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Session 3 - Advanced Manufacturing
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/13/2021
From: Matthew Hiser, Robert Roche-Rivera
Roche-Rivera R
Shared Package
ML21256A295 List:
Download: ML21256A299 (62)


Advanced Manufacturing Moderator: Matthew Hiser, Materials Engineer, RES/DE/MEB Panelists/Speakers:

Robert Davis (NRC)

David Gandy (EPRI)

Daniel Mann (ASME)

George Rawls (SRNL) and David Gandy (EPRI) 1

NRC Regulatory Approach for Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Bob Davis Senior Materials Engineer Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation NRC Standards Forum September 15, 2021 2

NRC Focus

  • Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMTs) are techniques and material processing methods
  • Not traditionally used in the U.S. nuclear industry
  • Not formally standardized/codified by the nuclear industry
  • Initial AMTs based on industry interest:
  • Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF)
  • Direct Energy Deposition (DED)
  • Cold Spray
  • Electron Beam Welding (Already Permitted by ASME Code Section III)

AMT Action Plan In June 2020, the NRC drafted Revision 1 of its advanced manufacturing technologies action plan ADAMS Accession No. ML19333B980:

  • Assess the need for guidance updates
  • Ensure NRC staff preparedness to review AMT applications for the Nuclear Industry
  • The AMT Action Plan
  • Task 1: Technical preparedness
  • Task 2: Regulatory preparedness
  • Task 3: Communications and knowledge management 4


Task 1 Technical Preparedness Activities

  • Subtask 1A: AMT Processes under Consideration
  • Perform a technical assessment of multiple selected AMTs of interest
  • Gap assessment for each selected AMTs vs traditional manufacturing techniques
  • Technical context document for each report developed by AMT team: LPBF - ML20351A292
  • Subtask 1B: NDE Gap Assessment
  • Subtask 1C: Microstructural and Modeling
  • Evaluate modeling and simulation tools used to predict the initial microstructure, material properties and component integrity of AMT components
  • Identify existing gaps and challenges that are unique to AMT compared to conventional manufacturing processes:

Task 2 - Regulatory Preparedness Activities

  • Provide guidance and support to regional inspectors regarding AMTs implemented under quality assurance and 50.59 programs. Complete: ML21155A043
  • Subtask 2B: Assessment of Regulatory Guidance
  • Assess whether any regulatory guidance needs to be updated or created to clarify the process for reviewing submittals with AMT components. Complete: ML20233A693
  • Subtask 2C: AMT Guidelines Document
  • Develop a report which describes the generic technical information to be addressed in AMT submissions. Technology specific guidelines are also being developed.
  • Public meeting scheduled for September 16, 2021 to discuss Draft AMT Review Guidelines ML21074A037 and Draft Guidelines Document for AM -LPBF ML21074A040 6


NRC Guidelines for AMT

  • A Technical Letter Report (TLR) will be generated for each of the initial five AMTs (e.g., LPBF, DED, Cold Spray, Electron Beam Welding, PM-HIP)
  • Provides technical basis information and gap analysis
  • Written by NRC contractor (National Labs)
  • A Technical Assessment (TA) will be generated for each TLR by NRC staff which will provide the staff technical assessment
  • A Draft Guidelines Document (DGD), informed by the TA and TLR, will be generated by the NRC staff for each AMT.
  • DGDs to accompany the Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Review Guidelines 7


NRC AMT Guidelines Development AMT-Specific (Initial 5 AMTs) Generic Technical Regulatory Guidelines (Subtask 1A) (draft for FRN public comment)

Draft Technical Technical Guidelines Letter Report Assessment Document LPBF LPBF LPBF ML20351A292 ML20351A292 ML21074A040 Draft Technical Technical Guidelines Letter Report Assessment Document L-DED L-DED L-DED Subtask 2C Draft Draft AMT Technical Technical Final Guidance Guidelines Review Letter Report Assessment for Initial AMTs Document Guidelines Cold Spray Cold Spray Cold Spray ML21074A037 Draft Technical Technical Guidelines Letter Report Assessment PM-HIP PM-HIP Document PM-HIP Expected to Draft be developed Legend later after Technical Technical Guidelines Contractor-developed Letter Report Assessment Document EBW EBW EBW DOE-EPRI NRC Staff-developed demo project 8

Communications and KM Activities

  • Subtask 3A: Internal Interactions
  • Internal coordination with NRC staff in other areas (e.g., advanced reactors, dry storage, fuels)
  • Subtask 3B: External Interactions
  • Engagement with codes and standards, industry, research, international
  • Subtask 3C: Knowledge Management
  • Seminars, public meetings, training, knowledge capture tools
  • Subtask 3D: Public Workshop
  • RIL 2021-03: Part 1 Part 2
  • Subtask 3E: AMT Materials Information Course
  • Internal NRC staff training
  • Five seminars to date on a variety of topics 9


Regulatory Pathways Several Regulatory Pathways exist to implement an AMT

  • Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) 50.59, Changes, tests and experiments
  • License amendment (e.g., technical specification change) 10 CFR 50.90
  • Change in regulations through the rulemaking process
  • ASME Code Cases 10 9

10 CFR 50.59 and AMTs

  • 10 CFR 50.59 is a change process that involves using screening questions to determine if a change can be made without NRC approval.
  • The staff prepared a paper to document the staffs generic review of how a change to use an AMT component for a safety-related application could be implemented at a plant in accordance with
  • The paper is available under the NRC Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML21155A043
  • Two AMT components have been installed using the 50.59 process.
  • Byron Unit 1 thimble plugging device
  • Browns Ferry Unit 2 channel fasteners 11 10

First US Application of Additive Manufacturing

  • Thimble Plugging Device
  • Installed in March 2020 in Byron Unit 1
  • 316L stainless steel -LPBF
  • Very low safety significant component (Non ASME B&PV Code class)
  • PWR environment with irradiation
  • Installation done without prior NRC approval under 10 CFR 50.59 12 11

Second US Application of Additive Manufacturing

  • Channel Fastener
  • Installed in April 2021 at Browns Ferry Unit 2
  • 316L stainless steel - LPBF
  • BWR environment with irradiation

Credit: Framatome 13 12

Regulatory Pathways ASME Components

  • NRC approved Alternatives to codes and standards requirements.
  • ASME Code Section XI Code Cases (When listed in Regulatory Guide 1.147 Inservice Inspection Code Case Acceptability, ASME Code Section XI, Division 1.)

14 13

Regulatory Pathways ASME Components

  • 10 CFR 50.55a(z) Alternatives to codes and standards requirements may be granted by the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. The applicant or licensee must demonstrate that:
  • 10 CFR 50.55a(z)(1) Acceptable level of quality and safety. The proposed alternative would provide an acceptable level of quality and safety; or
  • 10 CFR 50.55a(z)(2) Hardship without a compensating increase in quality and safety. Compliance with the specified requirements would result in hardship or unusual difficulty without a compensating increase in the level of quality and safety
  • Code cases not yet listed in RGs 1.84 or 1.147, may be requested for use as part of a proposed alternative by a licensee or applicant in accordance with (z)(1) or (z)(2) above 15 14

NRC AMT Action Plan Deliverables Currently Publicly Available

  • Task 1C Modeling and Simulation of Microstructure
  • Gap analysis to predict material performance ML20350B550
  • Task 2C Guidance Document
  • Task 3D NRC Workshop on AMTs for Nuclear Applications
  • RIL 2021-03: Part 1 Part 2 16 15

Questions ?????

17 16

EPRI Advanced Manufacturing Methods (AMM) Roadmap David W. Gandy Sr. Technical Executive, Nuclear Materials Marc Albert, Sr. Technical Leader NRC Standards Forum September 15, 2021 18 © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

AMM Roadmap Background Considerable industry interest in applying AMMs to production of nuclear system components

- Repair/ maintenance of operating plants

- Extends to new plants (ALWRs, SMRs, ARs)

Deployment is complicated by multiple candidate processes, lack of standards, ASME acceptance Technology Drivers:

- Production of near net shapes (reduced machining, waste)

- Flexible production of obsolete parts

- Improved inspection characteristics

- Shorter lead times

- Reduced costs © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 19

Advanced Manufacturing

&VALUE GOAL Identify, develop, qualify and implement more economical manufacturing technologies that enable:

Higher Quality Components l Reduced Lead Times l Alternative Supply Chains l Cost Competitiveness Additive Manufacturing Advanced Manufacturing Advanced Welding Demonstration Project Techniques PM-HIP EB Welding Adaptive Feedback Welding 316L LPBF AM Data Package & Code Case Diode Laser Cladding Heat Treatment Modular In-Chamber EBW DED-AM Component Demonstration © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 20

EPRI Research on AMMs Understanding AMMs and Applicability of Each Advanced Manufacturing Methods Roadmap, Including ALWR and SMR Primary System Candidate Components (3002021059)

Review of LWR Component Opportunities for Powder Metallurgy-HIP (3002005432)

Additive Manufacturing Roadmap (3002018276)

Easily extends to advanced plants (SMRs, non-LWR ARs)

Demonstration of AMMs at Scale Development of Data Packages and Code Cases Development/Compilation of Environmental Effects for Regulatory Approval © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 21

Candidate AMM Processes for Nuclear Components AMM Processes Sizes Powder Metallurgy-Hot Isostatic Pressing ~4ft (1.2m) diameter Directed Energy Deposition-AM < 500 lb. (227kg) max.

Laser Powder Bed Fusion-AM ~75 lb. (34kg) max.

Electron Beam Welding up to 10ft diameter Advanced Cladding Processes (diode laser cladding, cold-spray & laser assisted cold-spray friction additive stir, diffusion bonding) NA Other Processes (advanced welding techniques, machining techniques, surfacing technologies NA © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 22

Size Often Dictates Advanced Manufacturing Process Laser Powder Bed Fusion Direct Energy Deposition Additive Manufacturing: Additive Manufacturing: Powder Metallurgy-HIP:

<75 lbs (35 kg) <500 lbs (225 kg) 100-10,000 lbs (45-4500 kg) © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 23

Roadmap Development

--Overview Roadmap development generated based on component size/materials

- This distinction avoids complications associated with addressing components on individual basis Three Roadmaps considered:

1. Primary pressure boundary (Class 1) components
2. Reactor internals
3. Other components (Obsolete parts, Classes 2 &3, etc.) © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 24

1. Primary Pressure Boundary (Class 1) Roadmap Roadmap includes an initial sizing study to identify candidate components

- Many large LWR Class 1 components exceed limitations of certain AMTs. 16 BWR Feedwater Inlet Nozzle (LAS)

Developments identified are specific to: size groups/processes/materials

- Larger Class 1 components can be manufacture using PM-HIP Demonstration pieces of LWR components already produced 316L already accepted by ASME, but other alloys require qualification testing and ASME approval

- Smaller Class 1 components may be produced by DED-AM or Powder Bed-AM Process development, qualification testing, ASME approval shown Few Class 1 components candidates for Powder Bed AM (size limitation) © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 25

Expanded on Next 2 Slides © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 26

Class 1 Pressure Boundary Components (1/2) © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 27

Class 1 Pressure Boundary Components (2/2) © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 28

2. Reactor Internals Roadmap Internals Roadmap generally follows similar pattern set for Class 1

- Up front sizing study Some significant differences:

- No low alloy steel components

- Fuel Hardware and Control Rod Drive components (unique shapes and materials)

- High strength Ni-base alloys and cobalt-free alloys Interaction with ASME is limited for Internals Roadmap

- Only core support structures require ASME approval

- Interaction with NRC may be required for some Safety Related Internals

- Other internals: free to use ASTM, AMS, etc. or no standard at all (a potential case for fuel hardware or control rod drive components) © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 29

Expanded on Next Slide © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 30

Reactor Internals (expanded) © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 31

3. All Other Components Roadmap

--Obsolete Parts, Class 2 & 3, etc.

Primary Pressure Boundary and Reactor Internals Roadmaps fully address needs of Other Components category

- e.g., ASME acceptance of a process/material for Class 1 immediately applicable to Class 2 & 3

- Other Components Roadmap is not required © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 32

Example List of Components © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 33

SummaryAMM Roadmap Two Roadmaps cover majority of component needs

- Primary Pressure Boundary (Class 1)

- Reactor Internals AMMs are described based on component size

- Large - PM-HIP

- Medium - PM-HIP & DED-AM

- Small - PM-HIP & DED-AM

- Very small - PBF Other technologies included:

- EBW, advanced cladding processes, fuel hardware, mechanical connections, CRDs © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 34

TogetherShaping the Future of Electricity © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 35

ASME Section III, SubGroup-MF&E.

Materials, Fabrication and Examination, TG-AM Task Group Advanced Mfg.

Public Meeting NRC Standards Forum:

Advanced Manufacturing Technologies September 15, 2021.

Virtual Meeting Daniel Mann - Flowserve Task Group Chair, TG on AM 36

Task Group Goal

  • Write rules for the adoption of Advanced Manufacturing processes by Section III, Div. 1 for incorporation into the 2023 and future Editions of Section III Formal ASME Task Group Charter
  • The Task Group on Advanced Manufacturing is responsible for developing, clarifying, and prescribing rules for the fabrication and stamping of items manufactured by techniques including: Powder Metallurgy / Hot Isostatic Pressing; Powder Bed-Additive Manufacturing; Direct Energy Deposition-Additive Manufacturing /

Wire; Cold Spray Deposition/Cladding; and Diode Laser Cladding.


1st formal TG meeting 1-27-2021

  • Meeting Cadence: during the 2 weeks prior to each ASME Code Week (Quarterly)
  • Process Specific Focus Groups meeting monthly

- Quality Assurance



  • Members of TG include representation from ASME Section II (Materials),Section III (MF&E), and Section IX (Welding) as well as representatives of Industry 38

TG Charter

  • TG determined Process specific Advanced Manufacturing (AM) methods should be limited to a selected scope achievable for 2023.
  • TG did not want to miss the next publication cycle due to an excessive scope which was not supportable by current resources.


AM Specific Methods

  • TG Identified and evaluated the status of current Code actions, supporting AM, to identify the specific methods for the TG to address for 2023.

- Powdered Metal/Hot Isostatic Pressing (PM/HIP)

- Direct Energy Deposition Gas Metal Arc Additive Manufacturing (DED-GMAAM)

- Laser Powdered Bed Fusion (LPBF) - Evaluated and held for the 2025 Edition 40

Topics required to be addressed by the TG to address for incorporation of AM into BPV III

  • Where to place the requirements in Section III, (New Article, New Section, Appendix)
  • How to handle the AM items as a new Product Form(s)
  • Evaluate the use of existing product form data as support of AM product form
  • Appendix to Address Specific: QA Requirements, Material Requirements, Fabrication Requirements, NDE Requirements 41

Philosophy for AM Incorporation into Section III:

Section III, Article 2000 to support AM Product Form and reference Mandatory Appendix for AM rules:



  • Structure incorporation of PM/HIP based upon approved Code Case N-834 ASTM A988/A988M-11 UNS S31603
  • We are Currently focused on alloy 316L as represented in CC N-834 supporting utilization in Section III
  • Expanding scope to include additional alloys in the initial release of this Appendix would likely negatively impact incorporation into 2023 due to scope creep
  • The Appendix will be expanded to incorporate additional alloys following current Code rules for new materials
  • Industry to drive the prioritization of which alloys are incorporated 43

Directed Energy Deposition - DED

  • Selected DED-GMAAM as the 1st DED Process to be incorporated
  • Structure incorporation of GMAAM based upon approved Section IX Code Case 3020
  • GMAAM selected as it is an extension of current industry experience. Welds and weld metal build up technology with decades of demonstrated in-service experience.


Quality Assurance

  • Intend to incorporate NCA-4200/-4300 (Material Organization) quality requirements as criteria as these standards have already been accepted for other product forms and processes.


Section III, Div.1 AM Questions/Comments?


ASME Criteria for Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing ASME Criteria for Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing ASME Special Committee on Additive Manufacturing George Rawls Advisory Engineer SRNL David Gandy EPRI NRC Standards Forum September 15,2021 47 Managed and operated by Battelle Savannah River Alliance, LLC for the U. S. Department of Energy.

ASME Criteria for Powder Bed Fusion Additive

  • What is Additive Manufacturing Manufacturing
  • Additive Manufacturing (AM) - a process of joining materials to make objects from 3D model data, usually layer upon layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing methodologies.
  • Subtractive Manufacturing - making objects by removing material (for example, milling, drilling, grinding, etc.) from a bulk solid to leave a desired shape.

Subtractive Additive Additive + Subtractive Application will require additive joined to non-additive 48

ASME Criteria for Additive Manufacturing

  • Additive Manufacturing (AM) Technologies Powder Bed Fusion Direct Energy Deposition Powder Bed Fusion Process
  • The ASME AM Committee has completed the initial work on the Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) criteria document.
  • Work has commenced on AM criteria for Direct Energy Deposition (DED) for metal inert gas and electron beam processes.


ASME Criteria for Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing

  • The PBF work is published In ASME PTB 2021 Criteria for Pressure Retaining Metallic components using Additive Manufacturing
  • The document provides criteria on the materials, design, fabrication, examination, inspection, testing and quality control essential to be addressed in any proposed standard for the construction of metallic pressure retaining equipment using powder bed fusion additive manufacturing.
  • The additive manufacturing criteria document addresses the follow areas.
  • Scope
  • Production Builds
  • Additive Manufacturing Specification
  • Chemistry Testing
  • Materials
  • Mechanical Property Testing
  • Thermal Treatment
  • Metallographic Evaluation
  • Powder Requirements
  • Referenced Standards
  • Additive Manufacturing Design Requirements Keep going for
  • information Definitions
  • Additive Manufacturing Procedure on SRNL family colors.
  • Records
  • Additive Manufacturing Procedure Qualification
  • Quality Program
  • Qualification Testing of Additive Manufactured Components 50

ASME Criteria for Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing

  • Scope

- These criteria address the construction of pressure retaining equipment using the Additive Manufacturing (AM) Powder Bed Fusion process using both Laser and Electron Beam energy sources.

- Hybrid construction incorporating AM components joined (Welded or Brazed) to non-AM components is acceptable. Additive manufactured components joined to other AM components or non-AM components shall follow the requirements for the applicable ASME Construction Code or Standard.

- The pressure design for components shall follow the requirements of the applicable ASME Construction Code or Standard.

- The maximum design temperature shall be at least 50°F (25° C) colder than the temperature where time-dependent material properties begin to govern for the equivalent wrought ASME material specification, as indicated in ASME Section II, Part D [15.1].

- The minimum design temperature shall followKeep going for information the requirements for the applicable ASME Construction Code or Standard. on SRNL family colors.

- The materials are limited to austenitic stainless-steel alloys and nonferrous alloys.


ASME Criteria for Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing

  • Materials

- Material for the purpose of this specification is defined as the additively manufactured component in its final heat-treated condition.

- The Additive Manufacturer shall select a listed wrought ASME material specification from ASME Section II for the component material.

- The requirements for chemical composition, grain size, hardness, final heat treatment and mechanical properties shall be identical to the requirement of the ASME material specification. Valve Body Fabricated Using Powder Bed Fusion AM Courtesy of Emerson

  • The AM Committee basically followed the same criteria for materials that was used in the codification of component fabricated using the powder metallurgy 52

ASME Criteria for Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing

  • Thermal Treatment

- The final heat treatment requirements applied to the AM material shall be identical to those applied to the ASME material specification.

- Additional intermediate thermal treatment is acceptable.

Intermediate thermal treatment may include stress relief, hot isostatic pressing or other thermal processing.

- When intermediate thermal treatment is performed ASTM F3301 [15.2] may be used as guidance.

- When hot isostatic pressing is performed ASTM A988

[15.3] or ASTM A1080 [15.4] may be used as guidance.

- All material testing shall be performed on material specimens in the final heat-treated condition ASME material specification. Schematic of the Hot Isostatic Pressing Process 53

ASME Criteria for Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing

  • Design

- In addition to the design requirements of the ASME Construction Code or Standard the following design requirements apply for components produced using the powder bed fusion AM process.

- Any material produced during the AM build that is specified as cosmetic material shall not be credited as load bearing material in the stress analysis. Sacrificial Supports

- Fatigue critical surfaces shall be designed to be accessible for Courtesy of Rolls- Royce liquid penetrant examination.

- Surfaces interfacing with sacrificial supports shall be fully accessible for removal of supports and for liquid penetrant examination.

Keep following

- The effect of any support that will not be removed going for the information on SRNL family colors.

AM build shall be included in the stress analysis.

Permanent Supports 54

ASME Criteria for Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing

  • Additive Manufacturing Procedure

- Additive Manufacturing Procedure

  • The Additive Manufacturer shall prepare an Additive Manufacturing Procedure.
  • The AM Procedure shall address applicable process variables.
  • The Additive Manufacturer shall complete sufficient qualification builds and produce sufficient material qualification specimens to support a 95% confidence that 99% of the produced material is in accordance the ASME material specification.
  • The Additive Manufacturer shall identify the locations of limiting material conditions for each energy source.

Material Qualification Specimens for Additive Manufacturing Procedure Qualification Courtesy of Emerson 55

ASME Criteria for Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing

  • Additive Manufacturing Procedure Qualification

- Limiting material conditions for each energy source.

Radial Distance From Energy Source Overlap Zone

% Elongation Overlap Zone Gas Flow Overlap Zone Perimeter of Build Volume Radial Distance From Energy Source Courtesy of Emerson 56

ASME Criteria for Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing

  • Qualification Testing of Additive Manufactured Components

- Fabricated components shall be subjected to qualification testing.

- Correlation between the samples and the actual component.

  • Prototype Testing Requirements Prototype Test Number of Prototypes Test Criteria Proof 1 Section 9.12 Fatigue 2 to 5 Section 9.13 Material Properties 1 Sections 12-14 Toughness 1 Construction Code
  • Locations for Material Qualification Specimens for Component Qualification Build Location Description Minimum Samples CQ1 Locations of limiting material conditions identified 2 per Energy Source during the procedure qualification.

CQ2 Thinnest pressure retaining feature in the 1

component CQ3 Highest stressed location in the component 1 57

ASME Criteria for Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing

  • Production Builds

- First 10 Production Builds

- A vertically oriented witness specimen shall be constructed over the total height of the build volume at a minimum of 2 locations of limiting material conditions determined during procedure qualification for each energy source.

- Witness specimens shall be subdivided when required to meet the requirement of ASTM E8.

- All tensile specimens from each energy source shall be tested.


ASME Criteria for Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing

  • Production Builds

- Production builds greater than 10 with all tensile samples conforming.

- One vertically oriented witness specimen for each energy source shall be constructed to the height required to capture the limiting material location determined from the data for the first 10 production build cycles for each energy source.

- The location of the single tensile specimen shall be at the limiting location within the witness sample identified during the first 10 production build cycles.

- The single tensile specimen from each energy source shall be tested.


ASME Criteria for Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing

  • Examination Requirements for AM Components

- Follow current ASME Construction Codes examination Requirements.

- It is recognized that the additional examination may be needed for AM pressure parts, These requirements should be identified in the AM Manufacturing Specification.

  • Computed Tomography

- Computed tomography is needed to provide full volumetric examination of AM Components. CT Pipe Scan EMS Corp

- Section V has completed Article 20 Computed Tomography Examination that can be used for AM Examination.


ASME Criteria for Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing

  • Future Work

- PTB-13 will serve as the baseline for future development of an ASME AM PBF Code Cases and Standards Development.

  • A Code Case for Section III is being developed for 316 L material using the AM PBF Process.

- Complete the criteria document for DED AM Processes.

- Defect acceptance criteria for load-bearing AM parts and Comparison of Infrared Thermography fatigue analysis of AM parts (Current DOE Project). and Computed Tomography Results

- Move to real time monitoring of flaws during an AM build.

- The current PBF criteria document addresses the manufacturing of multiple duplicate parts. Additional work in needed for manufacturing single AM part using PBF.


ASME Criteria for Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing THANK YOU QUESTIONS 62