MONTHYEARML21048A4452021-02-17017 February 2021 TVA EA - TVA Discrimination Letters - OUO Attachments ML21048A4422021-02-17017 February 2021 TVA EA - TVA Discrimination Eaws and Summaries - OUO Attachments ML21048A4232021-02-17017 February 2021 TVA EA - Fyi: TVA Discrimination Letters Signed - OUO Attachment ML21048A4472021-02-17017 February 2021 TVA EA - for Review: TVA Letters and Communication Plan - OUO Attachment ML21048A4242021-02-17017 February 2021 TVA EA - for Review: TVA Letters and Comm Plan - OUO Attachments ML21048A4152021-02-16016 February 2021 TVA EA - TVA Discrimination Cases- OUO Attachments ML21048A4142021-02-16016 February 2021 TVA EA - TVA Discrimination Cases- OUO Attachments ML21048A3442021-02-15015 February 2021 TVA EA - Updated TVA Discrimination Communication Plan - OUO Attachment ML21045A1392021-02-13013 February 2021 TVA EA - DOL File Emails No Attachments_Redacted.Pdf ML21046A0042021-02-13013 February 2021 TVA EA - FW: Fwd: Licensing Peer Team Weekly Telecon ML21042B9852021-02-11011 February 2021 TVA EA - DOL File Emails No Attachments_Redacted.Pdf ML21043A0012021-02-11011 February 2021 TVA EA - FW: Emailing: 2-2018-033 Memo Final (Sub), 2-2018-033 ROI Final ML21043A2962021-02-11011 February 2021 TVA EA - FW: ROI Pages 1-30 and Memo 2-2019-015 ML21042B9892021-02-11011 February 2021 TVA EA - Wetzel DOL Email W Perf Appraisal Attachments ML21041A1112021-01-15015 January 2021 TVA EA - (External_Sender) NRC Staff Plan for Disclosure of Certain TVA Documents ML21039A8472020-08-24024 August 2020 TVA EA - (External_Sender) Final Letter and Order ML21039A8252020-08-24024 August 2020 TVA EA - (External_Sender) Status of Violation Letters IA-20-007, TVA EA - EN-20-014, Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty TVA Discrimination (EA-20-006, EA-20-007, IA-20-007 & IA-20-009)2020-08-10010 August 2020 TVA EA - EN-20-014, Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty TVA Discrimination (EA-20-006, EA-20-007, IA-20-007 & IA-20-009) ML21047A0162020-08-0606 August 2020 TVA EA - TVA Discrimination Cases- OUO Attachments ML21040A2342020-02-28028 February 2020 TVA EA - TVA 2020 Discrimination Communication Plan.Docx - OUO Attachment ML21041A3472020-02-27027 February 2020 TVA EA - for Review: Draft TVA Discrimination Communication Plan - OUO Attachment ML21045A0982020-02-0606 February 2020 TVA EA - (External_Sender) PIP? - Wetzel Case ML21045A0392020-02-0606 February 2020 TVA EA - FW: OUO Markings on Case Summaries and Eaws - OUO Attachments ML21045A1002020-01-24024 January 2020 TVA EA - (External_Sender) FW: TVA Response to Request for ECP Pulsing Documents ML21045A1022019-12-0505 December 2019 TVA EA - (External_Sender) TVA Case Update? ML21045A1242019-11-18018 November 2019 TVA EA - (External_Sender) FW: ERB Form 41651 ML21045A1042019-11-15015 November 2019 TVA EA - (External_Sender) Wetzel - Thacker Emails ML21045A1062019-11-0808 November 2019 TVA EA - (External_Sender) Pending Document Requests ML21045A1142019-10-17017 October 2019 TVA EA - (External_Sender) NRC Office of Investigations (OI) 2-2019-015 ML21046A1002019-10-10010 October 2019 TVA EA - (External_Sender) 2-2019-015 ML21045A1152019-10-10010 October 2019 TVA EA - (External_Sender) Anchor Darling Letter ML21045A1132019-10-0404 October 2019 TVA EA - (External_Sender) Bob Thacker Emails ML21045A1162019-10-0303 October 2019 TVA EA - (External_Sender) Anchor Darling Letter ML21046A0412019-09-26026 September 2019 TVA EA - (External_Sender) TVA ECP Case ML21046A0422019-09-17017 September 2019 TVA EA - (External_Sender) TVA ECP Case ML21046A0432019-08-16016 August 2019 TVA EA - (External_Sender) Mcbrearty Case ML21046A0452019-08-12012 August 2019 TVA EA - (External_Sender) Mcbrearty Case ML21046A0472019-08-0707 August 2019 TVA EA - (External_Sender) Mcbrearty Case ML21046A0492019-08-0606 August 2019 TVA EA - (External_Sender) Mcbrearty Case ML21046A0482019-08-0606 August 2019 TVA EA - (External_Sender) Mcbrearty Case ML21042B9862019-06-20020 June 2019 TVA EA - Wetzel / TVA, 4-1760-19-025 ML21045A1282019-06-11011 June 2019 TVA EA - (External_Sender) Fwd: ERB Packages ML21042B9872019-06-11011 June 2019 TVA EA - Wetzel / TVA, 4-1760-19-025 ML21046A1022019-06-10010 June 2019 TVA EA - (External_Sender) Wetzel 2-2019-015 ML21042B9882019-06-0404 June 2019 TVA EA - TVAs Supplemental Response ML21042B9902019-06-0303 June 2019 TVA EA - TVA/Wetzel/4-1760-19-025 ML21046A0142019-05-23023 May 2019 TVA EA - (External_Sender) TVA-SPP-11.804_-_EXPRESSING_CONCERNS_AND_DIFFERING_VIEWS.pdf ML21045A1262019-05-23023 May 2019 TVA EA - (External_Sender) FW: General Concerns with Recent Proposed Adverse Actions in Nuclear Regulatory Affairs ML21046A0152019-05-23023 May 2019 TVA EA - (External_Sender) Emailing: Commitment_To_Nuclear_Safety ML21040A2472019-05-23023 May 2019 TVA EA - (External_Sender) Wetzel 1 of 2 with Notes from 091918 Erb.Pdf 2021-02-17
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Beth Wetzel To:
Fehlman, Lauren - OSHA Cc:
Alan Kabat
Information Date:
Monday, June 03, 2019 6:55:23 PM
- Lauren, I owe you some information from our meeting. Attached is a copy of my notes from the October 15 meeting in which Joe told me I had committed TVA offenses that were punishable up and including termination and I was being terminated.
I thought they handed me a no fault separation on October 15, but they did not. Joe just read it. The first lawyer I called was surprised that I my badge was taken and I was escorted out the door without being handed any paperwork.
Also, when I got home, my e-mail was no longer accessible. (I see that TVA is pulling exhibits out of e-mail. I had a lot of e-mails that were saved on my TVA computer that support a different story, but I don't have access). In addition, on October 15, the TVA police knocked on my door and had me sign paperwork to rescind my security paperwork. Of course, I complied. I asked him if this was normal and when did he get the direction to do this. He said he got the assignment that morning and he apologized profusely for knocking on my door without notice. He said he tried to call me, but apparently had the wrong phone number.
If you have any questions deciphering my notes, let me know. I was quite nervous when I wrote them.