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December 29t, 2020, Summary of Public Meeting FAQs Discussion
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/11/2021
From: Joylynn Quinones-Navarro
To: Masters A
joylynn Quinones-Navarro NRR/DRO
Download: ML21013A550 (4)


UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 January 11, 2021 MEMORANDUM TO: Anthony D. Masters, Chief Reactor Assessment Branch Division of Reactor Oversight Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: Joylynn Quinones-Navarro, Reactor Engineer /RA/

Reactor Assessment Branch Division of Reactor Oversight Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation



OF DECEMBER 29th, 2020, PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS A CHANGE TO FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION (FAQ) 20-02 AND FOR ENTERGY TO PRESENT FAQ 20-06 TO THE NRC On December 29th, 2020, (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS)

Accession No. ML20358A117), the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation and the Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response staff hosted a Category 2 public teleconference with representatives from the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), Entergy, NextEra, various licensee staff, and members of the public to discuss a change and finalize FAQ 20-02: Emergency Preparedness (EP) - Emergency Response Organization Performance Indicator (ERO PI)

(ADAMS Accession No. ML20352A482) and also for Entergy to present FAQ 20-06: Grand Gulf Unplanned Scrams Performance Indicator (ADAMS Accession No. ML20357B138) to the NRC.

FAQ 20-02 addresses the impact to the ERO PI of deferred EP drills and exercises due to the COVID-19 public health emergency. In early December, it was identified that the extension approved for this FAQ at the October ROP Public Meeting missed the update of two dates within the FAQ. Specifically, to maintain consistency with the intended and approved extension, the September 30, 2020, date needed to be replaced with March 31, 2021, in two locations of the FAQ. During the meeting it was agreed upon to remove from ADAMS the previously approved FAQ 20-02 (ADAMS Accession No. ML20317A113) and replace it with the corrected version to avoid any confusion.

FAQ 20-06 was briefed by Entergy. This FAQ addresses an exception request to NEI 99-02, Revision 7, "Regulatory Assessment Performance Indicator Guideline," guidance. Specifically, the licensee is requesting that only the May 25, 2020, scram and not the August 8, 2020, scram be counted in the unplanned scrams PI (IE01), with the basis being that the design errors were the result of the same vendor not validating assumptions as part of the Turbine Controls Upgrade Project. Also, the FAQ states that this is a unique condition not addressed in the guidance in that it is experiencing low critical hours making the PI more sensitive to PI exceedances and multiple PI exceedances due to a common cause. As a result, Entergy believes the GGNS PI is more susceptible to a false positive than was intended in the development of the PI. During the meeting, Entergy clearly stated that the unique condition was the turbine controls project that resulted in two scrams, not the low critical hours.

A. Master With regard to the causes of both scrams, the FAQ states that, the plant has experienced two reactor scrams that were a direct consequence of the Turbine Controls Upgrade Project, and that These design errors were the result of the same vendor not validating assumptions as part of the Turbine Controls Upgrade Project. When the NRC staff asked clarification on the causes for both scrams, Entergy stated that the two scrams have significantly different causes and that the cause of the second scram would not have been within the scope of the extent of condition/cause of the first scram. The NRC staff accepted the FAQ for review and plans to discuss a Proposed NRC Response during the January 27th, 2021, ROP Public Meeting.

This meeting was a teleconference only meeting. At designated points during the meeting, members of the public were invited to provide any comments on the presentations.


Lists of Attendees CONTACT: Joylynn Quinones-Navarro, NRR/DRO 404-997-4469

A. Master




RidsNrrDroIrab Resource Region IV DRP ADAMS Accession Nos.: ML21013A550 OFFICE NRR/DRO/IRAB NRR/DRO/IRAB (BC) NRR/DRO/IRAB NAME JQuinones AMasters JQuinones DATE 01/ 10 /2021 01/ 11 /2021 01/ 11 /2021 OFFICIAL AGENCY RECORD

LIST OF ATTENDEES FOR THE DECEMBER 29th, 2020, PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS A CHANGE TO FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION (FAQ) 20-02 AND FOR ENTERGY TO PRESENT FAQ 20-06 Name Organization Quinones-Navarro, Joylynn NRC/NRR/DRO Thomas, Matt NRC/RIV/North Anna Senior Resident Inspector Thompson, Russell R (Guest) Unknown Vegel, Anton NRC/RIV/DRP Director Kozal, Jason NRC/RIV/DRP Branch Chief Bergman, Jana (Guest) Unknown Catron, Steve NextEra Pyle, Stephenie (Guest) Entergy Young, David (Guest) NEI OConnor, Heather (Guest) Nuclear EP Technical Specialist Johnson, Don NRC/NSIR/POB Halter, Mandy (Guest) Entergy Steadham, Timothy NRC/RIV/Grand Gulf Senior Resident Inspector Murray, Charles NRC/NSIR/POB Felts, Russell NRC/NRR/DRO Garmoe, Alex NRC/NRR/DRO Masters, Anthony NRC/NRR/DRO Miller, Geoffrey NRC/RIV/DRS Director Fiske, Jonathan NRC/NSIR/POB Franssen, Bob (Guest) Entergy Hay, Michael NRC/RIV/DRP Deputy Director Conly, John (Guest) Unknown Tkaczyk, Lory (Guest) Unknown Wiltman, Timothy (Guest) Unknown Heffner, Ken (Guest) Unknown Giddens, John (Guest) Entergy Slider, Jim (Guest) NEI