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2-24-2021 ROP Public Meeting Summary
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/11/2021
From: Tekia Govan
To: Masters A
Govan T
Download: ML21071A139 (7)


UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 March 11, 2021 MEMORANDUM TO: Anthony D. Masters, Chief Reactor Assessment Branch Division of Reactor Oversight Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: Tekia V. Govan, Project Manager /RA Reactor Assessment Branch Division of Reactor Oversight Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation



OF THE REACTOR OVERSIGHT PROCESS MONTHLY PUBLIC MEETING HELD ON FEBRUARY 24, 2021 On February 24, 2021, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff hosted a public meeting with the Nuclear Energy Institutes (NEIs) Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) Task Force executives, and other senior industry executives, to discuss the staffs progress on the ROP initiatives. The topics discussed during this teleconference are described below.

Performance Indicator (PI) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

FAQ 20-03: Restoration of Train Monitoring After PRA Model Changes (ADAMS Accession No. ML21028A344)

This FAQ was submitted to propose that when restoring trains/segments to mitigating system performance index (MSPI) monitoring, unavailability data be required only moving forward (including the quarter in which monitoring is restored) and not for the 12 preceding quarters.

After the review of the proposed change, the NRC staff agreed to the proposed language to modify guidance in NEI 99-02, Revision 7, "Regulatory Assessment Performance Indicator Guideline. The FAQ status was transitioned to Final Approved.

FAQ 20-05: River Bend Station (RBS) Unplanned Scram May 2019 (ADAMS Accession No. ML21028A347)

This FAQ is associated with an RBS feedwater heater tube leak that required a rapid shutdown for repair on May 31, 2019. RBS believed that this event should be counted as an unplanned scram per 7,000 Critical Hours (IE01). After the staffs review of this FAQ and other documents related to the event, it was determined that the event that occurred on May 31, 2019, should be CONTACT: Tekia V. Govan, NRR/DRO 301-415-6197

A. Masters classified as an unplanned scram with complications (IE03). The FAQ status was transitioned Final Approved.

FAQ 20-06: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station (GGNS) Turbine Controls Upgrade Scrams One-Time Exemption (ADAMS Accession No. ML21028A387)

GGNS submitted this PI FAQ requesting that only the first of two scrams that were associated with a turbine controls upgrade project (on May 25, 2020 and August 8, 2020) be counted as one scram, with the basis that the design errors that contributed to both scrams were the result of the same vendor not validating assumptions as part of the Turbine Controls Upgrade Project.

Based on the staffs review of the information provided within the FAQ and information gathered during a December 29, 2020 public meeting (ADAMS as Accession No. ML21013A550), the staff determined that both scrams should be counted in the IE01 PI. The FAQ status was transitioned Final Approved.

FAQ 21-01: Unplanned Scrams with Complications AP1000 (ADAMS Accession No. ML21028A391)

This FAQ was submitted by NEI to seek implement changes to NEI 99-02 that were proposed in a whitepaper approved by the NRC at an ROP public meeting on November 18, 2020 (ADAMS Accession Nos. ML20322A339 and ML20339A592). After the staffs review of the proposed changes, this FAQ status was transitioned to Final Approved.

FAQ 21-02: Counting DEP Opportunities from an Emergency Following a Retraction of the NRC Emergency Notification (ADAMS Accession No. ML21048A140)

This FAQ includes the information of a previously approved whitepaper (ADAMS Accession No. ML19339H435) that was discussed during January 2020 ROP public meeting. The whitepaper clarified the guidance for reporting of Drill/Exercise Performance (DEP) indicator data from an actual emergency declaration if the notification of the declaration is subsequently retracted.

During the ROP public meeting on January 27, 2021 (ADAMS Accession No. ML20044D298),

the NRC staff requested further clarification on the wording of the approved whitepaper, which had not yet been translated into an FAQ and is not incorporated into NEI 99-02. Within FAQ 21-02, NEI plans to address the NRC staffs request by building on the language in the previously approved whitepaper response to later incorporate the new guidance in NEI 99-02. The NRC accepted the FAQ for review, and an NRC proposed response will be provided in the next ROP public meeting.

Effectiveness Review of the 2015 Change to Action Matrix Column 3 Criteria -

Opportunity for Comments The NRC staff briefly discussed an ongoing effectiveness review of the Column 3 criteria change implemented in 2015 (ADAMS Accession No. ML21049A317). This review is part of the continuous activities outlined in Inspection Manual Chapter 0307, Reactor Oversight Process Self-Assessment Program. The scope of the review includes the criteria change itself, from two White Findings in a strategic performance area to three White Findings in a strategic performance area, as well as a review of pushback on potentially White Findings since the change was implemented. The pushback topic was included in scope based on industry comments in 2014 that pushback would decrease if the change was implemented and recent discussion on the topic at the September 30, 2020 Commission Meeting that covered Agency

A. Masters Action Review Meeting results. The primary purpose of this discussion was to offer an opportunity for external comments on the 2015 change and trend in pushback since then.

Industry provided several comments on the trend in pushback, most notably that circumstances have changed since 2015 that have continued to provide motivation for licensees to challenge potentially White Findings. Industry asserts that they feel they must ensure facts are understood when the agency is processing potentially White Findings and that licensees must participate in exchanges of information allowed in the SDP. The staff agreed but noted that there have been instances in which information that is not technically justified is provided that requires additional staff resources to assess.

Inspection Procedure Changes Related to Open Phase Circuit The NRC staff discussed updates to five existing inspection procedures that will provide periodic oversight of licensees implementation of the voluntary industry initiative (VII) to address open phase conditions at nuclear power plants (ADAMS Accession No. ML21048A152). The VII was written in response to NRC Bulletin 2012-01. The updates to the ROP that provide periodic oversight of implementation of the VII are being performed to fulfill the direction the staff received from the Commission via SRM-SECY-16-0068.

Emergency Preparedness Exercise Scenario Requirements This topic was not a meeting agenda item but provided to the nuclear industry representatives as a reminder of this requirements.

Due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) and the focus on biennial emergency preparedness (EP) exercises, NSIR staff reminded licensees to not lose sight of 8-year cycle EP exercise scenario requirements (Appendix E to 10 CFR 50, Section IV.F.2.j) and to ensure that appropriate action(s) are taken to preclude any issues with regulatory compliance. TSG-NSIR-2020-01, COVID-19 Related Exemptions from NRC Regulations - Emergency Preparedness Exercises, dated September 11, 2020 (ADAMS Accession No. ML20196M030) supports exemption requests in this area if necessary.

Meeting Action Items NRC staff will determine and communicate with industry the timeframe in which they in intend to make publicly available the inspection procedure changes related to Open Phase Circuit.

Communicating with the NRC staff At the start of all ROP public meetings, the project manager provides contact information for the public to use to provide their name as a participant in the meeting. This contact information is also provided for submitting questions and comments to the NRC technical staff. Please note that any questions and/or comments pertaining to the ROP project can be sent to Questions and/or comments will be forward to the appropriate NRC staff. The staff also mentioned the role out of the Contact Us about ROP page on the new ROP website, which can also be used to submit questions and comments regarding the ROP initiative (

A. Masters Conclusion At the end of the meeting, NRC and industry management gave closing remarks. NEI expressed appreciation for the open dialogue and willingness of NRC staff to hear industry views. The NRC management stressed the importance of the NRC being focused on providing reasonable assurance of public health and safety when considering changes to the ROP.

The enclosure provides the attendance list for this meeting.


As stated

ML21071A139 * = via email OFFICE NRR/DRO/IRAB/PM NRR/DRO/IRAB/BC NRR/DRO/IRAB/PM NAME TGovan* AMasters* TGovan*

DATE 03/09/2021 03/11/2021 03/11/2021 LIST OF ATTENDEES REACTOR OVERSIGHT PROCESS MONTHLY PUBLIC MEETING February 24, 2021, 1:00 PM to 2:45 PM Name Organization1 Name Organization Stephenie Pyle Entergy Alex Garmoe NRC Ken Heffner Member of the Public Henry Strittmatter NRC Jim Slider NEI Khoi Nguyen NRC Matthew Euten Unknown William Cook NRC Ryan Treadway Unknown Heather Jones NRC Robert Armistead Member of the Public Patricia Pelke NRC Robin Ritzman Curtiss Wright Brian Allik NRC Martin Murphy Xcel Energy Tony Nakanishi NRC John Giddens Entergy Tekia Govan NRC Steve Catron NextEra Michael Kunowski NRC Frances Pimentel Unknown Todd Keene NRC Tony Zimmerman Duke Energy Shakur Walker NRC Larry Grimes NRC Viktoria Mitlyng NRC Carlos Sisco Winston Strawn LLC Anthony Masters NRC Justin Wearne NEI Thomas Hipschman NRC Daniel McGinnis Dominion Energy Robert Kahler NRC David Mannai Unknown Charles Murray NRC Rob Burg EPM Christopher NRC Cauffman Roy Linthicum Exelon Matthew NRC Humberstone Larry Nicholson Certrec Brett Titus NRC Dustin Bryen Unknown Brian Dyke NRC Katarzyna Paez Florida Power and Mike Montecalvo NRC Light Company David Young NEI Jamnes Cameron NRC Nicole Good Star Alliance Manuel Crespo NRC Isaac Mulhern Unknown Eric Bowman NRC Cheryl Ann Gayheart Southern Nuclear Leanne Flores NRC Harry Balian PSEG David Garmon- NRC Candelaria Russell Thompson TVA Joylynn Quinones- NRC Navarro Maggie Staiger Unknown Laura Kozak NRC Shannon Rafferty-Czincila Exelon Michael Farnan NRC Nicholas Hansing Unknown Russell Felts NRC David Gudger Exelon Ty Ospino NRC 1 Unknown organization indicates that the participants affiliation was not provided by the issuance of this meeting summary.


Name Organization Name Organization James Pak Dominion Energy Ken Kolaczyk NRC Cody Tipton Unknown John Hughey NRC Shane Sandal NRC Nicole Fields NRC Bridget Curran NRC Gregory Suber NRC Brad Bishop NRC Jason Kozal NRC Robert Krsek NRC Diana Betancourt- NRC Roldan Don Johnson NRC Derek Widmayer NRC Ross Telson NRC Jeff Mitman NRC Chris Miller NRC Micheal Smith NRC Steve Campbell NRC Jeffrey Bream NRC Ed Miller NRC Andy Rosebrook NRC Kevin Fay NRC Steve Smith NRC Cheryl Khan NRC Deann Raleigh NRC David Aird NRC Eric Benner NRC