analysis is to be executed under the severest conditions.

The damaged package used here is defined as a transport package placed under general and special test conditions, and the undamaged package is defined as a transport package under lntact conditions.

(1) Package in isolation (damaged package vs, undamaged package)

As for the packages in isolation, the zone surrounding the packaging of undamaged package consists of insulaling material and the damaged packages are assumed as those having insulation taken out, to be replaced by water In this context, the neutron reflecting effect and neutron moderating effect of the water are greater than those of insulating material so that the conditions to which the damaged packages to be subjected will be severer since they have larger neutron reflecting effect and moderating effect.

(2)Arrays of packages (damaged package vs. undamaged package)

In the arras of packages, the damaged packages which have no insulating material will be subjected to the severer conditions, compared with the undamaged packages, because the distances between the adjacent packaging in

( ) E7

the arrays of packages are smaller and the neutron mutual interference effect is larger.

(3) Damaged packages in isolation vs. damaged packages in array As for the damaged packages in isolation and in array, in case of packaging being filled by water, the neutrons will be sufficiently moderated in this model, and the extent of neutron moderation vill be almost same in both of the cases, and the arrays of packages of perfect reflection with no leaks of neutrons at all will be subjected to severer results than the packages in isolation in vhich the neutrons leaks are considered smaller, taking the reflecting effect into account.

Consequently in this analysis the arrays of packages in radial direction will be taken, as shown in ( ) Figo E 1, as a triangular lattice type having the most densily arranged infinitive arrays composed of packaging having external shock aborber and insulating materials removed completely. In the axial direction, the evaluation will be conducted on the analysis model of damaged packages in array placed under the severest condition having infinite length of fuel part.

Therefore, the moderation of neutrons is at the same level in packages in isolation and those in array.

Packages in array in which no leakage of neutrons is supposed to occur may be subjected to more severe conditions than those in isolation in which less leakage of neutrons is supposed to occur because of the reflecting effect of the water.

Requirements defined in the regulation and Analysis conditions is shown in( ) Fi .E.4.

( ) E8

( ) Figo E.2 (box type fuel element)shows the model of the fuel element loaded in the inner shell. The inner shell is filled and surrounded with water, the density of which is l.00g/cm3. Any structure materials except fuel baskets in inner shell are replaced by water to neglect neutron absorption by these materials.

As for the MTRC fuels, two kinds of fuels of different enrichment are mixed in the package, as a sample of this case, ( ) Fi .E,3 shows the criticality analysis model for mixed fuels Calculation model of 3types fuel elements used in these analyses are shown in ( ) Fi g.E.4 to( )Figo E.6 The upper structure and lower structure of the fuel elements are neglected, and the fuel part having infinite length is adopted.

E.3.2 Regional densities for each analyzed model region Atomic number density used in the calculation models of the package and the fuel elements are shown in ( )

Table E.5 and ( ) Table E.6 respectively.

Conservatively, the maximum value of enrichment of 235u conSidering the tolerance is assumed for each fuel element.

( ) E9

( )FiE.E. CalCu19tiOn mOdel of arrayed packages for criticality with 10 box type fuel elements

( ) E10

( ) Fig.E.2 Calculation model of package for criticality with 10 box type fuel elements

( ) E11

(II) Fig.E.3 Calculation model of package for criticality with HEU and MEU

( ) E12

( ) FiE.E.4Criticality calculation model of RR3 standard fuel element

( ) E13

( ) Fi .E.5 Criticalitv calculation model of JMTR standard type fuel element

( ) E14

II) Fig.E.6 Criticality calculation mode1 0f MTRC standard type fuel element (MEU)

( ) E15

( ) Table. E.4Reaulrements defined in the rettula tion and Analysis cOnditiOns Requirements defined in the regulatiOn Analysis conditiOns Infiltraion Of Placement of the InfiltraiOn of water Transport water lnto the Approach of water Approach of water Conditions transported lnto the transported product transported ReflectiOn Reflection materials articles articles 1, Normal Transportation None None conditions 2.

l pc Available Available Independent A

3,General triangularlattic l pc This ls assessed wlth test Available vailable e type model, in (IsolatiOn) an lnfinlte number, conditions which inner Available vhich is strlcter than 4,Special l pc contalners are proximity/reflection test (IsolatiOn) Available Available infinitely most of water.

conditions densely arranged, 5.General 5N pc* There are was adopted.

test (Array) no Available conditions requlrements, 6,Special 2N pc*

There are no test (Array) Available requlrements.


  • :N is Transport limited number. In this transport container N=Infinite

( ) E16

( ) Table E.5 Atom density of regions used in criticality calculation (atoms/barn cm)

Inner shell Water Nuclide and pipe of (1.00g/cm3) fuel basket H 6.686x 102 0 3.343X102

( ) Table E.6 Atom density of fuel element used in criticality calculation (atoms/barn cm)

PR 3 S Type MTR MTRC (LEU) (MEU) Cladd Nuc lide l nium Standard Standard lng Silin 1 um Dispersion Alloyl r

Fuel Element Fuel Element

( ) E17

E 4 Evaluation for subcriticality E.4.l Calculation conditions (1) Content

( ) Table E.7 shows the ei ght kinds of fuel elements, the content of packaging to be analyzed.

( ) Table E,7 Fuel elements to be analyzed Item Enrichment Maxlmum number of U235 of elements Fuel element (wt%) per package RR3 standard type fuel element (Uranium 10 Silicon Aluminum Dispersion Type Alloy)

MTR standard type fuel element 10 MTRC standard type fuel element 10

  • Nominal value (2) Packaging We evaluated the packaging on the assumption that the surface of the inner shell is the surface of the packaging(see( ) Fig.E 2)

( ) E18

E.4.2 Water lmmersion intO package The Keff calculations when varying the density of water within and surrounding package are performed assuming that water enter into the package. The maximum Keff is observed at the density of water about O.02g/cm3, and even in this case, the package is maintained subcritical.

In this calculatiOn the displacement of package or temperature change due to water immersion is ignored.

The evaluation of Optimum Moderating Water Density is shown in E 7.1.


E.4 3 Calculation method Criticality calculations are performed using a combination of the KENO V.a Monte Carlo computer code[1]with the 137energy group MGCL neutron cross section library(2).

( ) Fig.E.1l shows the procedure of the calculation. The explanations of MGCL is shown in E.6.2. The slab geometry Dancoff Ginsberg correction factor is considered in calculating the resonance self shielding effects with MAIL code(1) included in the MGCL.

( ) E19

MGCL 137 Group Library MAIL Generate Macroscopic Effective Cross Section eff Macroscopic Effective Cross Section KENO Voa Monte Carlo Criticality Calculation Effective Multiplication Factor

( ) Fig.E.7 Schematic flow of criticality analysis

( ) E20

E.4.4 Results ln the evaluation of subcriticality, arrays of damaged packages were analyzed which could be subjected to the most severe conditions (Section E.3.1).

( ) Table E.8 shows the calculation results of the effective multi plication factor in arrays of damaged packages under submergence.

The maximum Keff +/-( is O.902LO.005(standard deviation of the Monte Carlo calculation)with RR3 standard type fuel elements (Uranium Silicon Aluminum Dispersion Type Alloy)in a package, The maximum Keff at a 99%confidence level of this result K eFf+3 isO.917, which is less than the standard value of O,95, The effect of Optimum moderation by water is considered by varying the density of water within and surrounding the inner shell from l.00g/cm3 t 0.00g/cm3.

The calculations are performed for the RR3 standard type fuel element(Uranium Silicon Aluminum Dispersion Type Alloy) which shows the highest effective multiplication factOr of the eight types of fuel elements at Max density of water l.00 g/cm3. The results show that the optimum moderation occurs at a water density of O.02 g/cm3, and it is subcritical (keff+3 =0,939).

As for MTRC fuel, there is a case in which two kinds of fuel of different enrichment (MEU, HEU fuels) are mixed in the package and transported.

In this case, the quantity of 235u loaded is less than the case where the MEU fuels are loaded, and the effective multiplication factor becomes smaller than the case of MEU fuels loading.

( ) E21

( ) Table E.8 Results of critical ity analvs ls when lmmersed Meat Enrlchment Mass Number Fuel Element of 235u*1 of 235u 1

of Fuels 2 Keff tt Keff +/- 3 Material (wt%) (g/element) (Unit/package)

Uranium SilicOn JRR3 Aluminum 0.917 Standard Type 10 0 902 0.005 dispersion Alloy 0 939*3 MTR Uranium Silicon Standard Type Aluminum 10 0,8930.004 0.905 (LEU) dispersion Al10y MTRC Uranium Aluminum Standard Type 10 0.8120,004 0.825 dispersion Al10y (MEU)

Uranium Aluminum 5 MTRC Standard Typ Alloy e

Uranium Aluminum 0,7960.oo4 0,809 (HEU,MEU) 5 dispersion Alloy

  • 1 The value utilized in calculatiOn
  • 2 Number of fuel elements loaded in a package
  • 3 Water denslty O.02g/cm3

( ) E22

E.5 Benchmark test (1) Benchmark test To verify the validity of the criticality analysis method by using a combination of the KENO Va code and the 137 energy group MGCL Library which is used in this chapter, the analysis is conducted for the following experiments, and the result is evaluated.

(a) The criticality test (TCA criticality test)(3)conducted in National lnstitute Of apan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), in which the lowly enriched U02 fuel rods clad by Aluminum are arrayed.

(b) The criticality test (International benchmark test)(4)conducted in ORNL using the SPERT D fuel (Uranium Aluminum alloy, IIIIII1 235u enrichment)

(c) The criticality test(5)conducted for RR4 (IItt enrichment, U3Si2, plate type fuel)

(2) Description of benchmark experiment (a) TCA criticality test The benchmark experiment was performed at Tank type Critical Assembly(TCA) of AEA. The critical water heights were measured by the experimento The experiment was performed varying fuel type, rod lattice pattern, lattice pitch and fixed poisons. The fuel material is uranium or uranium plutonium oxide.

The experimental configuration of TCA facility and the dimension of uranium oxide rod are shown in ( ) Fig.E.12.

The fuel rods are arrayed on a square pitch in the tank and four kind of lattice pitch, which correspond to the water to fuel volume ratio are l.50, 1,83, 2.48 and 3.00. The number of fuel rods in a tank is changed according to the lattice pitch.

The calculations are performed for five cases of above experiment with low enriched (2.6% 235u) uranium Oxide fuel

( ) E23

(b) International benchmark test OECD/NEA planned ICSBEP (International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Project in 1994 to verify the criticality safety analysis code, and produced the lnternational Handbook of Evaluation Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments, In this handbook, the criticality test conducted in ORNL (23 tests) to determine the specification of fuel storage, transport and reprocessing by using SPERT D fuel (Uranium alminum alloy, IIIII 235u enrichment, shown in ( ) Fig.E.13) is described The three cases of criticality data, which are close to the RR4, are selected from the above test data as the international benchmark test data, are analyzed by using MGCL library and KENO V a code. The above three cases are described as follows, (i) C SE3 (SPART3)

Shape of lattice :4)(3.09 Noo of criticality fuel :12,36 LO 17 Criticahty mass(235u) :3.79+/- 0.05kg Lattice array :Refer to( ) Fig.E 14(The figure shows the No.

of the fuel plate)

( ) CASE15 (SPART15)

Shape of lattice 16x 3 No. of criticality fuel 48 Criticality mass (235u) 19.62kg Lattice array Refer to ( ) Figo E 14 (The figure shows the No.

of the fuel plates)

( ) E24

( )CASE23(SPART23)

Shape of lattice :6)(5,55 No. of criticality fuel :33,12LO 10 Critical mass (235u) :10 15 LO.03kg 235u enrlchment i3,99g/

Boron enrlchment :0.871g/

Lattice array  :( ) Fig.E 14 (The figure shows the No. of fuel plates)

(c) RR4 critical test RR4 is a swimming pool type research reactor of maximun 3.5MW output, and the fuel is lowly enriched uranium silicon aluminum dispersion type fuel.

The fuel elements are arrayed in the 4) 5 1attice, and the graphite reflector (Lid tank side, the large reflector is made of Aluminum), irradiation shell and the neutron source are arranged outside the fuels, The plate shape 5 control rods and back up safety control rod are located between the fuel elements and the reflector. The moderator and the coolant are light water.

The fuel elements and the core arrangemen t are shown in ( ) Fi .E 15 and

( ) Figo E.16 respectively.

The minimum core and total core criticality tests are conducted in uly in 1998.

As for the minimum core, the 12 fuel elements are arranged on the cross lines, and the graphite reflector is located outside the fuel elements, and the control rods of Cl, C2 and C3 are being withdrawn by full stroke, and the C4 COntrol rod and the C5 COntrol rod are being withdrawn by 369mm and 292mm respectively.

The core temperature during the experiment is approximately 20R3.

The criticality analysis for these minimum core criticality and for the maximum core criticality are conducted by combining the MGCL library and KENO V a code.

( ) E25

(3) The result of the benchmark test ln order to verify the accuracy of the criticality analysis by combining the MGCL library and the KENO V a code used in this analysis, the effective multiplication factors by using MGCL and KENO V a are obtained for the following conditions, and the result is shown in ( ) Table E.9.

(a) The criticality experiment (TCA criticality experiment) in which the lowly enriched U02 fuel rod with the Aluminum clad, conducted in AEA.

(b) The criticality experiment (International benchmark experiment)conducted in e i i enrichment, U3Si2, plate fuel)

From these results, the analytical procedure and the nuclear data is judged to bring the valid result.

( ) Table E.9 Analvsis result of benchmark criticality test Test name Fuel rod (Plate)(Element) array Keff l Keff+3 17x 171.88 0,9926 0.0042 1.0052 TC 21x 211.83 0 9911 0.0043 1.0040 criticality 20 (201.50 0 9883 0.0040 1.0003 experlment 18x 182.48 0 9859 0,0041 0,9982 17x 173.00 0,9981 0,0041 1.0104 (88x 68+1x 2) 0,98896 0,00174 0,99418 International (352x 88) 0.98865 0.00141 0,99288 benchmark test (132x 110+11+12+11+12+12+11) 0 99110 0.00138 0 99524 RR4 (2x 4+4) 0,98901 0,00138 0 99315 criticality test (4x 5) 0,98319 0.00116 0 98667

  • : Volumetric ratio of fuel and water

( ) E26

2,6w o U02 fuetrods Grid Co e tank U02 Iet Gttd Fuel Feed waterline water line 832 Unttl mm Vertical cross seCtiOnat view of core tank U02 Al end AI wooI AI Al end Top Bo om 4

168.3 1875 6 2.6w/o U02fuetrOds

( ) Fig.E.8 Configuration of TCA criticality experiments

( ) E27

o,pltt Z .125 in,X2,704h.

Fuelrtton 2 .x24 n.

X d X A

27.625 .

0 }1 OE in, h,

04 h 7 P

DJ 3 020 ,

OD99 .

W 19

< 7ol

( ) Figo E.9 SPERT D fuel

26704 2

as inc 2Se 2S F1t ln o A A l

( ) Fig.E.9 SPERT D fuel (continued)

( ) E29

n 22 2 /


22 22 22 2

/ 12 12 1 2 22 22 22 2 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 2 22 22 22 22 Spacing betten elementsi 22 22 22 22 a)f l.270 cm

'z' 1.270 cm 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22





22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 /

Spacing between etemants:

22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 1,270 cm 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 "y 1,270 cm 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 Spacing betten elementsI 1,2700c Bz 6.5024c Piate direction

( ) Fig.E.10 Core arranttement

0 1 5 593,27 (dimensiOns in mm)

( ) Figo E.1l Fuel element

( ) E31


Fuel Graphite Relector Irradiation Pipe N,S Neutron Source Control Rod(Cl C5,Bl,B2)

( ) Fig.E.12 Core arranttement

( ) E32

Ei6 SuHlmarisation of the result and the evaluation lf it is assumed that the article is under the general test conditions for fissionable transported articles, the deformation of the shipping casket is the deformation of the outer container, which is outside a system subject to criticality assessment (surface Of the transported article with the state of damage considered) No dent containing a cube measuring 10 cm on a side would occur in the inner container that is a system subject to criticality assessment, and each side of a circumscribed rectangular solid would not be below 10 cm.

The maximum effective multiplication factor was obtained when one package contained ten RR3 standard type fuel elements(Uranium Silicon Aluminun Dispersion Type Alloy)as shown in( ) Table E,7.

KefF+3( =0.917 and the packaging is in subcriticality.

( ) E33

E,7 Appendix E.7.l EvaluatiOn of optimum moderating water density E.7.2 Description of KENO V a code E.7.3 Explanation of MGCL neutron cross section library and MAIL code E.7.4 References

( ) E34

E.7,1 Evaluation of Optimum moderating water density The effect of water density change to the subcriticality of the package is evaluated under the cOndition of water immersion in the package.

The water denslty at optimum moderation depend on the distance and the neutron absorbing materials between fuel elements, In case of this package, there is no considerable difference in the pitch of steel pipe enveloping a fuel element.

Therefore, the evaluation of multiplication factor under the optimum moderation is performed for the case vhere the most reactive fuel element in the water of l.00g/cm3 is loaded to the package As the RR3 standard type fuel element (Uranium Silicon Aluminum Dispersion Type Alloy) is the most reactive in the water of l.00g/cm3, the Critical calculatiOn is performed forRR3 standard type fuel elements (Uranium Silicon Aluminum Dispersion Type Alloy) by varying the water density from l,00 to O.00g/cm3. The Calculation model and material compositions except water composition is same as the water density of l.00g/cm3.

( ) Table E.10 and ( ) Figo E.13 show the calculated multiplication factors for various water denslty. The optimum moderation ls observed at the condition that the water density is about O.02g/cm3. The Calculated multiplication factor at the optimum moderation is O.939 in 99% confidence level (keff + 3 ), lower than reference value of O.95, This result indicates that the package is maintained subcritical at any water denslty.

( ) E35

( ) Table E.10 Effective multiplication factor for various water density

[contained ten RR3 standard type fuel elements (uranium silicon Aluminum dispersion type alloy)]

Water Denslty Keff l Keff+3 (g/cc) 1.00 0 9021 0.0047 0,9162 0,60 0.8891 0,0052 0.8547 0.40 0.8189 0,0041 0.8312 0 20 0,8572 0.0040 0.8692 0 10 0.9028 0.0034 0,9130 0.05 0,9286 0.0026 0 9364 0,02 0 9305 0,0026 0,9383 0.01 0 9294 0.0019 0 9351 0.00 0,9067 0.0017 0 9118

( ) E36

0 95 Water density =0.02 s/cn3 Water density =l.O grCn3 keFf 3 =30,9305 LO.0078 kerFtL 3 =0.9021= 0.0141 0.90 0.85 0,80 0.75 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0 70 0.80 0 1.00 (g/c ma)

( ) Figo E.13RelatiOnship between effective multiplication factor (keff L3 ) and water density (contained ten RR3 standard type fuel elements (uranium silicon Aluminun dispersion type alloy))

E 7.2 Description of KENO V. a code KENO V. a, developed by the UoS. ORNL, is the newest version of KENO, the Monte Carlo criticality calculation code. Based on the multigroup MonteCarlo method, the KENO code is capable of calculating neutron multiplication factors for complicated systems, As the library for neutrons cross section, the KENO code uses a library with neutron scattering matrix expressed by Legendre's extended terms (P ) in multigroup form.

The KENO IV, the version preceding the KENO V. a, is only capable of handling primary degrees(Pl)for extension of scattering matrix, while the latest KENO V.

a is capable of handling any degrees (However, the application only covers primary degrees.)The KENO V. a has increased accuracy especially in systems where the anisotropy of neutrons' scattering has a great influence on their effective multiplication factor.

The KENO V. a uses the same basic calculation method for effective multiplicatiOn factor as the KENO IV. This method is based on the assumption that fissile neutrons generated in a field containing fissile material lose their veight in the course of collision with the medium according to their absorption cross section ln the medium.

Neutrons will be traced until their weight falls lover than a specified value or until some of the neutrons begin to leak from the system. In the collision in a medium containing fissile material, the weight of fission is recorded and used for the distrlbution of neutron generations ln the next generation.

Generating neutrons (usually 300 neutrons)for one generation and repeating the generation of neutrons according to the weight distribution of fission in the preceding generation will bring about a distribution similar to that of actual fissile neutron generations. The effective multiplication factor of the system is the mean of the effective multiplication factors of the different generations.

( ) E38

Keff = Y VP

=1 where NPB I Number of neutrons generated in one generation NCOLL: Number of collisions of neutrons Wtij : Weight of neutrons at the time of fission Wtoj : Weight of generated neutrons l)  : Number of neutron generations per fission f I Macro fissile cross section t i Total macro cross section i  : Number of collisions of neutrons j  : Number of neutron generated in one generation E.7.3 Explanation of MGCL neutron cross section library and MAIL code MGCL is the multi group neutron cross section library generated at AEA by processing ENDF/B IV(1)evaluated neutron cross section with SUPERTOG, PIXSES and other cross section processlng codes, The energy group structure of MGCL master library is 187 groups.

MGCL master library includes the infinite diluted cross sections, resonance self shielding factors and scattering matrix for sixty seven nuclides, The scattering matrlx ls represented by pl approxlmation MAIL is the computer code to generate macroscopic effective cross section from MGCL in the form used by KENO IV and ANISN. The heterogeneous effect of resonance self shielding is corrected with Dancoff Ginsberg factor.

( ) E39

E.7.4 References (1) Y. Naito, et al. MGCL PROCESSUR:A Computer Code System for Processing Multi Group Constant Library MGCL," AERI M9896 (1981)

(2) Lo M. Petrie. et al. KENO Va: A Monte Carlo Criticality Program with Super Grouping," NUREG/CR200 rev. 3 sec, F11 (1984).

(3) Y. Komuro, et al KENO IV Code Benchmark Calculation (10) (Critical Experiment of Light Water Type Critical Assembly)," AERI M9147(1980) (in apanese)

(4) K. Woods, et al Critical Experiments of SPERT D Fuel in Water" ,

NEA/NSC/DOC(95)03/11 Volume (1998)

(5) Y. Nakano, et al. Neutronics Characteristics of RR4 Low Enriched Uranium Core" , Proceedings of 21th lnternational of RERTER (1998)

( ) E40

(II) Fo Consideration of Aging of Nuclear Fuel Package

( ) F

( ) F. ConsideratiOn of Aging of Nuclear Fuel Package F.l Aging Factors to be Considered This chapter cOnsiders aging of the transport package associated with the cOnditions of use anticipated during the planned period of use. The cOnditions of use anticipated during the period of intended use are shown in (II) Table F,1.

II Table F l Conditions of use antici ted duri lanned Status Contents Conditions Of use Transport contalners are stOred indoors, In order to confirm that the performance of the transport container ls ma ntalned, a perlodic In storage No self inspectiOn based on the Periodic Self inspection Procedure described in (III) B is to be conducted at least once a year.

The transported package ls expected to be stored indoors in the controlled area of the facility for Before about one month betveen packing and transportation of Yes transportation the content.

Before shipment of the package, a pre shipment inspection based on (III)A is to be conducted.

The transport package will be transported by transport vehicle or vessel.

The package is to be securely tied to the vehicle or Durlng Yes vessel so that it can withstand the shock and vibration transportation expected durlng transportation.

The period of transportation ls expected to be about 2 months, After transportation, a visual inspection is to be conducted in the controlled area (indoor) of the After No facility to confirm the integrity of the transport transportation container.

Transport contalners are stored indoors, The evaluation is to be conducted assuming that the period of use of the transport package ls 60 years from lts fabrlcation, the frequency of use ls three times per year, and the number of days required per transport is 100 days.

(II) F 1

F 2 Evaluation of Necessity of Considering Aging in Safety Analysis Aging factors to be considered during the planned period of use of the transport package include heat, radiation, chemical changes, and fatigue during storage, before transportation, and during transportation of the package, Therefore, we evaluate these aging factors with respect to the materials used for the components of the transport package.

The materials used in the components of the transport package are listed in (II) Table A.5 in Chapter II. Among these materials, those for which aging is considered are listed below Stainless Steel Heat insulator Shock absor Note that aging of O rings is not considered because they are replaced with each transportation.

lso, aging of contents is not considered because they change with each transportation, (II) F 2

(II) Table F.2 shows the evaluation of aging.

(II) Table F.2 Evaluation of necessitv of considering agintt in safety analysis (1/4)

Component Aging Necessity of consideration of aging Evaluation of aging material factors Stainless leat Regarding temperature change of Since the maximum temperature under general test conditions with solar stainless steel, the Metal Cask radiation heat is 65° C, and this material does not degrade its functionality, Structural Standard (Design and it may not be affected by aging due to heat Based on the above, it vas confirned Construction Standard ( SME S that the material conforms to the technical standards, considering that there NSI2005)(1) (2007 Supplenent)(2)) ls no aging effect.

specifies design strength and physical properties through 425° C, shOving no effect of creep etc appears up to this temperature RadiatiOn Vhen the neutron lrradiation dose Even if a specific l cm2 f a Structural component is intensively irradiated exceeds 101Sn/cm2, the material by neutrons assumlng that the component is used three tines a year for 60 years, strength begins to be affected(3) with 100 days required for each transportation, the neutron irradiation dose vill be n/cm2 Thus, it wili not be affected by aging due tO irradiation Based on the above, it was confirmed that the laterial conforms to the technical standards, considering that there is no aging effect.

F 3 (II)

II) Table F.2Evaluation of necessity of considering aging in safety analysis (2/4)

Component Aging Necessity of consideration of aging Evaluation of aging material factOrs Stainless Chemical Stainless steel is Stainless steel is a cOrrOsion resistant material, and there vill be no practical Steel reactiOn corrosion resistant material vith a impact of corrosion due to adherence of sea salt particles expected during passive film formed On its surface transportation The corrosion depth of stainless steel in air is less than l m layer. In a mOre conservative ), and the maximum corrosion depth in the environment (air)

(0 001mm)per year(

standpoint, exposure tests to sea under the conditions of 60 years of use ls estinated to be O.06mm ln Chapter salt particles(4)vere conducted and II A Structural Analysis, for the outer vessel exterior steel plate at the observed no significant corrosions n a i H he

),Wm 0.06 Jil thickness reduction due to corrosion and the tolerance during manufacturing e ( 0.2 mm) (ln tota1 0 26 mm thickness reduction), the margin ratio will be about dd , h e dl m effect on structural strength Thus there will be no effect of aging. In addition, even if corrosion should occur, the periodic inspections and the maintenance work can identify any presence of corrosions, and appropriate measures will be taken, Based on the above, it was confirned that the material conforms to the technical standards, consldering that there ls no aglng effect.

Fatigue Fatigue failure of the material is For the lifting device, as indicated in A 4 4, the repeat count of lifting caused by repetition of loading (18,000 tines) is sufficiently lover than the allowable repeat count. Thus, stress (6) it will not be affected by aging due to fatigue.

For the sealing device, as indicated in A.5 1.4, the assumed repeat count during the planned period of use (500 tines) is sufficiently lower than the allowable repeat count. Thus, it wili not be affected by aging due to fatigue Based on the above, it vas confirmed that the naterial conforms to the technical standards, consldering that there ls no aging effect, (lI) F4

(II) Table F 2 EvaluatiOn of necessity of considering aging in safety analysis (3/4)

Component Aging Necessity of consideration of aging Evaluation of aging material factors Heat Heat For the amount of veight change in Since the maximun temperature under general test conditions vith solar insulator at different radiation heat is 65° C and this material does not degrade its functionality, temperatures, it has been confirmed it vill not be affected by aging Based on the above, it was confirmed that that there ls a rapld change at the naterial conforms to the technical standards, considering that there is urttaboVeBc no aging effect Radiation No significant mechanical property Even if a specific l cm2 f a Structural component is intensively irradiated changes are observed up to a neutron by neutrons assuning that the component is used three times a year for 60 years, irradiation dose of 1015 n/Cm2(3) vith 100 days required for each transportation, the neutron irradiation dosc vill be n/cm2 ThuS, lt will not be affected by aging due to irradiation Based on the above, it vas confirned that the material conforms to the technical standards, considering that there is no aging effect Chemical This material nay absorb moisture Since this material is in a sealed space covered vith stainless steel and does reaction etc due to contact wlth molsture not conle into contact with the outside air, there is no risk of corrosion etc.,

thus it nay not be affected by aging Based on the above, it was confirmed that the material conforns to the technical standards, considering that there is no aging effect.

Fatigue Fatigue failure of the material is Since stresses resulting fron interna1/external pressure differences and caused by repetition of loading handling do not occur, there is no need to consider aging effects due to stress (6) fatigue Based on the above, it was confirmed that the material conforms to the technical standards, considering that there is no aging effect (II) F 5

(II) Table F,2 Evaluation of necessitv of considerintt attintt in safety analysis (4/4)

Component Aging Necessity of consideration of aging Evaluation of aging material factors Shock Heat For the effect of temperature change On Since the maxinun temperature under general test conditions vith solar absorber this material, it has been confirmed radiation heat is 65° C, and this material does not degrade its functionality, that effects occur fronl lt but no it vill not be affected by aging. Based on the abOve, it vas confirmed that aging effects with respect to the material conforms to the technical standards, considering that there is temperature change are observed at the no aging effect lover temperatures (3)

Radiation No significant mechanical property For the contents loaded in this transport container, since the neutrOn changes are observed up to a neutron irradiation dose from neutrons emitted from it is estinated to be abOut irradiation dose of 3MGy (8) Gy even in conservative conditions, it will not be affected by aging due to irradiation Based on the above, it was confirmed that the material conforms to the technical standards, considering that there is no aging effect Chenlical This material may absorb moisture etc Since this material is in a sealed space covered vith stainless steel and does reaction due tO cOntact vlth molsture not come into contact with the outslde alr, there ls no rlsk of corrosion etc Thus, it will not be affected by aging Based on the above, it was cOnfirmed that the material conforms to the technical standards, considering that there is no aging effect, Fatigue Fatigue failure of the naterial is Since stresses resulting from interna1/external pressure differences and caused by repetition of loading stress handling do not occur, there is no need to consider aging effects due to fatigue Based on the above, it was confirmed that the material confOrms to the technical standards, considerlng that there is no aging effect F 6 (II)

F.3 Aging Considerations in Safety Analysis As indicated in F,2, the necessity of considering aging for the materials used in the components of this transport package was evaluated. As a result, it was confirmed that there is no effect Of aging on the materials under the conditions of use expected during the planned period of use, so the confirmation of conformity to the technical standards was made on the assumption that there is no effect of aging F 7 (II)

Reference (1) The apan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Spent Fuel Storage Facility Standard: Metal Cask Structure Standard (JSME S FAl2007) (2007)

(2)The apan society of Mechanical Engineers, Standards for Nuclear Power Plants: Design and Construction Standards (2005 Edition), Part I, Light Water Reactor Standards ( SME S NCl2005 (including 2007 supplemental editiOn)) (2007).

(3)K.Farrell, et al,"An Evaluation of Low Temperature Radiation Embrittlement Mechanisms in Ferritic Alloys", . Of Nuclear Materials, Vol.210,(1994).

(4) R.R.Gaugh, Stress Corrosion Cracking of Prescipitation Hardening Stainless Steels",

Materials Performance, Vol,26, No.2, (1987).

(5) The apan society of Mechanical Engineers, Mechanical Engineering Handbook .

Fundamentals (2007).

(6)Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Stainless Steel Handbook (1979).

(II) F8

( ) G. Assessment of the compliance with the regulation and the notification

( ) G

( ) G.Assessment ofhe compliance with the regulation and the notiication This transported ahicle is in confo lity to he relevant items oftechnical standards stipulattd in the regulation and the notiication as shown in(II)Table G.1 (II) G1

(II)Table G.1:Assessment ofthe compliance with the tcchnical standards stipulated in thc rcgulation and thc notiication Item Ite l ofthe Itc l ofthe coresponding to Explanation Remarks regulation notiication description in the apphcation fo i Article 311 Article 3 Since this transport package is a BU type onc,it is not suniect to this anicle.

Article 312 Anicle 4 Since this transpon package is a BU type one,it is not suniect to this article, Anicle 313 Article 4 The nuctear fuel rnaterial contained in this (1) B and transported article corresponds to thosc Appended other than special fo111l nuclear fuel table l materials,and is urantum anoy vith enrichment ofthe fuel rnaterial being below 10/0.

Since the amount ofradioactivity contained in thc cask exceeds the A2 Value,this transported articlc corcsponds to a BU type transpOAed atticlc, Atticle 3 2 Article 5 Since his transpo package is a BU type one,it is not sutteCt tO this ahicle.

Sincc this transpott package is a BU type (I) D Atticle 33 one,it is suttect tO tte tcchnical critcria stipulated in Article 7 ofthe rcgulation, In addition,since aging is required to bc (II) F considered when he confo 11lity tO the technical criteria in Article 7 is evaluated the evaluation was perFoII led aS follows:

1.For the transport package,it is assumed thatthe planned period ofuse is 60 years aftcr manufacture,the number oftimes used per ycar is 3 tinles,and the number of days required per transport is 100 days.

2.Since there is no aging erfect during the days required to transpoi the contents,it will be considered for the components of the transport package.

3.Factors ofaging include heat9 i adiation, chemical changes,and repetitive loading.

4.Regarding the erccts ofi adiation,even ifthe rnaterial is exposed to i adiation from the contents during the planned period of use,the doses per unit area is weH below 1016 unit area,at which the dose effect (II) G2

Item Ite l ofthe Item ofthe coresponding to Explanation Remarks regulation notiication description in the application foill on the strength ofthe material will occur.

5,Regarding the effects ofheat,the maxirnum tempcrature 6fthc components ofthe transpo t package is 65° ( ,and stainless steel falis vithin the range ofthe structural strength stipulated in the codes and standards,etc.In addition,for insulation and shock absorber,the temperature is below that at which changes in mechanicat properties occur.

6.Regarding the effects ofchccal changes,stainless sttel is not susceptible to corosion,because of the follllation ofa passive ilm on its surfaceithe depth of corosion is about O.06 mHl underthe environment(in the air)for the expected period of use,so there is no ettect on structural strength due to reduccd plate thickness,the conditions will be conakllled by visual inspection etc.,and repairs vll be made as necessary;and the insulation and shock absorber are coveredvith stainless steel and are in a sealed space,so they will not be affected by decomposition or corosion due to rnoisture absorption etc.

7.Regarding the effects ofrepetitive loading,the anowable repeat count bascd on stresses generated by repetitive loading due to pressure and handling exceeds the expected repeat count.

Based on the above,it has been confl ed thatthe transport package is not arected by aging and confok to thc technical criteria forthe BU Ahiclc 4 Since this transpoi package is a BU type one,this is not sttect tO hiS tticle.

Atticle 5 Since his transport package is a BU type one,this is not suttect tO this article..

Article 6 Since this transpott package is a BU type one,this is not suttect tO hiS article.

Article 71 The transport packagc can be easily and (II) A.4.4 Article 41 (II) G3

Item Item ofthe Itcm ofthc corcsponding to Explanation Remarks regulation notincttion description in the appHcation foll safely handled as fb ows.

Thc transport package can be easily handled because it has eye plates on the container body to facilitate lifting and lowering during handling,and connecting the eye plate to a lifting devicc helps easy handling.The eye pltte has a safety factor of3 in consideration ofhandling,and is designed to have the necessary strength for the load considering the rnaxilnum weight ofthe transpoH package,which helps safe handlin .

AHicle 71 There is no risk of cracking breakage,etc. (H) A.4.7 Aniclc 42 (COntinued) ofthe transpott package due to (H) A.5 temperature,intemal pressurc,vibration, ctc,expected during transportation,as shown below.

1.The minimum tempertture ofeach part ofthe ttansport package during transportation is40° C,and the maximum temperature is the case where the transpo package is placed under the condition where the ambienttemperature is 38° ( and the transport package is exposed to solar radiation as specified in Anicle 7 Item 2 ofthe regulations,so the temperature of each part ofthe lranspo t package is unifollllly 65° C because the decay heat of the content can be ignored.At this tempertture,the integrity ofthe components ofthe ttanspon container is not illnpaired.

2.No significant thettlttlal eXpansion dierences or the 11lal sttesses occur betteen the components ofthe transpo containcr fbr the expected temperature changes during transpottation,even assu ling that the ambient temperature changes from40° C to 38° C.

3.Regarding thc expected changes in intemal he (II) G4

Itcm Itc l ofthe Item ofthe coresponding to Explanation Rcmarks rcgulation notincttion description in the apphcation follll maxlnum internal ofthe package ls The strength and sealing perfolkttkanCe of thc sealing device have been evaluated under conditions where the inner container is subjected to thc higher pressures,and it has been coni led that the structural integrity and sealing perfo: kiance are maintained.

4.Regarding vibration etc.9 the natural frequency ofthe transport package was calculated,and the result showed that there is a large di erence frorn the expected frequency ofinput to the transpott package during ttansportation(Oto 50 Hz),SO the load received during transpo ation will not bc amplined.In addition,the expected input ioad to the transpoi package during transportation is within the load during free fall and stacking tests under the general test conditions,so thcrc is no risk ofcracking or failurcs ofthe transport package.

Article 71 There are no protrusions on thc surfacc (I) C A icle 43 (COntinued) ofthis transpo package other than eye plates used for handling etc.In addition,the surface ofthe transpoA package is smooth finished stainless steel, which makes it easy to remove contanlination.

Article 71 The componcnts ofthis transport package ( ) A.4.1 Article 44 (COntinued) are lnade ofstaintess (H) A.4.2 etc ,which are chemically stable materials,and therc is no risk ofhazardous physical or che lical interactions betteen the rnaterials comprising the container or vith the contents.

1.As indicated in Anicle 4,Ittm 2,there is no signiflcant direrence in the lal expansion or others within thc temperature (II) G5

Item Itcm ofthe Iteni ofthc coresponding to Explanation Remarks rcgulation notincation description in the application fo ml rangc cxpectcd during lransponatiOn,and there is no mutualinterference duc to thC al eXpansion.Therefore,there is no risk ofdangerous physical interaction bcttccn thc materials or between the materials and the contcnts.

2.This lype oftranspott packagc does not use cooling water,and thcre is no risk of damage due to freezing.

3.There is no risk ofchemical reaction for the insulation material shock absorber (

and silicon rubber O rings when they come in contact vith metallic materials.

4 are covered with stainless steel and sealed,so they are not arected by decomposition9 corosion,ctc,duc to moisture absorption etc.

Atticle 71 Since this transport package is designed to ( ) C.2.1 AHicle 45 (COntinucd) be without valvcs,technical standards do ( ) A,4.3 not apply A icle 71 Article 9 It shall be coniI:lled that the density ofthe (IH) A.2 Atticte 48 (COntinued) radioactive material on the surface ofthis transported a ticle does not exceed the foHowing value in a prc shipmcnt inspcction.

1.Radioactivc material er tting alpha ray:

0.4 Bq/cm2 2.Radioactive material not emitting alpha ray:4 Bq/cm2 Article 71 The loading offuets in the shipping cask is (H) A.2 Anicle 4 10 (COntinued) perfol led in accordancc with prcscribed procedures.Further,a contcnt inspection is conductcd as the pre shipment inspcction ofthe transported anicle.Therefore,no material that may impair the safcty ofthc transpoied anicle will be loaded.

In this transpoAed article,each side ofthe (I) C. A icle 52 (lI) G6

Item Item ofthc Item ofthe corresponding to Explanation Rcmarks regulation notincation description in the application foHn circumscribed cube is 10 cm orrnorc as (I)Figo C,1 indicated belolvi JRF90Y950K Heighti approx.

(II) A.4,3 Article 53 Outer diameteri Articlc 71 As indicated in Anicle 4,Item 2,the range ( ) A,3 Articlc 54 (COntinued) oftemperatures ofthe transport containcr (H) B.4.2 components expectcd during transpottation is from40° CtoEEoc On thc othcr hand, in the temperature range of40° C to 10c, which encompasses the above9the materials ofthe transport package components do not undergo signiflcant strength loss,embrittlement,etc.,and thc requircd matcrial sttength wili not bc affected.Therefore9 there is no risk of cracking or damage to thc coIIlpOnCnts in the temperature rantte of40° C to 75° C.

Article 7 1 (H) A.4.6 Anicle 55 (COntinued) intemalandextemalpressureislllMPa.

On the othcr hand,because the evaluation was performed assu ling that the inner pressure ofthe inner container is MPa,which is the dcsign pressurc,and the extemal pressure drops to O.06 MPa,and then it was confi 11led that the structural inttgri and Sealing perfollllance ofthe scaling dcvicc wcre secured,thcre is no leakage ofradioactivc material even when cxtemal prcssurc drops to O.06 MPa.

This rcquircment does not apply to this Atticlc 56 (II) G7

Item Iteln ofthc Item ofthe coresponding to Explanation Remarks re8ulation notincation description in the apphcation foAlil transpoH package because the package does not contain liquid nuclear fucI Inaterial.

Article 7 For this transpon package,the rnaximum (H) D.5 Articte 57 (COntinued) dose cquivalent rate on the surface ofthe package has been detei11lined using the ANISN code etc.under the conse ative conditions sho vn belowl ln addition,in the analysis,the cvaluation was perfolllled under the conditions where fresh fuets and iowly iradiated fueis with higher amount of uranium than the contents that are loaded.The nlaximum dose equivalent rate on the surface ofthe transport package is O.169 mSv/h with iowly ilTadiated fuel, which islower han 2 1 Sv/h.

1.For 234U and 236U,which have a high contribution to the dose equivalent rate,the package contains an amount that cxceeds the rnaxirnuHl value ofactual results to date.

2.Forlowly i adiated fuels,those fuels with lnore amount ofurantu l and higher activities than the contents that actua y will be loaded shall be assumed.

3.The outer surface ofthe inner container is considered to be the surface ofthe transpOrt container,ignoring the sttuctural materials ofthe outcr container,etc.

Ahicle 71 This transport package is evaluated on the (H) D.5 Article 58 (COntinued) dose equivalent rate at a distance of l m from he surface based on the same conse ative conditions as the rnaxilnum dose equivalent rate at the surface.The maxilnum dose equivalent rate at a distance ofl m from the surface is 19 Sv/h,which is lowerthan 100 Sv/h.

A icle 7 The amount ofradioactivity ofthe loaded ( ) A.6.4 Ahicle 65 (COntinued) contents in this transpott package is lllEvenassuming all ofthis (II) G 8

Item Itcm ofthe Item ofthe coresponding to Explanation Remarks regulation notincation description in the ication ) lll radioacti ty comes from 234U(A2value:

6 GBq)whiCh has the lowcst A2 value,this requiremcnt does not apply because the value is lcss than 100 000 tilnes Article 72 Article 1 9 Generaltcst conditions for BU type Appendix 7 transpohed articles Appendix 41 a.Thellllal test ( ) B.4.1 Under the general test conditions,the tcmperature ofthe transport package was cvaluated for the case where the transpo package is placed under the conditions of solar radittion in an atmosphere of38° C, and the results show thattemperature of each pan ofthc transpoH package is O rings is lnaintained.The intemal ure ofthe inner container is

, but for the sttength evaluation of the inner container,the evaluation has been conducted under the conditions where the tempcrature ofthe transpon y

and it has been cOnfllllled that the inner container is within the elastic range.In addition,the amount ofrnouth opening between the inner container lid and the aangc,vhich fo lus the sealed boundav,is tess than the initial tightening aWowance of the O ring so the seal perfolmiance is maintained.

Appendix b.Water spray test (II) A.5.2 42 The surfacc ofthe transport package is Appendix smooth stainless steel and does not absorb 31i water.Therefore there is no damagc that (II) G9

Item Item ofthc Item ofthc corresponding to Explanation Rcmarks regulation notiication description in the application follll would arect the sealing or shielding perfoxlllance,bccause there is no risk of COOSiOn due to water absorption.

Appendix c.Free fall drop test (H) A.5.3 31 The maximum total weight ofthis transponed atticle is approxilnately 950 kg, and the drop heightis l.2 1no Regarding the Appendix conditions ofthc transport package when it 31 i(1) is dropped fronl a height of l.21n,thc acceleration and defollkkation caused to the transport package are evaluated using he CASH II code etc.In addition,based on the acceleration obtained,the strength ofthe transport container and the content are evaluatcd.The fall postures cover vertical, horizontal,comer,and inclined fans.Asa result ofthe analysis,the inaxilnum defbrmationoflmmisObse edinthe transpo t package,butthe defo H ation is lilited to the outer container,and no defbrmation occurs in the inner container, the inner container lid,the basket,or the contents,the rnouth opening ofthe inner container lid is surlcientty small compared to the initial tightening aHowance ofthe O ring,so the sttuctural intcgrlty and the sealing perfolillance are ensured.

Appendix d.Stack test ( ) A.5.4 31 i(3) Comparing the case where a load ofO,13 kg/cm2 is applied to the prttected area of the transport container vith the case wherc 5 tirnes the weight ofthe transpon container is applied,the latter is a rnore severe condition.Thus,the transpoH container has bccn evaluattd under the latter condition.As a result,no plastic defb lation occurs in the lransport container,the integrity ofthe transpo is ensured,and therc is no (II) G10

Item Ite l ofthe Item ofthe coresponding to Explanation Remarks regulation notiicttion description in the application foklll that affects the scahng and shielding perfo lance.

Appendix e.Penetration test (H) A.5 5 Article 31 i(4) Forthe case where a 6 kg steelrod ofthe 59ii outerplateoftheoutercontainerd IInin thickness)iS drOpped from a height of l m, the faning energy ofthe steel rod has been compared vith the energy required to penetrates the stecl plate ofthe outer container,and it has been conilllled that the latter value is greater,then the outer steel plate is not penctrated.Therefore, there is no damage that affects sealing and shielding pcrf0111lance.

Article 72 Considering that the outer container of ( ) D.4 Atticle (COHinued) the transport packagc under general test 62i conditions would defoH 1,as in the evaluation ofthe rnaxilxlu l dose equivalent rate under noRillal transponatiOn,the maxirnum dose equivalent rate for the surface ofthe containcr has been evaluated under the conse ative conditions whcrc the outer surface ofthe inner container is seen as the surttce ofthe transpott package, resulting in the maxirnum dose equivalent rate for the surface ofO.169 1nSv/h,which is lowerthan 2 1 Sv/h.

Article 72 For the transpo t package under gcncral test ( ) C.3.1 Article (COntinued) conditions,the structural integrity and seal 62 it perfolillance ofthe sealing device are ensured and the structural integrity ofthe content is also maintained,In the evaluation ofthe amount ofradioactive material leakcd,assuming that there is teakage equivalent to the acceptance criteria for the leak tightness inspection in the pre shipment inspection,focusing on the uranium isotopes that adhere to the surface ofthe fuel during fuel fabrication, under the condition that these are dispersed inside the inner container,assu ling that the (II) G11

Item Item ofthe Item ofthc coresponding to Explanation Remarks regulation notiflcation description in the application )1111 inner pressure ofthe inner container exceeds the maxirnum inner Of the evaluation ofthe amount ofradioactive matcrialleaked per hour showed thatthe ratio to the standard l r the radioactive materials(A2X106)is l,05x 10 3,which satisies the standard.

Article 72 Aniclc 15 Thc transpoA packages are transported by ( ) B.4.2 Article (COntinued) dedicated ioading,Even in the case vhere 62tii the transpott package placed under general test conditions is placed in thc shade at an environmental temperature of 38° C,the tempcraturc ofthe surface ofthe transpon package which individuals can approach vill be 38° C.,because the decay heat value ofthe content is neghgiblc.Therefore,the temperature ofthe surface ofthe ttanspon package wili not excecd 65° C.

Articlc 72 Anicle 9 The transport package placed under general ( ) A,2 Ahicle (COntinued) test conditions will not release radioactive 62iv mtterials because thc sttuctural i cgnty of the sealing device and the sealing perfollllance are ensured.In addition,the surface density wili not exceed the surface density limit because the surface density wili be confll lCd tO be belo v the surface density limit during the pre shipment inspection.

Article 7 3 Article 20 Special test conditions for BU type ppendix 8 transpoHed articles ( ) A.6 Appendix 51i Drop test I Special test conditions fbr ( ) A.6.1 BU type transportcd atticles Drop test I Regarding the conditions ofthe transport package when itis dropped fronl a height of 9 1n,the acceleration and defolniation caused to the transport packagc have been evaluated using the CASr II cOde etc.In (II) G12

Item Item ofthc Item ofthc corcsponding to Explanation Remarks regulation notiicttion description in the application foklll addition,based on the acceleration obtained,the strength ofthc transpo container and the content have been evaluated.The fall postures cover vertica19 horizontal,comer,and inclined falis.Asa result ofthe analysis,the rnaxirnum dettmttion of mm ttobse ed h he transport package,but the defokll ation is lirnited to the outer container,and no defokHiation occurs in the inner container, the inner container lid,thc basket,or the contcnts,and the lnouth opening ofthe inner containcr lid is sufflciently small compared to the initial tightening anowance ofthe O ring,so the structural integrity and the sealing perfollilance are ensured.

Article 73 Appendix Drop ttst (l m Penetration test) ( ) A.6.2 (COntinucd) 5 1ii Regarding the condition ofthe transpo package when dropped fronl a height of l m onto a 150 1n l diameter steel rod,an evaluation ofthe amount ofdent deformation ofthe outer container caused by the impact ofthe steel rod dropped on the transport package has been evaluated.

The evaluation is based on the cases where the stecl rod innpacts the outer containcr lid, the outer container body and the outer container bottom.As a result ofthe evaluation,it has been coni led that the steel rod does not penctrate the outer container plate in any case and that the steel rod does not reach the inner container or the inner container lid due to defol11lation ofthe outer containen Thus,the structural integrity and sealing perfolillance ofthe sealing device are ensured.

Article 73 Appendix The al test ( ) A.6.3 (COntinued) 5212 Regarding the conditions ofthe transpon (H) B.5 package placed in a thettlllal test arler drop tests l and II are conducted,thc temperature (II) G13

Item Item ofthe Item ofthc corcsponding to Explanation Rernarks regulation notiication description in the application fo1111 ofcach part ofthe transport packagc was evaluated by the TRUMP code,using a conse ative rnodcl supcril poscd on the defottHiation ofthe outer container caused by the drop test,resulting in partial bumout ofthc shock absorber and insulation material.The temperature ofthe O ring becomes ° C,whch bdow he shOnte lma mum usable tcmperature.

Thus,the kal integ is enSured,In addition,cven whcn the internal air temperature is set to the rnaxilnu l basket tempcrature,the intemal ofthe inner container is which is iower than used for the strength evaluttion.Thus,he structural integrity and scaling perfollllancc ofthc sealing devlce are ensured.

Article 7 3 Appendix Immersion test(water depth:15m) (H) A.6.4 (COntinued) 53 Regarding the transport package conditions placed at a depth of 15 rl,the structural strength and the amount ofrnouth opening ofthe inner container lid wcrc evaluated when the inner container and the inner container lid,which are the sealing devices9 wcre suttccted tO an extemal pressure of .The results showed that thc inner container and the inner containcr lid vere not damaged or buckled, and the amount ofrnouth opening ofthe inner container lid was less than the initial tightening anowance ofthe O ring.Thus, the structural integrity and sealing arc ensured.

AHicle 73 Regarding the transport package placed (II) D.5 Article (COntinued) under special test conditions,based on the 63i fact that the outer container vould defottlli Regarding the transport package placed under special ttst conditions,based on the fact that the outer container would defollk (II) G14

Item Ite l ofthe Itcm ofthc co esponding to Explanation Remarks regulation notiicttion description in the application fo il whercas the shock absorber and the insulation would pahiany bumout,as with the evaluation ofthe maxilnu l dose equivalent rate during no il al transponatiOn,considering the conse ative conditions where the outer surface ofthe inner container was seen as the surface of the transport package9the maxirnum dose equivalent rate at a distance of i m from the surttce was evaluated using ANISN code etc,Thc result showcd thatthe maxirnuni equivalent was be O.019 mSv/h, which is io verthan 2 mSv/h.

Article 7 3 Article 1 7 Regarding the transport package placed (H) C.4.2 hicle (COntinued) under special test conditions,thc structural 63ii integrity and the sealing perfollliance ofthe sealing device are ensured,and the structural integrity ofthe content is also maintained.In the evaluation ofthe amount ofradioactive material lcaked,assuming that there was teakage equivalent to the acccptance criteria for the leak tightness inspection in the pre shipment inspection, focusing on the uranium isotopes that was expected to bc dispersed inside the inner container and that attached to the fuel exceeding the maxilnum intemal prcssure,the amount of radioactivc material leakcd pcr wcek evaluated showed the ratio to the radioactive material leak criteria(A2)will be l.24x 107,which satisies the criteria.

Atticle 74 As explained in the confo 11lity to ( ) A.3 technical criteria in Article 7,Itenl l (H) B.4.2 (Article 491tem 2 and Article 5,Itcm 4),the material has no egect on the required structural strength at ambient temperatures in the range of40° C to 38° C for each pa ofthe ttanspoA package.In addition,the (II) G15

Item Item ofthe Itc l ofthe coresponding to Explanation Remarks regulation notiflcation description in thc apphcation fol:

internal pressure ofthc inner container ensures the structural intcgrity and scaling perfollllance under conditions that exceed the rnaxilnunl pressure in the temperature range as above.

Ahicle 7 5 The transpott package is naturany c led (H) B.1 without a cooling systeni etc.

Article 76 For this transport package9 since the (II) B.4 direrence in intcrnal and external pressure (H) B.5 (gaugC pressurc)iS less than even ifthe temperaturc change and the inncr and outtr pressure changes expccted during ttansportation are considered,the pressurc cxcccding maxilnurn working pressureofIIIIIIIII.

Articlc 8 Since this transpoA package is a BU type onc,his is not suttect tO thiS atticle.

Articte 9 Since this transport package is a BU type one,this is not subiect to this article.

Article 1 0 Since this transport package is a BU type one,this is not suniect to this article.

Articlc l l Anicle 23 Since this transported article will contain 1 5 (I) B (I) D g orrnore of235U and the enrichment of 235U wili be it coresponds to the requirements for flssionable transpohed anicles.

Article l l Rcgarding the consideration ofaging ofthe (II)

F transpOrt packagc,as explained on the confbkHlity to the technical criteria in A icle 3,Item 3,because it was coni 1 led thatthere was no erect ofaging,the conflllllation ofconfoklklity tO he technical criteria was lnade assuming thatthere would be no effect ofaging.

Regarding the condition ofthe transport package under general test conditions pettaining to issile transport rnaterials, defottl ation occurs in a pan ofthe Outtr container,but the structural inttgrity ofthe inner container,inner containcr lid,and basket is ensured.

(II) G16

Item Iterl ofthe Itcm ofthe coresponding to Explanttion Remarks regulation notittcttion description in the application follll In the case where the transport package is placed in special test conditions for flssile mate al transpon package,aner having becn placed in a history Ofgeneral test conditions9 with regard to the transport package conditions placed in a drop tcst,a thc 11lal test,and a submersion test,the outer container is defolllled and some of the shock absorbcr and insulation lnaterial are damaged,but the inner container,the inner container lid,the basket,and thc contents are not dama ed.

Article l 1 Article 24 (General test conditions)

Appendix The effect ofspraying water equivalent l 2 to a precipitation of 50 rnH1/h for onc hour (H) A.9.1 ls assesscd.

The maxilnuFll tOtal weight ofthis transported article is approxilnately 950 kg, ( ) A.9.1 and the drop heightis l.2 rn.An analysis is conducted so thatthe rnaxilnunl damage caused by the drop can be assessed.

Article l 1 Appendix Since applying a load equivalent to ive ( ) A.9.1 (COntinued) ll3 times the transported articte in seif weight will represent a severcr condition,the strength ofthe inner container under this condition is assessed, In this test,a mild steei bar with a weight (H) A.9.1 of6 kg and a diamctcr of3.2cm was dropped fronl a height of l m to the weakest part ofthis transported articte.

Article ll1i In the case where the transpo package ( ) A.9.1 and ii is placed under generaltest conditions, defO atiOn ofthe transpo lS liHlited to a lnaxirnum defo:11lation ofthe outer container due to free fall.Since the shape ofthe defbrmation (H) A.9.1 may cause an indentation,an indentation (I) C encompassing a cube of 10 c l on one side (I)Fig.C 1 wili not occur in the structural part ofthe container.On the other hand,the outer diameter Ofthc transpo packageisIIII (II) G17

Item Itcm ofthe Itcm ofthe corresponding to Explanation Remarks rcgulation notincation description in the application folkll and the total lcngth is so one side ofthe circumscribed rectanttle is 10 cm or rnore Article ll2i, Articlc 25 Considering that as a conservative (II) E.3.1 ii and i ,iv effective multiphcation factor analysis (II) E.4.4 and v modcithatincludes an the ive conditions (H) E.5 in Ahicle ll,Item 2,(a)thrOugh(e),the outer surfacc ofthe inner container is used as the ttansport containcr surface,ignoring the outcr container etcoin order to strcngthen mutual interference bemeen attaCenttranspOtt packagesi he regular hcxagon circumscribed on the outer surttcc ofthe inner containcr is used as a perfect rencctivc surface and the transpo containers are in an ininite aray to prevent neutron teakage in the evaluation syste 1, the contents having an i adiation history iS assumcd as unilTadiatedl in the tuTay systenl,inside ofthe inner container is flHed with watcr,and to detenHine the conditions for ma mum react ity by distinguishing water densities between inside and outside the basket whcre contents are loaded,as a resuit of calculation ofthe effcctive rnultiphcation factor for each content using KENO IV code the maxilnum value ofthe erective multiplication factor is about O,94.Thus, subcriticality is ensured lbr any nuclear fuel material ioaded in the container.

Article l 3 As explained on the confonllity to the ( ) A.3 technical criteria in Article 7,Item l (II) A.4.2 (Article 4,Item 2 and Article 5,Item 4),in the case where the ambienttempcrature is within the range of40° C to 38° (),for the temperatures at each part ofthc transpo package,he necessary structural integrity ofthosc rnaterials is not arected.In addition,the intemal pressure ofthe inner container cnsures structural inte rity and (II) G18

Item Itcm ofthe Ite l ofthe coresponding to Explanation Remarks regulation notincttion description in he applicatio4 fO sealing perfo ance under conditions exceeding the maxi=num pressure in the tempernture ran c in question.

(II) G19

( ) H Test results of prototype packaging

( ) H

CONTENTS 1, General ( ) H1

2. Test items ( ) H1
3. Test place and time schedule ( ) H2
4. Test equipment used ( ) H5 4.l Specimen ( ) H5 4.2 Test equipment used ( ) H16 4.2,l Mechanical tests 1 ( ) H16 4.2.2 Thermal test ( ) H18 4.2.3 Contalnment test t t C t O ( ) H18 5, Mechanical tests t i t 1 ( ) H27 5,l Test process ( ) H27 5.2 Dropping orientation adopted ( ) H29 5 3 Adjustment of dropping orientation ( ) H30 5,4 Measuring items and measured parts t ( ) H32 5.5 Test results ( ) H35 5.5.1 9 m drop in horizontal orientation (drop test I) ( ) H35 5 5,2 1 m horizontal penetration test (drop test ) ( ) H39 6.Thermal test =l t l t 11 l t t l l 1 1 1( ) H44 6 l General ( ) H44 6.2 Method of measurement ( ) H44 6.3 Test conditions and measurements ( ) H45 6.4 Condition of the prototype often tests ( ) H51 7.Containment test i 1 =11 t t t t t t 1 1 1 1 ( ) H62 7.l General ( ) H62 7.2 Measuring methOd l 1 1 1 l t t l l t t t= 1 1 11 ( ) H62 7.3 Results ( ) H64 8, Evaluation of test results, 1 1 ( ) H65 1 , l t t t t l

( ) H i

1, General The series of tests shown in the following section were carried out to ensure the safety of objects being transported. A transport packaglng modeled to the actual scale of the transport packaging (hereinafter referred to as prototype"or prOtOtype packaging")was used in these tests.

2, Test items The prototype packaging was subjected to the following testsi (1) Mechanical tests a)Drop test I : Drop in hOrizontal orientation, 9 meters, 135° orientation

( see( ) Fi .G.9) , downwards, b) Drop test  : Penetration in horizontal orientation, l meter, 135° orientation (see( ) Fig.G 9), downwards.

(2) Thermal test: Test in reactOr (storage for 30 minutes at 800kD.

(3)Containment test.

( ) H1

3. Test place and time schedule (1) Test place a) Mechanical tests and containment test b) Thermal test and containment test (2)Time schedule The time schedule for the tests is shown in ( ) Table H.1 (3)Test prOcedure The test procedure is shown in( ) Table H.2.

( ) H2

( ) Table H.1 Prototype packaging test schedule Date anuary 1990 February 1990 March 1990 April 1990 Item 1, Preparation fOr prototype packaging tests

2. Prototype packaglng tests l)Mechanical tests
2) Thermal test 3)Containment test
4) Content lnspections 3, Preparation Of test report

( ) H3

Prototype packaging Contalnment test Mechan ical test/droD teSt I Drop in hOrizontal orientation, 135° orientation, downwards, 9 m Containment test Mechanical test/drOp test  :

Drop in horizOntal orientatiOn, 135° orientation, dowrlwards, l m, penetrating the inner packaging flanges Contalnment test Carrled Out in TL*

Carried out in KSY**

Contalnment test Thermal test, 800R3, 30 min.

  • Takasago LaboratOry, Contalnment test Mitsubishi Heavy lndustries, Ltd.

Content inspections

    • Kobe Shipbuilding Yard, Mitsubishi Heavy lndustries, Ltd. Dismantling End of tests

( ) Table H 2 Test procedure

( ) H4

4. Test equipment used 4.l Specimen (1) One prOtotype packaging (see Fi G 1 A prototype packaging, modeled to the actual dimensions of the transport packaging, was manufactured as a specimen for the mechanical tests and thermal test, The technical characteristics of the prototype packaging and the actual transport packaging are shown in ( ) Table G.8 for comparlson.

( ) Table G.3 (1/2) shows that the prototype packaging has grooves and holes designed for attaching detectors, (2)Six duFlmy fuel elements(see( ) Fig. G 2)

The dummy fuel elements have the same dimensions as the actual elements The only difference is that aluminum is used for the element core in the dummy elements.

(3) Four pieces of mass as dummy fuel elements (see ( ) Fig. G.3)

The dummy fuel elements are rectangular in shape. These masses have the same overall length and weight as those of the MTR standard fuel elements,

( ) H5

( ) Table H.3 Main characterist ics of components of actual transDort DaCkattlng and orotot ype packaging (1/2)

Posltion Actual transport packaging Prototype packaging Maln body of packaging Upper part Has no grooves, no holes Has grooves for wlrlng, holes for air leakage test, and holes for mounting thermocouple Lower part Has no hOles for wiring Has holes for wiring Outer packaging lid Inner packaging lid Fuel basket Upper part Has no notches, Has notches for wlring Lower part Has no notches or holes Has notches and holes for wlrlng

  • There ls no difference

( ) H6

( ) Table H.3 Main characteristics of components of actual transport naCkaging and prototype packaging (2/2)

Item Actual transport packaging Prototype Weight (kg)

Outer packaging lid lnner packaging lid Main body Fuel basket Content Total veight 950 Dimenslons ( lm)

Outer packaging lid Inner diameter Outer diameter Overall height Inner packaging lid Outer diameter Thickness Main body Inner diameter Outer diameter Overall height Fuel basket Outer diameter Overall height Material Outer packaging lid Stalnless stee1/ Stalnless stee1/

Inner packaging lid Stalnless stee1/ Stalnless stee1/

Main body Stalnless stee1/ Stainless stee1/

Fuel basket Stainless stee1/ Stainless stee1/

( ) H7

( ) Fig.H.l Conceptual drawing of prototype packaging

( ) H8

( ) Fi .H.2 TRR3 standard fuel element (dummy) (1/6)

( ) H9

( ) Fig,H.2 JRR3 follower fuel element(dullmy)(2/6)

( ) H10

(II)Fig.H.2 JRR 4B fuel element(dulllmy)(3/6)

( ) H11

( ) Fig.H.2 RR4L fuel element(dullmy)(4/6)

(I) H12

l II)Fig.H.2 JMTR standard fuel element(dulllmy)(5/6)

( ) H13

( ) Fi .H.2 TMTR fuel follower (du lmy)(6/6)

( ) H14

( ) Fi .H.3 Dul lllly weight

( ) H15

4.2 Test equipment used 4.2.l Mechanical tests (1) Drop test table The drop test table consists of The total veight of the drop test tatte is tons ttee( )L 4 and( )Photo Q (2) SeparatOr The separator is shown in ( ) Fig.G.5 This s eparator ls an electromagnetic device and its maximum suspending load is five tons (3)PenetratOr(Drop test )

The steel penetrator is 150 mm in diameter and 300 mm in length. This device was fixed to the drop test table with bolts (see ( ) Fig,G.6 and( )Photo 2).

(4) Gantry crane A gantry crane capable of hoisting a 16ton object was used.

( ) H16

(5) Acceleration converter A monoaxial acceleration converter (model AS1000HA; capacity: 1000G) was used (see Photo Q The test results were recorded by means of a data recorder via an amplifier (6) Strain gauge A monoaxial strain gauge (model KFC1Cl16)and a biaxial strain gauge (model KFC2D1616)vere used (see Photo The test results were recorded by means of a data recorder via an amplifier.

(7) Video equipment Pictures were taken for different dropping orientations of the specimen by means of a vldeo camera. Behavlor and deformations after reaching the target were recorded, and data recorded by measuring instruments were transcrlbed.

(8)Measuring instruments Rulers: 2.Om, 1,Om, 30cm, 15cm Tape measures. 5m, 3m Calipers1 1.5m Other instruments and devices,

( ) H17

4.2.2 Thermal test (1) Furnace was used in the thermal test (2) Sheathed thermocouple A non grounded sheathed thermocouple l.O mm in diameter and 15 m in length was used in the thermal test to measure the temperatures of different parts(see( ) Photo G.5).

4.2,3 Contalnment test The following equipment and devices were used in the containment test:

(1) Pressure gauges a) BourdOn tube pressure gauge Measuring range: O to 10 kg/cm2 b) Strain gauge type pressure gauge Measuring range: O to 10 kg/cm2 (2)Stop valve (spherical valve)


( ) H18

(4) Data recorder Pressure indicatiOns at the pressure gauge(4.2 3, 1b)vere monitored by this data recorder and were used to determine the leakage rate.

( ) H19

( ) FiR.H.4 Drop test table

( ) H20

( ) Fig,H.5 Separator

( ) H21

B 9

B a t ie S

( ) Fi .H.6 Penetration bar

( ) H22

, ^


i' 4!

=.ifi iil

( ) Photo H.l Drop leSt table

.:: ii:  ::HE,F

Iil I ri FttHH,


( ) Photo H.2 Penetration bar

( ) H23


( ) Photo H 3 Acceleration converter

( ) H24

Monoaxial strain gauge t

Biaxial strain gauge

( ) Photo 4 Strain gauges

( ) H25

( ) Photo G.5 Thermocouple

( ) H26

5, Mechanical tests 5,l Test process Two mechanical tests, drop l and drop , vere chosen from the Tests for demonstrating ability to withstand accident conditions in transport"and were carried out, as required for transport packaging by the provisions concerning B (U) type packaging.

(1) Drop l is a test in which the transported material is made to drop from a height of 9 meters onto a steel plate placed on a concrete mat in the position that will cause maximum shock to it, (2)Drop is a test in which the transported material is made to drop from a height of l meter onto the top surface Of the vertically fixed soft steel cylinder measuring more than 15 cm in diameter and 20 cm in length in the position that will cause maximum shock to the transported material.

The methods of the drop l and dropII are shown in ( ) Fi .G.7

( ) H27

drop tests B

0peration of

) H28


( ) Fi .H.7

5.2 Dropping orientation adopted The specimen was dropped in the horizontal orientation that would minimize the residual thickness of the shock absorber located on the containment system through the deformation engendered in drops l and .

In addition, the surface subjected to shock is the part through which entry of heat into the containment system would be greatest in the thermal test, A rectangular shape was adopted for the fuel basket: such shapes permit the total veight of the contents to be maximized. The location of these contents is shown in( ) Fi .G.8.

Abbrevlation Name of dummy fuel element JRR 3 (F) JRR3 follower type element JRR 4 (B) JRR4 B type element JRR 4 (L) JRR4 L type element JMTR (S) JMTR standard element JRR 3 (S) JRR3 standard element MTR (F) MTR fuel element follower J ttR4 Dummy mass (4 pieces) 3 JttT

=} f arttppin iF ti§ B

( ) .H:8 Location of contents

( ) H29

5 3 Adjustment Of dropping orientation The horizontal dropping orientation of the specimen was ensured and adjusted by means of the steel wire ropes which vere connected to the eye plate provided on the base and those provided on the upper part at 315° orientation The horizontally of the specime4 vas checked by means of a transit. After adjustment of the horizontally, the specimen was lifted to a height of 9 meters and i meter.

The heights were checked by means of strings of 9 meters and l meter and mass which was fixed to the spec men.

( ) Photo G.6 shows a general view of the prototype paCkaging being hoisted,

( ) H30

Drop test I (9m drOp in horizontal orientation)

Drop test II (lm drOp in horizontal orientation)

( ) Photo H.6 General view Of prototype packaging being hoisted

( ) H31

5 4 Measurement items and measured parts

( ) Table H.4 shows the measurement items and measured points

( ) Table H 4 Measurement items and measured points Measurement item Measured parts No. of parts measured Acceleration Main body of inner packaging 2

Dummy fuel elements Straln Main body of inner packaging 2

Fuel basket Residual deformation Main body Outer packaging lid

( ) Fi .H 9 shows the parts at which acceleration and strain vere measured.

( ) Fig.H.10 shows the measurement block dia gram of the mechanical tests

( ) H32

( ) Fi .H.9 Measured position

( ) H33

Sensor unlt Amplifier unit Recording/display unit Acceleration Inner surface of inner packaging barrel Dynamlc straln meter fuel element Data illo Plotter recorder scOpe Straln Inner surface of inner packaging barrel Dynamlc straln meter Fuel basket

( ) Fig.H,10 Measurement block diagram (mechanical tests)

( ) H34

5,5 Test results 5.5,1 9 m drop test in horizontal orientation (drop test I) ( see( ) Photo G.7 and G.8)

(1) Dropping conditions At first, the specimen (prototype packaging) was drOpped downwards in a horizontal positiOn with 135° orientation (see ( ) Fig,G 9),

but it was then tilted and reached the drop target with its lower end first. Upon reaching the target, the speclmen bounced four times or so, and the maximum bOuncing height was mm for the upper end of the packaging and lll mm for its lower end. Because of the bounce, the prototype packaging moved lll mm to its upper part side and came to rest in the same orientation as that in which it began its fall.

(2) Condition Of the prototype packaging after dropping The specimen was deformed by ll mm over its entire length. However, the tightening bolts for the outer packaging lid were not affected by the drop test and the outer packaging lid did not come off.

The parts directly subjected to the shock were found to be in the following conditions(see( ) Photo 6 8(2/2)):

a)A space of ll mm (maximum)was caused between the flanges of the main body of the packaging and the outer packaging lid.

( ) H35

b)The eye plate and eye plate fixing lug vere deformed and sank into the main body of the packagingo This sinking caused cracks of ll mm in width and mm in length in the outer plating of the packaging (3) Inner conditions of the prototype packaging The inner conditions of the speclmen ls descrlbed in Section 6.4.

( ) H36

( ) Photo H.7 View of packaging after 9 m horizontal drop

( ) Photo H.8 DOformation of packaging after 9 m horizontal drop (1/2)

( ) H37

( ) Photo H.8 Deformation Of packaging after 9 m horizontal drop (2/2)

( ) H38

5.5,2 1 m horizontal penetration test (drop test )

(see( ) Photo H 9 and 10)

(1) Dropping conditions After the 9 m drop test, the specimen (prOtOtype packaging)was drOpped onto the penetrator (outside diameter 150 mm, length 300 mm)so that the flanges of the inner packaging would suffer direct shock Upon reaching the penetrator, the specimen collided against the target table with its 10ver end, slid over the penetrator and came to rest on the table in the same orientation as that in which it began its fall from the hoisting device.

(2) Conditions of the prototype packaging after dropping Deformation ll mm depth Was caused in the part of the specimen which came into direct contact with the penetrator, and further deformation of ll mm was caused in the lower part of the speclmen after the 9 m drop test Hovever, the tightening bolts for the outer packaging lid were not affected by the drop test and the outer packaging lid did not come off.

( ) Photo H 10 shows the deformation of the specinen.

( ) H39

(3) Inner conditions of the prototype packaging The lnner conditions of the speclmen ls descrlbed in Section 6.4.

( ) Table H.5 shows the outline Of the i mpact acceleration, the stresses, and the deformations Of the prototype packaging in these drop tests.

( ) H40

( ) Photo H.9 View of oackaFring after l m horizontal dro

( ) Photo ttL 10 Deformation ofpack9ging after l m horizontal drop (1/3)

( ) H41

( ) PhOtO H.10 Deformation of oa ing after l m horizontal driop (2/3)

( ) Photo H.10 Deformation of packaging after l m horizontal drop (3/3)

( ) H42

( ) Table H.5 Main results of measurement Dropping orientation Drop in hOrizontal orientation Item Impact acceleratiOn (G)

Inner packaging Stress (kg/mm2)*

Fuel basket Deformation ( lm)

  • Axial stresses are shown first and radial stresses are shown next for each case in this table.

( ) H48

6. Thermal test 6.l General In the thermal test, the specinens which had been subjected to the mechanical tests were placed fOr 30 minutes in a furnace in which a fire environment of 800q(D was simulated. This test environment is a part of the Tests for demonstrating ability tO withstand accident conditions in transport"to be carried out on B (U) transported material as stipulated in the provisions concerning transport packaging.

( ) Fig.H.1lshOws the process of the thermal test, 6.2 Method of measurement A sheathed thermocouple was used to measure the temperatures in the thermal test. Temperature was measured at the following points(see( ) Fig.H.9 and l ) Fig,H.12 Block diagram of measurement in thermal test):

(1) Exterior of the transport packaging (2) Interior Of the main body of the inner packaging (3)Fuel basket (4) 0ringS (5)Dummy fuel elements

( ) H44

Telrleratures in the furnace were regulated by means of a sheathed thermocouple for measuring in furnace temperature.

6.3 Test conditions and measurements (see Photo H 1l to H.1 The night before the day on which the thermal test was carried out, the Operation for ralslng the ln furnace temperature was started.

After 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />, the wall temperature reached 1000R3, and this temperature was maintained for one hour so as to generalize the temperature in the furnace.

Three minutes were taken for the work, which included: opening of the furnace door, taking out of the furnace car, installation of the prototype packaging on the car, returning of the car, and closing of the furnace door.

This work caused the in furnace temperature to fall from 1000ka t 550R3.

After closing the furnace door, the temperature in the furnace rose from 550R3 to 800R3 within three minutes.

The atmosphere in the furnace was regulated at 825kDttL20HD, and the thermal test was carrled out fOr a perlod of 30 mlnutes, After the 30mlnute perlod, the furnace door was opened in order to take out the car with the prototype; the latter was hoisted, removed to another place and cooled in the atmosphere at room temperature, avoiding thermal radiation from the car. BOth the initial temperature of the prototype and that of the atmosphere vere 12R3.

( ) H45

( ) Table H.6 shows the measurement points, the maximum temperature, and the perlod of time wlthin which the prototype reached the maxlmum temperature.

( ) H46

e 9

Thermal test

) H47

( ) Fig.H.1l



Sensor unlt Recording/display unit Temperature External surface of packaging Internal surface of packaging Fuel basket Temperature lndicator/recorder 0rings Dummy fuel elements

( ) FiFF.H.12 Measurement bloc k diattram (thermal test)

( ) H48

( ) Table H.6 Results of thermal test Maxlmum Period of time from beginning temperature of thermal test to attainment Part measured ( ) of maximum temperature (hour)

External surface of packaging 1051.6 approx. 0,1 Internal surface of packaging 896.2 approx, 0.6 Fuel basket 123,3 approx, 1,0 0rings 88.6 approx. 2.0 Dummy fuel elements 88.4 approx, 3.3

( ) Fig.H 13 Shows the chronological evolution of the temperatures measured at these various parts both durlng and after the test.

( ) H49

01 tao 1


.B 1: IttF ti:

§i fu 1 19 m

,a, o g l .u '

al ,

a ,a

!0 I F 4 T r u,o Hl itti I 0 i t 0 T

( ) Fi .H.13 Te lperature historv of each oortion foF thermal test

6.4 Condition of the prototype after tests (1)Upon cOmpletion of the thermal test, flames came out of the crack(s)that had been caused by the 9 m drop in the outside plating of the packaging, and from the upper and lower fusible plugs, The specimen was retrieved from the furnace and the fire died down after some minutes (see ( ) Photo H.13 and H.14)

(2) Conditions of the interior of the prototype The inner conditions of the specimen are described below for both the mechanical tests and the thermal test.

a) Main bOdy of inner packaging (see ( ) Photo H.15 No deformation was observed in the main body of the inner packaging.

b)Fuel basket(see( ) Photo H 16 (1/2),(2/2))

Part of the lower flange suffered deformation but no deformation was observed in the fuel basket.

c) Dummy fuel elements (see( ) Photo H 17(1/6)to(6/6))

No deformation was observed in the dummy fuel elements (3) Conditions of The depth of carbonlzation of was 30 to 50 mm.

( ) H51

(4) Condition of the see( ) Photo H 15 and H 18)

The barrel of the main body of the packaging was entirely carbOnized. The outer packaging lid was carbonized except its inner part of 50 mm.

( ) H52

( ) Photo H 1l Door opening after raising temperature in furnace

( ) Photo H 12 1nstallation of prototype on carrier

( ) H53

( ) Photo H.13 Door opening upon completion of thermal test

( ) Photo H 14 View of specimen being naturally cooled at room temperature

( ) H54

( ) PhotO H.15 Main bodv of kaglng after prototype tests

( ) H55

( ) Photo H.16 Fuel basket after prototype tests (1/2)

( ) Photo H.16 Fuel basket after prototype tests (2/2)

( ) H56

( ) Photo H.17 Du lmv fuel element (JRR3 standard element) after orototvoe tests (1/6)

( ) Photo H 17 Du y fuel element(JRR3 follower element) ll after prototype tests (2/6)

( ) H57

( ) Pho o H.17 Dummy fuel element ( RR4B element) after prototype tests (3/6)

( ) Photo H.17 Dummv fuel element (. RR4L element) afte4 prototype teStS (4/6)

( ) H58

( ) Photo H.17 Dummv fuel element (JMTR standard element) after prototype tests (5/6) l]l Photo H.17 Dummy fuel element ( MTR follower element) after prototype tests (6/6)

( ) H59

( Photo H.18 0uter n ]ckn ing lid after orototvoe tests

( ) H60

7. Contalnment test 7.l General The containment test was carried out before and after each mechanical test and thermal test, using the pressure leakage method to check that the air leakage rate at the containment interface of the packaging was not moFe than the specified value (see Section C, Chapter ).

7,2 Measuring method A pressure leakage method was used in the containment test. A constant level of the pressure of N2 WaS applied and maintained for 30 minutes in the measuring system (s ee( ) Fig.H 14)to measurethe air le akage rate of the O rlngs (containment interface) located On the inner packaging

( ) H61

  • : This meter leads to the strain gauge type pressure gauge and the data recorder.

( ) Fig,H.14 Containment test device

( ) H62

7.3 Results

( ) Tabl e G 7 shows the results of the containment test,

( ) Table H.7 Results of co ntainment test 9 n drOp ln hOrlzon l m drop in horizon Thermal test tal orientation tal orientation Test item Air10akage rate (atmemi/s)

Before test 6.64x 10 3 7,78x 103 1.88x 10 2 AfteF teSt 7,78x 103 1.11x 102 9.11x 10 3

( ) H63

8. Evaluation of test results Drop r and drop caused deformations in the surface of the outer packaging lid and the main body of the packaging. However, no deformation occurred in the main body of the inner packaging or the inner packaging lid, which are the containment lnterface. The contalnment test proved that contalnment of the speclmen was conserved in the drop tests.

No deformation occurred in the dummy fuel elements.

The containment test also proved that containment was conserved in the thermal test which was carrled out next These prototype packaging tests ve conducted this time demonstrated that the RF90Y950K transport packaging can maintain its capability of meeting the standards of safety under accident conditions which are required of such packagings in the relevant provisions,

( ) H64

(I )

Handling methods and maintenance of nuclear fuel package (I) A. Package handling methods A.l Method of loading The contents of this package are loaded in the following manner.

(1)Preparation of the cOntents Before being loaded, the contents shall pass a content inspection based on the pre shipment content inspection indicated in (IV) A.2.

(2) Loading of contents and installation of inner lid (3)Leak tightness inspection on the inner lid Leak tightness inspectiOn on the inner lid shall be conducted.

(4) Installation of an outer lid

( ) A1

A.2 Package inspection prior to shipment Pre shipment inspection indicated in (IV) Table A.l is performed on each shipment Of the package.

A.3 MethOd fOr removal A.4 Preparation of empty packaging After the cOntents are removed from the packaging, conduct radiation control of the inner surface of the packaging, and conduct decontamination as needed. In additiOn, conduct a visual appearance inspection of the packaging to confirm it has no anomaly, and then stOre it indoor.

( ) A2

( I) Table A.1: Procedures fOr ore shi pment inspection of the packatte Item of Method for lnspection Acceptance crlterlon lnspection Visual Visually inspect the appearance No cracking, abnormal flaw, deformation, etc. is appearance of the main body, inner lid and observed.

inspection outer lid.

Lifting With the package lifted, inspect The eye plates have no cracking, abnormal flaw, lnspection lts appearance. defOrmation, etc.

Weight Measure the total veight of the The weight is not more than 950 kg.

lnspection package.

Surface Measure the surface denslty of The surface density is not more than O,4 Bq/cm2 for density the package by the smear method radioactive materials emitting alpha ray, or not lnspection or the like. more than 4 Bq/cm2 for radioactive materials not emitting alpha ray.

Dose With fuel elements loaded, The sum of the dose equivalent rate for gamma ray equivalent measure the dose equivalent rate and neutron ray is not more than 2 mSv/h on the rate for gamma ray and neutron ray. surface of the package, or not more than 100 Sv/h lnspection in a position l m distant from the package surface.

Subcriticalit Visually inspect the appearance 1, The fuel basket is installed in the y inspection of the fuel basket. prescrlbed posltion.

2. No cracking, abnormal flaw, deformation, etc. ls observed.

Content Inspect/measure the type, 1. Type lnspection concentration, vOlume, Dispersion alloy of uranium silicon and aluminum, appearance and surface denslty. dispersion alloy of uranium and aluminum or uranium aluminum alloy

2. Concentration and volume (1) Concentrationi not more than Wt%

(dispersiOn alloy of uranium silicon and aluminum, or dispersion alloy of uranium and aluminum)

Ui not more than (235u: nOt more t (2) Concentrationi not more than l wt%

(dispersiOn allo of uranium and aluminum)

Ui not more than (235ui nOt more than (3)Concentrationi not more th anHIIIIlwt%

(uranium aluminum alloy)

Ui not more than

° Uttatili t ti li

3. Appearance: no anomaly is observed.
4. Surface density: not more than O.056 Bq/cm2 for radioactive materials emitting alpha ray Airtight Apply air pressure of lllllIMPa The leakage rate does not exceed l.09 x10 2 MPa leakage [gauge] tO the sealed parts Of cm3/s.

lnspection the inner lid for 30 minutes, and measure the pressure drop to determine the leakage rate.

( ) A3

Pressure The decay heat generated from the contents is minimal, and the vessel's temperature measurement / will remain the same as the ambient temperature, Therefore, this inspection shall 1nspection not be conducted.

Temperature The decay heat generated from the contents is minimal, the pressure in the package measurement / will remain constant, and therefore the pressure from inside the package will remain 1nspection the same as the ambient pressure. Therefore, this inspection shall not be conducted.

( ) A4

( ) B,Maintenance requirements The transport packaging shall be stored indoor. Periodical self controlled inspections shall be conducted in accordance with the following instructions at least Once every year (at least once every 10 times of use for thOse used 10 times Or more yearly).

B.l Visual appearance inspection Perform a visual inspection tO cOnfirm that there is no cracking, abnormal flaw, deformation, etc.

in the inner and outer surfaces of the main body, fuel basket, inner lid, and outer lid.

B,2 Pressure durability inspection lf a repair or the like that may affect the pressure durability performance has been conducted, install a provisional inner lid and inspect the leakage rate for the main body of the inner shell by pressurized leakage testing (initial inspection pressure:IIMPa [gauge]or more; inspection time: 30 minutes or more) to confirm that the leakage rate is not more than l.09 x 10 2 MPa Cm3/s.

Subsequently, perform a visual inspection to confirm that there is no cracking, abnormal flaw, deformation, etc, in the inner surface of the main body of the inner shell, B,3 Airtight leakage inspection Conduct airtight leakage inspection for the O ring of the inner lid by pressurized leakage testing (inspection pressure:I MPa [gauge] or more; inspection time: 30 minutes or more) to confirm that the leakage rate is not more than l.09 x 10 2 MPa Cm3/s.

B.4 Shielding inspection This does not apply since no particular shield is used in this transport packaging B.5 Subcriticality inspection Perform visual inspection to confirm that there is no anomaly in the dimensions, shape, etc. of the fuel basket, such as cracking, abnormal flaw, and deformation.

B.6 Thermal inspection This does not apply since this transport packaging has no particular exothermic body B,7 Lifting inspectiOn With the transport packaging lifted, inspect the appearance of the transport packaging to visually confirm that the eye plates have no cracking, abnormal flaw, deformation, etc.

B.8 Actuation check/inspection This does not apply since this transport packaging has no special articles such as valves

( ) B1

B.9 Maintenance of auxlliary systems This does not apply since this transport packaging has no auxlliary system B.10 Maintenance of the valves, gaskets, etc. of sealing devices This transport packaging has no valve or the like.

Inspect the O ring of the inner lid to confirm that it has no cracking, abnormal flaw, deformation, etc. If any anomaly is Observed, replace the O ring B.1l Storage of the transport packaging The transport packaging shall be stored indoor B,12 Retention of records Whttle this transport packaging is in service, retain a record of inspection conducted during fabrication and a record of periOdical self controlled inspection.

B 13 0thers Not Applicable

( ) B2

(IV) Important Notice about a safe design and the safe transportation Not Applicable

( )1

APPENDIX2 Type 90Y 950 CICar ttel Transpott Package Basic policy for he quality management

Basic policy for the quality management Basic policy for quality management(Oarai Research and Developme Institute)

The basic policy for this quality management stipulates the requirements for quality assurance activities by reference to theJIS Q 9001 Quality managementsystems Requirements(2008)

A. Quali management system A.l General requirements (1)Director General ofOarai Research and Development lnstitute(hereinafter refered to as irector General)shall establish he quality assurance system conceming design,manufacture,h ndling, maintenance and transport ofthe packaging,perfo= h and maintain it. This quanty assurance systeln shan also be improved continuously through Fnanagement revie (2)Director General and Director ofDepartment ofJMTR at Oarai Research and Development lnstttu (hereinaner refe ed to as Director)Shall perfo he fo1lowing:

(a)Claritt by B4.Responsibmty and Auhohty"the duties necessary for he quality assurance systtnl,and its application to he organizatiOn.

(b)COnd by B.5 Managementreviewand E.6.2.l lntemal audit"that the operation and management ofduties are eHective.

(c)Ensure by C.l Resource operation and Managementresources necessary for the operation and management ofduties.

(d)Ensure thtt results according to the plan shall be obtained by su eillance and evaluation of duties and also that byE.6 Assessments and improvement,necessary rneasures are taken in order to obtain continuous improvement (3)Director General,Director and General Manager ofReactor operation Section l at Oarai Research and Development lnstittte((hereinafter refered to as General Manager")Shall manage the procurement that could affect the nuclear safety(duties to be commissioned to sub contractors such as design,manufacture,maintenance,transpon)accOrding to E.l Procurement con ol.

A.2 Requirements for documentation A.2.l General Director General or Director shall define documents regarding the quah aSSurance system.

(1)Quality policies and Quality ottectiVe (2)Quality assurance system 1

(3)Documents conceming the following management and treatment required by he quality assurance plani (a)Document co rol (b)Record co l (C)Intemal audit (d)Non compliance control (e)COrection tteatment (O PreVentive actions (4)The abOVe(1) (3)in ordertO ensure he erective plan,operation and conttol conceming the duties for the design,rnanufacture,handling,Inai1ltenance and lranspo ofthe packaging perfo ed by the deparmentin charge,as well as the doculnents needed by he depairnentin charge (5)Record needed by the quality assurance plan.

A.2.2 Basic policy implementation Director General shall implement the quality assurance plan and re ew and mainttin it as necessary A.2.3 Document control (a)Director General and Director shallimplementthe control procedures regarding he documents required by the quality assurance system including he following.

a Prior to issuance,documents shall be reviewed and approved for adequacy in tett tts of appropriateness.

(b)Documents shall be re ewed periodically for he necessity ofre sion.When re sions are made as needed,they shall be approved using the same procedures as when the documents are prepared.

(C)When reviewing and revising the app priateness ofdocuments,employees,etc.ofhe suttect ilnplcmcnting dcpartmcnts shall bc involved.

(d)Identittcation ofchanges in documents and identiication ofthe latest revised version shall be ensured.

(e)Ensure thtt the latest revised or app priate version ofthe applicable document is available when and where needed.

(f)Ensure that docu nents are legible and easily identiflable.

(g)Ensure that documents from extemal sources dete lined to be necessary by the organizttion for 2

the planning and operation ofhe qu management systtm are clearly idendaed and that their distribution is controlled.

(h)Ensure that obsolete documents are not misused.rhey are retained for any purpose,they shall be properly identined and contrOlled.

(i)Ensure that the rationale etc.used when he document was prepared can be checked when necessary,such as when re sing he document.(2)Director General,person in charge of management,person in charge ofinteJnal audit,E irector and Ceneral anager shall perfo i the control ofdocuments based on the previous articles.

A.3 Record control Director General and Director shall implement the control procedures for the record including the following items in orderto show the e dence ofefFeOtive operation ofquali asSurance system and compliance to the requirements.

(a)Keep a record(Record shalHnclude the etect c media.)

(b)Record handling(inCluding submission to he outside and receipt from ouside)

(c)Record identiflcation,storage,protection,search,storage period,and disposal (2)Director General,person in charge ofmanagement,person in charge ofi emal audit,Director and General A/fanager shan perf the conttol ofrecord based on the previous articles, B. Applicants'responsibiltties B.1 anagement lnvolvement The Director should establish and implement a quality management plan and demonsttatt continuous improvement in its effectiveness by:

Familiarize the organizttion with compliance with he relevant laws and regulatory requirements.

Setqunli pOliCy.

Perfom managementttview.

D Provide necessary resources.

Create an envi llment in whtth employees and others can participate in erorts to foster and maintain a sound safety culture.

Ensure that employees are aware ofheir responsibilities wih respect to safety act" ies by understanding and perfoltt Ing their assigned tasks.


Ensure that decisions made at all levels take into account priorities and accountability for ensuring nuclear saFety.

B 2 Quali poliCy and quality otteCt e When the duties based on he quality assurance plan are perfo ed,Director General shall speci,he quality policy for he design,manuttcture,handling,mainttnance and ttanspoi ofthe packaging taking account ofthe characteristics ofttanspoH and transpott packaging and rnake this kno vn to the employees. Quality policyshall inctude the followings:

(1)Assure the safety and rehabil Ofthe packaging and ttanspo .

(2)Comply with helaws,standard,app vals,app ved items,and safety agreement etc.

(3)ContinuOusly improve he quali asSurance system.

For the quality policy,a quality policy hat is set in accordance wih the quality management plan for the Oarai Research and Development lnstitute's reactor facilities etc.shan be apphcable.

B.3 Quali OtteCt e (1)The Director shali set a quality goal every year.

(2)In setthg a quality goal,the Dttctor shall pay heed to the followhg maters.

i)The goal is consistent wih he quality policy.

)The level ofachievement ofthe goal can be assessed.

iii)Any matter needed to satis,the requirement for the work must be included.

(3)The Director shallinsmct he General Managerto implement he roll out of the quality goal.

For the quality goal,a quality goalthat is set in accordance wih the quality management plan forthe Oarai Research and I)evelopment lnstitute's reactor fhcilities,etc,sha be apphcable.

B,4 RespOnsibili and authority B4.l Responsibility and auttority (1)SyStem Figure I B l shows the quali aSSurancc organizttion which perfo S the duties regarding he quality assurance plan.


(2)Responsibility and authority The following people shall be in possession ofthe responsibility and authority as written below (a)Director General Shali supe ise and dr e he quality assurance act ities conceming the design,manufacture, handling,Inaintenance and transpott ofthe packaging perfo led at C)arai Research and Development lnstitu .

(b)Director General Assist he Director General in quali management activities at the Oarai Research and Development lnstitu .

(C)I)irector Shall supe ise and dr e t quality assurance act ities conceming he design,manufacture, handling,Inaintenance and transpo t ofthe packaging perfoll ed atI epanlnent OfJ ITR.

(d)General Manager Shall perfo quali aSSurance activities conceming the design,manufacture,handling, maintenance and ttanspoH ofthe packaging perfoI led at Depanment Of VITR.1.

(3)QualityAssurance Comm ee Examine he items signiicant for the quali aSSurance and also for the dr e ofhe quali assurance activities,as we as items consulted by I)irector General.

(4)Facil etc,Safety Review Comm ee Examine items consuhed by Director General conceming he signiflcant ittms ofthe security ofthe nuclear mtterial facility(inCluding the non applicable facih in the Category ofAnicle 41 ofthe regulation)and RI etc.facili B 4.2 Deputy Director General ofQuality (1)The Director General shall designtte a Deputy Director General ofQuality who should be responsible for he wOtt reltted to quality management in accol'dance witll tllis Quality Mallattemeilt Plan.

(2)The Deputy General Director ofQuality shall possess he responsibili and authority as follows regardless ofother assigned responsibilities.

(a)Ensure he estabhshment,implementation,and maintenance ofprocesses necessary for he quality management system.

(b)Repottto the Director General as to he necessity ofimprovement or perfo lanCe Status ofhe 5

quality management system.

(c)Raise awareness ofnuclear safety among employees e .

(d)Comply With all a,pplicable laws and regulations.

B.4.3 1ntemal audit responsible (1)Director General shall assign the intemal audit responsible.

(2)The inttmal audit responsible shall perfol l duties for the planning and perfo liancc ofthe intemal audt aS the responsible ofthe inttmal audit duties.

B.5 W anagement review (1)Regarding the duties ofthe design,manufacture,handling,mainten mce ttld ttansport ofthe packaging I)irector General shall i nplementthe management review more than once a yearin order to evaluate and confl that the quality assurance plan is appropriate and is functioning erectively.

(2)Director General shall make the chiefadministtator to repon he f0110wing ittms in orderto ilnplementthe management review (a)Results ofthe inttmal audit (b)Exttmal organizations'opinion (C)Status Ofimplementation,including process resutts (d)Status Ofachievement ofquality targets (e)Results ofoperator inspections,voluntary inspections,e .

(f)Status Offostering and maintaining a sound safety culture (8)StatuS OfCompliance wih related laws and regulations (h)Status Ofcorective actions and prevent e actions (i)Follow up on he status ofactions taken in response to the results ofpre ous management reviews C)CllallBeS dlat lllay alrect til untity marl 8CIIICIlt System (k)PrOposal for the quali management system improvement (1)Resource adequacy (3)Director General shall make decisions and take actions for the following items based on the resutts ofmanagement review (a)ImprOvement oferect eness for he quality assurance plan and regulations etc.

(b)ImprOvement of safe actiVities relattd to he planning and implementation ofoperations 6

(c)Necessity ofresources (4)Director Gencral shall instruct Director to improve he actions shown in(3)above thrOugh the chiefad linistrator,then conillll its outcomes.


Dircctor Ccneral of Oarai Rescarch and Dcvclopmcnt lnstitu Intemal audit group chief administrator Quality assurance committcc Facility safc rcviCW COmmittcc Dire or Ceneral of Wastc Managcment and Dccommissioning Nuclear Facttity lnspecion Omce Technology Dcvciopmcnt Ccnter Dircctor ofDepartment ofJMTR Gcncral managcr ofJMTR Rcactor Scction Containcr manufacturcs (Appendix2) Figure B.1 0rganization of Qual Management Activities for Transpon Contttners and Transportation 8

C. Education and training C.1 0perational rnanagement ofresources C.1,l Resource supply E)irector General and Director take measures for the materials,cquipment,personnel,and expenses required for the design,manufacture,handhng,Inaintenance and transpon ofthe packaging.

C.1.2 Abili recOgnition,and education/training (1)Director or General Manager shali clari,the ability needed for he personnelto be engaged in the duties.

(2)Director or General Manager shall allocate those who have an ability to caHy out such duties based on thejudgment such as the necessary education/training,skills,and experience.

(3)Director or General Manager shall give sturmembers education,training or on hettOb training so that they could obtain the necessary abilities.

(4)Director or General anager shall evaluate effect eness ofthe implemented education/traimng.

(5)Records regarding he achievement ofeducation/training or skilis,and experience shall be kept.

D. Design control D.l Duty plans (1)DirectoL in order to accurattly perfol preCisely he duties for the design,manufacture,handling, mttntenance and ttansport ofthe packaging,shall make du plans covering the transport method package design/manuFacture/handling/maintenance/timescale/inspection standard ttc.with classiflcation ofquality requirements and cleamess ofhe importance.

(2)Director shall consider he following items when duty plans are to be set.

(a)Claritt and ensure the control method,process,del e de ces,inspection equipment,axtures, resources,and abihty necessary in order to satis,he required quality regarding dedgn, manufacture,handling,lnaintenance and lFanSpOrt.

(b)Ensurc consistency ofthe inspection p cedure and he applicable documents regarding design, manufacture,handling,Inaintenance and transport ofthe packaging.

(C)Update he techniquc ofquality cont l and inspection as required,including he development of new lneasuring rnethods.

(d)Clarin ifany measllrement exceeding the curent technique level is required,the required items and development plans regarding such measurement.

(e)Claritt the methods for veriacttion and validation at he appropriate stage ofrealization.


( Clarify thejudgment criteria for all the features and requirements,including sutteCtiVe factors in the appearance inspection,etc, (8)Clari,the recOrd and documentit.

(3)Director General,Director and General ranager shali communicate with competent authorities at he time ofthe govemmentinspection,license application,hearing/discussions as well as with the local communities based on the safety agreement.

D 2 Design and development Director shaH implementthe procedure forthe management ofdesign and development ofthe packaging.

D2,l Design and development planning General /1anager,when the design and development duties are perfolHled,shallimplement the design and development plan including the following items and clearly indicate it to the person(emp10yee Or contractor)who perfO s design and development.

(1)Clari,the applicable laws,speciications/standards,etc ,requirements such as conditions For the design and development,the responsible person for its review and approval,necessary design analysis and veriication ofdesign and development in the fo 11l ofdesign and development documents, (2)PerfO eValuttion by implementing the procedures for assessing components which are the key for functions ofthe packaging,selection ofthe applicable methods and its appropriattness etc.

(3)Rece e examination forthe evaluation mehod and safe etC by the comm ees detellllined by Oarai Research and Development Cente as necessa ,regarding the key issues for ensuring the safety ofthe packaging,and any items which need license or license application as deined by the ta v (4)When any change(including deviation)frOm the original design and development requirements become necessary,appropriate measures shall be selected,documented and procedure for approval shali be illlpleilleilted.

(5)PersOn whO is engaged in design and development shall allocate starwith appropriate experience and knowledge and shalllnake the necessary info latiOn and lnethods available.

(6)The deSign and development documents should be accessible for people oher than the initial designer fbr evaluation.

D2.2 Design and development allocation 10

General Manager shall claritt the Following items,receive approval from DirectoL and approprittely manage thenl regarding allocation and communication for design and development vith intemal oher organizations or extemal institutes other han Oarai Research and Development lnstitute(Or extemal institutes);

(1)Allocation with intemal organizations or extemal organizations other than Oarai Research and Development lnstitu (or other extemal institutes).

(a)Clariiy the responsibility regarding design and development allocation wih intemal organizations or extemal institutes otter than Oarai Research and Development lnstttute(Or Other organizations) thatirnplement design and development.

(b)Ctari,the responsible organizations as well as the methods for documentation,examination, approval,issuance,distribution and revision ofdesign and development documents regarding the aHocation ofdesign and development.

(2)Communication wih intemal organizations or extemalinstitutes otherthan Oarai Research and Development lnstitute(Or Other extemal organizations (a)As forthe communicttion for design and developme ,clari,the method for positioning of info 11lation,review,approval,etc.

(b)Clari,al10Cttion for design and development between organizations which caHy out design and development and other intemal(or eXtemal organizations)being involved in each stage of supply, manufacture,use and maintenance.

D2.3 1nput fbr the design and development (1) The General Manager shall clari,the items required for progressing design and development such as the requirements ofthe applicable laws,speciflcations,and standards,e .as wen as conditions fbr the basic design and development such as license application and reflection of the reviewed itenls for licellshlB,requireilleilts I r tlle quanty inan 8eHlent systcHl.and rcncction of the reviewed items,requireme s for he quality assurance systtm.

(2) General Manager shall coni the appropriateness ofhe requirements ofdesign ld development. In case such apphcable standards do not exist,they sham propOSe it and obtain approval from E)irector.

(3) General Manager shall ctaritt the requireme s ofhe design and development and in order to prevent use ofinapp pritte data,shall clari,the methOds ofreview and approval by document 11

and exccute it.

D2.4 0utput from the design and development General ranager shall tteat the following items regarding design and development achievements as a necessary condition,and clari,them in the drawing,specincations,repois,check sheet and ohersi (1)SuCh achievements shall comply wih the design and development requirements including he apphcable laws etc.

(2)Acceptability criteria should be clear and be the bases forjud lent.

(3)Safety and reliability ofhe packaging and design and development characttristics hat are ilnportant fbr their proper function shall be clarifled.

D2.5 Design and development examination (1)Director shall,atthe appropriate stage ofdesign and development,receive confl ation that the design and development requirements have been surely renected,iom Facilitt etc,Safety Review Committee at Oarai Research and Development lnstitute.

(2)The eXamination ofdesign and development shali be done by not only the representat es ofhe related department but also by people vith exaHlination ability and the exa lined results sha be recorded.

D2.6 Veriflcation and validation ofdesign and development Director shall at the app priate stage ofdesign and development,in order to veri,that the required items regaKling design and development are fulfllled,derine the con ol lnethod in written considering he fo owing items,The Director or General anager shall then con the verification and vahdation ofdesign and development and record them.

(1)Design md development veriication method (a)MOre hall one verificatioll ordle desiBll attld developIIlelit ucil s tile dcsig:1 nd development examination,alttmative calculation,vettication test,comparison with the similar design in the past etco shall be perfolttled aS appropriate.

(b)The design and development veriflcation shall be caried out by the person other han the inhial designen (2)Altem e calculation Silnilar to the original design,the design and development requirements and the appropriateness of 12

the calculation code shall be coni 1lled.

(3)VerinCation test verirlcation test and he perfol anCe test or ohers shall be perfolttled taking into consideration he sttuctural rnaterials and the structural systein ofthe packaging,and environmental conditions,etc.

(4)ComparisOn wtth the similar design and developmentin he past The comparison ofthe ottect wih the design and development requirements,the sttuctural system, he appropriattness ofthe calculation codes,etc.shali be perfox ed and the appropriateness ofthe design and development shan be confl ed.

D2.7 Control ofdesign and development General llanagOr shall,in case ofchanges ofdesign and development,documentthe reason of changes,changed parts,changed contents,existence ofany inauence by such changes,and the background of such changes,and shan consider the followings:

(1)Change Ofdesign and development (a)Design and development shall be changed in the same manner ofhe design and development control vhich has been applied to the original design and development.

(b)The inauence due to the changes ofdesign and development sha be evalutted.

(2)Info ation sharing for changes ofdesign and development The info lation related to changes ofdesign and development shan be info led to the related Organizations in the fo fdOCuments in accordance with the deinhion in D.2.2 Design and development a ocation".

E. Ianufacturing order ofpackages E.1. Procurement control E.1,l Procurement process (1)Director General shan,in order to procure dle appropriate ploducts aild sel vices(llereillartel,1.erer to as Products etc."),define the procurement procedure.In addition,among general supplies and consumables that are standardized in the market(hereinaRer refered to as"general purpose items ,

those items such as orlce supplies and oFlce PCs,etc,that do not affect nuclear safe are out ofthe scope ofthe procurement control.

(2)The supplier and he method and degree ofhe con ol against for the products to be procured shall be dete ined in accordance with the impact which the Products be procured shall cause to the 13

transpoA package,transpoi safety and function.

(3)Director General shall define the standard to evaluate or re evaluate the supplier as a basis tojudge that the suppher has the capability to supply Products,etc,that are to be procured in accordance with the requirements ofGeneral /fanager. General llanager shall then evaluate the supplier based on this.

(4) /1anage shall keep records ofevaluation results and necessary actions ifrequired.

E.1.2 Procurement requirements (1)General Manager shall clari,the requirements regarding P ducts be procured,by means ofthe speciication and ifrequired,shall include the following hems as applicable:

(a)Requirements for he approval ofproduct,p cedure,p cess and facinty (b)Requirements to coni the suitability ofhe star (c)Requirements regarding he quality management system(On the quality management guideline for the p duction Oftransport containers(2008 06 10 NISA No.1,June 20,2008)(iii)COntents Of quality management by container manuFacturers)

(2)General Manager shall coni i the appropriateness ofhe procurement requirements before issuing the procurement specification.

E.1.3 Veriflcation ofprocured products General Manager shaH,in order to ensure that Products be procured have ful lled the procurement requirements speciied,perfoxtti the veriflcation by defining necessary methods of inspection or other activities in the procurement speciflcations. Further,in the case ofveriflcation to be done atthe supplier's place,manuals ofsuch verincation and he method for release(i.e.del ery penmission)shan be clariied in the procurement specincations.

E.2. Attanufacture control E.2.l General General Manager shall clari,the requirements and appropr ely nt l he manufacture ofhe transpon packaging in order to ensure safe and reliab ty.

(1)Clari,the requirements ofthe applicable laws,speciicttions and standards etc.

(2)Duty allocttion regarding manufacttre control shall be detel lined,and mttlufacture con ol organization which appoint responsible starsha be clarifled.


(3)Have the supplier submit manufacture control manuals,conttol such manuals upon app val of E)irector as necessary.And info the related parties and department,and make effotts to coni the quali confOl ity regarding manufacture.

(4)As for the manufacture control manuals from he supplieL the following matters shall be clariied:

(a)Clariflcttion ofrequirements ofhe laws etc.

(b)Cla flcttion ofregulations necessary for control,manuals,approval ofinsttuctions etc.,and the responsible staffwho gives work instruction e .

(C)Clariication ofthe p cess directly affecting the required qualitt the cont l ittms in its p cess, sta 's skills and qualiflcations etc.

E.2.2 Process control General /1anager shall draw up the basic process regarding manufacture ofthe transport packaging, and show the suppher its process clearly and have thena submit the tirnescale. General Ianager shan also confl ttthe process sheet fbr rnanufacture and inspection submitted by the supplier, comprehend its implementation,and ifnecessary,consider revising the basic process or changing the contract.

E 2.3 Approval oFspecial process General Manager shan identi,the p Cess that is not sumctently ve able in he subscquent inspection as special process,and shall have the supplier submit inspectiom manuals containing ability of vorkers, vork methods and others regarding such special process, vith a view to ensure process conttol.

E.2.4 Control ofnew mel od General l:anager shan,in case Ofperfo ling a new method for inanufacturing the transpon packaging,conarln thejustificatioil orsucil illcti10d iI ndvance in dn appropriate way.

E.2.5 Manufacture veriication General anager shan perfox ttthe followings in order to confl H thatthe packaging shall comply with the requirements given in the laws,speciications,standards,design documents,etc:

(1)Audit ofthe suppher shau be conducted ifnecessary,and in addition,the status of supplier's aud to the subcontractor shall be coni led.As required,direct audit to the subcontractor shaH be 15

conducted under the agreement vtth the supplier and subcontractor.

(2)For he inspection ofmanufacturing the packaging and components,he witnessed check and record check shall be perfo led taking safety importance etc.into account.The matters regarding the packaging are sutteCttO he WE.6.2,3 1nspection and tes .

E.3 1dentirication and traceabili E 3.l ldentiication and traceability ofthe packaging and lransport equipment ln order to use the appropriate transpott packaging and equipment,General anager shall,in case of nonconfo ty ofthe transpoA packaging and equipment,conduct control including the rnatters shown below for ttaceabilly ofheir history as required regarding the transpoh identiflcttion.In addttion,General fanager shan,in case thatthe controlis to be done by the supplier,have the supplier sub lit control rnanuals,conduct conttol upon approval ofE)irector as necessa  :

(1)Put he identiication number on the transpott packaging and equipmeH,so that it should be comparablevith the records.

(2)The identiflcation shall be displayed with the approp ate number or symbol as far as possible on the surface ofpackaging and lransport equipment.

(3)For display of such identiicttion,he following shall be satisfled:

(a)It ShOuld be clear and easily distinguished from ohers, (b)It ShOuld not be easily erasable.

(C)It ShOuld not affect quali (4)The atention shali be paid tO the following hems in case ofthe temporary storage ofthe transport packaging and equipment during each process ofttansport pellllission,packaging lnanufacture, Ioading/unioading ofhe packaging,pre transpoH inspection and transport:

(a)Maintain the identiicttion oftransport packaging and equipment (b)Res iction ofaccess ofthe parties not concerned E 3.2 Packaging design,rnanufacture,handling,calculation code for storage,identiication and traceability ofcomponents General Manager shaH,in order to use the proper calculation code and components or ifthere is nonconfott therein,conduct control including the 14aierS shown below regarding identiication in each stage ofthe design,Inanufacture,handling and maintenancc ofthe packaging,etc,so that the track record shall be lraceable as required. In addition,General /1anager shan,in case that the 16

suppher controls the xnatters shown below,have the suppher sub lit control lnanuals,conduct control upon approval ofI)irector as necessary:

(1)CalCulation code,individual components or iots shall be uniquely identined and should be comparable with the record.

(2)The identiication shall be displayed with the app priate number or symbol as far as possible on the surfacc ofcomponents.

(3)For display ofsuch identiacation,the following shall be sttisiedi (a)It ShOuld be clear and easily distinguished frOm Ohers.

(b)It ShOuld not be easily erasable.

(C)It Shan not arect quali (4)In caSe cOmponents are stored during manufacture,handling and mainttn mce ofthe packaging, attention shall be paid so that such identiication should be rnaintained.

(5)In caSe cOmponent identiflcation is diFlcult,or in case such identincation alone may resuh in misuse,identiication shaH be ensured by categorizing inventory COntrol or storage location.

E.4 Storage ofprocured products General l:anager shau store the product in an adequatt sttlte during the period from tts receipt to instanation(use)aner accepting the procured product.This storage shall include identiflcation, handling,packing,storage and protection as required.Storage sha be applied to replacements and spare parts.

E.5 Control ofmonito ng instrument and measuring insttument (1)Director shall in order to assllre the accuracy ofthe monitoring instrument and the measuring insttument used for tests and inspections,derine he control procedure.

(2)General Manager shall perfo the inspection,calibration and mainttnance in accordance w Hhe conol procedure deined in(1)abOVe. Ifany insti u14ent Wllich needs the verincation ofdle measured values is used,the following items should be fulined.

(a)It ShOuld be calibrated or verined in the light ofthe measureme standard which is traceable for the intemational or national rneasurement standard prior to use or at some defined inte als. In case there is no apphcable standard,the criteria used for the cahbration Or veri lcation shan be recorded.

(b)The instmment shali be attuSted or re attusted as necessary.


(C)It ShOuld be identined so that the calibration conditions should be clariied.

(d)The Operation which makes he measured results become null shall be stopped by some de ce.

(e)It ShOuld be protected so hatit shan not be damaged or degraded during handling,rnaintenance and storage.

(3)In caSe the instrument ttms outto be non confo ing to requirements,the app priateness ofhe measured results shall be evaluated and recorded. Also,adequate treatnent shan be done rbr the arected duties and measurement insttument.

(4)Calibrttion ofthe measurement insttument and veriicttion results(including he traceability cettiication)shall be recOrded and maintained in accordance with the recording control procedure.

F. Handhng and maintenance F.l Handling con ol Director shall document the con ol methods ofhandling including the following ittms and properly control itin order to prevent damage or eroneous operation ofthe transpott packaging during handhng.

General Ianager shall clearly indicate requirements ofhandling to the person who is in charge of handling(employee or contractor)in Orderto contribute for the prevention ofdarnage and eroneous operation ofthe lranspoA packaging.

(1)InSpection ofhandlng device,and lneasures to prevent operational erors or damage during handling (2)Handling conditions ofthe packaging:

(3)ConditiOns and methods for ttanspotting he packaging into or out ofthe storage facili (4)PersOn in charge offach F,2 aintenance and storage ofthe packaging (1)Dircctor shall,in ordcrto maintain confo ity to requirements ofthe packaging,documentthe methods ofrnainttnance control and properly control it.

(2)Director shall,in orderto maintain confo ity to requirements ofthe packaging,doculnent the methods ofstorage control including the following items and properly cont l it, (a)Measures to prevent damage during storage (b)StOrage method and setting ofthe storage area considering en =lmental conditions etc.

(C)InSpection during storage 18

(d)PersOn responsible for the facility ln addition,follow the conttnts aner the review when Quality Management Systemis revised.

G.easurement,analysis and improvement G,l General The l)irector General,the l)irector and General Manager shall plan and implement the process for monitoring,Ineasurement and improvement required for the fonowing Fnatters:

(1)Veritt cOnfO ity ofrequireme s for he duties, (2)Ensure confo ity ofhe quality management plan.

(3)Co inuOusty imp ve erectiveness ofhe quality management plan.

This includes a statistic l ethod and an apphcable mehod and the extent ofits use will be consldered.

G.2 onitoring and measurement G.2.l lntemal audit (1)The Director General shall perfo 1l intemal audit on design,manuFacture,handling, maintenance and lransport ofthe packaging during he year concerned in o der to coni 111 vhether or not the following matters regarding quality management activ ies have been ttlilled,:

(a)Wheher he quali management system confo s to theD.l Duty plansand requirements ofthis quality management plam.

(b)Whether tte quality management plan has been ettectively operated and maintained.

(2)The Director General shallimplementthe intemal program which specines the following matters by ttking into account the process to be audited,its impottance,he past audit tesults, (a)Crtteria,scope and methods ofaudit (b)OttectiVity and faimess shall be ensured in selecting the auditor and implementing the audit.

(3)The Director Ceneral shall prepare tlle p cedure defining the requirements and ttsponsib ty regarding the audit p erfoR ance,result repotting,and record mailltenance.

(4)In ordertO remove any detected nonconfo ity and its cause,the Director General shall instmct he audited Director to corectin the fo i ofdocument and ask him/her to verl,he actiOns taken and to report the veriflcation results.The fonowup shan include the veriacation ofthe actions taken and the repon ofthe veriflcation results.


G.2.2 Process rnonitoring and lneasurement (1)The Director Ceneral,Director and General ranager shall monitor he process ofquality management systems in a proper way and approp ely measure h as necessary.

(2)In caSe thtt he planned outtome cannot be achieved,depending on he e ent ofits impact, appropriate actions for lnodiflcation and corection shall be taken.

G.2.3 1nspection and test The Director General shall establish an inspection system(independent inspection organization) and designate a person in charge ofoperator inspections when operator inspections are conducted in accordance with the Reactor Regulation LIn addition,the Director General or the Director vho conducts voluntary inspections and tests shall establish a lnanagement guideline for inspections and tests to verify thtt the requirements for the manuFacture and mainttnance oftranspon cOntainers and procured products are inet,and shan lnanage the fonowingS:

(1)The person in charge ofoperttor inspections,the )irector,and General llanager are to conduct operator inspections,voluntary inspections, appropriate stages in accordance with the individual work plan(see D 1)to Veritt hat the requirements for he Fabrication,maintenance,and procurement products ofttansport containers are rnet.

(2)Crette and manage records pettaining to the results ofoperator inspections,voluntaly inspections,etc., vhich provide the evidence ofcompliance with the pass/fail crtteria for hspections and tests(see A.3)

(3)The reCOrds should clearly indicate who o lcially auttorized the release(handOverto he next process)

(4)The transport container concemed is not to be used untilthe inspections and tests detellllined in he individual vork plan are completed without any hindrance.However,this should not apply if the person in charge Ofthe relevant authority approves it according to the procedures specifled in the plan ofindividual operations.

(5)The persOn in charge ofoperator inspections shall ensure the independence ofthe personnel vho conduct inspections so that he neuttali and reliability ofoperator inspections are not impaired, according to the importance ofthe secuttty activities.In addition,the Director and General W anager shan apply inutatis lnutandis to the independence ofinspection and testing personnel fbr voluntary inspections etc.


G.3 Nonconfo ity cont l (1)The Director General shallimplement he procedure for the nonconfo li contr01 including the following hems:

(a)In Order to prevent he statts ofnonconfo ity to he requirements for safe asSurance and rehability regarding the packaging and lranspon from being lett neglected,such requirements shall be identined.

(b)COnt l relating to processing ofnonconfo i itS responsibilities and authorhies (2)The Director and General Manager shalltake actions for nonconfottmity in eiher ofthe fonowing ways:

(a)Actions shall be taken to remove detected nonconfo ity.

(b)SuCh actions(e.g.identiflcttion display,segregation and disposal)shall be taken so h nonconfomance matters or nonconforlnance goods shali not be used nOr applied as originally lnttnded.

(3)The Director shan keep records ofnonconfo characteristics and actions taken.

(4)The Director shall perfo revalidation and re inspection in order to veri,the cOnfott ity to requirements in case nonconfo ity is co ected.

(5)The Director and General Manager shallimplement appropritte treatment for he inauence or hkely inauence caused by that nonconfol when nOnconfol ty is detected after perfo ancc tt ofduties or after delivery to the outside regarding the process ofduties or products e .

G.4 Co ective actions (1)The Director General shallimplementthe control p cedure for corect e actions for he fonowing hems:

(a)COnfl ion ofthe nonconfo lity details (b)Identiicttion ofthe cause(including related factors)ofnonCOnfo ity (C)Cl lriication ofc stcncc ofsimilar nonconfo ies or possibihty ofoccu ence of such nonconfo ities (d)Decision and perfo ance ofnecessary actions (e)Recording ofaction results (1)Re ew ofthe validity ofco ect e actions (2)When any nOnconfo lity is detected,the Director and General anager shallimmediately ind the cause ofnonconfoll ity and take corect e actions to prevent nonconfo ity from occuring 21


(3)The Director and General Manager shall appropriately take co ect e actions in accordance with the control procedure ofsuch coFeCtiVe actions.Those corective actions shan be adequate in the ligh ofthe effect of such found noncOnfollttlity (4)The status ofcorective actions shall be he input info atiOn ofhe management re ew (5)The Director General shall have the Depu Director General ofQuality ittmize the info ion regarding such nonconfo ty(including the infoI ation ofthe corect e actions)if Such nonconfo lity is houghtto be useful for other depattments,and submit it to the Director Generals oflntegrated Suppott for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security and the Director of Safety and Nuclear Security Administtation Head Orlce.

G.5 Preventat e actions (1)The Director Ceneral shall establish control p cedure ofpreventative actions for he following items:

(a)Identincation ofpossible nonconfo ity and its cause (b)Assessment ofnecessity ofactions to ensure he prevention ofnon confo lity (c)Detell ttination and perfo lance ofnecessary actions (d)Recording ofaction results (e)Review ofvalidity ofco ect e actions (2)The Director and General Manager shalltake measures to prevent att possible nonconfo ity frorn occu ring,including utilization ofthe knowledge acquired by designing,Inanufacturing, handhng,Inaintaining and transporting the packaging,and the knowledge(e.go cases oftrouble) acquired by other sources, (3)The Director and General Manager shall perfott ttthe app priate preventat e actions in accordance widh the con ol procedure ofpreventative actions.

(4)The reSu s ofpreventat c actions shall bc thc input info ation ofthe management revie In addition,follow he contents anerthe review when Quality Management Systtmis revised.


Basic policy for quali management(Nuclear Science Research lnsthute)

This quality management system stipulates the requirements for quality assurance activities by reference to he Rules ofQuality Assurance for Safety ofNuclear Power Plants(JEAC4 H 2009).

A.Quality management system A.l General requirements (1)An organization shall establish,document,implement,and maintain a quality management systern for ttanspoHation,etc.An organization shan also continue to improve the effectiveness of this quality management system.

(2)An organizttion shallimplement he following matters:

(a)Claritting p cesses required for a qu management system and hett applicttion to an organization.

(b)Clari,ing the order and correlation ofthe p cesses.

(c)Deaning requiredjudttnent criteria and methods to ensure that both operttion and management ofthe processes are erective.

(d)Ensuring that he resources and info ation requtred to operate and monitor he processes are available.

(e)MOnitOring,measuring,and analyzing the processes.Howevett he measurement can be skipped when itis dilcult to rneasure.

o Forthe processes,taking measures required to obtain resuhs as plamed ttld continue to ilmprove them.

(8)Matching the p cesses and he organizttion with a quality management system.

(h)PrOmOting work based on he knowiedge ofsocial science and behavioral science.

A.2 Requirements fbr documentation A.2.l Gcncral The quality management system documents shall be each em ofhe followingi (1)Quality policy and quali OttectiVe (2)Primary document(quality assurance program)

(3)Secondary document(dOCuments required by primary documents and documents such as rules dete ned nccessary by an organization)

(4)TeAiary documents(dOCuments such as p cedures and guides de ined necessary by an 23

organization other than prima documents and secondary documents)

(5)Records required by documents of(1)tO(4)

A.2.2 Quali assurance plan The Director General shall develop,review as necessary,and maintain a quality assurance plan that includes the followingsi (1)lMatters related to planning,implementation,evaluation,and imp vement ofthe quality management systtm (2)Scope Ofapplication ofthe quality management system (3)Established"documented procedures"for the quality management system or info ion makes it possible to refer to them (4) desCription ofhe inte elationsh s amOng the p cesses ofhe quality manageme system.

A.2.3 Documentrnanagemen A director general and a manager(research reactor accelerator adminis ion m lager,The same shall apply hereinafter)shall deine p cedures for the document and record managementto cettainly implement the following matters:

(1)Managing documents required by a quality management system.Howeve atthough records are a kind ofdocuments,they are managed in accordance with the requirements specined in A.3 Record lnanagement.

(2)Speci,ing the management requred forthe following act ittsi (a)App ving documents prior to the issuance from he ewpoint ofwheherthey are appropriate.

(b)Reviewing,renewing as necessary,and reapp ng doclmlents.

(C)Clarifying the identincation ofdocument changes and he ident cation state ofthe cuently cffcctivc version,by a lnanagementledger,etc.

(d)Ensuring thtt he app pritte version ofthe coresponding documentis available when and where it is required,by a managementledge etc.

(e)Ensuring that documents can be easily read and easily distinguishable, (f)Clari,ing extemal documents dete ttined to be required for he quality management system planning and operation and ensuring thattheir distribution is lnanaged by a lnanagement ledger,etc.


(g)Preventing an abOlished document from being used by mistake.AIso,identi,ing it appropriately when it is retained rbr a cehain purpose.

A.3 Quality record management A director general and a manager shan deine procedures forthe document and record rnanagement to certainly implement the fbllowing rnatters:

(1)Clari,ing the target for cretting records and maintaining hem to p de e dence of confo ing to requirements and erectively Operating a quality management system.

(2)Making records easy to read,easily d tinguishable,and rettievabL.

(3)Speci,ing he management required for identiication,storage,p tection, rieval,storage time, and disposal ofrecords.

B.An applic S reSponsibilities B.l Commttment A director general sham conductthe following rnatters as the top's comalitmentto consttuct and implement a quality management system and continue to improve its erectiveness:

(1)Making it public in an organization to obse e laws and ordinances and regulatory requirements.

(2)Setting up a quahty policy.

(3)PromOting act ities for fosttring nuclear safe .

(4)Ensuring hat quality otteCt es are set up.

(5)ConduCting a management re eHM (6)Ensuring thtt resources are available.

B.2 Emphasis on nuclear safety A director general shall give top prio ty to nuclear safett dete line requirements for work,and ensure dlat they are l et.

B 3 Quality policy and quality ottect e B.3.l Quality record A director general shali ce ainly conduct the following matters conceming the quanty pOlicy related to transportation,c .:

(1)Being app p ate in regard to Articte 4 ofthe Act on the Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 25

Independent Administrative Agency(PurpOSe Ofthe agency )

(2)Being appropriate in regard to the quality policy conceming nuclear safety speciied by the chief directon (3)Incorporating the commitmentto confo to requireme s and continuc to improve the erectiveness ofa quality management system.

(4)Giving the framework for set up and review ofquality ottectiVes, (5)Making hem transmtted to and understood by he whole organization.

(6)Reviewing to maintain heir adequacy.

B 3.2 Quality otteCt e The Director General should establish manuals for he management ofquality otteCtiVes to ensure thatthe foHowings are implemented.

(1)The Director General shall have the Director set quality otteCt es,Such quali otteCt es shall include those necessary to rneet the requirements fbr the work,if a (2)The quali OttectiVes shall be consistent wih the quality policy and the degree ofthe achievement ofhose otteCt es shali bejudgeable.

B.4 Responsibility and authority B.4.l Structtre The quali aSSurance organization for work conceming transportation containers,etc,is shown in (c) Fig.B 2.

B 4.2 Responsibility and authonty The following persons have responsibility and author h the maters descibed for each:

(1)Director general A director general integrates and p motes quality assllrance act ities for transportation,c .

ca ried out at the research institute.

(2)PersOn in charge ofquahty assurance control A person in charge ofqual assurance ntrol has he following responsibility and authority:

(a)TO ensure that a process required for a quality management system is established,impleme ed, and rnaintained.

(b)TO reportto a director general on the quality management systemimplementation stttus and whether i nprovements need to be made.


(C)TO ensure thatthe consciousness ofcompliance with applicable laws and ordinances and nuclear safety is enhanced across the organization.

(3)Manager A manager integrates and promotes quality assurance activities for transpo ion, a depanment under his/herjurisdiction.

(4)SectiOn chief A section chiefconducts quality assurance activities fbr ttansportation,e .in a department under his/herjurisdiction.

(5)Quality assurance promotion committee The quality assllrance promotion committee reviews impottant matters for promoting quality assurance activtties and for quaHty assurance activities in he research institute and inatters inquired by a director general.

(6)Safety review comm ee for nuclear facilities and safety review commmee for facilities used The safety review commmee for nuclear facilities and the safety review commttee for f hties used review important matters for promoting operttional safety activities and for operational safety act ities in he research instttute and matters inquired by a director general.

B,4,3 1ntemal col munication An organization shan use rneetings,business communication lnemorandums,etc,to ensure info ation exchange to allow beier intemal coHllnuniCation.It shall also ensure that the infoll ion about he effectiveness ofa quality management systtm is exchanged.

B.5 anage=nent review A director general shall define procedures for the management review to certainly i nplement the following inatters:

B.5 l General (1)For he work conceming tmnsportttion,eto.,a diroctor goneral shall conduct a manageme review at least once a yearto coni hat a quality management system continues to function appropriately,validly,and erectively.

(2)In hiS review,the evaluation ofoppottunities for improving a quality management system and he evaluation ofthe necesslty for changes ofa quality management system including a quality policy shall be conducted.

(3)Records ofhe result ofa managOmentre ew shall be maintained.


B.5,2 1nputto a rnanagement review A person in charge ofquali assurance con ol shall incorporate the following matters in the input to a managementreviewi (a)Audit results (b)HOW Outsiders ew the achievement ofnuclear safety (C)Implementttion stttus ofa p cess(inCluding the achicvement status ofquali Ottect es) and inspection and test results (d)Implementation status ofact ities for fostering the nuclear safety culture (e)Status Ofcompliance wih applicable laws and ordinances (f)Stttus Ofpreventat e measures and co ect e actions (g)Follow up to results ofpre ous managementre ews (h)Changes which may arect a qual management system (i)PrOposals for improvement B.5,3 0utput from a managementreview A director general shallincorpOratt the decisions and measures on the following matters in he o put from a managementreviewi (a)Imp vement ofhe erectiveness ofa quality management system and its p cesses (b)Imp vements required for work planning and implementation (c)Necessity for resources 28

Director General ofthe Nuclea Science Research institute person in charge an internal audit Person in charge of quality internal assurance control organization RR 3 Supe isor of Reactor Technics RR 4 Supe isor of Decommissioning Facility Qual y assurance promouon committee Safety review commmee fOr nuciear facilities Director Depattment of Research Reactor and Tandem Accelerator Depanment Of Research Reactor and Tandenl Accelerator Qual y Management Assurance Review Organizadon (C) Fig.B 2 Quality asswance organization conceming design,etc.ofnuclear fuel package 29

C.Educttion and training A manager shall define procedures for the education and training rnanagement to cenainly irnplement the rbllowing inatters:

(1)TO Claritt the COmpetence required for the personnel engaged in he work.

(2)To asSign a person capable ofcamying out he work,using the required education,training, skills,and experience as the basis ofjudttent.

(3)To carry out education and training or OJ etc.SO hat personnel can have the required competence.

(4)To evaluate the effectiveness ofconducted education and ttaining,etc.

(5)To make personnel recognize the meaning and importance oftheir activities and how they can contribute to achie ng quali otteCtiVes.

(6)To maintain records conceming education and ttaining ttack records,skills,and experience.

D.Desiga rnanagement D.lI)esign and development program (1) manager shall deane procedures for design and development managementto clari,p ceSSes required for designing and developing a transportttion container(inCluding a proto pe COntainer).

(2)A section chiefshall fo ulate and mlage a design and development p gram in accordance with the procedures for design and development rnanagement.

(3)A section chiefshali claritt he f01lowing matters in the design and development p gram:

(a)Stage Ofdesign and development (b)Review,veriacation,and validation suittble for each stage ofdesign and development (c)RespOnsibility and auhori for design and development (4)The deSign and development p gram shallincorporate tho following matters and clearly indicate them to those who caHy out design and development(employees,etc.and contractors):

(a)TO Clari design/development requirements,such as applicable laws and ordinances, standards,and design/development conditions,persons in charge Ofthe review,approval,etc.,

and required design analysis,design veriflcation,etc.,as design documents, (b)TO deine p cedures for selecting the components important for ttansportation containers' functions and he construction method applied to hem and evalutting he validitt etc and 30

evaluate them.

(C)TO deine procedures for selecting,documenting,and approving an appropriate disposition method when a ch mge(inCluding a de ation) om design and development requirements arises.

(d)TO assign those who have approp ate experience and knowledge to he design and development work and rnake the required info ation and means available.

(e)TO al10w the persons other han an original designer to evaluate design and development documents.

(5)A section chiefshall clar the fOl10wing matters and operatt and manage he interface betteen the organizations involved in design and development to ensure erective coHllnunication and clear assignment ofresponsibilit It shan incorpOrate the design interface vith a section in charge of manufacturing transportation containers and a section in charge ofrnaintaining transponatiOn containers,The interface shall also be provided wih contractors as necessary.

(a)Interface between organizations or between conttactors (i)Clari,ing he responsibility for the interface ofdesign and development (ii)Claritting mehOdS for creating,re ewing,app ng,issuing,distributing,and re sing design documents on the interface ofdesign and development and responsible organizations (b)COmmunication between organizations or between conttactors (i)Clari, g mehOdsto posidon,examine,and approve the infomttion about design and development info ation coHlinunication (it)Ctaritting he interface between the organization carrying out design and developme and he one related to each stage ofp curement,manufacttring,and maintenance(Or he extemal organizttion)

(6)A section chiefshallrenew he p gram fo ulated in accordance wih the progress ofdesign and development as appropriate.

D 2 1nputto design and development (1)A section chiefshall clarify he requirement related input,renect itin design and development, and keep and manage the records.The following rnaters shall be incorporated in the inpu (a)Requirements for the function ttld perfO anCC Ofa ttanspottation container(including a prototype container)

(b)Requirements,such as applicable laws and ordinances 31

(c)Requirements for a quality assurance p gram (d)InfO ation obtained from a pre ous similar design when applicable (e)Other requirements essential for design and development (2)A section chiefshall claritt in Wrtting and implementthe mehod for re ew and app valto prevent inappropritte data use in clari,ing design and development requirements.

(3)A section chiefshall review the inpu s adequacy.It shall be noted hat here is no omission,no ambigui and nO incompatibili in requirements.

D.3 0utput from design and development (1)A section chiefshall present he output from design and developmentin the fo ofa drawing,a l speciflcation,a report,a check sheet, anow the verification comparing h with the input to design and development.In that case,it sha be ensured thatthe output fro l design and development is in the following stattsi (a)The requiremeHs given in he inputto design and development are satisied.

lation suitable for perfo ing procurement and work is pro ded.

(b)The infO (C)The characteristics ofa transpottation container essential for safe use and p per use are cla ied.

(d)When a demonsttation ttst and manufacturing ofp totype containers are outsourced for the validation ofdesign and development,thejudgment ofacceptancc ofhe reltted inspection and test is inco pOrated,or it is referenced.

(2)A section chiefshall approve the output from design and development before p ceeding to the next stage.

D.4 Review ofdesign and development (1)A section chiefshall perfo a systematic review as planned,aiming atthe following mahers at an appropriate design and development stageIn his review)hose who have screening skills,such as expe s in other departrnents,shan be included,as necessary.

(a)TO evaluate whether design and development results can sttis,the requirements.

(b)TO Cla ,p blems and p pose necessary measures.

(2)A section chiefshall keep and manage review result records and disposhion records ifany disposttion is required.


D.5 Design and development veritcttion (1)A section chiefshall perfo a veriication as planned to ensure hatthe output from design and development satisies the requirements given in the inputto design and development at an appropriate design and development stage,considering the following rnatters:

(a)MethOd Ofdesign and development verification (i)The verincttion for one or more designs and developments,such as a re ew ofdesign and development,altemative calculation,a demonstration test,and the comparison with previous sinlilar designs,are perfo led as appropriate.

( )Design and deveiopment are verirled by the persons oher than an original designer.

(b)Altem e calculation The design and development requirements,the adequacy ofa calculation code,etc.are coni led as wem as an original design.

(c)Demons ion test Tests,such as a veriication test and a perfolll ance test,are cattried out considering the structural rnaterial and the sttuctural systenl ofa transportation container,environmental conditions,etc.

(d)COmparison with pre ous similar designs and development The comparison with design and development requirements,a sttuctural systenl,a calculation code,etc.for a comparison target is perfo led tO confl the validity ofdesign and development.

(2)A section chiefshan keep verification result records and disposhion records ifany disposition is requlred.

D.6 Validation ofdesign and development (1)A scction chiefshall perfo a validttion as planned at an appropriate sttge ofdesign and development to ensure thtt the design documents as a result ofdesign and development(inCluding Safe analysis repoAs)satiS,he requirements according to he designated use or he inttnded use.

Whenever feasible,a validation shan be completed prior to delivering or providing design docume s(inCluding safe analysis repois)

(2)A section chiefshall keep validation resuit records and disposition records ifany disposition is requlred.


D 7 Change rnanagement ofdesign and development (1)When changing design and development,an organizatbn sh l dari,the reasons for change, sections changed,changed contents,the existence ofthe inauence due to the change,circumstances ofthe change,etc,before changing them,app priately perfom a re ew,veriication,and validation,and approve the change before implementation in accordance with the procedure for design and developmentrnanagement.

(a)Changing design and development (i)Design and development are changed by the same manageme method ofdesign and development as the one applied to the original design.

(1)The inauence ofhe change in design and development on the safety ofa ttansportation container(inctuding components,etc.) ld deSign docume s(including safety analysis reports)and the validity are evaluattd.

(b)Translnitting changes ofdesign and development The info ation conceming design change is transrlitted to related organizations in wrhing as specifled by a design and development program.

(2)An organization sha keep change review result records and disposhion records ifany disposition is required.

E. anufacturing order ofa transportation container E.l Procurementrnanagement A director general shan deine procedures for the procurement rnanagementto ensure the following matters:

E.1.l Procurement process (1)An organi7atiOn shall ensllre that procured products,etc.comply witt specifled procurement requirements.

(2)The mehOd and degree ofm lagement for suppliers,procured p ducts,etc.shall be deined depending on the inauence ofprocured products,etc,on nuclear safety.

(3)An organization shall evaluate and select a supplieL using he suppliers capability of supplying p cured products, accordance wih the organizatio s requirements as the basis ofjudgment, based on the criteria ofselection,evaluation,and reevaluation defined in the procedure for 34


(4)An organization shall keep evaluation result records and disposition records ifany disposition is required by the evaluation.

(5)An organization shall derine the method for obtaining the technical info atiOn conceming nuclear safety required for mainttnance or operation after the procwement ofprocured products,etc.

and the rnethod for the necessary disposition when sharing them with other depaiments.

E.1.2 Procurement requirements (1)A section chiefshali claritt he requirements for procured products,etc.and include the relevant items among he following when necessary:

(a)Requirements fbr the approval ofa product,a procedure,a process,and equipment (b)Requirements for qualiflcttion conf ation ofpersonnel (c)Requirements for a quali management system (d)Requirements for a nonconfo lity repon and nOnconfo ity disposition (e)Matters necessary for act ities to foster a nuclear safety culture

( Matters for infomttion management (8)Other matters necessary for p cured p ducts,etc.

(2)An organization shall ensure hat speciied procurement requirements are valid before transHlitting them to a supplie E.1,3 Veiacation ofprocured products (1)A section chiefshall define and perfo required inspections or other act ities to ensure th p cllred products satis,speCined procurement requirements.

(2)When a Veriication is perfo ed at a supplie s facili a Section chiefshali clarify the veriflcation procedure and procured products'release method(pe iSSion for shipment)in procurement requirements.

(3)When receiving procured products,an organization sham make a procured products suppher submit a document recording the confo llity stttus to procurement requirements.

F.Handling and mainttnance An organization shaH plan and conductthe handlng and lnaintenance llnanagement ofa 35

transportation container in accordance with the )1lowing:

(1)COnsidering the Following matters,a manager shall derine a procedure for handling transportation containers to prevent eroneous operation ofand damage on a ttansportation container while handling a ttansportttion container under his erjurisdiction.

(a)InSpection ofhandling equipment and preventive lneasures against eroneous operation ofand damage on a transportation container during handling (b)IIandling conditions ofa transpoHation container (C)The shipping in/out conditions and rlehod ofa transpottation container IIom a storage facihty (d)PersOn responsible for handling (2)A section chiefshall clearly indictte requirements while handting a ttansponation cOHainer and renectthem in preventing eroneous operation ofand damage on a transportation container in accordance with a procedure for handling transpohation conttliners, (3)Considering he following matters,a manager shall deane a p cedure for maintenance managementofatransportationcolltainertolnaintainthedesignperfolHlanceofatranspo ation container under his/herjurisdiction.

(a)Requirements oflaws and ordinances,design documents,authorized or licensed maiers,etc.

(b)InSpection method and procedure for a ttanspo ation container (c)Dttage prevention measures in storage (d)Setting up storage method and storage areas considering envi nmental conditions,etc.

(e)PersOn responsible for maintenance and storage (4)A section chiefshall claritt requirements ofapplicable laws and ordinances egulations,design documents,authorized or licensed matters,etc.and renectthem in maintenance management of transpoHation containers in acco dance with a procedure l r rnainttnance management of transpoiation containers.

(5)A sedion chiefshall claritt and manage persons responsible for work to those who perfom mainttn mcc or storage(emp10yees,etc.and contractors).

(6)When maintenance work oftransportttion containers is outsourced,a section chiefshall make a conttactor submtt management manuals clari,ing the following maters and manage them aner obtaining the manageris approval,as necessary.

(a)Rcquirements oflaws and ordinances/regulttions,etc.

(b)PersOns responsible for approval,review,work insttuctions,etc.ofrules,manuals, 36

instructions,etc.required for lnanagement (7)Considering safety impoHance,etc ,a section chiefshali conduct witness coni ion and record confl atiOn in the mainttnance inspection ofttansportation containers(inCluding components).

G.Measurement,analysis and imprOvement G.1( eneral (1)Organizttion shall plan and implement the process for monitoring,measurement and improvement required for the following matters:

a)Ve ity Ofrequirements for the duties.

b)Ensure 'COnfO confo 11lity ofhe quality management system.

C)COntinuOusly imp ve erectiveness ofthe quality management systtm.

(2)This ShaH include statistical methods,applicable methods,and de inttion on he extentto which they are used.

G 2 1ntemal audit The Director(]eneral shall establish manuals for inttmal audits to ensure the following.

(1)The Director General shali conduct an intemal audit atleast once a year on ttansponttiOn and other act ities during the relevant iscal ycar to veri,whether he following items ofthe quality management system are fulilled:

a)Whether he quality management system confo s to the plan ofoperttions,the requirements of the quality assurance plan,and the quality management system requirements dete ined by the organization.

b)Whether the quality management plan has been effectively operated and maintained.

(2)The Director Geneml should implcmcntthc inttmal program which spcciics thc following matters by taking into account he process to be the audttd, s impoiance,the past audit results etc.

a)Criteria,scope and methods ofaudit b)0 eCt ity and faimess shall be ensured in selecting the auditor and implementing the audit.

Fuher,the auditor shall not audit his or her own duty.

(3)The manual for intemal audits shall speci,respOnsibil ies and auhorhies(authOrity to order 37

special intemal audits)and requirements for planning and conducting audits,repotting resutts,and management ofrecords.

(4)Records ofaudits and the results oftheni shan be retained.

(5)The persOn responsible for the audited area shall ensure that the necessary co ective and preventive actions are taken without delay to elirlinate the nonconfoH ty fbund and its cause.The follow up shan include the verincation ofthe actions taken and the report ofthe verirlcation result.

G.3 Nonconfo lty conol The Director General shall establish manuals for nonconfo ity management and coective and preventive actions to ensure the followings:

(1)The Organization shall ensure that nonconfo litieS are identifled and cont lled to prevent them from being leA unresolved.The manuals for nonconfo i and cOrect e and preventive actions sh l specl,the ntrols over the handlh8 0fnonconforinides and the responsibindes and authorhies relattd thereto.The manual for inttmal audits shali speci,he cont IS ove and the responsibility and authority for,the handhng ofnonconfo ties in quanty assurance activities identiied during intemal audits.

(2)The organization shalltake actions for nonconfo lity in eiher ofthe following ways:

a)Take action to remove detected nonconfo ity.

b)An authorized person may de ttline its use,release,or acceptance by special employment.

C)Take action to prevent its original inttnded use or application d)Ifa nOncOnfo ity is detected after deLvery,the organization should take an appropriate action for the erects or possible efFects ofthe nonconfokl i 1 (3)The organization should maintain records ofthe nature ofthe nonconfo li .

(4)When nOncOnfo ities are corected,the organization shall reveri,them tO demonsttate confb ance to the requirements.

ity is detected after del ery,the organizttion shall take appropriate action to (5)Ifa nOncOnfo address he erects or pOttntial effects ofthe nonconfo i .

G.4 Corective actions The Director General shall establish manuals for nonconfo ity management and corective and preventive actions,and for inttmal audits to ensure the fonowings.

(1)The Organizttion shalltake action to ehminate the causes ofnonconfo ities to prevent 38

recu ence.

(2)CoreCtiVe actions shall be commensurate wtth the impact ofhe nonconfo lity thtt has been found.

(3)The f0110Wing requirements shall be speciied in he manuals for nonconfo lity management and corective and preventive actions:

a)COnil ation ofthe nonconfo ity details b)Identincation ofthe cause ofnonconfo lity c)Evaluation ofthe necesslty ofhe actions to certainly prevent nonconfo lty frOm occuring agaln d)Decision and perfo ance ofnecessary actions e)Record ofthe results ofthe investigation and the corect e actions taken based on hose results, when an investigation is conducted into co ective actions.

f)Review ofact ies perfo l led in co ect e actions (4)The fOIIOWing requirements shall be spectied in he manual for intemal audits:

a)COniltt ion ofhe nonconfo lity details b)Identiication ofthe cause ofnonconfo lity c)Decision and perfomance ofnecessary actions d)Record ofhe results ofactions that have been taken G.5 Preve at"e actions The Director General should establish manuals for nonconfo ity management and corective and preventive actions,as wen as lnanuals for horizontal deployment,to ensure the following.

(1)The Organization should detett ine actions to eliminate the causes ofpossible nonconfott tieS, including the acquishion and utilization ofknowiedge obtained through the implementation of safety activities and technical info lation obtained from inside and outside the insthute,in order to preventthe occurence ofpossible nonconfo ty.This utilization inotudos sharing tho knowled80 obtained through the implementation ofnuclear safety and securi related act hies with other organizations.

(2)Preventive actions shali be commensurate wtth the impact ofpossible p blems.

(3)The organization shall speci,requirements for the followings.

a)Identiication ofpossible nonconfo lity and its cause b)Assessment ofnecessity ofactions to ensure he prevention ofnon confo ity 39

c)De lination and perfo ance ofnecessary actions d)Record ofthe results ofhe investigation and the preventive actions taken based on those results, when an investigation is conducted into preventive actions.

e)Review ofactivtties perfoHttled in preventive actions 40